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Pokémon Academy: Ch 3: Winter Cup [IC]


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{Danielle & Jacob}

"Ugh... No thanks," Jacob said, a semi-disgusted tone entering his voice. "I don't even like to talk much about what Kristen and I have going on, much less what anyone else does. So I think I'll pass on the juicy details," he elaborated, not even noticing that Danielle was joking. "I wonder where this Sawsbuck is, anyway. We've been walking for quite awhile now," he said, a little mystified at how deep the forest on the Academy grounds was. I can't believe it's been a whole semester and this is my first time in here, he thought to himself as the pair made their way through the thickly wooded area.

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James was sitting down on the bench going through his Pokedex for some more information on how to teach a pokemon stronger fire moves when suddenly he felt himself being lifted off from his chair by something. When he looked at his hand,James saw that it was surrounded in a whitish blue glow.

The force carried him out of the room and set him on the ground in the corridor,and as James looked up,he was met by the sight of a Reuniclus smiling at him going into random fits of giggling aswell. "Huh,what's a Reuniclus doing here..."James drifted off at the end as he got to have a good luck at the Green Blob,it had a small nearly unnoticable x on one of its ears. "Oh,so it's you, Zomelis!"A smile came to James's face as he realized that the Reuniclus's trainer must be nearby.

"Long time no see,Ghost Boy!"A voice said from behind him and as he turned around he was greeted by his cousin Micheal grinning at him.

Edited by Azeria
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Kota Blood

"Thank Arceus I'm finally away from those two..." he sighed as he descended the staircase, ducking around the nearest corner and leaning against the wall, head towards the overhanging light fixtures, not caring of the lumens blasting down into his corneas. He always felt like this when she started acting like a petty child- suffocated, choked by the pompous aura ever present and prancing about like some Mare in heat. "Every single time I go anywhere in public with her, it's always the same..." He shook his head, giving another sigh before pushing off from the concrete facade "This is precisely why I adore the weekends and loathe every other second...if only the fucktard of a judge would just pull his head out of his own rear and give father full custody like he deserves...but enough."

Kota walked off, stowing his hands into his pockets- a rather uncouth behavior as he'd been taught, but one that he gave no damns about when there was no one privy to bitch against him for it... "The two of them are probably going to expect some type of show from me, I suppose. I should take the time to savor what little reprieve I've got in the meanwhile...There's absolutely no way in hell I'm going to be able to beat him though...I'm so little prep-school boy studying economics and he goes to damn Academy for crying out loud. It would almost be no contest..." The floor seemed to gradually meld from it's own individual tiles into a simple sea of monotonous color and blur as he continued. It reminded him of Prep School back home... where he could stare at those same floors for a few hours each day all he wanted and not have to be a puppet... "And how in Arceus' name do she even expect me to be able to challenge him right now, much less actually fight him? It's right in the middle of the damn Cup for Bird-Christ's sakes..."

((Anyone who wants to interact with Kota can, he's more or less just wandering around the stadium trying to stall/ find Mareek and then continue to stall.))


"Don't stop till one of em shits themselves in fear, got me?" Galen smirked at the Fox as they got closer, both cloaked from sight. "I mean it, literally... they stay trapped until one of them loses it all inside their pants. Serves them right..." A few meters away, Lucille and her son had lost the air of bravado and pompous superiority that could've previously strangled a full grown Snorlax. In it's place there appeared to be nothing but pure and utter fear- both of them backing up, hands raised defensively and heads shaking as they mouthed something... Cries of placation from what Galen could pick up with the hearing amplifier in his ear.

"So, that's Lucille Blood... the big bad witch of Unova. I still don't get why Mom called her a witch back then, but I can see she wasn't exaggerating on any of the other details... a complete and absolute bitch of the highest pedigree... or did she say Degree? hell, might've been both, I can't remember."


The scene had gone from tense to uncertain to downright bizare in such a span of time that the three of them honestly could only sit there and scratch the back of their collective heads. At first Alexandra had thought the shimmering to be some sign of the bitch about to pull something...she could remember a Zoroark being in Lucille's company from time to time, even if it was decades ago... but when the blondes had started acting like death itself was stalking towards them... that theory was completely kibaashed.

