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Pokémon Academy: Ch 3: Winter Cup [IC]


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"You're a cat! You're not supposed to get lost!" griped Henry as he followed a Delcatty across the school. Maybe because she wasn't all too familiar with the school yet, but Rosie managed to run the opposite way of where she was supposed to go. It took him a while, but Henry managed to find Robert as he noticed him talking to an old man and a Shiftry. "Robert, what are you still doing out here? Don't you have a battle coming up sooner or later? Nevermind, who's this guy? You're grandpa or something?" Henry wasn't too particularly interested in the old man, but he didn't recognize the face so made the natural assumption he was related to Robert.

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Jacob strolled over to Danielle and Mareek. Despite his and Spitfyre's victory over Nadia, he was a bit concerned about the whole Evan situation. I hope he makes the right choice when the time comes, he pondered. It must be rough being him. As far as I know, no one here is his friend and he's been the topic of rumors all day. He finally reached the pair, smiling at Danielle's laughter and smirking just a bit at Mareek being his usual taciturn self. Once he reached them, he listened quietly for a moment as he tried to get some context for the conversation. "Yeah, Lana, you've really shown yourself as a force to be reckoned with at the Academy. I can't say I envy you for having to go up against Mareek here so early, but I suppose that's just the way the draw worked out." He shrugged and then looked down, a bit embarrassed as his stomach began to growl. "Looks like it's time for lunch. Anyone want to come grab some food with me?"

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Seeing Jacob entering the room,James sighed as he reminisced about the argument he and Kristen had yesterday."To be honest,I prefered the matchups before the change....I have to go through Mareek and if i win,either Kage or Claude....talk about bad luck"He muttered before answering Jacob's question."Sure,not that there's much to do around here now"

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He turned to face Henry, suprised to see him especially at a time like this. Feeling more confident with the words he said before, he turned to Henry while still keeping a lot of focus on Franck. "Oh, hey Henry. Wait, Grandpa?! Oh no no no, he was just helping me with an some... feelings after the Shiftry right there decided to give his own 'two cents'... Oh, I almost forgot, Henry, meet Mr. Walker."

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"This is about Shiro, isn't it?" Henry wasn't dumb and he knew Robert was probably the closest one to him. He had plenty of experience of the two bugging him so he could read Robert like an open book. "I'm pretty sure I told you he'd be fine. Also, if you're done checking on Shiro, I'd like my roomkey back."

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Robert took the keycard out of his pocket, giving it a quick glimpse before handing it back. "Oh, yeah, no problem. Not like I'd need it anyway, since he went back to his room with his cousin a bit sick and said wanted me to stay... But I did my best to cheer him up, so I should just give him the space he wanted and either hope I see him again before he leaves the school or get a message from him whenever he sends one, " He ended up unintentionally skipping over the explanation of Shiro leaving at that point, not remembering with current events that he hadn't exactly shared the info with anyone but Franck.

Edited by TurboAura
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TurboAura and Commander

“It seems like you accepted your situation, Robert” Franck gave him a friendly smile and then turned to Henry. “I'm Franck Walker; the head of the Ymora League. It's nice to meet you, Henry. I hope you don't mind if I ask you some questions but I'm interested in your opinion of the new fields.”

DarkLight, Zerron, Azery and Jacob

“Thanks,” Lana blushed, “I hoped my strategy would corner you further Mareek, but Erce's speed exceeded even my expectations.” She averted her look from the boy to Danielle. “I hope I didn't interupt an important conversation?”

Waiting room (ExLink, Dobby, Murdoc, Tacos)

“You're a serious one aren't you?” Veronica said to Ryan. She was used to kids his age to be all over her considering her position in the Elite Four. She was the youngest but gained almost immediately the reputation of being the most unpredictable one. She didn't have a main team set in stone but instead used all kinds of grass types. She even used both rain and sun to her advantage. The only one who never left her side was her Amoonguss. “Do you even know what Elite Four means? Grass types have a lot of weaknesses when it comes to type match-ups but I still rose to the top by using them. I deal with their weaknesses everyday and overcome them. So wipe that smirk of yours face because it's a million years too early for you to try and scold me.” What was it with kids these days? All of them are so annoying. “Or are you implying you have what it takes to battle me? Then win this tournament and I will face you...”

