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Pokémon Academy: Ch 3: Winter Cup [IC]


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While being pushed away made Robert initially assume that he might have gotten the wrong signal, what... immediately followed took precedence, making it obvious how much the stress was affecting him. Robert simply kneeled down besides Shiro, trying his best to not make things worse than they already were. "You need me to help you get somewhere? Maybe just a restroom?"

Edited by TurboAura
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For a while, Raiza was flabbergasted. "C-Citrine, you're thinking of the wrong game. This isn't Final Fantasy..." That made it kind of hard to believe that credit went to her for some of Henry's tricks-- not that she'd seen them all, though. But, then again, if she had this mindset about type advantages and disadvantages, maybe she also played a little FFTA... "Why'd you have to trade Zuko away for two meals...?" she asked absentmindedly, thinking it weird as they were siblings. Even if they didn't really resemble each other.

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"...It's a long story, but I'll try to make it quick. You see, before she was adopted, she was an orphan living on the streets of Pyrite Town. While I was away here, my family thought it'd be a good idea to adopt her...though I'm not really sure how it worked." Henry looked over to Citrine once more. It still felt weird that they were now siblings.

"I didn't trade Zuko away if that's what you were asking. I just let Henry use him while I just hung around in the background. Besides, a girl's gotta eat." She then thought about what Raiza just mentioned. "What's Final Fantasy? Sounds like one of those DnD games I've heard about."

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“Protect!” A blue sphere popped up around Shellos just in time to avoid Erce’s attacks. “So you’re after Shellos? I chose this team to take hits and deal with your offensive power so I came prepared for situations like this,” Lana said.

In the crowd some students felt their jaw drop on the ground. Who knew Lana could handle herself against Mareek? The girl herself was completely absorbed into the battle as she tried to lure Mareek to follow her pace. “Rhy, Rock Blast on Erce.”

The Rhyhorn turned around, completely ignoring the damage Nemo’s attack did, and focused on attacking Erce. “Shelly, Hidden Power on Nemo. Throw him off Rhy’s back.”

As usual with the Hidden Power attack, white orbs surrounded the Shellos before they took on a deep, poisonous looking, purple color.


Evan didn’t bother with the group gathering around Danielle. He was interested in Mareek’s battle and how well Lana would do and didn’t even notice Claude coming over. “Huh? About what?” he asked, obviously caught off guard. He glared over the boy’s shoulder at Danielle’s group. “If it’s about her I’m not interested in making up and becoming friends.”

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Claude nodded, glad his job wasn't to reconcile the two. "Well, I'm not here to do that. Your whole kerfuffle is between you two" Claude said, waving his arms a little when he said kerfuffle. The young coordinator hesitated, trying to think of the right wording. Honesty was all well and good, but bringing up the topic carefully was a hell of a task. as he thought of what to say, he released Doux from his pokeball. The small fairy gave a tired murmur in greeting as he rested on Claudes head. "Hey buddy, mind keeping an eye out for eavesdroppers?" Again, a small murmur as Doux fluttered up to float near the ceiling, drifting about the area lazily. Claude finally decided to address what he was meant to be doing. "Ok Evan, I'm not really at liberty to say the whole story, that's not my place, but recently a few people have had reason to believe that your Skarmory is... a bad sign? I guess thats the best way to say it. Alongside that, I noticed that your Skarmory appeared at the same time as that unusual Donphan stampede. Donphan are usually peaceful, which is why it's kinda suspicious. People are curious, myself included. I figured that rather than skulk around behind your back I'd do the same thing I'd want and ask you honestly about how you came to have the bird." Claude said all of this slowly, thinking his words through, but trying desperately to sound as honest as he really was. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but I figured I'd be honest with you is all."

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Good..."You have your training..." was all Mareek said to his oldest partner- though the barest hint of a smile was tucking at his lips. Erce didn't even have to hear him to know what she'd do- he was exactly right, it was all like their training had been; predicting, timing, speed, and reaction. The mantis had already laid eyes on her newest attacker after pulling back up from the failed assault on the shellos, seeing as the rock type prepared the rocks before launching them off, one after another... and she merely hovered there, a coy grin on her maw.

