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Pokémon Academy: Ch 3: Winter Cup [IC]


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Instead of feeling happy for Robert, Shiro's heart cringed as Jet defeated the Meditite. All of the people he knew managed to win... except for him and it was just too much for the boy to handle. He too was surprised at his own feelings at that point. He never thought he'd be capable of such envy and it disgusted him. Shiro leaned against the wall and bit his lip as he stayed silent and waited for Robert to return to the waiting room. He didn't notice anything that was happening around him, as if he were stuck in some invisible bubble that alienated him from the others. In a way, he was. The tension that his appearance imposed was nearly tangible. That dense, heavy sensation loomed around him, creating something akin to a miniature atmosphere of sadness. If he were in a cartoon, he'd have a small cloud above his head, pouring gallons of rain only on his tiny silhuette...

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The audience fell silent and so did Marco. “Uhm what just happened?” he asked flabbergasted.

“I have no idea…” Redwood said. He looked at Devin for support.

The Elite Member just shrugged. “Max couldn’t deal with it. He probably expected an easy battle and wasn’t ready for the fight. His bad start made him lose his confidence and to avoid a complete failure he forfeited. Of course by running away he didn’t make himself quite popular.”

That was an understatement. When the crowd got over what happened, they started booing and yelling insults, coward was the most polite one, at Max. Even Henry didn’t receive so much hostility.

“Block H! The last block! James and Liza, please make your way to the field!” Redwood tried in an attempt to keep things from escalating.

Stratos (Galen)

“Sounds like a blast,” Sarah said. Her sarcasm was almost touchable. “And who is this super smart kid you’re talking about?”

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"Sarcasm will screw ya over kid, I'm serious." Galen remarked, not even looking at the girl as the first battle of the last block was being announced. "And he's coming up after this next battle that's just been announced finishes. His opponent might be a weakling, from what I've heard, but for you lot, I've gone and put the idea into his head that he shouldn't hold back anything against her so that you can see him fight seriously. Guess we'll see if my subtlety did it's work soon enough."

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"Seems like it's my turn."James remarked as his name was called out."See ya guys"He remarked as he walked out of the waiting rooms and into the battle field.He was greeted by seeing Liza already on the field opposite to him."Hmm,let's have a good battle shall we?"James said before he threw out his two pokemon for the battle,Liona the Dratini who cried out at finally being let out and Tytanniel the Ferroseed who let out a metalic sound.

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((Here, have this... cause this ain't gonna be easy, soldier.))

Lisa only chuckled as James tossed out his two fighters preemptively, making the same mistake so many others before him had... ah well, it's his slip-up, afterall. "Show me ya moves then!!" She called as she took hold of the capsules on her belt, tossing them into the air like a base ball pitcher one after the other, black braids whirling around her dark toned face as a Spinda and Torkoal burst forth from twin lights and landed in the dust.

She took no qualms in making the first move, wanting to end this quick and not even waste her breath making small talk. "Torkoal, cloak ya self! Spinda, Teeter Dance!" Within an instant, the turtle opened it's mouth and streams of pure white steam gushed from it's nostrils, curling around it's form and creeping low along the ground around it like a wraith looking for souls. The Spinda meanwhile hopped up onto one leg as it's ally obscured his own vision from her insane dance, beginning to sway her entire body and wildly throw her stubby arms and out to the side, here and there, all a tissy, alternating from foot to foot all the while...

It was kinda funny to look at, to be honest... alright, very funny...but Lisa was laughing for a much, much different reason....

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"Dammnit,that thing has teeter dance,Liona close your eyes,Tytanniel spin around!"James said as the Spotted Panda started dancing insanely at his pokemon.Alas his commands came too late and the Tiny Dragon pokemon was entranced by the intracite and not to mention silly dance her opponent was performing while the Ferroseed barely managed to avoid getting entranced by ."Let's put that thing out of commision,Tytanniel use Shock Missile to stop that Spinda in it's tracks!"The raven haired lavender native shouted as the Dratini hit its self while the Steel Seed started Spinning around and a Pin Missile attack laced with Thunder Wave was headed straight towards the dancing Spinda.

Edited by Dat Assery
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  • Support Squad

Claude nodded. His mind went back to the conversation he had once butted into between Henry and Mareek in regards to evil teams. "We should probably also find Henry. I know that he also has some stake in Team activities like Mareek. We might also want to be direct and just ask about Evans fifth, rather than risk a big misunderstanding with everyone" Claude suggested as he wondered what Evan might have to do with the Stampede as well as how Mareek and Henry would react to the speculation. He also worried about what would happen if Ryan found out that Evans Skarmory really was the Skarmory Kage had seen...When had Claude gotten so many people to care about?

