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Pokémon Academy: Ch 3: Winter Cup [IC]


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Kylie (zephyr)

The chikorita backed up a bit as the sightless dragon began sniffing her. And the fact that weird candle thing was practically face to face with her didn't help either- This feeling... it was like something was wrong with it... just the mere presence...

She gave an uncertain glance up at Kylie, the girl only giving a reassuring smile in return, slight as it was... still not exactly what she'd been hoping for. knowing she had no choice, the grass type let out a sigh in defeat and shoved down her uneasiness for now. Her focus shifted back to the Candle and the Dragon, her body beginning to shimmer with a strange, Coral glow as she closed her eyes and reared back on her hind legs, forcing them back open, glowing the same color as she sent the light around her pulsing out in a wide mouthed wave towards the deino. Once he had been fixed up she shifted the pulsating waves of energy to Lucifer, the same glow beginning to fall upon him as Raiza held the ghost out in her arms...

"See? it's nothing-" Kylie couldn't even finish as her Chikorita bounded away from the two as soon as she was through with Heal Pulse, ducking behind the girl's leg and threatening to trip her up- all the while peeking out with those big scarlet eyes at the Dragon and Ghost like they were incarnations of death itself. "Hey, watch it!" Kylie called, barely regaining her balance. She looked down at the grass type, annoyed by the antics... when she saw the glare it was giving the other student and her team.

"Sorry about that," she began, looking back to Raiza. "She's a bit...skittish sometimes around certain types- don't take it as anything personal."

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Dobby, Commander and Azery

Claude and Henry’s conversation was amusing to watch. Jaime couldn’t help but grin while Lily stayed behind him. She was far younger and was a bit intimidated by all these trainers showing up. And when James asked her big brother about Evan, she wondered why he didn’t ask her. Was she that different?

Jaime gave her a quick wink and turned to the new student, his face dead serious. “Evan? Can’t say I heard about him. But if I look like him, he must be handsome! Ain’t that right, Claude?” he asked, nudging the Coordinator in the ribs. “Or did your eye already catch a certain someone…”

Jaime’s gaze turned to Henry. His serious face showed signs of him trying to hold in his laughter.


Skarmory shook her head. She didn’t know anything about names or locations as she barely left the underground structure. Even if she was allowed outside it was to train and nothing else. The only thing she knew was that they gave her to Evan in order to convince the boy in joining them.

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"Oh Evan's the best looking guy in the academy bar myself honey, but don't tell him I said that." Claude said, swiveling on the spot to put his back to Henry. He then hopped, skipped and jumped to behind Jamie, leaning down to whisper conspiratorially to Lily "Hey, wanna know a secret?" He had his hand covering his mouth from view of the others and his face was dead serious, trying to impart the serious nature of his question

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With Kage almost certain to leave shortly, and the Skarmory just a bit too intimidating, Ryan searched for a way out of the situation. He focused in on the conversation between Claude, Henry, and James. Ryan stood up quickly and walked over to them nonchalantly. "Way to break my heart, Claude. I see how it is." Ryan feigned a pained face, swiping a finger around his eye to indicate a fake tear.

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Why do I even bother talking to these people again? Henry noticed Claude's actions were gaining quite the attention as he slowly started to back away. He probably would've left if his Delcatty wasn't busy looking at Lily. "I hope you don't mind cats. Rosie seems to have taken a bit of interest in you."

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"No need to apologize," Raiza said, beaming her thanks as the Ghost-Fire type began to wake up in her arms. Evidently, she was oblivious to Chikorita's fear towards Lucifer and Toothless as she watched the Dark-Dragon run around her in a circle, happy to be full on health again. "Thanks a lot, really! Look, Lucifer's feeling all better now." As she said that, the Litwick groggily sat up and looked up to see Kylie.

