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Pokémon Academy: Ch 3: Winter Cup [IC]


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"Well, everyone is a friend of Claudes, but that doesn't really answer the question. I'm not too close to Evan, but I like him enough. I was one of the people to go searching with the teachers when the fiasco with a load of Donphan sent everyone into a fun little frenzy." Claude frowned, trying to think of what he really knew of Evan. "I mean, he certainly has some friends, I know he talks to Lana a bit, but he certainly has people who he doesn't get on with. My room-mate for one. But no one likes Alvin, so it's fine." Claude soffed, thinking on some of Alvins more obnoxious behaviour recently. he always seemed to look at Lance in a funny way that Claude just didn't like.

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{Phoebe's Waiting Room, Ymora Academy}

Jacob chuckled a bit, having been watching Paul's match on the monitor. "I don't know about that. He caught Paul really off guard by taking advantage of his offensive strategy and turning it around on him. I think I'll be able to handle him, especially given the advantage Chalchi and Arete have over a lot of the unevolved Pokemon our classmates use." He then thought to himself for a moment. "I haven't picked my third Pokemon yet, though. I'm tempted, and I mean really tempted to bring Spits out, but Arete may end up being the better pick thanks to her Eviolite." He paused again. "And I wouldn't worry too much about the Ice Field. I'm using it to take care of the opponents who I know I can beat with it so that I don't have to reveal one of my newer strategies just yet. Mareek still has to take me down to win, and that battle certainly won't be an easy victory for either side."

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"I'd actually looked her up, but forgot part of what I'd seen and decided not to rely on the data entirely." While she spoke, the wheels in her head turned. That giant pumpkin would definitely be an explosive hazard. The upside was that it would be slow and have terrible special stats. Regarding types, Rogue was clearly the best choice. But Gourgeist were pretty physically sound and if they were bad at using special moves, Sneasel were even worse. "To be honest it's not really the battle I'm worried about, but... Ma and Pa..." She frowned. "Lana, I've seen it in movies. They're totally going to come up some time during the battle and I'll screw up. Why? Because they wanted me to be a Breeder, but I snuck around and changed it so that I'd be put in the Trainer program. What's more is that I probably can't defend that later, given how I've been sucking at being a Trainer..."

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Oh god... here comes the little annoying shits... "Indeed I am..." Augustine said simply, not bothering to look at his young subordinate, instead keeping his eyes glued to Tweedledee and the little narcissist sitting in front of him. "Seems teach wasn't kidding about you three... I trust you've already been briefed about the basics of the assignment?"


"Well, I don't know where they could be..." Mareek said to Java after they finished checking both Waiting rooms. The porygon2 just hovered there in front of his face, looking a bit frustrated at the second failure experience that day; first the surveillance, and now they couldn't even find a girl... though she might be a bit invisible, still, it felt humiliating to the Co-Strategist that despite the upgrade and his increased abilities from evolving, things weren't exactly going as smooth as they should've.

"Are you alright?" his trainer asked. Damn... and to top the failures today, there were these troubling occurances going on in his psyche... these damn feelings that were beginning to sprout, emotions he'd never knew it was possible for him to feel before, things vague and confusing, things like curiosity, shame, happiness, the list could go on... they were deep, they were stronger than anger, stronger than pride... and Java knew it was affecting his operating performance.

"Java? Java, you still with me, buddy?" Mareek was snapping his fingers in front of the creature. Only at the sound of it did the AI realize he had zoned out into space again...

"I need... time... to think. Send Erce in my place..." was the only message Mareek got from him, coming in bold black letters on a nearby tv screen. Before he could get anything further the Porygon2 retreated into his capsule, refusing the emerge when Mareek tried to send him back out. The trigger was being disabled from the inside. No matter what he said, there was nothing that Java reacted too. It was like some teen girl who'd gotten upset with her parents and locked herself up in her room...

"Really though?" Mareek sighed, finally giving up and bringing out Erce and Nemo, apparently the team he'd have to use for this match later on today... "Alright, well, change of plans, Nemo... Java's got some things going on, so now... you'll be fighting alongside Erce now." The cubone looked at his new fight partner eagerly, holding up his club and chiming a bit of encouragement. Erce didn't seem too enthusiastic about it, but she also didn't seem to have any real issue with it. "So that means our fighting style is going to have to change... you two know about the Rider tactic..." They both perked up at the mention of the idea, obviously understanding what their trainer meant. "We'll roll with that and use Erce's speed and evasion skills to our advantage while you, nemo, will be launching attacks from the air while she moves you around. We'll strike, meld away, and come in to hit again. sound good?" They both nodded, Erce snickering at the plan while Nemo slapped his club against the palm of his other hand, obviously meaning business.

