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Pokémon Academy: Ch 3: Winter Cup [IC]


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"Tch, Funny you should say that..." Mareek said. "That's actually Sensei's biggest argument against competitions- the fact that some people become so absorbed that they begin to mistake them for "real life" situations on the street. They start thinking that a mat in front of a large audiance against another trained person is the same as the asphalt and concrete against someone who's versed in the sloppy yet still deadly enough art of street fighting..." He reached a hand into his pocket for a moment. Out came the wooden cylinder of a Kubotan, the small carved spike on the end swinging about ever so gently as he let the thing dangle from his finger like a pendulum. Obviously he and Erce had spent their time more than just carving mere statues and canes and stands...

"See, he always said that was precisely the issue why he doesn't let any of us do it- because people get arrogant and complacent, they think that they're going to be facing the same thing every time they get in a brawl- another student of some form of formal MA... when in reality, they're far more likely to be fighting someone who has no training and instead uses off the wall, improvised, and far more malicious tactics. And he says that's what gets students killed faster than anything else."

He looked back to Raiza. "So... yeah, I've never done a competition, and I don't want to either... cause he kinda has a valid point from how I've seen people who do participate act after a while."

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"... That makes sense. In the first place, self-defense on the streets doesn't work like a martial arts tournament. The mugger's not going to drop his knife or whatever and get into a fighting stance and stick to kicking," Raiza snorted, and rolled her eyes. "People who think they're hot stuff just like that're stupid. I mean, personally, I think it's super fun throwing kicks-- just being in motion, basically-- but I'm kinda glad that I've never had to use what I've learned. Plus, I've always had Lucifer with me." The Trainer's eyes lit up as she said the last part. "... By the way, that's a pretty nifty Kubotan. My parents never did allow me to keep stuff like that."

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"What, this?" Mareek asked, holding up the small, unassuming piece of weaponry. "This is nothing, Erce and I carved tons of stuff for the festival- I just haven't put out any weapons because... I kinda didn't consider anything about the rules and everything when we were actually making them... only in hindsight... when Java brought it up a bit too late. But I've got more stowed back in my dorm... hell, I've even got Two bokans, a full size one for myself and a small one for Nemo to practice Bone Rush with..." He paused, realizing just what he had divulged. Quick as lightning, the Kubotan was in his palm and back into the pocket from whence it came.

"Crap. Can't believe I just told you that..." the boy sighed, Aghast as he shook his head. He gave Raiza a pointed look "Do me a favor- don't tell anyone about what I just said, especially not Lana or Danielle... I'm not too sure if what I've made would be counted under the whole weapons policy thing, but if it does, and I slip up again like I just did... then at least they can't be held responsible along with me if they genuinely don't know about it..."

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Hearing someone calling him-He had been called Ghost Boy back in Icirrus where his uncle lived before-James turned around to see who it was,turns out it was Henry. Standing up,he walked over to the Orre native and looked at him. "So,what is it that you have that might interest me?"James asked Henry,He wanted to just watch the rest of the matches now after that whole thing with Proffesor Cadmus and that stupid Psyduck.....

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{Jacob & Danielle}

Jacob caught the food package, smiling broadly at Danielle. "Hey, thanks!" He then opened it and looked inside, inspecting its contents. "Cool!" He then looked back up as they got nearer to the forest, grinning slyly. "Just what do you think I'm planning?" he asked, genuinely curious. What, does she think I want to have a battle during the Winter Cup? No way! he thought to himself. He looked down at his belt, pleased to see that he had actually remembered to bring a few extra Great Balls with him. He then picked out a bit of food and popped it into his mouth, sighing as the flavors coursed through his mouth. "Tho good!" he said through a stuffed mouth. He swallowed and looked up. They had gotten closer to the trees.

Spitfyre looked back at Zared, shrugging and pointing to the forest. No matter what, Jacob had his trust. It was thanks to his Trainer that he had grown strong enough to evolve and make short work of most of his opponents, and so he was more than willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Plus, the Professor had told them he was going to take care of it. If the Dragon Master couldn't do it, no one could.

