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Pokémon Academy: Ch 3: Winter Cup [IC]


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Jacob waved to Danielle, smiling as the cheery girl and Lana approached the group. "Hey, not at all! How are things going inside?" he asked excitedly. "So I think we decided that we're all gonna go tell Professor Cadmus together so that he has to at least pay attention to us. The only problem is that we're not sure how to get to him before the end of the matches today since he's in the announcers' booth," he continued. He thought for a moment, musing out loud. "Maybe we could just wait outside the booth? He'll have to go get food or go to the bathroom or something at some point, right?"

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"If that was meant as a subtle jab of sorts, then your logic's a bit faulty," Galen said simply as he continued feeding out the measuring line. It wasn't like he hadn't had to deal with shit like this in the past... there had always been some wise guy who wanted to try challenging things. "Remeber that you happen to be in the same forest as myself- so by your own reasoning, you really have no place to comment. and even beside that," He glanced over at Pierre this time. "You yourself said you were getting bored in the stadium, so we came out here to do actual work instead of sitting around on our asses. It's either one or the other...working to further the mission out here, or sitting around in the crowds at the stadium, your pick; I honestly don't care which so long as you don't cause any trouble or blow our covers."


Mareek kept looking on as his roommate's match finished and the field was selected for the following one. His attention was so fixed on the massive screen that Java damn near thought he had spaced out until he glanced behind him towards the others. "That actually might not be necessary..." he said after thinking for a few seconds, turning to face them fully. Memories of the previous matches that day flashed through his mind- most specifically what was said before during and after them... "While yeah, it's true Professor Cadmus is one of the announcers for the Tournament... there's one thing we're overlooking here... how much announcing has he actually done since it began? He's maybe commented on two or three matches in depth out the entire day- the vast majority of the talking has either been done by Professor Redwood himself or that Marco guy... which leads me to believe that he's probably just been sitting there with almost nothing to actually do this entire time..."

The implications should've been more than clear enough... Or, at least, Java obviously thought they should've, nodding his head at the boy's reasoning.

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"Well, not much has gone on since you two left. I did update Lana on our thoughts and then Henry found us with Rosie shortly afterwards~" Danielle replied, leaving out Henry's jab though, trying to avoid another outburst. "Zared basically pushed us out here. I guess he really wanted some food before our next match."

She paused, considering both Jacob and Mareek's thoughts on getting Professor Cadmus' attention. She turned to Avis, who was waiting on Corona and Zared to make their lunch choices. "A problem, however, is that Marco hasn't been announcing ever since he lost his microphone. Ever since the fields were put in place, it was Mr. Brand and Professor Redwood doing the talking. Professor Cadmus could have also gone out to find a replacement for Marco's mic... If you guys want a safe route, I can also ask my Murkrow could find him and give a message for Professor Cadmus to meet us. Everyone should be used to Avis' antics, so they wouldn't pay attention to her if she flew over their heads."

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Jacob shrugged. "Why don't we just do both? We can have Avis tell Professor Cadmus to meet us near the booth and wait there on the off chance that Avis isn't able to get in contact with him."

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"Ah so that what it was," Henry muttered under his breath. It was probably best for him to speak out his thoughts. "I'm really surprised you, Mareek, would be all for this. Still don't know what reporting this info would do other than slap a big target on your back and shove Evan even closer causing this so-called made up killing I keep hearing. Do any of you even think of the consequences of your actions?" And people wonder why I work alone on stuff like this.

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"Kono Yaruo..." Mareek snarled at Henry, wheeling to face the newcomer. "Don't sit there like some self-righteous dick and ask if people think about the consequences of their actions, Baldwin. Because I fucking tried your way, keeping it all under wraps, and in the end it was pointless because: One- Everyone already knew far more about this overall situation than I ever did, and they knew it from almost the start, and Two- All I ended up did was let my own damn pride get in the way and act like a pompous ass while I tried to change the course of things."

He glowered, shaking his head and snarling in disgust as Java watched on cautiously... "I realized that by trying to do this your suggested way, what you talked to me about in that damn corridor, is only going to hinder things in the end if I was going to try and belittle and ignore and mislead the people who obviously were more on top of the situation at that moment... So you know what, badlwin? Yeah, that's right, I'm all for this- I tried to voice objections and all it did was cause problems all around and ultimately place farther outside of the loop. At least this way, with trying to fucking WORK WITH them instead of against them, some progress can be made... and at least now, even if I don't agree with the methodology, I can at least try and set up contingencies on my own encase something goes wrong- kinda hard to do that when everyone hates you because you've been a complete and total dick towards them about the subject... what matters here isn't who freaking gets things solved, only that gets solved at all, and if working with all of them will help get it solved sooner...then I'm going to pull my head out of my ass, shut my damn mouth, and fucking do it. how about you take just a moment of your time and consider the same? just some food for thought."

