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Pokémon Academy: Ch 3: Winter Cup [IC]


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((Dobby, Kenny's Parents will arrive before he answers the question, since he's currently too on-the-defensive to answer the question. Once his parents arrive, he'll feel safe enough to open up a bit.))


Kenny stood up and gave the Ringleader a blank stare, tapping his foot expectantly.

"And how will you explain what you just did? Justify your actions correctly first, and then I might be inclined to answer you."


Jacen, Ellie, and Shauntai had been each separately checking different sections of the Stadium, trying to find Kenny without any success. Four minutes after they'd started looking for him, they met up again near the entrance to the Building.

"I've had no luck. What about you two?"


"No sign of my brother."

"Ok, so if he's not in the Building, let's check the Stalls."

The three of them then headed outside, and sent out their Partner Pokemon. Jacen then gave the details to the Pokemon, and the six of them then split up and fanned out, searching for Kenny. Thirty seconds later, one of the Herdiers picked up Kenny's scent, and quickly headed over to the other five searchers, bringing them to where it had found his scent. The six of them then followed Kenny's scent trail, closing in on Kenny's location.

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Delilah was all but a bit too happy with what she had done, being able to get Kiai to take damage from the wall. In fact, she wasn't even paying attention to Kiai coming in quickly. Ryan did, however. "Dodge it Delilah!" Unfortunately, Delilah wasn't quick enough, and took the Force Palm. Fortunately for her, her defenses had become rather high, and the possibility of paralysis did not seem to be on Kiai's side that time.

This isn't good. She's not on top of her game. I'm lucky she wasn't paralyzed, but if we're not careful, she might be next time. Ryan yelled out to Delilah. "Bulldoze again! Get him to lose his balance!" Delilah began slamming her feet into the ground, causing the field to quake, hopefully doing some nice damage to Kiai.

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  • Support Squad


Claude departed the building, Colere was hopping along at his heels, reinvigorated and in a far better mood. Claude looked at Colere as he walked. this little thing was supposed to be with her family in boulder hills. It was literally sheer luck that I caught you. Do you dislike me for that Colere? Ever since fighting that Snorlax you’ve at least obeyed me… But what do you actually think of me? Do you think i’m a good trainer? I just don’t know… There was so much that Claude didn’t know that he felt like he should. That he should have learnt in this place dedicated to the act. He felt like he should know how to make Colere shine, that he and Lance should work as well as a team as Claude and Doux always had... It frustrated him so very much. Did he pick wrong when he picked Lance, what was even going through his head when he picked up the Bug types pokeball? The first thing Claude had done was made a show of choosing Lance, acting as grand as he wished he was.It was a farce, he really had no clue what he was doing and now Lance was paying for it. Another stupid mistake.

Before Claude knew it, he and Colere had reached the edge of the forest. Colere seemed to be quite happy, in the mood for a hike of all things as she beckoned for Claude to come with her into the forest, giving him the same intense look she always did. Claude did notice a slight sparkle in her eyes. Was she enjoying herself? Claude thought it might be better if his whole team came with. I mean, both of my other team members are forest natives, who would love it more? It was the least he could do. So, with the customary flashes Doux and Lance emerged. Doux was happy to find that they were trekking through and immediately flew to the treetops chirping in a way that made Claude think of a flying type, like Cottonee used to be thought of. Lance was acting as he had since he evolved. Angry. He floated along the group. Not playing with Doux when he did swoop down. It was a quiet walk, very tranquil as they all walked through the grand forest scape. They were all just, together.

Eventually the whole group came to what looked like an opening amongst a huge pile of boulders. The remains of some giant trying to patch a crack in the ground. Colere loved it, a Forest cave was as close to her natural habitat as she was going to get and she raced in, Doux following in pursuit. Claude laughed slightly at the two pokemons antics. It was moments like these that really confused him, when Colere and Doux acted perfectly happy, that made him wonder, hope, that Colere was happy with him and this situation that was forced upon her. He started to follow when he looked back to find Lance gazing at him intensely. They stood there for a moment, boy and bug, unsure what to do with themselves. After a moments eternity Claude broke eye contact and kept walking in, waving for Lance to do so. To Claudes surprise he did so without even a growl.