“And here comes the serious side,” Phoebe said, using her favorite tone of sarcasm. “Don't try and preach him while you scolded the Old Champion when you were still a kid. All Ryan did was show he has some serious brains!” She gave the boy a big grin and a thumbs up. Kids that liked water types always gained a plus in her books.

Veronica sighed and grabbed Kage and Slade. “So, what do you two prefer? Have you ever experienced the awesomeness of grass types? Many people consider them to be inferior along with ice and rock. Please tell me that the kid with the Cottonee isn't the only one with some common sense in here.”

In the meantime the Ludicolo had a blank expression on his face. He was used to his trainer's behavior, especially around her long time rival, but all he cared about was dancing.


One-two Punch! One-two Punch! Dodge left, even faster. Dodge right, good speed. Block; decent reaction! Left left right! Finish it!

A sudden crash not far from Raiza disturbed the silent hallways as a thick smokescreen formed in front of the girl. A silhouette jumped out at incredible speed and admired his works. The Breloom stood there for a second before trying to sneak away and bumping straight into Raiza.

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"Ah the fields," Henry spoke while snatching his key cards. "I'll admit they are a neat little addition and gave me a few strategies that weren't seen in the battle. It's too bad that Murkrow had Roost otherwise I would've done something more exciting outside of a simplistic hit hard and fast strategy. I'm a coordinator so I don't know how much I'll be using those fields, but given the chance, I'd be willing to test some more. It's like a whole different world of competitive battling so I can't even tell you who's likely going to win anymore."

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Ryan returned the thumbs up with a wink before turning back to Veronica. "First of all, I'm aware what Elite Four means. However, it seems you're lacking an important trait from being one. A sense of modesty. And while I plan to win this tournament, I doubt that I should even battle you. It would be stupid to say my pokemon are on your level, considering I'm only a mere student. I also hope you weren't planning on taking pride in the possibility of defeating me, because that would just be shallow for someone of your caliber." Ryan pinched the bridge of his nose, a common gesture to show he was disappointed in the person he was speaking to.

Glacien, who had been playing in the corner with a small ball of ice he produced, waddled over to Ryan after realizing he was in deep conversation with a woman. He had come just in time to hear her mention something about ice type being inferior. The Spheal put on an irritated face and sent a few ice crystals Veronica's way, trying to get across that he was in no way inferior, without having to hurt the woman.

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{Mareek, James, Danielle, and Lana}

Jacob nodded to James, indicating that they would leave to eat soon, then smiled at Mareek while shaking his head. "I'm really glad I didn't have to go up against Erce when the two of us battled. Her speed would have made her a challenge, even for Spitfyre." The young man lowered his voice, looking around to make sure there were no eavesdroppers. I hope Mareek doesn't immediately shoot my idea down. He's a bit hot-headed about this stuff. "So what do you guys think of the Evan situation? I'm of the opinion that we should at least tell Professor Cadmus." He paused to let it sink in. "I know you guys were against telling the faculty initially and I was too, but this might be bigger than us. If there's a terrorist group that has people working for them inside the Academy, I'd prefer that the strongest battler here knows about it. That way if things start to go south, he doesn't need to be filled in. Thoughts?"

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"If you must know, it disgusts me that someone of the Elite 4 is so immature to think one type is better then another." Slade said angrily as he released himself from Veronica's grip. He walked up to the Ludicolo and handed back his castanets. "Sorry, I can't play these right now." His mood really turned sour after she showed her face around him and was in no mood to dance anymore. Slade then walked to the other end of the waiting room to get far away from Veronica as possible though his match was soon coming so it wouldn't be smart to leave and miss his match.