Jacob turned to Danielle just as they entered the forest. "Alright, Danielle. I haven't told anyone this yet, but you're one of my best friends so here it goes." He smiled broadly. "Professor Cadmus is the most inspiring teacher I've ever had. He's an incredible battler, but the way he cares about his Pokemon makes me proud just to have studied under him. But I'm no copycat," he added. "So from now on, I'm catching Pokemon from the Dragon Egg Group! And today I'm starting with one of the more common ones; Seviper." He appeared lost in thought for a moment, then nodded to himself. He unclipped Arete's Ball from his belt and threw it in the air. "Arete, come on out!" he said excitedly. The Ball burst open in a flurry of pink and black hearts, revealing the Togetic with her Eviolite necklace on. "Since she's not being used in the Tourney, I figured this would be an awesome time to let Arete go up against a stronger Poison-type. She's got some cool new moves that I can test out. Are you ready to head deeper in?" he asked his friend.

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Wait a minute. Henry thought to himself. If this is enough trouble when it was wild...I really don't want to know what it'd be like around this. "Nevermind about that. Just tell me how much you know about this...thing." Henry released the Rotom out of its Poke Ball causing Henry's other Pokemon to panic a bit. The Rotom was a bit puzzled, but he noticed James rather quickly. He flew right over to the boy and tapped him with one of his "hands" giving him a quick jolt.

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Seeing Henry release something from his Pokeball,James stood there before his Jaw dropped at seeing the thing that gave him a jolt..was that a Rotom?."A Rotom....how did you get one of these things....They're like super rare....anyways. Rotom is an Electric-Ghost type as you know,however it has a really special ability-not like Torrent or Blaze-As you've most likely seen"James paused to check if the Orange blob hadnt done anything else before continueing.

"Rotom can go into electronic devices and control them from the inside,Pokedexes, TV's, computers all of thats within their capabilities. There are a few appliances that are specially made for Rotom's that allow them to gain the elemental typing associated with the appliance in return for not being a ghost type while in them,If I remember correctly they also get a new move to take advantage of their type aswell."James rambled on before taking out a notepad he had for notes about ghost types. "I've got a bit more about them in here but what I told you is the basics you need to know about them."

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"Do you know how much of a pain in the ass this thing is going to...HEY! Get back here!" Henry noticed the Rotom looking at a TV screen showing the battle. The Rotom was going to ignore him when he remembered about that Togepi. He made his way back floating right next to his trainer. "Thanks to this thing, I need to get a new TV and a new window. The only thing keeping him from completely trashing my room is this Poke Ball right here. Normally, I'd just release it back into the wild, but then we'd just be going through this song and dance again." While this was going on, the Rotom was impersonating Henry by pretending to speak with a grouchy looking face. The boy caught on and turned to see this little show. Henry glared at him a minute before beaming him into the Poke Ball. "Well, at least it's rare. I might be able to get something nice out of trading this pest away."

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"Eh,if I werent occupied with Shade and my Litwick,I'd probably take him off your hands but at least try to befriend him Henry."James said with a hint of dissapointment coming up. "Most if not all Ghost type pokemon are complete nightmares when you obtain them,it takes quite a while to earn their respect. Unlike some other pokemon,Ghosts are not as easily impressed and won't obey you without incentive."He explained before looking at the pokeball that held his oldest pokemon.

"When I first obtained Shade,he was a sneaky little bastard,constantly pranking me and others and floating off after being caught,it curbed off after a while but that part of him is still there,and it pops up every now and then,Rotom are prime examples of a prankster of a ghost type. Believe me,some of them are far more malicious and dangerous than that little bugger....."

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"All he really likes doing is pissing people off, but if you insist." Henry sent the Rotom back out. "Alright you...thingy...I'm just going to call you Techie just to make things easier. Techie, welcome aboard the team. Being your new trainer, I command you to shock that boy over there, again." He watched the Rotom float back over to James again and poked him one more time to give him a nice jolt feeling again.

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Being electrocuted once hurt a bit,but this time the bastard put actual effort into it and it was way worse than before"Ugh-ghghghghhgh"The electrocuted kid managed to get out before shaking his head to get out of his stupor."Not really what I meant but bonding with that thing will make it far more usefull than if you just traded it away,trust me on this one...."James said before he threw out the pokeball containing Luna,his litwick."Now...I need actually finish teaching you Shock Wave sometime soon...."