Claude and Lance traced their way through the cave, following the sounds of Doux and Colere ahead. Eventually the sounds of a running Tyrunt and a chirping Cottonee were replaced with splashing sounds and the faint sounds of water, like a lake. As the sounds promised, the cave opened to a grand cavern that housed a fantastically massive lake lit up from below, clear azure blue illuminated by what looked like a colony of Starmie and Staryu. The shapes of other aquarian pokemon could be seen as silhouettes revealed by the star light emanating from below rather than above. An inverted starry sky. Claude was in awe at the sight, all of them were. Even Lance, though to anyone who was not used to the Bug type he would seem to only be gazing at the lake the same way one would a wall when thinking. The whole group drank in the sight, losing themselves in it. Claude most of all, forgetting the tournament and Evan and his family and enjoying the brief moment with the pokemon that were his new friends and team-mates, even with all the issues between them. The sight he shared with his pokemon

Trainer Red

The girl who had looked uncomfortable during the entire encounter had finally had enough. "Brett, I don't want to do this anymore... It's clear we aren't getting through to him, can we just leave before this gets any worse?" The girl looked at Ringleader pleadingly, genuinely worried. A few moments passed before he relented. "Fine" He sighed. He glared at Kenny. "We're not done though. Be sure of that" And so the trio left Kenny to it after Ringleader chucked Kennys pokeballs in the opposite direction.

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Before he could tell Kiai to Copycat the Bulldoze to try and limit things, the attack hit and it seemed to hit Hard. With the added ground left from the Bulldoze as well as the physical reactions, this would come to an end one way or another. "Kiai, Metal Claw!" Kiai's claws had a silver glow around them as he charged at the Donphan.

Edited by TurboAura
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The good woman watched as her new Trainer friend hustled. Nodding, she said, "Interesting man. Gio would like to meet him later on, I suppose." Then she hobbled into the ward to receive first aid.


Before she could reply to Henry's explanation, Citrine came along talking about something apparently interesting. The exchange between the two foster siblings happened so quickly that Raiza barely had time to shift her weight onto her other leg before the girl scuttled off. "... Uh, anyway, I guess I get you as to why you tripped mom... And I super understand what you mean with family driving you crazy," she said, rolling her eyes. "But, what happened to your TV?"

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"Oh, Paradox just threw the TV out the window, that's all," responded Henry. He then watched Techie fly out of the Pokedex to get a good look at Raiza. "And this here is Techie. He's the one who started the whole mess. It's a bit of a long story I don't feel like reliving...dammit he's gone again." Henry looked to see that the Rotom had left the area likely out of boredom. "I just pray he doesn't figure out how to get into a computer. Still, I probably should go find him. Sorry to leave you so soon." The boy made his way searching everywhere to see where the ghost had gone.


The Rotom grew bored of this conversation after it started. Anything not about technology was boring to this ghost. He fazed through wall after wall until he came up behind two people. He couldn't help but take eye on the black stick one of the men was holding. He recalled him saying something into it and his voice could be heard all over the building. Interested in this device, he slowly made his way over to the man, making sure not to be seen, and dived into the black stick. He was very interested in this unusual device and wanted to see how it'd work.

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Jory and DarkLight

All the Sawsbuck and Deerling that were gathered stopped their activities and turned their attention to the group. It had been awhile since humans, especially students, dared to approach the strongest Pokémon in the entire forest like that.

The Sawsbuck in question just stared at the group, keeping his guard up. The intensity of the stare was strong enough to scare off most people, but eventually he nodded, giving permission to the students to speak.


“Bless you,” Tyron said with a straight face. He obviously misunderstood what the man just said.

Commander (Techie)

Brand's comments suddenly turned from normal to squeaky and ridiculous sounding. It took about a minute for the CEO to realize this as he suddenly stared at his microphone in confusion. He gave Redwood a question look, only to find his oldest friend snickering.

He then turned to Devin, but the Elite Four Member pretended he didn't see or hear anything.

“What's going on?” he asked in general. “Is this thing broken?” He picked up the mic and started to study it.


Good, that annoying Lapras is outside. Time to reclaim some territory inside!

Out of Claude's vision, a plan to reclaim the entire lake was being set in motion. A large Crawdaunt swam at high speed, terrorizing some of the other wild Pokémon and jumped out between some rocks.

Oh? A Human and his Pokémon? What are they doing here?

The Crawdaunt circled around and positioned himself behind the young Coordinator.

Maybe they want to claim the lake as well? Are they strong? If those Pokémon are well trained they should be... Only one way to find out!

Crawdaunt carelessly approached Claude and his Pokémon and placed himself in front of them, glaring at each party member. Suddenly he pointed to Claude, who he assumed was the leader, grabbed him and threw him in the lake. The water type bursted out into laughing before jumping in himself as he quickly disappeared from sight. These intruders weren't worth the trouble after all.

