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Pokémon Academy: Ch 3: Winter Cup [IC]


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As Slade got to his room he went back to his bed and heard the announcements about the tournament standings, "Looks like I'm going to be fighting Jacob in my block." Slade mumbled to himself, confident that he'd be able to beat his first opponent. He began to think of battle strategies and was about to put on his head phones when he heard a knock at the door followed by the cries of Avis. He walked over to the door and opened it to find a Man on the other side with Avis next to him. The man bore a striking resemblace to Danielle and with Avis nearby it could be that it's Danielle's father. Confused Slade asked, "Hello, uh, if I'm guessing correctly, you must be Danielle's father, right? Either way, I'm Slade, what might you need me for?"

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"Ah-- so I'm being put against... Oh, okay," Raiza said, deflated. The haughty and loud girl. What a pain. And what time was this battle royale going to begin? What if her parents saw-- dear Arceus, they were probably going to pull her out of the Trainer program. Or worse, the Academy. Occupied with those thoughts, the Trainer didn't notice that she was headed straight for the wood carving stall, oblivious to Lucifer hurtling off to see Lana then the new girl, Toothless and Rogue trying to stop her from walking into the stall, or Achlyx just... Being Achlyx, looking at all the people with animosity.

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When Sissy had left with the bowls of Ramen, Robert had simply just waved 'see yah' and went back to work, trying to make sense of it all. Sure they seemed like good friends, but what had just happened, he wasn't really sure. His mind tried reasoning it as just a 'friendly joke,' but there were so many points against it that even he didn't truely believe that. After a while, He just decided that if something like that happened again, he WOULD get an answer.

Not long after coming to that conclusion, he heard the announcement about the upcoming battles. He heard his name called out in Block A, not sure of his first opponent of Laura, but the fact that he and Kenny were in the same block was pretty suprising to him. But what suprised him even further was Block B, and how it contained Shiro, Alvin AND Henry. Even by the end, though a few ideas of certain competitors passed as it went, his ears immediately recognized that Block G had contained Sissy, and as far as he remembered to be Claude's 'actual name,' Kyle. Robert turned to Shiro, having waited until the full announcement had ended. "So, it seem everyone has their own big challenges they'll have to cover on the way. Let's do our very best and show them what we can do."


"Ahahah, so he's even in the first group. Guess we'll get to see what he's become straight away!" With a fist pump of excitement coming from Will, Akako simply did the same with just as much energy. "Yes, we will see what he is capable of. Hopefully the 'separation' did what he expected to happen."

As the excitement had died down a bit, they went back to looking around the festival for something else to do apart from festival food. After awhile, they eventually found themselves inside of Mareek's stall, looking at the wooden craftings. What truely caught their eye were wooded effigies of certain pokemon, mainly legendaries. Akako moved her attention towards Mareek, who she assumed was one of the students in charge it this stand. "Excuse me, but by any chance do you have one of Kyogre?" She awaited Mareek's reply, Will's mind was racing, very certain that he didn't see the one Pokemon he was looking for, rubbing his chin wondering whether or not this was the extent of what was available.

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Henry's Dad

The man with the Sudowoodo didn't really do all that much in the fair. He simply took a walk around getting a good look at a couple of students in Henry's class. Eventually he settled down on a bench readying to eat a hot dog he bought at one of the stalls. Right when he was about to take a bite, the intercom came on and eventually he heard his son's name he was rather surprised, but was happy for him. Seemed like the academy was helping him out after all.

After the announcement, the man looked down to see his food missing. He noticed an Elecktrike nearby gulping the hot dog down after a couple of bites. Henry's dad would've order his Pokemon to attack it if a Drilbur hadn't gotten there first. The Elecktrike teased the mole as he jumped side to side dodging the attack before running off. Following this pursuit was Henry's team and a very sleepy Vulpix.

"This brings back memories, eh Steve?" the man asked the Sudowoodo. The tree thing simply gave a quick smile back. "You guys sure are a bunch of troublemakers. It makes me wonder how I haven't been fired from my job yet."


Henry and Citrine

"As much as I'd enjoy helping him," Henry said sarcastically, "I'm afraid we're a little too late. Seems like he was running away from something." Or it's probably just his stomach. You can never tell with that kid. "Let's just let him be. The kid does go through mood swings faster than a woman during...nevermind."

