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Pokémon Academy: Ch 3: Winter Cup [IC]


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{Danielle and Corona}

"Hmm? O-Oh, it's no problem at all sir!" Danielle greeted warmly. She was not paying attention to what the stranger had said on the phone anyway; her mind was bent on finding her way to the announcer's booth, after all. When Uncle Thomas released his Pokemon however, Danielle almost jumped when several licks of fire attempted to burn her. She could also feel Zared huddling behind her leg, attempting to hide behind her. Despite the sudden surprise though, Danielle gasped in wonder as Iblis, the Volcarona, appeared majestically in front of her. "Wow, so that's how Corona is going to look when she evolves... Sir, he's beautiful! Do you have any tips for me in raising little Corona here?" She peered down at the tiny bug in her arms. "Look at him, little one. Isn't he amazing? You won't have to use your little jets to fly anymore~"

Corona was, obviously, not intimidated by the fire that had surrounded them earlier. Then again, she was about to fall asleep after that sigh, so she barely noticed anything around her until Danielle addressed the tiny Larvesta. She chirped groggily before she saw a familiar color scheme that resembles her mother... Then she felt a cold, chilling wind sweeping through her hair, which caused her to shiver a little. Well, that woke her up; Corona was about to utter an irritated chirp when she finally realized that she was facing a Volcarona. Is that Mom??? No, wait, he didn't smell like her... Maybe it's Dad! In her excitement, the Larvesta instantly forgot about her irritation and rocket-jetted out of Danielle's arms. She did a few loop-de-loops around the huge (and probably un-amused) Volcarona before she settled in between the two red horns(?) surrounding his head, chirping happily at meeting her evolved form.

Of course, Zared was less than pleased by this meeting. Not only was he almost burned, but Corona basically just received a slap to the face from an unfriendly Volcarona, and she just shrugged it off like it was nothing! The Mawile growled a warning at the huge moth; if he makes one move on either of them, Zared will put out that fire in a snap.

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Hearing Lana speak made Henry freeze. He'd completely forgotten she was still there. Nothing was coming to his mind to even know how to respond to a situation like this because he had always been so good at hiding it. He couldn't even think of what to do. Part of him wanted to just shoo her away then and there, and part of him wanted her to stay seeing as he had no one else to talk to.

Finally, something came out of his mouth. "What do you want? Shouldn't you be with Mareek and the others?" Henry caught himself before he could scare her off. He took a deep breath before speaking again. "Sorry. That was rude of me. The stress has really been getting to me lately. So, do you mind me asking why you're still here? I'm sure something is on your mind."

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Uncle Thomas and Iblis

This...little..... BRAT! No one,NO ONE would ever rocket into his beautifull horns like that without asking..and that Mawile thinking he could intimidate him? He'd show them! He screeched before suddenly throwing his head forward to try to get the little Larvesta off and in his rage accidentally hit his head against a wall. Iblis suddenly let out another screech before using Psychic on the little pest and throwing her off him. Being able to see clearly now,he turned his head towards the Mawile and screeched before letting out some flames and using psychic to force them to burn the little 2 headed humanoid. Seeing the flames heading to the Mawile ,Uncle Thomas glared at his oldest partner,as strong and pridefull the Moth was,there was no reason to react like this and he grunted to get Iblis's attention."I'm sorry for that,you're Larvesta didnt do anything wrong,he's just irritable...It's kinda easy to see where Solaris gets his attitude problems from."Thomas sighed towards Danielle. Iblis screeched once more before putting his own flames out,but not before using Psychic to throw the Zared onto the wall,no way was that thing getting away with thinking he could fight him off. HIM,a Pokemon who fought and beat Elite Four Member after Elite Four member and even took on Champion Alder in his prime!

Edited by Scublord McFoxy
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Again, Lana didn't really know what to say. She would have gone if everyone hadn't swept away but it would be horrible to say that to Henrys face... Besides, Henry looked like he wanted someone to talk to. "Well, I don't really have anything bothering me, it seems like everyone's stressed enough, what I've got going on must be minor in comparison..." Lana smiled gently as she spoke. However, as she spoke a trotting noise as well as a boys voice came from the direction of the forest. Pierre trotted up to the two as he sent a dashing smile Lanas way. "A womans problems are the problems of every gentleman. Please, mademoiselle, tell us of your woes. It would be my pleasure to assist."

Lana was caught off guard, clearly struggling for an answer...

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Slade was a little surprised to see Phoebe run in front of him while about to heal his pokemon. Though after seeing Glacien he could understand why. He saw she was furious and his hunch old him it was about Veronica seeing as how everyone was getting on edge as she was in the room. As Ryan was asking his question Slade waited for them to be ready to heal his pokemon. "I'm getting curious as well," Slade said as he stood nearby. "Would you mind, please telling us?"