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  • Support Squad


The young boy flailed as he dived into the water against his will. Colere and Doux were shocked at the Crawdaunts appearance, though Colere had snapped her jaws at it as it fled and Doux had flew over to where he saw his friend disappear into the water. Lance on the other hand...

The bug type raced across the top of the water, stabbing the water with his lances in anger at the sudden enemy and how easily he had gotten away. How dare it...! Lance loosed a scream of frustration that rebounded off of the walls of the underground lake. Claude resurfaced when he heard Lances howling. What on earth?! Claude was utterly shocked at Lances furious reaction. "Hey, Lance!" Claude beckoned over his friends howling. Lance quieted down when he saw Claude was fine and hovered over, staring at him in the same way he had before entering the cave.

"Lance... Why are you so angry?" No reaction. "Did you want to fight that Crawdaunt?" This time the question got a small nod. "Why? Do you just want to fight?" Claude asked this hesitantly. It would probably confirm that Lance was really meant to be with someone in the Trainers program, it only seemed to make sense with how he was acting. However, Lance made no movement, no nod. Why? Lance was always so energetic, almost violent when he was a Karrablast. Claude had thought it was because he loved battling...

Several moments of quiet passed before Claude asked his next question, his young voice barely a whisper above the soft noises of the lake. "Were you protecting me?"

Lance was getting exhausted with this trainer. How long would it take him to figure it out?

Ever since meeting him, Lance the Karrablast had been testing this new, mysterious person. Every time he had screeched a challenge, attacked with all his small might, every time it was a test. Lance had to see how strong this person was. What Lance found was someone shallow and weak and fragile. Lance also found someone who was learning to change, learning to be a better version of himself with every step he took. Lance could see this boys future, not with any psychic premonitions but with his instincts. Those instincts told him Claude could be some strong, kind, admirable. Claude could be a fantastic Coordinator.

And it was Lancelot the Escavaliers job to protect him as he made his way toward that future. So when Claude, Lancelots friend and charge, asked if he was protecting him, the guardian nodded. He looked back to shore where an impatient Colere stood. Lancelot knew that the Tyrunt could see the same, she herself showed the beginnings of wisdom and power that made her great dinosaur ancestors the rulers they were. Lancelot knew she shared his mission. The annoyance, Doux, even with all of his care-free attitude and mischief would protect this boy with all his might.

These three were Claudes first comrades and they were his guardians. Claude now understood that.

With a great grin Claude lunged up and hugged his great, unhuggable friend and dragged him down into the water, swimming with him down to float in the centre of the mass of lights. The silhouettes of Lancelot and Claude covered the roof. The silhouettes of a trainer and his beloved pokemon.

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Paradox? Baby girl Paradox threw Henry's telly out of the room? But before she could respond, what looked like an orange top outlined and shimmering with electric energy popped out of nowhere and peered at her... And right as she was about to do a thing-- again-- and wave hi, the Rotom disappeared. "Wait, mind if I help you out?" she called out, moving to follow the boy. As, y'know. Like a way of thanking him for the thought of Lucifer and for finding him.

Lucifer and Gregorio
"Oh, no, no hablo Espanol, huh? Sorry about that," Gregorio said, shaking his head as though to say he didn't sneeze. "It's just that I thought you said that my unica hija Raiza was in the Trainer program?" At this, Lucifer perked up. Oh, no.... This was precisely what Raiza was trying to prevent... He had to do something! Panicking, and dashing away from his astounded mother, he emitted a shrill scream and began tugging Raiza's father away by the sleeve. "Ah, what-- Lucifer-- sorry, Mister Silva, and Lana, but I guess Lucifer here needs to show me something--" he sputtered out, still not being able to recover from the surprise.

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Nemo and Erce and Java {during the scene in the hall}

Nemo stood before the mantis, Hands wringing his club as those white blades blockaded his way like a police barricade. Her eyes met his with that intense, unfaltering glint, that stone cold resolve that in an instant, told Nemo that there was no way in hell he was moving from that spot, not without a good struggle. Yes, sure... the lightning Fox was obviously powerful and... fearsome, probably able to defend Mareek well enough if she had to, considering how she was when he'd met her. But... Nemo did not care, damn it! He'd made an oath, and he was going to stand by it... whether Erce was going to stand behind him or in front of him.

"Cue!" The swordsman again shouted vehemently, once more trying to force his way past... only to be instantly deterred by the powerful gathering of a teal bout of wind... he'd learned his lesson from the infirmary, and it had been anything but fun. "Cube..." He looked to Java expectantly. All Java did though was shake his head and turn away from it all, Eyes focused on the battle overhead as it drew into it's final stages. Nemo would get no help, it seemed.