Finally done he looked to Jacob and Danielle and Lana. "anyway... time's being wasted sitting here... I guess I'll go on ahead and wait for you guys at the Announcer's booth if we're doing both ideas."

And then he was gone, beginning to walk off through the food stalls back towards the Stadium, Java at his back after casting a last brief glance to Henry...

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"Oookay then... I'll go and get Avis..." Danielle said awkwardly, excusing herself from the uncomfortable scene. After she grabbed some flatbreads and other types of sandwiches, the coordinator walked over to the cashier and paid for her and her Pokemon's purchases. "Avis, can you afford to eat a little later? We have a search task for you~"

After a brief explanation, Danielle and the others could soon see Avis fly off and gave a brief glance from above. The bird then dived back into the arena's building; it seems that Professor Cadmus is inside after all.


The Murkrow had blinked at her master, curious at the request. She was always up for a little game of hide and seek; she dropped her little bag for bird food into Danielle's hands before she gave the human her undivided attention. "We need you to find Professor Cadmus to tell him what the others found out about Evan. We will meet up with you at the announcers' table." As an added precaution, Avis was given her Eviolite anklet for easy identification. Once it was secure on her yellow foot, the curious crow soared back into the clouds, leaving Corona and Zared to defend their master.

From above, she could only see Danielle's little group, Mareek heading back into the arena, Pokemon, and several stray students wandering around, but there was no sign of the tall Elite Four member. Since Professor Cadmus was last seen near the battlefield, the prankster zoomed back into the doors of the stadium building and began her search through the halls.

"Murkrow, murkrow~~" she sang as she dodged the various people and Pokemon around her. Her crowing was loud enough for people to hear her, but low enough to not irritate anyone (unless it's Evan).

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Kage drew a Pokeblock out of one pocket and offered it to Glacien. It wasn't going to do anything to improve his health, but it might make him feel a little better. Out of the opposite pocket, he pulled his Pokedex out. "Ryan, I think this has a map on there. Let's get going before someone decides that having a big stick puts them in charge."

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"Someone's in a bit of a grouchy mood," responded Henry. He made a little grin to Java before turning his back to them. Henry heard this song and dance many times before so it didn't even bother him. After Danielle follow Mareek, he turned to the three still remaining. "I assume the three of you will be joining them as you all tend to move in flocks anyways. Not that I really care. Just tell me one thing before you go: what are you trying to accomplish by doing this? I'm kind of getting the impression you're trying to sabotage Evan."

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"What reason would we have to sabotage Evan...What would we actually gain from that? Doing that would only give him an even worse opinion of us and hurt our chances of actually getting to back of this. By voicing our concerns to someone like Proffesor Cadmus we can actually get this looked at instead of snooping around."James said suddenly after standing back a bit while the others where conversing."If anything they'd at least take a closer look at Evan's interactions with others to see if he's been doing anything strange"He muttered before turning around and following the other 2."Shade,would you mind looking around for Proffesor Cadmus"James asked the specter who nodded before floating off into the distance following the prancing Murkrow.

Uncle Thomas

As the second round started,Thomas Nerfion got more into the tournament."Now this,this is how the first round should have been. Heated battles with strong trainers going all out against eachother"He was giddy and his wife simply giggled at this. Suddenly,Thomas's phone started ringing and when he got it out to see who was calling him,his eyes widened."I'll be right back!"He said before pretty much running out of the stands and into the corridors."What do you want"Thomas practically growled into the phone."Now now,do you really have to be so rude to an old friend?"The person on the other hand must be feeling exceptionally smug today."..Old friend...i stopped considering you a friend years ago you bastard!"His anger bubbled to the surface being clearly visible now. "No more of this please. Now,i'd ask you about how my Godson has been doing recently after he went to that academy in Ymora..i'd also ask you to deliver a certain item for me"His anger reached it's peak before Thomas started to calm himself down again.No need to get angry at this guy,he's just trying to wind you up so you make a wrong move."What would the item in question be?"Thomas asked trying to get this over with. "A certain pokemon,one of my signatures in fact and that'd be all"The person on the other end hang up after that."Damn you to hell..Sakaki"

Edited by Scublord McFoxy
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Jacob muttered something about bananas and walked away, followed shortly by a very confused Spitfyre. The second they were out of earshot the young man perked up and smiled, looking down at his Charmeleon. "Take that as a lesson, Spits. If you're uncomfortable just say something confusing and wander off. People tend to be too afraid to really question it," he noted. The Charmeleon rolled his eyes in response and blew a puff of smoke at his Trainer. "Hey, Spits. That's rude. Rude," he scolded jokingly. The pair continued toward the announcers' booth, keeping an eye out for the Dragon-master as they made their way through the fairgrounds and the stadium halls.

