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Pokémon Academy: Ch 3: Winter Cup [IC]


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"Oh... that's right, you still have your battle to do..." Shiro looked down as he spoke. "T-then we should hurry back! What if you miss your battle, that'd be really bad! So let's go to the arena and then we'll go look around the festival for something to do, okay? I'll be fine, so don't worry..." He didn't look fine though. Going back to the arena, no, going back among all those people who saw what happened wasn't really what he wanted to do right then, but for Robert... "U-uhm, let's go."

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Robert nodded happily as they headed back, putting the Pocket Watch in his back pocket and returning Kiai, who had been watching their interactions from the hall, as he walked out of the dorm room.


Finally getting back to the arena right as Slade was being discribed by the announcers. 'Slade... Wait, I just missed Sissy's battle, then, as well as Kenny's. Well... hopefully I can know how well she did while I was out.'

Finally getting into the stadium, he turned to Shiro as they got near a set of stairs that led to the stands. "Well, you wanna watch from the stands? Or, would you want to just follow me to the waiting room for now?"

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Shiro felt extremely awkward walking through the academy field like this again... He really didn't belong there anymore... He was too weak, but that just meant he had to get stronger soon, or else...

The two reached the stadium, but Shiro didn't want to leave Robert's side. "I-I think I'll go with you for now..." He only really came there to watch Robert's match. He was surely gonna win, because he was strong. Stronger than Shiro could ever be...

With a heavy weight on top of his heart, Shiro went with Robert to the waiting room... Hopefully Nadia wouldn't be there...

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Raiza raised an eyebrow. Maybe this guy wasn't such a jerk after all if he planned on going all out against her softspoken friend, rather than playing the nice prince. "Hey, Lana, don't you go easy on him, all right?" she said, nudging the Breeder gently with her elbow. Although she said it with her usual poker face on, one could hear the grin in her voice. In all honesty, she was so amped up for her friend's match that she probably would've forgotten her own later on. Over her shoulder floated Lucifer, who watched the Scyther with much curiosity. What a rather spicy whiff he caught from her, imbued with much controlled tension and energy... She'd be one nasty contender, even if he had the advantage typewise.

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"Good luck,make sure you don't lose though!"

"Luck? HA! I don't need luck to win but thanks anyways." He said to James before Danielle proceeded to hug him.

"Go and show her what you're made of!"

"That's what I plan on doing." He chuckled before returning both Sasuke and 101 into their respective balls. "Xemnas you can stay here and watch the battle, kay?" The Gible nodded and gave a cheer for good luck towards Slade."You behave while I'm gone ok?" He then rubbed Xemnas on the head before walking off to his side of the field. He already knew who he was going to lead off with and had both of them in his hands as he waited for Karen to deiced.

"Oh, already picked your pokemon before we started have we? Were you looking me up or is that your arrogance showing?" Karen asked curiously as she tried to decide which pokemon to throw out.

"No, and I wouldn't call it arrogance, something along the lines of confidence." Slade responded with a smirk on his face.

"Well, we'll see which one you really are! Maple and Comet show this guy who's boss!" Karen threw the two balls into the air and out popped out a Leafeon and a Ledian.

"Sasuke, 101 you know the drill." Slade said as he released both of them. Sasuke too glaring at his opponents trying to gauge their strength while 101 looked board when he come out, unamused by his opponents. "Now, ladies first Karen."

"Oh, being a gentlemen are we? Ever heard that nice guys always finish last? Maple magical leaf, then Comet use a Light Screen!" The Leafeon quickly shot multiple rainbow glowing leafs at both Sasuke and 101 while the Ledian's eyes started to glow as well as forming a yellow barrier around the both of them

"Sasuke quickly use grass knot on the Ledian from creating the screen then once it's down 101 fire a charge beam on Leafeon!" Sasuke quickly held his hands together controlling the grass under Ledian pulling him down onto the floor stopping the screen from being fully made but also took the magical leaf's full attack. Though it didn't do as much since he changed into a grass type. 101 tanked the leaf coming at him and once the screen was gone he charged a beam at Leafeon as well as raising his Special attack.