"Then we have it settled," Said Mareek as he recalled Erce yet opted to keep Nemo out; he still needed someone to help find his opponent. "So... you see Lana anywhere?"

The cubone looked around the hallway, still tapping his club against his palm- looking a bit intimidating as his eyes finally caught a glimpse of something around the corner...a stair case, with noise... what if Mareek couldn't find Lana because she wasn't even down here? Without a word to his trainer, he rushed off in the direction and up the concrete steps, not bothering to see if the boy followed.

"Cube!" He called when Lana and Raiza came into view as he emerged up into the stadium stands, hoping to catch their attention as he wandered closer...

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"Wait! Was that Mareek's Cubone?" Henry watched as the little mon passed him and walked into the waiting room. "I guess lady luck really is on my side." The boy then pulled out a Poke Ball and beamed the sleeping Paradox inside of it.

"Hold on, you know that guy. I heard a bit about that guy. He's kind of cute. Want to introduce me to him." Citrine seemed pretty excited to meet one of Henry's "friends."

"I know very little about him truthfully. It's just that we may have a conflict of interests and I want to resolve it, that's all. Besides, he tends more focused on strategies than socialize. You'd be lucky for him to talk to you, let alone buy you a meal." Henry looked straight at Citrine shaking his head. Some of things never changed. It was always typical for her to try and get a free meal off of someone, something her little Vulpix picked up on.

"That sounds like someone we all know and love. He can't be any worse than you. You're like the world champ of pissing people off. I never thought you could top that Orre competition. Great match by the way. I was rooting for you the whole time," responded Citrine.

"...When did you decide to suddenly flip sides?"

"If I can't stop ya, can't I at least support ya? Besides, it's kind of fun seeing Rosie mess with the opponent's team. Though you are getting kind of rusty. If that girl didn't look like she was about to pee herself, she'd probably would've kicked your ass."

"Thanks for the support, Citrine," Henry responded sarcastically. "Now if you'll excuse me a minute, I want to go check on something. And please don't follow me in there. There's already enough tension as is." Henry walked around the corner where he saw the Cubone popped out of.

Suddenly, a Vulpix came running up to Citrine. "Hey Zuko, did you miss me already? I have a bit of a favor to ask you. Can you keep an eye on Henry for me? There's a special treat involved if you do." Without hesitation, the Vulpix darted off trying to find Henry.

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Danielle had blushed a little as Kage read her unvoiced thought. Deciding to pull the subject off to a more lighthearted discussion, she looked up at the screen to see what the current situation was. Apparently, Kenny finished off his opponent almost as quickly as Jacob had, although his Pokemon appeared to be more exhausted than Jacob's. She looked down to see what her Pokemon thought: Corona was more interested in snuggling; Zared was deep in thought; Avis was humming an unidentifiable tune. Danielle assumed they were not too interested in the way things went down.

When Phoebe announced the next contestant, however, Danielle and Avis broke out of their daze and managed to spot Evan walking briskly out of their waiting room. "Since when was he here?" Danielle muttered to an annoyed Avis. 'Hopefully he didn't hear our previous discussion...' She doubted that that would happen, but she could hope, right?

Avis crowed to get Zared and Corona to focus on the upcoming battle. The Murkrow was already glaring at the screen, focusing intently on the Ninetales and the Vaporeon. Corona shook herself loose before she looked up to watch Evan's battle, still huddled close to Solaris. Danielle's newest teammate, however, is not aware of the initial tension that had transpired between Danielle and Evan during the school trip. As a result, he glanced up at the screen as he normally did all of the competitors so far. Zared's mind was more focused on his master's next battle than Evan's.

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A little too distraught to notice the cry of a Cubone, Raiza didn't pay much heed. On the other hand, Lucifer noticed the Ground-type coming towards them and stared, curiously. Didn't that fellow Mareek own a Cubone? The Litwick thought for a while. Maybe if he took charge, Raiza would be prouder of him... That's it! With that, he floated over to the skull-capped Pokemon.

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As Kenny walked off the Field after recalling his Pokemon, he seemed to have an not-so-happy look on his face. He definitely seemed a lot more subdued than usual, not seeming to have that air of confidence that he'd had when he left the Waiting Room.

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"Amazing how that works," Mareek muttered to himself as he started off after his little Orphan. "Me and Java spend all this time searching everywhere, and yet I send out the most extroverted little cubone to ever live, and within less than five minutes, he's apparently found them... guess that's nemo for you."