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Henry rolled his eyes seeing this nicely dress man riding a Ponyta riding out of the forest. Even Citrine wouldn't believe this one. He gave Lana a moment to speak before interrupting her, "If I were you, I'd be more concerned about your own woes. Something is clearly wrong with you if you think introducing yourself like that is okay. What are you supposed to be anyways? A white knight riding through the forest to rescue of a damsel in distress? Guess that makes me the evil sorcerer you wish to defeat, doesn't it?" He then faced back to Lana seeing she was distressed about the situation. "Lana, I suggest you avoid this boy. I can recognize a womanizer when I see one. He cares little for your troubles as all he wants is your heart. Am I right, white knight?"

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Pierre bristled at Henrys accusations, he was far from that cliche of the white knight, he was better than that. He was Pierre, the rising star of RoG and soon to be Top Coordinator, The fantastical young man made a grand show of sneering down at Henry from atop Ponyta as he circled around to tower beside Lana who looked quite awkward as he did so, shuffling away slightly. The poor girl didn't even manage to get a word in before Pierre spat a retort. "Hah, you aren't an evil sorcerer, that would suggest you have some sort of skill and flair. I saw your match, Henry Baldwin. You embarrassed everyone who holds the title of Coordinator with that horribly drab display."


((I'm gonna assume Chim is still in control of Veronica))

The young coordinator felt quite ignored at that point, a feeling he rarely enjoyed. He had tried to calm down the volatile situation, but noooooooo they just couldn't settle down. He figured he'd at least try and mend the burning bridge Kage and Ryan had left. "I'm sorry about that, Everyones had a lot on their minds on top of recent events and, uh, typical school drama. I can't speak for Phoebe but Ryan and Kage, Ryan was the Spheals trainer, have had more on their minds than most here..."

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"I ain't gonna argue with that, Yankee Doodle." Henry responded. The way Pierre was riding that Ponyta he couldn't help but think of that little song. "I could've done a much better job if I didn't let that little ego of mine get to me." He then noted how Pierre was riding around Lana on his Ponyta. "Anyways, it looks like you're a bit stuck in the clouds on that high horse there. Here, let me help you back to earth. Rosie, Sing, but to the tune Yankee doodle."

The Delcatty finally released her focus on the bag and turned to see Henry arguing with a boy on a Ponyta. She shrugged it off and began Meowing to the tune mention watching music notes surround the Ponyta.

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"Good," said the criminal as he counted off the flag markers, making a mental note of the number before nodding over to his Zoroark." Now hand off your end to her, and you-" He glanced over at Matt. "since you're still around here and didn't go off with Pierre, Come over here and hold this end while I take count of the distance long-wise."

The Zoroark meanwhile gave a few muttered cries amounting to profanity. She passed one last lingering glance at Galen before holding out her palm begrudgingly, awaiting the girl to hand off the length of thick thread...


The Strategist hovered silently nearby as the boy stared up yet again at the monitor overhead. He slouched against the wall not far from the corridor leading to the announcer's area. He'd been watching near the entirety of the little bout between Lana's friend and Alvin as he'd made his way further in. In all honestly, he couldn't help but shake his head at the bug trainer's persistent smugness.

"You get cocky-you also get stupid..." He sighed. "watch Java, the fool's so sure of everything that he's probably going to miss something vital and end up losing even despite his huge advantage...I'm telling you, it's gonna happen- sooner or later."

"Well in his defense..." Responded Java. "It is a quadruple weakness he has in his arsenal. A direct hit or two and this all ends right then and there... though I must agree-" He gazed up at the Monitor. "That advantage could easily crumble away to nothing at this rate... especially so if the girl has enough sense to have taught that Sneasel something like Aerial Ace or the like... which considering how long she's already lasted, she might well have..."

There was a long moment of silence. Mareek kept his attention on Raiza's reactions to Alvin's tactics. Java focused on the Bug Maniac's attitude and demeanor... and the recent recollection of his own partner's flashed through his mind. How strange had the outburst back in the Medical Center been? How about the argument he ease dropped on in the waiting room? What of the most recent incident with the Baldwin individual? What was this seemingly sudden habit of anger he'd witnessed today, this habit of resentment and spite? It was not as if it were directly caused by the individuals involved in the incidents themselves- Mareek had interacted with several of them before and yet nothing of similar significance had ever come out of it, and on top of that, what of his comments in the past, thoughts on Interpol and those they were supposedly tasked to stop in the past and failed miserably at...? And why hadn't erce done more in the med center other than watch on? Why did she herself not show more concern about the hostility?

There was a pattern here, something Java felt should've been easy for him to see... but yet it wasn't. Finally, he tossed his thoughts aside and simply asked the question that had been welling up in his central processing "Is there something... wrong?"