"Comet bug bite on the grass then psybeam on Sasuke, Maple dig under ground to avoid that beam!" Maple quickly dug under ground avoiding the attack while the Ledian bite apart the grass then fired a rainbow beam at Sasuke.

"Sasuke dodge using double team, then 101 charge beam on Ledian!" Sasuke couldn't dodge in time being too focused on controlling the grass from a long distance getting hit by the psybeam. Though 101 already charged his shot and fired at the Ledian. "Sasuke, are you alright!?" Slade asked as there was a cloud of dust surrounding after the attack.

"You should pay more attention to your opponent, Comet use sonic screen one 101 then Maple get behind 101 and use shadow ball!" The bug finished the screen he was making before the first set back which blocked most of the beam, he then sent a super sonic towards 101 confusing him before Slade could say anything. Then Maple jumped from the ground charging a shadow ball and firing it at 101. "101, hurry and dodge the attack!" Slade yelled to get him out of his daze but it had no effect and the attack begun its approach.

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Jaime was interested. Normally he would tease people, especially Evan, when they felt awkward. However he never ran into someone who was embarrassed about a normal name. “Uh I don’t get it. What’s wrong with ‘Kyle’? It sounds like a normal and decent name to me.”

And right at that moment Evan finished his battle, distracting Jaime, and giving Claude a free way out. “Finally he pulled through. That took him long enough,” the boy in the wheelchair said to himself.

Zephyr and Stratos

“You’re telling me which Pokémon you’re using beforehand?” Lana asked, receiving Raiza’s elbow-nudge. “I guess it’s only fair if I do the same. I plan to use Rhyhorn and Shellos,” she said determined. Rhyhorn was an obvious choice. Being her ace she couldn’t go around him if she wanted to seriously go at full power at Mareek. Shellos was different. She made this particular choice to be able to tank the hits Mareek was going to throw at her and the two turned out to be a decent duo when battling together.


Skarmory turned to her fellow steel type. “Skaar?” the bird tilted her head, curious about what this thing had to say about her trainer.

Stratos (Galen)

Pierre saw an opportunity to challenge Galen when the guy didn’t respond. He always had problems with chain of command and didn’t like being ordered around, especially by people he didn’t like. “No answer? Well maybe I should lead this mission and bring spectacular results back. You just take a backseat, pick some weeds, and watch how the youth does it!” he said with a big grin.

Matt snorted. “If that happens all you’ll be doing is contests while the rest of us do the dirty work.”

“Of course! Someone has to oversee the situation. I’ll draw all attention to me so you two can sneak around and get your hands dirty. Have some faith in my leadership qualities and everything will be fine.”

Edited by Chimchain
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  • Support Squad

Claude agreed, but decided he'd rather steer the topic further away from anything mildly embarrassing. "Well how about we go congratulate the lucky Devil? I'm sue he's happy for the win."

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Zared was pleased that he got her attention; it was certainly a start to figure out who this Skarmory is. The Mawile sat down next to the steel bird and began to talk in their Pokelanguage. It seemed like he was asking why Evan decided to sit her out of the tournament despite the fact that she looks stronger than her two teammates. It was a hard concept for Zared to comprehend since Steel types, like herself, could provide a huge advantage in battles thanks to their natural resistance to so many Pokemon attacks. Zared then pointed to Danielle with his horn, adding that Danielle had made the consciencious decision to seek him out for that very reason.


"Come on, 101! Snap out of it!" Danielle cried out from a short distance away. She then covered her mouth, realizing how loud that must have been, and proceeded to watch the rest of the battle with bated breath. Seeing how Sissy and Shiro had lost their matches before made her aware that any one of them, despite their superior skills, is still prone to falling with a little bit of luck.

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"Oh no, this doesn't look good for him." Mrs. Kafkin said with worry, "aren't you worried?" She towards her husband who was sitting besides her with an emotionless face.