The next moments were hell. An enraged Litwick screamed shrilly enough to make a banshee blush while trying to rain fire on the Gourgeist. His Trainer, after recovering from her shock, cried something along the lines of "Lucifer, NO!" as she forced him into her Pokeball. Luckily the embers were tiny and hadn't really flown far enough to hit Kylie or her Pokemon. And the next moment after this was full of apologies from a rather horrified Raiza. The little dragon stood in surprise himself, wondering where the inhumane and un-Pokemon screams came from.

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Kylie (Zephyr)

The girl said nothing through the whole incident, Chikorita leaping up into her arms in fear and Gourgeist leaping defensively infront of them both once she had noticed the flames- her ability still set to Flash Fire from the battle... only to begin glaring at the Litwick's trainer with absolute contempt afterwards, beginning to open her mouth and sing as Raiza attempted to apologize, drawing in a deep breath and preparing to blast full volume- This little shit had tried to hurt her trainer, eh? she defintely wasn't gonna let that slide without dishing out a nasty fate of her own...

"Um... Look, look, it- it's fine, nothing see- everyone's fine, no need to apologize." Kylie said before the ghost could begin, though her flustered voice gave it away she was quite more than a bit shaken by... that. with a flash of scarlet she quickly recalled the pumpkin before it could curse the girl with it's requiem, cradling the smaller terrified grass type as she began to back up a little. "but I should... probably get going now...so bye..." And then with that, she turned and began to set off down the hall at a rather brisk pace, fighting the urge to run only out of an effort to not add to how horrible she could see the other girl already felt about the mishap... though she still truly did hope that Raiza wouldn't follow...

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And Raiza was left there in shock. For a while, she wasn't really sure if she wanted to pull Lucifer out, afraid he'd explode like that again.

After recalling Toothless to his own Pokeball, she walked off in the opposite direction, her mind trying to register what the ever loving crap just happened.

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Kage nearly jumped out of his skin as Phoebe wrested him toward the stadium. He hadn't realized she had been there. His Pokemon, realizing what was going on, belatedly followed him out onto the stage. However, once he was out there, Kage was ready to perform. "Will do," he said with a grin. Turning to face the his opponent, he waved al'Thor and Lucas forward. "Ready when you are," he called out.

(that's your cue)

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  • Veterans

"Let's get this show on the road Pierre,Axol here we go!"Caleb shouted as he sent out his Sneasel and Quagsire."Pierre kick this thing into overdrive with Hone Claws,Axol use yawn!"He cried as he went over his plan."Put them to sleep and then use fast and powerfull attacks to win this..simple yet effective"

Edited by Dat Assery
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What, just, what. Lucifer always was a sore loser, a bit of a crybaby if he didn't get his way. But never before did he lash out explosively. The memory was burned into her brain: shrill screeches, fire flashing and blazing even hotter than the usual gentle warmth the Litwick emitted, and worst of all the vehement energy that rolled off of him. Nobody got hurt or pelted by the embers, but...

Too engrossed in her anxieties, Raiza didn't even realize she'd rounded the corner where Henry and some other people were...

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Avis was about to persist in her interrogation when she was met with Zared's ruby eyes. She noticed a very nuanced shake of his head, indicating that there is nothing else that could be done. The Murkrow sighed and gave a curt reply of appreciation to the Skarmory. Avis then allowed her eyes to wander about when it fell on Evan; she ruffled her feathers in annoyance before hopping back to Danielle. The Murkrow then cried out to her master to be picked up. Her Mawile teammate could only sigh in relief before he apologized for Avis' intrusion; the bird could be overprotective sometimes.

Danielle pouted as Ryan walked off. 'At least he snapped out of it.' Avis' cry broke her thoughts; Danielle sighed as she looked down at her spoiled Murkrow. "You are a bird, silly. Stretching your wings would do you help when I send you out." Once Avis landed on her shoulder once more, Danielle stroked her wing and glanced Zared. He seemed comfortable around Skarmory, so maybe things couldn't be so bad...

