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Pokémon Academy: Ch 3: Winter Cup [IC]


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Henry had a feeling this question was coming, but he wasn't ever going to be straightforward. "No, he has told me little as I know it's best not to pry into people's lives and especially their secrets. You can call it more of a hunch than anything." Henry felt that'd be the best way to answer, but truthfully, it was the water stone that gave him the answers. "Now, will that be all?"

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"...Yes, that would be all. Just... Let me know if you need anything, I guess." Danielle responded, walking off with Avis towards the nurse's office. While she wasn't satisfied with such a vague response, the combination of Avis' sigh and Henry's concise statements made Danielle realize that the conversation will not be going anywhere. All she could do is let Henry continue what he is doing; he is on her side, after all, despite their differences. There was also something about Henry's reply that sounded genuine that made her concede defeat.

"I guess we will see what they others have gotten, right Avis?" Danielle asked Avis before she went inside the office. She watched her Murkrow nod before the bird flew off and landed onto the surprised nurse's desk.

((I don't know if anyone is still there so..))

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"Darn. Well, they both did their best, and Henry's still as tricky as ever, isn't he, Paradox?" the Traner said to the Togepi, who sat in her arms still cheering and chirping for her owner despite his loss. You must really love 'im, huh, little girl? It was cute and, in a way, refreshing to see the Normal-Fairy type cheering Henry on (and, she guessed, having somebody else other than herself who actually supported him). After Danielle rushed across the forest field or something, Raiza made her way down the stands. Surely, the Egg Pokemon was anxious to get back to her rightful owner.

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((@Private Darklight- I was already headed there, so hope ya don't mind, soldier))


Java floated through the doors of the medical center, eyes rolling and pace quickening when he got into the lobby. Mareek wasn't far behind, more than able to catch up and grab the Polygon by the tail, dragging him back. Another beam of telekinetic force not long after had him shaking and clasping his hand tightly to his chest, the sensation of it being pounded by a ball-pin flaring throughout the limb as he scowled at the Co-Strategist, and got one in return.

"Really?" He snarled. "Fucking really? I'm trying to help you with whatever you're going through right now, and you practically run away like you stole something, and then when I try to stop you, you haul off and attack me just for caring enough to try to see if you're alright?"

Java gave no response, only turning away and beginning to move again. Mareek's eyes darkened and his brow furrowed as he reached for the two other capsules on his person...

"Please, just stop Running away, damn it!" He shouted. "Running won't fix whatever your problem is! And I can't freaking help you with this whole Upgrade thing if you're not going to keep refusing to cooperate!" No response, not even an acknowledging glance backwards. "Java!" No use. The Computer Generated Life form had disappeared down the corridor. His trainer let out a sigh in frustration as he depressed the triggers on both Nemo and Erce's capsules...


"Java" Was the last thing he heard before he rounded the corner and stopped listening altogether. Yeah sure, the kid meant well and everything, but damn, did he really have to go and turn their conversation outside to the things he'd been experiencing since last night? And did he have to be so persistent about it- Java knew he'd told him more than once that it wasn't important, that they should just focus on the next battle and not whatever was ailing him... but Mareek just wouldn't give up... and what had Java done in response? Run away and then broken the kid's grip with an- Admitably harsh and uncalled for- psybeam when he'd caught up.

Another sensation began to bloom within him as he kept hovering though- this one different from all the ones that had come before in the past few hours or so... and it was stranger than all the others, his heart raced a bit faster. His gut and the entirety of his virtual self felt was all sinking, being dragged down by some heavy, unseeable bog. And his actions back in the med lobby couldn't help but float back up to the front of his mind...and then there came thoughts as to why Mareek was being so persistent, why he refused to just let it go and ignore it... yet no matter how much he tried to push any of the ruminations away, they still stayed there, lurking in the background like Absols predicting disaster. By the creation trio, what in the good lord Arceus's name was this feeling?

