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Pokémon Academy: Ch 3: Winter Cup [IC]


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As the incident between Mareek and the others finished up, Kenny looked like he was quite deep in thought, what with him holding his chin with one hand and looking downwards with his brow furrowed. Then, he looked up, and spoke.

"Perhaps we're not looking at the situation correctly... Why would any organization focus on recruiting one student in particular instead of trying to get a group of them all at once? Plus, Evan isn't exactly what I would call weak-willed. Practically the opposite, in fact. So why just him, instead of a group of more manipulable students...?"

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'Oh no, I learned my lesson with the Goodras~' "Avis, spiral into a Featherdance! Then use Dark Pulse!" Danielle called out. She then ducked as a mud splatter zoomed right for her head. Laughter could then be heard echoing through the stands, which was quickly followed by a disgruntled remark from Henry's side of the field. Danielle raised and eyebrow at first, believing that the crowds were laughing at her command instead, when she saw Henry's face covered in mud. She quickly tried to stifle a laugh behind her mouth.

As soon as Avis heard "Featherdance," her flight feathers immediately shifted so that she would start to spin faster and faster into a barrel roll. The muddied feathers came off of her small, slender body almost as quickly as the mud hit them. As the soiled feathers trailed behind her, Avis turned to face the hole that Burrows that delved into and fired off those signature black-purplish auras of a Dark Pulse into said hole as she hovered above the forest terrain.

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Surge (Galen)

Pierre actually behaved during the walk to the lake. He rode his Ponyta the entire time while looking out for potentially ugly, poisonous Pokémon.

The lake was filled with life. It was probably the one spot in the entire forest that attracted every kind of Pokémon. They were all gathered on the shores while birds flew from tree to tree and water types swam around lazily. 2 small Lapras were in the middle of the giant lake but according to the mission details there should be a bigger one around.

Sarah stared at the mountain that casted his shadow over half the lake. There was a natural opening above the water surface, but no way in on foot. “Maybe the Lapras is inside?”


The grass type looked at Shiro, back at Robert, then back to Shiro before just staring at Robert with a blank look. Suddenly he smacked the boy across the face, but not hard enough to hurt him.


“I have spare clothes with me,” Lana chuckled. I’ll change as soon as my Pokémon are healed. She dried herself a little with a towel when her eye fell on the Togepi. “Since when did you have a Togepi?”

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While Ryan in no way was being productive towards the conversation, he listened closely, being swept along with Kenny, Mareek, and Claude.

"Perhaps we're not looking at the situation correctly... Why would any organization focus on recruiting one student in particular instead of trying to get a group of them all at once? Plus, Evan isn't exactly what I would call weak-willed. Practically the opposite, in fact. So why just him, instead of a group of more manipulable students...?"

Ryan held his hand out as if it were obvious. "I don't think any person in this world is considered perfect. He may be capable of what they want him to do, even if he doesn't want to. If this organization is more despicable than we think, then who says they don't have their methods? Hostage negotiations? Positive and manipulative enforcement? We don't know. And as to why they shouldn't work with a whole group? Wouldn't it be more obvious, don't you think? If twenty students suddenly acquired a few extra pokemon, wouldn't the administrators or other students of the school notice? Plus, who's to say that one of those twenty people wouldn't snitch? It's a dangerous and risky move for anyone."

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An initial sense of shock took hold of Robert as he took the slap and turned back, his hand covering where Shiftry just hit. It didn't hurt anything like it would if he actually aggrivated it, but it still stung as much as you'd expect from getting slapped with those fan-hands. 'What did I do? All I did was notice him and he slapped me?!' Before he could actually say anything, Kiai had began growling at the Shiftry as Jetstream flew by it's face, letting out a mix of cries, roughly translating to 'What do you think you're doing? Why, exactly, do you THINK you're allowed to slap my Master?!'

Edited by TurboAura
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Henry saw Avis try hitting Burrows with the Dark Pulse, but he wasn't even fazed by the attack. Burrows always took a slightly curved path when diving, so he doubted Burrows even know about it. After a few seconds, Henry heard a loud cling seeing one of the trees harshly shake. Not again. Hmm, this might actually be useful for me. "Burrows, use Mud Sport right now."

