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Pokémon Academy: Ch 3: Winter Cup [IC]


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"Maybe since we've grown up together, I don't get too many pranks or trouble with them. Even if they did, my Sudowoodo would knock some sense back into them. That's the thing about trainers, it's more about the journey than the actual 'mons. Besides, I'm getting a bit too old to start raising new Pokemon and with my job, I'd never have time to care for them like they need to." Joseph turned to a window noticing a Sandstorm outside. "There he goes again. This is why I never let him out in public areas."


The boy turned to notice Raiza running past him. "Hey Raiza, I think my Rotom found where your Litwick went. Something about a crowd and a Chandelure. Does that ring a bell to you?" He wasn't sure the importance of this, but maybe it'd mean more to the girl.

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Claude stepped out of the bathroom he had spent the last 5/10 minutes in trying to clear his head, frustrated at himself. He had no right to be pissed about his loss. Hell, through half of it Colere had acted on her own, what reason does a trainer who can't even control his pokemon have to win? It occurred to Claude that Colere hadn't been healed. It had taken him that long to realise that?! The hell was wrong with him, to not even consider the pokemon that had just fought for him so hard? Irritated with himself, Claude stormed towards the waiting room door, an unusual scowl on his face as he marched.

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{Jacob and Danielle}

"Well, that's a relief!" Danielle beamed as the cute, little Buneary led them further into the forest. "Wait up, Buneary! We're coming!" she called cheerfully, careful not to step on a Pokemon by accident. Unfortunately, Danielle did manage to trip over a green seed of some sorts before she regained her balance. "Whoops, sorry!" Danielle apologized before she bounded off after Arete and Buneary.

Zared sighed in relief; finally progression has been made! With a nod towards the Pokemon nearby, he ran off in their direction as well.


Avis could hear the familiar chirps of a Larvesta and gave a loud call to invite her over. Seconds later, the said firebug landed right next to her, a little worn out from the search but is otherwise uninjured. The Murkrow pat Corona on the back as a job well done before introducing the Deerling to her young teammate. She added that Corona is a responsible bug, so there is no need to worry about her flames.

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Mareek and Co.

Nemo's construct was all ready to go in his hands when the blonde boy stormed through the doors... Looks like this would be easy- the idiot looked like he was practically charging right for- Oh wait... nevermind. With a sigh, the young swordsman let his bonerush dissipate in his hands, ducking back under the nearest chair and hiding again as Claude passed. The boy's hair was not light enough and his Eyes and face were not that of the cocky bastard who spoke of tongues- whatever the hell that had meant...

Besides- the one he was looking for was admitablly finely dressed...

Joltara meanwhile perked up her ears, watching the blonde enter. But just as quick as they'd gone up, they relaxed. This wasn't the one she needed to impale... hair tone was wrong, so were the eyes and the face. And he wasn't dressed like a Blood either. No blacks or reds on his attire from what she could tell, no pressed and pompous-collared shirt... and to top it off, this boy had no rings she could see, nor any glasses...

without a single noise, she returned her attention to the door.

"Well, look who has entered..." Mareek heard in his ear drum. Java was gazing at the miffed coordinator as he came through the door. "Look Einstein- here's your chance to dish out the next round of apologies from earlier! I can always hand out more blows if you don't want though..."

"What?" He followed the Normal Type's eyes. "Oh... eh, maybe we should wait- he doesn't exactly look like he's in the mood to hear it..."

"Nonsense! don't pansy out of it- here, I'll even set the music..." Within an instant, some strange song from years and years ago began playing in the single earbud. Mareek didn't recognize it, whatever artist it was, which meant chances are Java had ripped it out of the interwebs...

"Java, what the hell is this?" He tried taking the jack out, only to find his fingers snatched away and flung back to his side- like some pro wrestler irritated over someone playing with the radio. He held them tightly as yet another wave of familiar pain pulsed like a heart...

"I don't know, but I very much like it. Now get talking... cause next time around, I'll be using Psybeams to get my point across, like I just did. keep stalling, and I will blast this at full volume over the monitors. That'll help with your cold feet in the matter, I'm sure."

