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Pokémon Academy: Ch 3: Winter Cup [IC]


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Kennys question got a blank look from all three assailants. The big one spoke up to this. "The fact that we haven't got a Zorua on our teams answers that question, doesn't it? It's not like we've never had the opportunity to get one, we were just better than that and picked our other friends." Ringleader nodded furiously along to Big Boys answer "Exactly! Besides, just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you should! We train creatures that can kill people, you train something that just fucks around with other people. Not that I expect any better of a dark type..."

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DarkLight, Azery, Jory and Zerron

Devin Cadmus raised an eyebrow but kept his composure. To be honest Alastair and he already suspected there was something else going on during the time of the stampede, but he never made the link with Evan Reeves or a potentially evil organization.

The Dragon Tamer nodded at Jacob and turned to the rest of the group. “This is a serious accusation. Obviously I need more details, but this is hardly the place to talk about it. Come with me and tell me everything you know and then I'll make a decision.”

He lead the small group back to the Arena, into an empty waiting room. The Dragon Trainer closed the door after everyone was inside. “If what you imply is true, this guarantees us privacy so you can tell me everything without holding back.”


“No need to thank me,” the boy said, “it was my pleasure. At Hoenn Academy we have a male version of her but even worse so I know how to deal with people like that!”

“Bro, where are you? Weren't we going to look for Evan?” the voice of a young girl came from around the corner.

“I'm here Lily! And I found someone who might be of help!” Jaime replied. He looked Robert straight in the eyes while his little sister ran around the corner. “So, do you know Evan?” he asked.

Dobby, Murdoc

“Not raising it without restraint?” Veronica smirked, “I could've stopped him if I wanted,” she said to Kage. “And did you say boyfriend?” There was a lot of disapprovement coming from her voice as she gave Kage an odd look. “So you swing that way? No wonder none of you make any sense...”

Zerron (Galen)

Matt shrugged and walked away. He didn't feel like doing this from the start and made his way back to the Arena. Who knows, maybe someone would show him a decent battle.

Sarah was about to follow him, glad she hadn't to do the labor anymore. She looked back at Galen, took a few more steps, sighed and turned back. If there was one thing she hated more than manual labor, it was not knowing something. “What happened? Why are you suddenly cutting the mission short?”

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"As Jacob here already said,the Donphan Stampede was most likely a distraction. At first it seemed like it was just a bunch of old rocket members up to no good as we found their insignia there, however....the method of the distraction doesnt make sense with how Team Rocket usually acts so that's a no go."James said before pausing for a few seconds.

"The reason for said stampede is unknown besides the fact that between the stampede and us finding him,Evan was given a Skarmory and an unknown pokemon,Danielle and Mareek here have more information on that Skarmory actually "He continued before nodding towards the two.

Edited by Scublord McFoxy
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Danielle put Corona down on the floor of the waiting room so that she could practice her Psychic. After giving Avis her nod of approval, Danielle pat Zared To indicate the prime witness.

"The same Skarmory that James mentioned hopped into our waiting room during our matches. So Zared, here, decided to chat with it and found out the Skarmory's origins, which led us to believe that Evan is involved with this organization somehow. Mareek's Porygon2 has trascribed his testimony if you like to hear it..." She turned to Mareek to let him take over now.

Zared nodded towards Professor Cadmus to confirm Danielle's statement. He then watched as Avis flew from Professor Cadmus' arm and headed towards Corona to catch up on what she missed.

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Alvin looked annoyed as the Sneasel got up, laughing at the whole scene that had just unfolded. "Look at your Sneasel! She can barely stand and you're seriously coming back for another beating?" he taunted, knowing full well how infuriating he was acting. There was just no way that snot-nosed brat Raiza was going to beat him with such a huge advantage in Alvin's back pocket. "Hera, Pin Missiles again!" he shouted. However, just like earlier the attack was too slow to catch up to the quick little Dark-type. Hera shivered as the Icy Wind attack hit her, having to yank her feet off the ice when they stuck to it from the cold. Her limbs began to feel cold and her movement became more sluggish as the Icy Wind attack struck home. "Counter it with a Focus Blast!" Alvin shouted. The Heracross charged up an orange ball of energy and fired it at the ice in the Sneasel's path in an effort to at least slow the counterattack.

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“Not raising it without restraint?” Veronica smirked, “I could've stopped him if I wanted,” she said to Kage. “And did you say boyfriend?” There was a lot of disapprovement coming from her voice as she gave Kage an odd look. “So you swing that way? No wonder none of you make any sense...”

