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Pokémon Academy: Ch 3: Winter Cup [IC]


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Henry continued heading towards the exit, but Rosie picked up Raiza's dad's last line and froze there. She knew that meant trouble for the girl and she rubbed against her master pointing back at the scene. "It's none of our business and it's probably better this way. I've been around Raiza a little bit too much lately," he simply replied. These words made Paradox halt and revolt. She pulled on Henry's pant leg trying to drag him back to the girl. "No means no." The little suddenly looked like she was about to cry which finally got to her trainer. "Fine. But only this one time." He turned back making his way over to the little group.

"Good evening, Mr. Marson I presume." Henry gestured in a polite manner. It felt really weird and a bit unnatural to be this nice and formal. "We had a few exciting fights this round and I'm sure you're happy Raiza made it into the top 8, even further than I did. That's quite an accomplishment especially when she had to face off with that huge disadvantage. Not very many people, myself included, could be put into a situation and manage to pull off a victory. I'm sure you're quite proud of her battling skills." Henry honestly had no idea what was going on, but changing up the subject was the only idea he had in mind.

Rosie had a different objective. Being the only one of the six who knew the situation, she looked over Raiza. Instead of giving her a cheerful and energetic expression, she looked at her with a bit of a frown on her face. She turned her head back to Raiza's father and then back to her. She knew that the truth had to come out and knew what was going to happen. She'd been with Henry's father during those first few months at school and witnessed a completely different side of him...one Henry knew little about. If her father was anything like his, perhaps this might be the best time as any to admit the truth. Raiza didn't know any of that though. All Rosie could do is look back at Raiza hoping something could get through.

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They'd pressed a little further in by the time he gave the signal to stop. Far enough from campus that nothing they'd be practicing would likely to be seen by eavesdroppers, yet close enough to where the trip back wouldn't take more than a couple minutes at most... running away at top speed, that is. Their training ground for the time being was nothing more than a small clearing mostly devoid of any vegetation aside from a few stray strands of grasses that had been to stubborn to give into starvation and die from the darkness cast by the tall oaks encircling their home. All things considered, Mareek felt it better to practice in the mock darkness; for Nemo would be able to see Java's instrcutions with the lightning far better than if they were to begin in unbridled daylight. Speaking of which...

"Java," The boy said, turning his eyes away from the dense canopy overhead and onto the two partners. "Has he agreed to it?"

"Indeed he has..." The strategist responded. Mareek could hear the lace of "I told you so" as he went on however. "In fact... he's eager, learning quicker than I expected..."


Nemo nodded at the Normal types evalutation, holding out a palm before his trainer and concentrating with all his tiny mental might. It had been difficult on the first couple dozen of tries during the walk, but now he was finally starting to understand Java's teachings a bit better. It wasn't much different from how he called up Ancient Power to be honest- Both conjuring up that energy, and the electricity to wield into thunder punch- they both required a clear idea of what he wanted to do- visualization and conviction. He had to focus, concentrate... see the power gathering at his finger tips, pull it in closer and make it greater...imagine the scent of the burning ozone, the tingle of the current, the...

a small, golden glow began to emanate in his fist. a crack and a pop, a snap. A bit of that strange scent began to rise as a few precious sparks leaped and streaked around his arm. Java had truly been 100% right about it. It was all just a thing of mind over matter. Even though it was a bit dim compared to his lightning-mentor's capabilities, and the surges small... he had still done it. He had still conjured thunder, even if it currently would probably do nothing more than paralyze a foe like Thunder Wave, he had still learned the secret to it.

"Well... you proved me wrong then, Java," Mareek said, nodding at the orphan as he killed the sparks, then called them back, and killed them again... "You two keep working on it then. Afterwards we'll do some work for ancient power."

Both the Strategist and the Swordsman nodded, and with another glow of discharge, Java returned to his role of instructor, and Nemo as the apprentice.


So... that was how they worked, was it? This boy was their commander of sorts, and they nothing more than mere followers? No... it could not be this way- mayhaps for the Cubone and Computer entity, but the Scyther, it was impossible for it to be the same case... her feeling was too senior, too protective- and yet she did not domineer over the other three beings. She let the boy do it... why?

A crack, the sound of something cursing under their... no, her, breath. Sebastian turned about slowly, eyes blazing those eery teal as he homed in on the being foolish enough to eavesdrop on him eavesdropping. Blur fur, black mask, small stature, crimson eyes...

A Riolu. fighting type... perfect, at least this pest would be easy to handle. Sebastian moved himself closer, the fighting type backed away. He could only imagine what she might be sensing right now. Perhaps she was scared. Perhaps she was going to fight. Perhaps she was pissing herself as she picked up on all the things he was thinking of doing to her. Snapped neck, crushed organsd, force choke, break the back... perhaps impalement. Yes, there much he could do with telekinesis... oh so much.

But... he had work to do. Time was not a readily available commodity, and the less he wasted on this little aura-sensitve, spying bitch here, the more time he would have to watch the boy. That left but one course- cut off the head, and let nature take it's course.