Burrows didn't follow orders instead yelled back a couple cries to Henry because he thought this was a terrible idea. The trainer was a bit annoyed by the act of rebellion. "Your supposed to follow my orders, not question them." The Drilbur griped a bit about his trainer's stupidity, but he followed them anyways spinning a moment to cover himself with a new coat of mud armor (Mud Sport).

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The crackling of the damaged fake tree did not go unheard. This worried the female coordinator; Murkows, actually all birds, thrive when trees are upright, not when they fall... When Henry ordered Barrows to go for another Mud Sport, however, Danielle immediately knelt down once again to avoid another possible mud shower. It was then, however, that she noticed how dense these fale branches are... For a human, that is.

"Night Shade." Danielle said simply to Avis, who appeared confused that Burrows sounded unharmed after the Dark Pulse rings.

Avis proceeded to lower herself closer to the ground, examining the hole closely. As soon as her eyes are staring down the tunnel... Which is curved. How interesting for the bird; no wonder her previous attack failed, the rings all hit the walls! The wily Murkrow tilted her body at an angle so that she could see further down the tunnel and concentrated her attention on the black space before her. Avis' red eyes turned pink as a black aura flowed around her small frame. With a small cry, the pink and black merged into a small blob and made its way through the tunnel, expanding slowly as the aura made its way down the rabbit hole... (Night Shade - anime style)

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"Oh, Paradox, you mean?" Raiza said. "The little darling's actually not mine, but Henry's. I'm watching over her for him while he's battling... Is there a monitor here--?" After wheeling around, she turned to her childhood friend again. "Well, I'm glad you're all right; I uh, I kinda promised Henry that I'd watch his battle with Paradox up in the stands." Hurriedly, she continued to say, "Uhm, sorry, I'll catch up to you later!" before running off towards the stands again. If she missed his battle, she wouldn't forgive herself for it-- and neither would the Togepi in her arms. At the same time, though, she couldn't help feeling guilty for leaving Lana abruptly.

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While Avis was busy examining the hole, Burrows had resurfaced from the ground. Danielle likely didn't see him because he was behind the tree and she was crouching. Henry took no time to waste for this opening. "Bull, Claw." He ordered. The Drilbur knew this combo well so he already pounded his foot on the ground. The shaking caused the hole to quickly collapse preventing Avis's attack from hitting (Bulldoze). Burrows wasn't done yet. While the ground was still shaking, he charged towards the bird his claws glowing (Metal Claw) and was ready to take a swipe at the bird.

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"No use standing here guessing," Galen said, his hand producing a red and white capsule from inside his coat, tossing it into the air as his Crobat emerged in a burst of light a moment afterwards. "See that cave over there? go check it out, see if there's a lapras or anything." The bat simply stayed there giving him it's perpetual scowl. Then with a simple undetectable nod, she flew off across the surface of the lake, skimming the water before rising up and folding her wings around her self, feet clinging to the mouth of the opening as she looked inside, eyes peering through the darkness as she glanced around...

Mareek & Java

Java stared at the boy in utter disbeleif as he kept walking towards the stadium entrance area... did he just hear him correctly back there? Was he really going to go and do this? No, no... it most be something related to what he was going through, there's no way Mareek would just...

"Oh, looks like someone decided to venture out of their cave," His trainer joked, glancing behind. "What, did that little bout back there draw your attention?"

"Did you mean that, what you said to them?" Was the only response he got- via bold black words scrawling across the screen of his dex. "That you were going to break off things regarding Evan?"

"Yeah, I did," Mareek said simply, not that surprised when Java started glaring at him, hovering closer and smacking him with his bill in outrage. "Calm down, it's better this way...just let me explain-"

"Why!?" Chimed an electronic voice over his earbuds, Java again coming in to hit him, though he caught this one with his hand. "After the work we've done to try and keep tabs, you're going to just throw away all that effort and let those pissants take over!? What are you-" The Polygon's stare only intensified as Mareek gripped a bit firmer on his bill, a finger held up in gesture to silence him.

"Because," he began. "Java, I actually realized something back there... Evan's just the tip of this whole iceberg. Neither of us managed to see it earlier, but chances are, there's a lot more going on here than just what happened during the trip and everything, and if we keep all our focus on Evan, we might be missing a few signs and clues about the bigger picture."