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Dobby, Commander, Azery and Tacos

Lily giggled when Claude whispered in her ear. “Yes, I do! What kind of secret?” she asked, trying to cover her mouth as well before noticing the Delcatty. Torn between the cute cat and a secret were too much for the young girl. She did her best in luring the Delcatty with her hand while keeping her head high enough so Claude could tell her the secret.

Jaime just laughed when he saw the group in front of him. “Ymora sure is filled with a lot of interesting students… You almost make Hoenn look boring!”


Evan noticed Avis’s staring and gave her the same treatment. To be honest he had enough about the Murkrow’s unnecessary meddling and wondered why that stupid bird and Danielle’s other Pokémon were interested in Skarmory. Where they on to something? Maybe he should keep an eye on the most annoying duo in the Academy.

In the meantime the steel bird had noticed her trainer and hopped over, only to be ignored because Evan was still staring at Avis and Danielle.

Edited by Chimchain
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Henry watched as Rosie nudged closer to the girl. Unlike Henry, she loved being around people especially when they pet her. Her trainer simply shook his head. I really need to get that cat a leash or something. Whenever she sees a kid she goes ballistic. Henry then turned and noticed Raiza appearing around the corner. "Hey Raiza, is something bothering you? Oh crap, I forgot to watch your match. Sorry about that. A few things came up and it must've slipped my mind."

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  • Support Squad

"That Skitty really, really loves Kids" Claude said, thinking on hs feet, glad for the cute Skitty Lily was paying attention to. He watched smiling at it, somewhat sad that he might hve to fight the same skitty. He didn't like the idea of having Lance attack the cute little cat.

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"Eh--" The Trainer gave a little start when she heard Henry's voice, only noticing him, the flamboyant Coordinator, a little girl, and this guy in a wheelchair just now. "Oh, hi. And never mind about my battle, that's not really important," she said, waving it off dismissively, though she would've liked him to have watched. No, she didn't really know why. Doesn't really matter much. "Lucifer's... Acting up." Before she went on, she tilted her head, looking at the others with him. "Hi there. Uh, sorry, am I interrupting something? If so, I'll just come back and see you later," she asked Henry.

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Damnit. "al'Thor, take down that Weavile with a Metal Claw right now! Lucas, let's see how that Quagsire likes chewing on leaves!" al'Thor blinked away the drowsiness for now, and flew rapidly at the Ice-type, arms swiping. Lucas didn't appear to move all that much, but glowing leaves appeared in the air around him, spun so their edges faced the Quagsire, and flew forward. "You're gonna regret trying to set up on me."

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"No, you're not missing anything really. Claude's being Claude that's all." Henry was then puzzled when he heard about Lucifer. "Really? I thought you and Lucifer were always close. Sure he runs off sometimes, but I've never seen you worry about him. If you want, I probably could knock him out of it. Don't worry, I'm not afraid to get a little burned." Henry used his cane to tap where Zuko gave him the burn scars on his leg. "Can't get any worse than that."

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"Pierre,take the attack and then use use Ice Shard to protect Axol from those Leaves,Axol use Mud Bomb on that Metang,Blind it!"Caleb shouted out as the Weavile was thrown back quite far by the Super effective attack,he wouldnt last long if he took another one of those."After you're done with the leaves use agility and then attack with a Relentless Fury Swipes attack on that ralts!"


"Well we are what you would call a very colourfull bunch,especially Claude over here.Can't get anymore "Sparklingly Colourfull" than him in my opinion"James chuckled as he realized Raiza was there."Oh hi Raiza,and what's this I hear about Lucifer,is that mischievous little candle throwing a temper tantrum?"He asked as he looked at Shade,the two where in a rather fiery rivalry it seemed.

