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Pokémon Academy: Ch 3: Winter Cup [IC]


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The girl visibly tensed up when she heard Henry's words. Well... that stung. But it was true. "Lucifer. Lucifer? Lucifer," she picked the little Ghost up and brought him to her face. "It's me, Raiza. Come out of it, please? Weren't we going to show 'em all, show mum and dad that we belong here?"


"We decided on it. Together. Remember? Beat all the Gyms, top all the Elite Four, become Champions, together!"


"And... And then... We were going to get ice cream after kicking butt. Lots and lots of it. Your favorite, remember?"


"... I know why you're angry," Raiza said. She didn't want to have to use this card, but Rosie's singing was kind of getting to her as well. "I didn't watch over you well enough, and you got hurt because of it... Twice in a row." Salt stung her eyes as she remembered the sight of his lifele--... his form crumpling from that battle with James, and the memory of that Hariyama's fist, crackling with black energy, swatting him into the ground like he were a mere fly in succession. "I'm sorry... You're mad at me, aren't you? You worked so hard, but I still couldn't keep up..." Nothing. "But look! Like Henry said, we don't quit! I sure as heck won't. Not on you. You're my little baby, my dearest friend, and I just--" her breath caught in her throat-- "Don't leave me, please? Come back to me, Lucifer... I don't... want to lose you..." Who cared if she was in tears now, anyway? Letting them fall, she clutched the Ghost-Fire type to her chest tightly. It was the most frightening thing she ever faced-- who cared about being unrecognized? No, what she feared was that she was losing her one and only Lucifer to whatever dark temper it was he was experiencing. "Don't leave me alone..."

... flickerflickerflicker

Warm... Warmth. It was the last few words that registered in Lucifer's mind, after this strange melody pierced him. Don't leave me, please/Come back to me, Lucifer/Don't leave me alone... What a strange, sad song... Just like the sound of a violin... Violin. Raiza. Raiza plays the violin. Raiza. She was holding him tightly, wasn't she? That was where the warmth was coming from--! Sharp pain dotted his head and he looked up. It was Raiza. But... She never cried... till now, it seemed. "Wi... Wick. Wick..?" he tried, through the cloudy, gloomy haze that fogged up his mind. She didn't speak, at first. Then she gave a cry and held him tighter. Raiza. Raiza... he'd made her worry, didn't he? How horrible of him... He'd let the dark take him for a while there. With a sad look on his face, he patted his Trainer's shoulder as she embraced him. It didn't seem like he noticed the other presences in the area, though he smelled them-- his entire focus (or whatever returning focus he had) was on the girl who held him right now.

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"Hmm,I have to say...even though my Cousin and Aunt practically raise them,I have yet to see a litwick with an attitude like this...it's amusing to say the least.Anyways,your litwick wouldnt be of any danger to me anyways,i've been around quite a few before and considering what Shade here evolves into,I'm not really afraid of what one can do."James said while he watched the Litwick slowly realize what was going on.


"Pierre,use Feint attack to attack the Metang,Axol use Mud shot to keep the ralts at bay!"Caleb shouted after Sneasel started scratching the Ralts only to have some of his health suddenly drained away(it's draining kiss right?)before he jumped back. Axol was a bit frosty and was even slower than usual with carrying out the attack.The Metang seemed quite helpless currently so he'd use the opportunity to attack it.

Edited by Dat Assery
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Dobby, Commander, Azery, Tacos, Zephyr

Lily giggled when petting the Delcatty before the newcomer’s Litwick stole the show. At first she backed down by the hostile behavior, but when the ghost type regained his senses she found the little candle cute. The young girl did a step towards Raiza but was stopped by her elder brother. He shook his head.

“Let the Litwick be for a while and let’s go buy an ice cream instead. Evan can wait,” he grinned.


“Tell that to that annoying black chicken of yours. It keeps glaring at me. If she got a problem just come out with it.”

Hearing the hostility her trainer used, Skarmory stopped to try and get attention. Instead she stared from Danielle to Evan and back like watching a game of tennis.

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"... Man, I don't see what's so amusing about this," Raiza said in reply to James, frowning a little bit. "All the same, I don't really want anybody to get hurt. Lucifer might not scare you, but he can still pack a nasty blow... So it's probably for your own good that you and Shade keep your distances from him." Her back turned to the others (being Henry, James, and company) as though shielding them from the Ghost-Fire type's view, she looked down at her Litwick. "Hopefully he settles down for good soon... till then, I don't know if I should let him battle in the next round."