"Bird Jesus..." Mareek cursed under his breath before looking back at Claude, turning down the volume on his dex a bit. Eh, hell, now was probably as good a time as any to get it out of the way- and he did genuinely regret acting like that... so... might as well give it a shot. Chances are if he came in from nowhere he'd get snapped at, but he could always just use that to lead into it...

Here goes nothing... "Hey... Claude," He called hesitantly from where he sat. "Something wrong?"

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Claude paused as he heard someone call out to him. He turned to find Mareek. Great, was he going to ream out Claude for trying to help with the Evan situation? Arceus dammit, now he was just reminded of that prominent issue which he had mercifully forgotten. Claude sighed, his current issue wasn't with Mareek and if the Trainer was asking what was wrong he probably wasn't going to continue the argument from earlier. No point loosing my frustration at Mareek, its myself i'm pissed off with. "I'm just frustrated with myself Mareek, that's all. I let myself and Colere down in that battle." Claudes scowl turned to a mild frown as he stared at the wall rather than Mareek. Saying it out loud wasn't pleasant but the words rang true. He'd let his team down. "Was there something you needed?"

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Delilah was starting get irritated that Kiai wasn't bending underneath her forced will. But not only that, she was also irritated that she wasn't dodging more hits. Without a word from Ryan, she used Defense Curl and used her weight to push her away from the Vacuum Wave, but slightly closer to Kiai. When she unfurled, she thrust her trunk towards Kiai to try and shove him into the wall again.

(Stats: +3 Defense, -1 Speed)

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Jory and Danielle

The Deerling hesitated when she saw the fire bug, but eventually guided Avis and Corona to an open grassfield. The place was filled with Deerling running around and playing while a few Sawsbuck kept an eye out. They were all in their winter form, or showed signs to changing into it, including the one Deerling pointed to; a Sawsbuck that stared at the newcomers. There were signs of pride, strength and fearsomeness. Avis and Corona better kept their guard up.


Lana waved back when she saw Gregorio greeting her, catching Tyron's attention. The gym teacher bowed over and asked her something which caused the breeder to shake her head before replying.

“Ooooh!” Tyron yelled enthusiastically as he came over to greet the man and his Chandelure. “Tyron Silva, teacher and handyman!” he introduced himself. His Mienshao was close by and stared at the Litwick family with a bored expression. “I heard you're Raiza's father? After such a performance you must be proud! Even though one can say it should be expected from a student in the Trainer Program!”

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  • Veterans


"You're as late as ever Micheal"James said,it was true aswell the older cousin was always slacking off and came at the last second to avoid the reprecussions. "Eh,the flight here was canceled so I had to ask a friend of mine to fly me here,she was free from her duties for a few days anyways so she didnt mind."Micheal responded nonchallantly. "How far into the tournament are we anyways,first,third final round?"

James wondered who said friend was but didnt prode further into it,the guy would answer with something off topic anyways. "We're in the second round right now,my match is next actually-wha!"He was interupted by a sudden warmth that spread through him.

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Let her down? The sound clip of a shotgun cocking in his ear ground the train of thought to a screeching halt.

"Still got cold feet eh? Alright- Let's get bla-"

"I just wanted to say-" Mareek blurted out, jamming the mute button in his pocket and killing the music. Too bad Java wouldn't allow it- the damn song was gonna blare in his ear the entire damn time... "I'm sorry about earlier, with me acting like a dick and everything." Java gave the slightest of nods over the boy's shoulder, a satisfied look in his eyes as he ended the music stream. "I guess I let myself get so... caught up in the situation that I... honestly forgot myself and started acted like the very type of person I hate."

Meanwhile in the back of the room the Golden Fox's ears perked yet again. Without a sound, her fur bristled, cracked and popped as a cold aura began to form around her... then she hopped out of the chair and headed towards the door opposite the one Claude had entered through, unseen to anyone, fangs barred and ears twitching...

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An apology? Not what Claude had expected but he'd take it. "It's fine man. There's any number of reasons to get worked up about it. People act worse for less." Claude tried to give an assuring smile as he actually looked Mareek in the eyes now. "And I gotta say, if you act like someone you hate, maybe a part of you sees sense in what they do? I hate it but I'm a breed of hypocrite myself, as much as I bitch out my room-mate for his weird obsession with his bugs, I dote on Doux just as much. Not that it really matters." Claude turned to leave properly this time. "If that's all?" The young coordinator asked his friend. A small part of Claudes brain, set apart from his own selfish affairs, took note of Mareeks will to apologise and decided that Mareek would get the title of friend. Even if the Trainer didn't think it himself.