Java made a noise that sounded like a computer's stalling dial-up crashing, using a weak psybeam to slap away the boy's grasp. "Or Reeves could be the key to everything and you could've just done something incredibly stupid!" the earbuds snarled. "Maybe he might not be too important to the overall bigger picture, but he's still the only link to the bigger picture we have here!"

"Neither of us knows that for sure, we just jumped to the conclusion of that at the beginning and rode it home." Mareek turned and kept walking, almost to the front doors of the stadium. Java's gaze softened as he hovered there, processing that point... Mareek spoke again, pushing open the door before him as a cold wind drifted in. "Java, for all we know, whatever's being planned could be well beyond it's first stage, which I have to assume probably was the stampede and Evan going missing. And like I said, if it is, then there's no way we'll catch any signs if we're focusing on just one tiny piece of the puzzle. So I decided to let them go and do whatever they want with him- it's better this way, with them distracted with trying to figure him out, they probably won't dig too much deeper... or at the very least, we'll have hopefully managed to figure out enough by the time they do that it'll be hard for them to come in and screw something up."

Java held his glare for just a bit longer. Then he finally shook his head, hovering over to the boy. "Fine... Let's see where this path will lead..." He glanced around as they walked out of the building, realizing for the first time that they'd been moving the entire conversation. "Where are we going?"

"The medical center," Mareek said. "Figured Lana will be there about now getting her team healed... though of course, you might have known that if you had bothered talking to me earlier."

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Danielle bounced back up as soon as she heard Henry's orders, but it was too late for her to respond to the current situation. "Watch out, Avis!" she yelled, hoping that the bird could react in time without her instructions. She watched helplessly as Burrows' glowing claws came closer and closer to Avis.

Luckily for the female human, Avis had instinctively settled herself on the ground after the hole collapsed on itself (Prankster Roost). After a brief moment, she felt hard, raking claws digging into her backside. The Murkrow quickly reared her head towards the direction of the assault and fired off a Dark Pulse hoping to knock Burrows off of her.

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"Again," Henry ordered. Burrows looked back to his opponent who seemed to move a bit slower than before. While Avis was right about to fire, Burrows jumped back a bit and slammed his foot into the ground once more causing to earth to shake (Bulldoze). Though it was risky, Henry couldn't take the chance of Avis being able to take off. The Drilbur's Claws began to glow again while he charged forward taking the Dark Pulse.

Something felt weird though. While the attack certainly hurt, it wasn't quite as bad as he was expecting. Burrows mind quickly recalled when Avis hit him with the Aerial Ace. Seemed Henry learned a new trick during the battle. Once he was back in range, he was prepared to strike the Murkrow down (Metal Claw).

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'So the mud shielded him from the worst of the attacks... Interesting technique.' Danielle smiled. She was always interested in Henry's battle style and, despite knowing she could lose, at least she has a chance to witness some of it. That doesn't mean she will go down that easily though. "Black curtain!" she called out. If Avis were to bypass the effects of Bulldoze, the bird will have to lose those ruffled feathers of her's as soon as possible.*

Avis threw out her wing in front of her as if it was a cape, allowing a mass of black feathers to cover her from Burrows' view. The initial wind gust created by the flap propelled Avis backwards and hit the air once more, although she was still close to the ground. For Danielle, however, this not only served a quick getaway, it also should help Avis get rid of the damaged feathers from the ground attack. The small, black bird then released another Night Shade from behind the black cloak, allowing the pink-outlined aura to increase in size as it attempted to reach its target.

((* I interpreted her slower speed with ruffled feathers due to said Bulldoze, as a bird can't maneuver too well with them. Let me know if this seems too convenient.))

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Figured she'd try escaping sooner or later. Henry saw the incoming Night Shade hit Burrows. "Burrows, Rapid Spin now." The Drilbur followed orders as he began spinning around faster and faster showering the field with mud. Henry was prepared for it this time as he took a step back to get out of the danger zone. When the attacked finished, he was ready to give another order. "Burrows use..." He cut off the sentence when he noticed Burrows fell to his knees with his hands keeping him propped up. If I use another attack, he's going to collapse. Looks like Danielle might've won this battle. Henry looked around to see what happened to the bird.