Erce gave a low hiss as she unleashed a small bout of the turbulence at her command- not enough to cause serious harm, but enough to push the boy back from the doorway by a good few feet. Perhaps the boy had not understood her before- there was no need for him to be out in that hallway, not when Joltara was already there...

The boy's brow furrowed beneath his Mother's Skull, picking himself up off the ground and not bothering to dust himself as he muttered beneath his breath. That was what was most confusing to him though- why wasn't Erce more concerned about all this? They all knew the Blonde Man was looking for Mareek, probably gonna try some nasty stuff judging from how he and those other two had acted up in the stands... and yet here she was, seemingly not bothered a bit by the fact that said blonde man was probably just outside that door and around the corner... Even if Joltara was supposedly, alright, scratch that, even if she was so much older and so much stronger, wasn't it Erce's job to protect him regardless of the strength of whose company he happened to be in? So just sitting here now like she was doing- it was kinda be like a bodyguard napping on the job just because her charge was hanging out with a bunch of cops... an Excuse from what Nemo could tell, like she was just gonna sit here and abandon hi-

This time the world went black as night as the oxygen sprang from his lungs like Rapidashes charging out of the path of a rainstorm. Just as before, there was a crash this time, except instead of concrete and plaster, what cushioned his fall was plastic and the steel of various chair legs as they all clattered to the floor in a heap... right with Nemo in the middle, his club somewhere else entirely. Java finally redirected his attention over, sighing as he caught the sight of the kid's rather brutal defeat and the shining, Technician-Amplified Turbulence receding as Erce lowered her claws back to her sides. He honestly would've felt more attunement for the boys plight if he had just been smart enough to shut his mouth before uttering the word- "Excuse"... Regardless though, there would be explaining that had to be done if Mareek came back to find the scene like this. Might as well start firing up the Psybeams...

* * * * * *


The plastic was hard and uncomfortable on his rear. That was the first thought to enter the ground type's mind as sound and light gradually filtered back into the darkness. The weight of his club shifted beside him as he shook his head, trying to further clear the fog of unconsciousness. And as soon as he tried to reach for it, he regretted it as pure fire burned in every one of his tiny muscles. Java was in the air nearby, watching the match... the same match. So he couldn't have been out long...

Erce's drawn out hiss drew his already faltering gaze to the wall directly opposite him. there was no eye contact as she slouched there, the strange patterned cloth hanging from one scythe as the Metal Coat sat balanced on the flat of the other. Her eyes were only trained on the reflective glint... "Cube?" He got no answer. "Cue...?" Nothing.

whatever was going on in her mind... he had the feeling she wasn't quite all there...


"Hmm...ya, very good, very good... good teeth, nice and sharp claws... yes, you'll do fine. Now, what have we here? Oh...no no no no no... It will cause nothing but issues if a patron were to receive a runt for a prize by some freak accident...sad, but true, ya... get him out of my sight, my dear Mario."

She could still feel the sting and heat of the blast to this day... the feeling of her arms and legs turning about as useful as stone. If she hadn't been so complacent, if she had listened to what her instinct had told her, keep him away... just for once tell her naive little boy no, you can't play with the humans...No, I don't like the feeling of those Humans... No, I'm worried about you- stay where you are. It mattered not how it would've been delivered.. No was all it would've taken... No could've saved him. She could've saved him... mama could've saved him, but she hadn't.

"Hans, you alright there? Looked like she got you deep..."

"yes, yes, yes yes... i'm fine, I'm fine, stop your dabbing! It's just a flesh wound, I assure you... besides, it only goes to show how peak of a specimen the mother is, able to do this so quickly... but I must thank you for the assist there."

"If you say so, whatever then. Here though... that paralysis won't hold forever- should probably get her in a capsule before the thing recovers and tries to take another crack at you..."

She shook her head violently as the voices echoed yet again in those shattered, harsh glints of memory, casting the metal coat to the floor along with the cloth before glaring at Nemo... and then at nothing as she turned to the wall. Tch, how dare that little shit... an Excuse? a fucking excuse? Her not going out there when she Knew the Jolteon was already on it was no fucking excuse, arceus damn it... that fox was just as capable if not moreso than her of keeping him out of harm... she would not have simply stayed here if she was not 150% confident in that simple fact. And Joltara had been looking over the boy protector since long before she ever came along- so there was obviously something to the fact of a track record. And... damn it... as much as he reminded her so much of her own, she had needed to accept the fact that he was not... that he already had one, and then another to boot who was just as ferocious... and that she'd simply have to settle with being the third. But third... yes, even dreaded third, was better than not at all. And at least when the first two were not around- she could pretend she was first... pretend like he was hers, just in the back of her mind, even if for a few hours only...that pain could just go away.