The moment of impact came. The rocks tore through the illusion like tissue paper, continuing on into the sky without a target. Mareek turned his attention back to Nemo as the small Warrior recovered from having been knocked down by the Hidden Power, though he looked more miffed than actually injured from it. Obviously that Rhyhorn is something Nemo can't take down by himself... time to start the beginning of the end. "Nemo," He ordered, voice even and collected despite having lost control of the fight. "Bonemerang- and prepare to mount afterwards...And Erce, theater is over. close the curtains."

The cubone looked on in absolute glee as he reeled back his arm and let the Club rip with as much force as he could muster, aiming squarely at the Rhyhorn's jaw to try and distract it, relishing in the thought of flying... On the other side of the field meanwhile multiple scythers seemingly materialized out of thin air, circling in around the Shellos and not wasting a single moment as all eight took off towards it from all cardinal directions, claws blazing a pale, sickly green and various war shrieks issuing out as they closed the ground, ready to destroy their objective target in one fell swoop...

The only one that was real though, was the one coming in diagonally from behind.... not that anyone could tell, though.

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Shiro nodded. There really wasn't much more he could do at that point. He felt dizzy and sick, and wouldn't speak anything from the fear that opening his mouth would mean throwing up once again.

He would let himself be taken to whatever place Robert found most appropriate.

-------meanwhile, outside of the arena--------

"Ack, those battles were all uninteresting!" Anna stretched herself. Sitting down on those chairs in the arena really worned her out. She was followed by a bouncing silhuette, a Lopunny, who stood behind her trainer, sniffing through the air as if looking for something. Anna seemed to have noticed so she turned around. "You're still at it, Cybele? Sheesh, he's fine, you shouldn't worry about it. Besides, he'll get over it once we're back home, you'll see." The bunny frowned and pouted at Anna's words, raising her head up like some classy lady who had just been displeased by whatever. "Huh, suit yourself." Anna turned back around and continued on the trail. The whole place seemed surprisingly empty now that most of the students were at the event. And just as she wanted to try out that face-painting stall she heard about... Oh, well. "Say, since you're all that worried about him, why don't we pay him a visit. Does that sound okay to you?"

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Taking the simple nod as yes, Robert helped Shiro up and turned to Jet. The Noibat simply looked and nodded, showing that he'd rather just stay and give some warning if anyone else came by here. After which, Robert just walked with Shiro leaving Jet to watch the battle on-screen.


Once finding the closest restroom, Robert 'directed' Shiro to a stall and let needed done be taken care of.

Once he felt that Shiro had went in, he took reached into his right pocket and pulled out the Dusk Stone, looking at it as skipped-over thoughts raced. 'Not only did I JUST miss Sissy's battle so closely, I haven't seen from her or even heard what happened in her battle. Did it go badly? What even happened? Maybe she needed it while I was away?'

Edited by TurboAura
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"Oh-- well, uh.. It's a fantasy themed game and... never mind," Raiza said, deflated. And here she thought she'd met somebody who loved video games as much as she did, too. "So that's how things are in Orre. I'd heard it was rough-and-tumble, but I didn't know it was that tough..." she mused. Thought Henry was just really joking, but I guess not. Right as she opened her mouth to say something, a thought struck her suddenly-- "Oh crap, isn't it time for Lana's and Mareek's battle already?! Ah, shoot, I completely forgot... Totally not cool of me. Not cool!" If she hadn't been holding Paradox the whole time, the girl would have been flailing; instead, she seemed to be jogging in her place, or hopping up and down-- it was hard to tell. What was certain though was that the Egg Pokemon in her arms didn't seem fazed by all the excitement-- in fact, she was giggling and bouncing along and wiggling her stubby little arms in glee. "Look, I'll catch you later, okay Henry? I promise to take great care of the little sweetie here and I'll be up in the stands for your battle too. And it was nice meeting you, L-- uh, Citrine. I've gotta go--!" And with that, the Trainer took off for the entrance to the arena's seats.