"Still, she should recognize that shimmering just as well as I can..." she thought, casting a brief glance around for whomever could've been the culprit... of course there was no one. Anyone using a Zoroark that had any sense in their head would take the time to hide themselves before doing anything else... "But you know what? I don't think it really matters right now. She maybe gets put in her place, and I don't have to give Mareek the account information in order to bail me out..."

"Jolt!" Joltara called. Alex nodded, seeming to understand it somehow, either through years of experience or just instinct. Mars gingerly lowered his hands, trusting that he wouldn't have to use them again if he did...

"It's fine now, you two..." She sighed. "So long as that whore stays away... There's the matter of the boy still, however." She cast a single glance to the Thunder Fennec. She nodded, not having to be given any orders to carry out what was by now a habit. With a single cry, she was off, heading through the stands and dashing on a straight and narrow path for the stairs, body flexing and moving seamlessly with the wind, fading into nothing but an absolute blur of gold... faster than even Erce, perhaps...

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The Breeder pursed her lips together briefly. "I suppose the art of Breeding is just like fine wine; one's got to acquire a taste to appreciate it. But likewise, there's probably a beauty to being a Trainer or Coordinator that I don't see just yet," Narcissa admitted as they approached the doors to the healing ward. "And so you and your son are from the region of Orre? Admittedly, since none of us or anybody that I know of have been to or come from there, I can't say that I know much of the place. Is it really a desert region as they say?"


No... No. Not here. She wasn't here. Agitated, the Litwick picked up the pace, emerging from the seats of the stands in the stadium, startling some, but that didn't matter one bit to him.

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"I never really got too into all that battle to make your Pokemon stronger and all that showy stuff. I mostly just traveled a lot in my younger days. As for Orre, it's certainly something. While it's a beautiful region, it's not a good place to raise your kid or at least wasn't. Since we don't have an official league, a lot more crime happens especially in suburban towns such as Pyrite. At least things have greatly improved compared to a decade ago." Joseph didn't like admitting it, but Orre probably was one of the last places you wouldn't to live, especially when Cipher was in control. "Anyways, I'd rather here a bit about where you're from."


The Rotom followed the Litwick only to see a few children jump at the sight of the ghost. This gave him a fun idea. He went over to a few kids in the stands giving their hair a bit of a shock. After a few minutes of work, a large group of spectators now had a new afro hairdo. He quickly snapped his head remembering about the Litwick. He looked around, but the ghost seemed to have vanished again. Techie floated up higher to get a better view when he noticed some speakers above. He just stood there gazing at this amazing device.

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"Ah, my roots lie in Valley City; I was born and raised a Ymora citizen all my life. Perhaps you know by now of how Ymora is known for its excellence in Breeding, the ever-famous Cape Ducklett up north, the hot springs down south as well as the volcano, so I am not too sure what to tell you about where I come from," she said, laughing lightly. "My husband came from Ecruteak, Johto, though. It's a rather picturesque place much like the rest of the region. I suppose that it was his upbringing that gave him the idea to raise Ghost types when he settled here later on-- but whatever Gregorio tells you, I'm the one who taught him all about Breeding." In spite of the fact that she was limping and slightly in pain, the lady seemed to be beaming with pride in her vocation.


So he'd managed to shake off the pesky presence that appeared to be following him for a while, after all. Satisfied, he continued to wander around until--

"Lucifer? Is that you?"

The candle looked and saw a familiar man with neatly-kept auburn hair and beard contrasted by homely brown eyes (similar to Raiza's, he noted). He was quite tall, but the floating Ghost-Fire type didn't take much notice of that as he was at eye-level with the six foot tall man who carried some fragrant paper bags-- filled with food, probably. But the presence that caught his attention was a red-flamed Chandelure that hovered over the man's shoulder. Why, she recognized him as well-- in response to the Litwick's presence, her flames glowed like a hearth at home, inviting and warm. Mother. Mother!

