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Pokémon Academy: Ch 3: Winter Cup [IC]


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“After that excellent performance from our Coordinators, we will close this first day of the festival. Tomorrow at 10 AM Henry and Kristen will start the tournament with their battle! Don’t miss it, it will be in the stadium! I thank you all for coming and I’ll see you tomorrow!” Marco said as soon as the bowing Pokémon left the stage.


The next day; 9.55 AM

“Welcome ladies and gentlemen! We are now live on television as well so all of you that are watching at home; you’re missing out on a lot of fun! Come over and experience the festival at first hand. You won’t regret it!” Marco smiled at the camera and gave a wink. “At my right is the one and only Professor Redwood! And on my left, well you probably recognize him; Devin Cadmus, Elite Four member. Both of them will stand by me with the comments and give you some insight in the participants. But as you all know the Winter Cup isn’t that easy. Every round has a different challenge and as soon as Henry and Kristen are ready, Professor Redwood will explain the rules of the first battle round. Every student has the same rules and will be disqualified if they cross the line.”

Professor Redwood nodded in acknowledgement while Devin just stared at the battlefield. He didn’t like this part of the job and would probably keep quiet most of the time unless Marco asked something about the students in question.

“AND THERE THEY ARE!” Marco yelled over the tremendous applause that could be heard when both Henry and Kristen entered the battlefield. Phoebe was standing behind Kristen and gave her the thumbs up while Tyron wished Henry good luck. Both of them disappeared back inside to attend to the next challengers and stand by them. Phoebe found a place next to Danielle, who was in the waiting room and could see Henry’s battle on a screen. Some others, like Jacob from group B, were there already as well. Shiro on the other hand had to wait with Tyron on the other side.

“Professor Redwood, can you inform us what kind of extra challenge the competitors are going to get?” Marco asked when the applause died down a little.

“It would be my pleasure,” Redwood smiled. “The first round is a double battle! Each competitor is allowed to only use 2 Pokémon. To make it even more difficult there is no switching out. Once someone loses both Pokémon, it’s over. Both students have to pick their Pokémon at the same time so there is no advantage by deciding last. Henry and Kristen; if you both are ready you can choose your Pokémon without releasing them. Once you hear the buzzer the battle starts. Good luck to both of you!”

Kristen was nervous. She felt like throwing up and stared at the ground. She didn’t even look at Henry or made any of her bitchy comments. She grabbed her two Pokémon and waited for the buzzer to release them. She expected Henry’s Skitty and Venonat and the only way to counter his ace was to counter with hers. From there on out she could only hope to gain the advantage over the Venonat. A few seconds later the buzzer went off.

“Let the first match of this Winter Cup, the first match of group A between Henry and Kristen, begin!” Marco yelled enthusiastically.

A Vullaby and a Skrelp were standing ready on Kristen’s side on the field while their trainer secretly wished she had a bucket.

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Henry entered the battlefield ready for the fight. He made his way towards the battlefield not really bothered by all the noise. After all, this wasn't the first time he did battle in front of a large crowd. It almost felt natural to him honestly.

When he reached the field, he was quite surprised how quiet Kristen was as he sent out his Pokemon. "What's wrong? I figured you of all people would be boasting seeing how much you like the attention. Still, this does seem a bit small compared to some of the tournaments in Orre. Whatever. Let's see whether or not this is a waste of my time. Spore song!"

Immediately after coming out of their Pokeballs, Rosie and Gypsy readied their attacks. Gypsy created a yellowish powder that flew across the field while Rosie began to sing launching multiple music notes towards Kristen's side. Henry didn't care whether or not the move hit, but the reaction. Since he didn't look up any info on the trainers, this was his method of learning about the opponent quickly.

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After the opening ceremony, Carole Chastain had basically dragged Danielle and her team back to their hotel room and gushed about their performance (while sharing some embarrassing pictures all the while). After Danielle managed to debrief her parents on her current situation, Marc had came out with gifts. From the proud parents, her Murkrow had received a fancier bangle bracelet for her Eviolite, Corona got herself an inflatable Air Balloon and Zared a black and yellow scarf. Danielle received a case of ball capsules to be used for contests. After seeing Jacob's Pokemon with them, she had practically begged her mother to get them.