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Alexandra (And Erce, Nemo, Mars and Joltara)

The Scyther and Cubone were making the last trek of their journey into the stands as Raiza's match began down below. Though the boy had practically begged her to fly again, to let him experience the rush of the air and the howling of the winds in his ears and chill in his fur, she'd opted to simply have them walk the entire way... pulling off another Dragon Rider stunt here would've done nothing but create a spectacle that would've taken away from the battle already unfolding, and Erce had a feeling that Mareek wouldn't be all too happy at either of them in that scenario.

"Cuuuuube..." Nemo grumbled as they finally arrived where Alexandra and Mars sat, legs throbbing from having to climb every God-damn step in the arena. His attention was drawn away from his aches when he noticed a rather older, fiery looking electric type eyeing him from beside the red head... licking her lips wickedly and letting out something that sounded half between a chuckle and a snarl. Her eye's gleamed with anticipation at the orphan as she bared her fangs; startling daggers of pearly white set in deep pink gums.

Joltara gave a few low, eerily playful snarls as she glanced down at the little bone-orphan boy from her seat, feet spread wide and back beginning to arch ever so slightly. How interesting... she hadn't seen one of his kind in a long while, a long while indeed... she wondered how he might taste, what texture his flesh might leave in her mouth if she were to pounce down now and open wide. Would he taste better cold, frozen and nothing more than wet, soggy pile of slush like a Casteliacone? ... or would normal body temperature suffice for the palette test? She wondered, how quickly might she be able to swallow the little ground type after tearing him apart? Why, if she were to go systemactically with it, arms first, legs, tail, head and then finally the man course- the tor-

Erce hissed at her old friend, stepping in between the Electric type and her young team mate. That was quite enough from her- the boy was apart of Mareek's team, ergo, he was with her... no need for Joltara to start getting hungry. The Jolteon stared for a moment. then her face did a complete one-eighty as she straightened her spine back vertically, going back to a 'sit' position and tilting her head to the side. Why... Erce, it was just Erce- she hadn't even noticed her there. Oh well... if this little wretched ground type was with her... then the old fox guessed she could refrain from freezing him into utter oblivion...maybe... eh, perhaps... all right, who was she kidding, the kid was probably going to be getting frosty at some point in the near future, but for now, for Erce...

A curt, rough grunt came from nearby as Mars slammed his steel fist down into the arm rest of his chair, glaring at the three who dared to feign speak idly and trivially during times when battle was being conducted... either they could silence themselves now and correct the issue, or he could go from zero to night-slashing all of them and do it himself- the decision was theirs.

"Now mars..." Alexandra sighed. so much for the quiet she'd enjoyed up here. She turned her attention over to Erce and Nemo as they passed Joltara and came to her. "Hello, Erce, Nemo... I'm guessing he sent you up here to me to watch the battles and rest?" Erce could only shrug in response. In a way, she guessed that was right. Not like either of them had been given much context in the situation. Alexandra looked out over the battlefield breifly, briding her fingers... "Well, come and sit down then. We still need to speak anyway..."

Nemo looked up at the Scyther, giving a small cry as he asked what Ms.Sisto meant by that. Erce gave no response, only nodding her head at the woman.

((I'm gonna wait a while before moving Mareek along a bit further, just assume he's somewhere deeper inside the stadium's halls at this point))

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"Should have known that I would lose Avis or Mareek at my rate." Danielle commented to her remaining two Pokemon as she walked back to the arena. She had to carry Corona in her arms again since the little bug was eating her lunch. Luckily, Zared could walk beside her easily as he finished munching on his chosen bite to eat. "Let's make our way back to the booth then, shall we?" After a confirmation from the two, Danielle shifted through the crowds and eventually found herself in the corridors of the arena building once again. The trio were right in Uncle Thomas' sight as he cursed out this Sakaki. As if to lighten up the situation, the little Larvesta chirped contently as she finished her last bite of food.