"I guess we will see what they others have gotten, right Avis?" Was apparently his answer to that question. He looked up from the floor, taking in the new space around him and realizing just how far he'd wandered. A quick scan of the room almost immediately revealed the likely owner of the voice- a semi-familiar girl with a murkrow... in fact, if java didn't know any better, she might be the same one who Mareek and Lana had agreed to a partnership with...

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Henry was relieved Danielle left him alone rather quickly. While he felt she knew a little too much, there wasn't a point in trying to stop her. It didn't seem like she knew too much so there was no point in taking any action. He watched Danielle leave as he headed into the break room and sent out Burrows who was still exhausted from the fight. After Henry sprayed him with a Super Potion though, he felt good as new. He then sent out Rosie and Gypsy so that he could give them the news.

"The shows over. We lost." Henry's words seemed to get to Gypsy as she kicked a piece of trash in frustration. All that time they spent working on that one move and she didn't even get to use. Rosie frowned a bit from the news, but she reverted to her usual optimistic self knowing she'd have more time to play with Paradox now. Burrows was a bit relieved seeing as Henry might lay off on the hard training for a while. He was getting sick of being nailed by Gypsy's Psybeams. Well at least they're taking it better than I thought. Henry thought to himself.

There was still quite a handful of things Henry needed to do. The most important thing was to pick up Paradox from Raiza. Since he lost, there really wasn't a reason he couldn't keep her on hand. There was also his room key that was still missing. "Rosie, go get my room key from Robert. I doubt he needs it anymore." He figured the Decatty was more than capable of completing this task as he watched her run off. He himself was about to run out of the room when he realized he still had a bit of mud on his face. He made his way to the sink to get the dirt off his face finally.

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Watching as the Shiftry did it's explanation, Kiai 'calmed down' and glared at Jet, making it obvious that he should stop as well. While reluctantly, Jet backed off as he saw Kiai glare over, getting the hint that it should just be left to Robert. 'I swear, if he's wrong about this, I'm attacking that Shiftry, with or without help.'

Before the second slap hit, the wheels turned in Robert's head and he started to understand what was going on. He turned back to the Shifty, getting ticked at what he could get from the symbols. "So, this about what happened with Shiro? I don't know who's pokemon you are, or why I should even tell you what's on going, but you put off that you atleast know a big enough part of it and plan to know the rest." He sighed deeply, ready to get whatever needed out. "That part where you were flexing your muscles, that was meant as 'be strong,' correct? If you're implying that as 'man up,' two problems with that. And if you actually knew what I've had to go through, I can't see why you'd be slapping me around like a rag doll for it."

"First off, it wasn't ME that wanted to leave Shiro's side. If it was my choice, I would've been with Shiro as much as I could and done my full effort to make him feel better. But I told him that 'whatever he wants, I'll do' to give him a choice, and he wanted to go back to his room... alone. And in full truth, I can't blame him to much for that. He seemed even worse then than he did when I actually got to his room in an attempt to cheer him up earlier." His hands tightened into fists, not really angry at the Shiftry as much, but how things had went down. "Even when I asked if I could atleast help him back in the condition he was in, Anna, his cousin since I doubt you'd get that, burst in, 'took care of it,' and Shiro seemed fine with her taking care of it. And since Shiro decided that he wanted to go back and me to stay before she came in, I accepted it and followed his choice."

"Now, if that sign of 'be strong' has anything to do how I was here before you came around, I can make it pretty clear; He's leaving here. I don't actually know when he has to leave, and I doubt I'll actually see him in the near future, but he's leaving the school and there's nothing either of us can do about it. So yeah, of course I'm depressed that I'm losing my friend when I have no control over it. But like I said before, it was his decision to be alone and his choice takes priority."

At the end of his rant, he looked straight at the Shiftry, his current state distracting him from his depression. "In full truth, I don't care what you think, I did what I could to make things better and I'm dealing with what I was left to. And even if you really think slapping me is going to help, thinking I could've done better, then go ahead, but it won't make me ABLE to do anything more." He emphasized the part about actually being able to do so, cringing at it himself. In his mind he did all he could do, but it was nowhere near what was necessary. As that settled in his mind, all he could do was watch the Shiftry's reaction.

