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Pokémon Academy: Ch 3: Winter Cup [IC]


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"Tch, not surprising," Mareek said. "Baldwin isn't exactly someone who can be pegged as a pushover, from what I've seen... speaking of which..." The memory of the waiting room flashed through his mind. He rotated the chair, agitating an already pissed Nemo as he faced Daniel and forced the Jedi to have to move along with it. "While we're on the subject of Baldwin, I wanna ask you something: Before you left the waiting room, you stopped me and told me that the thing Jacob wanted to talk about was Evan Reeves. Now, as far as I knew, Baldwin and I were apparently the only ones who were privy to anything about that, and I Know I myself didn't say anything until it became obvious it was pointless to try to keep it under wraps there... So I'm just wondering if the guy happened to do something like... oh, I don't know, just happened to tell any of you about this. Cause see, thing is, he stopped me in the hall and told me not to disclose anything to anyone. So... if he did tell any of you, that violates his own advisement, and that would make for some shady implications..." "Of course, if he did, he could've also done something like make you all promise not to tell me he was there..."

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Danielle also swerved her chair so that she could face Mareek properly. The redhead's starting points finally cleared up some strange statements that Henry had previously made to her...

"So that's why Henry dropped your name when I mentioned Evan and Team Rocket... You don't need to worry, though; I tried asking him about Evan after our match, and he basically told me to stay away from it." Danielle responded plainly. If Mareek is going to be truthful about his plans, she might as well not hide her information either. "Jacob and I found out about Evan's... strange behavior through a vision and other outside sources. I'm sure our friends back there told you about Ryan and the Skarmory. My Mawile has talked to said Skarmory and came to the conclusion that it wasn't Team Rocket that caused the stampede." Danielle paused, trying to figure out what to ask next. There were just so many questions, yet so little time. "The thing is... my Pokemon also saw that Evan has 5 Pokemon. We already know four of them, but what about the fifth? Considering the circumstances, can that fifth be tied to the organization? Jacob and I wanted to ask you about that the most..."

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Seeing as how he hadnt healed Liona and Tytanniel yet for their effort in the previous match,James left the room and headed over to the medical office."Would you mind healing my pokemon please?"He asked the nurse who took his offered pokeballs.Meanwhile he looked at Luna's pokeball....I'm going to have to actually bond with you and Liona....He was deep in thought about a certain event coming up in around a week or so-The day he first met Shade-so he didnt notice Danielle and Mareek talking.

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"That's really odd," Henry responded. "Most of mine Pokemon get along just fine with each other. Sure, there's a bit of chaos here and there, but they don't exactly show hatred towards one another. There was a point where Zuko and Gypsy looked like they were about to beat each other to death, but once I had them compete with each other in simple things like Volley Ball, things calmed down and really got along with each other. Maybe playing a game would break the ice, but that'd have to wait for another time. I'm thinking about training Paradox a bit more now since Burrows has been starting to get the hang of fighting." He reached his hand out and patted the little Togepi on the head. Paradox woke up and entered her playful mood once again kicking her arms in legs all around. "Believe it or not, she really likes battling and doesn't cry when taking a hits. It's going to take a lot of work, but I'm willing to go through with this if she is."

Paradox heard Henry's words loud and clear. She became so excited she slipped out of Raiza's arms and began running all around. Well, running in place to be exact. Gypsy caught sight of the runaway and released a weak Psybeam on her. Burrows couldn't help but chuckle seeing as Paradox was oblivious to the whole situation.

"I fear what's going to happen when you evolve," mumbled Henry.

((Sorry Zeph for bunnying Paradox from you.))

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Zerron and DarkLight

Lana was in the bathroom changing clothes and drying her Rhyhorn, giving the two young trainers some more time to talk.

Hosts (Trainer Red + Jory)

"And Jacob finishes the battle!" Brand said. The CEO was still taking care of commenting which was rather strange. Where was Marco? The guy never skipped the chance to comment on Pokémon battles.