Before anyone could say anything else, the announcements went off releasing the brackets for the tournament. Henry was a bit surprised seeing as he never faced either his current opponent nor Shiro. It always felt like the kid was too afraid to fight him or something. He had a smirk on his face thinking the first two rounds were practically his. He then noticed Mareek or Kage would be his opponent after that. He decided not to think about which of them was the lesser of two evils and would simply let it pass when it would. The strongest breeder or the strongest trainer. I stand no chance against either.

Citrine didn't take the news easily and looked over to the boy with a concerned look on her face. "Henry, I didn't realize you entered the tournament. I saw some of the trainers on the way and they seem to have strong Pokemon."

"I wouldn't worry too much about it. I'm pretty much used to being in the disadvantage that it probably won't feel any different from any other battle." Henry seemed rather calm even after the short spurt of booing after his name was called. "It feels like the old days already."

"That's what I'm worried about. I don't want to see Rosie or you get hurt...again."

"Don't you ever bring that up, especially now of all times." Henry was bothered by Citrine's words. He responded rather harshly.

"This just seems like a bad idea. The doctor said it wasn't a good idea to push Rosie so hard and you just seem a bit off ever since that trainer's..."

"How would you know?" interrupted Henry. "The damn fool got what he deserved. If anything, it knocked some sense into me. I also don't see why you bring this up when you certainly didn't care about it back then. The moment I needed you the most, you just shoved all your problems to me and ran away. Do you know how much pain you've cause me. I now have to carry a cane around praying some kid doesn't try tripping me all because you couldn't take responsibility for your own Pokemon. I'm starting to think I hate that you came here. Every time I'm around you, pain and suffering shortly follow."

Henry then saw a group of Pokemon chasing after an Electrike. Once they were close enough, Henry yelled "Enough!" The six Pokemon quickly halted now focused on the enraged trainer. "You four, rest until dinner. I don't want you wasting energy you need for the tournament tomorrow." Henry then beamed the four Pokemon into their Poke Balls. Henry then focused on the Electric Dog. "As for you, scram! I don't need another pest bothering now of all times." The Electrike didn't move until Henry slammed his cane into the ground startling the Pokemon to retreat.

Zuko stood there rather shocked. He never seen Henry yell at a Pokemon before. Well, he did yell occasionally, but it was never because he was angry. It did make sense though. Henry spent all this time looking for the girl. Two straight weeks they searched for her place after place until Henry eventually gave up. That day really did change Henry making him into the person the Academy knows and loves. He watched the angered boy slowly walk off with his cane in hand. He then turned seeing his master trying to chase after him, but Zuko decided to get in her way. Now was not a good time for them to talk.

"Zuko...I know Henry didn't mean those things, but somehow it still stings because of how true they are. If I would've know, I simply would've stayed back in Orre." Citrine watched her Vulpix rub against her trying to comfort his master, but it wasn't enough. She turned back to Claude looking as if she was about to cry, but quickly stopped herself now shaking her head. "Claude, I don't know what I should do right now."

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Kenny, Ryu, Eve, and Otto were meditating under a nearby Tree when they heard Henry Yell, and then the Electrike ran by them, nearly bowling Kenny over in its' haste. Zorro, who had also noticed the Incident between Henry and the Electrike, decided to have a little fun, and turned into a copy of Henry, coming at the Electrike from the side. Kenny noticed this, and responded by walking over to Zorro and grabbed his tail, turning him back into a Zorua.

"Zorro, knock it off!"

"Aw, c'mon! I was ju-"

"You need to conserve your energy for tomorrow."


"No buts, Zorro! besides, that Electrike was most likely scared witless by what Henry did just now, and I don't want to give it any more stress. Besides, you could've gotten into a Battle because of what you did, and that would've ended badly."


Otto then stood up, admonishing Zorro.

"Zorro, you're an idiot."

Zorro seemed to get a little mad at this.

"And who are you to be calling me that?"

"Someone who is smarter than you, that's for sure!"

Zorro then took a flying leap at Otto, only to be taken ahold of by Ryu and slammed into the ground. ((Ryu used Circle Slam, which is Circle Throw, except the Target gets tossed downwards instead of upwards.)) Kenny then walked over to Zorro, and knelt down.