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"Hey, we might actually get along," Henry responded seeing as the Rotom followed orders. "C'mon Techie, we have other things to do than waste our time here." Henry made his way out of the room, but Techie stood there looking at the Litwick. He released a glowing ball that spun around the Litwick (Confuse Ray) and stuck his tongue out before dashing out of the room to follow his trainer.

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The flashing ball that spun around her definetly made Luna sway and her flames started dancing around her nearly burning James. She wasnt going to let that little upstart do this to her....when she got out of this daze she'd-she'd. Suddenly,the Litwick fell asleep while James looked at the scene with a raised eyebrow. One day,one day that little bastard while feel my wrath He thought before Returning Luna and sitting back down into the bench,it'd only just got comfortable right before Henry called him.

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Done deal. "Tell 'em about what?" Raiza asked in reply, shrugging. "In all seriousness though, yeah, I got you."

Then the doors opened. A slim woman with dark-blue hair tied into a ponytail walked in, looking around. "Raiza, honey?" The girl in question, stiffened visibly next to Mareek.

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"Good," Mareek breathed, nodding his head in relief. The following sudden change in the girl's demeanor drew his own sight to the doors. It Didn't take him very long for his recognition to link the facial similarities and make the likeliest connection. "uh, So..." He said quietly. Chances are she probably wouldn't be able to manage much above a whisper right now anyway. "I'm going to take a wild guess and say this is probably your mom or something?"

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"Aww, I thought you were going to find Sawsbuck to warn him about the incoming danger or something. But finding a new teammate works too!" Danielle grinned, giving her best friend a thumbs up to show her support. "And of course I'm ready! With these three Pokemon and the strongest trainer around, why wouldn't I be?" She paused for a moment as her outstretched suddenly felt lighter; Avis had apparently finished her lunch and had flown deeper into the forest. Danielle shook her head at her bird before turning back to Jacob. "I also promise to keep my mouth shut about this until you want to reveal your Seviper." Danielle gave a glance at the cheerful Togetic, watching her flying in front of them with her tiny wings. "Are you sure Arete could handle it? I would hate to see her going down to a Poison move, especially since Sevipers aren't known for being gentle..."

Corona had crawled her way up on the nearest tree chirped gleefully to the party below her. She will keep a lookout for them just in case!

Zared only looked around him in silence, still following Spitfyre and his master since he can't do anything. The forest is not one of those terrains he is familiar with so it's better for him to just stay back and the experts to the talking.


Avis had landed back on a branch of a tree where she had once marked on their first day of school. She gave a good look around her before she began to crow, hoping to gain the attention of the native Murkrow in the woods...

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{Jacob & Danielle}

Jacob chuckled lightly, stretching out his arm. The Togetic landed gracefully on it, a contented smile on her face. "You may not know it to look at her, but Arete's been going through the same endurance training that Chalchi has. Arete has a bunch of tricks up her sleeve, and some of them are ones she came up with. She's a strong Pokemon through and through, and when we work together we can overcome any obstacle. Even any nasty Sevipers," he said, turning to the Togetic. Arete nuzzled his hair gently before taking off again, fluttering around the pair of trainers. "Plus, she knows Extrasensory and Encore. The moment that Seviper slips up, we'll have it trapped," the Trainer said confidently. "If I don't let her battle any Poison-types, she'll never be able to defeat them. We're making sure that doesn't happen and getting a new teammate to boot."

With that, Jacob, Arete, and Spitfyre began walking deeper into the forest. Jacob turned around after noticing Danielle hadn't moved yet, laughing lightly. "Come on, Danielle! There's a tournament going on and we don't want to miss any battles!" Then, he thought for a moment. "I didn't even know there was a Sawsbuck in here. Maybe we should tell it about the danger like you said after we're done with the Seviper," he suggested.

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"Reina, Stealth Rock! Intercept those boulders!" He wasn't really sure where they were, but Reina was astute enough to break off the rocks behind her with her tail and set them up as barriers in front of herself before they collided. "Since Colere likes to stand on stages so much, shake it up with another Bulldoze!" This time, she put her full strength behind the attack and practically launched herself at the ground, causing the ground to shake and crack even more.