After announcing the next match between Kenny and Evan, Brand gulped down a bottle of water and started to cough. The randomizer had landed and a picture of thunderbolts in the sky became visible. Brand tried his best to announce what was so special about the field but failed.

Devin sighed and decided to handle it. "Never drink too fast, especially when you're excited," he whispered to Redwood's childhood friend. The man in question looked at him with a childish face but didn't protest. The Elite Four member cleared his throat. "The electrical field is surrounded by fences on all sides. As you all can see there's also a big sphere coming down from the ceiling, a conductor. This mean that every now and then random jolts of electricity will be shot at different directions from the fences to the sphere. That way flying types receive the same threatment as any other type. There's also no means to destroy the fences. I won't go into detail but the only way out of this one if to win. The students don't have to worry either since the electricity of the field won't knock your Pokémon out. So Kenny and Evan; good luck and don't forget to use your last Pokémon."


Didn't this kid get it? Humans could be really dumb... But that wouldn't stop him from teaching this one a lesson. That's why he and his trainer were summoned for so why_not start right now?

"Shiftry, stand down!"

An older man, who appeared to be around 70, walked over. "Sorry about that. My grand-daughter always let her Pokémon roam around freely. Shiftry is a bit harsh but he means well."

Waiting room

What a great place this Academy is! Lots of people and kids that loved to play with him. And still Shiftry didn't like this place... Why? What a weird dark type. Oh? What's that? A group of serious looking students. Are they bored? Do they need some entertainment? Maybe they want to dance? Dancing is the solution to everything. The Ludicolo threw himself against the door and side stepped against the wall. The few people who noticed him started to chuckle, but no one in the group he had his eyes on seemed to notice him. He reached the point behind a kid with red hair and threw himself on all fours, dodged a few chairs and popped up behind Slade.

The sound of castagnets warned the group of the new arrival; a dancing Ludicolo. The water-grass type started to walk on the tip of his toes? Legs? and stared to a happy dance. Hopefully it would cheer these students up!

((Galen's update is coming tomorrow))

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Just after the announcement was made, Kenny received Otto and Eve's pokeballs back from the nurse, and headed out to the field, arriving there first. However, after he arrived, something was clearly on his mind, giving him a look that was radically different from the carefree look he had in the first round. It wasn't from what the students were conversing about earlier, though. That was clearly evident, as he was looking fine when he walked through the Halls and the Waiting Room, and the look came onto his face before Evan got onto the battlefield. Something else clearly seemed to be bothering him... though it was unclear as to what.

Edited by Trainer Red
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"So... he didn't then... alright..." "Well, what a great job of that he did then..." Mareek said sarcastically. "He didn't say anything about a fifth pokeball under Reeves belt- all they wanted from me was speculation on whether or not the organization was Team Rocket or something. After that things took a bit of turn south in the conversation and I just said screw it and left for here." He glanced over at the screen briefly as the next match was announced, turning back to Danielle after a few seconds "Well... Kenny and Reeves... wonder how this might go..." "By the way- what do you mean 'You found out from a vision'? And how does this Ryan guy have anything to do with the situation?"

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"It might be because of Achylx, my Skorupi... Ever since I caught her, she's been mostly bitter to nearly everyone. With Rogue, though, she seems to behave," she mused aloud, watching the adorable creature running in place. "I guess it means that I've to train up my team, too. Can't have them afraid of a Fairy type, after all." So she's a tough little girl, then, she thought, pondering on what Henry said about her liking to battle. A light flashed, and the next moment a Litwick hovered over Raiza's shoulder. "Oh, you're awake, sweetie! Are you feeling better, now?" The Ghost-Fire type merely looked groggily at his Trainer and quietly settled into his rightful place, in her arms. "Hm.. I guess you're still half-asleep, aren't you?" Strange how he barely reacted to the Coordinator's presence this time, even as he was right in front...