Before he could get to the turn off though, someone a bit unexpected got in his way- Henry... He didn't exactly know the guy all too well, but he didn't have a problem with him either, given how he'd helped him finish his notes on Cipher with that report earlier in the semester, and stepped in when that Dumbass Kenny decided to open his big mouth. Still though, he would have to be quick if he wanted to keep up with the Bone Keeper... the little guy was deceptively fast despite having such tiny legs.

Without a word, focused on the current task, he sidestepped the other young man, attempting to pass by him and follow the Cubone...


"Cube...?" Nemo backed away a bit as the candle approached him. Something...won't quite right bout this ghost-thingie... or maybe it was a fire type thingie? He'd have to ask Erce before their battle later; she'd probably know what the hell this was supposed to be, though to him it honestly just looked like someone had carved a face onto a candle stick, lit a violet flame, and just let it melt until it came to life... say, was that even possible? Hmmm... another thing he'd have to ask Erce- or maybe it would be better to talk to Java about that one.

"Cube, cubone, cube." He said, gesturing towards Lana and Raiza in the crowd with his club, assuming the Litwick had some ties to the dark haired girl given the fact that he'd never seen this thing with Lana's team. The message he had given the Ghost type was obvious; his trainer was looking for the girl...

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Kage thumped down onto the nearest seat and let his Pokemon out, with the exception of Lucas who was, as usual, outside of his ball already. al'Thor floated gently up toward the ceiling, watching from afar with a faint sense of curiosity. As usual, it was difficult to read the Steel-type. Lucas napped inside Kage's jacket, as he usually took turns with his Trainer. Reina and Virtes started to scuffle almost immediately, though. Kage didn't mind if they let off a little steam, as long as they didn't seriously hurt one another. The rolling ball of teeth and flailing claws slowly wandered toward Danielle and her team. . .

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Henry saw Mareek pass him by completely ignoring him. He knew exactly how to get this boy's attention. "That was quite a performance you put on back there. It was so clever I probably wouldn't have noticed it if it weren't for that obnoxious and loud Kenny. I should thank him though. Now I know I'm not the only person who knows what's really going on here." Henry paused for a brief moment. He wasn't sure if he had the boy's attention yet, but he knew his next sentence would hook him in. "You should be a bit more careful. What if one of them saw what happened."

Meanwhile, Zuko stood a ways away hidden from sight from Henry. Henry rarely talked like this. Whenever he did, nothing good seemed to follow.

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"It's that kid....Evan was it? Yeah,he seems to have quite the powerful combination of pokemon under his belt..A Ninetales,Vaporeon all fully evolved...sharp contrast to mine if i'm honest."James said as he watched the battle unfold. "Though I wonder...why is he not using his Skarmory?"He asked while watching Solaris watch the battle with eyes forced open."Solaris here ya go"James said as he picked the bug up and put him on his left shoulder.

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“Oooh? Lana eeh? I better remember that name!” Jaime grinned. “And I know your pain. My roommate is a complete idiot. He already said the dorm on fire, put the entire building without electricity and destroyed the ceiling.” The boy shook his head. “But I kinda like him. I got to know him and he turned out to be pretty cool. Anyway, I’m rolling back to my spot in the stands since Evan is about to battle. You can join me if you want?”

Without waiting for an answer Jaime quickly made his way into the audience, right on time to see Evan’s opponent call out her Pokémon. “Aaaand he’s in trouble.”


Lana tried to hide her snickering. Her childhood friend really came up with the wildest fantasies from time to time. “They will find out sooner or later… But if you just concentrate on the battle and not look in the audience you won’t see them, right?”

The young breeder noticed the disturbance behind Raiza. “Isn’t that Mareek’s Cubone talking to Lucifer?” She tried to change the subject. Maybe if they concentrated on something else Raiza wouldn’t stress so much.


“Who said I was talking about that kid? There’s another one with fully evolved Pokémon,” Kristen pointed to the screen. “Some people consider him an outsider, but I think you can take him. Also if you use Arete, make sure to take off the Eviolite. If she enters the battle with an item you are automatically disqualified and that would be the lamest way to go out!” She put her hand on her hip, giving Jacob a serious ‘don’t-you-dare’ face.

Phoebe’s waiting room (Azery)

“Maybe he can’t, Grandpa,” Phoebe answered. “If he already used all three Pokémon in the preliminaries he’s stuck with them. If anyone uses a fourth Pokémon they will be disqualified.”