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There wasn't any motion or sound from beneath the rocks for a moment. Kage feared the worst, but after a few seconds he heard something. The rocks in the arena shifted slightly as Reina evidently moved underneath them. Suddenly, she burst out with a furious roar, scattering the boulders and charging straight for Colere, bluish flames leaking out of her mouth.

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  • Support Squad

Colere would not run away. The little Tyrunt stood her ground despite her trainers frantic order to dodge. It would have been futile anyway, the Rocky terrain made it all the harder to dodge. As Reina approached, Colere tried to fight back with a lunging Bite towards Reinas leg again but the flame clad teeth pierced the coordinators Tyrunt and she passed out from the damage.

The battle was over

Claude was frozen. Why was he frozen? He lost, okay. it wasn't even like Claude lost to someone he hated. Hell, before the match, he'd shook Kages hand. "May the best man win?" So why was he shocked?

Before many people could really notice Claudes reaction to the loss, he put on a smile and waved over the battlefield to Kage after he recalled Colere. He didn't try to say anything, yelling over the crowd would have been pointless. He just smiled and waved ((Just like skipper told him too)) until he turned and left the field,dropping the smile he didn't feel like holding.

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TurboAura (1)

“No, that's fine! I don't want to interrupt you while you're still in the competition,” Jaime grinned. He nudged his head towards his sister as they both left. “Good luck! If you see a guy named Claude, tell him I said hi!”

Jory and Danielle

The forest covered a lot of ground, more so than someone would think at first glance. And weren't there more and more wild Pokémon showing up? It would be impossible not to notice how carefree and active the Pokémon in this part were. Almost like they had nothing to fear.

Avis, who was still trying to summon the Sawsbuck, finally come into hearing distance of a certain group of species. It didn't take long before the dark type managed to lure out a curious little Deerling.


Not far from the man with the Chandelure was another man yelling and cheering. Lucifer could recognize him as the active gym instructor who appeared to be in the company of a very familiar brunette.

Hosts (TurboAura (2) and Tacos)

Brand didn't waste any time. As soon as the crowd finished applauding the Tyrunt battle, he started the randomizer again. This time the randomizer stopped on the picture with a thunderbolt on it. “Electric field again! Ryan and Robert, report to the field to start your battle!”

While Brand was still making his announcement, the field was already in place. Just like when Evan battled, there were electric fences around the entire field. Above the field, right in the middle, hung a giant ball on a metal construction linked to the fences. Every now and then a jolt of electricy shot out of it and made a connection on a random place with one of the fences.

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{Danielle and Jacob}

"Woah, chill out Jacob. I was only teasing~ Even if you were interested, I wouldn't utter a peep." Danielle quickly explained, taken aback by her friend's sudden seriousness. At the mention of Sawsbuck, she took a look around her. All she could see was green, purples, blues and some ivories from various Pokemon that surrounded them. "Professor Cadmus did say that the forest is huge... No wonder he told us to stay outside when Shiro got lost in here..."

She then noticed a strange tree with two familiar markings. The bark looked like it was scraped by the claws of a bird, a very familiar bird in fact. To confirm her suspicions, Danielle also spotted a dirty, wrinkled black feather clamped down by a stone next to the said tree. "Looks like Avis was here a long time ago, probably from the first day of school when that fire broke out. She must have known I would go looking for her so she left it here for me to follow. I wonder if she is doing that now..." Danielle looked down at her tiny bug, who was just admiring the etching. "Corona, do you want to go and find them?"

Corona blinked at her master's request before she nodded enthusiastically. She was happy that her master is letting her go on a mission by herself. It must mean that Danielle thinks she is a big girl now! She can't let her human down! As soon as Danielle released her grip, Corona propelled herself forward using her fire and zoomed out of sight.


Avis had, indeed, made a few markings on several trees as she made her way through the forest, although she had no luck in finding Sawbuck. But.. Oh! What's this that's coming out of the brush? Sawsbuck?! But... that deer is too small to fit Sawsbuck's description, could it be a Deerling then? And when there is Deerling, there is a Sawsbuck, right? The black bird fluttered down to the ground and greeted the curious pre-evolution. She then introduced herself and wondered if it knew where the Prince of the Forest is.