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Cue mother running to said baby, a glomp-tackle-esque hug, and the sound of air rushing out of Raiza's gut and mouth.

"H-Hi, mom."

Bright amber eyes turned towards Mareek. "Oh, hello there! Are you a friend of Raiza's, dear?"

"We kinda just talked now, so we aren't really close, but yeah I guess," Raiza managed to utter, wrapped in Narcissa Marson's tight, motherly embrace. "His name is Mareek... And, Mareek, this is my mum. And dad is--?"

"Oh, he went to go get some food, figured you'd be hungry after your battle. I said we'd meet outside in the hall when he was done, but would you rather meet him here?"

"I-It's okay, we can go outside. I just got Rogue healed, and was waiting for Lana with Mareek here." There was a certain look of painful discomfort on the girl's face. She didn't really like getting attention from her parents, much less want to let anybody know that she was masquerading as a Breeder for her parents. For all she knew, some idiot would interfere and go all "But I thought you were in the Trainer program?" and blow it for her. Unfortunately, her mother seemed to have taken an interest in her daughter's new friend. Addressing the redhead, she asked, "You know dear Lana, too? She and Raiza grew up together, you know. They were so cute to watch--" "Mom pls--" "but there's a different time and place for stories and baby pictures."

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Claude smiled, so far so good. "Colere, launch off the platform and Stomp!" a quick sideways glance towards Claude wondering what he had planned was all the time Colere had to think before using her rocky platform like a launch pad, her powerful limbs propelling her ove the battlefield once more to slam down foot first towards her foe.

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Mareek took a small step back from the scene, not really wanting to intrude in the little reunion "Yes, mam..." He nodded. "I met her here at the academy back when school was first starting..." He tossed a glance to Raiza as she was slowly being crushed by the loving embrace, unsure what exactly to do other than stand out of the way of the glompfest...

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Robert thought for a moment on how he could help the two help find Evan. How would he have any idea on where Evan would be? Just what could he do to help them? One option clicked in his head, Kiai. The siblings should obviously have some connection, so it could work... One problem though.

"While I DO have a possible idea on how to help you find Evan, the option that could help is my only option for my next battle, my Lucario. Down side is that my battle's very soon, so I couldn't really let him go with you until after the battle. Otherwise, I'm sorry but I have no idea where he'd be."

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Raiza caught his eye and gave him a look that either screamed one or all of several things at once: "Help me", "Save yourself", "This is one miserable situation I'm in", or "I'm about to not-really-cry-but-close-to-it and you'd-better-not-not-let-me-hear-the-end-of-it". Whatever she was trying to convey-- if any at all-- the girl just looked outright unhappy with the current situation.

"Ah, it's wonderful to know that our dear Lana's making friends. She's a very, very sweet and shy girl, you know, not very talkative. But she's very strong inside too-- kind of like a pretty Roselia, right, Raiza--" "Mom pls--" "beautiful and graceful on the outside, with all that inner strength on the inside! Quite ironic, given how she loves the Ground types much like her parents. Speaking of which, honey, have you seen Mr. and Mrs. Everhart?" Her daughter managed to shake her head. "No? I was hoping to see them... Oh well."

Just when she finally released Raiza from her unintentionally strong embrace, she then turned on the real heat (in Raiza's perspective anyway). "But how could I forget to ask how you're doing, honey? Your father and I saw your last battle and it was beautiful, darling! Magnifico! That Sneasel of yours danced beautifully-- she must've been well-bred and definitely well-raised! You've surely shown them what a powerful punch a Breeder can pack! Don't you think so too, Mareek?"

The girl seemed to cringe at the mention of Breeder. Like mother, like daughter-- or in this case, the other way around, Narcissa didn't seem to notice. Right now, she had her attention turned to the boy again, both as though being both amiable and, at the same time, daring him to disagree with her. It seemed that the Marsons-- or at least, Raiza's mother, so far, anyway-- took much pride in their occupation and vocation. Their daughter, their ​unica hija? She just looked at her fellow Trainer almost apologetically.