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“Shelly!” Lana yelled as the small slug was hit. “Mud Barrage!” A series of Mud Bombs was shot in the air as Shellos got her act back together. The mud rained down over the place Erce managed to hit and the immediate area surrounding it.

“Rhy, take out Nemo!”

The Rhyhorn sneezed as Nemo’s attack as his horn turned into a metal-like color. The Rock type lashed out, ready to deal heavy damage.

((Metal Burst, no idea how to describe it. Shellos won't last much longer either.))


Evan’s guard was up as soon as Claude ordered Doux to keep watch. “So basically you’re telling me people are talking behind my back? And that I’m linked to the stampede that happened?” his anger started to rise. “Like I already said; Skarmory found me when I was knocked out by those Donphan so how can it be a bad sign? Have you seen its attention loving nature?”

All Evan was doing was trying to gain some time to think. He was curious about how much people knew already. Or maybe he should come clean to Claude? But the risk that it would reach their ears was too risky…

Luckily for Evan Skarmory decided to help out. As soon as she heard her name she hopped over to Claude and started to parade to get the boy’s attention. “See? Bad sign my ass… so what exactly are they saying behind my back?”

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Ryan walked into the waiting room and sighed. He had been thrown around by his parents in celebration of his not-so-victory, and settling down was all he wanted. He was in no mood to be a funny guy. He heard the conversation between Claude and Evan and came over just to hear Evan ask how she's a bad sign. He snaked his head past Claude and interjected. "You haven't heard? That apparently my inevitable death is tied to your bird? That's what the Fortune Teller's Gothitelle told me." Ryan pointed his finger accusingly towards the Skarmory, careful not to get too close to her.

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Dobby and Tacos

Evan glared at Ryan. "So your basically accusing me of becoming a murderer?" he asked aggressively before turning to Claude. "Is that what you're all talking about? That I'm some sort of a psychopath that's going on a killing spree?"

Ryan's verbal attack obviously decreased Claude's chances to gain answers out of Evan without explaining why he was accused.

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Claude glared at Evan, the same glare he gave Evan and Danielle earlier. "Ryan, there's no need to tear his head off. I'm trying to find some truth so that there ISN'T any unneccesary suspicion" He hissed at Ryan. He got why Ryan would be pissed but he couldn't go assuming things like that... "Evan, we aren't all talking behind your back. If we were I wouldn't be asking you honestly like this. The reason we're wary is because apparently your Skarmory has some link to Ryans supposed foreseen death. Which is why he's as he is" Again, Claude shot a glare at Ryan. "Seeing as we only know of one Skarmory which recently showed up, you can draw the links. You're smart enough"

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Ryan pinched the bridge of his nose. "Look man, I'm not accusing you of being a murderer, it's just the fact that it's been all but confirmed from multiple sources that a Skarmory is apparently involved in my brutal death. And considering yours is the only one with apparent relevance, my only guess is that she is somehow involved. And as for talking behind your back, I didn't know until just now that you had a Skarmory, so there was nothing on my behalf. I've actually been trying to avoid mentioning the situation." Ryan took his hand away from his nose and held it out, palm up, in front of him.

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Dobby and Tacos

A Skarmory doesn’t mean it’s necessarily this one.” Evan ignored Ryan’s hand and continued: “and you just admitted you’re guessing. I don’t even know you and I don’t care about any of you, but I’ll give you one piece of advice; don’t stick your nose into things where it doesn’t belong. I have a fair idea of what you mean so don’t talk about it in the open because that’s what probably going to lead to your death.” He sighed and was about to walk away. “I’ve already said too much and I don’t even want to know how you’re so certain a Skarmory is going to kill you, but I don’t want anything to do with that.”