"Oh, so what you're saying is that not only can you not raise Pokemon, you're also a complete bitch. That's cool, the first step is admitting." Kage was actually trembling slightly with suppressed anger. "And for your information, I swing whatever direction I damn well please, as long as it's away from people like you." The followup to this wasn't strictly audible (or comprehensible, as Kage switched back to Japanese), but the muttering under his breath had the unmistakable staccato pattern of an expletive-laced rant.

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Claude was certainly nonplussed by Veronicas comment but he had at least two years of experience dealing with comments like these. "Kage" Claude said calmly, hiding the far milder anger he held in comparison to Kages. "I get where you're coming from with that, I really do, but insults are not going to correct anyone's views." Then Claude affixed Veronica with a stare. Unlike before when he tried to speak, he found himself capable at looking her in the eyes. Funny thing that, he can do so when he is angered but he can't do so for his friends... Such thoughts flitted through Claudes mind for a second before he addressed Veronica. "I do swing that way. I've swung that way for the past two years. You call me odd, maybe I am. It is not because of who I choose to like. I'm not going to support Kages words with my own, I know that never ends well. I will suggest you leave before insulting or hurting anyone else"

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"Hey kid. You know how you sound like right now?" Raiza asked, with much apparent calm. Then she imitated him in a high-pitched, whiny, mocking voice. "Waah, I'm getting beat by a thing that I have a four times advantage against so I'm gonna resort to taunting!" As she rolled her eyes, she returned to her normally deadpan voice. "Rogue, dear, evade by leaping over Hera and see how they like getting frostburned over the head!" Already the Dark-Ice type saw the blast coming and changed direction, putting effort into propelling her lithe body over the big bug in a somersaulting arc. Midair, she continued to blow Icy Wind over the top of the Heracross' horn and head, making sure to land a good enough distance and get moving again around her in a somewhat smaller and, as a result, faster circle. It was crucial that she keep moving as quickly as possible while getting Heracross to slow down-- or better, to freeze.

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Tacos, ExLink

“Where to begin?” Phoebe sighed, '”this isn't really my thing but I guess I'll try to explain.” She rubbed her head in thought. “I guess I'll start by explaining who's in charge. You see, the League also has a Board, similar to the Academy, made out of big-shots with a lot of influence.” She stopped her story for a few minutes. “I guess you could say that there are two sides? One of them is politics and the other is prestige.”

“Yeah that sounds about right. Let's name it Politics and Prestige. Now you can probably guess the Politics part. They often change based on who's elected by the people. They only care about money and appearances if I go by what Devin says. The other part, Prestige, are people who achieved something. There's Franck Walker, he's also the Chairman, Professor Redwood because he implemented the new system, Devin as the Elite Four Representative and of course Roman. You met him during the trip to the Boulder Hills. He's actually the Head of the Breeding Association so he earned his spot as well. The last spot is taken by Jeremy Brand as the main sponsor. I guess you could call his position in between Prestige and Politics since he's the voice of all the sponsors. However he's never present. He always sends someone from his company to represent him. There's another spot reserved for the current Champion but I heard he refused so they replaced him with another Politics seat.”

Phoebe paused for a second and started counting on her fingers. “Did any of you keep track? I was talking without counting the seats. There should be 13 of them and Prestige has 5 at best, including the Chairman. The last 8 are made of 7 politicians and the last one is neutral. He notes everything down and is in charge of Marketing. He comes up with new ideas and is in charge of the projects to attract more people to the League. He's important but at the same time he isn't. At least now when it comes to selecting an E4 member.”

She took a small break and patted her Blastoise on his shield. “All 13 seats have the right to propose possible candidates when an Elite Four Member retires. They also decide on back-up Gym Leaders and stuff. Anyway after they have their potential Elite Four Member, they start scouting all the candidates. I don't know all the details but it's pretty intensive from what I've heard. But here's the catch; Elite Four doesn't have to be Monotype trainers.” She looked Slade directly in the eye when she said that. “I don't know why other regions do it, but in Ymora monotypes are really popular due to the breeding thing. The last Elite Four Member that retired used a variety of types.”