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Slade looked behind him to see a dancing Ludicolo behind him. He could help but smile as the cheery pokemon danced and he was temped to join when Xemnas walked up to Ludicolo looking confused at first then started to dance with him waving his little stubby arms in the air, mouth open laughing as he danced. Now Slade really wanted to jump in, though he just sat and watched as the Gible enjoyed himself dancing with the Ludicolo.

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Waiting room

Ludicolo glanced at the other students as he was dancing. The redhead seemed to get along just fine, but what about the others?

Trainer Red

Evan entered the field and already released his Clefairy. There was no need to keep her hidden anymore since everyone who researched him knew Faith was his third. The Fairy type smiled at her trainer and waved at her opponent as a greeting. She was probably the only one with manners in Evan's team.

"It's you huh? Henry's best friend if I go by what I saw earlier," Evan said sarcastically. "He told me you're quite the annoying guy, so why do you look like you're about to beg for mercy already?"

It wasn't his usual tactics but after the crap Danielle and Avis gave him, he needed a way to vent out his frustrations. And wasn't she up next if he dealt with this Kenny kid?

Zerron (Galen)

The Crobat had no difficulties entering the cave and soon found himself hovering over a giant natural lake inside the mountain. The water surface covered about the sae amount of space as the lake outside, giving it the shape of an hourglass with the middle part covered by the mountain. And just like the part outside, the inside was filled with Pokémon. There were all kinds of water and flying types, the only types that had no problems entering the cave, and even some species that lived inside the mountain. Rock, Steel and Ground types were a fairly common sight alongside the Zubat family that lived on the ceiling.

In the middle of the lake was a large Lapras with her eyes closed, apparently enjoying a nice nap. Target confirmed.

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Robert was just as suprised by the sudden voice of the man, especially since he felt more than accepting of what would likely be another slap from Shiftry. 'Well, that's a good thing he showed up. Bit harsh but means well, huh? Well that would explain why Shifty thought slapping him would actually fix things.'

"Well, thank you for that. I guess that makes sense why he did all that... What all did you see of it, if you're okay with me asking?"

Watching as things seemed to 'calm down,' Jet finally landed down, still cautious of what the Shiftry pulled. Even so, he knew that Shiftry would be much less 'pushy' with someone who had authority over it around now.

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"Just make sure Archylx knows you're the boss and things will settle down. I don't know how control that kind of behavior though. Gypsy, the infamous berry thief, is going to eat a load of berries one way or another so we kind of negotiated in the middle." Henry looked around noticing Rosie still wasn't back from her journey. He really didn't want to leave Raiza like this, especially with Lucifer in that state, but he had little choice. "Sorry to leave you so soon, but I sent Rosie on a little fetch quest a little bit ago. She's probably distracted or something, but I'm just going to check on her to make sure." Henry didn't even hesitate a second to leave. He simply beamed Paradox into her Poke Balls while the other two followed closely behind.

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Danielle was quite surprised; what in the world did Jacob, Claude and the all of the others did in there to piss off Mareek?! They needed him for help! She let out a disappointed sigh as the redhead glanced at the screen. She heard the details about Kenny and Evan's battlefield, but let that thought slip by when Mareek asked her about the vision.

"They didn't tell you before they pissed you off, huh? Sorry for that," she apologized. "This vision started back when we had that trip in the mountains..." From there, Danielle told Mareek all she knew about Kage's vision, the Skarmory, and the subsequent events that led her and the waiting room members up to their final thoughts to date. "While I understand that Evan's Skarmory may not be the culprit of Ryan's death, it is the only thing we have to go on so far... My friends and I only wanted to prevent this future from happening as soon as possible, so we thought about asking you and Henry for advice." She paused, allowing the story to sink in. "If you don't mind me asking, why are you and Henry interested in this organization? And, why keep it a secret from us?"

((Apologies for cutting to the point, I barely have time to update and I don't think Zerron wouldn't want to read the whole story for the 1000th time, so I cut to the chase.))

