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Pokémon Academy: Ch 3: Winter Cup [IC]


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"Very well then sir."James responded before turning around. "Well then,i'll see you lot later"He said before leaving the room and walking towards the waiting room since his match wasnt that far away. "Shade,I'll leave our match completely up to you, you should be able to take em down...especially now that we've perfected 'that'"James whispered to himself only for the Duskull to appear having been moving around in James's shadow.

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Java and Mareek

"...Yes sir." Mareek said after a while. He honestly didn't know how he felt, ironically... baldwin had been completely right in a way- he'd known it even as he chewed out the other loner earlier, but it had all taken second place in his mind to trying to make up for having been a dick for the past few hours. But he'd still known... and that suppressed knowledge now had it's vengeance; it's due recompense at being downtrodden, fleeing it's prison like a bird in bondage and leaving in it's feathered wake a bitter-sweet blob of reality for it's captor to find...

"Come on..." Java said after he returned the dex and hooked up the audio jack himself. "and I implore you... just stop with that look, it's the second time in less than an hour I've seen you make it. My systems can't stand it's visual data for some reason... this outcome is precisely the reason I even advocated going along with talking to the professor"

"Hold up, what? So all that... the slapping, the berating, everything..." That lone revelation in and of itself officially tipped the balance in bitter's favor. on top of all of it, he apparently couldn't trust java to be straight forward...

"Oh no no no, that was all real- i did it all because of how you were behaving... but yes, this is why I wanted it." The porygon2 let his gaze drift off like a ship lost at see, landing on Devin before long, then back to Mareek. "I did to keep you from potentially doing something rash and foolish in the future. This is a potential terror organization like those that rose in the past we could be talking about here... and as much as I dislike being the one to have to reveal this to you: a lone bunch of fifteen year old students are not going to be anywhere near enough to stop it on their own. I know how you feel, and because I know how you feel, I also know that you're blinded by those emotions, that you are focused on the goal itself and not the potential circumstances or scenarios that could arise and serve as obstacles. And that blindness would lead to foolishness, and... foolishness is often more than enough to get a person killed."

Mareek said nothing, though the conflict he was feeling was plastered plain as day on his face. Java drew a little closer. "Let the professor and the faculty handle it, Mareek... they're far more qualified for it than you or any other student. Just let it go...."

"But if I...just... just let it go, stand by and do nothing..." the boy muttered dismally. "then that would make me just as worthless as they are..."

"But that's just it- you won't be just sitting back and doing nothing, you'll be doing quite the opposite: continuing your own training and getting stronger so that some day, you yourself will have the power to step up and intervene where others choose to sit and watch. You want to take action, but understand that sometimes, biding ones time and preparing is a wiser course, and besides... foolishness gets you dead, and you won't be able to help anyone if your dead."

* * * * * *

"Fine" Mareek sighed, defeated. His eyes glimpsing the cold cement floor and his hands lost in the unknowable depths of his pockets, seeking comfort there like some wounded Urasing would in a Cave's bowels. He walked past Java and out of the open door, leaving it all behind. As much as he might not want to hear it, the argument had been a good one... and the Strategist was only looking out for him, in a way. Perhaps he'd been right- perhaps... He was just taking all of this far too fast when he should be taking steps back in order to prepare. And besides...Prof.Cadmus was indeed probably the best person for a great many miles around to be dealing with the whole thing, when he actually stopped and thought about it.

"How long before the match?" He asked as they walked.

"There's two more before it comes to us," Java said, not missing a beat. "And speaking of which-"

"Do whatever you want out there. use whatever tactic you want- you and Erce are at the point where you could honestly fight just as well with me doing nothing but sitting there and watching like an audience member, and I'm sure you can beat that Duskull no problem... even if James decides to go with a hit and run or a stealth or a annoying status spam strategy like I'm thinking he might. And besides-" He turned, smirking at Strategist. "You said you wanted to get to the finals, right? then I'm sure you'll have more than enough motivation not to be outdone or outsmarted out there, right?"

Java began circling about in the air, rising up and down seamlessly at face level with the boy. That right there... that was absolute music to his ears- free reign on the battle field, a chance to decimate those who dared to stand in the way of his path back to pride and unveil a few of the nasty little tricks he'd been building up in his non-existant little sleeves... oh yes, this would be marvelous, absolutely... marvelous.

"So... are you up for a retry of our little search from earlier?" He stopped his little jig of preemptive joy... a challenge, eh?