This time she looked at Ryan. “You were partly correct about the Gym Leaders. Veronica and I never ran a Gym or were involved with the League one way or another, but yet we were selected. You see if a trainer is known as strong and fits the bill, they will give him a chance. This last time there were only 6 candidates; the Dark and Ground type gym leaders. Both have the reputation for being the most difficult gym to beat. They don't even have to use their strongest Pokémon to overwhelm challengers. There were also 2 trainers that won the League once and managed to put up a decent fight against Elite Four Members. Veronica and I filled the last slots. Like I said I don't know how the screening works and what they're specifically looking for, but I do know that each candidate needs at least 5 support votes. Even if they pass the screening it's useless if they aren't backed up.”

“And this is were the salty part begins. I wasn't in Ymora back then and I refused the spot, bringing the count down to 5 candidates. From what I heard they were all interested thus had to battle it out. Of course these battles are fought in a seclusive location to keep the press away. Sometimes trainers show their true colors on the field and if someone with a nasty personality gets the spot it would reflect bad on the League. Unfortunately that's now the case. But I'm getting side-tracked. Out of all the 5 candidates left, Veronica was by far the most difficult one. The Politics part, backed up by Brand's representative and Marketing, thought it would be great if the Granddaughter of the Old Champion would claim her spot. And this is where things get serious; Franck, Redwood, Devin and Roman voted against her. I heard she was pissed when her own grandfather and two of the most respected men in Ymora were against her. Apparently she snapped at all of them when the battles were fought and she treated her opponents like dirt. But the most disturbing thing was she went full psycho on the Ground Leader, forcing him to retreat. When they were paired against each other she apparently kept going on the offensive even after her opponent's Pokémon was knocked out. The Ground Leader didn't accept that bullshit and demanded she would be withdrawn, but Veronica knows how to play the political game. She had all 7 of those bastards in her pocket and they refused. When the Ground Leader heard this, he quit. He was backed by the Dark Gym Leader and together they left immediately and are now causing trouble. They call the Politics part corrupt and try to change things from the inside.”

Phoebe sighed. “The League is messy right now. Both Leaders are respected and backed by Redwood and the rest of the Elite Four. Veronica stands on her own. The 2 trainers that won the League also refused to partake in shenanigans like these so Veronica joined the E4 by default thus earning her a reputation within the League and all the Gym Leaders.”

The water expert got up and stretched. “Man, telling serious stories like this really isn't my thing! Talking so much left me thirsty! I'm heading out to grab a drink. If I peeked your interest, meet me after the last battle at the gym. You can bring your friends if you want but don't make any noise and don't draw attention.”

Dobby, Murdoc

“You two really are annoying. Too bad, I had hopes for that Cottonee of yours, but oh well, nothing to do about it,” Veronica shrugged. Without saying another word or even looking at the two boys she left the room. “Oh, I do hope one of you makes it to the final. Or maybe that Spheal-boy so I can enjoy trashing you!”

Ludicolo kept silent the entire time, looking from Kage to Claude and back before following his trainer outside.

((Not going to start something new since you both are up after Raiza))

Zerron (Galen)

“Fine,” Sarah said as she left. “Next time make sure to work on your people skills. Snapping at us doesn't really benefit the mission. And since Pierre is here it's already hard enough.”

((Galen can start something new if he likes. If not he gets a little break so he can watch Mareek's battle))

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"Well that was unpleasant" Claude commented on Veronicas departure. "People like her shouldn't be allowed to be a member of the Elite four, they're role models for children for Arceus' sake."

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'Okay then, that means he's- well, they're obviously related then.' Getting that side note out of the way, he turned to them both directly. "Oh, Evan Reeves? Yeah, I know him, but... I can't really say that I'm his friend. Just that I met him before. Any reason you're asking?" Edited by TurboAura
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"Yes well... don't worry about that, little birdie..." Said Galen after the child had left. He still mused over the lake as his hand retrieved the Fox's capsule and she was called back to her home in a flash of crimson. "I'll be sure not to use any of you for field work from this point anyway, given how damn lazy you lot are... lucky you, you get to be relegated to whisperers for me. Hopefully you make better spies than grunts... though I highly doubt it... so it looks like in all honesty, I might as well be soloing this thing. But hell, who am I even kidding. This whole mission was doomed to fail right from the beginning, what does it matter what I do now? Not like it'll change anything at this point. I might as well... just keep up the little play, act like I actually care just a bit longer...but it's all gonna crash down, it always has in history, when the little kiddies get involved...just like it did with that little prodigy who handed our asses to us like there was no tomorrow back in kanto. And then that other bunch back in Johto..."

