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Pokémon Academy: Ch 3: Winter Cup [IC]


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Hearing Franck's words, his actions racked up in his mind of what he had done wrong with the situation. 'Dang it, should I have just stored up my own feelings after that first time? How I felt about it was obvious from the first time, so... did I put too much of my own feelings in? Should I have just SAID 'I want to stay with you' instead of just saying that it was his choice?!' As it all just finished sinking in he sighed and spoke back up.

"Yeah, I can see where he's coming from then. With it put like that, I do admit that I should have been 'stronger', as well as just flat out saying that I'd want to stay with him for however long he had left. Just wish I remembered that before I said I'd go with whatever he chose."

Edited by TurboAura
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"We take the opportunity to get some dimensions while we're here," Galen said, reaching into a pocket on his coat and, digging around before finally producing a rather large spool of gold colored string reminiscent to what one would use to rain in a kite. The bundle was interspersed with countless ribbons of green fabric at certain intervals.

"Always helps to come prepared..." He handed one end to Sarah, making sure to hold the base. "Here, take this end, and walk around to the shore opposite of me and then pull this taught. I've tied off the ribbons at every Meter." He paused for a minute, glancing around at the wild life... "Don't see anything that looks like it might go off at a slight provocation, but there always might be other species watching from afar...and chances are that the species easiest to piss off around here could probably curb stomp any three of them singlehandedly..." He looked over at the Illusion Fox nearby and gave a simple nudge of his head towards the girl.

The implied message to the dark type was simple; Go with her, ye slave. She glared at him for a moment, considered flipping him the pidgey... then just sighed and cloaked herself as she headed over to the girl's side unseen...


"Yeah, it did..." Mareek said, temporarily looking away from the smug little bastard floating before his face... "From what Java's dictated to me, that skarmory of Evan's apparently told Zared that she was originally stolen away from some breeding facility and taken to an underground facility somewhere in order to do harsh training in solitude... up until the point where it was assigned to get a partner, or something like that, as to who... well, that's kinda self explanatory"

Just then though, a small crash and the sound of hissing and guttural growls issued from not far away, drawing both the boy's and the Strategist's attention...

"Erce apparently felt that the boy needs a slight attitude adjustment given recent... events." the Porygon2 explained into his ear as the Scyther continued to rail the ground type, all the while the latter looked down in complete shame of himself. "And I'd venture out on a limb and say that it's working quite well..."

"Well, that's just the Erce we all know and love for ya, Java..." Mareek sighed. "If she sees something that needs doing, she doesn't just assume someone else will handle it- she goes and gets it done.... Kinda wish interpol would take a page or two from her book..."

Erce and Nemo

Nemo gave the bug type's words a brief moment of consideration... then he crossed his tiny arms and looked her right in the eye, seeming to glower under his helm as he gave a few short, agitated growls... he was a bit curious, did this little fire type here know anything at all about seeing one's own mother dead, about knowing such a lost that left one all alone afterwards, knowing one was a freaking orphan with no home and no damn family anywhere? What it was like to be a loner everywhere you freaking wen-

He was picked up and choked with a powerful stream of wind before promptly being sent flying into the nearest wall before he could even finish the opening of his retort rant. Erce lowered her claws, the teal turbulence dying as she glared at the boy, hissing and growling vehemently. The kid was being an ungrateful little bastard, and she wasn't exactly in the mood to hear it... not with the crap they'd already done in the short amount of time- How long ago had he joined them? And how well had Mareek and the rest of them treated him since then? Gave him food, gave him safety, gave his little ass a place in this world to truly call his own, a purpose. Hell, Mareek had even go so far as to take the kid under his wing and teach him how to fight, spent how much time and effort drilling lessons and values into his little skull?