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When Kenny saw Faith's wave, he visibly cheered up, smiling. Kenny then nodded at Faith, acknowledging her kind gesture. He then spoke to Evan, responding to his question, and then making his own remark.

"I'm not sure about my methods this time around, but i'll try to do my best. Best of luck to us both, Evan. We all need it."

Kenny then sent out Ryu, who was ready and raring to go.

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"Well... this just got way deeper..." Mareek thought to himself as Danielle explained everything her peers had failed to. "So apparently that guy who had the broken ankle on the trip was Ryan, and him and that blind guy Kage...well, that explains them being all huggy back during the trip..." Nemo stood up from the cold ground, slapping his club against his palm like a base ball bat as he stared up at his trainer, thinking about the same story they'd been told. "This right here has gone beyond just some student possibly being influenced by some organization... the stakes have been uped- someone might actually go and commit murder here... that is, of course, if all of them knowing about this hasn't already rerouted the future in and of itself..."

"If you don't mind me asking, why are you and Henry interested in this organization? And, why keep it a secret from us?"

"huh, what? Oh, that..." He said, returning his attention to Danielle. "I don't speak for Baldwin, but I've got a few..." He paused. "you could call them personal reasons... aside from that, I just think it's kinda shitty how over the past few years all those damn lunatics in jumpsuits and ridiculous outfits were able to go around and terrorize entire regions, and the people whose god damn jobs it was to get up off their lazy asses and stop them just sat there and never did anything, or at most took the most minimum amount of action possible, like putting a freaking band-aid over a bullet wound makes it any better." Nemo gave sharp nod and cry in agreement, still smacking his club against his hand like a would-be mobster.

"As for why keep it a secret... too many people snooping around will end up screwing everything in the end. Though, seeing as all of you obviously knew a hell of a lot more almost from the very start than either of us did, there's really no point in trying to hide it now. And about Reeves..." He glanced up at the monitor. "Trust me, murder's not something to be thrown around lightly as an accusation. So until I see something concrete, like him drafting up an actual plan or something to off Ryan, I'm just gonna go ahead and give the guy the complete benefit of the doubt on that particular front... that and the fact that the vision just raises alot more questions than it actually does answers, not to mention..." He looked around the room first at Erce in particular... then moving on to the other students milling around the place, paying special attention to any and all who had any pokemon capable of slashing an opponent... "Skarmory ain't exactly the only pokemon that's notorious for a razor edge... there's a lot of them. like Erce here, or Bisharp's evolutionary family, or Samurott's, Aegislash's, Empoleon's, Kriketune's, Sceptile's, a Gallade, a Kabutops... and I'm just naming a very breif few here; this list could go on and on for a good while if we were to include every species capable of making slashing attacks period but just isn't that well known for it. Truth is, nothing about the vision can directly tie Evan into it, so for all you could know, what you heard from this elderly fortune teller could've just been a fire in the sky; that if you want to solve and stop whatevers going on, you'll need to pay attention to those two in order to find the answer..." "And apparently so will I; so much for thinking Evan wasn't the crucial puzzle piece... though, I guess I'll just let Claude and you all handle it all and keep an eye out from afar for now...see where your way goes, just sit and observe and take notes... Eh hell, not like I'm not used to it..."

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Trainer Red

“Sounds like you've already given up. Doesn't matter though, let's go Faith! Sing!”

The little fairy opened her mouth and sang a calming melody that even made the unprepared audience drowsy.


“I'm afraid I also saw him slap you once,” the old man stated. “But I do know him well enough to know he doesn't do that without a reason. Do you want to talk about it? He showed a kind smile on his face. “Oh? Where are my manners? I haven't properly introduced myself yet. I'm Franck Walker.” The old Champion held out his hand to greet Robert.