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{Mareek and Claude}

"Yeah... I gue-" before the boy could even finish there came a shrill and rather... wimpish scream from the hallway. in an instant Mareek's eyes were off of claude and on door hanging wide open on the other side of the room. A few very distinctive mixtures of high pitched, piercing cries could be heard even from where he sat, and even now, years and years after the fact, they were still far more than enough to raise the hairs on his neck, even if they weren't directed him, just as they hadn't back then... He knew there was no intent to kill behind them, knew for a fact from the frequency and pitch of the gut in it, but damn it... she still did a terrifyingly excellent job of bluffing, even past her prime...

"Oh, Tara..." He sighed, shaking his head. He rose from the chair, glancing at Claude "Look, sorry about cutting this short, but... I should really go see what this is about. There's only one thing in the world that I know uses that specific type of cry... and be that loud and precise while she does it." And with that said, he was out of the door way.

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to follow or not to follow, shitty quotes are the answer Claude mused as Mareek rushed off. From the sounds of that godawful noise, he didn't particularly want to be involved. Besides, it's not like things could get out of control... Claude shook his head, he'd rather leave Mareek to... No, dammit Claude couldn't resist the curiosity. Claude hopped along after Mareek. "Ok, what in the 7 hells of a Dusclops stomach was that noise?"

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The Hall Way

"Please... please..." Kota weezed from the floor. The world was a complete blur, Snarls and background noise all filtering into one with the big golden blur glaring at him. Top was bottom, bottom was right, right was top, and left... left was just over there chilling and being his usual self... such a damn hipster. He tried to stand, wanted to stand- couldn't stand. Nausea rolled over him like a freight train, how he kept his lunch down, he had no idea, but he was thankful he did. He wasn't hurt from as far as he could tell- at least... not physically. His head though... his head felt like it had split. Footsteps approached. They were Strange. one set that stopped, and then another that followed behind it.
A guy with Red hair- from what his royally fucked vision could tell him... dark blue eyes... and that- that thing that golden ball of fur was still snarling at him... still letting off a snap and crackle and pop as it's fur blazed with sky fire. And then some guy with blonde hair or whatever- he honestly gave no damns when some idiot thought it would be a superb idea to open his mouth and shout something about 7 hells and ghosts...
"Bird Christ... do you have to yell...?" He managed through clenched teeth, voice barely above a whisper as his body curled in a ball and hands clamped over his throbbing ear canals. The pressure and the ringing grew worse by the moment...
{Mareek and Claude}
"Hyper Voice..." Mareek answered simply, only now even aware Claude had followed. "Trained by my mother to be fired with a pitch control strong and precise enough to do... well, exactly what that guy there is probably feeling right now." He knelt to eye level and gave the Snarling Jolteon a few jostles of the fur before smoothing down her needle like mane, fingers quickly finding the right place behind the ear. Not even a second afterwards, the fox completely pacified, charge dissipating and head nuzzling Mareek's shoulder. If Claude heard right, the thing might've even been purring a bit...
"I haven't even heard her use it since I was a kid though..." He immediately glared at the boy writhing on the floor, not a bit of sympathy anywhere in his eyes. "You wanna explain what happened here, bucko? The only other time I've heard her use that attack was when some jackass thought it would be a good idea to break his way in during the middle of the night... and he was all sorts of fucked up by the time she was through with him." He snarled the word Jackass with a special type of ferocity... but all the boy on the ground could manage was a groan.
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As Kenny stood there, trapped between the wall and the Trainers, he saw the TVs turn to Robert's Battle. Realizing something, he spoke.

"Turn your attention to the TV Monitors, and I'll prove my next point: I have all day, but you don't. Time is on my side, since eventually, those crowds will come down from the stadium, and any passers-by will see this situation and consider you to be the agressors, not me. Their next likely course of action would be to inform some Authority Figures of what's going on, and you'd all get in trouble for that reason. So you see, you either let me go and we let this whole incident fade away, or you continue what you're doing and get in trouble for it. The choice is yours."