This time he did walk away. “And to answer your question Claude; Skarmory was a gift. It’s already too late for me so do me a favor and just stay out of it.”

Somewhere in the stands

“I have to admit that does sound like an improvement. I’m curious to see the results,” Franck said.

Jeremy Brand smiled. “Just wait and see, but I’m afraid I have to go now. The final battle of the first round is going so I need to go to Craig. I’ll see you two later.”

Franck nodded in acknowledgement while his granddaughter completely ignored Brand. “I don’t see what’s so good about him. All he does is use his money while others do all the hard work. Way to take the credits.”

The old champion sighed. “At least he’s using his funds for the improvement of young trainers as well. Some people aren’t like that so I’m glad people like Brand are involved in this project.” He turned his attention back to the battle when he realized something. “By the way, I’ve been wondering for a while now but where are your Pokémon?”

“Dunno. Around I guess.”

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Claude sighed. He didn't see any point pursuing the conversation further, not at the risk of aggravating Evan further. However, Claude did offer some parting words to Evans back. "Nothing's ever too late. You may not care about us now but that can change if you'd let it." with that Claude turned to Ryan. The small blonde boy looked up at his friend. "You sir need to learn to pick your moments. We did get some information though. C'mon, let's tell everyone the deets" Doux floated down to rest on Claudes head, inside which Claude had put another piece of the puzzle together as he started to walk back over to Danielle and co. What Claude just said did strike him as horrible, he had claimed to not talk behind Evans back and yet off he was going to spill the info to everyone around. Damn, I am a two-faced son of a bitch...

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Henry watched as Raiza took off not even being able to say anything back. He looked over to Citrine who still had a large grin on her face. "What?"

"You like her, dontcha," she teased.

Not really," responded the boy unfazed by the statement. "Even if I did, we all know it'd end up horribly. Just look at how you reacted when I left for here."

"...That's not funny," Citrine whined. "But come on Henry, you can't tell me there isn't anything there. What about that Togepi? It's like a sign you two were meant to be together. What? Do you think you're going to live in a dark cave for the rest of your life?"

"No, there really isn't anything," responded Henry. "I know you want there to be something, heck, I'd probably love it if I felt something for her, but I don't. Never have. Never will. Also, the thought about living in a cave doesn't seem so bad."

Citrine was about to yell at her brother, but that quickly changed to laugher. "Oh Henry, you really do learn from the best. I don't know what's going on up in that little head of yours, but it can't be anything good. I can't believe you beat me at my own little game." She then heard the battle going on. "Your battles up next so I better get back to my seat." She quickly turned and walked away with a Vulpix following shortly behind.

"That girl," Henry griped. "Sometimes I wonder what goes on in her head." He and the Delcatty started making their way back to Tyron's waiting room. Round 2 was coming up and he had to be ready.

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Erce let out an indignant growl as she pulled back and took off into the air, scythes held up instinctively to protect her face and eyes from the wet dirt being slung around, though the rest of her was covered with it aside from her buzzing wings. She glanced over at the Nemo's theater, seeing just how much trouble the ground type was having... She had wasted too much time. This ended now. Without another noise, she faded into a blur... before reappearing ever so breifly twice in the air, both times preparing and firing off a lightning quick slice of vacuum pressure at the Small Shellos, and then fading back into the shadows just as the heavy rain fall was beginning to lighten up.


Nemo meanwhile simply lay on the ground after being tossed like a rag doll from the Rock Type's charge. He was hurt, yes, but pain wasn't the main thing keeping him down... he'd just come to realize that the fight was hopeless. Here he was, battling something frickin several times his size, stronger and more resilient than him, an opponent who had just sat here the entire time, brushing off his blows and completely just knocked him away like he was a leaf in the gust. Why the hell should he even bother? Why_not just... keep lying here, let himself appear to be out cold... Erce would be fine on her own, right? she was so much older and stronger, surely she could... she didn't need his help to beat this rhino...