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Danielle nodded silently as Mareek gave his explanation. She was surprised at how heated her companion had gotten when he was talking about the terrorist groups, although she didn't let it show. While Danielle agrees that the International Police has been less than reliable over these past years, she didn't think that it would raise such a temper in the usually calm and analytical Mareek. 'Wow, he wasn't kidding when he is going after them for personal reasons...' When the redhead finished off his analysis, the coordinator smiled appreciatively at his advice. "Fair enough; I will let you and Henry investigate the other half while I focus on Evan and Skarmory..." She glanced up briefly at the screen to view the procession, only to produce a yawn as Faith sang a lulluby. "Actually, I think my friends with have a better chance with Evan than me. He and I... aren't exactly on the best of terms. Perhaps it might be best for me to observe from afar or above..." 'Which will be perfect for Avis.'

A clean Murkrow then plopped down into her lap with three capsules: 2 in her claws and one in her beak. "Hey Avis~" she cooed before give a wave to the nurse. Danielle took the capsules from her and released her remaining two Pokemon, who both looked happy to be out. Corona chirped and waved her little brown legs at Nemo while Zared stared at the screen to witness the ongoing battle, his eyes narrowed with suspicion upon realizing the fairy belonged to Evan. "Mareek, if you want, I think Zared wouldn't mind sharing what he has to say but I don't know if I could interpret it fully..." she suggested.

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"I haven't given up yet, Evan. Ryu, cover your ears!"

Kenny and Ryu then both covered their ears with their hands as the lullaby began, only hearing the first three measures or so in the process, uncovering their ears when they saw Faith finish singing. Kenny then gave an order of his own to Ryu.

"Ryu, Copycat."

Ryu became surrounded with a waving aura of whitish-blue light as he remembered how Faith had sung, and then sang a soothing lullaby of his own, the aura fading when he finished his song.

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"Tch. Claude and the others already have something all planned out apparently..." Mareek scoffed, thoughts drifting back to the waiting room... "They're gonna do some type of hands-off approach I guess, not smother Evan but at the same time make an effort to make him feel welcome or whatever when he happens to be around. I already had something planned on my own long before this, but given that a certain coordinator with a cottonee has some type of issues with my plans, and the fact that I'm just one guy and can't exactly do much to stop that little coalition he's got backing and agreeing with him, guess I'm about as relegated to the role of a watcher on the wall here as you are..."

Meanwhile Nemo gave the slightest of nods to the larvesta, not really in the mood to be his usual sociable self. Java just stared at the Mawile as it scruntinized the screen above.

"anyways, about the suggestion, It's probably not necessary given what you've already told us," Mareek continued. "Though, go ahead, I guess... Erce here can listen and just play charades until I start guessing right about-" he paused suddenly, one earbud noticebly sitting in his ear while the other hung limp on his chest.

"No." the computerized vocalization spoke into the device. Java took his attention away from the steel type and glanced at the boy. "No charades- I'll do it... it'll be far easier and faster if I just summarize whatever he has to say and relay it to you already translated."

"Huh, I hadn't considered that method... Well... alright, I guess..." Mareek shrugged, looking back to Danielle. "Go ahead and have him tell Java whatever he wants to say about the matter." Erce meanwhile tossed a furrowed glance at the normal type... that little floating bastard, she freaking liked playing charades...

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"So that's how nothing else got brought up in the waiting room then." Danielle replied quietly, considering Claude's relationship with Evan. "Well, from what I saw back there, Claude was the one who first volunteered to talk to Evan and, surprisingly, it went fine until Ryan started accusing him of murder. So let's look on the bright side of this: Perhaps Claude has already established some connection with Evan. That just means less work for us on that side of the situation, no? We can use that to our advantage and find other clues~"

Corona tilted her head in confusion. Why was Nemo staring at Zared? Did he do some bad? Like the curious baby moth she is, the Larvesta poked the Cubone in the side, asking what's wrong with a series of chirps.