"Like I said, there's a difference between top 32 and good." He responded bluntly

"You could show at least some concern about him." Mrs. Kafkin said disappointed. Mr. Kafkin didn't respond, though she could get the gist of it by him not even saying anything. She sighed and looked back on the battle.


"Any last words before I KO your 101?" Karen said cockily as Leafeon charged the shadow ball. Though she was confused to she Slade go from panicked to a smirk while his eyes were hidden under his fedora.

"Use round." Slade said smugly as Sasuke quickly jumped out from the dust cloud and getting in front of 101, but he didn't use round instead he create a blade of light in his fight hand and held it like a dagger. He jumped at the ball of shadows and cut it with his newly learned move unaffected by it due to him turning into a normal type by protean. Slade quickly got out his pokedex and checked what move Sasuke was using and it was Cut, he must have learned Cut and forgot Round for him not to have used it. "Great Sasuke, you learned Cut and it couldn't have come at a better time." He looked back at 101 who was still confused from the supersonic if only he had more time for him to gain his bearings.

Karen looked angry, her plan was ruined because someone had learned a new move, though something was weird."Wasn't Sasuke hit directly by Psybeam? He should've been recovering from that attack!" Karen said angrily and a whee bit flustered.

"That's where you're wrong, while you used bug bite Sasuke probably already knew he should release his control of the grass. Once you fired that beam he swapped himself with a clone right before it hit as well as hid in the dust of the attack since it hit the ground and right through his clone." Slade said with gusto he tried to make it as long as possible to give 101 more time to recover. She was really angry now, not only did her plan fail but she fell for a trap made by her opponent. 101 now seemed to have snapped out of confusion thanks to Slade's stalling. "Great now time to finish this thing once and for all! Sasuke use Cut to slam Leafeon closer to 101 and jump in the hole she conveniently made for us!" Sasuke rushed towards the grass type and hit her back towards 101 and jumped into the hole. Karen seemed confused though she used Sasuke's attack to her advantage, "Ha, having 101 by himself isn't a smart thing to do maple use bite and use that attack to give you more momentum!" The Leafeon then landed on it's feet and rushed towards 101, mouth open as she charged into bite him.

"You remember those charge beams from before? Well lets see how like a doubled powered discharge to the face!" 101 then released vast amounts of electricity uncontrollably reaching all the way to the Ledian across the field. Sasuke however was in the hole made by Maple and was safe from the attack. The light screen blocked most of the attack but it cracked and broke away after the close up to discharge. Leafeon fainted while the Ledian was still hanging on. "Sasuke, jump out of the hole and use cut on the Ledian!" He had made his way through the hole and close the the Ledian, "We're not giving up yet! Comet use thunder punch on the frog!" The two's attacks hit their target and they both were sent back. Sasuke got on his knee after the powerful attack while the Ledian was struggling to keep afloat until finally it fell in the floor fainted.

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Change of plans then.. we'll wage a guerrilla fight from long range with Bonemerangs and Vacuum Waves and whittle her down bit by bit; have Nemo serve as a distraction of sorts and deal with Rhyhorn while Erce does her work... Though it would admitably go faster if Java could just get over whatever it is he's dealing with and would agree to fight... "Putting us at a complete type disadvantage then, I see," Mareek said, giving no hint of the re-strategizing he was doing all the while. "alright, not like these two haven't fought with things stacked against them before." Both of them gave cries in agreement, Nemo now twirling his club like a cane and tossing it into the air like a baton before catching it- showing off his skill with the piece of hardened calcium. Erce only rolled her eyes at the younger combatants showboating.

"I'm looking forward to it," Their trainer said, just the barest hint of a smirk on his face as he turned from the girl. "See you out there later on." With that said he began to head back down the hall, Erce following behind... though Nemo seemed a bit hesitant, opting to stay there and look Raiza and Lana over for a few moments more, still twirling and catching the club in his tiny mits...