((Got ninja'd))

Edited by DarkLight
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Lucifer and Gregorio Marson

The Ghost-Fire type himself couldn't really be too distracted from circling his birth mother. True, he considered Raiza to be like his mother, but he'd spent enough time being weaned by his true mother to recognize the Chandelure as such. On the other hand, Raiza's father had to do a double-take to make sure that he saw correctly. Is that a teacher, or...? I didn't know Lana had a brother, he thought as he waved to the brown-haired girl to say hello, leaving his Chandelure to wave her slender tendrils gently at her baby Litwick.

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"Okay then, good luck finding Evan." Saying his goodbye to the siblings, he rushed back to waiting room to Kiai as he heard the announcement for his battle. As he finally got to Kiai, the Lucario simply nodded ready to for the battle. Returning Kiai for the brief period, he walked towards the field.

When he finally got to the field, he looked around at the field from a direct view and was suprised at how the field actually worked. This would defidently be an... interesting battle. Releasing Kiai to the other side of the gate as he gave a eager cry, Robert readied himself for a good match.

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After Slade's pokemon came back from they're treatment head exited the building heading back towards the waiting room hoping that the elite four member wasn't there anymore. He over heard the battle starting between Ryan and Robert realizing that the second round was nearly completed. Soon he would have to face Jacob who had lost to before they went on the trip. He just hopped that he'd put up more of a fight then from back then.

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Ryan had his eyes basically glued to the TV watching Kage battle. When he won, he sprung up from his seat in the Pokemon Center out of excitement. He soon realized that he was the only one applauding, considering the place was probably meant to be quiet. Hearing his name, Ryan suddenly remembered that his battle was supposed to be right after Kage's. "Oh crap."

Within seconds, Ryan was rushing through the building, trying to find the appropriate entrance to the stadium. He finally found it, and entered. As he approached his part of the stage opposite to Robert, he noticed that the field was practically supercharged. Well this is advantageous. Good thing electricity is irrelevant to Delilah. She's also got a nice type advantage on Kiai. Ryan smirked as he grabbed Delilah's poke ball. He tossed it out and in a flash of light, Delilah emerged, sending out an excited roar. Ryan made a polite bow towards Robert. "Would you like to make the first move?"

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"Hmm...ya, know, you're kinda cute yourself..." The chocolate toned Student mused, a playful twinkle in her as she looked Kota over again. The boy would've been red as a cardinal had he not have gotten used to it long ago...

"I could say the same for you, but... sadly I'm already taken... such a shame..." "Uh, yes, thanks," He said, moving to change the subject. The girl's Torkoal and Spinda both eyed him, heads titled as they took turns circling around. Tork gave a heated cry and blew a puff of smoke, snorting... this boy here was nothing special, He'd seen sexier in his day. the Spinda simply gave a loud "Spind!" When exactly was 'back in tork's day'? The stone age? Tork glared at her... before nodding his head. Spinda's ears shoot straight up, as did her eyes as she gave a slight jump back. "But uh... I'm afraid I'm off the market, terribly sorry bout that. But if you could just be so kind as to-"

"Damn..." She sighed, shaking her head. "Yeah yeah, fine... Last I saw of Mr. Hotshot- he was in the waiting room talking back and forth to that Porygon of his like a crazy guy or something. I'd show ya there, but, if you're taken... well, I don't wanna get in between any Mrs and her man, just ain't right." She winked, flashing him a playful grin.

"Erm... thanks, I guess..." And with that the blonde was on his way again. Half of him didn't want to go though... even if he was taken, this one's personality was rather... interesting- a breath of fresh air in the meadow of snoppy wealth, one could say. "Mother would never approve... but then again, she would never approve of anyone if I didn't absolutely bullshit the degrees of their worldly accomplishments to her liking. If only I'd gotten her name though..."