Mareek found his attention instantly grabbed away by the sudden break in the quiet. Regardless, silence gripped him a minute longer before anything escaped his lips "What do you mean?"

"Well, Given recent events and well... your reactions," Said Java, treading lightly. "I've witnessed an anomaly in your... behavior patterns that wasn't present before... certain mentions were made."

"Like I said to danielle before," said Mareek after a moment of hesitation. "I just think it's shitty how lunatics were allowed to run around and do whatever they want and hurt whoever they felt like. I just want to try to stop something similiar from happening ag-"

"Don't feed me that rehearsed bout of pure tauros shit, Mareek." His eyes couldn't help but widen in suprise at that... it was the first time Java had ever actually referred to him by his name while actually talking to him. "I watch and I observe, my friend, and at this point I'm fairly certain this isn't just about simple ideals like justice or whatever you want to call it... not with you, at least. No... it would make no sense for it all to be because of ideals and convictions here; from what I've watched, how sudden and how drastic it is compared to past times in which you spoke of similar topics and circumstances... there logically has to be some deeper and far reaching mechanism acting here."


"So... he's obviously not going to take anything but the truth..." The boy said nothing, only returning his sight to the screen. His fingers flexed a few times before balling themselves into iron tight fist. The slightest of trembles rang through them for a brief moment. "He wants to know... but I can tell him, can't I? It's java afterall, he's one of us.... and besides-" He finally looked back down to the Porygon2. "Aside from Erce herself, If I can't trust him of all things- my own strategy partner, then who can I trust?" "Alright..." he sighed, decision made. "alright, Java. you're right...I'll give you the truth then...I'll tell ya everything."

Alexandra and Erce

"Erce, you remember our little 'game', don't you?" asked Alexnadra while Raiza continued to evade the arrogant little Bug Maniac's tactics down on the field. The scyther nodded- how could she possibly forget? afterall, the "Game" had been her one and only ticket to getting any actual trust from the woman at all after... that. She still couldn't help but chaff a little at having been damned by nothing more than distant association, all these years afterwards...

"Good...good." Alexandra continued, her eyes subtly following the dynamics of the fight like a pro scout. Erce knew what was coming next though even before she turned those cold, midnight blue eyes on her... some dark storm lurking there, just beyond detection, but there regardless. something distant, just like her child's. And her crystal clear spectacles did nothing at all to help alleviate the familiar, piercing sensation Erce could feel in her soul... that sensation, that drive and that reserved, subtle ruthlessness. This stare of hers which in it's own way was it's own first and last warning which unlike his mother, Mareek seemed to lack from what she'd always been able to tell...and that Erce was damn glad he didn't inherit.

"Cube?" Nemo asked cautiously, deducing from Joltara's still... troubling demeanor towards him and the fact that even Erce herself was shaking, however so slightly, but shaking nonetheless,... that Mareek's mother must've been a crazy woman- it was the only explanation... he couldn't think of any other time when the big Mantis had shown actual fear- either in battle or outside of it. But standing in front of Ms.Sisto... she had turned to complete jelly. And the woman seemed to be oblivious... or just used to it.

"I trust he's been...alright while he's been here with you, no?" Alexandra asked simply. Mars meanwhile extended his blades from his forearms, lacing his mits together before him much like Alexandra's pose. Erce knew full well that the dark type bastard was just doing it to tease her for her (At least in Mars' mind) needless present fear, but it didn't matter.... the fact of the situation was that the blades were out, and ready to be used... until he had the kindness to retract them yet again as Erce nodded slowly. "Well, I'm glad to hear that... you've always done your job rather well, haven't you? Ever since Silph co, you've certainly stepped up... which brings me to what I wanted to talk to you about..." There was a brief ruffling from her bag as Mars reached down between his feet and retrieved something from it. What he held as he brought his hands back out appeared to be a cylinder of some sort, features hidden by the strange cloth wrapping it, checker-like patterns adorning it's face.

She had expected Alexandra to explain, but Mars took over with a few grunts and grumbles as he unfolded the fabric (Which in erce's eyes, was far more than was needed to cover the thing upon seeing it loose). The silver gleam of the metal coat was the only thing she saw for a moment. She looked up at the old bastard, completely lost for a response. Mars simply finished explaining... apparently this had been his idea- the metal coat... he'd seen it while they were leaving to catch the ferry here and hadn't budged from his spot until Alexandra had gone in and spoken to the shop keep- and so had Joltara, to which the Jolteon simply gave a howl in agreement...

They had been watching, all these years, these two partners whom Alexandra trusted above all others, these two who, out of all other members of her old team, had trusted enough to dare leave at home to watch over her child while she toiled in the work force day after day, trying to chip away at a mountain that seemed to persist in growing larger even despite her efforts. And over all these years, Mars had seen something in the Mantis... something which he had recognized in himself oh so long ago, had accepted, oh so long ago...