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"Yeah, that's not the only thing that would've made her a challenge for that lizard of yours..." Mareek muttered under his breath, brushing off the compliment. His eyes furrowed as his jaw began grinding slightly after the boy went on to bring up the earlier discussed issue yet again. "You know what? Just fuck it- fuck it all, if they're gonna completely disregard even that bit of my advice... then might as well just let them go on and screw this up." "I've already given my thoughts on it, and got shot down by you all in that little Clique that you've got going on," He said, glare focused on Jacob. "I've already sat there and tried to explain why I think it's best to wait until there's something concrete and tangible that we can use to back the story up- but whatever... Do it then, Jacob, if you're so intent on it, why wait? Go on, man, try to tell Professor Cadmus what's at this point still the virtual equivalent of a piece of petty gossip being passed around by a couple of malicious school girls, see how much credence he gives it..." He shook his head, sighing as he tried counting backwards, rubbing his left temple...

"Look. alright?" he continued, actually trying to reign himself in before he got... less than civil. "I see where you're coming from here, and sure, it might be helpful for the professor to know, but you keep forgetting one thing, jacob... one THING!" He held up a hand, beginning to seethe just a bit despite his efforts as he extended his index finger towards the ceiling. "It doesn't matter whether or not you tell him now if he doesn't freaking believe you when you do! What evidence do any of us have beyond hear-say? Well? Tell me this, if you were professor Cadmus, and some student came to you out of the blue and unloaded all of this information- would you trust his word? When he's standing there with nothing more than a rumor which, chances are, you've heard being circulated around the place for a good few weeks now? When he appears to just be another whisperer jumping on a bandwagon? Why would you- why, in the name of the Lord Arceus, would you waste your time actually listening to him!?"

He paused, eyes scanning the area around him as he came to realize he was no longer seated and far closer to Jacob than moments before. the chair was lying a good two feet away on it's side; obviously the victim of well placed kick, still bouncing on the tiles with the residual force of the fall. The volume of his own voice during that last part only then struck him. Erce looked at him cautiously, knowing full well she might have to keep him from doing something stupid... God how she hated whenever he got so pissed that he was ready to smash his own shell and go confront someone... though in fairness, those times typically didn't happen too often.. but with this boy here? Eh hell, honestly she couldn't really blame him if he was gonna deck this kid, she didn't much like him either... but still...

"God, how you annoy me..." He said as he looked around the room sheepishly, sighing in frustration as he backed away from Jacob, righted the chair, and sat back down. His eyes still stormed and glowered at the other student all the while... "But anyways... there, you asked for my thoughts a second time, and now you've got them... a second time. so go on, Jacob, if you think it's still the best course of action to take, do it, I won't stop you. And if it succeeds, great, you get to pat yourself on the back for such a smart idea and we'll all be one step closer to stopping something before it begins... but if it doesn't... well, just be careful not to go dropping my name anywhere as you burn that bridge to the ground... Someone's gotta still be able to cross it to get help when we need it most."

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Jacob looked at Mareek, a bit taken aback by the other student's aggression. If this asshole wants to make a real issue personal, then that's his prerogative. But a grudge shouldn't be what prevents us from being cautious, he thought to himself. He realized he was literally biting his tongue to keep himself from snapping back at the other student. What a frickin' know-it-all, he fumed. Finally, the normally-reserved student couldn't hold back any longer.

