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The team aiming at with the current release, what do you think?


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I was searching around for building my first 6 pokemons team that i will mostly use and after some research at sites like bulbapedia or veekun(the filter search feature of veekun is awesome just saying :D), decided to go with this team:

Yes some of em are classic :P

1. Arcanine probably with intimidate

2. Eelektross, no choice, levitate

3. Swampert with damp

4. Noivern with infiltrator until telepathy is implemented, then the latter

5. Venusaur with chlorophyll

6. Gigalith with sand force

Any critics or suggestion are welcomed :)

PS: for moves i havent decided yet but i want to integrate the HMs and moves like (Flash or Rock smash, they arent HMs right?) into their moveset.

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Give swampert water fall and torrent as the bonus damage wil come up more often than explosions, gigalth is mediocre but for setting up SR it's nice. Give Noivern Air slash. The amount of times that flinch has saved me is to many to count. Leave infiltrator on noviern. Telepathy works well if your gonna be using surf or earthquake a lot and since it's flying type and swampert should have waterfall over surf you want the light screen pericing instead. Try to add some psychic into your team as it's generally a powerful typing. If you want HMs catch a diggersby as they can learn numerous HMs including surf. If you do give it huge power as you'll get more out of it. Change gigaliths ability as you want it sunny for your Venasaur. Study works well with SR.

Edited by Rielly987
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Thnx for these tips.

I added gigalith cause i had none with rock moves. Even though i know that rock types suffer a lot from "super effective" moves.

For psychic i had meowstic at my last run which did good enough, with psyshock and psychic, i had added to him also a shadow ball.

For this run i was thinking more like last evolution of gothita maybe?

PS: i dont want metagross :P

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Neither Flash nor Rock Smash are HMs. They are TMs, so you can override them with new TMs once you get effectiveness out of them. Additionally, it looks like you need more special defense. Personally, I use Sylveon, but it's a hassle to obtain and train. Blissey may work well if you can get good moves on it, though.

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Hmm sylveon got low def and speed, but then again i got no fairy and i dunno if i will really need it sometime, and for blissey it learns mostly physical moves but it got a very low att.

What i could be missing from that team i said at first post could be ghost,dark,ice and psychic moves though. And for some of them, maybe i will need em to pass some gyms or bosses.

Edited by netbean
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You dont really need a fairy type, Ice is much more effective against dragon, and either way a lot of pokemon in pokemon reborn (and pokemon in general) are dual type, so you dont need every single type covered, you can leave 1-2 uncovered usually, and then just beat the opponent through strategy and dual typing.

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hmm, for ice types, i could just get a pokemon in reserve just for dragons, not keeping it always at first team. And unfortunately i know i cant cover every type thats why i try to cover most while respecting some good overall stats of the pokemons i could use at my team.

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Having a Pokemon on rotation would be good, just make sure to keep it leveled up.

Remember that Ice also beats rock, so it would be worthwhile to use it against any rock types you're having trouble against

As for the type coverage, I'm doing a Steel Monotype run-through, and I've covered pretty much every type, although I didn't cover ghost. Hopefully I can slap a dark move on one of my pokemon before I reach any difficult ghost types, but probably not.

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Actually, Ice beats ground, but Rock doesn't resist Ice, so when you use an ice move on a common Rock/Ground type, it counts as super-effective. Defensively, however, that same Rock/Ground pokemon can strike back extremely hard with a rock type attack and destroy you since Rock beats Ice.

To summerize:

Ice > Ground

Ground > Rock

Rock > Ice

Just keep in mind that type match up is usually just a game of Rock-Paper-Scizors.

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The need for Ice is nonexistent before Pyrus mountain. You will have access to many things by then. What most people do is keep several pokemon as backups, or on rotation. These can be from 3,4 or complete teams, according to how you want to play (check the signature for an example). Try to keep things ready for many different sets of events.

In my opinion, instead of a Gigalith, I'd rather have an Excadrill. It has similar bulk, less weaknesses and can have a perfect neutral coverage with ground and rock moves (plus steel as STAB), but that's up to you.

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Hmmm Excadrill, will have to check the "oracle" sites on the internet to see how it goes :P

Well, the rule i was goin on to build my team was like this easy algorithm:

my end evolution should have an overall stat at each attribute at least 80. One exception: it is still valid if it has attack only or sp. attack only 80+ but not both (apart from hp, def, sp def, and speed) and of course the moveset of the pokemon should have that kind of moves (i have seen some pokemons who got sp att more and their moveset is only composed of att based moves).

So after these researches, apart the first 5 of my list, the one out of this format was gigalith, unless i wanted to add apart venusaur also one of the:

Meganium or Torterra, but i thought having 2 grass wouldnt help me thaaaat much :)

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