Erce lived her life for the sake of protecting something. Just like he did with Alexandra. Through thick and thin, he'd watched her over those seven years. And not once had she griped, complained or languished about her job... though to be entirely fair, Alexandra had given ehr the choice of either accepting it or being cast the fuck out of her home. But that in and of itself only added to the Dark Type's respect, and hence...what was in his hand's now. As far as he was concerned- Erce was worthy of being a steel type like himself... the type that of all of them, was truly and genuinely meant for defense.

Nemo meanwhile looked on in silence, curious as to what Erce might say or do...

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The poor Ponyta hadn't expected a sudden signal of sleep and so crumpled to the floor in a daze and then simply sound sleep, snoring ever so slighlty. As graceful when sleeping as when conscious. Pierre on the other hand had the sense to try and dismount, merely falling onto his behind as opposed to crumpling alongside his steed. The boy let out an ungentlemanly growl of anger before recalling himself. He stood up in a hurry and glared at Henry and Lana both. Henry had embarrassed him and Lana had been there to witness it. That made her guilty in his eyes."I come here, offering my help to you" He shot an especially spiteful glare at Lana "And this is what I get in return? Why must the good suffer so?" The young man sighed, his brow furrowed in irritation whilst Ponytas light snores continued. He recalled the fiery pokemon before starting to storm off. "Henry Baldwin, there's a reason the crowds hate you." With that scornful statement, he fled with as much dignity as he could muster despite the dirt patch on his backside.

Lana sighed with relief as Pierre went off. "I'm sorry about that..." The shy girl apologised. She knew somewhere in the back of her mind that it was hardly her fault but she still felt he had to say it all the same. "I'm sure not everyone hates you. After all, your Delcatty seems quite fond of you..."

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"Don't be. You didn't do anything wrong. If anything, I should be the one apologizing. I shouldn't have stepped in because things wouldn't have gotten quite so rough. I really just can't stand people who act like hot stuff which is hypocritical considering how I act around people." Henry scratched the back of his head. It'd been a long while since he lost it and did something rash. Unlike Mareek's, he shrugged off the boy's words. Still, he should probably explain it to Lana. "I've had spiteful comments throw at me enough times I just learned to tune them out. In a way, he's probably right about the crowds. An irritating coordinator who doesn't do any neat tricks really ain't a person you'd be cheering for. Besides, it's all worth it too see him run off so butthurt, literally."

The coordinator then looked down to see a Delcatty rubbing against his leg. "Ah yes, Rosie's probably the one Pokemon who'd probably follow me no matter what. The two of us pretty much grew up together as I've had her for the past nine years now. You could say the two of us carry a special bond. As for anyone else, they'd all just abandon and avoid me if they learned about some of the things I did. That's just a truth I'd just have to accept."

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"Keep it up, sweetie! Ice Wall again!" See, the advantages Rogue that has over you, Raiza thought, watching as Rogue repeated the same ice wall trick, bringing up even more water with tougher ice claws for thicker and more cover, is that she's more lithe, much lighter, and faster than you are. What she lacks in bulk, she makes up for with a boosted natural agility, cunning, and nasty hits. It was all it took to resist saying it all out loud, and to resist scanning the crowd for certain faces. This wasn't the time to think about her parents... Or if Lana or Henry were watching. The battle earlier ended up with her baby getting badly hurt-- now he seemed different. Vengeful, even. There was no way she was going to let that happen to her dear Rogue too. "Make sure he can't catch you, dear. It's like the game of Tag we had earlier-- be speedy!" The Dark-Ice type's eyes narrowed and she barely inclined her head in a nod, her little body loosened up and ready to move.

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Alvin laughed, shaking his head. "How much longer do you think you'll be able to keep on running? Hera can stand around and watch you get faster all day, but at the end of the day once you get close enough to strike you're finished!" he said eagerly. He then pointed to the field, his next move already in motion. "Let's put them on the defensive! Use your special attacks!" he encouraged. Hera put her fists together, a bright orange ball of energy forming between them. She fired it at the wall and it exploded, blowing the ice wall apart with ease. Even before the Focus Blast impacted, Hera began thrusting her arms forward once more, releasing a volley of Pin Missiles over the icy rubble that was beginning to accumulate on the surface of the watery battlefield.