Edited by TurboAura
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((No problem, sir! I just didn't make Dani look foolish by talking to thin air))

"Sorry for Avis. She's always like that." Danielle apologized to the startled nurse as she gave her three Pokeballs. After the nurse took them to the back room, Danielle stretched out her arms into the air and looked for a place to sit... Only to meet the eyes of a Porygon2. The coordinator blinked, trying to recall who has a Porygon2. The last person she remembered having such a similar Pokemon was Mareek, but his was only in its first stage, no?

"Java?" she greeted cautiously, not wanting to offend the rounded polygon in case that wasn't xyr's name. Danielle approached the Porygon2 and gave a warm smile. "If that is you, you look really amazing now. Congratulations on evolving~"

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After he walked back into the Waiting room,James looked over to Slade waiting a moment before starting a conversation with the Red Head."Hey Slade,remember how i asked you about Mareek earlier,mind filling me in now since my match is coming up soon."He asked him while going over his current strategy with Shade."Use a few Confuse Rays and Will-O-Wisps,to make him dodge or make a move and then make sure he gets burnt or confused after that it's Hit and Run"

Edited by Azeria Cipherus
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Out in the corridor, Raiza sat down on the floor, playing with the little Egg Pokemon. Then she wondered...

"Rogue, Toothless, Achlyx, this is Paradox," she said about three seconds later, having sent out all three. Lucifer would've come out of his Pokeball by now if he were awake... I'll let him sleep in. "She's Henry's baby girl. My own baby boy's asleep, see, so he's not here now." Rogue took one look at the Normal-Fairy type and stayed where she was, apprehensively. There was no way she was going near it, not when it could knock her out even unintentionally. The blind dragon cautiously stepped forward for a sniff, before yelping, running behind Raiza, and barking nervously at the Togepi from there. Finally, the Poison-Bug type stayed where she was, just exuding hostility as she always did. Unlike the other two, she wasn't afraid of the weird-looking Pokemon. With her pincers raised, she hissed to show she wasn't going to back off. "Achlyx," Raiza said, sternly. Her Skorupi could never play nice, even with her own teammates, except with maybe Rogue.

Understandably, the baby Pokemon began to cry from the cold treatment. Sighing, the Trainer beamed all three Pokemon back into their Pokeballs and cradled the Togepi, humming soothingly to her until her tears were reduced to little sniffles. "My baby lies over the ocean/My baby lies over the sea/My baby lies over the ocean/O bring back my baby to me." The rest of the folk song she hummed, until Paradox calmed down totally. I guess, naturally, my own babies would have a hard time getting along with Paradox, given their typing... Oh well.

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Java simply stared at Danielle in utter silence, then cast a glance behind him as the sound of tiny footsteps echoed down the hall at a quick pace. Arceus Damn it, they just wouldn't give up with this whole 'Talk to me, let me help you' thing, would they? And right as he thought that, the same feeling from before grew stronger... because, no, they wouldn't just give up and ignore this, would they?

Java shook his head, letting out a glitched, warped sound that was his equivalent of a sigh. It made no sense... this feeling of fault, why the hell should he be feeling like he's at fault for any of this? He'd told the kid to leave him alone, and how much good did that do? Didn't he have the right not to discuss something personal if he didn't so desire to? And then there was that. Yes, that. That right there, it was the same thing he'd spent so many ruminations over in the waiting room- when had he begun... thinking of himself... as himself?

"Cube!" interrupted him amidst the turbulent thoughts. Java returned his gaze to the corridor, eyes rolling. Well, look who decided to show up, the little jedi, of all things...


Nemo approached Java and Danielle Slowly, not wanting to go to far into a conversation before Erce got here... actually, where was she? If he'd managed to beat her here... nah, that was impossible, he knew that much from training. Maybe she was just watching from the shadows, anyway... what was he doing here again? Oh, right, right... talking to java.