"See? you're still easily influenced. now, if you don't want Ryu to do that to you again, I suggest you try to control your Emotions, especially that Anger of yours."

Kenny then healed up Zorro with a Sitrus Berry, and turned to Otto.

"Don't think that i don't have a very rudimentary grasp of Poke-speak, either! I know that you called him something, even if i don't know what it was!"

Kenny then Recalled Otto and Zorro into their Pokeballs, turning to Ryu.

"Thanks, Ryu. I know I can always count on you in a tight spot."

Edited by K_H
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Once the Mclake family finished their meal, the announcement of the matches was announced.

Shiro and Henry in the same group? I don't like that. Also I am almost at the last group with some people that I don't even know. Sissy letted out a sigh.

"You made it into the tournament? That is a surprise little freak." Edward stated once the announcement was over.

"It seems that I did." Sissy replied.

"The host guy said about an opening from the coordinators. Are you going to take part Sissy?" Mr Mclake asked his daughter.

"I will. I've been practicing for this for some weeks now." She answered to her father's question.

"Good good then. I will make sure we get some close up seats to watch you honey." Her mother added.

Once they paied for their meal, the family started wandering around the stalls once again.

"I will have to leave you now. I have some things to take care before tommorrow comes." With that, Sissy left her family and headed towards the girls dorm.

Once she reached, she released both Sherlock and Miffy.

"Tommorrow is the morning coordinators will open the winter cup. Are you ready to give it all you have?" Sissy said to her pokemon.

Sherlock nodded while Miffy gave out a small yawn. "Miffy the whole performance is in your hands. Will you be able to handle it?" The Flaaffy snapped out from her yawn and nodded at her trainer. She was as lazy as always but she didn't want to humiliate her trainer in front of so many people.

"Okey. Thank you." Sissy petted her with a smile in her face. "Let's just sit here under this tree and tell for the last time what is everyones job." With that the four of them sat down at a nearby tree, with Sissy giving out last minute advice at her pokemon, waiting for the next day to come.

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The matchups have finally been presented. Group B... He was going to face off against Henry, huh... Somehow, the thought of it scared him, made him feel uneasy... But he had to win! Because... otherwise...

"So, it seem everyone has their own big challenges they'll have to cover on the way. Let's do our very best and show them what we can do."

"Uh, yeah... I suppo-" A hand suddenly grabbed him from behind, pulling him around violently.

"Shirooooo!!!" A loud lady squeezed the boy with full force, pulling him dep into her stomach. She was tall, almost 190cm and quite athletic. She wore a deep blue t-shirt over a black shirt, and denim pants beneath it, tied around her waist by a belt with bunch of poke balls of various kinds attached to it. Her wavy hair, almost reaching her behind, was pulled back by a blue hairband, so her ears were completely visible. Two single patches of hair fell down on her face, directly between her blue eyes. She seemed rather young, not older than 25. Two imposing giant men dressed in black stood behind her. Shun turned around, dropping any business she was doing, and began eyeing her the moment she appeared.

"Stop, Anna!" Shiro managed to somehow free himself from her tight grasp. She was his cousin, the always upbeat and happy child of his father's older brother and the curent head of the Advent company. She was also the person who called him on that day to tell him the news... She pulled back when he pushed himself away and put on a wide smile.

"Come on, cheer up a bit, I jst came to say hello and wish you good uck before the competition."

'As if...'

She put a finger on her lips and looked around, measuring the boys' stall. "Ramen, huh? I've never seen you cook any at home. Is it any good?" Her eyes stopped at Robert, and she jumped up. "Oh, is that your friend? Shiroooo ~~~ I never expected you to make any! Too bad it has come to this though, now it'll be harder for you to leave all of this behind. I hoped you would know better, I mean, you knew what was going to happen eventually, so why make bonds only to have them broken? Anyways, I'm Anna, pleased to meet you." She reached out her hand to Robert, but she pulled it back before the boy could react. "Well, I'll be off now. Good luck, Shiro, and see ya later ~ I still have some things to discuss with prof Redwood." She said, waving a bunch of papers in her hand while smiling at them. After that, she bounced off into the distance towards the other stalls, leaving Shiro shaken. She just had to come here and do this, didn't she? She was enjoying tormenting him! But it wasn't always like that... They used to play together as kids, and she was always like a big sister, until she suddenly became like this... What happened to her? He never realized the answer to the question.