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{Danielle, Corona and Zared}

The Larvesta was clearly shocked when Iblis attempted to knock her off, especially when he rammed his head against the wall, almost squishing her too if she wasn't small enough. She didn't pull on his hairs or anything --

Before she could finish her thought, Corona found herself floating in mid-air thanks to the Psychic. Finally realizing the gravity of the situation, she chirped in defiance before being thrown off to the side. Corona managed to use her six tiny feet to skid across the floor, thereby lessening the bodily harm done to her, but she was clearly aggravated now. She only wanted to say "hello," if he didn't want to interact, then just tell her! When she saw Zared being thrown into the wall by yet another Psychic, she rushed forward with an Acrobatics to push him to off to the side. Hopefully, he could take care of himself from there...

Corona then glared up to the huge Volcarona and unleash a horrible screech of her own to signal her strength. Let's be real, though, this is coming from an undersized Larvesta; it's not threatening at all. But Corona's intent was clear: She's not about to let him harm her friends and get away with it.


That's it! This oversized moth wants to go, then Zared will more than happy to fight! With a loud battle cry (Intimidate), he conjured a few white orbs (Hidden Power Water) to diffuse the flames when he heard Uncle Thomas command the arrogant Volcarona to stop. The Mawile also released his concentration on his attack... Only to hear an ear-piercing screech and get hurled off by a Psychic. He cursed at his own mistake of letting his guard down so quickly; there was no way he could avoid the eminent blow. It was then that he felt something ramming him on his side, thereby sending him off to the corridor. Luckily, since he is a Steel type, that ram felt nothing more than a push to him. Zared waved his arm towards the ground behind him to blow up a stream of Fairy Wind so that he could land safely. Once he gathered his bearings, he looked up to find his tiny teammate glaring up at Iblis. Oh no, Corona is gutsy and all, but she stands no chance against this thing. He ran back and placed himself in between his teammate and Iblis, readying yet another Hidden Power as payback for that cheap stunt...

"Zared, stop! You're no better than him if you attack!"

The Mawile growled his displeasure at Danielle. That stupid bug deserves a strike to his damned ego! Ignoring her command, several white orbs surround him once again...

"ZARED! You'll be sitting on the sidelines for the next matches if you don't listen RIGHT NOW!"

... Crap, she got him there. He hated sitting on the sidelines more than anything in the world... With an angry sigh, he waved off the white orbs and glared at Iblis and Uncle Thomas. Zared then crossed his arms across his chest to emphasize of his dissatisfaction.


Danielle ran over to pick up her angry Larvesta, clearly shaken by the sudden turn of events. 'Is that how Corona could be...?' She then gave a pat on Zared's head, who only gave her a glance before he looked back at Iblis and Uncle Thomas. "N-No, C-Corona should have asked... She's j-just too happy to see one of her own k-kind..." The coordinator was just stuck; something told her to run and forget this encounter, yet something told her to stay. She looked down at her tiny moth, who let out a few flames from her horns in irritation.

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Uncle Thomas

Thomas sighed at the interaction before turning over to Danielle. "Again,sorry,Iblis is really pridefull and doesnt really like being physically touched by others but that doesnt excuse his attitude."As he said this a slow chuckle escaped his mouth before a lighter screech was heard made by Iblis. He'd managed to calm down but the glare the small Mawile was giving him was hard to ignore.

"Anyways,you're Larvesta seems really small.below average for her age in fact. But there doesnt seem to be anything wrong with her,what i would reccomend is starting to teach her Psychic,it helps them controll their flames perfectly as if they were a part of their own body instead of having to use it in a specific fashion,It's commonly known as Pyrokinesis."Thomas said before giving a nod to Iblis as if to say that he should give a demonstration. Suddenly,small flames started to dance around them making small shapes while staying a safe distance away before being put out instantly.Iblis once more let out a small screech this one seeming more apologectic towards Corona.

Edited by Scublord McFoxy
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{Danielle, Corona and Zared}

"I-It's fine, really." Danielle replied, still a little wary of the Volcarona. "I apologize for letting my Pokemon behave like the just did. This wasn't the first time they got into trouble for it..." She looked down at both her Pokemon and nudged them both. "Come on, you two, say sorry for your actions as well." She then saw the little flames floating around them before Iblis illicited a non-threatening screech. "See, even Ibis is apologizing." After a few hesitant seconds, she finally heard Zared and Corona utter what seemed to be an apology. As Corona flew out of her arms once again, Danielle turned back to address the man. "Forgive me, but it seems I haven't introduced myself due to that situation. My name's Danielle Chastain, and these two are Corona and Zared." She nodded to her Larvesta and Mawile respectively. "I have noticed that about Corona as well. One my friends, James, had introduced a Larvesta - Solaris, I think it was - to Corona a short while ago and she was only half his size... I'm thinking that she might have been the runt of the swarm or something... Is there anything I could do to help Corona learn Psychic though or, even, to make her grow to her natural size?"