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Claude now took an active interest in the Litwick and his trainer. Something didn't seem to be right, he always thought Raiza seemed more Cheerful. Claude got up "Right, let's go see Evan and make this a little less public yeah? Raiza seems out of it, best to leave her be I think." He started off, waiting for Jamie to follow

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"To you it might not be amusing,to me seeing what a trainer can bring out in their pokemon interests me and brings out a good form of entertainment. Don't take what i said the wrong way,your Obviously very close with that Litwick and him not being his usual self must hurt you...almost as if he's using the move Frustration."James said after Raiza had moved to obstruct his view of the little ghost type."Regardless I probably should get to doing some final preparations to my team. If i do win this first match,i'll probably have to face off against Mareek and I have little to no information on him besides what pokemon he has."He muttered the last part while he looked over to Raiza."I hope you and your Litwick can work this out though,it'd be a real shame if he couldnt continue battling in the tournament"

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"Defend yourself with Magical Leaf! Spread 'em out!" Lucas repeated the earlier trick with the glowing leaves, except for this time they flew toward the the Mud Bomb and the Sneasel simultaneously (though there was only one or two heading toward the latter, just enough to discourage attacking.) The leaves collided with and absorbed most of the attack, though the Ralts still ended up getting sprayed in the face with mud.

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Pierre got hit by the two Magical leafs while he was distracted by Attacking the Metang that was asleep infront of him,it was too much for him to take with his low defences and he was promptly knocked out by the attack.Caleb returned the feline pokemon with a sad smile on his face as he saw his first pokemon defeated like that."Good work old friend,take a nice long rest,your effort won't be in vain."He said before he put the pokeball back on his belt."Just because you've taken down Pierre,doesnt mean this battle's finished. Axol here is the most defensive pokemon i have,let's see how you'll take his attacks when your Ralts is partly blinded and Metang is fast asleep,Axol use mud shot on the Metang!"Caleb shouted with excitement on his face.He might lose this battle but he'd go down fighting.

(You can take Axol out next post,this battle's been dragging on a bit too long)

Edited by Dat Assery
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The ball of mud slammed into the Metang right after the Sneasel's attack hit, sending the Steel-type skidding. al'Thor blinked dizzily as xe slowly woke up, but it was clear that continuing after this would not be wise. "Alright, bud, you did pretty well." Kage struck his arm out straight forward and recalled al'Thor. "You know, being blind isn't always that big of a deal," he called out in reply with a sarcastic smirk on his face. "Lucas, Magical Leaf again!" The glowing leaves appeared for a third time, and sped toward his opponent.

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Axol though being very defensive was already slowed by the cold feeling The Metang's Ice Punch brought and was unable to react fast enough to block the incoming 4x super effective attack and was knock out by the attack."Sigh,as expected from the Top breeder i guess.That was a battle I enjoyed Kage,i hope we can do this again some other time."Caleb said before he walked back into the waiting room

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What a weird kid. Respectable, yeah, but weird. But if she wasn't mistaken, James came from Lavender Town... Which might explain it. "Hey dude, I'm just saying, but, while I get that you mean well, you might have to work a little bit on your wording. Kinda comes off as you're saying that it's funny that my baby Litwick, here, is having a fit," she said bluntly, in her normally monotonous voice as she shrugged. "But, yeah, anyway, GLHF with your battle. Prepare well and watch Lana and Mareek's battle, if you really don't know much about the guy. Or Lana, for that matter. For all you know, she'd sweep the playing field with his butt."

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"Words have never been my strong point,I'm one that prefers actions over words.Anyways on a lighter point,I already have a decent understanding of Lana's team and style because i've battled her earlier this year,it's the opposite case with Mareek."James replied while remembering what pokemon Lana had."And yeah,even if Mareek is a favourite,there's always that chance that he gets beaten in the first round and will not be able to continue."He agreed with Raiza's latter statement.

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"How mature of you to insult a Pokemon." Danielle replied sarcastically; all traces of her usual light-hearted tone could not be heard. Nobody gets away with calling her precious Murkrow a black chicken. She stood up from her chair and looked straight at Evan in the eye. "Avis is glaring at you because of your continuous, disgusting attitude towards me. Besides that one incident, I haven't even done anything to you. So, instead of acting like a baby, why don't you tell me what your damn problem is?"