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((Hell, that music's even better, soldier))

So he's not just another dumb lug then? Good... "Spin away and make them pay!" Lisa called, seemingly unphased. The spinda obeyed, transitioning directly from her off-the-wall dance routine in a makeshift ballerina pose, body beginning to whirl around like a spinning top as she smoothly moved to the side, the attack arcing past her completely. But she wasn't done, for the next moment her mouth was open, and from it blew forth a sparkling wind of icy blue, chilling the very air around it as it arced towards Liona and Tytanniel on the other side of the field.

Meanwhile the white smoke surrounding where the torkoal presumably was was beginning to spiral into a small cyclone, flashes of hazy red visible in the base... Spinda wasn't the only one responding to the rhyme, it seemed. It honestly didn't take a Mossdeep Rocket Scientist to realize she'd put quite a bit of time, thought, and effort into training the two of them...

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{Dobby and Jory}

Zared nodded enthusiastically as Jacob hit the nail on the coffin. He was so happy, in fact, that he almost pulled off one of Avis' precious flight feathers. The Murkrow was quick enough to jerk her wing away before it happened, but she gave a warning glance at the oblivious Mawile.

Danielle was about to inform James on their current discussion when he was called out to battle. "We'll fill you in afterwards!" she informed him as he stepped out. Whether or not he heard was unclear. Since Claude and Jacob were up in arms about this idea, Danielle got up from her seat and took out 2 of her Pokeballs. "Alright, you three heard the guys. We going to find Mareek and Henry, so rest up~" Zared and Corona went back in without hesitation, leaving Avis alone with Spitfyre. "I don't mind asking Henry or Mareek about this but Evan is the one I'm staying out of. You both know what will happen if I'm within his range of eyesight..." Danielle sighed as she began to walk over to the exit. She paused to wait for the guys, although her mind was disecting the information that Jacob just told them. "You know, that Donphan stampede (how foolish for remembering it as a Rhyhorn stampede) is strange itself. Professor Cadmus said that Donphans are peaceful Pokemon and don't run off like unless someone scared them."

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"Heh,amusing that you'd think i didnt train against Liona's weakness,Liona try to use Incinerate around you to keep the Icy wind off,Tytanniel start spinning and then Seed Bomb!"James called out as the Icy wind grew ever closer it was stopped cold(No Pun intended)by the Flames that started dancing eratically around the Dratini to stop the wielder of the attack from growing cold."Now let's get back at them, Liona water pulse towards the Torkoal,Tytanniel launch the seed bomb!"James shouted out as the White orb infront of Tytanniel started spewing White seeds towards the Spinda while a Blue orb was Launched high up into the Air above the Torkoal before it began its Descent downards into the Cyclone.

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  • Support Squad

Claude nodded along with what Danielle said. "As far as I can tell, i'm not on Evans bad side too much, and I'm fairly sure Mareek thinks me an idiot. Same with Henry, so I guess I'll talk to Evan. I certainly hope i'm on good terms with his siblings" Claude gave a rather posh accent to his last sentence to fit the choice of words. "Unless you have a problem with that Jacob?" Claude asked of the trainer. Claude was also acutely aware of Kennys presence, but he didn't dare say anything as he only knew of a few people with the knowledge of Kages vision and he was loathe to give out that information without good reason.

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Spinda took the seed bomb head on, giving an indignant cry as the pod detonated. Lisa didn't seem bothered though... because she could tell from the pitch of the tiny wail that the spotted bunny could keep going- wanted to keep going, and so long as the little gal was willing.... The column of smoke meanwhile burst outwards in a fierce blossoming storm of fire as Torkoal's rotating shell shot out of the way of Liona's water pulse, a flame thrower whipping out in all directions as the thing spun like a run away top. Lisa just smiled, pointing at the Dratini across the field. Good... you're playing your hand... and Incinerate is gonna be next.

"Disable Water Pulse!" She ordered. The Spinda responded with a short cry, it's squiggles-for-eyes lighting up with a bright teal before Liona's body began to become engulfed in the same light across the field...

Meanwhile Torkoal was trucking on like near-literal hell-on-wheels, body completely bathed in Flamethrower as he hurtled himself towards Tytanniel...

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Well crap...he was in a difficult position now..however wheels started turning in his head as he remembered how he had figured out a way for his Ferroseed to eliminate his mobility problem."Tytanniel wait for the attack to come close then jump into the Air using Pin Missile!!"James shouted as he gained a smile on his face."Ya know,this battle is getting more entertaining by the minute,but it's time to kick this into overdrive,Liona use Shock wave on the Torkoal when it gets close!"Liona wouldnt be able to avoid the attack as the torkoal could easily target her instead and despite being a resisted hit,that much fire would certainly deal a lot of damage.