"Hell, that might actually work," Galen said, chuckling both at the absurdity and the potential usefulness of the boy's outburst. The only thing Pierre would ever lead them to, in Galen's mind, was straight into the ground where they would crash and burn. But maybe the little shit was onto something... and maybe this was the carrot on the stick he needed to keep the fool in check. "Alright then Pierre, let's see the validity of your little idea, shall we? Here's the challenge, how about you become the top coordinator of the entire first year class in every single aspect, and keep that position till the end of the school year? You manage to do that, and not only will you be possibly creating windows of opportunity for the rest of us to get some work done, but you'll also be proving to everyone and everyone's mother what you've been spouting so far about beauty and all that." He made sure to refrain from voicing any opinion concerning his genuine belief that Pierre couldn't even lead his way out of a fucking wet paper bag if he tried though... from what he had seen and observe so far last night and today, he had a hunch that the boy's Ego was too damn big to legitimately focus on what was truly important... so he might as well just try to relocate the kid to the role of serving as a Distraction here and now...

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Hosts (Zephyr)

“Slade takes the win! This means the final battle in Block D will be between Gerard and Slade,” Marco informed the audience, even though everyone probably already knew, but he had a habit of always stating the obvious. “Get ready for Block E, Ladies and Gentlemen! Professor Redwood, if you would do us the honor?”

“Uhm, yes, well, to be honest this is probably the hardest battle to talk about. Both trainers are quite the standouts when it comes to personalities. Even though I have all the information even I can’t tell what they’re thinking or going to do next. I’d say both trainers are full of surprises but why don’t you judge yourself after you see the battle?”

Marco raised both eyebrows. That was a rather strange introduction. “… I guess I’ll do that then. And what about the teams they use? Can you tell me something about that?”

“Raiza mainly uses dark type Pokémon except for one; Litwick. Her opponent Kylie has a large Gourgeist so she might have to deal with a disadvantage.”

((You can pick the second Pokémon))


Since Claude obviously didn’t want to talk about his name, Jaime went with it. “Sure, let’s go, maybe you can even introduce me to that Lana girl,” he grinned when a young girl came from the stands above. She looked just like Jaime but with blonde hair. Maybe the boy dyed it?

“Big Bro, did you see Evan’s battle? He won! Can we go see him now? I haven’t seen him for months!” She didn't realize he had been talking to Claude the entire time he was away.

Zephyr and Stratos

Before Lana could answer, Raiza’s battle was announced. The Breeder jumped a little and started to slightly panic. “Raiza, it’s your turn! Quick!” she pulled her childhood friend by the arm and ran to the direction of the field. “Sorry Nemo, but we’re in a hurry!”


With a lot of wild gestures and cries, Skarmory tried to explain she wasn’t sure herself. Her trainer said something about not wanting to give in to the people who gave her to him and that he wanted to win the Cup on his own strength. Silly humans, sometimes they could be really strange…

Stratos (Galen)

Pierre completely fell for it. “I see you finally gained some sense! Or did you see that I was right all along? But don’t worry; I planned to become the top Coordinator at his Academy ever since we received this mission. I won’t fail!”

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Zared nodded in between the pauses that the Skarmory gave in order to encourage her to continue her story. Now we are getting somewhere; he could feel Avis' eyes on them as he continued to listen. If only the silly bird could set aside her pride and make friends with the Skarmory herself, like he just did, Avis could have gotten the same information. Alas, Zared thought, this is all on him now.

The Mawile agreed with the Skarmory on the last point, making it known with a short and sweet reply. He then put his small hand on his chin, pretending to ponder on what the steel bird said earlier. How should he go about asking her about these humans without making it seem suspicious? After a brief pause, Zared spoke up and asked Evan's Skarmory to explain herself. Giving in to the people who gave her to Evan? What did she mean? The Mawile thought that Skarmory sought Evan out herself or the other way around.