Corona clapped with her tiny front legs together as Kage's duo finished off his opponent's before she crawled over to Zared. The Mawile gave a curt nod to the Larvesta before he continued to watch over this situation. Zared was a bit surprised at Danielle's sudden tone of voice; he had never seen nor heard her being angry before. Evan must have struck a nerve without knowing it.

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"Here we go again with the battle talk," Henry said as he moved over to lean against a wall still focusing his attention on James and Raiza. "Mareek will win, there's no question about that. The kid could easily sweep me even so it'd probably take a miracle for Lana to win." Henry was never really a big fan of talking about other people's battles before they even happened. It was too bad though as he had practically seen everyone battle at least once and had a general idea of they're styles.

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Slade watched as Danielle went from happy to angry in a split second, though he wasn't that surprised. If someone had make fun of one of his pokemon he'd probably get angry as well. During her yelling at Evan, he heard something about an incident and he never knew of this before hand. 'What did Evan do to make her lash out like that? For now I'll think I'll just watch and stop them when it gets too violent.' Slade thought to himself as the mood of the room began to change.

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Hosts (Dobby)

“We’re almost through the first round! Only 5 matches remain. Next up are Kyle and Victoria, professor Redwood, tell us something about these trainers,” Marco yelled. He was completely unaware that Devin had it with the yelling in his mic and was about to take it away.

Redwood pretended he didn’t see Devin’s annoyance and continued with the show. “Kyle, or Claude as he likes to be called, is considered the top Coordinator when it comes to battle skills. He has quite a unique team which he uses in interesting ways. His imagination is probably his strongest point. Victoria on the other hand is pretty straightforward. She’s in the trainer program and is one of the more attack-orientated people in the entire school.

Dobby, Commander, Azery, Tacos, Zephyr

Before Jaime or anyone else could react, Phoebe showed up. “Oi, Fruity, you’re up before I drag you to the field!”

Jaime chuckled when he saw the unorthodox teacher. "Yeah, Claude, make sure to win! And don't forget I expect to see rainbows when you battle. According to your friends here you're the guy to do just that," he waved as Phoebe was about to drag Claude away.


Yes, confrontation, perfect. “And when did I ever talk to you except when you were dumb enough to try and admire a rampaging Hydreigon from up close?” Evan asked, using the same sarcasm as Danielle. “It’s that stupid bird of yours that keeps glaring every single time I’m around and that’s my problem. I know you like to meddle in affairs that aren’t yours, but why don’t you teach your Pokémon some manners and stay out of my way…” He didn’t finish his sentence, but his hostile attitude was clear. He wasn’t dumb enough to play the sarcastic game with this girl as his patience was already very low when it came to her and Avis.

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Rather than be dragged away, Claude hopped around phoebe to start walking towards the battlefield. "I'll try, I can promise you that!" Claude hollered as he went, a cheerful tone in his voice. When he went out to the arena, the audience and the idea of how many people were watching went to his head a little and he overdid some of the theatrics slightly, waving at the crowds far too much. Victoria started looking annoyed until Claude finally sent out his pokemon and politely wished her good luck


After Victorias last pokemon had gone down, Claude revelled in his achievement, jumping up and down in excitement. It had been difficult but Claudes use of Douxs manoeuvrability and tricks alongside Lances sheer fighting ability proved to be enough to win the battle. There was a moment when Claude overestimated Lances endurance and he fainted, but Doux still saved the day as the opponent was too weak to pull back the win. Claude returned to the waiting room, happy about the win and more importantly the crowds excitement had left him with an adrenaline high that made him feel Ditzy, Dizzy and very happy.

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"Looks like the pot is calling the kettle black." Danielle rolled her eyes, unaffected by his hostility. She and Avis have been though it back at home. "If you had some manners yourself, Avis wouldn't be glaring at you every time she sees you. We saw how you ignored your own Pokemon when it was trying to say hello. And what do you mean by meddling in your affairs?" she asked, crossing her arms. "As far as I know, I was only trying to suggest that you should be nicer to Skarmory. So what in Arceus' glorious world did I stumble into this time?"