"Are we looking for her again then?"

"Yeah," Mareek said, glimpsing up at a nearby monitor to see Raiza's battle over. "Though I think we'll have much better luck this time around and Nemo won't be able to steal the thunder... let's check the waiting room first; the one Raiza should be returning to... much easier than checking the stands and the audience."

The normal type only gave a confident nod. Then the two turned around and headed back towards the way they had come... heading back towards the waiting rooms.

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The same time Alvin called his Heracross back, Raiza beamed Rogue back inside her Ball too and walked off quietly without another word. There was nothing to be said anyway, unlike with Kylie earlier. As soon as she was past the stadium doors, she broke into a run for the healing center as fast as she could.

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"Aaaaaaaaaaaaand..." Java said as he watched the girl tear down the hall way breifly as he and Mareek walked at a brisk pace. "a there, she goes. That might be a problem..."

"Hmm. no it won't- I can guess where she's probably going..." Mareek sighed, recalling the blow that Sneasel had taken from the prick's heracross... speaking of which, where was Alvin? Had the fool done as he'd predicted he would and turned that huge advantage of his into nothing but shit thanks to his arrogance, or had karma taken a nap just now and the prick was allowed to keep on thinking he was the cock of the damn walk? "Nevermind about that... later." "Come on, we're going to the medical center..."

Java gave no response, only tagging behind yet again as his partner quietly followed Raiza's sprinted path...

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Within seconds, the Trainer burst through the doors, not stopping until she hit the counter-- almost literally. "Please--" she could barely utter, choking on her voice as she thrust out Rogue's Pokeball for a rather astonished nurse to take. "Take-- care of her, please!" she repeated, loudly, snapping the lady's senses back to reality. Brown eyes followed the woman as she left the front counter. The Trainer forced herself to take deep breaths. Rogue would be fine-- Rogue would be fine.

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Danielle gave a slight bow to Professor Cadmus, appreciating his concern on this matter. "We promise we won't tell Evan about this." 'Most definitely not.' She watched as James and Mareek take their leave; Danielle had almost no doubt as to where Mareek and his company will go but as for James... Well, he was always on the edge of their circle so she has no clue where he will be.

"Jacob, I'm going to head off and have some lunch. Poor Avis hasn't gotten her grub yet since I sent her out." As if confirming her thoughts, her stomach rumbled. "And the same with me, actually! Do you want to join us?"


Avis could only stare at the proceedings once she was caught up with Corona's recent activities. "Going back to their daily lives" after the s*** Evan pulled? Nah, not likely. This little birdie will not let him slide so easily; Avis will just keep tabs on Evan secretly just to avoid getting her master in trouble. Until then, she and the rest of Danielle's Pokemon went back to the human's side to await for further instructions.

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DarkLight, Azery, Jory and Zerron

After the students either left the room or turned silent, Devin Cadmus made his way back towards the hosts. He was just in time to see the new rock field coming up. The look on his face didn't show any sign of the conversation he just had.

(Hosts) Dobby and Murdoc

“Let's see what we have in store for our next competitors! Kageharu and Kyle, please make your appearance on the... ROCK FIELD!” Brand's enthusiasm still hadn't died down. The CEO obviously enjoyed introducing the fields his company made over and over again.

And just like with Jacob's battle, a field filled with rocks came up from underground. There were no signs of the previous battle as every inch of the field was covered with rocks. Attacking head on would be almost impossible.

Lana, Tyron, Kristen

The shy breeder found herself caught by Tyron's enthusiasm. The gym teacher yelled, cheered and gave his own comments so loud that the people around him tried to keep 3 seats in between them. Unfortunately for Lana and Kristen, both girls found themselves within Tyron's circle. He had grabbed them by the shoulder to try and get them to cheer. All the girls wanted to do was escape.

“Nooooo! How can you lose to an ice and dark type with a powerful fighting type that Heracross is?! But at the same time; NICE STRATEGY RAIZA! OOOOH this is what battling is all about! Bring the next one, Brand!”

His Mienshao just stood there, watching. She was used to her trainer's behavior and knew how to hide her embarrassment by now.

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  • Support Squad


The coordinator stood up after hearing the summon to battle. Claude offered Kage his hand "Hey, may the best man win?" Claude recalled who had been floating around with his other hand whilst Colere stood beside him, looking at Kage without much evident feeling. She embodied the sentiment of a stony face.

