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Pokémon Academy: Ch 3: Winter Cup [IC]


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Hearing Jacob calling him,James finished the last piece of his cake before standing up and walking over to them. "Hey Jacob,before we get back to the main discussion,I've got something you might like"He got the book out of his bag before giving it to Jacob."Take it,it's a tutorial book that helps you teach pokemon higher level ground type moves such as Earth Power,Earthquake and the strongest ground type move of them all....Fissure and how to raise ground types. My godfather gave it to me a few years back but i've already got the important information writen down."James paused for a second before continuing."So I thought you'd have a lot more use of it than I would."

Edited by Scublord McFoxy
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"What the..." Gerad was shocked at the sudden actions making him forget to give orders. That blow definitely wasn't good on his Lileep, but this was far from over. He quickly snapped and began giving orders again. "Confuse Ray then Ancient Power on the platform." Nessy, still in Flare's grip, released a ball of light that lapped around the Arcanine's head. While this little trick was happening, the rocks from before rose up from the water and slammed on top of the platform.

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Flare's eyes turned glossy and baggy as he became confused from the ray and his vision became blurry. As the rocks slammed from underneath he was flung up into the air with his grip loosened from being confused. Slade yelled as loud as he could hoping for Flare to understand him "Flare close your eyes and use Odor Sleuth to find the Lileep!" Flare could barely hear Slade's commands over the confusion in his mind. He closed his eyes and his nose glowed a bright green trying to locate the plant even in his confusion. "Now, Reversal straight down on the scent!" Once again blue orbs surrounded and went into the big dog as he fell towards the scent of the pokemon, eyes still closed as he did so.

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"Ancient Power quickly and dive underwater." The rocks on the platform quickly floated over to the airborn Nessy as he attached himself to the closest. Seeing as the Arcanine was charging toward him. He let the rock drop shooting him underwater. Once he was deep enough, he reactivated Ancient Power and moved a bit away from his attacker.

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Jacob looked down at the book, taking it gently in both hands. He looked back up at James, his mouth hanging slightly open. "Wow... I... I don't even know what to say to this, James." He looked down at the book and gingerly leafed through the pages as though it might fall apart at any moment. "It's an incredible gift. Thank you," he managed, his hand falling to Teo's Ball as he skimmed the information. His eyes returned to James's and he nodded, tucking the book under his arm. "You have no idea how helpful that's going to be. I know Teo will appreciate this too."

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  • Veterans

"It's no problem,i've got one for ghost type moves since i prefer those over other types."James said before tossing a random pokeball into the air. "So when would be the best time to actually approach Proffesor Cadmus,as important as this is,going up to him in the announcer's box right now wouldnt seem that good of a time"As James said this,a certain annoyed Dratini decided to release herself from her pokeball and blasted his face with some Water."Hey,what's the big deal Liona?"He asked before the small Dragon nodded over to the battle field."Oh,you wanted to battle in there huh..I'll get around to bringing you to the lake in the forest ok?"Liona seemed satisfied at this and wrapped herself around James left arm.

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Flare splashed into the water breaking his from his confusion and surfacing back to the top. He doggy paddled his way to the nearest platform shaking his body getting rid of the water. Splashing in the water weakened him a bit though he was still able to stand. Slade let out a sigh of relief as Flare was still ok after taking that dip. "Ok, be prepared to jump when an attack comes. Until then get ready." There would be no way of attacking the Lileep while it was underwater so they had to wait for it to surface.

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Nessy knew he couldn't stay in the water for long as he could no longer see his opponent. He quickly emerged from the water and released his grip on the rock to land on a platform below. "Surround him with Ancient Power than hit him with Brine." Gerad still felt confident victory was his even after that little show. Nessy launched three rocks at to the Arcanine's left and right side as well as above his head (Ancient Power) before releasing another powerful pump from his body straight towards the foe (Brine).

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Java looked to the boy, expecting him to answer Jame's question as the other two carried on their little gift moment. What he found though was him staring up at the jumbo-tron screen, eyes tracking every movement of the battle displayed overhead in the distance. Java hovered a bit closer to him, noting the vastly different demeanor than a few moments before... at least the trainer had managed to distract himself, it seems...

