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Pokémon Academy: Ch 3: Winter Cup [IC]


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Drawn away from his gaze on the Dusk Stone, he turned his attention back to Shiro, a bit suprised by the comment. His immediate thought was 'why would he even say that I could leave if I wanted?' After all, what was going on here took priority in his mind, as it's not like the battles would be the thing soon missing. Added to that, he mainly just planned to watch the battles with his friends and cheer eachother on before the news yesterday. On the other hand, the statement was obviously meant to make him more comfortable with the situation.

After some thinking, he could only think of one 'good' answer. "I'm okay with whatever really, if I just stay with you or give you some time to think. Whatever you'd like is... well, fine with me."

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"It's over now," Mareek thought to himself as Erce finally appeared behind Nemo on his side of the field, eyes fixed on the last remaining opponent. "Even if she wants to try and tank that things physical power and defense- It's still piss poor against special attacks, and with Erce's speed... I have to say though, I'm impressed... had I gone out here underestimating, half-assing my effort, then this fight's course would've gone so much differently..." "Targaryen." He said simply.

Nemo spared no moments, glancing behind at his "Dragon" before glowing with ancient power's link yet again as he scurried over and she knelt to accept the ground type onto her back- the Bunker Stones blazing all the while, beginning to tremble. "Clear the bunker, take off." was the cue the lonely soldier had been waiting for. The stones broke up their wall formation and shot off out of the way towards the sides of the field, useless as a possible barrier to be used against it's maker now. Erce's body took on a pale glow and she loosened a few muscles in her back, wings unfurling yet again as she stood, giving a cocky cry to the Rhyhorn across the way. then she and her passenger were both in the air, her speed seemingly unhindered thanks to the Agility... though she knew from experience that she'd have to have a bit of restraint now, if Nemo was going to be able to stay on....

"Well, Lana, It's been fun," Mareek admitted, hands in his pockets and his typical aloofness back at the surface. "But he who controls the air...- Erce, go. Nemo, be prepared. Just like we spent all that time practicing."

Erce began strafing hard to the left like a chopper, scythes prepped in a harsh teal wind as Nemo focused intensely on the Rhyhorn, eyes peeled for any movement that might suggest an attack... the next moment, a Technician boosted slice of vacuum pressure was fired and hurtled off directly for the Rhyhorn, like it's Shellos Partner before it...

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"T-then I won't bother you anymore... I'll go back to my room... Sorry..." Shiro said, leaning against the wall. He was pale and appeared weak.

Would he be able to get to the dorms by himself?

Meanwhile, Anna and Cybele realized Shiro was out of his room and began searching for him. The Lopunny seemed awfully distressed.

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"T-then I won't bother you anymore... I'll go back to my room... Sorry..."

Watching as Shiro got up and began to leave, those words just echoed with him. 'B-bother me? I... I just wanted what he...' Before he could just accept it as Shiro's choice and let him leave, Robert saw Shiro's current appearance, so pale and sickly. Even if Shiro truly just wanted to leave, he just couldn't let him head off alone like that.

"Shiro, c-could I atleast help you get back then? U-unless you want to go back alone. Or,..." As he said that last part, he released Kiai out next to him. "... I could even have Kiai help you back, if that's what you'd prefer." He looked down as he said that last part. Even if he wouldn't be able to go with Shiro himself, atleast he'd be just as sure that Shiro stayed okay on the way back. Kiai simple nodded at the reccomendation, getting a good enough idea of what was going on.

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"That is... Odd...." Danielle finally spoke up as the guys finished their thoughts. "Evan first said that Skarmory came to him by itself, and now he's saying that Skarmory was a gift. If what he told Claude is the truth, why did he lie about it before? There is nothing wrong with receiving a Pokemon as a gift unless the gifter is a Team Rocket-like organization..." The coordinator paused as she tried piecing the puzzle pieces together. "Which could mean that this organization is trying to recruit Evan for some reason..."

In the meantime, Avis was fixing up Danielle's messy hair that the Larvesta had previously caused. Considering that Danielle would be back up on stage next, she might as well make her master look as presentable as she could while they were deep in discussion.

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Ryan spoke softly, seeing as the scenario seemed to delve into a more serious topic. "I hate to be redundant, but that brings me back to the thought of 'why him?' What's so special about Evan, and why try recruiting someone who's only a student? A more experienced trainer would be far more capable, you know?"

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"Maybe they thought he would be the easiest student to persuade? And maybe they wanted a student specifically for some reason" Claude offered. He had to think hard as to why exactly as well, the small boy rested his head on his pal which he in turn held up from the elbow with his other hand. The same question continued to baffle him

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Ryan threw the thought around in his head for a few moments. When he reached a conclusion, he snapped his fingers and pointed towards Claude. "What if these people are focused on not him, but the school in particular? Perhaps he's just a way for them to receive information about the Academy from the inside. For all we know, there could be others." Ryan paused and held his chin in his hand. "What do you guys think?"