He gripped his club in one hand, pointing off down the hall with the other, a few quick cries issuing from his helm as he stared up at the co-strategist. Java simply turned away, eyes fixed on the far wall. Nemo moved to be in his line of sight. Java turned right around to stare at the other wall. Again, he moved. And again the polygon shifted his gaze away as he continued trying to placate his comrade.

Alright... so much for that. Java seems to be a lot harder to get through to than Mareek.... Man, he could really use Erce about now, but... where was she? Why wasn't she appearing about now?

"Cue?" He asked, glancing around... after a while with no response, he finally scratched his head and turned to Danielle... if erce weren't gonna pop up and help, and java was gonna act like a brick wall...

"Cubone!" He said, gesturing to Java with his club, hoping the girl would catch on...

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"Oh yea, almost forgot." Slade chuckled to himself as James spoke towards him, "Anyways, from what I've seen Mareek relies a lot on tactics. Whether it be a set up, a stall, or just an assault, he always seems to a lager plan at scale. So if you were able disrupt his chain of though, maybe throw a couple of strange moves here or there it might lower his guard or confuse him to point to get an opening. He'll probably send out Java or his Porygon out in your next battle and that, um, whatever it is will strike you from a distance. So if you have someone that can get up close or give the same or better ranged attack those would both be good ideas. I hope that was what you were looking for and good luck in your battle." He then gave a smile to James.

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After cleaning himself up, Henry left the waiting room to search for his Togepi. For a moment, he regretted sending Rosie off for a different errand because she'd be able to pick up the Togepi's cries rather quickly. It didn't matter those as he heard a bit of singing nearby. Once he got a little bit closer, he saw Raiza signing to little Paradox, but it looked like she was enjoying her time with Paradox. He just silently leaned against a wall and waited for her to finish.

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James smirked when Slade mentioned strange moves"Shade here'll be able to do that just fine,though i'm surprised that the Academy was able to supply their students with a Porygon...even if they posses the common normal typing,they are very rare and collectors would pay a lot to get one of them. I heard that they were the maximum prize one could obtain in the Game corners in Celadon though..."He muttered the last part quietly so Slade wouldnt hear him."On a lighter note-something we need after all that commotion earlier- Has any seen Sissy lately?"

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Danielle blinked in surprised as Java sighed forlornly. Many Pokemon are happy when they get to evolve and become stronger, so why_not this Porygon? When Nemo came and greeted the troubled Porygon2, Danielle proceeded to watch Mareek's two Pokemon interact in silence, processing the scene before her. For one thing, at least she knows now that she was and is speaking to Java; Mareek is the only one she knew that has both a Porygon and a Cubone, after all. Now that the identity crisis is fixed, Danielle's mind raced to her studies on Porygon and its evolutions. Didn't she read somewhere that a Porygon2 could exhibit new actions and experience emotions all on its own? That could make sense; she would feel strange too if she suddenly able to, say, become invisible and have no idea how to control it, so why _ not a Pokemon? Perhaps that was what was bothering xem...


Danielle gave a nod to Nemo, smiling reassuringly that she will try and get through to Java. Danielle made no movement to get in front of Java's face, instead she thought it would be best to try and reason it out with the troubled polygon just by speaking. "Java, is there something wrong?" she asked softly. "You can tell us if you want. Nobody is going to look down on you just because you can't figure something out; that's why we are here~"

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Again he regarded the girl's kindness with silence, eyes furrowed and glaring at the little Jedi Knight. A harsh stream of noises reminiscent of a hardrive crashing and a game system glitching out all at once, dragging on for a good few seconds. It was one thing for Nemo to be sent by Mareek, his own damn partner in crime, to intercept and try to talk to him, but for the little homeless bastard to go and DARE pull in an outsider to this matter? Oh hellllls no! Java already had his laundry poking out in the wind within their little quartet, and the last thing he wanted, nor needed at this moment was for things to spread beyond the nuclear arrangement... and yet here the little idiot had gone, blabbing to Danielle here...