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"Oi vey. Water field and a Heracross, to boot," Raiza murmured to nobody in particular. Instinctively, she reached for Lucifer's Pokeball, but he already premiered earlier, so he couldn't again, not this time. And who knows, he might even set fire to the stadium if he goes berserk again. Her fingers moved to the Pokeball next to the Ghost-Fire type's capsule and with a short, swift hand movement, chucked it into the air. Looks like you'll finally be taking the stage, dear! The ball released a flash of light that materialized into a Sneasel. Gracefully and deftly, Rogue somersaulted and landed, legs spread, on the platform nearest Raiza-- wobbling a little bit along with the light material as it bobbed up and down from the slight impact.

"Let's rock," Raiza said, her face nearly void of expression, almost nonchalant, but those two spoken words ringing with defiance.

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((Well, here goes nothing. First post guise i'm so excited [[[[[[[[[: Let me know how I did in the OOC! ))


Alvin smirked as the Sneasel's legs buckled on the platform, his Heracross's low center of gravity keeping its legs relatively stable despite the slippery surface. "Isn't Sneasel supposed to be surefooted on ice? Looks to me like Hera's gonna take this one easy. After all, you made a rookie mistake in sending out a Dark-type against me. I've got the advantage," he said confidently. Hera smashed her hands together, giving a fierce nod to her opponent before the battle began. The Bug expert looked around the stadium at the crowd, then back at Raiza. "I'll take the first move if you don't mind! Hera, use Pin Missile!" he shouted. And just like that, the battle had begun. The Heracross threw her hands in front of her and began thrusting them forward rapidly, firing a barrage of glowing green missiles at her foe.

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The Trainer raised an eyebrow at Alvin's little slip. Of course Sneasel had topnotch footwork and balance on ice. How could he have missed why Rogue nearly slipped in the first place? "Rogue, hun, show 'm what you're made of. Make a wall of ice," Raiza said, simply. Without delay, the Dark-Ice type raised both her claws, seemingly encased in glistening hard ice, and brought the pair down on the water, making a huge splash. The spray of water began to freeze all the more with her blowing a frigid gust of wind, effectively creating a hard wall of ice that caught the Pin Missiles, or at least stopped them from reaching the Sneasel.

The Sharp Claw Pokemon peered frostily, with dangerous calm, at her target, as though to say, You'll have to do better than that. She wasn't about to let a hulk of a Bug-Fighting type one-up her.

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Alvin sneered, tapping the side of his head and making a disgusted face. "You need to use your brain more, Raiza. Don't tell me You've forgotten one of the best moves a Fighting-type can learn. Even though it's not Bug-type, it cuts through your puny Ice walls like they're tissue paper!" He pumped his fist and yelled, "Hera, Brick Break, then keep the pressure up with more Pin Missiles!" Hera nodded and jumped through the air, cocking her arm back as her wings carried her across the gap between platforms. She smashed through the wall fist-first, the Ice construction crumbling like a sandcastle as the big Bug-type began firing Pin Missiles at the Sneasel. Her jump carried her to the Sneasel's platform, causing it to rock as the missiles approached.

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"Fine. Go and tell the professor. Not like I care or anything." Henry may have been facing Jacob and James when scorning the two trainers, but he doubted either of them heard. "In fact, why don't you just go and tell the whole school while you're at it." The meowing of his Delcatty caught his attention calming him down from the bitter words spoken from Mareek earlier. "Looks like it's you and me, buddy. Mareek's wrong. I'm still one step ahead of them and they'd be slowing me down."

All the while, Rosie was intently watching an empty sandwich bag flying right behind Henry. She bobbed her head up and down and all around until the little sucker flew too far away to keep her eyes on both the bag and her master. Unable to resist the urge, she began chasing after the bag leaving Henry off on his own. This struck the boy hard. "Look at yourself, Henry. You're talking to a Pokemon who isn't even paying one bit of attention. Mareek said you were a self-righteous dick, but that's above me. You know what you really are: some pathetic and worthless little human. Heck, you can't even win a fair fight anymore."

Henry felt so empty admitting those words. He wasn't even sure what to do, but he remembered Mareek's advice to join with the others. The trainer shook his for almost giving in to such a foolish thought. "Sorry, but I can't join you guys. I'd only be getting in the way. Curse this damn invisible wall. No matter how hard I bang on it, not a soul can hear me." A small chuckled followed the boy's last few words. "And to think I came to Ymora to run from my past, but it seems to have followed me here. Seeing as I can no longer run from it, maybe I should just return to Orre...or maybe I should just disappear."