Here's what was gonna happen- this little bitching and moaning over something that he was at this point blowing out of fucking proportion? yeah, no, that was gonna stop, and that was gonna stop now, damn it, or else she'd hit him again until he did. After how Her and her ward had opened up to him and given him a home, a place? And he was still gonna go claiming now that he had nowhere, that he was alone in this world, when in reality he had soooooo much more now than most members of his species ever did or would? Well, way to spit right in their faces... maybe Erce should've convinced Mareek to leave his ungrateful self in that forest, struggling to get his bone back on his own, cause obviously the little bastard didn't have any thanks to give them for their kindness.

Nemo... just lay there on the ground against the wall, staring up at her, eyes dimming with shame as he stood, hands behind his back and gaze fixed to the tiles.... not saying a word as the Mantis's glare bore into his very soul.

Meanwhile neither of them knew that both the Co-Strategist and their Trainer was keeping a close eye out nearby all the while...

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Slade picked up the castagnets and began to try and figure out how to use them, trying many assorted positions. When the hooded girl spoke up, "No, just trying to figure out the best way to use these." Slade responded casually to the woman's question. He wasn't phased by her insult and didn't let it get to him. Slade then put his thumb in the ring made by the lace attached to the of one of the castagnets and tried plating it. "Oh, so that's how you do it." He said out loud to himself and put the other one on his other hand.

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  • Support Squad

Claudes angry little mood went away when the jolly Ludicolo appeared. With a grin on his face all the wider for it's recent absence Claude started dancing with Ludicolo, to no particular tune. "You know how to use those things Slade? I wanna DANCE!" Claude announced as he added a grand wave with his hands as he twirled before returning to his dance which emulated the Ludicolo. Then he realised that the woman had tried to slight them all. Following Slades example, he decided not to treat it with any spite. "Who needs skill battling when you can just have fun?" And as far as Claude was concerned fun was all he wanted right now.

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  • Veterans

James waited a few minutes before going back to the nurse who greeted him with a smile."Thank you for your time,I have restored your pokemon to full health though I must say your Ferroseed has a nasty burn on its side,It'll take a bit longer for it to completely heal.Do have a nice day!"She called out before she gave him his pokeballs."Well crap,didnt expect that Flamethrower to do that much to Tytanniel...at least i won't have to use him against Mareek i guess."James sighed before turning around and finally spotting Mareek and Danielle while Shade floated near to the wall staring at Nemo..the Cubone reminded him of another of the same species that he'd met."Hello there!"James greeted Mareek and Danielle bluntly.

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"Ah, so that explains why Zared didn't think the stampede was Team Rocket's doing. It makes sense now; Team Rocket just isn't that... smart, I guess." Danielle nodded.

Before she could continue any further, the same crash that diverted Mareek and Java's attention also made Danielle look towards its source. "Umm... Shouldn't we do something?" she asked apprehensively as Erce reprimanded Nemo harshly. Upon hearing Mareek's comment, however, Danielle decided to let it be. If their trainer isn't worried about it, then what right does she have to interfere?

"Hello there!"

Danielle looked up to find James and Shade coming towards them. Well, what a timing to take her mind off of this uneasy situation! "Hi there, James! Sorry that I didn't notice you here before; we were deep in discussion about you-know-who. And then that happened." She gave a nod over to Erce and Nemo by the wall.


All three of Danielle's Pokemon - yes, even Avis - had also taken the time to observe what was going on. Zared blinked at the disturbance, but remained silent. This was definitely not something he wanted to get involved in. Nevertheless, he kept a watchful eye on the situation just in case his young, fire teammate got into trouble. The same could be said for Avis as well (much to the TV's relief); the Murkrow's expression had softened up but remained cautious. Avis propped herself back onto Danielle's shoulder and gave a more thorough view of her surroundings.

Corona didn't even have time to react to the accusation before the same blast of wind almost knocked her over. She never though that her six stubby legs would be useful on solid ground! After giving herself a little shake, the innocent moth slowly crawled over to Erce's side and uttered a few quiet chirps. What Erce said has a point; Nemo shouldn't think that he is alone anymore. If he does, then he would always feel sad. And, surely, Nemo's mother wouldn't want to see him this way if she was still here, would she?