As Mareek's strategist floated near Zared, the Mawile's red eyes turned from one of suspicion to one of curiosity. It seemed harmless, but what does it want? "Zared, do you mind telling Java here what Skarmory told you?" he then heard his master ask. "He's going to relay the information to Mareek." The Mawile gave a questioning look at Danielle; how in Arceus' world is this... Ducklett-like Pokemon going to translate their Poke-language to human-talk? It was quite an accomplishment that he even got most of his message across to Danielle at all. Well, if Danielle said that this Java could do that, he might as well go along with it. With a shrug, Zared turned to face Java once again and relay what Evan's steel bird had told him. From the Skarmory's upbringing to how it ended up with Evan, every piece of information was given to the Pokemon strategist; he hoped that, this time, all of the pieces of the story can finally be put together.

Avis was the only one unperturbed by her surroundings, which is odd first for her. Then again, it probably wasn't that surprising considering a certain someone's battle was on the screen. The black bird was practically glaring at the screen. If looks could kill, that poor TV would be dead several times over by now.

Danielle glanced up at Erce, giggling a little at the Scyther's annoyance. "Is Erce okay? She seems disappointed by this."

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"She's fine," Mareek assured the girl, glancing at his old friend. "Don't worry, Erce, you're still the original here, no one's ever gonna be able to gloss you over." The scyther seemed to be a bit placated by that, though Java tossed the trainer a glare that was the virtual equivalent of a giant 'Oh, Fuck you then.' Though he quickly pushed the thought aside, back to the task at hand.

"I've made and transferred a .txt file containing his account in it's entirety," The strategist began in Mareek's ear. "But the basic gist is that the Skarmory told him as follows about her early life: She was stolen away from a breeding facility at a young age apparently and subsequently forced to undergo harsh training sessions in solitary environments. Apparently wherever she was being held during this time period, it was somewhere underground... eventually she was assigned a partner though- Evan Reeves, and the rest of the account is rather self explanatory given what we already know..."

"Then it's safe to say beyond the shadow of the doubt that there's something bigger going on regarding all this."

"Precisely," Java concurred, ruminating back on their old theory. "And the conclusion that Reeves is not crucial to finding further information into said bigger picture appears to be completely wrong. I'd like to take this time to breifly say: I told you so."

"Eh, don't be like that" Mareek said, looking to Java sternly. "If memory serves right, you decided to go along with me believing that."

"Yes, but it doesn't change the fact that I originally called it a very stupid and foolish move. If not for this information, we would've wasted even more time going on some wild goose chase with imaginary birds. But if you dislike how I worded it, let me try again; I told you thusly."

The two sat there staring at each other for a while... until java turned around and gave a breif few computer-catastrophe sounds, this one associated with the infamous blue screen of death as he gave a short thank you to the steel type for the information and hovered back towards his own trainer...

"Well, guess you've gotten over the Upgrade deal then..." Mareek muttered as he half-glanced half-glared at the normal type...

Nemo and Erce

Nemo at first resisted the attempts at conversation. before long though he glowered whence more upon the dishonorable bunch of rounded polygons that was Java's existance, jabbing his bone in the air towards him, foot stamping the ground as he gave a few curt cries. He summoned up a Bone Rush, swinging it around- in a far more controlled manner than minutes ago, mind you - making a few quick strikes, careful not to hit the bug type as he finished his little rage-fest and pointed one last, indignant time to Java...all as Erce kept a careful eye on him nearby.

the point was simple- That floating, red colored bastard had insulted his mother's grave with a word most dishonorable... all because Nemo had been worried and was trying to help Mareek help the strategist... and even though the dirtbag had apologized, under threat from Erce, by the way, that didn't just magically wipe away the words, damn it... and now here he was, unable to settle this matter mano-a-mano because Mareek would shame him for using his sword skills out of anger... and Erce would whip them both like there would be no tomorrow if he dared tried...

Erce meanwhile gave a simple few hisses into the conversation between the fire and ground type, looking at Corona before drifting her gaze over to Nemo and Java- Damn right she'd whipped both these two if they acted like fools again... Nemo and Java needed to remember the fact that when they were in public, they represented their trainer, and their entire team as a whole, and conduct like the crap they displayed earlier was gonna be completely intolerable... Mareek might be unwilling to dish out corporal punishment when needed, but that was completely fine- cause she'd be more than capable and willing of dishing out the hurt to those needin' the hurt.