Zared finally lowered his gaze, uttering a small apology himself. Since Iblis is finally cooperating, as demonstrated by his pyrokinesis, there is no reason for him to feel threatened. Nevertheless, he stayed alert for any small movements that could signal danger. After living in the wild for so long (and because that cheap shot was still fresh on his mind), the Mawile's fight or flight response isn't going to go away so easily.

Corona, by contrast, was more than happy to let it slide; she hated feeling so resentful over anything. The tiny moth watched wide-eyed as the small flames danced around her. It was so pretty and warm and fuzzy! After hearing Iblis apologize, she flew out of Danielle's grasp and hovered near Iblis, making sure she didn't touch him this time, and gave a few chirps to exchange apologies. Then she tried to mimic Iblis' pyrokinetic skill, glaring at the empty space in between her and Iblis, only to blow out a tiny stream of fire from her mouth (Incinerate) that sent her flying to the ground. She gave a sheepish cry for help to the huge Volcarona. Maybe he could give her a few tips?

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DarkLight and Azery

Even though no one was around, Devin Cadmus wasn't a man to let his anger overcome him. He seemed to be his usual strict, but nice, self as he studied Avis. “That stone... Are you Danielle's Murkrow? Avis?” he asked as he gave the bird permission to land on his arm.

Only a few seconds later a cold chill ran down his spine. Too bad for Shade but the Elite Four Member barely responded to the Icy Wind. He was used to overcome much colder temperatures with his dragons. “Is that Duskull with you? I can't seem to recall Danielle having a ghost type.”


“Like I care,” Veronica shrugged. “That Spheal got what it deserved by attacking me directly. And Phoebe is just jealous because I beat her in strength. She was really sour after she didn't get the spot you know.”

Zerron (Galen)

“Why?” Matt asked while Sarah was finishing her part. “Let her do it, she's already involved. This is pointless so why bother?”

Right at that exact moment a Zubat flew straight at Galen. He could recognize it as one belonging to the organization, but not Evan's.

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Thomas and Iblis

Thomas chuckled before grinning."Solaris always was very large but i didnt think that James wanted to show him off to other people..Sorry,i should've introduced myself. I'm Thomas Nerfion,James's uncle I work at the Pokemon League in Unova but there wasnt anything going on so i came over to see the winter cup.

"Getting back on track, Psychic's a a complicated move because unlike most moves it comes straight from the mind. Essentially,your Larvesta has to have a clear idea of what she wants to do with the target,a clear mind is also needed as being absent minded can easily make the attack go wayward or not even work at all."He said before throwing a pokeball from his belt up."My Sigilyph helped train Iblis to learn the attack since he's pretty experienced in it so having a pokemon that already knows it helps a lot but for those that; don't meditation help's to calm the mind making it easier to use the move"

Having calmed down,Iblis saw the failed attempt at using psychic and shook his head. This'd take a lot of work but at least she was willing to learn. Iblis closed his eyes being silent for a while before flames started to appear and moved around in circular motions and surrounding Corona and making her go through a few hoops before landing her back on the floor safely. Iblis opened his eyes again and screeched trying to tell her to try it herself


Darn it,this guy had no problems with cold temperatures...oh well,at least he didnt appear as furious anymore.Hearing what Devin asked Avis,Shade appeared and shook his head before making a small J and N;James's initials as if to hint who his trainer was.

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Lana didn't really know what to say to Henry when he hinted at some, what Lana assumed to be, less than ideal actions. Instead she crouched down and offered a hand out to Rosie as an offer for some attention. "Well then at last there's someone who doesn't hate you, no matter what happens. Make that two actually. You seem like a nice person at heart..." Lana left out how the little kerfuffle with the other students had seemed. Anyone who would step up for someone in obvious discomfort was fine by Lana.

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"Because-" He was about to respond when the poison-type caught his attention, flapping there in the wind. "Hold that thought, Matt..." He turned to face the Zubat, looking at it expectantly. "What's this about? You sent to bring something for me?" He knew it probably did though... it wouldn't make sense for them to have just sent out one for the hell of it.

Mareek and Java

"I... see then." Java said solemnly. Mareek still slouched against the wall, hands in his pockets, eyes an unreadable storm as The Strategist tried to meet them once more, yet finding it oddly hard.... "I see... then the reason we even trained at all over the past while, why you even bothered to spend the BP on the entrance fee even though you said multiple times that you don't care..."

"Yeah," Mareek said, shrugging. "Ya got me... in a way, I'm just using this to test you three- provide some kind of challenge. I knew Erce wouldn't have issues, but Nemo and you kinda had me worried there for a while in your own ways... though, he managed to pull it together and then some in the end."

"Then everything you've said..." said Java, ignoring the implications "everything about Interpol and how you want to become the head of it someday...all of that had nothing to do with morals or justice or right or wrong..."