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Mareek and Java

"Yeah..." Mareek said, glancing over at the other student. "And by the way- nice of you all to completely skip over telling me any of the important details about what's been going on and just go right to making requests for information... no, really, appreciate that kind of shit... honestly." The rough sarcasm in his voice made it clear as day that he did not, though.

Meanwhile Nemo looked up from the tiled floor suddenly, a chorus of vehement, prideful cries issuing out as his eyes blazed with something far different than what had glazed them over before, getting down on one tiny knee, sword... errr... more like glowing, vaguely sword-like projection, rather, held on high as he finished, as if his Bone Rush would be the bone rush to pierce the heavens... Erce just stood there, arms crossed... looking both impressed and satisfied as she nodded her reptilian head. Mareek turned his attention over to Java.

"Eh, you can interpret- what's all this about all of a sudden...?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed as he nodded over at the ground typed warrior.

Java was already on it. this time using the speakers on Mareek's dex, loud enough for both the other students to actually hear the Computerized, rather choppy voice... "It's a bit... complicated- But he just made an oath to 'Arceus', it seems... let's just say... he would probably take a death blow for any of the three of us without hesitation if he ever had to...I'll... give you a transcription of the full speech later..."

Erce and Nemo

Nemo stayed silent, not bothering to even so much as acknowledge the ghost floating nearby as Erce finished her reprimand and Corona offered her own words. Mere words could not describe the chagrin that burned across his concealed cheeks at the moment... Erce was completely right- about everything she'd said, she was right. Why was, of all cubones, whining like a spoiled brat? He did have it much better than most of his brethren, had a good- but demanding- life now, a life far better one than he had been living just months ago. Hell, back then, when the swellow had swooped down and stolen his mother's bone right out of his hands... what had he done? He had only followed it to it's tree and proceed to ball and whine for her to give it back. But now? Hell, if that winged bitch had swooped down right here, right now, and dared try it again, he would've fought her tooth nail and ended her feathered existence as surely as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

And who did he have to thank for this simple fact? For changing him, turning him into something greater than he could've ever been on his own? For giving him the courage not to back down in the face of adversity, to keep pressing forward, rain or shine, to stand for what he loved and what he believed in, to defend himself and to defend his friends? Who?

Mareek Akira Sisto, his partner Erce... and though he still found it a little hard to admit... Java as well. That was who. They were the ones who'd taken him in. They were the ones who'd fed him, trained him, taught him, cared about him...

It was they who had loved him when he had forgotten how to love even himself. It was they who had shown him a light when in darkness, when he had forgotten the way because he had no one to show him the way in the first place. It was they who had taken what the hands of death and loss had broken, and made whole for the first time in his life, it was they who had told him what it meant... to be unbowed, unbent, and unbroken. His mother had given him life,yes, and had died for it, yes... but Mareek and his teammates were the ones who had given that life meaning... and in turn, now he realized something...

Now he realized, that in giving his life meaning, they'd also given her death meaning as well. In just a short time, they'd made him this strong, and he'd only keep growing stronger- because he had something to fight for now, because under the leadership of this... this boy here with hair like fire and this giant mantis who took shit from no one, he knew, deep in his very soul, could feel it. Feel that he would go on to help do great and wonderful things. That now... he could make her ghost proud. For not even death itself could transcend such things.

* * * * * *

He looked up finally, eye's filled with something that'd been missing before... the fires of Epiphany and truth. With a tiny fist held to his heart, he gave a few strong, convicted cries, speech rising in a cresenduous roar as he unfolded all that the waters of realization had brought crashing down into his mind, all that he'd come to finally understand moment's ago... Holding up his club and firing off his sword into air, glowing strong as he wound the proclamation, and his vow, to a powerful close.