Trainer Red

Again, all three assailants were baffled. "We're here to prevent you from using that Zoruas abilities irresponsibly, we have the moral high-ground here and until you prove to us that you are trustworthy, we aren't letting you go anywhere." Ringleader spat. HHe nodded to his companions who released their pokemon. Ringleaders own pokemon was a Boldore large enough to easily hold Keny down if he tried something whilst Big Boys pokemon was Ninjask who flitted around whist focusing intently on Kennys hands with it's unnerving eyes. Finally, the shy girl released a Kadabra who also focused on Kenny though with much less interest than anyone there. "If you try to yell, Kadabra will put you to sleep, try to run and you'll get pinned by Balboa here" Ringleader gestured to the Boldore "and if you try to release your pokemon, Ninjask will swipe those balls before you can blink."

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  • Veterans

While walking towards the waiting room James realized that he needed a bit of fresh air and went over to one of the exits of the building. "Much better!"James sighed in relief before his eyes landed on a single Psyduck standing there staring into nothing. Walking over to it,James picked him up and looked at it again."Hey there little buddy,why're you here?"He asked the small water type and he was answered by a blank stare. Before he could do anything else though,the yellow pokemon squarted his face with water and in his surprise James dropped the small duck. When he opened his eyes,he saw the cheeky little thing snickering at him.

Edited by Scublord McFoxy
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Kage reached put and returned the handshake firmly. "Agreed." Reina didn't seem nearly as calm as her trainer, however; she paced impatiently, eager to begin. Kage hurried to his side of the field with the Tyrunt in toe, then turned to face his opponent. "Ready when you are," he called out.

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It wasn't long before the Fiery-headed Tactician made his way back to through the Med ward doors alone- Java having opted to stop following physically after a while and simply integrate back into the Dex's systems. The room had thinned out a bit compared to just earlier that morning; a few quick glances around and he spotted the Dark and Ghost-type trainer.

"I saw most of your bout against that pompous little prick," He said, approaching the counter himself. "I kinda missed the ending though... did you manage to put that heracross back in it's place, or does Alvin still think he's hot shit?" It was only then though, that he noticed how utterly unnerved her face looked...far more then he knew a simple defeat would likely cause in and of itself "Is something... wrong?"

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Jacob sighed in disappointment as Professor Cadmus walked away. Dang. I really wish I'd been able to ask him about my new strategy, he thought morosely. Then, his head perked up at Danielle's suggestion of getting lunch. "Oh, wow! That sounds like a great idea!" he said excitedly. Spitfyre eyed him carefully, not sure why his Trainer was getting so excited about food so soon after lunch. "I already ate, but during events like this I just get so excited that my body burns up all my energy and ohhhh I'm super hungry now! Let's go eat," he said, gesturing to Danielle to lead the way.

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After enjoying a meal from the stalls, Henry made his way back to his room using the key. When he opened the door, he noticed that nobody was there. Truthfully, he was expecting Shiro to have shut himself in, but he probably just ran off to find Robert or something. As he made his way through the door, he released his Pokemon as he walked over to the desk to see the green folder that once held notes on Shadow Pokemon. Henry opened the folder which now held stacks of paper each separated by a paperclip. The top stack had the name Rosie written in the top right corner. The trainer pulled that one out and began writing a couple of things on the empty half of a paper in the back.

While Henry was doing that, Burrows decided to make himself comfortable in front of the TV. He reached for the remote and pressed the button to turn the TV on. He was ready to cozy down when he noticed the TV was all staticy. That was odd. The Drilbur then began to press random buttons. No response. Puzzled, Burrows jumped down from the chair and went closer to the TV. As much as he wanted to test it, he knew better because Henry would kill him if he broke this TV. He turned and cried out to his trained.

Henry had just finished with Rosie's sheet when he heard Burrows gripping about something. He turned around and noticed the TV. "I'll fix it in a minute. Just let me get these notes done first," he said while turning around. This time he pulled out a blank piece of paper and wrote Paradox in the corner. It was about time he finally began working on this file.

Burrows shook his fist at the trainer and turned back to the TV. Seeing no other option, he readied the remote to turn the device off when he saw something strange. Behind all the static, the was some weird orange thing looking at him. He quickly rubbed his eyes in disbelief only to see it was nothing more than an illusion. Still, it was quite odd. The Drilbur moved closer to the TV staring at the screen, when an orange ball suddenly popped out of the screen sticking it's tongue right at the mole. Burrows became terrified and cried out even louder than before.