After waiting a bit since they'd spoken to see if Kenny was coming, Jacen looked towards Ellie and Shauntai.

"He hasn't come yet. He'd never take this long unless something bad happened."

Ellie nodded, and Shauntai replied.

"Let's go look for him."

The three of them then started to head towards the Hallways below the Crowds.

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Following Joseph's gaze, Narcissa caught sight of what looked like sand whipping about in the air. "Oh dear," was all she could say. "We're here at the ward already anyway, I think; I can handle myself from here if you've got to go take care of things." The Breeder smiled gratefully, ready to steady herself if the Trainer decided to go.

Lucifer and Gregorio

Seraphine continued to play with Lucifer. That made sense. But what the teacher-- Tyron-- said.

"Que?" was all Gregorio managed to say.


She skittered to a stop when she heard Henry. "A crowd and a Chandelure? Then that might be... My dad, up in the stands!" Raiza looked puzzled for a while, mumbling something about thinking her mom mentioned her dad buying food, not being up spectating. "Well, okay, then. Lucifer's going to be in one place. But before I go, uhm. Why did you trip my mother?" The girl seemed genuinely confused about it-- not irritated or sad or anything at all, knowing Henry would have a good reason and that he wasn't just the type to trip people for his kicks, but just puzzled.

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"Don't worry about it. He's usually quite friendly around kids as long as I feed him...uh-oh." Joseph heard a couple screams from kids outside. "Sorry to leave you, but I gotta go save some kids from being scarred for life." Without even waiting for a response, the man sprinted towards the nearest door pulling a bandanna from under his shirt along the way.

Henry (and Citrine)

"Eh, sorry about that. Instincts kind of kicked in. When you see three people running, you kind of have to make assumptions rather quick. I just assumed it had something to do with that lady, who I assume is your mother, because I've never seen Lucifer run away from you. I mean he runs off...you get what I mean. Anyways, sometimes you just have to get away from your parents for a minute to get some time to think. My dad...can be a big idiot sometimes and I just need a bit of time away from him."

"Hey Henry, you gotta check this out!" The girl's voice rung in Henry's ear. He didn't even need to turn around to recognize it.

"And then there's her. What do you want Citrine?" asked Henry.

"You're not gonna believe this. Some loser got punked and now their TV chucked outside the window and scattered all over outside. Whoever owns that room is totally gonna freak! I gotta be there when it happens." The girl started pulling on Henry trying to get him to move.

"That would be my room," spoke Henry.

"Oh...well it sucks to be you then. I gotta get some pictures. The folks back home are never going to believe this!" Just as soon as she came she instantly vanished.

"Family. You love 'em, but sometimes they just drive you up the wall," Henry griped.

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{Jacob & Danielle}

Jacob looked around, a smile creeping across his face as he saw the Sawbuck sanctuary teeming with life deep within the forest. "Wow..." he breathed, unable to find words for his appreciation of what he saw. The young man nodded to Arete and Spitfyre, who fluttered and ran off to join the Fire Bug and Avis by the Deerling. Jacob then saw the Sawsbuck who seemed to be eyeing them warily. He maintained eye contact with the Sawsbuck, slowly approaching it with a growing sense of curiosity. This is incredible, he thought to himself. Even on the Dragon field trip we didn't see anything quite like this. "Sawsbuck," he said in a level tone. "We're here to talk to you guys. We need to warn you about something," he calmly added.

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  • Support Squad


"Oh dear lord almighty, your mum is as devious as you with training your pokemon..." Claude muttered. "Should we help the guy or no? I have to head down to the medic center anyway and you'd be better off not getting any kind of blame for this..." Claude did feel bad for the guy, he sure as hell wouldn't want the same treatment.

Trainer Red

((I refuse to let you out of this before you show some sort of development with Kenny or legitimately justify why Kenny would not abuse Zoruas abilities))

"Oh really?" Ringleader snarled. He looked to the shy young girl who in turn nodded to Kadabra. The psychic pokemon Locked eyes with Kenny and the young boy found his eyelids closing, his legs buckling.

Big Boy picked Kenny up and followed Ringleader.