The crobat pushed off her rocky perch without a sound, wings unfurling as she again soared back out over the water's surface. Galen held out an arm as if he were a Falconry practioner as the poison type came to land.

"What's the verdict?" He asked. The crobat simply nodded. "Is it alone in there?" A nod was what he was meant with this time, alongside a single violet wing being pointed at all the wildlife gathered around the water's edge around them, then to the cave... "Alright, so there's alot of pokemon in there with it like out here then..." Another nod. "Last question then; What was it doing?"

This time the flying type flipped inverted itself, falling forward towards the earth before quickly grabbing onto the underside of the man's coat sleeve, wrapping her wings around her and shutting her eyes.

"Well well..." He said, looking over at Sarah as he took out a capsule and recalled the bat. "Interesting... what's the time now?"

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"Oh yeah, that's true. Robert here." He quickly embraced the handshake, getting back to the topic when it finally ended. "So yeah, about my situation... Pretty much, a great friend of mine is being forced to leave here, and I'm just handling the results. I'd want to help him with whatever he'd like, but he decided that he needed some time alone. So I came here to go with the situation I'm in, see if the battles will help ease my mind a bit like he pretty much implied... And that's about the point where Shiftry showed up and started giving me his two cents."

Edited by TurboAura
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Surge (Galen)

“Almost 3 PM. So now that we know it's sleeping, what do we do now?”


The Shiftry grunted and gave a displeased look. Franck Walker observed Shiftry's face and thought for a moment. “He doesn't seem to like your reaction or the way you dealt with it. Shiftry is all about showing strenght and keeping up a facade so his teammates can rely on him. He's the typical idiotic stereotype that doesn't show emotions so that may explain the slap. It's his way of saying; your friend is the one suffering here, not you. Cheer him up, stay strong for him and deal with it.”

Shiftry crossed his fan-like hands and nodded.

Trainer Red

Evan didn't do anything. He didn't gave Faith any orders to attack, dodge or counter and just let her fall asleep. The young trainer just stood there, smiling and waiting for Kenny's next move.

Waiting room (EVERYONE who is in there!)

Ludicolo handed his castagnets to Slade and was about to pull Claude into a dance when suddenly a hooded woman started talking, “Tch what a bunch of boring kids! What's wrong? Finally realized you all have no skill when it comes to battling?” She asked, leaning against the wall.

Phoebe saw it happening but didn't react. In fact she looked rather amused by the whole situation.

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Danielle only looked one confusingly as Mareek seemed to having a one sided conversation with himself. If it were not for a computer program floating around, she would have thought that he had gone nuts. She finally heard the infamous blue screen notification before Zared gave a small cry of appreciation to his one-Pokemon audience. Danielle glanced over to find her Mawile fixating his eyes on the battle once again, as if he didn't have any other care in the world.

The coordinator allowed Mareek to have his little stare-off with Java, who looked very pleased with itself, as it floated back towards them. "So... I'm guessing Zared's commentary proved something." Danielle guessed, hoping to break the ice. She looked back and forth between Mareek and Java, trying to decipher what just happened. "Is there anything Zared said that I missed?" 'And is Java communicating with Mareek? It doesn't have a mouth...'

{Erce and Nemo}

Corona jumped back in surprise as Nemo conjured a Bone Rush to express his anger at the Porygon2. She thought Zared was the cause of his glare, not his teammate. Erce's hissing made her crane her head up to find her fellow bug-type looking over them, protectively. With a small wave to the Scyther, Corona eased her way back to Nemo's side, uttering a few soft chirps to placate the angry Cubone. Perhaps the Porygon2 only said those mean things because he was in a bad mood; many people say and do strange things when they are not happy, but they don't actually mean it. For example, would Nemo normally want to bash Java's skull in? Corona doubted it; anger is unhealthy and causes us to do stupid things (so Danielle says)!

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