'This boy is too defensive, it's almost as if he is hiding something... Something like what the Skarmory told me...' Zared glanced at the Skarmory and her enraged trainer before he whispered into Corona's ear. He then watched Corona crawl quickly to the hallway, eager to be away from this disaster.


The tiny Larvesta didn't make it far before she bumped into Claude as he was walking back into their waiting room. Seeing a friendly face, Corona zoomed up into his face get his attention and pointed to the ongoing argument between Danielle and Evan.

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Claude picked up the little fire moth, smiling at her gently until his attention finally went to Danielles and Evans argument. "Hey guys, I hope you aren't arguing, you would have missed my win!" He joked, hoping to crack some of the very obvious tension.

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"Hey now, don't count out Lana, just yet," Raiza said, eyes on her dear Lucifer. In her heart she knew the odds, that Mareek probably had a strategy to beat her friend. And to be a true friend, she didn't want to give up on the chance that Lana could beat the guy and advance in the Cup. "Oh yeah, I wanted to say congratulations on pulling through your battle, Henry." The Trainer tried for a small smile, despite her worries as the Ghost-Fire type stayed snuggled up in her arms. You're gonna be fine, sweetie. I won't let you get hurt this time around, again.

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Corona snuggled inside Claude's arms as he walked over to her master and the other boy. She let out a grateful chirp before falling silent.

Unfortunately for the happy Claude, Danielle was not really in the mood. She did, however, manage to hold back her irritation just a little so that the newcomer wouldn't feel threatened. "Unfortunately, I did, Claude... No thanks to this guy who decided to pick a fight with me for no good reason." she gestured to Evan with her thumb. The bird on her shoulder crowed out her agreement.

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"Hey, let's hear both sides of the story before you start beating on someone. I know from experience how shitty that can feel. Evan?" Claude barked, very stern with his friends for once. Claude hated when arguments got to be this petty, it's one thing to debate an issue, it's another to hurl insults that can cut deeper than one side thinks. Claude had resolved to try and keep things cordial when he was around, having heard of several of the different arguments and hatreds around the school. Was he a hypocrite when he smack talked about Alvin behind his back? So be it.

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Hosts (Turbo)

“Shall I introduce our next block?” Professor Redwood asked politely before Marco had the chance. The host was still unaware that Devin was glaring at him every time he even made a motion to yell in his mic again. “Without further ado; Robert and Laura are next up. Both of them are in the trainer program and while Robert uses different types, Laura tends to stick with Fighting.”

DarkLight and Dobby

“I merely gave you the same treatment that stupid bird gives me. Even though I don’t even talk to you, she keeps glaring. One more time and I’ll force Henry to switch battles so I can pick that black chicken feather by feather,” Evan said, completely ignoring both Kenny and Claude. “And if you’re so concerned about Skarmory, here you go!” With a quick motion he grabbed Skarmory’s Pokéball and recalled the steel bird before tossing it over to Danielle. “You can have it since I’m obviously not qualified to be her trainer.” While he grabbed the Pokéball, the other Pokéballs he carried became visible for a small moment, revealing he had 4 others with him.

Evan secretly hoped Danielle would accept the bird. That thing never left him alone and drew too much attention. He tried giving it the cold shoulder but so far there wasn’t any improvement.

Not even two seconds later the Pokéball opened again. “Skaar!” she cried with enthusiasm. Making an entrance was always fun and a great way to gain attention, but this time something was off. Why was she with the girl? Did she steal him from Evan?

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This time Claude raised his voice, fixing Evan with a glare as steely as the Skarmory that just appeared. "Evan! Don't you dare try and shove that Skarmory onto another trainer when it so clearly wants to be your pokemon. Work with it, play with it, even release it, whatever, don't just shove it onto another when it is your responsibility in the first place. You have to at least try with it." then Claude looked at Danielle, though he couldn't quite keep the steel in his eyes nor the sharpness in his tongue. "Danielle, I know as much as anyone that Avis is a wilful pokemon to say the least, but you can't just let her show any kind of animosity to anyone. It's not nice or respectful and who's to say that one day it might not escalate? It's the trainers responsibility to keep their pokemon under their control, that was the lesson we were meant to learn on the Dragon catching trip, no?" Claude paused and sighed. He didn't like lecturing people, but eidently it had to happen lest this all escalate further. "Now, anything else that needs to be said? Might as well clear the air"

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