Edited by Dat Assery
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Danielle watched as the Skarmory went over to Evan... Who was staring at her with a menacing expression. She was definitely at a loss for words this time; aside from the Hydreigon incidient, she couldn't recall when she got on Evan's bad side. What Danielle did see, however, was the Skarmory desperately trying to get Evan's attention. "Umm... Maybe you should say hi to your Skarmory instead of staring at me and Avis. It was looking for you..."

Avis was only happy to engage in a staring contest with this brat. Surely, he can't be as challenging as that Dragonite back in the woods. The black bird stared back at Evan, tilting her head side to side all the while. Zared could also sense the hostility and had made his way back to Danielle. He snapped his mandible as a warning to the boy. Corona had taken over in battle observation duty and placed herself in front of the screen, although she was uneasy about the situation going on around her.

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Quite unsure, Raiza looked down at her beloved Litwick's Pokeball in her hand. "Well... he does seem to be fond of you. Maybe he'll... behave. I mean, think he lashed out at Kylie earlier because her Hariyama ended up knocking him out... Okay. Lucifer, honey, please, play nice," she said, uncertainly, casting out the Ghost-Fire type from his capsule.

True enough, the Litwick just hovered there. What was different was that he was just stationary, not zipping over to check Henry out as he usually did. There was something ominous about it, the glower in his yellow eyes, his face void of any other expression, the purple flame burning smoothly like a psychopath wiping off his handy pocketknife. Raiza. Raiza. He had to make her proud. Even if it meant having... to... burn... everyone and everything... in his way. And he was failing so horribly at it. How... unforgivable of him.

"Lu... cifer?" tried the Trainer, kneeling at his level by his side. Nothing seemed to be getting the Ghost-Fire type's attention. And it was frightening-- not really because he suddenly felt so dangerous... okay, yes, that was scary. But there was definitely something wrong with her sweet little Candle Pokemon and she wasn't sure how to snap him out of it.

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The ball of mud hit the Metang squarely, but xir vision wasn't really impaired as the mud seemed to slide away. "Use your momentum and fly into that Quagsire with an Ice Punch!" The Steel-type obeyed, though just before the attack landed xe fell asleep. Kage simply sighed in response. "Lucas, give that Sneasel a nice kiss if it wants to get close!" As the Dark-type drew closer, the Ralts leaned forward, daring his opponent to actually make contact.

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"I know that look when I see it," responded Henry. "James, stand back. If you get to close, it might suck the life right out of you. Lucifer isn't able to get into my soul so I should be alright. Rosie, we need to calm this thing down now." The Delcatty quickly halted her fun time with her new friend and quickly made her way over to Henry. Her master's safety was the most important thing.

Henry's attention then shifted not on Lucifer, but on Raiza. "Raiza, the last time I saw that look on a Pokemon I was sent to a hospital. I don't want to make a scene here so do you think you can snap him out of it."

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The Litwick seemed to twitch when he saw the Delcatty take her place beside Henry, although he didn't seem to recognize anybody. Raiza didn't waste time and pulled out a Pokeblock container. "Lucifer, dearest! Look, pink Pokeblocks, your favorite," she tried, dangling the morsel in front of his face. Nothing. No response. Visibly, the Trainer faltered and kept the treat, shifting over to place herself in front of his face. "Sweetie, can you hear me? Snap out of it, please." When he only blinked, she repeated herself, only a little louder. "Please. Please?" At this point she was holding him by the sides. Still nothing.

Looking defeated, Raiza straightened up and glanced at Henry. "... Just be gentle with him, okay? And be careful. Lucifer's favorite move is Flame Burst."

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"This is...pathetic." Henry gave a long pause before continuing. "Just because you're losing, doesn't mean you just quit. I thought they pounded that into the heads of trainers. How would you feel if Lucifer abandoned you because that's what you're doing to him. Rosie, use disarming voice, but like the way in our battle." The cat looked at Henry puzzled for a moment, but obeyed orders and sang the same little tune she tried on the Mandibuzz. "Even if you fail, a loser is better than any quitter. This time, I want you to put a damn effort into calming him down."

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