Erce gave one long, menacing hiss over her shoulder at the impudent little ground type, snapping viciously. The fool knew absolutely nothing of anything he had profaned to yell at her about.

And another thing, he may have made an oath, and that was fine and dandy, but until he was old enough- strong enough, to not be blown around like a ragdoll by her, he had best remember his place.

Remember who here was Mareek's Warden, the Boy's Sentinel, and who here was just the charity case Mareek had decided to take in because he felt sorry for.




"Erce? Java? Nemo? What the hell happened in here?" And who else but the topic walked in? "Java, start talking- he didn't do that to himself..." He glanced to the shining glint on the floor. "...what is that?"

"Erce had to restrain him because he refused to listen to reason...and a bit of force had to be used." was all Java said to the trainer, earning him a surprised glance from the Warden. In Erce's defense afterall, the orphan had begun to get rather uppity... she was just cooling his jets. Quite honestly, in his mind the kid had gotten what had deserved- it was a bad idea to go challenging the mantis... "He's fine though, I assure you, nothing to worry about... just give him a few sitrus berries...maybe a revive while your at it..." He turned, drawing the item in question over with a psybeam and chucking it into the boy's hands... "As for what this is..." Mareek's eyes widened in realization. Java saw no need to go on.

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{Jacob, Danielle, and Sawsbuck)

Jacob met the Sawsbuck's gaze until it softened, his respect for the Pokemon having grown to new heights. The Sawsbuck was determined to protect its family no matter what, and that was an idea the young Trainer could get behind. "Sawsbuck, we think that bad people are going to show up at the school soon. We don't know who they are, but they're trying to take something from the Academy. We just wanted to warn you so that you can make sure none of the Pokemon in the forest get captured and forced to work with bad people."

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"You can try, but good luck," responded Henry. "Knowing him, he probably found some kind of machine...found him." Henry heard the voice over the intercom sound a bit bizarre and high pitched. "Oh Arceus why him of all people." Henry gave a quick sigh trying to figure out how he'd even get over there to the hosts. "Well, I guess we better start heading that way."


While Brand was looking into his mike, Techie decided it might be fun to give the man a bit of a scare. He shot out of the mike phase to phase at the curious man still with a big grin on his face.

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{Jacob, Danielle and Sawsbuck}

Danielle sighed with relief when Sawsbuck finally lowered his stern gaze; she was honestly afraid that he would kick her out after that embarrassing display of admiration. The coordinator then listened as Jacob explained the situation before she turned to give a more natural bow to Sawsbuck. "What my friend says is true; we already know that these bad people have already made contact with one of our classmates. I think it's only a matter of time before they showed their true colors, but we just don't know when."

At this point, Zared growled to confirm the humans' suspicions, for he was the one who spoke to a captured Pokemon that was given to the said classmate. Based on the information that the Skarmory - for that was the captured Pokemon - had told him, the Mawile believes that these people are more than just ordinary poachers. Corona screeched, agreeing to Zared's point. The bird was given to a very mean human boy too, so she wouldn't be surprised if he started to hurt them.

Avis called out to calm the riled duo; they here to warn Sawsbuck about the potential danger, not deliver a story. Although, she will admit to the Prince, what her teammates said is true. The Murkrow then informed the leader that she has given the full account of the situation to a murder of native Murkrows, should he wish to investigate further. In her humble opinion, it would be wise to obtain more information about any suspicious activities as quick as possible.

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And there and then, Raiza realized why orders for Rotom were so rare. Sure, she understood that they were one of the most mischievous of the Ghost types, given their ability to phase into and control electronic objects. The problem was that they were also one of the most difficult to control as a result-- which wasn't uncommon with Ghosts at all, but Rotom seemed to, as the Trainer observed with Henry and his new friend, take a while to tame. "No time to waste, then!" said the dark-blue-haired girl. "I could have Rogue slow Techie down with Icy Wind once we get close enough, if he tries to run away."

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Long overdue post is long overdue.

This time, Delilah saw it coming a mile away. But because of her lowered defenses, she wasn't able to get away in time, taking the Metal Claw to the face and sliding backwards into the electric wall. There was a flash of horror in her eyes before she realized it wasn't affecting her. Ryan couldn't help but giggle at how simple headed Delilah was. I really need to teach her some things. Hope she still remembers our code words. "Blinding Assault!" Delilah looked confused for a moment before remembering the maneuver they had worked on. Delilah began rubbing her feet against the ground before breaking out into a charge towards Kiai. However, it wasn't the charge that was intimidating, but what came next. Her tusks became encased in ice and suddenly two ice shards shot out of them, heading directly for Kiai's eyes.