"You should've hid in the shade...jackal" He communicated into his victims mind, the air rippling and blurring in shimmers as pure telekinetic force began to congeal and solidify...

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Liona continued swimming around in the small river occasionally letting an orb of water go up into the air and spraying herself even more with it,the water was endless and it was her favourite environment..oh how she longed to go out to sea but for now this would do,especially since if she went further upstream she'd come up a large lake blanketed by a cavern where more water types lived. Sometimes she did wonder why her line wasnt a Water/Dragon type.

The eyes that stared at them from a distance were blank but they seemed to be plotting something before they went back under the water,unknown to them however,they were spotted by Tytaniel who had attached himself to one of the trees with a pin missile like a Pineco which was ironic as he had a similar shape to one. But he was still looking out for the red scaled creature,who knew what the fish might pull....

Suddenly a tug on the line alerted James to the presence of the fish and he hauled it up only to find the most common water type and weakest water type in the world;Magikarp. They were notorious for being scammed to new trainers before the trainer's license thing got started and even now they still did. It didnt mean that he disliked the creatures though far from it.his own father had owned the water types evolved form;the mighty Gyarados. A creature feared all over Kanto and once a long time ago revered as a deity among the likes of Articuno and Zapdos.

What happened after he hauled the red scaled fish up was rather surprising though,the fish bounced up and slammed it's tail across James's face before diving back into the lake in an expression similar to a laugh before getting bombed by a gold glowing orb smashing into him throwing him up into the air,courtesy of Tytaniel who had thrown himself near the ebony haired trainer. "That's it,Liona thunder wave it and bring it over here!"A few small glowing strands started to emit from the Dratini's lump which would become a horn once it evolved and went towards the Magikarp that was still in the air,but somehow the fish turned out of the way of the move and came down surrounded in a blue glow and slammed into the Dratini which created a rather large splash.

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"Ah, have me met before, senorito? But that is very true; mi unica hija, she is my pride and joy." Gregorio turned his brown eyes, strikingly just like his daughter's, towards the boy who approached. "Ah, papa, this is my friend, Henry Baldwin," Raiza said, breaking free from her dad's embrace, grateful for the distraction, and puzzled by Henry's sudden change in demeanor. "He's in the Coordinator program, but is one of the most clever and brilliant people out there. He's just really modest about it." The girl said that with a quirky half-smile, masking her confusion, all the more when she caught Rosie's wide eyes... The Delcatty looked uncharacteristically saddened for some reason as she seemed to look past Raiza-- at her father?-- then to her, repeatedly. How did Henry's Pokemon know about her predicament...? Or was it all in her imagination?

The Ghost-Fire type had stopped tugging at his Trainer's father and settled down-- well, by hovering by Raiza's shoulder as usual. His yellow eyes had caught sight of the Delcatty looking melancholic and nodding at Raiza. Then, there was the familiar human-- Henry, he remembered now, more clearly than earlier-- acting rather... Off. His mannerisms didn't coincide with the scent and taste of his soul. Perhaps, were he and his Pokemon trying to help his Trainer, after all? Looking at her, he noticed a rather distant look in her mocha brown eyes as they met with the feline Pokemon's. Raiza's shoulders rose then sagged as she sighed.

"Papa... Ah..." she scratched her head, and held the little Ghost-Fire type in her arms, fidgeting and shifting her weight from one foot to another-- her body language conveyed what her near-blank facial expression didn't. "... Listen, papa, I love you and mom. You know that, right? And I want to make you guys proud. But... But okay, here it is. You didn't mishear Mister Tyron," she said, scratching out the filler words that would elongate what felt like her confession unnecessarily. The way her father looked at her, stoic-- that must've been where she got it from, that poker face-- and listened quietly did nothing to soothe her nerves. "Before mama sent the papers off, I snuck around and... Changed what was written. And... applied for the Trainer program instead of the Breeder program, like you both wanted me to." It came out forced, so her voice broke a little bit on the way. "Sorry, papa. I've-- I'll tell mom later, I've-- I think it's my turn to-- yeah, I think it's my turn to-- yeah," Raiza stammered suddenly, looking up, the facade broken, her eyes wide and... Showing how vulnerable she looked and felt. Like, to use the cliche, a Deerling caught in the headlights of a car. It would've been the first time Henry witnessed the girl like that; her father, who still stayed quiet, only opening his mouth and reaching his hand out to hold Raiza again, knew very well how his daughter acted when she was guilty. "Wait, Raiza--" "No no, I'll-- I'm going now--" From backing away, Raiza spun on her heels and fled, leaving Gregorio, hand outstretched at this point, and Seraphine staring after her Trainer's daughter with a sad knowing look. She'd actually seen it coming all along, but there was no way for her to have told Gregorio. Surely things would work out later on.

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The Roselia was infuriated to see Doux reflect her spores back at her. The nerve of that dastardly pokemon! He must not know how to treat a true lady. The Roselia thrust her tongue out at Doux and gave him the greatest semblance to a stink-eye.