"I was just thinking that maybe having two of the top students in the class present a reasonable hypothesis about a student that nobody seems to know anything about and the Pokemon that he couldn't have caught himself because he was unconscious would lend it some credence, but you're right, Mareek. None of the top brass at the school have ever had to handle a situation involving students with ill intent before, right? And it would certainly be outside the realm of possibility that the Donphan stampede that most of them saw personally and haven't been able to find a reason for might have been caused by someone else, right? And if we thought that something bad might happen as a result of said student, then they definitely wouldn't want us to tell them about it!" he shouted back sarcastically. "Arceus above, you've got one thick frickin' skull if you think the people in charge of the Academy wouldn't want to know if we knew something. Granted, it could all be conjecture and Evan could have nothing to do with it, but I'd rather we do something about it then sit here with Nemo's club up our collective ass! For Arceus's sake, the Winter Cup attracts thousands of people! Lives could be at stake!" he finished, breathing heavily.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go get something to eat. Then I'm going to go find Professor Cadmus and at least have a civil discussion with him about it. And if he dismisses me outright, fine. But I'd rather make the attempt than sit idly by as the Academy I spent my whole life waiting to attend rots from the inside out. James, let's go," he said coldly, storming off toward the stalls where the food was.

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"Please tell me that the kid with the Cottonee isn't the only one with some common sense in here.”

Kage was a bit surprised to be swept up like this, but he rolled with it. "I don't know, I would be pretty hard-pressed to pick a favorite type of Pokemon. It'd be like asking a parent to pick their favorite kid, yknow? Each type has its own merits. Though, some types are definitely easier to work with than others." He said this last with a gesture in the general direction of Reina and Virtes.

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As he was about to sit down,the whole shouting scene starting startled James a bit thinking things had calmed down from before only to realize they hadnt.The thing went by so fast that before he could even say something Jacob had already left the room in a rage."...that was..interesting to say the least"James said feeling a bit awkward about it before leaving the room to the foodstalls"See you guys later i guess"

Walking up to Jacob after going to the stalls,James waited a second before saying something."You guys really need to calm down,though considering how Mareek throws sarcastic comments everywhich way I can understand why you'd get agitated but it isnt worth the energy spent.."

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Java paused in his work as the argument came to an apparent close, audio from the outside world filtering in just as he returned to the OS of his home device... wasn't this freaking great, he goes off for what- five minutes, and already the kid is messing shit up for them again... the first time had proved to be wrong, and so had this- and that's not even what made the Strategist want to go out there and hit the little red head with another Psybeam the most- oh no no no no...no, it was the fact that his plan had been destroyed before he could even propose it... this little prick had sat here and acted like he was a god damn know it all, and he had just fucked it all to kingdom come...

"Damn you..." a computerized voice called out loudly from Mareek's pocket shortly after Jacob and James left. "... why did you say that just now?!" The Porygon2 materialized in the air by his head, swinging around his body suddenly and giving a merciless slap across the face with his tail, the assault issuing loud and clear throughout the room. The being glared daggers at his own trainer as the boy looked over with in confusion, returning the furrowed stare the strategist gave him as he rubbed the throbbing tail shaped mark arcing across his cheek.

Java didn't bother waiting for the 'What's going on with you?' he knew was likely coming.

"You fool, what did you just do!? We HAVE evidence, you dolt- I recorded every bit of your's and the girl's conversation and the Mawile's testimony! I have transcribed in file everything he said regarding the Skarmory and her origins, and yet YOU speak of wasting time and burning bridges, but YOU should heed your own advice before prescribing it to others! What he had suggested was perfect, and yet... YOU ruined it! RUINED IT! All because you couldn't just pull your head out of your arse about this situation!!" He went for a few more furious smacks, but thought better of it and backed away when the Scyther crept closer and fixed him with a glare all her own... Nemo just sat there all the while, vexed as to why the hell Java was trying to fight Mareek like this...

Mareek simply looked at him, eyes widening as processed the words in between the barrage of furious blows that he only barely managed to block with his hands. Only when Erce stood in between the two of them and Java ceased did he look back over at the Program. "Honto!?" he said in japanese, though his shock faded back into something else not soon after... "Why the hell didn't you say anything before all of that just now then!?"

"Because I thought you'd be levelheaded enough not to go mouthing off left and right like some conceded little attention whore who thinks he knows better than anyone else!!" Java moved a bit closer, Erce however simply held out a scythe to the neck. He got the message fairly easily, settling to simply keep glowering at his partner. "Your attitude and stubbornness thus far have proven to be both infuriating and highly detrimental to the task at hand- What the fuck does it matter whether any of them listen to what you have to say!? IF you really care about getting this resolved, then WORK WITH THEM!!! And don't you dare try to cite-" He paused, another voice issuing from the speakers this time... and the boy's eyes only growing wider as he came to realize just how much Java had been up to...