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Almost mockingly feigning annoyance, Raiza scratched her head and said, with a hand raised in a shrug, "Hey man, I'd say the same to you, but I'm not hotheaded or stupidly arrogant, unlike you are." As she said that, the Sneasel leapt from her platform in an arc, propelling herself right over the heavier Pokemon's head as it landed, causing the floating ice to nearly tip over from the sudden shift in weight. If Rogue was lucky, it would tip the whole thing over and the Heracross would fall into the water. But either way, it didn't matter; a Heracross was strong, yes, but it had one fatal flaw in its anatomy. She just had to make sure that the damn thing wasn't fast enough to turn around, and took a big breath for power. "Icy Wind!" Right as she was directly above the bug's thorax, where its wings and limbs were joined, the Dark-Ice type let loose another blast of freezing winds in an attempt to incapacitate Hera's ability to fly or leap distances. The jump, along with the gust pushing her away, was enough to have her land on another platform a meter away.

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Since every student only had to battle twice on the first day, Evan was searching for his family in the crowd. The boy had little to no success as Jaime had failed to give him a location before. He sighed and turned back inside, planning to go to the dorm.

((Anyone inside can talk to him if they want))

Devin (DarkLight, Jory, Azery, Zerron)

None of the students looking for Devin were close to his position. The Dragon Master walked through the hallways, radiating power and authority. He had been looking for a few minutes now but there was still no sign of Marco which was strange. The host really loved gaining attention and the Ymora League was the second biggest event in entire Ymora. He walked passed a Storage Room, used by the cleaning crew to store away their equipment, when he heard cursing from the other side. “Marco, is that you? What are you doing in here?”

No response. Weird. Devin knocked on the door and tried calling Marco's name again when he was met with a sudden outburst from said host. After a lot of swearing and the use of words that shouldn't be used in a school with young kids, Devin finally understood what happened. None other than Jeremy Brand had locked Marco inside so he could announce his own fields. Devin sighed and shook his head. “I'm going to let you out now, stand back.”

Again an entire tirade filled with insulting language and name-calling came from the other side of the door. The language the host used didn't sit well with Devin. The Elite Four Member broke the door down and stared at Marco. His eyes pierced through the blond man who didn't dare to speak anymore.

“This is what's going to happen; with that language you just used, you aren't capable of further hosting. I won't allow you to give the wrong example and no protesting! I know you well enough. If I let you do the talking you will use multiple occasions to put Jeremy Brand in bad daylight. That language you just used will eventually pop up and you will give this Academy a bad name. I suggest you take a seat in the crowd and enjoy the rest of the battles. The only other option I'm giving you is leaving the grounds. The choice is yours.”

Marco's head dropped to his chest in defeat. “Alright, I choose the first option,” he said in defeat. Not wanting to spend more time with an angry Devin, the host disappeared.

No one was around to see Devin's display of power and how he handled problems, except for a certain Murkrow and Duskull. Would they dare approaching the Elite Four member in his angry mood?


The ground behind the Breloom was covered with dust and rubble. Apparently the fighting type had punched straight through the wall. He stared at Robert, great another kid who could connect him to this mess, and slowly shook his head in a very suspicious way.

“What is the meaning of this?” a high pitched female voice suddenly came from behind Robert, blaming the boy. “Are you responsible for this? You must be a brute from the Trainer Program! You won't get away with this! You destroyed Academy property! Professor Redwood will hear about this!”

Murdoc, Tacos, Dobby, Slade

“Fine, let's get your Spheal to the medical center. I'll deal with this pest afterwards,” Phoebe snarled while keeping her eyes on Veronica.

The Elite Four member answered with an arrogant look. “And exactly how are you planning to do that? I have a team filled with grass types, I can beat your lame water team any day.”

“Not even you can deal with my strongest Pokémon and you know it.”

“But can it take out my entire team? I think not,” Veronica grinned. She held out three Pokéballs and if she couldn't win one on one then she had no problems doing it while using 3.

Another poisonous glare from Phoebe ended the conversation as she dragged, literally, Ryan and Glacien to the medical center. She didn't even pay attention to Claude and Kage and wasn't sure they were following. Student, teacher and wounded Pokémon rushed passed Slade as Phoebe yelled instructions towards the nurse.

“I'll heal your Spheal, you wait here,” she smiled kindly at Ryan.