The little swordsman took a step back as the merciless bout of curses and swearing hit him like a wall. His expression of prior concern transformed into one of startling ferocity, eyes piercing the polygon as he brought around his club, firing up a Bone Rush and holding it out in a fighting stance. How dare this glorified pile of computer code... speaking of his mother in such ways, calling her those things- oh no no no no no.... shit had just gotten very real, no man, absolutely, positively, no man, nor pokeman, ever born nor who will be born, may dare feign to call his dear deceased mother that word without getting a good can of whoop-ass as part of the combo.

"Cube...Cue." He snarled, actually, genuinely snarled. Java back up a bit... then fired back with a few words of his own. So now he was gonna try to pin it on Nemo, tell him that nothing would've been said if he'd just left him alone, eh? "Cue!!" He shouted, charging forward and preparing to come down with hard vertical strike to the head... Java meanwhile seemed to be preparing that special beam attack of his or whatever it was...




Wait, what the hell? how in Arcues' name did he get up in the air like this? Were these...scythes holding him? Oh dear lord... "Cube?" he asked cautiously, putting on his best face of innocence... but it didn't fool the stone cold glare of the mantis restraining him under her arm.


Enough was enough, she couldn't just sit there invisible and watch this crap fest any longer. like a bolt from the blue, Erce burst forward in a blur and snatched up the little Apprentice before he could finish his little "War Charge" just now. A hard glare was passed back and forth between both the participants in the would be brawl as a harsh couple of hisses and guttural growling escaped her maw, their gazes drifting down to the floor as she went on, neither daring to look up.

The Mantis shook her head and sighed in disgust when she got no explanation from either of them for this behavior. She turned her attention back down to Nemo, growling a few terms at him before doing the same to Java. This would be simple- Java would apologize for the Arceus aweful shit he'd said to Nemo about his dead mother, and Nemo would apologize for damn near knocking Java's brains out... and if they didn't want to cooperate, she'd haul off and start puttin' both these here scythes of hers to good use... the choice was theirs.




Silence. All right, fine by her- time to start parring up!

unfortunately though, she didn't get the chance. Java finally looked up and gave a few softer sounding hardrive crash, slow dial-up noises. And after a stern look and a bit of squeezing from Erce, the kid reluctantly muttered a few cries to the something of the same effect, though there were a few other choice things in there that She just let slide... And with that out of the way, she dropped him flat on his backside on the cold hard floor, crossing her arms...erm, scythes, as she stared at the run away. Time to start working her silver tongue and end this mess... She opened her mouth, and then closed it when she spotted Mareek leaning in the doorway.

"Well, glad to see you two found him..." The boy said, walking over before noticing Danielle there for the first time, letting a sigh as he shook his head. "Tch, and an audience too, I guess... yeah, I'm sure that's just what Java here wants for his troubles right now, guys. way to go...no really, both of you..."

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Kenny walked out of the Waiting Room, and got to the healing center about a minute after Mareek went into it. Kenny headed into the healing center, handed Eve and Otto's Pokeballs to the nurse, and waited for his team to be healed.

Edited by Trainer Red
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"Bring back, bring back, bring back my baby to me." By the time she finished her lullaby (in hindsight, she felt glad that she didn't have to sing the whole song; it wasn't really too pleasant in its entirety, after all), the little baby girl had closed herself up in a nap. Just like Lucifer, yeah, when he was just her age. How time flew! Man, it only seemed like the other day when she had to sing him before he burned down the entire park looking for her...


A bunch of little kids were running out the playground when she arrived on her bicycle. Oh, there was a lot of screaming too. From the cries of the other kiddos, apparently there was a flying candle wreaking havoc and trying to... Eat them? That's ridiculous; Lucifer didn't like anything but sweets. Bravely, fearlessly-- why'd it matter? It was only her little boy throwing a tantrum, anyway, and there was nothing to be afraid of-- she ventured into the miniature woods of the park. "Lucifeeeeer! We're done playing hide and seek," she called out, her voice ringing like a chime. Pained yowls and cries answered her, sending unpleasant chills down her spine. Yup, that was him, all right. It wasn't anything new; baby Ghost Pokemon liked to scream shrilly as possible whenever they were upset. "Come on, now! I'm right here, sweetie. Just follow my voice," she called out, before she drew in some air and began to sing...