Erce was completely and utterly right. How much of a damn fool had he been here- thinking that he still had nothing and was no one, that he existed for no other reason than to wander the earth and eventually die alone like so many others? How much of fool had he been, to have not recognized how rich he was, not in material, but in something far greater than wealth could ever account for... Family. Yes. Family. They, all of them, her, Mareek, and yes, Java too, were all his family, his kin... blood did not matter here, for they were his family by choice, and choice alone, and in a way, that made it all so much more significant, that they were the ones that he loved and was in turned loved by, not because of blood... but because of something greater... Free Fucking Will.

They were his, and he was in turn theirs. And in sight of the Lord Arceus and the creation trio, he would swear, here and now, in this very infirmary, that he would aid and protect and defend them- all of them- from this day until the day that the lord finally saw fit to reunite him with his mother's spirit. He would be their aegis and their Excalibur, Their guardian both in the night and in the day, their watcher on the wall and their unsleeping sentinel... and to do these things and others, he would continue to endeavor along the path of strength, and make his mother pride... and these things, all of them and others, he did swear to Arceus and upon his mother's grave- no... upon his very life itself.

Erce... was speechless. Just standing there, arms crossed and head nodding in approval... and admiration? And completely and utterly thunderstruck... though, in all honestly, the kid's oath just now reminded her of something one would probably hear out of Game of Aegislash... Not that it distracted or subtracted from the significance of it... hell, if anything, it might've made it even greater...

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Shade continued staring at the little Ground type before letting out the closest thing he could to a chuckle.The small thing had made quite a powerfull promise indeed;one that Arceus would bind him to for his entire lifetime before Yveltal or Giratina's henchmen came to take it to be judged at his Death,infact he could see the chain forming right now.Taking a final look at the Cubone,Shade quickly growled something along the lines of "Do you know what you just got yourself into kid?"."I don't really know what your Cubone actually said there but from its fiery expression it must be something rather important for Shade to actually respond,most of the time he just stays silent...."James muttered at Mareek before hearing what the Saffron native said in response to his greeting."I'm not the best with words however i'd prefer a friendlier conversation if anything."He asked politely,being unnecisarily rude and or violent would get him nowhere here."I don't think we should look too much into that right now Danniele,it might put unnecessary stress especially considering you're in the third round(Quarter Finals or Semi)now,thing'll get even harder than they are now."

Edited by Scublord McFoxy
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Nemo and Co.

Nemo glared at the ghost, lowering his blade and pivoting on his heel as he rose to his feet. A few quick, yet reserved growls escaped his throat as he looked the spirit up and down, not the least bit phased. Hell yes he knew what he was getting into, what, would he have just gone and said any of that just now if he hadn't been willing to follow through on his words? Hell no, that would've been cowardice if he had... besides, why did the Ghost type care about it- not like it would effect him either way if he did or not.

Meanwhile both Erce and Java kept a close eye on the Duskull...


"You can have a friendlier conversation from me when I actually respect you enough to engage in one," Mareek answered the boy unsympathetically, can't helping but still feel a bit of miff from the assumptive situation earlier as he gave a slight chuckle afterwards. "Hey, look at that... Claude 'the Extraordinaire' was right, I guess- friendliness ain't my wheel house after all... oh well, whatever." He looked at James, eye's unreadable... "But yeah, back to what I was saying- friendliness, and I mean real friendliness, not the worthless facade crap, is not the default setting for me- oh no... nnnnno, I don't hand that stuff out a dime a dozen- you want friendly from me, you gotta earn it from me, cause I'm not just giving it away on a silver platter."

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Shade and Nemo

Shade held his cold glare without hesitation,this kid was getting himself into a deal this world's representation of god would hold him to till he died,simply to say that he would protect what friends he had to the death,it wasnt necessary to make a vow that once broken could never be restored.The Duskull line in particular were closely connected to souls that passed on to the next world,infact their final form were essentially the worlds reapers and he'd be damned if he saw a child be sent to the distortion world if he could help it but considering that he was being stared at by 2 other pokemon who combined could easily take him down,Shade simply growled one more time as a final warning to the Cubone about what he was doing before floating back to James.