"Java, what does that look like to you?" Mareek asked, not daring to take his attention away, even for a moment. "How he's using those rocks..."

"It looks like..." Java's eyes widened as he finally saw what the boy saw. "Stone Sentinels... functions almost on the exact same principles...yet he's relying on Ancient Power alone..."

"Exactly... which means that we could've cut out the need for Stealth Rocks entirely with Nemo... talk about a waste of time, teaching him how to even use the move in the first place..."

"Yes, while in hind sight, it might be a waste of time, but do recall... Nemo never exhibited the use of any other manifestation of-"

"Then we'll just have to teach it to him." Mareek said simply. "It shouldn't be too much of a learning curve actually; he would basically just have to do the same thing he's been doing... and we've already trained how to manipulate the sizes and shapes..."

Java only nodded, making a digital note on the subject as they continued watching... it was good to see his partner was back to usual self though- as much as Java had railed on him for being childish, seeing him like that, so defeated without any warning... it just didn't feel right for some reason... not that Java knew it though, of course.

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"Flare use agility again to escape!" Slade said as Flare left blue trail, once again as he escaped from the attack. The other agility he did before helped him as he jumped to a different platform. "It's over, Flare ram into Lileep with reversal and finish this!" Slade said swinging his arm out to signal the attack. Flare proceeded to jump from platform to platform while blue orbs once again surround Flare and go into him as he charged straight into Lileep preparing to slam into it. With all the damage he's taken the attack was sure to be powerful.

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"Nessy!" Gerad cried out. He watched as Nessy flew through the air onto another platform. The Lileep got back onto his feet but he couldn't keep his head up. "Don't think this is over! I'm not going to lose to a wimp like you. Ingrain and Ancient Power!" The Lileep struggled a bit but managed to plant itself into the ground. Green bulbs began to move towards him allow for him to lift his head up again. The Lileep then summoned a few more rocks in addition to previous three to create a wall between him and Flare (Ancient Power).

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  • Support Squad

Claude frowned now. He didn't like more drama. Why couldn't be people be happy and just accept a little bit of banter. "Ryan, there's no need to say stuff like that... In the end you did reply spitefully to a joke and Glacien did attack her. What would he do if it had been the other way around? So, please calm down and just..." Claude paused. He realised he hated being a mediator. "Calm down a little? Go heal Glacien and try to cool off..."

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"Hey, what the hell was that? What, you think that because you're some high and mighty Elite Four member you can just f****** ATTACK someone else's Pokemon when you get offended?" Kage took an angry step forward at the woman. "You think that being stronger than someone makes you a better person? Yeah, that's not how this works. What you're doing would be like me getting into a fistfight with an eight-year-old girl. That goes beyond mean and veers into shameful and disgusting."

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"Flare quickly, go around the wall and use Reversal Fire Fang!" Yelled Slade after seeing their attempt to recover from their attack. Flare using the two agilitys he had done before used the speed to quickly get around the wall. Once there was an opening he opened his fiery mouth while the blue orbs circled and went into his jaw. Then proceeding to aim for his stem once more, jumped towards the ingrained plant.

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"Block it with..." Gerad's words came too late. The Arcanine quickly approached the Lileep with it's final attack knocking him out. Gerad returned his Pokemon to his Great Ball and stormed off the field. Everything was in his favor yet he still lost. He muttered a few swears once reaching his waiting room not caring if anyone heard him.

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"W-we won," Slade said to himself in shock, even after having all odds against him and he was able to make it through. He had to admit even he had some doubts sbout winning but everything worked out in the end. Flare let out a victory howl before coming back to Slade. "Here ya go buddy, enjoy this." He took out an oran berry and threw it towards Flare. The big dog snatched the berry from the air and gladly ate it. "Come on, I'll take you to the center to get healed up." He said to Flare before returning him to his ball. He walked off the field and into the waiting room where he silently walked past everyone and their bickering. Once he was out he made his way to the center to heal all his pokemon. But honestly anything would be better then to stay in the waiting room with someone as immature as that Elite 4 member.