"Now the parking lot is empty/Everyone's gone someplace/I pick you up and in the trunk I've packed/A cooler and a 2-day suitcase."

Her voice was like a beacon to the Ghost-Fire type. Immediately, with a face that normal boring people would've placed in a prank jumpscare video, Lucifer came flying and crying from the shadows of the tall trees and into his beloved owner's arms. "Shh, shh, it's okay, it's okay, pon!" Raiza cried out, stroking her Litwick's waxy head gently, with a big smile on her face even as his wailing and moaning continued on. "We're okay, we're fine... Honey, I'm here to stop your crying. Now, let's go home and get something to eat." After the big baby settled down, they headed to the local ice cream parlor for some sundae on the way home.


Unbeknownst to Raiza, she'd began humming "Power of Two" to nobody in particular... until she opened her eyes and WHEN DID HENRY GET THERE WHAT-- "Oh, he-hey!" she stammered, jumping a little bit. "Hi, yeah, how long've you been there?" She failed to realize that she did just sing in front of him earlier and that being startled or red-faced about him seeing her sing again wouldn't make any sense, but even then...

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When Raiza saw he was there, Henry simply responded by saying, "Long enough." He then noticed start turning red which he figured it has something to do with her singing. He had no idea why she'd be embarrassed about it, but he decided to play along. "I'm sorry, is this a bad time? I just came here to take Paradox off you hand. She can be quite a handful."

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Oh, how Danielle wished her Pokemon were with her right now to settle the fight unfolding in front of her. She could only watch and try to persuade them (in vain) to calm down and talk it out, but she could guess that whatever was being said wasn't pleasant to the ear... And Nemo's sudden charge at Java clearly confirmed her worst suspicions. Danielle was about to knock Java to the side to avoid the hit when Nemo just... Hung in mid air...

The startled coordinator looked up and found none other than the fierce Scyther herself, who was issuing some stern reprimands, like a mother would to her disobedient children. Danielle sighed in relief as the Porygon2 and Nemo reluctantly apologized to one another. "Thank you, Erce. I don't know what would have happened if you didn't show up there." she thanked the green, flying mantis.

"Well, glad to see you two found him...Tch, and an audience too, I guess... yeah, I'm sure that's just what Java here wants for his troubles right now, guys. way to go...no really, both of you..."

Danielle glanced over to find Mareek heading over to them, clearly unsatisfied with the way his Pokemon were acting. She couldn't help but look down at her feet, feeling guilty for not being able to stop the incoming battle before her eyes. "I... Sorry, Mareek... I didn't want to intrude. I was dropping off my Pokemon when I saw Java floating in. I just wanted to say hello..." In her embarrassment, she didn't even notice an innocent Kenny walking past her to get his Pokemon healed too.

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"Don't be, Danielle" Mareek said, still slouching in the doorway. "It's not your fault you just so happened to already be here when a few of my team members decided to act like fools." With that said, he turned his sights on the transgressors in question. Nemo's gaze lowered to the floor, as did Java's. "Now, I don't know what the hell might've been said here, but Java, Nemo was just trying to help because you're apart of the team and we're trying to get you through whatever's bothering you, so whatever you spouted off against him with, there's no reason to be that way just because he cares enough to try." He turned his sights on the Cubone next.

"And you, what have I told you time and time again while we were training? Anger doesn't make your blade strong when you let it control you, it only makes you weaker" Nemo looked up for a moment, shame in his eyes as he nodded. Mareek barely acknowledged it, going on. "Now here's what's gonna happen here and now since I'm tired of this mess- Java, either you can accept the fact that the three of us care about you enough to be worried and just open up so that you don't have to deal with this upgrade thing on your own... or you can keep acting like a hermit who thinks he has no friends, and we'll all eat a spartan dinner tonight before going out and running 2 country miles around the academy grounds afterwards till we all drop; if you don't want to talk your troubles away, then maybe a bit of exertion will clear them from your mind instead." He pushed himself up off the wall, walking over with his arms crossed and looking right at the co-strategist.