"How interesting..." The red head said, leaning back in the chair as the next match was just being announced. "Guess I might be facing the blind guy afterall..." "So, Java... that's exactly what they both just said?" Java nodded, confident in the translation as he hovered over the trainer's shoulder. The Cubone and Scyther stood to either side, Erce parring her claws against one another, eye's meandering about the room, searching, waiting... "Alright then, I don't know whats the deal between my mom and this Lucille woman, but if this son of hers or whatever is gonna try something..." He cast a glance to the young swordsman as he tapped the club in his palm mafia style for what had to be at least the third time that very day.

"Then he can try it with his bare hands- Nemo, watch the door, if you see the same guy from before, you trip him with bonerush as soon as he comes in- don't break anything though- and i want minimum bruising, understand?" The orphan nodded, eyes gleaming with his first true call to duty. "And Java, as he falls, you confiscate his capsules with psybeam." Java nodded as well... "Good. and now... we wait, I guess."

Unseen to any of them though, was the thunder fox in one of the many seats against the wall, head and belly resting on the plastic and eyes fixed on the boy all the while...just within range to hit the doorway with a Pin Missile or two... all she need to see was that ashen blonde hair and those grey eyes...

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{Jacob & Danielle}

Jacob looked around them, wondering when exactly all the Pokemon had begun springing up. It was quiet just a bit ago, he thought to himself. "We must be approaching the heart of the forest. No other reason there would be so many Pokemon here," he said to no one in particular. Spitfyre looked around, excited to see so many Pokemon. After all, the more Pokemon there were, the better chance he'd be able to get a quick practice match in before they had to fight Slade. However, the Charmeleon wasn't overly worried about Danielle's boyfriend. After all, Jacob had beaten him before. And knowing his Trainer, the young man was more than capable of doing it again.

"Still, I don't see Sawsbuck. Arete, why don't you try communicating with some of the Pokemon.." he began before trailing off. A Buneary jumped out of the bushes and hopped happily toward the pair of teenagers. She hopped in small circles around Danielle and Jacob before stopping in front of them and pointing, unbeknownst to the trainers, toward Avis and the Deerling. "Hey!" Jacob said, surprised. "It's the Buneary from earlier! I think she's telling us where to find the Sawsbuck, Danielle." He knelt down to the Buneary's level and Arete fluttered down to the ground, greeting the small rabbit Pokemon. "Hey, Buneary, do you want us to folow you?" he asked.

"Bun bun!" the Buneary replied happily, nodding her head vigorously. She then grabbed the Togetic by the hand and began hopping toward their destination.

"Tic! Toge-tic~!" Arete sang gleefully, glad to be finally on her way to meet Sawsbuck. Jacob laughed and beckoned to the rest of the group.

"Come on! Only a little more to go!" he encouraged them, following the Buneary through the forest toward Avis and the Deerling.

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"Well, if you're offering, I have no problem taking the first move. Kiai, let's start things off with a Vacuum Wave." Crossing his arms in an x, winds began to swirl around Kiai as he prepared the Attack. Once readied, Kiai let his arms open and let loose the surge of air at the Donphan.

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Delilah was just a little bit distracted by the sparks flying off of the walls of the field. She still kept those naive and curious tendencies that she had as a Phanpy. Ryan had to snap her back to reality as the Vacuum Wave closed in on Delilah. "Defense Curl, try to defend yourself from the attack!" The Donphan blinked before curling herself into a ball, allowing the Vacuum Wave to strike her tough external skin. She uncurled herself as the barrage finished, and she seemed... tougher. Ryan was hesitant to make a move. He looked to where Delilah had been distracted and suddenly thought of something. Perhaps if we can get Kiai to fall against the electric walls, we can gain the upper hand. Only thing is that Kiai is far more agile than Delilah. Whatever, we have to try. "Bulldoze!" Delilah nodded at Ryan before thrusting her legs repeatedly into the ground, causing tremors to fly across the floor of the field.

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"Quick, Copycat the Bulldoze and try to limit the hit." Nodding to the command, Kiai looked straight at the Donphan as a Brown aura of light surrounded him, his eyes shinning as he stomped the ground with a similar seismic wave as the Donphan. While the Donphan's Bulldoze easily overpowered the Copycated version and hit the Lucario, it still ment that Kiai had been saved from the full hit, despite how the dirt from the Bulldoze showed the obvious downside.*

"Close the gap with Quick Attack." Lunging forward with stream of white light behind it, Kiai dashed towards Donphan ready to take the likely coming counter-attack.