"Wow, he pulled through." Mrs.Kafkin said in surprise, "Don't you think he's good now?" She asked her husband

"He shouldn't have had let out a fire type pokemon in a water field. That mut was the cause of all problems thus far." Mr.Kafkin said. His wife sighed as she thought by now he'd think a little bit more of Slade by now. But she was happy to see Slade use the fire stone she gave him on his growlithe, so that means he got the letter as well. She grew a smile and just hopped that eventually her husband would stop being so stubborn.

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While suprised that Henry left so quickly after Franck did, he just turned his attention back to the screen, catching a later part of Slade's battle. Even with getting swept up in the situation with Shiftry, he knew Slade's opponent confirmed one thing: Sissy had indeed lost her battle. With that in mind, Robert sighed and sat back down, hoping to get some stress taken away with the coming battles.


Letting his eye of the Noibat, Kiai grinned at the current events, happy to see how well things turned out. With that all said and done, Kiai sat down next to him and mentally prepared for whoever he would be facing next. Seeing the glare end, Jet swooped back down to Robert as he gesture to his ball with his wing. "Oh, you wanna go back then? Well okay, enjoy the rest."

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DarkLight and Commander

Lana was shocked and unable to say anything. She hardly heard Henry asking Danielle something as she muttered: “Evan wouldn't do such a thing...” The girl's mumbling was just loud enough for Danielle and Henry to hear.


Breloom looked over his shoulder and back to Raiza. He slowly shook his head in the most suspicious way, but before the student could ask anything else, her battle against Alvin was being announced.


A sudden crash could be heard not far from Tyron's waiting room. If Robert decided to check it out he could see Raiza and a Breloom close to the rubble.

Hosts (Zephyr, Jory, Zerron, Azery)

“Water field again! I guess we don't need to wait for the fields to settle then,” Brand said slightly disappointed. He hoped to show off most of the new fields before Marco would shop up again.

In the meantime Devin whispered something against Professor Redwood who just nodded in response. The Elite Four Member nodded and made his way into the corridors of the Arena.

Redwood watched as his old friend left before turning his attention back to Alvin and his Heracross who were waiting for Raiza to show up.

Murdoc, Tacos, Dobby

Veronica smirked at Ryan and Kage's anger. “I didn't attack anyone unlike your Spheal who attacked me directly. Ludicolo defended me on his own accord. So you two better watch your language and attitude or else I'm really going to-”

“Shut it Veronica!” Phoebe glared. It was unusual for her to get angry or involved when students were in trouble. “We may be childhood friend and I know you tried to joke with the entire water versus grass thing, but now you're taking it too far. I won't let you threaten my students in front of me.” Her hand went towards her belt, aiming for Blastoise's Pokéball.

Veronica glared back. “You wouldn't dare,” she hissed, “You're students are the ones who started it and they need to be taught a lesson; something you obviously failed at.” Despite the trash talk her guard was up. She was well aware about Phoebe's reputation. The water type expert was considered to be the strongest trainer that wasn't affiliated with the League and her strength was on par with the Elite Four, despite two of them having the type advantage over her.

“No, I wouldn't release Blastoise if you went after one of them,” she nodded towards the three students still with them. “You know which one I'm going to pick if you do.” A quick release followed and Blastoise did show up after all. “Hey buddy, we've got a troublemaker. Mind giving me that stone, just in case?”

The giant water turtle obeyed and gave Phoebe the stone he was wearing around his neck. Apparently it wasn't a Blastoisenite...

The tension in the air rose and so far Claude was the only one with a little bit of sense left. Maybe he could try to stop them?

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"I hope so, Lana, but I don't want to leave him out of the picture just yet." Danielle replied before turning to Henry. "Hey, relax~ I wasn't planning on lying anyway. Rosie - I assume? - heard Jacob and Mareek arguing. Things turned sour and Mareek knocked over a chair before Jacob stormed off. And both Lana and I were about to follow Avis to find them. If you want, you can come along with us. If not, we will be on our way~"

Zared gave a nod towards the battle screen as Slade's match ended. So his master's next battle is drawing closer and closer; they really need to get a move on for lunch then. He walked briskly towards the corridor and uttered an impatient bark towards the humans (and Corona), gesturing in the direction that Avis flew to. Haven't they heard of the walk-and-talk skill before?