Edited by Bfroger6
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  • Support Squad

Claude was listening intently and was happy, he knew Sissy was creative, and this would truly be a battle between coordinators. He was somewhat embarrassed when his real name was used, but he knew his family, who had gone off to enjoy other stalls, would be happy to hear the name. Then Hery began arguing with Citrine

Claude was shocked by Henrys outburst, but he couldn't just stand there silentyl whilst someone was nearly in tears. "What you do is you give him time, Zuko here knows that too, which is probably why he stopped you" Claude smiled at the smart little vulpix "From what I know of Henry, I think he'll probably work it out in the battles or something, he has to deal with it on his own, I suppose. For now, why don't you enjoy some of the stalls?" Claude gestured to his own extravagant stall. "I can tell you for a fact that a makeover does wonders for the soul!" Claude beamed at Citrine, hoping to cheer her up.

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Robert was simply suprised by Anna's arrival, but just let it off to a family member, but it was atleast suprising to see the two interact with such radical differences. What really left an imprint on him was what she said after Shiro got loose from her grip. 'Sure, Shiro wasn't the most the most active of people, maybe he was even down on himself when he first came here, but that doesn't just mean- Wait, what did she just say? Leave this all behind?!' Before he could even know what she meant, let alone even accept some her handshake, she pulled it back and said she had to see Professor Redwood.

'Wait, if that's true, then... No, no it can't be. S-she must just be messing with Shiro, yes. T-that makes sense, but... No, she can't be serious. He's been meeting new people, growing out his shell, and...' While Robert was busy trying to comprehend all that had just happened, Kiai could easily sense Robert's discomfort, as if he would break out and start crying the moment his mind came to the sick realization... But, felt the emotions bouncing around in his head slow, close to even stopping. 'Hmm, so this IS what he did do normally. Just holding up his emotions, hoping that he could just take care of them later. Would certainly explain his LAST blow-up a while ago.' With a deep sigh, Robert looked at Shiro, who seemed to be in just as much thought. "Shiro, if you could please, tell me what she meant. Are you really... Really...." With all his effort, he was doing his best to be strong in this, give some kind of support to the one person it affected the most.

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"But of course, mam," Mareek said, thankful that this little awkward moment at the stand was finally interrupted as he moved to retrieve the effigy in question from the shelves hidden beneath the countertop. "I've several carvings of all the legendaries from every region, here you are," he placed the work atop the stand's table in a showman like manner, offering it for the woman to inspect. The thing was even better done than the Mew sculpture he had sold to James earlier, the Kyogre posed with it's body arced, face raised to the heavens, flippers out to the side in a stabilizing position, it's face bearing a look between shock, fear, and pure awe as it gazed at some unseen majesty... it should've been a pose someone from Hoenn would likely recognize well, for it was the pose and facial expression Mareek imagined that the legendary would held when it halted it's duel with Groudon to witness Rayquaza descending from the skies in an utter fury at both of them after Team Magma and Aqua had awakened them from their slumbers. "The price is 12 dollars for a legendary, we accept either cash or BP."

Meanwhile, Nemo keep his gaze fixed on Lana, sitting in front of her on the counter top. He seemed as though he was a bit worried about their would be opponent come tommorow. He'd heard more than enough rumors over the course of training with Mareek about who would stand the best chances in the Cup, and well... it was no secret that Lana was pegged to be among the weakest. But she did make it into the top 32 to even qualify, didn't she? so that meant she couldn't have been that weak... still, against Mareek, whose mind had a habit of churning ten miles a minute in a fight, thinking and calculating and constantly observing for his next strike...? Nemo was honestly unsure how things between his trainer and his girlfriend might over once the match started and the orders started flying. despite that though, from what he'd seen of Mareek's style, the guy wasn't one to rub wins into people's faces, ever. Heck, Nemo had even sometimes seen him actually give constructive tips and try to help the other side see where they could improve... so maybe this wouldn't end in total disaster...

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"OhArceusI'msosorrycrapcraplemmepickthemup" rapped out a rather surprised Raiza as she scrambled to catch any of the goods that might have fallen from the table, although Rogue caught most of the items. When the Trainer looked up, she recognized the helmet of a Cubone, and behind him an red-haired boy and her childhood friend. Looking down she realized that she (and Rogue) held in her hands (and the Sneasel's han... paws) little wooden statues. "Oh, I'm here, finally, pon. Sorry about the ruckus," the Trainer said, bowing to the stallowner and his customers both, placing the statues back on the display.