"Are you just going to give up?" A familiar voice called. The ground type's eyes flickered open to find Mareek kneeling, looking down into his face- and his eyes were cold... Nemo had no idea they could even get that barren and harsh, what had happened to usual kindness and patience he'd always gotten from him? "I know what you can take Nemo, that attack might hurt, but you've still got more than enough fire in you to keep going. I've seen you take a worst hit from Java during practice, and even though you could barely stand afterwards, you still wanted to keep going. I had to step in and stop you before it got worse. Do you remember that?"

Nemo... he did remember that. It was... not too long after the trip, wasn't it? That's right, it was... Mareek and him had been training with swordsmanship, and he had been impressed with how quick of a learner he'd proven to be... and so his trainer had proposed a mock battle against Java to see how well he could apply what he'd learned in actual combat...

He struck the porygon with every blow he made with Bone Rush, didn't miss even once... had just the right form too... and then the Co-Strategist had gotten angry at him... and the next thing he knew, He was on the recieving end of a double tap from the normal type's Tri-Attack; was thrown back into a tree so hard he'd blacked out a bit. and Mareek was exactly right, he had gotten back up, and he had wanted revenge... even he could still recall even now how much the attack had hurt and how his entire being had felt stiff as a board...

"So I'm taking that as a yes then..." His trainer sighed, breaking the Cubone out of his ruminations as the boy shook his head, eyes still cold and face still blank of expression. "All the work we've done, as far as we've gotten, the strength we've managed to build by working together... trusting each other. And now you want to give it all up just because some rock type happens to be a bit hard to take down? He doesn't hit as hard as those two Tri-Attacks to the face did back then, does he? You're still conscious, so it couldn't have..."

Nemo... nemo focused on one word in particular... trust. That's right, wasn't it? trust? wasn't that why he'd gone with Mareek in the first place, wasn't that the whole reason he followed him out of that forest those few months ago? Wasn't that the reason he'd faced off against a Lapras, for Arceus' sakes? Isn't that the reason he still kept going after he'd gotten his ass handed to him in one shot from said lapras? Wasn't it the reason he'd let the trainer teach him anything? He'd put his faith into Mareek for so long, had upheld it and persevered through so much already... and yet, he was going to just lie here in front of this challenge? Even if he was fighting by himself...

"I told you earlier that you were going to have to handle this on your own," Mareek continued, startling the ground type. "I lied, Nemo. You will never be alone ever again, so long as Me and Erce and Java are around, I swear that you won't. We're a team, the four of us... which includes you." Nemo... started tearing up a bit at that... drops of water beginning to roll and spill along the interior of his helmet as he stared up, his trainer's face protecting his own from the rain. and he nodded. "You aren't alone, remember that, I'm right here..." the boy continued, drawing his little speech to a close, beginning to stand again. "You aren't alone in this... because we're both fighting. Will you trust me here, Nemo?" He turned his attention back to the Rhyhorn nearby. "Will you trust me like you've already done so many times, even when I put you in situations worse than this?"




Nothing. Just staring. staring and rainfall and utter silence.

"I have my answer then..." Mareek said, the hardness of his eyes vanished, something different there as he retrieved the Cubone's sphere, "If you don't want to keep going... buddy... no one's going to force you to."

No... no... Nemo wasn't, not when he saw that look on his face... That look of not stone, but instead disappointment, of something else too... NO! damn it, he wasn't going to give up! He wasn't going to lose trust now... not after everything that had happened, all the effort he'd given, and certainly not after the fact that though yes, there were hard times... those hard times, trials and tribulations and training... they had all ultimately turned him from a coward into a fighter... and Fighters did not run, Mareek had taught him that, make a tactical retreat maybe, bide their time when needed, but never flat out just run away to never return... only cowards did that. And Mareek was right about another thing...

Nemo wasn't alone either.