While her parents' gifts were straightforward, Valerie's was more mysterious: Avis received a Dusk Stone, Corona a box of Lava cookies, and Zared a Metal Coat. While Avis and Zared's gifts are more or less self-explanatory for the Pokemon using them, Corona's is lost on all of them. The only clue Danielle received was a handwritten note that said "For emergencies."


"Good luck Henry~" Danielle said as she watched the match in the waiting room, although she had no doubt that Henry will win based on Kristen's current state. Danielle patted her Murkrow, who is sitting on her lap fidgeting over the same Dusk Stone from last night. Avis was delighted with a stone to call her own, but the thought of evolving was still up in the air for the bird. So, Avis chose to admire its luster until she made up her mind.

Danielle looked at her other two Pokemon. Corona was holding onto the massive air balloon, trying to balance herself as it floated around; Zared was just polishing his second jaw with the Metal Coat, looking pleased with the results. 'They don't seem nervous at all, that's good.' She moved over to give Phoebe some space to sit with them before she turned her attention back to the monitor. Danielle could sympathize with Kristen to some degree; trainers usually do not perform on the big stage until they made to the Pokemon League. Coordinators, on the other hand, perform no matter how big or small the contests are. Controlling nerves was one of the basics that she had learned in class.

"Will she be okay out there? Kristen doesn't look too well..." Danielle mused out loud. That pried Avis's attention off of the purplish-black stone so that she could see the Skrelp and a bird in an eggshell. Avis laughed at the sight of a Vullaby; the Murkrow would not mind teaching that wannabe a thing or two either. Her cries also got the attention of Corona and Zared, who turned to focus on the first battle as well.

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That was... That. Claude was satisfied with his performance out there and was also stupidly proud of how well Lance had played his part even after his recent change in demeanour, He had gone backstage to see his family smiling at his performance, and fr a second he though he was happy, but then his mother had to comment.

"Now I understand the bright clothing from earlier. You were simply prepared for this. I'm so glad these clothes are only a costume for the festivities." Claude was hurt, he was wearing his usual fantastic attire (From Elises "For men" fashion line up), why on earth would his mother think it was a costume...? However, he did not correct her he simply smiled and tried to act as though he had not heard.


Claude had gone to see the first battle and heard Danielle cheering for Henry. "Bonjour My dear Danielle! Looking forward to the battle?" He asked with his usual smile.

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Ryan was making his way through the crowd, Victoria jumping around on his shoulder and Glacien trying to keep his balance on top of Ryan's head. He had almost completely walked past Danielle and Claude when Victoria pointed at the two and started yelling in Ryan's ear. He turned to see the two together, enjoying the battle together. "Well I just couldn't pass this up now, could I?" Ryan slowly snuck through the row behind Danielle and Claude, and was relieve to see there were a couple open seats behind the two. He continued forward and stopped behind the two. "Mind if I join this fabulous crowd?" His voice was the same as when he had first met Danielle, having that flamboyant drag to it. Ryan leaned his head forward between the two, as Glacien teetered on his head in an attempt to prevent himself from falling. Ryan was actually in a great mood now. He would finally be able to show why he deserved to be here, and perhaps even prove himself to his fathers.

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"Why, of course" Claude responded, dragging the words out with an overly posh voice. "We would be ever so delighted if our beloved master Ryan would join us" Claude giggled.

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As soon as the show was finished Mareek had said his goodbyes to Lana for the night and followed Java over to the lab in the main building. He couldn't help but think about the Evolution stage that would come after this next one the porygon was about to enter into though, specifically that dreaded habit of being unpredictable that PorygonZ's commonly had... If Java were to get to that point, was there any way he'd even be able to control the thing anymore?

"No, not control..." He had corrected himself mentally as they'd waited in the elevator, casting a glance at his smartest partner. "I honestly don't control him now as it as, so I won't be down the road either... He does what he wants to do of his own free will, kinda like Erce. Hell, I don't control any of them, really,"-He redirected his eyes to the floor number screen as the cabin began to slow down as they reached the floor, the doors beginning to open and reveal the interior of the laboratory beyond- "All three of them just do as I ask because they want to in the end, because they trust me, have faith in me for some reason..." The doors finally opened, and he and Java both exited, the boy taking out the upgrade from his jacket, Java knowing what was next to come and anticipating it with eagerness. "I guess this just proves the fact that it's far better that you treat them like individuals, instead of just tools to do as you say."