In the meantime Phoebe took a seat and gave off an aura like she was about to explode. Was there something about Veronica that she knew and the students didn't?


Lana was unable to respond to anyone as everything seemed to happen at once. Should she go after Mareek? Go with Danielle? The young breeder was still frozen on the spot when she heard Henry say something about running away from his past and something about disappearing. She was quite shocked to hear the Orre boy talk like that. She always thought the boy didn't care much about anything, let alone what people said. “Uhm...” she hummed while not knowing how to respond, but is was loud enough for Henry to hear.

Zerron (Galen)

“You really are a partypooper,” Pierre answered with a wave of his hand. “But since you said I can choose, I think I'll head back. Have fun doing useless stuff.” The Kalosian grinned, jumped on his Ponyta's back and went back to the Arena.

Sarah glared daggers the entire time but for once kept her mouth shut. “I'm ready with this thing,” she informed Galen with a bitter tone. Why was she doing the work instead of Matt who was doing absolutely nothing?

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Ooohhhh snap! Angry Elite Four member is angry! Avis had stood back to watch the scene unfold before her very eyes, not wanting to interrupt such a tense moment. This was many many many times worse that the one between Jacob and Mareek, and that was uncomfortable even for her. The Murkrow glanced at Shade and gave a nod to acknowledge him. Just what is he doing here? She doubt that Danielle would send him to look after her; the Murkrow has a 100% completion record on hide-and-seek after all! Eh, whatever, it's not like Shade is trying to sabotage her or anything.

After Marco disappeared from view, Avis flapped a few times to usher herself forward to meet Devin. Yes, he may be angry, but Devin wouldn't harm an innocent little Murkrow, especially if it is the same one that helped him through the forest, right? Devin still has an image to uphold in front of the students and the visitors, so it wouldn't be wise to blow up on her right away.

Avis greeted the tall man as soon as she reached Professor Cadmus' side, hovering close to his forearm in case he gave her permission to use it as a perch. The curious Murkrow then uttered a few more cries, questioning what just happened.

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Robert froze up when he heard the voice, turning around to try and explain. "Wait, this wasn't ME! I just heard the crash and came to see what happened or if someone was hurt. All I saw was that Breloom standing over there and a girl running by." He pointed towards the Breloom as he faced the person, obviously not wanting to take the fall when the fighting type was just standing there when the crash rang out.

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Alvin hadn't expected the Sneasel to be able to pull off such an acrobatic stunt. When it came time to respond to the attack, he was immediately put on the defensive. "Hera, fire your Pin Missiles to slide on the ice!" the Trainer shouted. The Heracross nodded and began shooting glowing green projectiles at the ice rapidly, the energy from the blasts sending her skidding to safety having only been grazed by the attack. Alvin grinned cockily. "Now, Hera, redirect to hit that Sneasel!" His Pokemon began firing Pin Missiles at the Sneasel as the ice behind her began to crack.

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Uncle Thomas&Danielle

Hearing the familiar sounding chirp,Thomas turned around only to see a Girl with a Mawile and wait...was that a Larvesta? "My apologies for having to hear that,I had a call from an old associate... Anyways,nice Larvesta you got there,reminds of when I raised my own,first pokemon I ever received actually...Infact,let me show you!"Thomas rambled on before taking out a Luxury Ball."You might wanna step back for this,He has quite a fiery personality. Iblis,come on out!"The veteran trainer shouted out before throwing the ball out instantly being met by the warm embrace of flames,luckily his jacket was specially made to resist fire. Iblis floated in the air glaring at the girl with the Larvesta before going closer to the little bug and gave her an even hotter glare(It's supposed to be cold but he's a fire type lol)This was the little bug that made his trainer force him out of the comfortable confines of his Luxury ball? Pathetic,she was far too small for her age. Iblis proceed to flap his wings a bit sending a small gust of wind at the Larvesta.


Seeing the flying type nod at him,Shade shrugged before dissapearing into nothingness. Playing around with the Elite Four member seemed like something fun to do. He moved behind Proffesor Cadmus before using a bit of Icy Wind on him to make him shiver a bit.

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Ryan shot Glacien a hopeful and comforting smile to Glacien as the nurse took him and sat next to Phoebe. He scratched the back of his head before breaking the silence. "Goodness, she's something, isn't she? I can understand why anyone wouldn't exactly like her, but you two seemed to be incredibly hostile towards each other. Is there a reason, or is it just the common Grass vs. Water conflict?"

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