Five minutes later~

Kenny awoke outside, on the floor behind what looked like a shoddily made stall. Ringleader had a smirk on his face and what looked like Kenny's pokeballs in hand. "You were saying? Now, stop dodging the question or just get rid of that Helix-damned cheat of a pokemon. Why should we trust you with that Zorua."

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{Mareek and Claude}

Mareek was silent about it for a minute, glancing at the thunder fox, then the poor sap on the floor... "He can't be that much older than me, a year at most... and he looks kinda preppy- chances are his team is nothing with anymore power than my own could muster, though making that exact comparison could be a stretch. But still, she wouldn't just go using that without a good reason. There's something off about this guy..."

"Well, she wouldn't dare use what she was trained with unless she felt one of us was in danger, so... I'm on the fence between helping him and just leaving." He glanced back to Claude, sighing as he took his hand away from the electric type's mane. "But I guess... he'll get far worse if he tries anything afterwards...Tara?" The fennec fixed him with a pointed look, as if asking if he were freaking serious. When he held her gaze steady and unfaltering though, she simply sighed, focusing on the injured party. Her eye's closed and what sounded to be a bell chimed in the hall as a few waves of pulsing dark blue began to crawl their way over the other teen...

"You know, I can save a trip to the medical center," said Mareek as the victim of the sound torture was slowly recovering his equilibrium, finally able to uncurl and try to rise from the dust of the barren white tiles... with only so much success so far. "She knows Wish along with Heal Bell- give it a minute or two to kick in and I can guarantee that Tyrunt of yours will be fine, if you're willing, that is..."

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"If you're confident in that Wish, then sure..." Claude took ut Coleres pokeball and in a flash the tired Tyrunt was there, not unconscious but certainly in no shape to battle. Surprised to be called out again without being healed, Colere gave Claude a furious glare, soundlessly trying to Bite his Leg in punishment. Similar to what Claude did with Lance when he was just a boisterous Karrablast, Lance picked Colere up so she could not bite any of Claude anatomy. "Hey, don't get mad, you're just about to be healed now. Do you think i'm that much of a slave driver?" Once Claude explained, Colere calmed down, though she let out a few snorts of displeased frustration. "Well, if you would please." Claude asked of Mareek.

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{Jacob and Danielle}

As Jacob reasoned with the Sawsbuck, Danielle could only stare and gape at the beautiful form of the stag. She could just feel the authoritative power that Sawsbuck exudes through his posture; truly, he is the King of the Forest! A sudden poke on her leg snapped her back into focus, though, resulting in Danielle giving the deer and awkward bow to the regal Pokemon. "T-That is true, Sawsbuck. My friend and I have heard some u-unsettling things in our school, so we want to let you know."

Zared shook his head at his master and uttered a low growl towards Sawsbuck, apologizing for her strange behavior. She was only admiring him, that's all. In his mind, the Mawile was quite excited. Finally, a strong opponent appears before them! Oh, how he wished he could have a chance to spar with Sawsbuck! He could only hope that his apology would put him in Sawsbuck's good graces; he wouldn't want to leave a bad impression on the stag.


Avis thanked the little Deerling as they neared the Sawsbuck. While she would normally just fly up and give the guest her usual, happy-go-lucky greeting, one look at the authority figure made her think otherwise. Instead, the Murkrow stayed rooted on the spot and introduced herself and Corona politely. Go figure, Avis has a type advantage over him and, yet, she is hesitating to act. How unlike her. Luckily, her master and Jacob had also arrived to deliver their message. So, seeing that there were no introductions made on their behalf (no thanks to Zared's own fangirling), Avis introduced to Sawsbuck the humans as well, waving her wing to each of them as she did so.

Corona, being the innocent child of the team, began chirping happily and waved at the Sawsbuck as if he was an old friend. She hoped that he could listen to them for just a moment before they leave in peace.

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Trying to block Delilah into the attack, Kiai went to Force Palm but was unable to connect before the Knock Off hit, ending up hitting the electric fence as a result and getting shocked, landing on his knees when the shock finally ended.

"Kiai, are you okay?" Hearing his trainer, Kiai looked over and nodded, getting back to his feet with noticeable damage from the shock. "Okay, get closer with a Quick Attack, then try and land a Force Palm." Dashing with the usual white glow, a white orb charged in his hand as he went towards his target.