"Because, Java, I actually realized something back there... Evan's just the tip of this whole iceberg. Neither of us managed to see it earlier, but chances are, there's a lot more going on here than just what happened during the trip and everything, and if we keep all our focus on Evan, we might be missing a few signs and clues about the bigger picture."

The audio recording ended. Java kept glaring. "Because it's already been proven and then some just how wrong you were about that, Reeves is the only way anyone's getting any further in any investigation in this, they're apart of it, they're in it, you want to get anywhere, you have no choice but to cooperate fully- GET. OVER. IT. Because I am done with the childishness I've had to bear witness to from you today!"


He could've shot back with something more of his own. He could've perpetuated things, turned into one long back and forth, back and forth tug of war, each side growing louder and louder as arguments and counter arguments were made and a duel of words began. But he didn't. He didn't... because he knew that the Program had a valid point- even as much as he may not wanted to have admitted it, and with it, defeat... "What he's saying... this is really the first time I've stopped and actually given it any thought- all of this, the waiting room, here just now with Jacob... pretty much since the moment I found out anything. Each and every last member of that group obviously knew and still knows far more than I did or do about this right now, knew about at least some part of it from almost the beginning from what Danielle says... and yet I couldn't just accept that and work with them to solve the problem, somehow I've let myself sit here and think I was somehow better than them just because of what I've studied and what I know- just because of a bunch of information I've put onto a few dozen sheets of paper sandwich in-between to leather covers; when truth was, I came into this blind and not knowing a thing about what was really happening around here...and now I might've gone and screwed up things far more than they would've, all because of damn pride..."

"You're right..." Is all he relented with, shaking his head. "I can't believe it took your scolding for me to finally see it... but you're right, about everything..." He rose from his chair, the solemn realization of his own pettiness and stupidity in his eyes- much to the approval of the Program. "I've pretty much been nothing but an arrogant prick about all of this, too damn conceited to realize that all of them are the ones who've actually been doing something and making progress with this. It shouldn't matter who knows what or listens to who, the problem that's being faced is bigger than any one person."

"OH, so now you see it, the logic in what I'm saying? I'm not the only one anymore? well, Ring-a-Ding-ding, give the boy a prize, marla!"

"Guess I owe them an apology..." He continued, ignoring the hard reprimand-of-a-joke at his expense. "Especially Jacob and... Claude..."

"Yes, Einstein! yes! Bravo, excellent theory, Nobel Peace Prize for one as bright as yourself! Truly, where would the world be without one such as yourself?" Erce cast a glance behind towards the normal type, giving a harsh hiss. It was about time he shut it with the comical retorts, admitably witty as they were... "But fine, I digress- yes you indeed owe a great many apologies for your infuriating behavior, but let us not forget to prioritize... at the current moment, we need to find the individual whom you oh so brilliantly drove away with that tongue of yours just minutes ago."

Mareek nodded simply, turning to glance back at Danielle and Lana as Erce and Nemo both looked on in confusion as to what the hell was going on anymore... given they hadn't been much informed to begin with. "Hey, I'm... really sorry you two had to see and hear all this... really, I am...especially you, Lana." He turned his attention back to the Scyther and Cubone as they whispered back and forth, startling them. "Erce, take Nemo and go find Mom up in the stands, alright? She should still be sitting somewhere in the upper middle section. I'll come get you once I'm done fixing this mess I've caused..."

"And you'd better hurry if you want to find them," Java urged. "I do believe someone mentioned a desire to procure food..." He was already heading out of the clinic as it came over the speakers. Mareek gave one last glance at Lana and Danielle and nodded. Then he was right on the proverbial heels of the Strategist, out of the room and out of the building...