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"Yes, of course..." Mareek responded quickly. He didn't quite know why the woman would think Raiza to be in the breeding program- she would've had to have been the one to fill out the paper work afterall, hadn't she?- but... He had a feeling he probably shouldn't poke at the issue... "especially considering how much was stacked against her..."

Sebastian, The (future) Black Priest

Upon a perch high in the treeline watched a Creature in black and white in the afternoon light. Watching a man bedecked in black, trekking through underbrush. How interesting this one had been- Sebastian had never seen one like it. A soul that was so engulfed in the dark and yet slowly but surely, was beginning to shine stronger with that veil of light... shining so strongly that little by little, the latter was gaining ground fast and hard. This soul, this soul that he could sense the remnants of a long dead hatred in, flowing in the winds of the heart, much like a tattered banner in a tempest, long since consumed by the flames of war and the blood of warriors.

Why, to think, he had been so intrigued he'd followed him for at least the better part of the journey, and hadn't even felt the urge to pop in and take control like a meat puppet... Yes, he resolved. This one was different from any other. For he could see the connections forming, the links- all of them, bright and white, blazing, like a star in the heavens. All those tendrils of white, though... more of them than not were pathetic at best...

But in this man, this... gardener from the lake, Sebastian could sense one bond.... one last tie. This tie, so powerful, so bright... that all the others weakness were more than redeemed by it. This tie, so powerful, that from it's strength this man's own light was returning from to it's faded grace... even if bit by bit. Returning, it still was indeed.


"Why the hell is it following me like this?" Galen finally muttered to himself, gazing right at the Gothorita in the tree top overhead. He'd decided to take his merry ol' time getting back to the campus boundary... and this little psychic had been behind him every step of the way. At first he thought it had wanted food, but when it didn't even notice the Sitrus berries he tossed to the ground... that became a kibashed theory.

"What do you want?" The Gothorita gave no verbal reply... not that Galen had been expected one anyway. What he also hadn't been expected, was for the little bastard's eyes to start blazing... "I don't know what you're doing, but I suggest backing off, friend..." A click and a flash, and Surge was out and glowering at the male Goth. His tails surged and whipped across the grassy soil, fingers crackling with thunder as he gave a single, ape like grunt... The fool really didn't want to start anything with Surge or his master, because He'd be damn sure to finish it... and HIM.


Hmm... how very disappointing. He was only hoping to get a few memories if he could... the man would still have them all, honest, he'd just copy them for the sake of learning what could cause such an anomaly... but alas, seems his power of manipulation does not have fans among Spanish gardeners or giant thunder apes...

Without a word, Sebastian glanced at the Electivire... then quick as lightning, he was picking his own body up with Confusion and heading back the way he'd been stalking the poor fool... feet landing on branch after branch until he was far enough away to take to the ground once more and release the little telekinesis trick.

His path would cross with that man again though... he could sense it...

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{Jacob and Danielle}

The coordinator couldn't help but grin at Jacob's fiery spirit. It sure feels nice to see him this way again, just like they used to be. Since the fairy type has a move to counter its biggest enemy, there is no reason for her to feel worried for the friendly Togetic. "Alright then! Wait for me!" Danielle raced to catch with Jacob and his team, falling into their stride as soon as she caught up. She could see Corona swinging from tree to tree with her trusty silk threads out the corner of her eye. Perhaps she should take them to the forest more often after this tournament is over. Zared could use the exposure just in case she has to use him in such a battlefield and she does need to find herself a grass type... But, that will be a consideration for another time. There are more important matters to take care of, like Jacob's new teammate and the Sawsbuck.

Danielle blushed a little, realizing that she let that little tidbit slip. "To be honest, I don't even know if and where we can find him. I only heard about Sawsbuck from the seniors while I was at the festival. Apparently, he guards the forest during the day and drives away those that disrespect the Pokemon in here..." She then grabbed another lunch package from her bag and handed it over to Jacob. "I definitely wouldn't mind trying to find him, but I think we would need some guide. So, maybe, since Seviper is a native here, we can kill two birds with one stone by first luring out the snake and having him, or her, lead us to Sawbuck?"

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