"For Arceus sake will you just shut up!" Henry yelled without turning his head. "I'll fix it when I get done. Go take a nap or something like Rosie's doing."

Burrows turned back and noticed the ball was gone again. He wasn't going to fall for this again. He looked straight at the screen not moving in the slightest. This caught the attention of the Delcatty in the corner. The noise woke her up and while still half asleep she made her way over to the Drilbur. Burrows tried to explain the story to her while pointing to the screen, but she didn't quite understand him. It made a bit more sense to her when she looked at the screen and noticed an orange thing looking back at them. When she saw this, she though it might be fun to join this new friend so she stepped back and charged right toward the TV.

Henry was busy writing something when he heard a loud thud. The boy rolled his eyes before getting up and moving towards the TV. He looked to see Rosie shaking her head while Burrows was face palming himself. "Okay, what the heck is so important you just had to pull me away from my work?" Burrows answered Henry's question by simply pointing to the TV. The boy was about to scold the Pokemon when he noticed an orange ball waving at him. "Yeah, that is a problem. Actually, what the heck is that thing? I've never seen it before." For once in his life, Henry pulled out the Pokedex and pointed it at the ball.

Before the device could speak, the orange ball jumped out of the TV and dove right into the Pokedex. The boy jumped a little not expecting it, but hopefully he could still figure out what it was. Then the device began to speak: Rotom - Da Pimp Pokemon. Rotom is the swaggiest Poke around who can do whatever the hell he wants and still get all da hoes. Even Mewtwo sux compared to dis legendary. PS You suck even moar. With that the Rotom left the Pokedex and dove back into the TV sticking its tongue right to Henry.

The boy was not amused. "You want to do this the hard way. Well we can do this the hard way." He made his way over to the plug and unplugged the TV. "And now are problem is..." Henry cut himself off when he heard a noise from the TV. He stepped back and saw a big grin on the Rotom's face with the music in the background. "You win this round, but I will be back." The boy stormed out of the room with his Pokemon following in pursuit. Burrows was the last to leave giving this creature the eye before joining the others.

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"Rogue beat him, but she took heavy damage cause I was being an idiot," she answered, not looking up, unaware and seemingly uncaring of whoever just asked her the question. All she wanted was for her dear Sneasel to be okay. There was also the remaining stinging feelings from that bigmouthed git's words, but no way was she going to bring that up again after she nearly lost control and mimicked him back in the stadium. Really, all she wanted now was for the Dark-Ice type to be okay; twice today her Pokemon got badly hurt. The memory of Lucifer being swatted into the ground again by a heavy-mitted super effective Knock Off... Look what that resulted in. Even after the Chikorita healed him up, the Litwick still lashed out and nearly hurt Kylie. If that same sinister presence manifested in Rogue, too... Then Raiza was officially horrible at being a Trainer and helping her babies develop into the very best that they could be. Something about that thought just... stung, too. She'd have proven herself wrong to her parents-- her parents! Straightening up suddenly, she reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone-- only to keep it immediately. Nope, there was no way she wanted to deal with her parents right now. Nope.

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"If you managed to put him down, then you honestly don't deserve to be called the idiot- he does." Mareek said, not too sure what the whole thing with the phone was about just now. He leaned against the counter, glancing up at the monitor on the far wall. "Just like I predicted, he had his head so far up his ass that he took the advantage he had and turned it into nothing. And he probably hasn't learned anything from this at all...from what I saw, he came out obviously expecting an easy win, and as things dragged on and you kept putting up a fight and outsmarting him, he started being more and more of a dick because he realized he couldn't have what he wanted. Childish and immature, like the basic equivalent of a little toddler throwing a tantrum. So... I honestly wouldn't waste too much thought on anything he might said out there if I were you."

He pushed off the counter lightly, hands tucked into his pockets. His eyes drifted over to the nurse as she worked in a flurry. "I also wouldn't worry too hard about your Sneasel there. She gave it her all and held out until all the way to the finish- and these aren't exactly death matches, if you catch my drift..." he glanced over at the friend of the lone person he could genuinely call the same word besides his own companions. While true, his first impression of her hadn't been all that smooth, he'd honestly gotten over it not long afterwards- it had been a simple mistake afterall, and nothing had been destroyed. That and the fact that he couldn't help but feel sorry for her in way; having to go up against someone who spends the entire match spewing stupidity and arrogance and acting like he owns the damn world was never fun...