"Bring up the page on the Henry again," Mareek said as he and finally made their way through the crowd and into the waiting room. Even though, from what he understood, his match was going to be among the last ones of the day, he honestly didn't care very much to sit up in the stands and watch, that and the fact that in here he could examine in this latest... discovery the now sleek and rounded Java had made in peace and relative quiet without the roar of thousands of people in his ears. The page with all Baldwin's past battle information came up again as Java navigated for his trainer within his Pokedex. "Now try to find his opponent's data." The page loaded again, this time with Kristen's instead... Mareek next ordered the Co-strategist to find his own data, and lo and behold, there it was, every battle he'd ever fought since he'd enrolled. It felt a bit strange watching himself give orders from another perspective other than his own, to see his own tactics and improvisions through the lenses of a camara.

"Good thing I've only used a small portion of all the tactics I have in battles so far..."

The screen went white and a few black letters spread across it as Java hammered out exactly what he was thinking at that moment. "No strategy is ever safe once it's been used out in the open... in the future more thought will be needed as to proper time for revealing."

"You're exactly right," he said into the screen. "But how exactly did you find this in the first place?"

"Traipsing about the web at Ungodly hours last night. Located site at approximately 3:46 AM, scouted for several hours more before deciding to bring to attention. Data is found to be impressively extensive. As can also see, clearly all battles are secretly recorded"

"Well that's not surprising, it would make sense they'd keep tabs on this type of thing for all the students... but why make it so... available?"

"Sportsmanship? Breaking strategies, preventing stagnation and overuse of tactics, etc. all Likely reasons, but exact purpose and motivation of making available unknown. Further inspection required." With that said, the screen faded to black as Java went back to his intel gathering in the cyberscape. Mareek shoved the device back into his jacket pocket, taking a look up to the viewing screen as Henry launched the first salvo in the fight. He noticed Jacob in the waiting room as well as he sat down in an empty chair, though said nothing nor did anything to draw the other student's attention to him, simply watching the fight on the screen unfold as he waited for his partner to finish and return with his findings.

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"Oh, Claude, Ryan, you two are too adorable!" Danielle greeted the fabulous men as they sat down. "And I definitely am! Like myself, Henry isn't the biggest fan of Kristen, so I would like to see what he would do~" 'Since I will be facing him next...' "I just wonder who I would use for the double battle. These three seem to be on good terms with one another, so it makes it hard for me to choose."

Corona has floated her way towards Ryan, bumping the red balloon onto his arm. The instability, however, finally made her lose her grip. The firebug let out a squeak before she tumbled onto Ryan's lap while the balloon rocketed towards Claude.

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"Here it is...the Winter Cup,the thing i've been waiting for since Proffesor Redwood announced it.The time to show my-NO our skills, in battle in a grand scale tournament....Shade,Tytanniel,Liona and Ragnarok...they've brought me this far,only a bit further untill the sky...and that's when i can hunt down that pokemon i saw that day."James thought as he looked at the screen in the challengers room."Shade...you've been my main battler so far...it'll be you and either Liona or Tytanniel...Ragnarok isnt up to the point where he can fight most of these opponents yet"He whispered to the specter floating beside him as he remembered Uncle Thomas's words."A certain pokemon is waiting for you,even after all these years".Seeing Danielle talking to Claude and Ryan,James walked up to them trying to converse with his fellow competitiors."How're things going you three"James asked when he got there.

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The balloon lightly bopped Claude in the face, surprising him a little. However, he took it a little farther and made a great show of his shock, recoiling back in his chair in extremely fake shock. "Oh my, what a surprise!" James, protect me fro this deadly balloon!" He cried.

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Jacob's eyes were glued to the monitor as he anxiously awaited the start of Kristen's battle. I hope she does well. After all, Henry showed off his Pokemon pretty well during the opening ceremony. He then looked down at the three members of his team who could actually fit in the waiting room, glad for their company. Spitfyre and Teo were both watching the monitor closely, the Charmeleon's arms crossed and his eyes narrowed. Although the day had only just started, the Fire-type was clearly focused on winning from the get-go. The same couldn't be said for Arete. She was fluttering around the room and watching other people's Pokemon interact, curiosity getting the better of her shyness. She eventually returned to Jacob, roosting on his shoulder and turning her attention to the monitor. In my first match I should stick with what's been working this whole semester, he thought to himself. All the new strategies I've developed are going to work much better if they haven't been seen yet, particularly our new gambit, he thought to himself.