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Awwww... you disappoint me with that one... should've thought about the consequences of being in mid-air if your not a bird. Lisa thought as Torkoal was first hit by the pin missles- rendered all but worthless thanks to the fire, and then the bout of electricity from the Dratini... that one torkoal actually felt despite his rotation, letting out an angry roar as he was knocked off balance and stopped dead in the dust. But his trainer wasn't about to let this opportunity pass.

"see the Ferroseed? Flare it up, turn it up!" She ordered. The Torkoal, recognizing the special phrase, flipped himself onto his back and began using another rapid spin as he maneuvered himself directly beneath Tytaniell as the grass type was still in mid air... and then he opened his maw and released the fierce blast of fire he'd been conjuring in his throat, straight up, creating a virtual cyclone of Fire as the rotation became faster and faster...

"Spinda, Icy Wind on the Dratini!" The bunny responded by again opening her small mouth and blowing forth a sparkling wind of ice blue, sending it towards the dragon type opposite her on the field...

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Well he'd been outplayed here but that Torkoal wouldnt get out of there unscathed,"Tytanniel,Downwards Impact with Gyro Ball go straight into the Flames and Liona Burn everything nice and Crispy with the Fury of a Dragon!"James cried as his Ferroseed started spiralling downwards barely protected from the hit besides the small amount of wind that was conjured around him while Liona had a Fiery Red orb conjure in her stomach which released itself in the form of a Red Dragon contrarsting the Blue one usually formed by Dragon Rage and headed straight for the Spinda leaving flames in its wake.

Edited by Dat Assery
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"Who's gonna win? Whos... gonna...win?" Lisa felt of a bit of adrenaline finally begin to pump as things went on... it was so close now, she could feel it... She couldn't help but wince though as the orb slammed into Spinda sending the normal type flying to the ground by her feet, hurt... hurt bad, but not down yet. The tiny bunny of insanity rose shakily to her feet, cringing and falling back to one knee as she gritted her teeth in exertion, an angered cry issuing forth. Meanwhile the Torkoal took Tytanniel's attack head on, feeling the sharp innertia of the impact through his shell, sending him off balance yet again and tumbling side over side across the ground before managing to bring himself to a full stop back on Lisa's side of the field... but not before unleashing another Flamethrower in Tytanniel's direction during his roll over.

"Spinda, you wanna-" She was cut off by an angry stub to the face gesture, the normal type forcing herself to rise fully to her feet, face scrunched in rage. How dare that little serpent use such a cheap move against her- Dragon rage! of all the low and dirty things... she wanted to fix that little cheater...

"Spind, Spinda!" She shouted, pointing at the serpent... and flaring her eyes blue for a moment.

"You want to give them a parting gift?" Lisa asked, not even bothering to await an answer. "Alrighty then! Disable Dragon Rage!" The bunny's squiggles again flared, and again a blue light engulfed Liona on the other side of the field... and then Spinda scuttled off the field and hid behind her trainer's leg- exonerating herself from fighting any longer...

Torkoal just sat there spewing flames at the grass type on the other side of the field all the while.... using more of a "spray and pray" strategy than actually aiming... but at the same time, he was sweeping everywhere he could...

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In the end the amount of Fire damage he took was too much for the little compact seed pokemon and James seeing the pokemon's pain brought up his pokeball and returned the Grass type."Good work partner,you've done enough now take a nice rest"James said as the red light brought the pokemon into stasis."This is the last stretch,Liona since your Water pulse isnt disabled anymore use Shock Pulse!"He called out as the usual Blue orb of Water Pulse was created before it was pumped with electricity and fired at the Torkoal.

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"Hell's Gift!" Lisa ordered as the combination headed for Torkoal- figuring she'd counter it with her own. Torkoal stomped his feet to the barren, charred earth around him, eyes flaring a deep crimson along with the various holes in his shell as he tossed back his head, maw open. From the slots in his shell emerged two ghostly orbs of fire, burning scarlet as blood as he threw down his head, unleashing the fierce combustion he'd conjured in the deepest levels of his gut, the twin spheres spiraling around it like a double helix, surging forwards across the field to meet the combination.

The explosion was deafening as the two collided mid field, sending a cloud of thick smoke blowing in all directions before dissipating. Neither the hellish blast nor the electrified pulse of water was anywhere to be seen. Torkoal meanwhile went down to crumpled knees on the charred dirt, breathing heavily as the fires of his shell died back down to their normal intensity. Damn, fights usually weren't this demanding from him, but Lisa... the kiddo was asking to much of this old geezer, he just was too old to keep it up much longer out here, even with the fires of rage pushing him forward...