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((Mareek's hair is actually red))

Damn it... Mareek thought to himself as the sudden collision rocked the table and knocked over a crap ton of his wares, looking down at Raiza as she scrambled to collect what had fallen. just like that water type guy, Collin, how the hell can you be so clumsy as to run into a stationary object? "Java, clean up at the front..." he sighed, glancing back at the work station. The Porygon shot forward an instant later, using psybeam to collect the statues from Raiza and Rogue's hands in a single fell swoop and placing them all back upon the counter exactly as they were before, luckily Erce's craftsmanship was so finely constructed that not a single one had broken at all. Though he was a bit miffed at Lana's friend for not watching where the hell she was going, he had customers watching him; it wouldn't do to go saying something out of annoyance... might as well turn this around to serve the business.

"You see that, folks," he said in his best joking voice (which was more from sarcasm than actual Joviality), though the annoyance he felt was clear as day in his eyes as he gestured to Raiza and Rogue. "Our sculptures and wares are so fine that people literally come running for them! Though most of the time they stop before they crash into things...but look, that's quality durability, isn't it? Not a single thing broken from that little accident just now."

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“Yeah, he flew into the Haunted House. If you want to go after him you’ll have to buy a ticket. 5 BP or Pokédollars, prizes are made by that old man over there so I can’t change them.”

Zephyr and Stratos

“I guess we have no choice but to do our best. I never expected to face one of the favorites in the first round…” Lana mused before Raiza wrecking balled everything. She almost let out a giggle when she saw her childhood friend’s face. “Hey Raiza, are your parents already here?”


“I don’t care who my opponent is. I got some new tricks up my sleeve to try out. Top 32 just isn’t good enough for me!” Kristen declared before following Jacob. She walked right next to him when her eye fell on the Haunted House. If she pretended to be scared, would Jacob hold her? Or should she try to sneak up and scare him? A small grin showed on her face before she dragged Jacob over to buy tickets.

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Oh. Sarcasm. She could hear it practically dripping in his voice and it practically snapped at her from his gaze, though the customers probably wouldn't have noticed since it wasn't directed at them. "Yeah, they're pretty sturdy, aren't they, pon?" she said with a smile, deciding to play along and that she might as well, to make up for it. "And-- oh hey, this is actually really detailed..." she said, sincerely, only catching just now the beauty of the little statue. It was definitely something she could appreciate as an avid artist. "... In fact, how much for this one?" The girl gestured at the Giratina sculpture, particularly because it was her favorite Legendary out of them all.

The Sneasel on the other hand crossed her arms before looking away from the obviously miffed stallowner. They apologized and caught the stuff they dropped before they could hit the floor (well, most of them, anyway, the Dark-Ice type figured.). What kind of cheek was that, claiming sturdiness when... oh, whatever. Rogue was an Ice type; it wasn't really in her nature to keep hotheaded for long. But she could be as cold as she wanted for as long as she wanted.

... Just like how Raiza froze when Lana mentioned her parents. "They're... uhm, they're not here yet," she said, trying to hide her discomfort as much as possible, with enough success that nobody but her friend would've noticed, as she shrugged. "I haven't received a message or a call."

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  • Veterans

"Ok,here ya go 5BP"James said after he got out his pokedex and typed in Evan's name to transfer the BP over to his account."This is just like old times....back in lavender town..."He muttered as he put the Pokedex back in his Bag."Anyways,thanks Evan.If you see Shade float out of the Haunted House,don't hesitate to call me.Shade's done this kind of thing before and ussually it takes quite a while to find him."James said as he closed his bag and finally entered the Haunted House."Damn,this place is really dark"

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Having given the money in exchange for the Kyogre carving, Will had the solid idea of what he wanted to see, before having his focus be snapped away by Raiza's crashing. He was quite suprised by how Mareek had made the accident into a positive for his products, causing a laugh before he spoke. "Well, that's one way to make something good out of that. Now, about your crafts, I have a certain thing in my head that I'm very sure would be... Unlikely to exist. What I would just love to get is, around the same size of the Kyogre one, a Hariyama with a big wave behind it. If you could make that, I'll pay whatever it would cost."