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Ryan held his hands in front of his knees to prevent the miniature fiery moth from falling any further. He then picked Corona up with his hands and gave her a kind smile. "I'm sorry you lost your balloon so quickly. I'm sure James will be able to fetch it for you, m'lady." Ryan spoke gently to the Larvesta as he stroked her head with his index finger, back and forth, in an attempt to soothe her. He then turned to look at Danielle. "She's precious. Unlike this one." Ryan juggled Larvesta into one hand and used the other to scratch Victoria on her chin. The little green dragon chuckled and tumbled into Ryan's lap. She looked back up and prepared a tiny flame. "Now now Victoria, we don't use fire to solve issues." The little dragon sighed and then gave a sound of disapproval before turning to watch the battle.

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After the Opening Ceremony:

After Slade and friends watched with intrigue at the performance being held he started to head back to his dorm seeing as Danielle was dragged off by her parents. He quickly made his way to the dorm so he could get there before Mareek so he could do this in secret. Sasuke and 101 were already returned into their respective pokeballs, the only one who was left out side was Flare. Slade got down one one knee and looked Flare right in the eyes with a happy expression on his face. "Flare, I've got something to show you" He took out the white box from his pocket, and opened the box with the glowing fire stone inside. Flare was surprised to find what Slade had in his possession, 'how long has he had that gem?' Flare thought as he starred into the orange gleam of the gem. "I got this today from my mom," Slade continued. Flare remembered that strange present Slade's mom gave Sasuke before she left the stand, that must have been what was inside. "She wanted me to evolve you but I wouldn't feel right forcing you to do it." Flare sat down starring at his trainer not knowing which to pick, he would never be a growlithe again. He let out a whimper to show that he was unsure on what to do. Slade gives a smile to Flare as he expected this might happen. "Tell ya what, I won't send you out in the first match. That way it'll give you more time to think so don't rush ok." Slade said rubbing the top of Flare's head.


As Slade was entering the waiting room a little late for not waking up early enough he heard the rules for the match from the loud speakers echoing through the campus. This made things easier for Slade seeing as how his promiss to Flare yesterday restricted him from sending him out. As he arrived he let out his pokemon since they seem to all fit in the space provided. He also noticed a group of people around Danielle and seeing as how it's better then sitting alone Slade went and sat by Danielle, "Sorry if I'm late at all," Slade said to Danielle as he sat down, "Slept a little too much and woke up late." He looked up at the screen and saw they haven't started yet, "Well, at least I didn't miss the battle." Flare sat by Slade's feat lost in though about what to do with the stone. He wasn't sure if he was ready to evolve yet and he didn't want to burden Slade either. Sasuke stood next to Flare noticing his worried face though he never spoke up about it. 101 floated by Slade's head and bobbed up and down as he did so.

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Last night, post-Coordinator performance:

"Hello, Raiza, sweetie?"

"Oh hey, mom! I thought you guys would be here tonight, pon?"

"Yes, I thought so too, but your father had a last minute meeting to take care of." Sighs. "We won't make it tonight, but we will be there tomorrow to see your battle, I promise!"


"Yeah, mom, I hope you guys do make it! I mean, after all that training and schoolwork, and if you guys don't see it-- I mean, it'd be a kind of downer if you guys don't make it."

"Mm, yeah, we're looking forward to seeing what you've learned from school. I know that Breeding doesn't center on battles, but you know what they say; brain over braun! Show 'em what Breeder know-how can do!"

"Mm. Yup. I sure will."

"Okay, I've got to go now-- I'm packing up our things and I've got to get the Pokemon settled and ready for the trip. Lucille's been excited about seeing you and Lucifer again, you know?"

"Heh, tell her I missed her too, pon! And okay, you guys take care coming here, all right? Love you."

Raiza sat down on her bed in silence, clasping her phone. The Trainer sighed and rested her head against her hands. She'd seen enough movies and series to know that they were probably going to show up right as her battle began, or in the middle of it all, and that would throw her concentration and nerves into whack. Falling back, she groaned, inwardly. It was going to be a long, sleepless night...