Stratos (Galen)

Sarah glared at her superior. “Of course we know what we have to do. I’m not sure if Pierre still remembers but I’m not as dumb as he is.” She turned her attention to the battlefield. “Isn’t that the kid from the reports? Did you already make contact?”


“Enough talk! Ranger, Leech Seed and Quake, Stockpile!”

“Counter with Flame Burst,” Evan ordered. The adrenaline rushed through him and it was hard not to give in. He really wanted to go on the offense but held back “Triton, take a backseat,” he said as Nike’s Flame Burst burned the Seeds and went towards both opponents.

“Dig and Stockpile again!” The hole created by the Hippopotas also allowed the Ivysaur to escape damage.

“Triton, fill that hole with water.” Keep up the pressure without going full out offense. She’ll reveal her plan in no time.

The power behind the Water Pulse forced both opponents out the hole. The grass type was completely fine, but the hippo had taken some decent damage. “Slack Off. Ranger get in front of Quake and use Poison Powder.”

“Water Pulse again!” The poisonous substance got soaked and failed to poison Evan’s Pokémon but that was Julie’s plan all along. Evan had missed the opportunity to take out Hippopotas.

“Quake use another Stockpile and Ranger use Razor Leaf on that Vaporeon!”

This time the attack hit. “Triton, Aqua Ring.” I can also play this restore to full health game, but I’m not getting anywhere. I should focus on that Hippo and not let it set up.

“Nike, Confuse Ray on the Hippo.” Balls of blue light danced in front of the ground type, making it stumble. On the other side of the field Evan could hear a slight curse coming from his opponent.

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Claude had followed Jamie to his seat. Immediately he was interested in the battle. "Oh boy, never let something like a hippopotas stay on the field that long. Evan had better hope that Hippo is susceptible to acting rashly, else that confusion may not matter. Man, Evans opponent really did get a couple of pokemon to take the hits." Claude noted down some of Evans moves too, especially how to counter that confuse ray.

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"I see...that does cripple him a bit because from what i've seen,that Skarmory is his most powerfull pokemon.Well whatever,it's his choice.Who am i to talk down on it,i'm happy that i don't have to face it,my team's nowhere near advanced enough to face a Skarmory,Ninetales and Vaporeon..."James replied after hearing Phoebe's explanation.

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"Yes, I have... and he's among the most annoying and whinny people I've ever had to meet," He answered the girl's question. "And to make it even worse, it seems the little fool isn't anywhere near as willing to assist us as I was led to believe by teach.... His consideration of the idea is... lukewarm at best and doubtful at worse. Though I think I can get his cooperation if I dangle a certain carrot before him and just keep it constantly out of reach..."


Mareek stopped in his tracks at Henry's words, staring at the stair case in the distance down the hall as he stood to the side of the other boy. He Knows, eh? Well, guess it's not surprising, if anyone it would probably be him, afterall... the guy has a freaking classified report on Cipher in his possesion. "They'd have a pissed off Scyther whose protective as hell to deal with if they did anything to me." He said simply, not turning to face Henry, hands in his pockets. "And the idiots would probably blow their cover if they attempted to take me out of the picture right then and there with witnesses, so likely nothing would've happened at that particular moment." He turned and finally glanced at him. "As for that Kenny guy, I'd like nothing more than to kick his ass for that stunt earlier, but I guess I'll have to settle for just letting Erce beat him down in a battle someday... but that's beside the point here. Tell me, what exactly do you know about this, Baldwin? ....Probably more than I do at this point thanks to that dumb ass..."

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Kenny just so happened to be walking down the Hallway with Zorro in tow when they overheard Mareek ask Henry about Evan. In response, Kenny had Zorro cloak him from anyone's sight, and then walked around the Corner, where he waited near the two so he could hear.

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Underneath his hood, Ryan grinned as he heard the screech of a Skarmory. It really is watching over me. This proves it all. I can really justify it all now. He looked down at Victoria, who completely innocently shot Ryan a mimicked, toothy grin. He hugged Victoria tighter and began to walk back to the waiting room. When he got inside, he dodged the tussling between Reina and Virtes and slid right next to Kage, instantly placing his head on his shoulder, and not saying a word.