*=(Bulldoze's Effect, -Speed on Kiai)

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Delilah wasn't exactly intimidated by Kiai's mimicked Bulldoze. In fact, she was flattered. She took the hit well with her newfound defenses and kind of laughed it off in a sense. However, Ryan wasn't so confident. I can't just let her keep getting slowed by her own moves. That won't turn out well for us. We have to play around the electricity. As Kiai came closer with his Quick Attack, Ryan yelled out to Delilah. "Use Knock Off!" Delilah retaliated quickly and threw her trunk at Kiai, attempting to shove him towards the electric wall.

Status: (-1 speed stage.)

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"Quick Attack to the ground, quick." With the usual white-glow, Kiai boosted himself towards the field to avoid going straight into the electric fence. "Good idea, but we're not gonna be that easy to shock. Kiai, charge forward with a Metal Claw." The Lucario's paws glowed in a metalic shine and sharpened as he went towards the Donphan.

Edited by TurboAura
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"Defense Curl into Rock Slide!" Ryan knew that Delilah couldn't be as much of an offensive threat, but perhaps stalling Kiai out could do better. Delilah, always compliant, curled into a ball and began rolling, tossing pieces of the arena's ground into the air like rocks, cascading in front of her, attempting to block Kiai's attack path.

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Wait...aren't ghosts the spirits of dead Pokemon? How does that even work? Don't question it, Joseph. "My, you must get pretty busy at home then. I barely can handle the six I carry with me. When you move all around the region, taking care of a bunch of Pokemon is quite the challenge. Food is pricey and you're always running out pretty quick. I swear that Tyranitar has a black hole for a stomach." Joseph shuttered at the thought of letting his Tyranitar out and about on his own. He had a habit of causing sandstorms wherever he went.


The Rotom phased inside of the speakers after hearing noise coming from them. He hadn't messed with one of these for a long time, but if he put this wire here and messed with this control...perfect! Satisfied, the ghost beamed out of the speakers. He then looked down and noticed something tiny in the distance. He made his way closer and recognized the Litwick now with a Chandelure. Seeing this, he turned back quickly searching for the boy who promised him some Pokedex time.


The boy slowly grew impatient for the Rotom seemed to be taking his time. He was about to give orders to find Techie when the ghost flew right in front of Henry. "Did you find him?" asked Henry. The Rotom nodded now pointing to the Pokedex in Henry's pocket before fazing into it. The boy opened up the device and saw the words: N teh audiance wiht da Chandelure. "Can you please spell things correctly?" Henry then read: I could, but I leik to spel tingz funny. Wut? U mad bro? "Why do I even bother?" Henry shut the Pokedex leaving the Rotom free to do whatever he wanted on the machine. He looked around trying to figure out where Raiza went to tell her the news.

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"Kiai, smash what rocks you can with your Metal Claw." Raising his claws up to slash at the Rock Slide, the damage was limited but still obvious from the rumble of the rocks that still hit him. "Vacuum Wave!" Once the rocks from the Rock Slide stopped coming out, Kiai launched another slash of air at the Delilah.

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"Yes, yes, Raiza likes to describe it as 'living in a haunted house'. Ghost types are mischievous by nature after all, and it doesn't quite help that they can choose to phase through whatever they please and disappear whenever they please. This is why we usually only keep a small number at home at a time, so that it doesn't get too chaotic. Once, I couldn't find the keys to the house, so I couldn't leave and get some groceries done. I was right about to give up after turning the house upside-down when I found them right in the bedroom on the dresser-- the very first thing I'd checked, over and over again!" Narcissa rolled her eyes, although she smiled. "Sentinel, my Golurk, and Gregorio's Chandelure, Seraphine, are definitely Arceus-sent, though, keeping the Pokemon in check when we can't."


As a matter of coincidence, the blue-haired girl in question passed by the room Henry was in, though she didn't notice him at all.

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