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It was apparent by Robert's sudden reaction, which, by the way, left Shiro completely boggled, as Robert never really showed such emotions before, that he realized what was going on. There was no more reasons to hide it from him, but Shiro couldn't bring himself to say anything, so he simply nodded. It was difficult looking at Robert right now... so he stayed his head down. He gave no reaction even when Shun embraced his ankle, or when a tear rolled down his cheek.

It was... too painful.

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{At the stall}

Danielle's mother shook her head in disapproval at Mareek's performance. While Mareek's ploy was a great way of marketing his wares, his expression was too hostile to invite many spectators, let alone maximize his potential profits. Putting on a facade of suspicion and curiosity, Carole Chastain approached the tray that contained the fallen sculptures and held up a dainty-looking wooden Rayquaza, making sure that the other onlookers could have a view of the beauty. After turning it this way and that to find any flaws, Mrs. Chastain gave a wide smile and nodded towards her audience. "No scratches nor dents seen here, folks! The boy and his Pokemon certainly held up their end of the bargain! His wares are certainly a masterpiece!" As the initially skeptical shoppers began to file in to confirm her thoughts, Mrs. Chastain put the Rayquaza back onto its tray and winked at Mareek. "You did well over there. Just control your emotions a little better. An angry patron will not attract many customers, no matter how amazing his work is~" she said quietly to Mareek before she walked back outside to rejoin her daughter.

While this was going on, Danielle groaned in embarrassment as she watched her mother show off her natural talent as a saleswoman. Carole Chastain is one of the best salesperson back at Laverre's clothing shop, after all. It's not that she was ashamed, but she really didn't want her mother putting her friends on the spot like that. She gave an apologetic look towards Mareek before her mother came back to fetch her wooden picture carving.

"Now, Danielle, since Mr. and Mrs. Kafkin aren't around yet, I shall go and put this masterpiece back at my hotel room. It would not do to have it ruined while we are walking around and I might as well make the most of the time before your father gets your boyfriend back here~" Mrs. Chastain said casually as she snatched her commission from Danielle's hands. "Adieu~~"

"B-Bye mom..." Danielle only muttered weakly as she watched her mother skip away. She then heard amused chuckles from her two remaining Pokemon. "Oh, I'm glad you two found it funny at my expense," the coordinator chided. "Now, let's go back and help Lana and Mareek. I could see some people wanting some drinks too..." While her Pokemon began to take orders once more, Danielle made extra cups of hot chocolate and handed them over to Mareek, Lana, Raiza and their Pokemon. "Free of charge; the coffee shop broke even a long time ago so you got lucky Raiza," Danielle teased. "And sorry about mom... She has a knack for selling stuff and can go overboard..."


{At Slade's room}

"And you guessed correctly, monsieur!" Marc Chastain said jovially as Avis zoomed into the room. "A pleasure to meet you, Slade Kafkin. Marc Chastain, but just call me Marc. I'm never one for formalities." He held out his hand for Slade to shake. "As for why I am here... Well, first, I need to give you this." He held out the gift that Slade's Pokemon had given him. "Your Pokemon asked me to give this to you while I was on my way here. Which leads me to my personal reason for coming here. Although, as Avis pointed out in her own way, it might be best if we discuss this in private. Would you mind letting me inside?"

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"Thank you, pon," Raiza said, accepting the chocolate, blowing it before gingerly dipping her tongue in (behind her hands, of course) to test the temperature. Danielle probably wouldn't know how grateful she was for the drink that did much to help calm her nerves, momentarily forgetting about Mareek's spite and easing her fears.

Eagerly, Lucifer slurped his share down quickly and easily-- it was sweet and delightfully warm! The Ghost-Fire type gave a "Wick, wick" of gratitude, unaware of the chocolate mustache that gathered on his lip. The Deino drank his cup easily-- and literally. Likewise, he rasped his thanks... unaware that he'd eaten the paper cup. And then there were they who didn't appreciate the heat too much: Rogue blew the sweet liquid with a bit of Icy Wind before having slow sips, looking at Danielle with approval. Where was the Murkrow-- Avis, that is? Shrugging, the Sneasel moved to blow the Skorupi's cup cool. Sure, Achlyx was from the desert... But having something cold would be a nice change.