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Shielding an incoming mud shower with her hand, Danielle watched as Avis dodged some of the incoming mud shower. One of the splatters managed to hit the bird on the beak; Avis cried out dramatically as if she was hit by something more lethal, then she made a face at the audience as if to make her point more obvious. "Avis, use Roo--" Danielle started when she also spotted the exhausted Burrows. Gosh, even after all of this time at Ymora, it still feels uncomfortable for her to see a Pokemon struggling that way. She turned to look back at Avis, who was more or less uninjured, but also a bit weary from exertion. "Nevermind, drop the curtain again." Danielle instructed her bird calmly. Sure, Roost is a safer option for the frail bird but, considering how the Drilbur was on his last legs, or claws, it wouldn't be fair for her to tease her opposition like that. That would just be a low move.

Avis nodded, acknowledging her decision to try and end it outright. She let out some feathers once again, mostly those that were soiled so they fell straight to the ground, and went for another Night Shade.

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Before the Night Shade could land, a red beam engulfed Burrows and sent him back into his Poke Ball. Henry knew the battle was over so there was no point in continuing. Silently he turned around and made his way back to the break room. While he didn't enjoy the thought of getting knocked out of the tournament early, there wasn't much he could do. What he was focused on now was healing up Burrows.

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Danielle sighed with relief; she couldn't believe that she would win. While there was that the forest field, which provided her a significant advantage for Avis, she knew Henry as a tough opponent with many tricks up his sleeve. The Mud Sport technique, the digging lure and the cracked tree... Thinking about that, Danielle turned to the said fake tree that Burrows had used a Hone Claws on. Was he planning on bringing the whole forest down to hinder Avis' mobility too? Could she ask him...?

'Ask... Oh, I need to ask him about that too!' Danielle gave a quick bow to a nearby camera and ran across the field, hoping to catch up to the Orre native. She didn't bother waiting for Avis; flying would always surpass running after all. "Henry, wait up! I want to ask you something!"

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Henry heard Danielle calling back to him. Knowing Danielle, she was probably going to tease him about the battle, maybe to make him feel better. He really didn't want to hear it though as he had other more important things to attend to. Even if he wanted to ignore her, she'd undoubtedly persist to speak with him so there was no point in ignoring her. Without even turning to face the girl, he simply responded, "Whatever it is, make it quick. I'd rather not waste my time on worthless matters."

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Hosts (Jory)

“Aren’t these fields amazing?” Brand grinned. “And we’ve got even more of them! Randomizer spin!!” Redwood gave Brand a nudge in the ribs. “Oh yes, congrats on winning Danielle, sorry about that I just get easily distracted.”

Brand scratched his had in embarrassment while the randomizer was still spinning. This time a small part, about a seventh, was visible and showed the forest. The needle slowed down and almost stopped on the same field again before disappearing and a field of rocks became visible.

“Rocky field! Jacob and Nadia, come on over to play!”

While the crowd waited for both competitors, the mechanism started to work and revealed a field filled with rocks. It looked very basic except for one interesting detail; there was no clear footing. All rocks were uneven or overlapped in a way that made straight movement impossible.

Nadia cursed when she arrived. This field would be difficult to battle for her and Klefki.


Shiftry ignored both Kiai and Jet. The grass type pointed to where Shiro was earlier then to Robert and pretended to flex his muscles. That was how those silly humans tried to show off their strength, right? And to show Shiftry was serious, he decided to slap Robert again. This time he used his other fan-hand. Now what would this crybaby do about it?

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  • Veterans

While Ryan and Kenny where talking,James looked at the screen to see the end of the battle between Danielle and Henry."Seems like he lost.."His interest would however soon be drawn elsewhere by a voice coming from the entrance of the room."Hey you're James right,mind coming over here?"James exited the room only to be met by the same kid who traded Ragnarok over to him."Hey again,it's me Jake, you traded your litwick to me ...about that,Your Litwick just doesnt want to listen to me and nearly burnt my entire arm of...so i'd think it'd be better for both of us if we just traded them back"He told James."Sure...i've been missing that little candle anyways"James muttered before he got his pokedex out and the traded the ownership and pokeballs for Luna and Ragnarok."Nice doing business with you!"Jake said before he ran back to the stands while James went back inside the Waiting room.