He sat down in the grass by the calm shores. His hand reached inside his shirt and pulled out the small pendent that hung there- the twin infinity-like extrusions of the Lord Arceus dangling perilously from the silver Omega Chain and it's set disk of Clear Quartz gleaming in the center as the afternoon light filtered through. The cloak of chocolate brown was cast aside and his eyes once beamed with their cold, ice blue as he stowed the lenses into their case. Those same cold blue eyes that had watched it all those years ago, that had gazed into those eyes just like them. Those eyes that had see so much and yet had been blind for so long on their journey's.

"Tch... I'm a damn coward..." He scoffed bitterly. The pendant twirled in the air as he twisted his fingers like a puppeteer, casting it's glint to and fro. "A coward's all I've ever been, a coward and a screw up. Even though back then I hated him so much... I couldn't get rid of this thing, couldn't just toss it into a river and be done with it. I was stupid... stupid and childish, and that's precisely the reason I'm even sitting here now. He gave me a path out, even despite it all, he still loved me enough to try- to give me another shot at a future... and what did I do that day? I left it all in ruins, not just my own, but everyone's, moms, mareek's...and certainly his.

Thankfully... I've managed to rebuild the future they should've had all along... maybe through less than moral means, maybe through things that I knew were wrong, but what matters is at least I've repaired that bit of destruction. But I'm still sitting in the dark, and there's no one to blame but myself. I should've just listened... should've trusted him."

He clasped the heirloom tightly in his fist, silencing it's gentle light and tucking it back against his chest where it belonged- in the dark, just as his own self. How old had he been? How many years had he had it? Fifth-teen? Fifth-teen sounded about right, yes, he could recall. It was right around the same time Mareek had been born. Of course the infant was getting all the attention, and as much love as he had for the little brother, there was no denying the feeling of being glossed over he'd felt then. And what did father have for him that night, but this gem here? This thing, so buetiful and fine yet filled with so much history. This thing, apparently passed down through the male line of the family for so long, father to son, and in some cases, brother to brother...

"He probably hates me now..." he whispered. "Probably hates me with just as much intensity as I once did another. I wouldn't be surprised if he wants me dead, and to be honest... If i had to choose a way to go, he'd be the only person I wouldn't mind dealing that blow... Except for the fact that if he does, the cycle starts all over again and he'll be on the same path... and I won't let him stumble, not like I did. I won't let her lose both sons out of hatred... I refuse. But if he knows... it's likely just a matter of time before we have to inevitably collide, for the first and the final time." He got to his feet, brushing off the grass from his coat and putting his contacts back in... though to be honest he could see fine without them. One last, lingering look over the calm waters... and then it was back through the underbrush, back the way he'd came.

"Guess I should prepare myself... prepare for a divergence."

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The young Trainer looked to the other students. "Well, I suppose it'd be best to start from the beginning," Jacob began. He then proceeded to tell Professor Cadmus all the information they had gathered about Evan and his possible ties with a criminal organization. He also reiterated their desire for Evan to be treated as a misguided and otherwise unwilling participant.

"Does anyone else have something to add?" he asked his friends.

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"That's unfortunate. Perhaps we can help do something about it? I mean, we've already had multiple people see she's a bully. Perhaps the fact that she's offended children and hurt their pokemon might be able to push them to get her out?" Ryan tried his best to think of what they could do.

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"Hard to be a role model for a child when you are one." Even after she left, Veronica continued to irritate Kage. "I wish I could wipe what I'm assuming is an arrogant look off her face, but the reality is I'm not strong enough, and that pisses me off." He sighed. "I don't want to end up pushing my Pokemon too hard for this crap." He slumped to the ground. "Mom and Dad being awkward about the whole dating a guy thing is bad enough, now I've got Elite Four members looking down on me about it?" He shook his head. "I know I shouldn't give a damn about her opinion, and normally I wouldn't, but the last few days have been a bit stressful."

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Slade felt disgusted after hearing what Veronica had done. What little good he saw in her was gone. He made sure to remember to go check the gym after the tournament to watch what would unfold there. He looked over at Ryan who was thinking of ways to remove her from the Elite Four, "If it were that simple, she would be gone by now." Slade said to Ryan looking outside the window. "There's only one way I can see to have her removed from the Elite Four and I think Phoebe knows that too. I just hope nothing bad happens in the gym after the tournament."