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{Mareek and Claude}

Mareek gave him a nod, then turned to Joltara. The gaze in her pitch black eyes didn't seem to be as utterly questioning this time- before her Trainer's son could even make the request she turned on her heels and concentrated on Colere, eye's beginning to shine with a curious light. A Flash came, bright and brilliant like a vintage camera... and then there was nothing. Hell, if Mareek himself didn't know any better- he would've assumed all she had done was use the move of the same namesake.

"Keep her out a bit longer..." He advised, all the noting the movement in his periphery. There was honestly little surprise when he turned around to find the other blonde boy gonzo, the backs of his heels still visible just as he stumbled and dashed around the nearest corner like he had stolen something. "It just takes a few moments most of the time..."

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Claude & Mareek

Colere sniffed the air, not particularly interested in the Jolteon staring intensely at her. If it wante to stare, it could stare. Then a flash and after a few moments she began to feel rejuvenated, her strength coming back to her. Seeing as the flash came from the same Jolteon, Colere surmised she had a hand in it. The small dragon inclined her head, a respectful nod, in thanks. Then Colere looked to Claude. What next?

"Well, thanks for that." Claude said rather belatedly. He was still worried about Colere. Even after all this time a small part of him shivered at what she would probably one day evolve into. He couldn't very well deny Colere her evolution, her pride wouldn't allow that. Another thing that worried him was that Colere really wasn't meant for contests... She would grow up to be a fearsome beast of ancient times, how was that appealing to a coordinators audience? It was the same with Lance... He was meant to be a trainers pokemon, not the pokemon of a Coordinator... Claude would never get anywhere with these two.

Claude sighed again. He needed to stop that. "Well I think i'm going to take a walk. I need to clear my head, figure some things out. I'll see you later. Good luck in your match"

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Mareek only nodded as Claude headed off about his business. There was something bothering the other student- he could tell... but it was best not to pry into it. He still had matters of his own to attend to with a match coming up very soon if the current events on the battle field were any indication. That and the blonde haired young man had had no issue requesting advice before, back during the trip and while ago- if he had wanted to talk about whatever it was, he likely would've just said as such or asked.

"Guess it's just you and me then..." He looked at Joltara, again scratching the back of her ear. The Jolteon gave a snort, then she was walking away down the corridor- taking what to Mareek seemed to be the exact same route as the Platinum haired boy. "Or not then...just don't...kill him. Guess I should get back To Erce and the others."

Big Brother is Watching.

"Release them." Galen ordered as he watched through the glass doors, the light of the fading afternoon sun shining in upon him and his accomplice. They were not cloaked now- had possessed no reason to stay cloaked after driving the two out of the stands. Their targets had still yet to shit themselves... but in all honesty Galen had never been serious about that part; so long as they both got a little fear of God put into them... which he knew full well from his mechanations, they indeed had.

"Drop the arceus illusion. And drop it now." He again ordered when he saw the subjects were still panicking. The Zoroark grumbled something indignant for a moment, griping at him ruining the fun she was having before making a few gestures and finally dispelling her power over their their minds, right before she cloaked the two of them again to avoid detection. Galen turned and began to walk away, feeling no sympathy as the woman known as Lucille Blood wept on her knees upon the barren earth, son in not much better condition from the ordeal. "I don't think those two will ever be an issue for her again- not after this..." He smirked darkly, glancing over his shoulder. The Zoroark hadn't budged... looking over the result of her handiwork and shaking her head, ever so slightly. Seeing the actual aftermath, the trauma of it all... the sight of it stole into her heart like a thief in the night and made off with every ounce of the amusement from just moments earlier. "They had this coming with how they wanted to treat people, now come on- His match is up next..."

One last Glance...one of pity, and then she too turned from the glass, and walked away. And the Bloods were left to grovel in the freshly assaulted landscapes of their minds. And if they're was anything they'd take away from there experience... it was one this:

God himself was on the side of Alexandra Sisto. From what they'd seen, what they'd endured... that much had been branded into their memories. And they would do well to never forget it. For the fear of their vision was fear of the lord himself.

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