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Zared chuckled amusingly at the little Cubone. It looks like the little orphan finally gained a backbone. He would definitely make a good battle partner when the time comes... Now that that was resolved, the Mawile could watch the rest of the match peacefully without any more interruptions, hopefully.


Danielle was staring at Mareek's Pokedex in wonder as Java's computerized voice echoed through its speakers. Well, that was a treat; she knew Mareek and Java were understanding each other perfectly,the question was just "how?" "Thank you, Java~" she thanked the floating pink and blue Pokemon before she looked over at a determined Nemo. Danielle's Larvesta, Corona, was clapping happily at Nemo's resolve; it seems like whatever was troubling Nemo before is not going to be a problem any more. Now it's just the matter of the tension between James and Mareek...

"Now now, both of you, take a deep breath and cool off~ It wouldn't get us anywhere if we are just at each other's throats. And remember, we are still in the nurse's office. We don't want to get thrown out now for fighting, do we?" Danielle suggested, turning to Mareek. "I do agree that it was impolite to not let you in on what we knew before you got bombarded with questions. I have an inkling as to why Claude didn't reveal the information, but... Why don't we try and listen to what James has to say about it first? Perhaps he knew the exact reasons as to why they did just that?"

Avis gave a quiet crow to acknowledge James and Shade. The black bird was not all too interested in this ordeal, since it didn't involve any significant danger dealt to her master. Since the murder mystery discussion was coming to a close, Avis realigned her attention back to the screen once again, viewing it with a clearer head this time around.

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"Tch... I'm not at his damn throat, I'm just telling him how shit works with me." "Fine..." was all Mareek mumbled as he rested his chin on his folded arms atop the chair back, honestly not giving too much of a damn as to what the guy might have to say as he returned his attention to the Duskull's trainer. "Go on then... you wanted to talk, so... talk."

Nemo meanwhile tossed a glance at Erce as the Duskull left, giving a single cry as he let the Bone Rush fade away. Strange characters here, weren't there? Erce simply sighed with a hiss and turned away. How ironic that this was coming from the kid who just made a freaking life oath GoA style- complete with sword in hand, mind you- in the middle of a school infirmary. Java, on the other hand, apparently found the irony amusing, suppressing a slight laugh to himself as he turned away...

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"I don't know the complete reason about why they held back the information,they most likely thought that you already knew though that's merely speculation on my part."James responded while looking at Mareek. "Believe whatever you want to believe,it doesn't affect me too much if at all. I didnt really come here to talk about Evan and his unknown benefactors though it seems like that's the main thing most of you are talking about today. About said benefactors...considering how open the school currently is,do you think some of them have already entered the school?"He asked while fiddling with his camera,it would've been a perfect shot when Nemo was posing with his bone rush but alas.

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"If the fortune teller was right, and Evan was just a warning of things to come and/or a foothold to be used by his benefactors, then I wouldn't be all too surprised if that was the case at this point..." He glanced over to Danielle, more or less dismissing the other boy from the conversation. Obviously the guy had no interest in any of this, so why waste any more breath on him? That and he honestly just didn't care for the guy's company that much... "And if there actually are infiltrators from whatever organization's trying to get to Reeves, then chances are that the quickest and most efficient way would be to check for any new students who've arrived since the trip and keep an eye on Evan. Most likely they'd have to communicate with him to orchestrate whatever they would be planning... Assuming that there really are people here, that is..."

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Zerron (Galen)

Sarah did as she was instructed with a heavy sigh. Why did she have to do this why those other two idiots were just loafing around?

She glared at Matt. The boy frowned while staring at the lake and as usual she couldn't read him. Pierre on the other hand was annoying. “What a beautiful lake! That Lapras must have great taste and would suit a trainer like me! Why don't we just go and catch it? I'm sure that's the plan so why all this trouble?”