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"Only two battles then It's my time to shine!" Slade said to him self while doing a fist pump in the air. He looked back at the monitor to find that Kenny had already finished the battle and Evan was up. He didn't know much about this Evan but everyone thinks he's related towards the vision that Kage had. Before he could ponder anymore Flare began tugging on his pants while barking. Slade knew what this was about and got up from his seat, "Be right back guys, gonna go get some fresh air real quick will Flare, won't take long." With that he walked out of the waiting room and found a place where he could do this in privacy. "So, have you made your mind yet?" Slade asked when he found a sufficient enough area. Flare nodded and he starred with confidence at Slade. He took out the stone from the box and held it in front of Flare. Flare slowly reached his paw out to touch the stone and he began to glow with a bright light. He slowly grew in size until the light sparkled away and he evolved into an arcainine. Slade hugged him as his pal had finally evolved with Flare rubbing his head on Slade's back. "Sorry but would you mind staying your ball until I send you out for battle? Keep a secret for everyone ok." He chuckled as Flare nodded going back into his pokeball that Slade had in his hand, though there was one tear that went down the right side of Slade's face as Flare did so. He wiped it away and made his way back to the waiting room. "I'm back!" he said be happily before he sat back down in his chair looking back at the battle.

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The scurrying sounds of teeth and claw had reached Danielle's ears. Careful not to interrupt their practice round, Danielle placed Avis onto her shoulder while she lifted her legs from the floor. She then placed her head onto her knees and continued to observe the battle. The female coordinator made a mental note that Ryan is now back and Slade had walked in and out of the waiting room (with no Flare in sight now), but didn't comment on both actions. "Stockpiling Hippopotas will take a looong time to go down. Let's hope Evan has a plan to get around it~"

While Danielle and Avis are safe from the Axew and the Tyrunt, Corona was not so lucky. The Larvesta chirped disappointedly when Solaris was taken away and began to crawl back to her master when she found out that her way being obstructed by the two ferocious Pokemon. Corona just stood where she was, curious as to how the fight will turn out.

Zared, however, gave a wary glance at the dueling Pokemon. After several seconds, he finally shook his head and looked back at the screen. He couldn't understand why those two would waste their time and energy on each other instead of on their opponents. If they wanted to practice so badly, they should have done so before the tournament began.

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Robert happily pulled up his own numbering the screen, flashing it onscreen long enough that Shiro would be able to put it on his own phone. Once he made sure it was taken care of, he shifted in an attempt to help make things better. "So... How else would you like Shiro? Perhaps... make whatever time left count more?"

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Jacob laughed and nodded. "Evan shouldn't be so much of a problem. I have a strategy in mind for him. And by the way, I'll be sure to remember to take off the Eviolite. Thanks for the heads up, Kristen," he said quickly. He leaned over and pecked her on the cheek. "And thanks for being so supportive. I really appreciate it."

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The sentient candle looked over his shoulder and saw that the Cubone was pointing at Lana and Raiza. "Wick!" Lucifer obliged. It seemed that this Ground type might be that bright-haired boy's, after all. In a swift motion, he was behind the Pokemon, prodding him towards the two girls.

"That's easy enough to say, but... You know my mum's voice, it's crazy loud... Though I suppose I won't hear it over the din of the crowd," she murmured. When Lana pointed out something behind her, the Trainer wheeled around. "Oh hey, is it? I know Mareek has a Cubone, but... Is he the only Cubone in this Academy?" Looking around, she saw no sign of the formidable Trainer. "C'mon, let's go get 'em. Maybe your pal's around here somewhere, pon."

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Gypsy's eyes began to glow as she looked around the area. She noticed a bigger object, likely a boy and a smaller Pokemon using it's eyes. It almost felt as if they were trying to hide. She turned to Henry and started to make a few gurgle noises at him.

"I already know Gypsy. Zuko, if you leave now, I'll buy you whatever you want from the cafeteria. Doesn't matter how pricey it is." Henry watched as the Vulpix quickly dashed off in excitement. "Honestly, I still can't believe she thinks she can spy on me." He watched as Gypsy still gripped pointing towards where the hidden Kenny was. "Enough Gypsy, the issue has been resolved. Nothing else really matters." The Venonat turned and glared at Kenny one last time before going back to eating her berries.

Henry regained his focus and responded to Mareek. "Sorry about that, but I can't have Rattatas running around. Fortunately that was only Zuko otherwise things may have not been so pretty. To answer your question, there's not much I can tell you. Everything I know almost seems nonsensical at this point. The only reason I've dug deeper into it is because these nonexistent Shadows, as I call them, have me curious. It's kind of hard trying to find something you don't know what you're looking for. So many questions, so little answers. I have a feeling it's the same on your end, am I right?"

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Kenny saw the Venonat glare at him, and simply walked away from the area, heading around the corner and meeting back up with Zorro. As he headed off, Mareek and Henry could both hear footsteps. Once he was around the Corner, Zorro decloaked him. Even though he was around the Corner and out of their sight, Kenny could still hear what Mareek and Henry were saying.

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