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  • Support Squad

Claude was really struggling now. He hated how today was going. First he has to deal with the idea of the tournament and facing people competitive sides, which was as fun as it could be bad to be fair, then there was all of the shit with Mareek and Evan and all of that Drama and now there was all of this with the new woman.

Claude hated soap operas for a reason.

The young coordinator did not feel like he could cut the head off the monstrous tension between the two elder trainers, so he couldn't try resolving it like he did between Danielle and Evan earlier, he just felt too intimidated. Still, he had to try, right?

"Err, please, can we all just calm down? Throwing insults around is one thing but when pokemon that have the power to kill come out with the intention to fight, I get a little worried..." Claude didn't know much about water types. However, he did recall something about how the titanic turtles cannons can shred through solid steel plates. That was not good.

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"Wh-- hey, come ba--" And the intercom crackled to life. "... Dang it how am I late again what is this madness damn iiiiiiit--" went the flustered Trainer, deadpan in voice and movement as she beamed back her entire team into their Pokeballs, running for the stadium doors.

Running, shoe shot, Hagrid's hungry, look out, too slow--

... and she burst into the field. Nearly literally. She managed to catch herself before tipping over into the water. "... Wow. Hi. Sorry I'm late again," she said calmly, as if she weren't panicking, stumbling over herself, and nearly running into walls and people and Pokemon and inanimate objects and walls with inanimate objects on them on the way to the battlefield.

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"Thank you, Lana," Henry responded. "At least one person other than myself still has some sense left in them." Henry then glared at Danielle. "I'm pretty sure I told you guys to leave Evan alone, but it figures you ding-dongs wouldn't listen to me. Sigh...I really didn't want to get involved, but I guess I have to. Lead the way Danielle." Something still doesn't feel right. Rosie wouldn't just react to any arguement. I'll just remain silent until I can figure out what's going on. Henry then noticed Avis trying to get them to move on. The boy rolled his eyes as he followed the bird to where they were going.

((Darklight, you can bunny Henry to the Lunchroom if not on right away)).

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((I'll lead them to Jacob and co. to speed things up a little))

Danielle rolled her eyes at the Orre-native before turning her heels back to the corridor once again. Just what is up with Henry and not bothering Evan? Does he really not care about Ryan at all? Or is Henry hiding something from them? The coordinator rolled around her mind as she followed her Murkrow silently through the open air. After a short walking trek, Danielle spotted the three familiar faces. She waved an arm, hoping to get their attention. "Hey you three! Mind if we join you?"

Danielle's three Pokemon wasted no time for introductions; they just ran (or in Avis' case, flew) straight for the lunch line hoping to grab some food before their next matches. Of course, once they did get their food, one of them will be calling obnoxiously for Danielle to pay but, for now, the humans will have some peace to catch up.

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Just as he finally started to relax, Robert heard the crashing sound nearby. Though part of him wanted to just stay there and assume everything was fine, he got up and went outside the room where it came from, leaving Kiai to meditate not knowing that he left. Getting to the door after Raiza had ran right through only added more unease as he assume she'd be running from the crash at that point.

Robert peeked out from the side to begin with, clear on one side, and a Breloom standing there on the other. Stepping out to see if the Breloom was actually the cause, he took a couple steps towards it as he spoke. "Hey, Uh... We're you what caused that crashing noise just now?"

Edited by TurboAura
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As much as he would have liked to see Veronica be annihilated by Phoebe, Glacien desperately needed a heal and Phoebe hadn't even helped him out when he asked her. Also, with the pending danger seeming too great, Ryan had to stop it. He slowly walked up to Phoebe and whispered in her ear so that Veronica wouldn't be able to hear. "Ummm Phoebe, I definitely understand how much you want to destroy this obnoxious bitch, but Glacien still needs a healing machine and I need you to help me find one. This girl's not worth our time. She wants the attention and we're only giving her what she wants by doing this." Ryan looked down and rubbed Glacien's head again, the pokemon's breathe becoming a little more quiet as it came closer to fainting.

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