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Waitwhatit'sthattimealready-- Before Raiza could think any further and before she knew it, Lana had her by the arm and yanked her to the battlefield. Oh, crap, she'd forgotten that her battle went before Lana's. Great. "All right, sweeties, this is it, pon," she said, recalling Lucifer to his Pokeball, before she took a deep breath. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Just don't look into the crowd. She could care less about the throng of cheering or booing people-- it was her parents she didn't really want to see... Or did she? Did she want to show them her ability as a Trainer and why her decision was right? The girl clenched her fists and permitted a determined expression to show itself on her face. Yeah. That's what she would do, whether her parents would make it and see her battle, or not.

The doors opened on her end, and she walked onto the playing field, hands in her sweater's pockets, face blank and bored-looking as usual. "Hey, uh, sorry I'm late, pon. Hope you didn't start the fun without me," she called out monotonously, waving to the referee and the girl across the field.

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"Dammit, why did she have to take my money? Rosie, did you find her yet?" Henry looked over at the Delcatty who seemed to be more occupied at being free from her capsule once again. "Will you please focus? I know evolving is exciting and all, but this is kind of important."

The Delcatty's ears began to twitch as she tried focusing her senses. She picked up a girl's voice and ran towards it in a sort of hopping way. When she reached the owner, she noticed two other guys by her. She didn't recognize the boy in the wheel chair or the girl so she became excited and couldn't help but jump up and down.

"...That's not who we're looking for. Sorry, she gets a bit carried away when she meets new people." said Henry as he finally caught up to the hyperactive Pokemon. He quickly noted Claude was with two people he didn't recognize. "So Claude, mind telling me who your new friends are? I don't think I've ever seen them before." I'd certainly remember someone in a wheel chair if I ever crossed him.

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The little ground type actually started to follow the girls when they headed back to the stands, though he paused at the Stair case. He knew that he shouldn't go wandering off- Mareek and Erce would have his hide if he misbehaved, even a little bit. And besides, he could watch the fight with them down here, couldn't he? There monitors on the wall at like, almost every corner or so, so...- even as he tried to put the idea out of his head, his tiny feet were beginning to reach up to climb the first step...

Nope, nope, noooooope. Not today, he was not going to get in trouble in get Mareek mad at him, out of the question. It simply wasn't worth the disappointed glare he knew he would probably get from the trainer, that was more crushing than anything really; knowing he'd let down his hero's expectations of him. He had a job to do later on, and right now, he needed to go prepare for it more than anything else. And so with a will strong as steel, the little orphan pivoted on his heels and set off down the hallway, hoping to catch up to the boy and the mantis...

Kylie (Zephyr)

"Hmph, took you long enough..." The girl scoffed under her breath, the capsules for her chosen two already in her hand. She already knew that her opponent was most definitely likely to use that Litwick she'd heard about in this, but she had ways around it... several infact. She just hoped the big powerhouse she planned to rely on would actually listen here.

"Enough talk." She continued as Raiza took her place across the field and waved to the refs and herself. With a subtle flick of her wrist the capsules were both send flying into the air, releasing the Large Gourgeist in a flash of hot white... along with a Hariyama that send up a brief cloud of dust as it's girth collided with the earth below, though it easily fanned the stuff away with it's massive palms- looking even more ready to fight than it's ghostly companion at it's side. Something between a smirk and a grimace appeared on Kylie's face as she watched the Fighter begin to eagerly throw mock Arm-thrust attacks. Usually it's hit and miss when it comes to getting him to follow my orders... but if today proves to be a good day, I might just win this yet. "Go on, You've already kept me waiting, so hurry it up, would you?"


"Alright then, it's settled..." The criminal said, rejoicing on the inside that the little nitwit had fallen for it without a hitch. "Remember though, the very top of the roster, and you have to hold it down like a fort. Though maybe all that determination will get you there by itself." With that said, he turned his attention away from the narcissist boy and back to the battle about to begin down on the field below. One of the girls had already sent out her team- A large Gourgeist and a Hariyama. Either she had a plan, or was just reckless... or maybe it was a bit of both. He didn't even notice his Zoroark glaring at him, a bit annoyed that she had to work at maintaining this illusion field, suppressing anything they said and concealing anything they did to outsiders, while he sat around doing nothing but watching a fight...