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"Possibly they'd want students that don't have too much of a spotlight on them,People like Mareek,Jacob,Kage and you Claude are some of the favourite students around. If you'd do something suspicious there'd be a LOT of people looking into it."James mulled while the thought set in."But people like Evan,who are less popular and known blend in well and can get things done rather easily."Infact,I heard a similar tactic was employed by Team Rocket when they took over Silph Co. in Kanto a few years back..."

Edited by Dat Assery
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"Another question is what's in it for Evan? Surely, he would know that they are just using him then. If these people are really after the school and are using him to get this information, what would make him join their side anyway? Is it power, revenge or..." Danielle suddenly paused, the last word echoed in her mind as if she had heard it many times before... "Wait a second! That might be it! When I went to get my fortune told, the Gothitelle told me that a boy is painted in the color or revenge! She also said that the boy's "string" is fading."

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Kenny stood up when he heard the Conversation begin, and kept on listening. when he heard them mention Team Rocket, he walked over. When Danielle finished speaking, he chimed in.

"Mareek and I were both independently trying to get info about Evan, but we got in each others way. However, that isn't to say that I wasn't able to glean some information off of Mareek. During our encounter, Mareek indirectly said that there were some people hiding in the shadows, keeping tabs on Evan."

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Slade was listening to all of the conversation thus far. Usually, he wouldn't take part in rumor creating/discussing though once team rocket and the trip it made him really want to pitch in. Until Danielle mentioned revenge, that's when he remembered what 'Team Rocket' said while trying to convince him to join. He sighed before he spoke up, he never though he'd be talking about stuff like this, "While, quote on quote Team Rocket went to recruit me they mentioned something about getting revenge for what they did to me at Celedon. So, it's likely hey went for the same approach as me." He said with his hands in his pockets.

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"Shiro!" Anna burst into the bathroom along with her Lopunny. "Where have you been? Someone's been really worri- Huh?" She stopped when she noticed Robert and Shiro's pale complexure. As the door swung backwards and closed behind her, she stared straight as if somebody had just smacked her with a baseball bat. "Y-you okay?"

"Purr!" Cybele jumped up and approached the boy, letting him lean against her back.

"T-thanks.." He embraced the Pokemon. 'Now I won't have to bother him anymore...' He thought to himself as he closed his eyes.

All the while, Anna was glancing around. Her eyes stopped at Robert and she smiled. "I guess I should thank you for keeping my Shiro safe. ~ But that would be enough. We will be taking care of him now, okay?" She took a Poke ball from her belt and opened it. A shiny Absol appeared with a flash of white. "Come on, Cybele, leave him on Victor's back." She commanded, seemingly ignoring Robert's presence. Perhaps she already forgot he was there...

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Rhyhorn grunted after taking the Vacuum Wave head on. The bug type did way more damage compared to Nemo. One more of those and it would be over. Lana realized the same thing and sighed. She could go for another Metal Burst and definitely take out Nemo, but Erce’s speed was beyond her expectations. “Rhy, great job, but we lost this one. No point in getting you hurt.” She then turned to Mareek. “Thanks for not going easy on me and good luck with the rest of the tournament.” She waved when she left the field, not even sad that she lost.


“And that finishes round 1! We’ll have a short break now before the Block-finals start. Next up are Henry and Danielle, please make your way to the battlefield within 25 minutes.”

Surge (Galen)

“Not bad I guess,” Sarah said after Mareek’s battle. “I’ll admit he has some skill but I still don’t see why he’s such a big threat to us.”

Matt snorted at the word ‘skill’. Apparently he had another opinion.

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"That's because it's not his battling abilities that's it," Galen said, watching as his brother's strategy broke through at last and sent his opponent packing. "He's a threat because he's borderline obsessed when it comes to Terror and Crime organizations... been studying them for a long while from what I hear, taking notes on everything, memorizing everything he can. He's done his research and then some, and that's what enables him to be an instant death switch for this whole operation- he can recognize certain things a lot faster than others if he sees them. So like I said, just stay the hell away from him- unless of course, you want to have to explain to your higher-ups how this mission failed due to your carelessness."

He rose from his seat slowly, the Zoroark doing the same and throwing up an illusion around the group, rendering them unseen yet again. "Anyways, I just wanted you to see him battle so that you'd know what he looks like." He started to walk away, heading for the exits of the stands... "Hurry up and follow me- it's about time to get to work..."