"Tork..." He protestd weakly to his trainer, envious of the youth of the bunny hiding behind her leg. Hey, wait a minute... when had that little wretch just run off the field and abandoned him! So what, while he was busting his old chops making hot salad-ala-steel, she was nuzzling the kid's leg like a cat? Oh, no no no... what the hell happened to team work, did these kids know nothing of honor? "Tork! Torkoal!!" He shouted indignantly, a few rather inapro-pro word not quite fit for the ears of one as young as the Spinda... condemning her as a coward and disgrace for leaving him hanging. And then he marched over to- and past- Lisa and the rabbit, headed back towards the waiting room as he indignantly blew puffs of white smoke from his nostrils...
"That's my Tork for ya..." Lisa sighed as she watched the fiery turtle leave, before giving a brief glance back at James across the field. "Well, once he's done, he's done, so I guess the two of ya won... congrats." She started to follow behind the turtle, casting a final farewell wave of her hand as he turned. "Though... I'm kinda disappointed. I wanted to fight Mareek and see what he's really made off. Oh well, but hey, have fun trying to topple that beast in my place!" She laughed as she walked away, and it sounded just like the one she'd given at the start of their fight...

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"I have to say,that battle was really hard ya know. Probably the hardest i've had in a while,so yeah and i'll be sure to give him hell in the place of your torkoal haha"James laughed a bit uneasily as he returned his Dratini and Walked back to the Changing room.

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Walking back from the field, Robert had given Jet a Sitrus Berry to heal up while taking out his Pokedex. Maybe it could explain what that 'blue X' was. Checking Jet with it, he saw that Leech Life was gone and, in it's place, Air Cutter. "Air Cutter, huh? We couldn't get that before we ran out of time to train before, so... I guess you got it during the battle?" Happy that what he pulled off 'luckily' helped them win in the end, he make a prideful stance on Robert's shoulder as Robert himself pondered if that should have happened. 'If something like that didn't happen, or if Jet just listened when I told him to Gust... Perhaps Laura actually deserved the win? Well, that's just how things ended up. Either way, I can't just throw that win away, I just have to make sure it doesn't get to that point.'

Robert was snapped out of his thoughts as he saw Shiro, seeing the obvious signs that something was wrong. "Shiro, are you... okay? Just thinking about things?"

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Oh. That was one way to make it even more difficult, then. What a dilemma; she didn't want Henry to be uncomfortable, but if little Paradox didn't learn to get familiar with other people and Pokemon then he would have a big baby on his hands even till she evolved to be a Togekiss. "Hey... I know how distressing it is to have somebody near you crying. But... sometimes, we've really just gotta deal, in order to make progress. I mean if baby girl here doesn't get used to other people, you'll have a problem even when she gets older..." Trying to catch his gaze, she continued, "And how is that supposed to make me look down on you? I mean if anything, it's a totally human reaction to distress. I'm sorry you had to see me and Lucifer like that, and I promise that from now on, we're not going to have any more stupid drama. And anyway, making fun of you for having a hard time dealing with crying is definitely the last thing I'd ever do." After some thought, she added, "Or, uh, rather, it wouldn't even be on the list at all. You know I never did get that metaphor... But, you know what I mean. Cross my heart, hope to die."

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"Word of advice: never use die around a man from the dessert," Henry responded quickly. "If you really insist on holding Paradox, go ahead." Henry held the small little Togepi out for Raiza to grab. Seemed like she was going to try this one way or another so there wasn't any point in resisting. Rosie wasn't too excited about this as she used her paws to cover her ears. Those cries were both loud and quite annoying, even for her.

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For a while, Raiza was tempted to look at Henry a little funny cause she was still holding Lucifer, but instead she put back the Ghost-Fire type in his Pokeball. "Does she have a favorite Pokefood flavor?" she asked, moving closer and making a nest-ish position with her arms for Henry to place Paradox into.

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"Actually, I'm not really sure. She usually eats whatever Rosie does." Henry then dropped Paradox into her arms and embraced himself for what was about to happen just like Rosie.

Paradox's joyful expressions disappeared as she looked up at Raiza's face. For a few seconds she looked at her silently...slowly her face began to change into a smile and she returned to her playful and jittery ways.

He was rather surprised this. "You've got to be kidding me. If I only I had know she'd react like that to you, I probably would've tried giving her to you. Took her a few minutes to even stop crying around Citrine." Though she probably was crying because that girl dropped her. "Er...you mind carrying her around while the tournament is going on? I can let you borrow her Poke Ball if you want. She likes watching my battles, but I can't really have her out while I'm battling."

((Zeph, you can bunny Paradox whenever she's in your hands.))

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She held her breath for a while. Was she gonna-- was sh-- okay, wow! Holy crap. Like, crisis averted. Raiza couldn't help smiling at the cute creature. Well sure, it had the ability to wreck her entire team, but... "Okay, it's a deal, then. Aw, she's so adorable... And if that's the case, I'll go up to the stands for your battle," she said, grinning. "Hello, baby girl! My name's Raiza, and it's nice to meet you."

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