Edited by Azeria Cipherus
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Avis landed on Danielle's shoulder as the teenager reached Henry. The witch bird didn't utter a word, though, for fear to getting more mud into her mouth.

Danielle rolled her eyes. It seems like Henry is in one of his moods again. At least he stopped to listen so she could get her main point across; so much for finding out what that tree was for. "Okay, I wanted to say thanks for the battle. Avis enjoyed it a lot even though she isn't saying anything. But that's not I'm here for." She lowered a voice just a little to avoid potential evesdroppers, but she doubt that the audience would care about them now. "I, rather my friends and I, want to ask you for your opinion on some matters. My Pokemon found some information concerning Evan and his Skarmory, including the fact that the stampede was not caused by Team Rocket." She paused to let Henry process this statement. "If you don't want to tell me, that's fine. I'll just leave you be and get Avis some medical treatment before I make my way back to them."

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"Damn you Mareek," Henry muttered under his breath. As much as he wanted to walk away right then and there, he had little option but to stay and try to rid of this little obstacle. "That's...really kind of out there, wouldn't you think. What I'm puzzled about is why you're so concerned for the boy. Aren't you two bitter enemies right now?"

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Danielle raised an eyebrow. Since when was Mareek involved in how she found out about Evan? "Umm... What does this have to do with Mareek?" she asked innocently before went on to address Henry's later statements. "It's out there, but the information make sense if you piece them together. My Mawile was talking to Evan's Skarmory and told me that Team Rocket has no part in this. If anything, the organization we're dealing with is smarter than it. And I'm not concerned about Evan at all; it's his Skarmory that bothers me." Danielle walked up to him and crossed her arms. "First, it has been proven that a Skarmory is involved in Ryan's death somewhere in the future. Second, Evan first said it came to him because it was lonely and then the next minute he said it was a gift. Why would one lie about how he got a Pokemon? Finally, Avis found 5 Pokeballs on his belt. We already know the first four, but what is the fifth? Is it tied to said organization?"

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Henry sighed seeing how naive Danielle was on the issue. He figured it'd be easy to play with their minds a bit. "Don't worry about the Mareek thing. I'll deal with that later. As for what you said, you're unreasonably jumping all these things together. I highly doubt neither Evan nor his Skarmory are responsible for Ryan's death. Despite his attitude, he's a good kid and wouldn't turn on anyone. And as long as it's under a trainer's control, that Skarmory isn't going to randomly attack someone. Besides, the future is never clear so messing with it will only make the inevitable more likely to come."

Henry took a breath before responding to the second half of Danielle's information. "As for Evan keeping secrets, can you really blame him? The thing already has flooded school with rumors, just imagine how much worse they'd be knowing it was a gift. I'd probably lie to in his situation. And what's the big deal about having an unknown Pokemon. He's probably just embarrassed about it kind of like me and Paradox. If she didn't try escaping from her ball so much, I'd keep her hidden inside her ball whenever I was in public. If that's all you have to say, I'll be on my leave."

The boy was about to make his leave, but he felt like he needed to say one last thing. "You really shouldn't be talking so bad about Evan. The boy has enough problems as it is, he doesn't need people like you ruining his life. It's probably just best to forget about the matter for the time being."

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While Danielle agreed with Henry on the first part of the equation, something still doesn't sit well with her. An uknown fifth Pokemon that coincidentally came around the time of Skarmory, who coincidentally was given to Evan, who disappeared coincidentally during the stampede... No, there is just too much coincidence for her liking. If only she had more time with the database last night, maybe she could get some straight answers with that missing fifth. And also... "Last question then, how do you know that Evan has so many problems to begin with? As far as I could tell, you're one of those people that likes to keep to himself more often than not. Has he told you anything that could make me change my mind about that irratible boy?"

Something inside the Murkrow's gizzard told Avis not to didn't believe Henry's explanations, or at least not in its entirety. She has heard first hand what that Skarmory had told Zared, so she knew something odd was up. Avis just couldn't place her little claw on it... She gave a little defeated sigh, mostly for herself, but also for suggesting Danielle to drop it. There was no use prying information from Henry if he really wants to keep his real intentions a secret.

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