"Oh, and by the way, you can drop it now, but be ready to throw it up again if needed." Well... that was much appreciated by the fox, indeed it was. Without any sign of response she willed for the dampening field to collapse around them, restoring truth to the perceived reality of anyone watching. Then she redirected her abilities to cloak herself from sight, taking a seat beside her master, all the while eyeing the young subordinates under his command like some invisible wraith looking for souls to take...

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  • Support Squad

Claude smiled at the Delcaty which bounced excitedly at the sight of Jamie and the girl and continued smiling when Henry came along with it. "Heya Henry, this is Jamie, Evans brother and this lovely young girl I have yet to be introduced to myself. Bonjour Mademoiselle~" Claude said to the girl. more people, more the merrier.

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Her shoulders barely twitched as she shrugged. "You guys heard her. Don't keep her waiting any further and attack." The capsules on her belt opened. Instead of a beam of white light, flame shot out of Lucifer's Pokeball, only to explode upon impact on the ground and scatter embers across the field. The culprit himself appeared soon afterward, hovering a couple feet over the floor, glowering at the opposition. His partner in crime, back for vengeance, took his place, uttering raspy growls. Originally, the Trainer intended to send Rogue and Toothless out, but Lucifer wouldn't allow it as he just had to make up for his previous loss. "Lucifer dear, you can go all out as usual." With that, the Ghost-Fire type smirked and closed his eyes to concentrate as though he were meditating. "Toothless, I'll let you run free after a few rounds, all right? See if you can cripple that big hunk over there." The Dark-Dragon type growled in anticipation. What looked like static charges seemed to radiate from his black fuzz before it arced across the air towards the Hariyama.

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Kylie (Zephyr)

The smirk-grimace turned into a grin as the girl watched Raiza make the opening moves. Luckily her Gourgeist had been smart when that surprise flame burst had come and ducked behind Hariyama's massive girth. The giant though had just sat there and took the sparks that blew about the field like it was nothing, it's thick fat barely making the splash damage even noticeable. But Raiza... had just made a mistake.

Hope ya don't mind if I toss in a bit of music for ya...

"Role Play Litwick!" she ordered Gourgesist, then turning to Hariyama. "And unless you want to get paralyzed and be made helpless, Catch that Thunderwave with Thunder Grip!" Immediately afterwards the ghost type began glowing a pure white haze as the vague outline of Lucifer's shape appeared beside her, fading gradually into her body as the luminence faded. Hariyama on the other hand seemed a bit hesitant, but as he saw the weak bolt of electricity arc closer, he decided he might as well go ahead and do it, holding up one of his massive palms and charging it with sparks as if preparing his thunderpunch attack, only for the status move to collide into the other electrical field and be completely neutralized. The fighting type cast an indignant glare at the little dragon.

"Thank god..." Kylie thought silently as she assesed what to do next. "Looks like it really is a good day. Hopefully he'll keep listening..." "Hariyama, Use Knock Off on litwick!" Nope. Hariyama didn't feel like using that, yes, quite... he wanted to use his nice Thunder Punch-Arm Thrust combo instead, and he did... charging off across the field towards Toothless while beginning to pump his electrified, massive arms and open palms back and forth like some type of runaway pulverizer...

"Damn it..." Kylie cursed, turning to Gourgeist and glaring as the ghost chuckled at her comrades head strong nature. "It's not funny! he does this all the freaking time..." The pumpkin stopped. "Use that new attack we've been working so hard on!!" The ghost turned away from her trainer and obeyed unlike the other one, becoming engulfed in a brief purple aura before simply vanishing into thin air...