"The choice is yours, Java. What will it be now?" A few moments passed. There was no response as the porygon2 hovered there. "Fine, two country miles-"

"Fine... I'll talk..." Chimed in one of Mareek's earbuds, then quickly following it "But didn't we come in here to find someone...?"

"Oh... that's right..." Mareek said, only just now recalling why the hell he was here in the first place. He looked over at Danielle, not even noticing Kenny nearby getting his team healed. "Sorry you uh... had to see all this drama, Danielle. Anyway, you didn't happen to see Lana around here, have you?"

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((I believe she is still here from Chim's last update, so I'll go with her in the changing room))

"No, it's fine, really. We all have our days. I'm just glad it didn't get any worse." Danielle waved it off as if the fight was an ordinary event in her daily life. "As for Lana, I... Actually didn't see her on the way in. And I was looking around for a seat before I spotted Java." Danielle scanned the room once more, spotting nobody but Kenny and a few other unfamiliar students. "Hmm... Maybe she went into the bathroom to change into warmer clothes? I don't think anyone would want to stay in wet clothes for that long." She chuckled. "Want to grab a seat and wait with me?"

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"Eh... sure," Mareek said, mind drifting to his own clothing and hair. The dampness from earlier had more or less gone away, though he could still feel a bit of it, he honestly found he wasn't bothered by it so much... Amazing how the fires of anger can work so well for raising the core temperature and making you stop caring whether you're hot or cold, isn't it? And the same apparently went for Nemo too, given that from as far as he could tell, his fur was dry as well after attempting to murder Java... And the kid also refused to listen to any of them, arms crossed as he kept his eyes fixed on the tiled ground, a few things being muttered under his breath...

"Hey java," He said, choosing a chair not far from Danielle, whirling it around to sit in it reverse-wise, arms leaning on the backrest as he glanced over. "What exactly did you say to him...?"

Java hesitated for a while... then finally "I may have... said something in regards to the supposed promiscuity of his mother..." Nemo glared up at the Strategist... as did Mareek.

"That's low man..." He said, shaking his head. "That's real low...just... damn, even if you're going through something right now..." He turned his attention back over to Danielle as the little Jedi kept staring daggers at the Polygon, Erce shaking her head and sighing all the while as Java again attempted to apologize. "Anyways, from the fact that you're here now and not in the stadium with everyone else, I'm guessing that either we've gone through some sort of Celebi Induced time-fuckery and the first round has started over again from the beginning, or the second round's gotten started already and everyone's forgotten about this break or whatever we were supposed to be having right now.." He trailed off as Nemo gave a few angry swipes of his bone at the air towards Java before storming off and plopping down at his feet, sitting back against the chair leg as he stewed... "eh, whatever, he'll let it go eventually. And besides, better than having another fight break out between them..."

"So, how'd it go?" He asked, returning his attention to Danielle while they waited. "You were supposed to go up against Baldwin this round, right?"

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Respecting Mareek and Java's privacy, Danielle began to stare off into space; she wondered how her next battle would go. The female coordinator doubted that she would get lucky twice in a row with the fields... Or whatever trick the professors will have for the next round. If she remembered correctly, she will have to face off against either Kenny or Evan. 'Evan.' Despite what Henry has told her, Danielle would rather not deal with him inside or outside of the battlefield. She shivered at the thought of facing him; not out of fear of the battle itself, but out of fear of the aftermath...

"So, how'd it go? You were supposed to go up against Baldwin this round, right?"
"Hmm? Oh yes! Yes I was." Danielle stammered; she didn't think they ended the conversation so soon. She turned her head around to face him and his teammates. "I managed to win thanks to a field advantage with my Murkrow. Henry was a great opponent though; he gave me a run for my money!"
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