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Sarah and Matt (New RoG Agents)

“Hurry up! I don’t want to miss the festival!” a young girl with curly brown hair and green eyes said. She was shorter than her conversation partner but that didn’t stop her from bossing him around.

“Why are you so hasty? It’s not like we have the day off to enjoy that stupid festival anyway. If only we were allowed to participate in the battles we could’ve shown those noobs what we’re made off!” the boy complained. He looked older than the girl despite being the same age. He had a thick eyebrow that stood out and combined with his muscular arms it gave him an intimidating look. His black hair and grey eyes completed his appearance.

Sarah sighed. “We could at least try and enjoy ourselves, you know.”

“Wooptidoo,” Matt replied with the necessary amount of sarcasm.

“You really are no fun when you can’t battle. You should try to find something else you can enjoy besides training, Musclehead.”

“Shut up, go and bother someone else, preferably Pierre. Where is that idiot anyway?”

Sarah shrugged. “He said something about arriving a little later… Oh hey, we’re here! I’ll see you later, Musclehead. I’m going to enjoy myself for a little while so you can go ahead and find our Team Leader.”

This time it was Matt’s turn to sigh. He watched Sarah ran off to the different stalls and slowly made his way through the crowd, pretending he was interested in what was going on around him.

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Ryan sat with a blank face as his fortune was read to him, but on the inside, he was practically melting. So I guess it's true. I very well could die if I don't figure out what strings to pull to reverse my fate. Maintaining his sense of control and composure, Ryan stood up and bowed to the fortune teller. "Thank you madame. You've helped me more than you'll ever know." He slowly spun around on his heals and sauntered out of the tent.

Ryan stood outside of the tent staring into the sky. What does a Skarmory have to do with all of this? How could a Skarmory of all pokemon kill me when I had Feroces by my side in that vision? Ryan's eyes drifted over the shifting white clouds in the sky. Ryan tightened his scarf around his neck and zipped up his jacket. An unknown species of bird flying over me? If she can't identify it then for sure it can't be a Skarmory. But if she can't identify it, then how will I know what it could do to me? What am I to do? Ryan's face contorted into an awful frown. He began scanning the crowds, staring at everyone's eyes. He saw a man with sunglasses lying above his forehead, tip tapping away with his cane. His eyes were white, as most would expect. I doubt this man could do any harm. He's simply an old man here to see his grandchildren of whatever. At least I know it can't be Kage that I have to worry for. His eyes are still that dazzling blue that makes me want to melt every time I look at them. Ryan shook himself and steeled him emotions. But for now I have to focus on winning the Winter Cup. If I don't then what can I say I've accomplished in my almost guaranteed shortened life. No holding back. My pokemon are ready and so am I.

Ryan's gaze wandered back to Kage, who seemed to be loitering around Slade's empty stand. Deciding he was feeling a bit mischievous today, Ryan stealthily snuck up on Kage. He was about to tap on Kage's back and scare him when he heard a shout. "RYAN! Oh my gosh it's so good to see you again!" Ryan cringed at the familiar voice. Looks like they're here.

Ryan turned around to see three people walking his way. His father, Wally, was on the left, composed and quiet as always. His hair was an awkward green as usual, which truly was the only thing that made his sexuality a little more obvious. His firm face stared directly on, as he raised his hand to wave at Ryan. He stood tall and strong as usual, and rolled his silver eyes at his incredibly flamboyant partner. On the right stood Jason, Ryan's more... fabulous father. He was grinning like a fool and shaking his hand in what was a poor excuse for a wave. His face was a bit more boyish in nature and his teeth were perfectly straight and white. His hair was a ridiculous shade of blue, the same color as his eyes. And standing between them acting like she shouldn't be there at all was Ryan's sister, Lexis. Her brunette hair was up in a bun, and her outfit was somewhat shameful. Her shirt was one of the ones that lacked any form of sleeves and was open around the sides, letting hit hang upon her like a sheet, and her jeans were perhaps a bit too tight. But it all came together to look miraculously good on her. She slipped her sunglasses off of her head and used her hand to pretend to shoot herself in the head, rolling her hazel eyes. Ryan couldn't help but laugh, knowing exactly what she must have to deal with. All in all, they were a sight to behold. Even though Ryan and Lexis weren't biologically related to Wally and Jason, it was obvious great genes ran through both parts of that family. As they were walking, the announcement came on to declare the order of the battles and when Ryan's name was declared, he could see a bit of chatter erupted in his family.

