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Pokemon Reborn Sidequests and Extras 3


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Its finally here as it was asked for by somebody who commented on my video! The 3rd part of the extras and sidequests!!!! I hope that this helps you all with things that you are unsure of, or have absolutely no idea of. Please tell me if I have missed something, so I can record and upload to help you out! This should be up to date with things that I've seen for episode 14. I feel as though I am missing one, but I'll find out later if I have or not. Please take caution when watching this as it may contain spoilers for you. Also take caution when reading the description, since I am also putting the description in a spoiler on here

Its finally here!!! Part 3 of the sidequest and extras! Ill have all the times of what happens where, as always please take caution when reading as there will be spoilers for these! I wanna give a shout out and thank Haven Pyrrhon (name on reborn chat) for helping me out with the majority of these extras! Thanks a ton man!
00:15 How to get Life Orb (bring escape rope)
3:22 Heracross and Pinsir!!! (if you need to be shown exactly how to do it, don't hesistate to ask me!)
6:20 Yureyuu Key and Solosis!
12:34 House Keys?
12:50 Rotom
14:46 Skuntank and Silver card!
16:45 Nidorina!
17:32 What to do with Silver Card
19:27 How to change Rotom's form!
Pretty short huh? I only did the ones I was asked to do, and yes I was asked to do the heracross pinsir one on the Reborn site. Hope this helped!!

Here it is!
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The (In Progress) In-Game Item Guide should have some locations of where the Heart Scales will be.

You can also get them from mining or get them off wild Luvdisc, which are located at Tanzan Cove with a Good Rod. The chance for the Heart Scale was decreased so that may be a issue, but if you have a pokemon with the ability Compound Eyes in the front, the rate should be increased (if you have the mon with Compound Eyes fainted and a mon with Frisk and Covet/Thief behind it, it will work even better).

EDIT: I forgot to say this thread shouldn't be used for questions like this. Use Ask Your Questions: Quests And Pokemon/Item Locations.

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The (In Progress) In-Game Item Guide should have some locations of where the Heart Scales will be.

You can also get them from mining or get them off wild Luvdisc, which are located at Tanzan Cove with a Good Rod. The chance for the Heart Scale was decreased so that may be a issue, but if you have a pokemon with the ability Compound Eyes in the front, the rate should be increased (if you have the mon with Compound Eyes fainted and a mon with Frisk and Covet/Thief behind it, it will work even better).

EDIT: I forgot to say this thread shouldn't be used for questions like this. Use Ask Your Questions: Quests And Pokemon/Item Locations.

Thanks again man!

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For the log in Adventurine Woods that you need to both hit with a Boffalant and cut with a Pinsir, I can't seem to get to the tree (at around 5:50) to slather the honey

Here's the area in my save:


The log is in the way, the closest Boffalant won't crash into it.

EDIT: I found the issue, part two of the sidequest videos helped me out.

Edited by Schiffy
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