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Without even waiting for an order after he saw the incoming Ice Shards, he'd used his arm to block his face as he kept his ground. The downside being that this left his body open to whatever Attack the Donphan ran in with.

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Once again, Delilah was too oblivious to see the obvious opening. Ryan did, however. "Get him to the fence!" Delilah didn't hesitate this time. She did know for a fact that getting Kiai against the fence was always her priority. She ran closer to Kiai before slamming her trunk towards Kiai, hoping to send him towards the fence.

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Getting flung again by the force of the trunk, Kiai yet again hit the fence and got shocked, landing to his knees. "Kiai..." Before he could finish, the Lucario fell from his knees to the ground, to worn out to continue. As such, Robert returned Kiai as he pretty much spoke to himself. "You did great Kiai, that's all I could ask for really. Enjoy your rest."

As he put the ball away, Robert looked up and kept a smile. "Well, guess that's how things go. Good luck in the next round Ryan." He left the arena with a smile still on his face, feeling sure that they gave it all they could.

-Parents (Stands)-

"Well then, seems that's the end for his battles then. Was hoping we'd get to see him go further through the whole event." While still in his usually cheerful tone, his more negative expression spoke for itself. Nikki herself looked like she had been squished down, sad for the rest of her team's loss. Akako, however, had a face that exuded pride.

"You really need to cheer up, y'know. Yeah, he lost, but you act like he was just flattened out there. He never gave up and neither did Kiai, and it showed that is wasn't one-sided. Win or loss, he did well."

"Well yes, he did do well even though he lost. And that's the outlook of a Gym trainer, Eh? Well I can't argue with that logic then, miss 'Battle Expert'." With a laugh from his ending joke to prove it was only a joke, he put on the same proud smile as he looked down, watching as Robert exited.

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Ryan would have ran up to Delilah to hug her had there not been an electric fence blocking his way. Instead, he returned Delilah to her pokeball and left the field with a conflicted look. I hate having to defeat people like that some times. I mean, how would I have felt to be knocked out from this tournament already? I probably wouldn't be all too happy. I guess this is just one of the unfortunate parts of being a trainer. Perhaps I should just take a walk, and clear my head with some fresh air. Instead of returning to the waiting room, Ryan left and made his way over to the forest, where a small pokemon watched as he entered.

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Jory and DarkLight

Sawsbuck fiercly tore with his hoof through the ground. Humans threatening his forest? Fools! He then turned his attention directly to Corona and demanded more information about this mean boy.


“Did I say something wrong?” Tyron asked surprised. He watched over his shoulder to Lana, who kept silent. Somehow she had to warn Raiza...

Commander (Techie)

Brand was startled by Techie's sudden appearance but recovered quickly. Completely sidetracked, and missing the last part of the ongoing battle, he started to study the Ghost type. “A Rotom? Interesting... where did you come from?”

Hosts (Faust and Azery)

Since Brand was being occupied with Techie, Redwood announced the next field. “Wind field. To make a long explanation short, I suggest we wait for the field to appear.”

The mechanism did its work again and a few minutes later a normal looking battlefield appeared, except for the wind turbines at each of the four corners and some weird spirals on the ground.

“Now each of those four turbines will activate the moment you push that big red button they all have. However, those spirals in the ground aren't there for show.” Right at that moment a loud noise came from under the field and both Mareek and James could hear and feel the wind blowing through. “Right now the wind there blows clockwise. After a certain amount of time the wind will change and blow in the opposite direction. The four turbines are there to make it harder or easier depending on how you use them. Be aware; only one powerful jet of wind will blow in a straight line. That means from the corner of the field to the middle. Only a Pokémon can activate them by using a move on it.

“I hope all is clear? If so, James and Mareek can start their battle!”

((The Turbines activate when you post one of your moves hit it. The spirals on the ground start blowing in the opposite direction every third post so keep count.))

Plot (Kenny's Death)

As Ringleader and his goons left Kenny behind, the boy released his Zorua and Lucario. He started talking to them about what just transpired when they heard a Zubat fly over and a voice whispering. Kenny immediately instructed his Zorua to cover the trio by using an illusion and snuck closer. Somehow this whispering was really unsettling.

“Mission clear. Galen was notified. What to do with Reeves?”