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"Yes, I can see the resemblance now. From the way he acts, I thought he was an only child," Henry responded while carefully looking at the boy in the wheel chair. "Since you haven't run away yet, I assume Claude has been behaving himself. He's quite an...interesting character. As Claude mentioned already, I'm Henry Baldwin, the infamous coordinator of this school." While Henry didn't take pride in the tittle, he didn't mind it either. It kind of suited him or so he thought.

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There goes fire and lightning, Raiza thought, barely giving away any of her displeasure. Already this girl was trying to tie her hands. The Hariyama, though, he was pretty funny. "That's a nice dance you've got there, Hariyama," she said, amused. Right as she said that, a cluster of flashing orbs of light flew into the sumo wrestler Pokemon's path. "See if you can trip him, Toothless. I'll give you more treats later if you manage to incapacitate him." Pleasing the Trainer was one incentive-- food was another, admittedly, more enticing reward. The little dragon reared back and stamped his stubby little legs into the ground, cracks and fissures spreading from the point of impact. Rumbling noises could be heard as part of the field began to implode on itself into a tiny, jagged crater made just for Hariyama's feet to sink and get stuck in-- even better if the Fighting-type sank into the miniature sinkhole altogether... But that wasn't Bulldoze, so it was unlikely. With any luck, the electric charges would seep into the ground and Toothless could try for another Thunder Wave again.

Meanwhile, after throwing Confuse Ray orbs into that rampaging fool's way, Lucifer readied himself. The purple mist that steamed from his wick tip was barely noticeable.

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Kylie (Zephyr)

A cloud of dust erupted as the Fighting type fell flat on his face from the crater, though Toothless's move had travelled faster than Lucifer's and he'd been tripped before he could get close enough to be affected by the Confuse Rays, making the status dealer useless. Kylie sighed and shook her head as the Sumo gradually began to rise to his knees, pounding the ground around his feet to make the hole even larger before pulling himself out using his natural mammoth strength, sending up even more dust as he landed feet first on the outer edge, still glaring.

Kylie decided to simply count her blessings though; while the attack had failed, yes, at least that Deino's pitfall trap had stopped Hariyama from becoming confused... But it seemed like she'd need to take care of the dragon first now; even with the ray, the ghost could wait given that it's fire was worthless against Gourgeist...

"Gourgeist, do your thing..." She called across the field... actually smirking. No doubt Raiza had thought she would be going after Litwick with Phantom Force, but oh... she knew nothing about how Kylie thought. The moment the words left the Breeder's mouth, a burst of black and violet aura appeared behind Toothless on the otherside of the field, Gourgeist Emerging from the haze of spectral energy and opening her the carved mouth on her belly wide, shooting out several small seed pods towards the Deino's back as she fell through the air and landed on the ground, silent as a wraith...

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"Oh hey, you actually did the thing I wanted you to do!" Raiza said, looking pleasantly well, pleased, before returning to her emotionless facade. "There's the food I was telling you about, Toothless, go get it, it's right behind you!" Despite the annoying flecks of seeds pelting him, the rasping dragon gleefully twisted around and chomped down towards the Gourgeist, fangs cloaked in umbra energy. "Oh yes, Kylie, did you know that some dragons actually like their food fried?" While she said that, electricity crackled and flowed from the Deino's fur and onto the Ghost-Grass type's body.

How annoying! That stupid fat Fighting type actually dodged the lights. The Litwick made a mental note to have a little talk with Toothless later at training as he snuffed out the Clear Smog he was saving for the Ghost-Grass type. Shrinking himself, he floated above the Hariyama inconspicuously before releasing another deluge of flashing lights down on it, hoping they'd work this time.

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Kylie (Zephyr)

This is starting to go badly... The breeder bit her lip a little as she struggled to grasp her next move... All the while Gourgeist didn't bother waiting for any instructions from it's trainer; She wasn't going to sit here and become dragon kibble, damn it.

Noticeably stiffer and wincing a bit now, The ghost launched another volley of Leech Seeds, this time making sure to fire them directly down upon the top of the Dragon's skull; see the little bastard try and eat those ones. Then she again glowed in a hazy aura of darkness and vanished into thin air, leaving Toothless without his new chew toy, only chomping on air.