"I guess not..." responded the boy. He turned his eyes to the ceiling evasively. "Go on, call me shallow if you want, call me a hypocrite, rail on me like you did back in the med ward... but just know it won't change anything. They had the power to do something, and they decided not to, sat around and let shit happen as it so pleased... and my dad's dead and my brother might as well be too at this point too because of it..." He glared at the Program... though Java could tell the anger wasn't meant for him. "They're worthless... lazy and utterly worthless. If they're not going to do their damn jobs, why do they even exist at all? why_not let all those resources be allotted to the regional police forces, who at least actually try to fulfill their duties, instead letting it all sit around stagnating and collecting dust?"

A long silence ensued. Java realized it hadn't been just a rhetorical question a bit too late. "You, know, it's almost ironic..." He laughed. Bitterly. "They're so disorganized, that from what I can find, they don't even have an official head... I've looked time and time again for years, Java, YEARS, and not once have I ever found a single name, a single person who can be called the face of the organization... they're supposed to maintain the civil peace, establish and facilitate communication and interaction between all the Regional Forces to keep things like Silph Co. and Mt. Cornet and... and everything from happening, and yet... they're so sloppy in their structure they apparently don't even have a leader. It's like some god awful joke that just won't die... so maybe it needs someones help to finally kill the failed experiment it truly is? Maybe it needs someone's help to deliver the final punch line...so why_not let it be me, since I don't see anyone else stepping up for the job?"

Java hovered there, silent as he tried to grasp the teen's reasoning. All this time... he couldn't believe it, how well the boy had pulled it off at all times. How well he had lied, over and over and over again during all that training... how many times he had looked all three of them in the eye, and spouted nonsense about everything... but yet... Java could not find himself angered at the boy. He could not find himself feeling betrayed, not knowing what he knew, not after hearing the argument he'd been presented and all the evidence along with it... for it was obvious to him now... that the book he kept, the notes, the observations, the meticulous studies all compiled between leather and paper... it was not simply a record, a guide... it was a weapon- a banner, a rallying point for a crusade... A compendium of grave, worldly sins. Of sins, not just for those who had committed them, but also for those who had willingly stood by and watched as they were committed.

And yet even despite this realization... even despite seeing this darkness cast by the illusion and the lie of light, if darkness was truly what he could call it, for in truth it did look more like day than night in it's reasoning... He still found that after all of this, he could not bring himself to feel a desire to leave the boy for it. For, in a way,... this was justice, one need only look at it a... special way; for when a Dragon that you had enlisted to defend your people instead simply ate your crops, left your people starving as a result, and then promptly proceeded to nap as raiders take you home to hell in a hand basket... would it not be logical for one to slay the dragon after dealing with the raiders? would it not be logical to deal retribution not only to those who committed the act in question, but also to those who willingly allowed it to transpire in the first place despite an obligation to intervene? And what better way to kill the dragon... then to do it silently, to allow oneself to be swallowed, and strike from within?

Java felt it to be logical. Completely logical, as simple as A=B, B=C, ergo, A=C. If A had acted in a preventative manner, B would not have transpired, and C would not be the result, ergo, A is just as much at fault as B... it was just math... nothing but hard, cold math.

"Anyway..." Mareek continued, breaking the Programs long analysis as he looked at the time. "How long does it take to walk from outside to here? where the hell are they?"

"Does Erce know?" Java asked, disregarding the attempt to change the subject. Mareek was quiet... very quiet. Java felt almost certain what the answer would be at this rate, pondering just what it would mean... if not even s...

Mareek chuckled, ever so slightly, shaking his head.

"Or course she does, Java. Since the very beginning."

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Kage took a couple steps after Ryan, but stopped. He was still angry, but wasn't sure what exactly to do about it. He would remember this, though. He was more concerned about raising Pokemon then being a premier battler and going for League Champion, but it certainly wouldn't hurt to train his partners to that kind of strength. Some people needed to be put in their places. His feelings were plain on his face as he leaned against a wall in the waiting room.

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Avis crowed happily as Devin mentioned her name. So he does remember her after all! She then landed onto his outstretched arm gratefully in order to begin directing him, but the sudden chill from the Icy Wind made her ruffle her feathers. As Shade made his appearance to say who he belonged to, the Murkrow gave a disapproving glance at the ghost type. He's lucky that the Elite Four member didn't decide to chew him out. Avis also shook her head and uttered a small crow to affirm what Shade told him. The Murkrow then pointed in the direction of the announcer's booth with a wing, hoping Devin would understand that he has to go back there.