Ok, that last part was a lie; There was just a certain appeal to making those who thought they were hot shit, realize in the end that they couldn't even make the run to the bathroom, And to him it was always fun after he won against those types of trainers, put them back in their place and maybe get 'em to shut up if he was lucky enough. Especially if the floor got mopped spotlessly clean with them. "And besides, here you are now, getting her medical treatment first thing after the battle ends. I'm sure she'll be fine after this..."

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"I... I guess not, huh? That jerkwad had no right to run his mouth about Rogue like that." Slowly, her head lifted up. "And you're right-- the nurses are doing their best and she's getting patched up. She's going to be okay-- no no, she's okay," she continued, saying it mostly to herself. It wouldn't be a situation like Lucifer's. Deep breaths-- whew... Deep breaths. "Thanks-- oh, hi, there!" Raiza stammered, not having expected Lana's friend-- Mareek-- to have been the one giving her a pep talk. "Honestly I... didn't... Yeah. Uh, Lana's not here, I think. Were you looking for her?" And do you not hate my guts? After that thought formed in her head, she was almost more than ready to let it go. Why was he reassuring her anyway, if he did?

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"Yeah, guess you could say I was." he said, eyes back on the screen. "I figured she'd probably be up in the stands and come down to the waiting room to see you after the battle... though when I saw you sprinting for the medical center..." He gave a slight shrug. "Well I pegged that something probably happened towards the end, so she'd probably come to see you here instead or something I guess... Eh, maybe I just over thought it all or something- I dunno..."

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  • Veterans

After having his face sprayed with water,James looked at the snickering bastard. "It always has to be one of those pokemon doesnt it..."James glared before he looked at Shade who was giving the duck a blank stare. For once he returned the small ghost to his ball,he wasnt going to let him group up with that Duck to prank him. Suddenly a flash of light revealed Tytaniell,which was rather unusual considering the Steel type usually prefered his Pokeball.

Before he could ask what the Steel type wanted,the Ferroseed had rolled over to the Psyduck and was giving him a glare. The Psyduck responded by throwing some mud into Tytaniell's face(?)Before running away snickering. "Little brat,if I find you again you better watch your back!"James shouted before returning Tytaniell.

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  • Support Squad


Claude took his own place on the field, waving to the crowds as he went. "Shall we get started?!" He asked of the crowd to get a roaring reply. Playing with the crowd was always fun. "Now Colere, Stomp past it all and Charm your foe!" The little Tyrunt did just that, stomping into the ground and propelling herself over most of the ground with her powerful legs and landing before Reina only to trip slightly and fall towards Reina with a series of Charming little growls, like she was playing.

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Whilst outside,James noticed Henry walking towards the entrance to the stadium. Having nothing else to do before his match he went up to the brown haired kid who seemed rather annoyed. "Uh,Henry are you alright?"James asked him with mild interest. Henry wasnt very talkative but it never hurt to ask someone.

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"I'm fine. I just have a little pest problem I need to take care of." Henry was in no mood to talk to anyone at this point. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go buy 30 Poke Balls from the store." He continued on his way caring little what James had to say to him.

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Danielle chuckled at Jacob's enthusiasm at lunch. Like Spitfyre, she was also wondering how Jacob was still hungry after he just ate. "Let's head back to that place earlier. Not only does it have food, there is also that huge TV screen for us to watch the remaining matches!" She then began skipping her way over to the door, letting her company trail behind her just slightly. "So, are you just going to let this go?" she asked as soon as Jacob caught up with her.

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  • Veterans

"Ok..First that Psyduck and now this"James said before walking back into the building. As he entered the waiting room,he noticed that there were a lot less people than there were before. "Huh,where did Ms. Arlynn go?"James asked before sitting down on one of the benches in the room.

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"Wha- uh... no, no...it's fine, really..." Mareek said, shaking his head sheepishly when he saw that grin. "Don't... I'm sure she'll be here soon. Besides, I don't really think it would be right if I dare allow myself to think I could just... summon her at my beck and call like some chauvinist... my mom would probably kill me if I did." It wasn't meant literally of course... well, perhaps it was. He loved her, he honestly did, she was the woman who had borne and raised him afterall... but he had to admit, His mother could be a bit crazy if one pushed the wrong buttons. At the same time he thought about it though, another fact came into mind...

"She used to be so different though, back when I was little... before Dad died and Galen and Silph Co. and everything... though, I guess in the end she was only doing what she had to do for us..."

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