Franck sighed. It's easier as an outsider to give comments or realize a better option afterwards. The point is Shiftry is in no position to judge you so tell me; are you content with the way things turned out?”

DarkLight, Zerron, Azery

After finally drying up Rhy, Lana left the bathroom, She walked passed the counter, smiled at the nurse, and suddenly saw two very familiar faces. Mareek and Danielle seemed to have a serious conversation, but what drew her attention the most was the Cubone's behavior. She waited a little longer, not wanting to disturb, but eventually approached her friend. “Hey, sorry to disturb, but is everything alright with Nemo?”

Waiting room (Everyone who is in there!)

“Oooh? So there are some fun kids around here? I thought Devin would've drilled you all into serious trainers by now. But I do have to admit; you're rather cute. If only I was 5 years younger...” the woman said to Claude.

“More like 15, ya Old Hag!” Phoebe said with a mischievous grin.

“Arlyn... no wonder these kids suck. And you're the same age so don't go calling me old!” the teasing tone the woman used with Claude changed into snickers. “Or are you just jealous of my beauty?”

“Beauty? Is that why you cover your face?” Phoebe grinned.

The woman took off her hoodie and finally revealed herself. “You know as well as I do that I dazzle every man I pass by unless I wear my hoodie. And it's a pain if everyone recognizes me and wants an autograph. Not that you are good enough to experience that,” Veronica, a member of the Elite Four, said.

“Can it. I wasn't in Ymora when the new Elite Four member was being picked or else I would've kicked your ass in a battle,” Phoebe replied.

Veronica waved the comment away like it was a fly and suddenly dragged everyone into the conversation. “Like you could beat my Grass team with that lame Water team of yours. Ain't that right, kids? Aren't grass types better than water types?”

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Ryan turned to Veronica, unamused at how easily she shook off water types. "I wouldn't consider that correct Ms... Veronica, you said? I mean, if you think about it, the majority of water types have some ice move in their arsenal. It would be unfair to just count them out. And shouldn't a member of the Elite Four know that type advantage doesn't mean everything?" Ryan smirked at the girl, unamused by her already.

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  • Support Squad

Claude was so very amused by the new woman. Then Ryan spoke up and Claude put on an exaggerated expression, shocked at Ryans betrayal. Doux floated by and sat on the traitors head, loosing a very light dusting of golden spores that would leave most people in a small sneezing fit. "Ryan, how could you say that with Doux around? My baby boy is the cutest grass-type out there!" Claude harrumphed as though he was truly in a tantrum, pointing his nose in the air as he turned aside, ignoring his supposed friend.

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Doux chirped, nestling his light fluffy body comfortably in Ryans hair with no intention of moving, maybe even getting some sleep for the time being. Claude smiled at his two friends. "I think you're forgiven, so long as you accept the punishment of being a bed for a while."

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Seeing that the subject was avoided, Danielle decided to focus back onto their main subject. When Mareek brought up the new people, Danielle instantly bursted out laughing. Poor Avis was forced to take flight and find another perch for the time being. "S-Sorry, Mareek, you actually made me remember something funny during the opening festival. Y-You see," she paused, trying to stifle her laughter, "Slade and I bumped into a guy named Pierre after we left the Fortune Teller. He was riding on a Ponyta and was making a grandiose entrance that could rival Claude's. Pierre decided to come over and introduced himself, noting that he is a Kalosian and a new student here. But the way he was showing off though..." Danielle giggled once more. It was obvious that she couldn't take Pierre seriously.

Once Lana approached them, however, Danielle managed to regain most of her composure, giving a cheerful wave to her roommate. "There you are Lana! We were waiting for you~" She got out of her seat to give the shy girl a hug. "You were amazing out there by the way. I'm sure those guys and gals would think twice when they mess with you now!"

Avis was finally able to land on the arm rest of Danielle's chair; it was not as comfortable as a human's shoulder, but it would do while Danielle was bouncing all over the place.