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{Outside the Stadium- Near Food Vendors}

Jacob turned on his heel and whipped around to face James, his face contorted in anger. "Listen here-" he began furiously before stopping. I'm not mad at him. It's Mareek that's been getting on my nerves, he reminded himself, forcing his rage down and shaking his head. "Sorry about that, James. You're right." He sighed and continued walking toward the food stalls, gesturing for the other Trainer to follow. "It's just that I don't understand how someone as smart as him can be so bullheaded and arrogant. He knows that we need to be working together on this better than anyone, but he keeps shooting down all of our ideas. At a certain point we have to do something, you know? I have all the respect in the world for him as a battler and as a Trainer, but his people skills leave a little bit to be desired." He finally arrived at a stall that was selling fruit-filled crepes, a Kalosian dessert that he had become quite fond of during a childhood vacation to Lumiose City.

"We're going to have to find Professor Cadmus after we eat, so make sure you get something good. Hopefully the others will share my opinion. Having more than just the two of us will definitely lend our story credence." He looked up at the sky, then clicked the button on Spitfyre's Ball. He looked up questioningly at his Trainer, having missed the better part of the argument. "More trouble with Mareek," Jacob noted to the Charmeleon. Spitfyre nodded and reached up to take a bite of the crepe, then handed it back to Jacob. The Trainer turned to James. "Let's grab a seat," he said, indicating a bench near the crepe stall. He then took a seat, waiting for James to get his food.

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"Fair enough,and finding Proffesor Cadmus won't be too hard,i believe he's in the announcer's area along with Profferor Redwood"James said before walking to the stall and getting some cake and a rather good looking Pizza...he had a kind of sweet tooth that was curbed by the healthy diet his Uncle had him on but he could never really get past it.He walked over to the bench and sat down before sighing."I swear,I don't know what's up with Mareek...i get that something tragic must have happened to him in the past but it's hard to even have a decent conversation with him without him being rude"

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Jacob nodded. "Yeah, I guess you're right about that thing from his past. I think I might have said something to him after our battle that made him dislike me, but then again I could be over-analyzing things," he said quietly as he bit into his crepe. The warm, battery food was comforting to the Trainer after the shouting match with his rival. "I'm inclined to think that he has his own reasons for being rude. I'd hate to think that he's just a rude person in general." The young man bit into his crepe again, savoring the sweet Mago Berry treat. "Whatever the case is, I'm excited for my next battle. Spitfyre put in a good showing today and I think that with the momentum we have, we'll be hard pressed not to win the next round."

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"Hey Jacob! Made another quick work of your opponent, I see~" Danielle grinned before addressing her teammate. "And no, not at all Lana! We were just waiting for you so we began having a friendly chat. We were talking about--"

Danielle was then interrupted by the loud crash of a chair. She then heard Avis uttering a worried "crow" as Jacob and Mareek bickered over the Evan issue. Before Danielle could even get a word in, she saw one of her best friends stormed out, an angry computer program trying to slap Mareek across his face, and Mareek apologizing to them before he also left the room. The coordinator gave a heavy sigh before facing Lana. The poor girl was probably frightened if anything. "Welp, so much for a friendly conversation. Do you want to go after them and grab some lunch ourselves? I'll fill you in on the details as we head there."


"Mur..." The mischievous bird uttered before she glanced at Corona and Zared. Corona crawled back to Danielle, shaking a little from the shouting and yelling. Zared looked a little reluctant to follow suit but, seeing as the battle was almost finished anyway, he sauntered back and awaited Danielle's instructions. Unlike his female teammates, the Mawile was not too affected by the arguing; it's not as if he could do anything about it, after all.

With that done, Avis took off and flew out of the room, hoping to find either Mareek or Jacob.

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"Shade'll be good enough for me,I had a good match with that girl earlier but personally I battle best with my Partner here,i've got a few tricks up my sleeve"James grinned before swallowing his Pizza "Just wondering Jacob.Since you battled Mareek before,do you have any advice on his strategy,team etc but I'd understand that talking about him would just make you angrier right now"He asked the Unovan after he finished his pizza and moved on to his cake.