Raiza hated alarm clocks, but she didn't want to be late for Henry's battle, either. Last night she'd tossed, turned, nearly tossed the bedsheets, tossed herself into the bed facefirst, tried to turn the bed over, and so on and so forth. Basically it was a sleepless night. As much as she would've wanted to toss the alarm, she didn't want to hurt Toothless, who was crying for breakfast and jumping on her gut. After staring at her cereal and milk, she got ready and took her place in the waiting room among the other Trainers. Henry started off with a preemptive attack. At least he kept a cool head as usual; she wished she could be like him, level-headed and stuff. Lucifer and Toothless cried out at the sight of the Coordinator on the monitor while their Trainer watched, distractedly.

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Kage stumbled his way into the hall as usual, though he looked slightly less disheveled than usual thanks to the assistance of his parents. He shuffled his way towards Ryan with a zombielike gait, his steps guided in part by Lucas. He thumped down into a seat behind Ryan just after the buzzer went off and slumped back into the chair. He mumbled something that might have been a greeting, then turned his energies toward not falling asleep.

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Kristen didn’t even hear Henry. Her eyes were fixated on the crowd as she realized how many people were watching this event. She gulped and her thoughts drifted off to the many people that were watching back home or at their work. The Winter Cup was almost as popular as the Pokémon League.

The redhead’s though returned to battle when she heard Henry order the first attack. “Use Gust and follow with an Acid attack!”

The forceful wind created by the Vullaby blocked the sound based attack, blew away the yellow powder and died down before it interfered with the poisonous substance fired at both Gypsy and Rosie.


“Henry makes first move and just listen to the crowd booing! Why is that, Professor Redwood?” Marco asked. The commentator didn’t know all that much about the students and had been too busy to look up their information.

Redwood mused for a second. “Well, Henry doesn’t really have what you call a positive image. He isn’t popular to say the least and switched his Pokémon around before the Cup. It isn’t against the rules but it rubbed many competitors in the wrong way… What they don’t know is that the Skitty was his original partner.”

“I see, this should be tough for a youngster like Henry but he doesn’t seem to be faced by all the negativity. I wonder how this will affect his battling style…”

Waiting room with Phoebe

The water type expert was still sitting next to Danielle and heard the entire conversation the coordinator had. “Well this battle is over so you might as well prepare yourself, Missy. Your rival never won a battle in front of a crowd and she looks like she’s about to give in to her nerves. Her Vullaby saved her this time by blowing away both attacks, even though it happened on accident. That redhead has no idea how to counter that Skitty’s singing. The Gloomy Kid wins once he hits his first attack… I hope your battle will be at least somewhat exciting…”

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A movement from behind Ryan caught his eye. He recognized the outline to be Kage, so he wasn't intimidated to turn around. "Hey Ka..." Ryan had turned around mid greeting and froze when he saw the disheveled mess that was his boyfriend. If he wasn't intimidated then, he sure was now. "What's wrong?"

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Henry was a bit surprised Kristen figured out how to block both moves in one attack, but that quickly followed in disappointment with her next move. He watched as both Pokemon shrugged off the attack. Gypsy wasn't even sure if something even hit her honestly. The two looked at their opponent a bit confused by the choice of moves.

"That booing is starting to get old, but it is what it is I guess. Gypsy, disable Gust and use Psybeam on the Skrelp," ordered Henry. He watched the Venonat create a blue aura around the Vullaby before launching a rainbow beam at the Skrelp. "Rosie, use Sing again." The Skitty then followed orders and sat their singing another one of its favorite tunes.

Truthfully, Henry figured out Kristen was nervous, but even nervous trainers can be some of the most dangerous trainers. He decided to play it safe one more turn to see what Kristen could do. He had a pretty good idea on the Skrelp, but the Vullaby was a bit new to him.

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The tiny Larvesta chirped her appreciation at Ryan, waving her two front legs all the while. As she waited patiently for James to return her red balloon to her, Corona looked down from Ryan's hand and giggled at Victoria's attempt to unleash a fire attack. She let out a small burst of fire from her top horn, where it fizzled out harmlessly as it made it way up to the ceiling.

"A very shy precious, you mean," Danielle corrected him, giving an amused look at the two small Pokemon. "Victoria could teach her a few things though, like having confidence." After she verbally greeted the exhausted-looking Kage (still startled to learn that he was blind all of this time), Danielle found that Slade and his crew had made their way over as well. With a playful sigh, she punched his arm lightly. "You're lucky that they just started. Henry seems to be testing the waters before he finishes her. I didn't expect her to have a Vullaby though. She should have sent it out against Avis so that she would have a better chance of beating me..."