Inform him as well. We can't afford lose ends with Devin Cadmus on our case. We were lucky you found out almost immediately so we still have the advantage.”

“Roger. I'll take care of it. Anything else?”

How's Redwood's research going? Has he made progress?”

“Yes, he's been studying Sycamore's theories. The man's research proved to be very accurate.”

We already possess all of his original theories and documents. We need something new.”

“Why don't you let me talk then? I was getting to that part. Sycamore got a lot further. I managed to get a decent look at the files, but I haven't copied them yet. Redwood is still making marks and writing down his own theories. At this rate it should be complete when our forces arrive. Also he may have found new species that are able to Mega Evolve. I'm pretty sure he discovered a Mega Stone that isn't in Sycamore's files. Unfortunately he doesn't know what species it belongs to nor does he has the second stone.

That's actually good news. I'll make sure to notify Doc. Anything else to report? Any problems we should be aware off?”

“A small one just occurred. It's nothing I can't handle. Over and out.”

And before Kenny knew it, or could even react, a Weavile was standing in front of him. “Do it!” was all he heard before the dark type slashed him apart and his body fell on the ground. Blood quickly surrounded the lifeless body of the student. The Weavile then turned his attention to Kenny's Pokémon and swiftly knocked them out.

A few minutes later there was no trail to be found. Kenny and his Pokémon had disappeared into nothing. Not even his family or their Herdiers were able to find the smallest clue.

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"I've gotta go now,it's time for my battle"James said as he heard Proffesor Redwood announce his name. His cousin nodded and wished him good luck before walking over to the stands,he needed to eat something and he could watch the match there anyways.

"Well then I believe this would be a good point to begin...Shade let's do this"James said to Mareek after walking onto the field and throwing out his least used pokeball;he didnt usually have Shade in his ball but they might aswell try out the seals James put on it. The Duskull was released in a small gust of wind and floated over to an open space on the field.

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  • Support Squad


After some time swimming and exploring within the luminous waters of the cave, Claude noticed something about a few of the Starmies. Whenever he or one of his pokemon swam nearby, a few of them would change colour. As Claude swam lower the Starmie grew bigger and their lights brighter. Claude marveled at their lights and beautiful gems until he ran out of breath and rushed to the surface where there was precious few staryu scattered about.

Only one speck of light, a slip of a pokemon, emitted any light.

Claude swam towards this faint pinpoint of light, the tiny sparkle just a few meters away from the edge of shore. There he found, as he had guessed, a Staryu. However, this Staryu was remarkably smaller than the others and when Claude looked closer at the submerged pokemon he noticed that the gem that emitted the light that drew him in wasn't circular like most of the other Staryu. This gem looked like it had been sliced at, the rough edges forming a triangle.

Claude moved forward, he got close enough to see part of his reflection within the red gem before it began to flash. Claude immediately closed his eyes, expecting to be blinded. When he opened his eyes though he found that the light was only a feeble flickering, like before. However, like many of the Staryu deeper in the lake, Staryus colouring now resembled... Claude. The bottom of the Staryu had a tinge of pink, the same colour as Claudes T-shirt that he had not bothered to get out of. The Staryus mid-section resembled Claudes light skin colouring and even the tip of the Star had the exact same colouring of Claudes hair. Claude let out a few bubbles of air as he giggled involuntarily. That finally pressed his growing need for air over the edge and he swam back to the surface to find a worried Colere staring at where he had submerged again. She was naturally quite reluctant to enter the water. Her rock type instincts just warned her against it, or so Claude assumed. Lancelot had remained above water as well but Doux had joined Claude down below. Claude could even see the incredibly wet Doux surfacing after him and what looked like a now green and white Star was chasing after.

Wait, what?

The Staryu burst from the waters surface, propelling itself by spinning and sending a rush of bubbles behind it. The light from below sparkled off of the bubbles and for a split second, the image of a green and white star soaring through a night sky with a sparkling trail was clear to see. Claude was, for what felt like the thousandth time, awed. This lake was full of wonder. And a small part of Claude wanted to take a part back. For the first time, Claude wanted to catch a pokemon. Doux, Claude had found more than caught. Lancelot was a gift from the academy and Colere... Colere was a happy accident. Claude had never actually felt the desire to capture a pokemon.

The coordinator swam over to the shore near to where Colere and the Staryu were staring. Again, the staryus colouring was changed. It now bore a similar colour to Coleres hide and when it turned to look at the approaching Lancelot it took on a metallic sheen to match Lancelots armour. It didn't seem violent, hell, it was just curious. Claude thought for a second and quickly went over to where Colere had been guarding his valuables. He quickly grabbed a spare pokeball he always carried in case one of the others broke and his pokedex.