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Kenny nodded at Ryu, and spoke.

"You know what to do, Ryu."

Ryu nodded, understanding what his trainer meant. He then headed over to Faith, paws taking on a silver sheen as he prepared to let off a barrage of punches.

------------TIMESKIP TO THE END OF THE BATTLE----------

Ryu and Faith were both on their respective Trainer's ends of the fields, both being somewhat worn out from the Battle. However, before any more moves could be made, Kenny Recalled Ryu to his Premier Ball, saying only one thing as he called Ryu back.

"Well done, Ryu."

Kenny then spoke to Evan, looking noticeably less distracted than he did before the Battle.

"Evan, thanks for helping me realize what I was doing wrong for the past four months. I now realize that I've been overenthusiastic about my Battles, pushing my Team harder than necessary, and a Loss was just what I needed, even though I didn't realize it at first. Also, thanks for being my opponent in this Tournament. I hope you do well in your next match."

Kenny then walked off of the field and into the Waiting Room.

Edited by Trainer Red
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Outside of the Stadium, Stalls and Vendors area

"The smell's stronger this way," said Mareek, jabbing over his shoulder with his thumb. Java turned around briefly in the air, his eyes skeptical as he shook his head. "Look, which one of us here is able to smell anything? I don't see any nostrils on you..." that comment earned him nothing but yet another glare.

"Erce isn't here to intervene this time," The program warned in his ear, hovering past and beginning to follow the path, acting as if he had known the way all along. "Remember that fact..." He stopped not far ahead though, head turning to the distance, eyes fixed on something approaching....

"That Murkrow belongs to the girl from clinic, doesn't it?"

Mareek himself turned, his own sights instantly falling upon the dark type as it flew through the air, though he didn't see her trainer anywhere "Yeah, it's Danielle's... at least I think it is."

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{James and Avis}

Jacob chuckled and looked at James, then took another bite of his crepe. Through a mouthful of food, he somehow managed to speak relatively clearly. It was obviously a practiced skill. "Just talking about him won't make me mad. Maybe talking about what a pig-headed, arrogant, know-it-all, smartass-" he began before stopping, laughing softly. "Look, all I'm saying is Mareek has his issues. But we all do." He shrugged and took another bite of crepe. "That Porygon of his is probably is most threatening Pokemon for Shade. It'll be immune to your Night Shade attack. Frankly, I'm not sure you'll be able to beat Mareek. He's an incredible strategist and by the time you hit the field he'll already have something in place to counter you. If you want to win, you need to throw him off his game. Play tricks with his mind. I know it sounds mean and it is, but it's tough to beat him in a straight-up battle. Erce, his Scyther, is extremely fast. He'll probably try to use Vacuum Wave to cancel out your Will-o-Wisp attack and then confound you with Double Team. You need to keep Shade focused. His Cubone, Nemo, is the least threatening of all of them but has an incredible fighting spirit. Expect to be surprised by it."

He then looked up and smiled as he saw Avis flying overhead. He waved his arm to try to get the Murkrow's attention, hoping the Dark-type might see him and report back to Danielle.

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"I won't need Night Shade for that match,i've got something even better in store and there's still the fact that not only are ghost types the kings of playing tricks they are also immune to all normal moves furthermore,they have the distinct ability to go invisible and phase through physical objects,combine that with Shadow Sneak and it'll be hard for his Porygon to even touch Shade without using Lock on which it needs to have clear vision of Shade to perform."James spoke before stopping to go go over his strategy once more."I'll just try to get a status move off and blind him with confuse ray and then going for the hit and run tactic to keep lowering it's health and keeping Shade relatively healthy."He finished off before clenching his fist."Nemo however....I have something personal with the Cubone line so i'd prefer not to face it..yet"

Edited by Scublord McFoxy
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