{Danielle, Corona and Zared}

Danielle gasped at Uncle Thomas' revelation. That would explain the Unovian's uncanny resemblance to James! She listened attentively to the trainer's advice on Psychic, unaware that Zared started moving towards Corona and Iblis. "Hmm... So a clear mind and a clear idea... It reminds me of those flower arrangement classes I used to have back at the gym..." Danielle nodded as she formed a method to train Corona. With a grin, she looked back up at Thomas and gave a bow. "Merci for the advice, sir. I will certainly put it to use." She then turned to find Iblis conjuring little fire rings. "If I may ask, is Solaris related to Iblis? Both of them act really similar..."


Zared stood in the back and watched the teaching process in silence. By the looks of it, Psychic is somewhat related to Hidden Power and, even, Avis' Night Shade; they both require concentration with a clear intent. While the concept is easy for him to grasp, he could feel that the Larvesta is a little more confused on the matter. After all, most of her moves so far are just projectiles or physical attacks. She never actually had to use her mind before. The Mawile had a feeling that Corona will be needing help to master this for a long time...

Corona watched Iblis carefully as he conjured the pretty flames again, only taking her blue eyes off of the Volcarona to go through the rings of fire. She chirped quietly at the flames, noting how they floated gracefully with this weird aura. It looks almost like Avis' Night Shade or Zared's two special-based moves, but blue! At Iblis' screech, Corona imitated his previous actions. She closed her tiny eyes and focused solely on the image of the pretty fire rings. She could feel herself burning as her heat sack released her tiny flames. That sensation soon reached her stomach, her limbs, and finally her head, which means they are close to spouting out of her five horns. She shut her eyes even tighter in order to picture the wispy flames, hoping to replicate the rings as the fire spewed out of her horns.

Corona's flames came out regularly from her tiny body but, as they touched the air, they seem to, slowly, circulate around her. Some strayed off course but the basic structure is somewhat sound. Of course, the tiny Larvesta didn't know that this was happening, as her eyes are still closed.

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{Jacob and Mareek}

Jacob arrived at the announcers' booth, Spitfyre in tow. The Charmeleon was snacking on something, but it had become so charred by his breath that it was unrecognizable. However, the Fire-type didn't seem to care. In fact, it appeared he enjoyed it, slowly chewing as if to savor the crispy burnt texture. His Trainer waved at Mareek as he approached, a light grin on his face. "Hey, Mareek. How's it going?" he asked despite it only having been a few minutes since the two last saw each other. He didn't even wait for a response, diving right into his experience getting to where they were. "All my Pokemon were hungry, so I had to stop and get them something to eat. I guess with the battles going on they're burning a bit more energy than usual, so I can't really blame them for wanting a quick snack. Glad to see you got here quickly, though," he continued. "Although I assume since you're out here and not in there and there's a distinct lack of Dragon Master Elite Four members here, Professor Cadmus stepped out for a bit," he finished.

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Raiza shrugged. "As long as Rogue can keep jumping, your special attacks won't hit. The question is, are you fast enough to catch up to her, and can you keep it up?" Even as she spoke, the Sneasel seemed to be moving with more agility, easily dodging the long-range volley as she leapt to another platform. "See, you can't even hit her."

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"To be honest I didn't even bother looking..." Mareek responded. "Wasn't much point when I was the only one here. I was actually starting to consider going to look for you lot..." He glanced over the other boy's shoulder, noticing nothing but empty hall way. No Lana. No Danielle. and no James... "Speaking of which- given we're the only ones even here, I'm going to guess that either Avis found the professor... or everyone else somehow just got lost on such a straight forward route...which, no offense, I can see happening to some of you, but not really with Lana so much..."

Java meanwhile stared at Spitfyre as the young dragon chomped down on the charred crisp... the black hued texture of the object brought back nothing but the memory of his past defeat months ago in his mind- his last defeat, granted, but still the most humiliating one by far... at least against that damn growlithe of slade's, he'd managed to take out the hound with him.

But that was alright. For Java, with all the data he had access to whenever he so pleased, knew what Spitfyre here would someday evolve into... he knew the weakness he would someday gain that he lacked now. And he would be sure to pack a special, nasty little move. Just. For. Him. Yes, Java resolved. He would have his vengeance someday, have his retribution for that shame of being charred to a smoking crisp under the scorching heat of the sun, for he had many tricks in his arsenal, and would only continue to gather more as time dragged on... yes, someday.

But today, he reminded himself... today was not that day. But perhaps sometime soon, it would be... especially with some of these intriguing terrains the battles were using now...oh yes, he could see it now, how easily he could make some of those fields his absolute playground with just a bit of ingenuity and cunning. Especially one very special one in particular- one whose full possible uses was wasted on the current combatants on the field...




well damn. now that he thought about it like that, that last thought was rather...dark. Especially considering everything Mareek had shared with him not long ago. perhaps it was just the upgrade? Afterall, it had already affected him so much this fine day...

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