Mareek said nothing as his opponent left the field, merely staring off as his own fighters came in to land before him... after all, he had a reputation to uphold, and there would be plenty of time for words later. The rain overhead finally lifted. The adrenaline started to ebb, and only then did he begin to feel the chill of the outside air- amplified by the fact of his soaked clothing- and so was Nemo, though Erce seemed to have somehow fared a bit better while in combat.

"It's over," He said simply, nodding to the two before turning and beginning to head off the field. "You both did well...and here, catch." He retreived something from his jacket and tossed it over his shoulder. Nemo held out his tiny mits as the two yellow, speckled berries landed in them... he knew them well from times after hard training bouts. The two followed behind their trainer in complete silence, Nemo going to work consuming the berries while Erce glanced at the orphan, can't helping but look at the boy in a different light now than before... how much had he changed, since the three of them had found him whimpering in the hills? How far from a coward had he risen, that he could be bold enough to take on a foe far larger than him and not balk? Perhaps the kid had true talent... or perhaps his transformation was all due to Mareek's influence... either way, he'd done the team proud out here, that, she knew. The two were recalled immediately after he stepped back inside the corridor leading away from the arena, their trainer continuing on down the hall to phoebes waiting room, his thoughts only focused on getting back to the dorms so he could change before catching something... God, a fire type would come in handy right about now...

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"Finally!" Henry cried out when they announced his battle would be next. "After sitting through all of that mess, I can have a little fun again. How long do you think Danielle will last against us?" He turned to the Delcatty who was distracted by an Oran berry rolling on the ground. "Figured as much." He returned Rosie to her Poke ball as he made one last check seeing all three of his Pokemon on his belt. "The previous batch of battle have been quite boring, honestly. Guess it'll my job to crank things up a bit. Hopefully, this battle won't be as disappointing. Then again, it is Danielle..."

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So the battle had ended the way everyone expected it... But Lana didn't seem too fazed about it. Raiza'd have to confirm that; so far, she was just glad that the big guy didn't go easy on her at all. In fact, she couldn't help grinning when she noticed how surprised the crowd seemed as they watched the quiet Breeder hold her own against the popular tactician. Either way, the fact that she was, in her own way, a force to be reckoned with, should be burned into their minds now. With that proud thought in her mind, the Trainer hustled to meet her childhood friend. If she hurried, she could probably make it to Henry's battle with who was that aga-- Danielle. Paradox probably wouldn't let her hear the end of it if they missed that battle.

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As soon as Redwood announced the break, Marco left the table in search for a new microphone. Devin sighed in relief and covered his own mic. “Professor, do you want to announce it now?” he whispered.

Redwood nodded. “Wait until Jeremy is here. After all it was his company and funds that made this possible.”

“I’m already here, Craigy!” Brand yelled enthusiastic. “You know I don’t mind if you do the honors tough… It’s your Academy.”

“I insist,” Redwood smiled.

“Alright, here I go!” Brand took Marco’s place and grabbed Devin’s mic. It was obvious he couldn’t wait any longer so he just started.

“Ladies and Gentleman! I’m Jeremy Brand from Brand’s Corporation, you may have heard of us, and Professor Redwood gave me the honors to do a special announcement.” He waited a minute to be sure he got everyone’s attention. “During the last couple of years my company has been trying to take Pokémon battles to the next level. In the past there have been experiments with water fields which was nothing more than a swimming pool. Gym leaders do the same thing; make a field in their advantage. Now we brought those fields here. The Academy’s Arena contains the prototype with multiple battlefields.”

This time he looked to Redwood. The Professor just nodded in agreement.

“In the next rounds these fields will be used. The field will be decided by a randomizer. The students won’t know which field they get until right before their battle. Isn’t this exciting? So Danielle and Henry; come over to the field so we can see this beauty in action!”

In all his enthusiasm Brand completely forgot there was supposed to be a small break. The students had no choice but to concentrate on their next battle.

Surge (Galen)

“Still not impressed,” Sarah mumbled. She was about to follow Galen when she noticed both Matt and Pierre didn’t move. She quickly smacked them across the head and motioned to follow.

Pierre yawned. “Where are we going?”

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Danielle clapped at the last battle as Lana left the field. She was proud of her roommate for being so at ease in front of a crowd this big. Or perhaps it was because this was all Mareek's doing...? She giggled a little bit as Jeremy Brand announced the next battle to begin immediately. 'So much for talking to Mareek about it. I guess I could get Henry then...'