Kylie meanwhile was occupied by the events on her own side of the field, groaning as the Lights from before again formed and started hovering to and fro... there was no avoiding it this time, she knew that, Hariyama was already beginning to teeter ever so slightly...

But she also had an idea about how to get the big lug to be more reliable here. "Hari, you listen to me for the rest of this fight; And... I'll give you all the Pomeg Berries you can eat afterwards!" Oh... oh my, that was the magic word: Pomeg Berries... the sumo freaking loved those things like life itself, how did Kiley know about it though? Eh, screw it, whatever... He didn't care, he'd even be willing to grow wings and fly her to the damn moon if she just gave him some. The confuse ray was beginning to further it's effects just as Kiley saw a slight nod from the fighting type, thanking arceus and all three of the creation trio that her idea had worked as she called out as loud as she could. "Then use Swat!!"

It was the fighter's last moment of coherent thought, but he heard the key words swat, and that was about it... but it was also all he needed to here. The thought of the glorious, glorious taste of the Pomeg, the satisfying burn it always gave him when it's juices hit his tongue... That was enough to make the most ADHD giant fighting type in the world actually focus for once, even if only for a few seconds or so. Driven by desire, his eyes glowed a deep blue as he located the minimized Lickwit on the ground before him as it took on a similiar glow, seeing the little ghost clear as day as his hand sparked with black, lightning like energy and he brought his entire, massive palm down and swept the whole area with the strike like a broom, sending up even more dust before finally teetering off into his la-la land of delusion from the lights...

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~Before Raiza's Battle~


"Dear look," Mrs.Kafkin said happily though a little disappointed not to see whether or not he had evolved his growlithe, "Our Slade is a crafty one isn't he?"

"Hmph, I saw that trick from a mile away. Anyone could've pulled something like that, it just takes some common sense." Mr.Kafkin said unamused by the turn of events. If on looked quickly they could see the instant that frog switched places. That girl just wasn't observant enough in their battle. Mrs.Kafkin just let out another sigh of disappointment, though she wondered when or if he'll see Slade as his son again.


"Sasuke, 101 return and have a nice rest." Slade said as he returned both of his pokemon to their respective balls. "Good game Karen, I had a lot of fun in the battle and I hope we'll battle again sometime." He tipped his hat to the girl sitting on the floor, disappointed at her loosing to Slade. She just ignored him and returned her pokemon and left the field. As Slade entered the waiting he plopped himself in his seat after which Xemnas had jumped onto his lap and gave a victor cheer. "Heh heh heh, sorry for having you in the side lines bud." He began rubbing the top of his head and watched Raiza's battle take place

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The dust scattered and settled for the worried Trainer. There he was on the ground, the Dark-type hit fueled by the power of food proving too much for the Ghost-Fire type to withstand, especially with his reduced size. It was here that Raiza nearly broke, heartbreak flickering on her face for a second, before being returning to a resolute poker face with a heavier set look of determination in her eyes. She couldn't focus on that, now that she had a chance to hit the gigantic problem child that was Hariyama. She couldn't let Lucifer's sacrifice go to waste. "Didn't that taste good, Toothless? Yeah, I thought not, sorry. I'll give you something tastier later, I promise. Fus Ro Dah, now, while Hariyama's tipsy!" Inwardly she hoped for a paralysis side-effect; it would all depend on her baby dragon now.

After a bout of shaking his head madly in an attempt to get the parasitic seeds off and forgetting about it with the promise of better food, the Dark-Dragon regained his footing and faced the massive Fighting type. It was ironic, given that he, the dragon, was smaller and stood in the place of the hero Dovahkiin, to bring down a monstrous giant who could've resembled the Dragonborn more, yet stood in the place of Alduin instead. He readied himself... and opened his mouth to emit an earsplitting scream alongside a wave crackling with pure draconic energy. Surely wherever the Gourgeist was, it would still hear and be on the receiving end of the Screech.

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