Without a word, the Cubone picked himself up to his feet, glaring at the rock type as the soaked boy moved his hand away from the Ball's trigger behind him, holding out his club and projected a green length of energy, like a samurai preparing to face off. "CUBE!" he shouted, glancing back as the rain pelted his already damp fur, dripping off his helm and club. And there was fire in the little swordsman's eyes. And Mareek just smirked in response, thrusting out an outstretched palm towards the Rhyhorn.

"Stone Bunker!" he roared. Nemo responded instantly, body glowing a pale haze of white yet again before two salvos of light shot out, breaking off into spheres that elongated themselves before dying down in their glow, revealing slate grey spears of rock. And then the stones he'd used to make the dividing barrier to keep the Shellos out took a glow all their own, all as one, they floated off towards the swordsman, arranging themselves into rows, slamming down into the earth two layers thick, nestled close together in walls- an outer one and an inner one, seperating the rock type and Nemo just like the walls of a bunker would... and the Cubone stood waiting there, Bone Rush ready for if the Rhino smashed through both layers before his ride could arrive...

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Shiro leaned over the toilet and threw up whatever remained in his stomach until then. The dizzyness increased ad he could barely keep his balance now... Still, he wanted to ease Robert at least a bit, so he kneeled, still separated from his friend by the door, and began with a shaky voice. "I-I'm fine. You can go if you want to... I know you're interested in the battles..." He leaned against the door and pushed it open, somehow forcing himself to stand up straight. He noticed his clothes were muffled with some leftover puke. How many times did he get himself dirty in that short period of time? Definitely more than he did in all 14 years prior to his arrival at the academy...

Would he ever get a chance to get his shirt dirty again after returning home...?

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The breeder sighed as her Shellos went down. “Thanks, you did your best. Rhy and I will take it from here,” she whispered to the capsule in her hand.

“Rhy, it’s up to you now! Don’t fall for Nemo’s tricks; curse!”

The rock type stayed where he was and decided to glare at Erce instead of the Orphan. In the meantime his attack and defense rose while his speed dropped. Not like he could outrun Erce anyway.

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"Oh, just training and all, like the most of us," Danielle replied to James, waving it off as if it was no big deal. Her attention lied in Lana's uphill battle against Mareek. The coordinator grinned widely as Lana's Pokemon held their ground against such a formidable opponent; her teammate is finally able to show the crowd just how tough she is. "Yeah, Lana! Show 'em what you're made of!" she cheered as Claude made his way back to them. Once the cheery teen was within earshot, Danielle took her eyes off of the battle to address him. "Everything went well?"

Avis watched as Evan's little group dispersed. Judging by the hostile words, it's pretty obvious that it didn't go as well as planned no thanks to Ryan. As soon as Evan left, Avis gave one last look at the battle before flying back to rejoin Danielle and company, taking her place on her master's shoulder.

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A noise that sounded more like a low growl came from Claudes throat to convey how things had not gone too well. "I'm afraid Evan didn't feel too happy with our encounter, but he did tell me one very interesting little tidbit. The Skarmory was a gift. Anyone else know what that means?" He continued, explaining with more eloquence than the non-verbal response.

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"A gift...of course now it makes sense."James muttered as he deduced just how Evan obtained the metal bird."Ok,let's go over what we already know. evan dissapears on the trip right before or after the horde of Donpah got startled and he somehow obtained that Skarmory during that time period. Now considering what you said,this 'third party' we were discussing earlier is the prime suspect. They could have easily started the stampede to get Evan on his own for some reason..thing is...why?"He asked. "Why would someone go through all that trouble just to give someone a Skarmory which is well known to be a Strong and Valuable pokemon"

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Ryan listened carefully to James. "What I'm more concerned about is why him? He obviously doesn't have the strongest bond with Skarmory. And for all I know, if that Skarmory doesn't have a loving trainer, it could possibly go rogue. And I think we all know where that could lead." Ryan sighed and pushed his back against the wall, bending his leg and placing his left foot on the wall, and crossing his arms.

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