"Oh my gosh Ryan it's so good to see you again!" Jason ran up to Ryan planting a sloppy kiss on his cheek that made Ryan cringe. The other two were still catching up to Jason when he looked to Kage. "My oh my what an adorable young man! Please tell me you've put a ring on it, Ryan!" Ryan blushed profusely as Jason walked up to Kage and stuck out his hand expecting a shake. "What's your name young man?"

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Slade shook the man's hand and took the box get hand held out for him. He was surprised to read it was from his mom, and to fell a slight warmth from it. "Well then come in, wouldn't want us to stand out here the entire time." Slade chuckled as he held the door open for Marc.

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There was one thing Shiro's been worried about, though, and he could not bottle up the question at the tip of his tongue for much longer. After a deep breath, he raised his head and spoke...

"We... we'll stay friends, right!?"

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"I guess she's probably right..." Mareek sighed to Danielle, letting the bit of anger at Raiza fade from his gaze, nudging his cup over to Nemo, who graciously began drinking his Trainer's Hot chocolate without having to be told twice as the boy returned his attention to man who'd just made the latest commision. "Anyway, that would be no problem, sir, the flat price for a commissioned piece is 15 dollars, with extra depending on the size and complexity," He wrote down the request on the small notepad and handed it off to java, who snatched it up with a psybeam and flew back over to Erce at the Work station, The Scyther going to work immediately after reading the slip. "It'll just be a few minutes until it's ready, but please, feel free to browse around while you wait though."


"Evan Reeves?" Augustine asked as he finally found his contact attending a haunted house attraction, making sure to maintain his accent. "Forgive me if I'm mistaking you for another, but you are him, no?" he pointed his finger up at the metal chicken screeching and acting murderous atop the attraction, which surprisingly seemed to help business. "For the Skarmory up there is yours, correct? The one screeching that war cry like there's no tomorrow..."


it had taken some asking around of various students, bit eventually she had found some First Years who knew precisely who she was asking for, as they should, given that Mareek had wiped the floor with some of them more than a few times in the past and they all saw him as a Rival of sorts to defeat someday, both on the battle field and in the Class Room. They had pointed her and Mars over in the direction of Mareek's Stand, actually giving a few compliments on his and Erce's work as they showed off a few pieces they'd bought.

"Well, that's my Mareek," she said to herself warmly as she headed off towards the place, Mars staying close in her wake. "Always ending up getting recognition without making a conscious effort to... Just like his brother, though thank Arceus that I obviously didn't make whatever mistake I did with Galen again with him; Still don't know where I went wrong raising that boy..." All Mars did was nod in general agreement, spotting the boy before long as he dealt with a customer and handed a slip of paper to a Porygon... hmmm, looked as though Erce was no longer his only Partner then. Actually, where was that giant Mantis? it had been a good while since Mars had last seen her....

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"Of course not. She's just over dramatic; don't take it personally." Danielle gave him a pat on the shoulder before she went back over to Zared and Corona, who were busy preparing some expressos and coffee. As she peered out from her coffee stand, Danielle's eyes fell upon a woman with red that look a lot like Mareek. The shiny Bisharp that is walking with her was also eyeing Mareek curiously, as if he has seen him before. "Mareek, I think someone is here to see you~" she called to the quiet boy.


"Yes, that would certainly not be comfortable for the both of us!" Danielle's father agreed. Once he was inside, Mr. Chastain gave one long whistle, as he was impressed by his surroundings. "That Professor Redwood sure knows how to make his students feel at home. I'm glad Danielle made the decision to come here." He then took a chair and sat himself by Avis, who was nestled comfortably by the Flareon plushie. One could mistake her for a doll if her eyes didn't wander around the room.
"Now then. The reason why I'm here is because of Avis. She freaked out over your parents and begged for me and my wife to come over and help Danielle. While this is natural for any other Pokemon to freak out over a parent meet and greet with boyfriends and girlfriends - and yes I know about you two - Avis is an exception. I'm sure Danielle has told you about her past; barely anything has fazed her after that event. So, I just want to understand why your parents were so scary to her."
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