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Claude sat down next to Kage, Doux was resting in his arms and he was petting Douxs soft fluffy body. "I can understand that. You've got far more on your mind than most. Hell, I've openly came out the closet and my parents still only really accept me as bi." Claude thought of his family, probably in the stands right now, waiting for their sons match, funnily enough his opponent was right next to him now. "Well, i'll tell you something. We're battling after Raiza and Alvin. Go nuts, Colere can take it, right?" As he asked the question, Claude released Colere who gave the two boys an appraising look before yawning and stretching out a little bit.

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"Heh, this'll be interesting." He pulled Reina's ball from his belt and released her. "A little dragon-on-dragon action, eh? It should be fun." Kage thought for a moment. "By the way, speaking of parents and stuff, mine gave me this." He pulled the Dawn Stone out of his pocket, showing it to Claude. "I really can't decide whether I should use it or not."

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"That's for your ralts, I guess?" Claude looked at the dawn stone, it was certainly one of the pretty gems he's seen. How else could it look like it did, such a beautiful shine, if it wasn't a gem? "Personally, I prefer Gardevoir over Gallade. Gardevoir is just so much more graceful to me, I value that as a coordinator I guess. That said, maybe it should be up to the pokemon in question as to how they should grow."

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Kenny started tapping his foot, and spoke. "Well, if you're trying to say how you're better than me, then explain how I don't go telling other humans what to do when it's their decision what to do and what not to do, but you do. if you're so much better, then why are you trying to boss people around that you shouldn't?"

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DarkLight, Azery, Jory and Zerron

“I see,” Devin stated after he heard the complete story. “Thank you all for telling me. I promise I will look into this, but I can't allow students to get involved. If what you're assuming is correct and there is some sort of dark organization at work, it would be too dangerous. I want you all to leave this up to the staff and go back to your every day lives. And don't tell Evan Reeves. For now I will keep a close eye on him. I don't want those thugs thinking Evan became useless and try to erase their trails.”


“Nothing special, we're just looking for him. I told him we would meet up after his battle but we kinda never said a place,” Jaime scratched his head. “I just figured if the two of you were friends you might know where he is. I don't really know my way around.” the boy sighed. “It doesn't look like he made an effort to make friends... Everyone I asked up until know doesn't know him or only by name.”

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"Hera, keep trying with Pin Missile!" Alvin shouted. She shouldn't be winning! I have an advantage! he wailed inwardly. That Sneasel is just too quick! He winced as Hera took another direct hit from Rogue's Icy Wind attack, a thick layer of frost beginning to accumulate on the fighting beetle's carapace. Her movements were becoming slower as a result, and she was clearly struggling to keep pace with her opponent. Her breathing was becoming labored from taking so many direct hits. It looked like one more good hit was all it would take for Rogue to claim victory.


The young man nodded to the Professor, a look of relief washing over his face. "Thank you for believing us, Professor Cadmus. If you need us for anything, let us know!" he said resolutely. He stayed with the group, waiting to hear everyone's reactions before heading off.

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"Rogue, dear, you can stop playing with your food now," Raiza said, coldly. There's no rest for the wicked-- especially not those who insulted her Pokemon. "Aerial Ace." That's right. It was time to end it, and the Dark-Ice type felt justice from seeing how distraught the opposing Trainer had become... and the running around was starting to take its toll on her. Skidding on the ice at high speed, the air around her still-frosted over claws shimmered as the Sneasel closed in with what strength she had left for a final blow.

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Alvin looked in on horror as the Sneasel closed in on Hera. "Hera, do something!" he shouted. But his orders were given in vain. As the Heracross cocked her arm back for a Brick Break, the Aerial Ace connected. It sent Hera flying backward. She skidded across the ice, barely stopping at the edge. The Bug and Fighting type stayed down, defeated. Alvin quickly recalled her to her Ball and walked out of the arena, his face set in a mask of rage.

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When Henry finally made it back into the building, he only managed to see Alvin returning his Heracross to his ball. "It really just isn't my day. Guess there's no point in standing around here. Alright Gypsy, now we can go eat." Gypsy was annoyed by this because they were just there. Still, food was food so she wasn't going to complain. Rosie, on the other hand, tried hard to push Henry further into the stadium. Now way was she just going to let that one boy mock Henry and get away with it. "Rosie, there's not much point. Besides, we need to lie low for the time being considering Devin knows about it now. I don't want to be on his radar too."

The Delcatty then backed off. It made sense now. She turned around quickly rushing out the door completely carefree. Henry and Gypsy were following close behind.

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