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Slade kept quite about the whole which pokemon was better. He knew his past but not everyone around him needed to know so rather then make a fuss about it he just ignored it until they asked him directly. 'The less commotion the better.' he thought to himself as he still tried getting used to playing these castenets.

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'It's easier as an outsider to give comments or realize a better option afterwards. The point is Shiftry is in no position to judge you so tell me; are you content with the way things turned out?'

Those words suprised Robert a lot, especially since he thought Franck was saying Atleast some of it from his own view from how he explained. Only after a short time of thinking did he have his answer.

"Well... I do think that I AM content with how things went. While I did do some things that can be taken negatively in heinsight, I had good reasoning for my choices. The reason I asked him what he wanted to happen at that point is because I was putting his opinion first. The reason I put so much forth was... To make him know that it wasn't just him being hurt by this. Everything I did before had a good enough reasoning to justify it in my mind, at least at the time, and... Whether it worked out best or not, I truely think I did what I should have."

Edited by TurboAura
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Mareek and Java exchanged a glance as the Coordinator burst out laughing about the frenchman. Java got the message without a word. "I'll add the name to the list and look for any other newcomers to go along with it...Shouldn't be too hard if I'm careful not to make a disturbance..." And then in the blink of an eye, he was there, and then he simply wasn't anymore. Though, unseen to all, a flurry of work was beginning to unfold on the screen of the red head's pokedex as the glorified Computer Program fired up and prepped the necessary ports and connections...

Shortly thereafter the laughter stopped and he noticed Lana standing there. "Huh, oh yeah, he's fine," He assured her rather cheerfully after Danielle had made her commendments. "I think he was a bit dejected over a certain... incident with java, but Erce fixed that right up." The Scyther nodded at the girl in agreement, scythes still crossed against her chest. Nemo nodded as well, holding up his club in greeting, though the cry he gave sounded far more... confident than before. "Anyway, I'm just here to congratulate you for everything out there. Just like Danielle said, you were great- in fact, you even gave me a better fight out there today than I've gotten from most people in the Trainer Program I've gone up against over the past few weeks..." He chuckled a bit, smirking slightly. "After this, I bet no one around here will dare make the mistake of underestimating you ever again..."


"Because," Galen said simply as he kept feeding out the twine as Sarah walked, his Zororoark never more than a few paces behind. Her eyes remained fixed to the woodline the whole way. "From what mission intel suggests, that Lapras, and ALL the guardians, in fact, are leaps and bounds ahead of anything I have in terms of strength, and if it's stronger than what I've got, it's definitely stronger than what any of you are packing on your own teams." He returned his attention from Pierre to the task at hand. "Even if we were to gang up on it, we'd be wiped out in the blink of an eye... and the lapras might not kill us in retaliation for dare trying, but against some of the others like the Trevenant or the Steelix, we'd probably be pushing up daisies. Besides- from what I've been ordered, catching them isn't what matters, all HQ wants us to do regarding them is observe and take notes as to when they're present and absent from their given areas..."

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Seeing Lana walking up to them only to be enveloped in a hug by Danielle,James took a moment to remember how far the ground type specialist had come since their battle at the begining of the year ."Hey there Lana"He greeted her before he sat down on one of the chairs in the room."And Danielle,that guy sounds so similar to claude,i'd wonder if they'd think that they were staring at a mirror if they met eachother"James snickered a bit before turning over to Nemo...the small cubone looked so similar to one of his Mother's Marowak's offspring but yet they were so different..it was no use living in the past at this point,just look towards the future.Turning over to look at the screen in the Medical Room,he saw the next match already underway."So it's that Kenny kid against Evan...don't know too much about Kenny's team but seeing that his Lucario most likely has a steel move,the advantage would be his but something's off here...Evan isnt too worried about his Clefairy being asleep..."

Edited by Scublord McFoxy
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Kage hurried back into the waiting room. He'd been speaking with his parents in the stands and had just managed to disengage himself from them. The room seemed to buzz with activity, so he simply asked to no one in particular, "What'd I miss?"

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