Claude walked slowly over to the staryu, he didn't want to starte it. Claude gave no commands to his pokemon and they made no moves either, even if Lancelot looked ready to punt the little star back into the watery depths from whence it came. Cllaude quatted and turned the pokedex on and began selecting a few pokemon and then turned the screen to the Staryu when it displayed the pokemon. The Staryus body changed again. First to the pale violet of an Espeons fur, then the chocolate brown of a Sentret, next the bright red sheen of a Scizors armour. The Staryu made no move at all, the only way you could tell it was a living being was it's rapid colour changes.

Eventually Claude closed his Pokedex and the Staryu took on the same bright pink colour of Claudes wet clothing. Claude thought he might have figured what was going on with this Staryu. "You really like seeing other pokemon huh?" No response. only the continued staring at Claude was any indication of where it's attention was. "Well, if you come with me, you could see plenty of other pokemon, kinds you'd never see in this lake. Does that sound good?" Again, no response. Now, Claude put the pokeball onto the floor with the button facing up, although he took a few moments to make sure it would stay still. "If you want to go with me, great. But I wn't force you. Just press that butt-" Before Claude even had a chance to finish the Staryu flopped its whole body onto the pokeball, enveloping it as the customary red light enveloped the Staryu. Three quick shakes and it was done. "Well, you're an enthusiastic one..." Claude mumbled. He released the Staryu from his new home so he could say goodbye to his old one. "We can always come back if you want" Claude tried to promise the Staryu but it remained as stoic as it had beforehand.

Claude checked the time and realised he had been gone for quite a while. "Right then everybody, I think it's time we made our way back. Let's be gone." Claude said once he was dried. Doux, Lanceot and Colere started to go off and Claude went to follow when he saw the Staryu was standing on the shore. He was about to call out to the new team member when the gem shone once more, no stronger than before but still a clear message. It was saying goodbye.

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{{Mareek V James}}

"Hmph..." Mareek muttered on the opposite side of the field, not bothering to pay any mind to the ghost trainer or what he said. The glossy white sphere of Java's ball held firm in his hand as he looked over the arena, right next to his mouth for some reason... "Change of plans, Java... I have a feeling we're going to have to work together to get through this." unlike usual, there was no response from the Strategist... but the boy knew full well the program was listening. "Let's play the waiting game here- put your ability to actual use for once...and let's try to keep the converting to a minimum for now."

Without another word, the red head finished his strange whispering and cast the sphere high into the air. Out from it's gaping maw emerged a single burst of crimson. Nothing fancy, nothing flamboyant or grandiose or awe inspiringly cheesy... nothing to signify the arrival of the Computer Program onto the field as anything special. I can never understand why people would bother wasting money on seals like that... not like they help you- not like they give you any advantage what so ever where it actually counts... Guess it's kinda like what Sensei Miyaki always says in a way- Competition makes you a fool...

"Go on..." He called across the field, hand stowing the capsule back into his pocket as he caught the white and scarlet device in a single fluid motion. Java did nothing, simply hovered there, staring down his foe... "You might as well just go and do whatever you're going to do." So that we can burn it right to the ground, that is...

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((Mareek vs James))

As soon as the Cyber Space pokemon appeared,Shade started looking around the field and noticed that besides the turbines and the spirals on the field the battle field was rather normal. The specter decided that he'd come back to those later and first use his own moves before resorting to those. The Duskull sank into his shadow and started to make his way towards the floating Duck. When he neared the floating computer duck,Shade got out of the shadows and 6 flames appeared around him before darting towards the Porygon-2.

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Mareek v James

"Java. Do it." The program needed not be told twice, his whole body blazing with gold as he finished his analysis, knowing full well what to do for maximum power output. The air began to crackle and fry all around. Without even bothering to look, tendrils of electricity burst in every possible direction around the Strategist, arcing and snapping as they lapped up the ozone, leaving nothing behind but the faint scent of burnt chemical as they collided with the half a dozen small flares, each destroyed in it's on tiny plume of smoke that did not draw breath long before being strangled by the currents around.

Java again simply stared at the Ghost, and at Mareek's nod, his eye's blazed the same scarlet (Lock-On) he had entered the battle field with, Shade's entire body glowing a similiar hue before it faded to nothing... the Strategist's unyeilding focus on the ghost seemed near ominous though... those soulless eyes, simple eyes gazing so determinedly...

"Too bad..." Mareek sighed. "Try it again?" That's right... do it again...go on. We have you now. And next time we'll be even faster responding...

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