"Well, as much I would like to continue the discussion, I guess I won't be able to since Mr. Brand forgot about the break. But, I'll see if I can pull Henry in and join you after our match." Danielle announced to the group surrounding her. She then turned to the Murkrow still perched on her shoulder. "You sure you want to take this even with the possible field disadvantage?" The black bird replied with a loud "Murkrow!" before she flew down onto her lap in a huff; it's almost as if she was offended that Danielle had asked such a question. "Fine, you win." Danielle responded as she recalled Avis back into her Dusk Ball. So, any last words of advice before I get out there?"

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"To do some observations at the lake," Galen responded, keeping up his purposeful stride as the illusion fox hurried behind him. "So lucky you three, you get to be bored out of your skulls yet again- but this time it's for the sake of the mission. Just don't anything stupid while we're there to piss off any ferals, kiddos. Last thing I need is to potentially have to explain to high command why my three little delinqu- I mean... subordinates, are dead."

Whether he meant or was only joking... was anyone's guess.


"Things are going to get interesting, it seems..." He thought to himself while the screen overhead transmitted Brand's announcement. He turned and keep on about his way, Java's capsule in his hand while the other remained in his pocket, eyes staring into the deep white surface of the premier capsule, own reflection staring right back up at him.

"I know you heard that just now." No response from the sphere or his dex. "Look, I'm done, you've gone and cowered out of a battle we spent most of the morning going over observations for, made Erce have to pull you're weight when you could've gone out there and made far quicker work of the opponent then her and Nemo's combination, and quite frankly you're acting like some spoiled teenage girl whose locked herself in her bedroom because she "Can't have what she wants.". Whatever you're going through, you'd better start talking to me soon, because I can't help you with it if you keep insisting to lock yourself away like a hermit in your capsule instead of communicating." Again, no response... just his own reflection. "Arceus, and people think I'm asocial..."

He was walking all the while before finally sighing and stowing the thing back on his belt. He hadn't even noticed he'd reached the waiting room's arena exit until he spotted the other students in the room, specifically the small group congregating near one of the seating areas. There were a few familiar faces... well no, not familiar, a face to him was either known or unknown, there was no inbetween- either way, he didn't bother paying much attention to Danielle and the others as they conversed, he was asocial, after all- never had been the social butterfly, and honestly had no desire to become one anytime in the for see-able future.

Mareek kept walking right past them, heading for the door out of the room without even so much as an acknowledging glance to Slade or Jacob or any of the others he recognized...

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"Damn. If the ice floor tactic going around wasn't annoying enough. Looks like I'll have to get a feel for the field before sending him in." He entered the stadium once more looking over to the hosts. "Let's see what you got in store." He held out a Poke Ball in the air and began tossing it up and down waiting for Danielle to get out there.

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Watching as Anna burst in, Robert felt a relief that she planned on taking care of Shiro, but along with it, devistation that it was her instead to take Shiro back. Any thought of 'opposition' he could put up was flattened by Shiro's own acceptance of it, and his original plan to head back anyways. All Robert could do was let out a sigh before speaking. "Well, guess that's settled then. Bye Shiro, hope we can talk later."

He walked out of the bathroom towards the waiting room, knowing that any more goodbyes for now would just make it harder to leave. Kiai simply put his paw on Robert's shoulder as they walked back, trying lift the stress that Robert practically exuding at this point. In response, he put on a smile and turned to Kiai, "I'll be fine, really. Just have to listen to what Shiro says. It's his choice after all."

While it was obvious to the Lucario that the smile was just being faked, it was just as obvious that pushing the thoughts would just make it worse. Eventually, they made it back to 'Tyron's' waiting room and went back to Jet, who had watched happily as the battle between Mareek and Lana that had ended before.


As the announcement ended about how the next rounds would go, Robert watched as the battle between Danielle and Henry was announced, hoping that the battles would help take his mind off of things.

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Jacob watched as Mareek walked right through the waiting room, surprised at the other student's apathy toward everyone else. I'll have to catch up with him! he thought to himself as he quickly extricated himself from the waiting room and out the door, following the other student until he caught up. "Hey, Mareek, wait up!" he said. "I have something we need to talk about. It's important, trust me."

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Claude was a little shocked when Jacob went running before he realised he was going to get Mareek. Claude then turned to Danielle with a rueful smile. "Well, so long as you aren't as easy to catch off guard as I was just now, you'll do fine. Best wishes"

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"What, Robertson?" He asked coldly as soon as the other student was done, just wanting to get this over with and go on about his plans- being damp in the winter wasn't as fun as it was cracked up to be... not by a long shot. "You afraid of the competition or something? Well, don't be, if all the training I've heard you've been doing was genuine, then you shouldn't have too much trouble... but then again, the deciding factor in any battle is how much your team trusts and respects you..." He turned back and started making his way for the door again... "Anyways, nice chat, but freezing rain isn't something very pleasant to be caught in, so...yeah, bye."

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