“Well this battle is over so you might as well prepare yourself, Missy. Your rival never won a battle in front of a crowd and she looks like she’s about to give in to her nerves. Her Vullaby saved her this time by blowing away both attacks, even though it happened on accident. That redhead has no idea how to counter that Skitty’s singing. The Gloomy Kid wins once he hits his first attack… I hope your battle will be at least somewhat exciting…”

Danielle nodded at Phoebe's observation. The Skitty's Sing was something that got her on edge but, as Corona had demonstrated long ago, she could dodge the sleep-inducing move in many ways. At Phoebe's last statement, the female coordinator gave a huge grin towards the female professor. "You have nothing to worry about, Professor Arlyn~ We, coordinators, are dedicated to putting on a good show! Isn't that right, Claude?"

At Phoebe's statement, both Avis and Zared had stopped playing with their respective items. The Murkrow removed her Eviolite anklet and placed it on top of the Dusk Stone, allowing it to dangle precariously. After a few seconds of staring at her possessions, Avis went back to looking at the screen; her eyes were fixated on her Dark and Flying rival. Zared also gave his oversized mandible one last check before he put his Metal Coat inside Danielle's bag. Like Avis, he also directed his attention to the screen once more, although he was more curious about Henry's Pokemon than Kristen's.

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"A good show indeed!" Claude agreed. "I can't wait to get out there and see what it's like, having the crowd screaming for me and my opponent..." Claude grinned, escaping into his own little world for a second before coming back to continue watching, just like the audince he had just spoke of.

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Seeing the balloon nearing him,James caught it within his hands and walked over to Danielle."Here,i believe this belongs to you."He said as he gave it back.Hearing Danielle's comment,he replied with his own comment."Hmm,a show huh...heh.To put on a great show,you and your pokemon have to trust eachother.Your bond determines how you and they will perform,if you're out of synch you will surely face defeat.These are my own two cents on this though so don't think too much about it"

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"Thanks James~ And no, no, it's fine! All the more pointers to get all of us ready for the battles ahead, right?" Danielle thanked the Lavender Town native as she retrieved Corona's balloon from him. She then noticed her Larvesta trying to reach for the said ballon with her stubby, little legs. Danielle pulled the balloon over to Corona so that the baby Larvesta could crawl back on top of it. Once Corona is safely floating once more, Danielle put away Avis' belongings into the same pocket that contained Zared's Metal Coat before turning her attention back to the battle that was unfolding.

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"Then I look forward to both of your shows." Slade said with a smile. Then right after that a man came over with a balloon and handed it off to Danielle. After that he gave his own thoughts on the matter.

Hmm,a show huh...heh.To put on a great show,you and your pokemon have to trust eachother.Your bond determines how you and they will perform,if you're out of synch you will surely face defeat.These are my own two cents on this though so don't think too much about it"

"A strong bond huh. Well I'd my and my team have a strong bond," He turned over to his pokemon by him, "Right guys?" Sasuke nodded while Xemnas and 101 gave a short cheer. Flare however still lost in though just starred blankly in front of him still contemplating of whether he should evolve or not. If he did he will grow much stronger but he won't be Growlithe anymore. He won't the growlithe in his past memories. Though if he doesn't evolve he'll burden Slade and maybe even fail to protect him. Slade knew Flare was still making his decision so he let him be. "Heck, we might even give a better show then you Danielle." Slade chuckled.

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"Ah,pointers are always usefull.The exchange of information between friends can sometimes make a huge difference as to who the victor may be.I've learnt a lot about this from my uncle and.....another relative.You're Larvesta seems the complete opposite of Solaris-Another Larvesta that hatched from an egg created by my Uncle's volcarona-.He's way more aggresive and assertive than your shy little Larvesta.."James said as he noticed Slade thinking about his words."If your thinking about how synchronized you and your pokemon are then that's a good thing,bonding with your pokemon is the single greatest thing a trainer can do besides having fun with them.If you're bond is strong enough,you can defeat any opponent provided your bond is backed up by a good strategy"He spoke these words with confidence.All those years spending time in nature and Old Man Fuji's pokemon house made him very interested in how Humans and pokemon interacted.

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