Ryan looked at the Roselia and seemed nothing but a little fed up with her. "Roselia, I think you need an attitude adjustment, and I know just how to give it to you." Ryan walked slowly towards the Roselia and released Feroces. The Luxio gave out a threatening huff, prepared for battle.

The Roselia saw this battle proclamation differently. Now what a magnificently handsome creature we have here! MEOW! I'm sure he knows how to treat a lady like me. A little too enthusiastic, the Roselia ran over to Feroces and wrapped her arms around his leg while he stared down, utterly confused. He turned his head back to Ryan with a face that almost looked disgusted.

Ryan couldn't help but chuckle at how hilariously awkward the situation had become. Because he felt the need to show Feroces mercy, he prepared an empty pokeball and lightly tossed it to the Roselia. She quickly shot Ryan an angry look in the instance before she was absorbed, obviously irritated that he had interrupted the "bonding" between the two pokemon. However, it seemed as if she had no quarrels with staying, as it wasn't long before the ball clicked and released a spark, indicating the Roselia was caught. "I think I'll call you Chloe." Ryan smiled at the ball and returned Feroces to his. He then looked at his watch and noticed that by now, the last battle should have ended. Shoot, I have to go find Phoebe! Ryan looked back to his friends and waved to his friends. "Sorry I must leave so soon, but I have an important meeting to attend!" With that, he made his way back to the Academy.

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Rosie wanted to run after Raiza after seeing that. She would've too if Henry didn't place his cane in front of her. "No, Rosie. You know better than to get involved. This is none of our business." The Delcatty wasn't happy with the thought, but loyalty came first so she complied. The coordinator then turned to Raiza's father. "Sorry for leaving especially with things like this, but I don't get involved in family issues. I barely can even withstand my own family." The boy reverted back to his old ways which made him feel better. He turned this time making his way to the healing center. He had forgotten to heal his own Pokemon after the mess of events.

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"So this is what she was talking about last night..." Said Mareek, back against the trunk of tall oak as he unwrapped the bundle of patterned cloth yet again. The silver surface glittered with the flashes of yellow and gold as Java and Nemo continued to practice nearby- the practice now having moved into full on combat, instructor firing off Discharge after discharge and Apprentice absorbing them all before conjuring his own bout and channeling it into bone rush...

Mareek looked up at Erce, The Mantis' nod confirming his suspicions. "A metal coat then... I should've known when she said you'd like it especially. So... about this, now that we... have it and everything..." Erce accepted the silvery case of film from his outstretched palm, staring back at the warped reflection of the bug type looking into her own eyes. There was nothing to think about now. Nothing to consider still, nothing to debate. If the Coat would make her stronger in the end... then with that power...

She nodded, giving the boy back the cylinder and watching as he re-wrapped it. "Alright then... if that's what you wan-" The ground shook for the slightest of moments. The sound of bark snapping and the impact of wood on hard packed earth like an explosion. Leafs tumbled down from the canopy, and with them various flying types panicked and took to the skies. Nemo lost his focus and with it, his usually sure footing and ended up face first in the soil instead of following through with an over head strike at Java. The glow of the electricity faded from his sword and tiny fists as he pushed himself back to his feet, looking around for the source of the tremor and the boom. All he found though was Java and Erce both assembling at Mareek's side, all three staring off into the direction of origin.

"Java," The boy said, taking a step back as Erce's scythes blazed a bold green, a slight haze beginning to gather around them in the dim light. "can you pick up on anything?"

"A single life form... from the sound of the blast and duration of the tremor, it wasn't more than a dozen or so meters away." Erce didn't bother waiting to hear anymore- she had her target and an ETA... "Wait, both of you!" Java protested when the boy began to creep along behind her "Whatever it is... it's not moving- I can only lock on to half the actual form... which means..."

"It's either been cut in half or it's pinned under whatever tree fell..." They pressed further on, Java leading the way. Every last one of their jaws collectively dropped when the scene opened up before them.

The area was rocky and barren. The soil was yet still torn to shreds and roots scattered about the place, some hanging from the canopy by nothing more than a defiance of gravity, some floating motionless at face level along with stone and bark and various leaves. The air was calm, still... dead, yet all the while, rippled with some unnatural force, some power that made even Java's skin crawl as the Strategist winced and back away. Though the waning light shined through fresh wounds in the embattled canopy, the entire area was just as dark as the clearing had been.

"What is this feeling? Damn it... it's like back then all over again... back then with him." "What's that over there?" Mareek asked, trying to distract himself from how much he wanted to just reach out and strangle one of them, the urge to just do it building up in the back of his mind, bit by bit, like a dam at full capacity, about to blow. The other three looked over, barely catching the shining glint of teal before whatever caused it retreated faster than they could react, streaking out of the darkness and then into nothing entirely. Then the clearing lightened. The haze faded, the rippling faded and the captive objects soon fell back into their previous motions as Nature intended, Stone and rock and earth flying and pelting all of them, though Java defended them from the worst of it with an analytic, telekinetic blast of his own.

Nemo spotted something once he unclenched his eyes, feeling the debris suddenly stop as the frozen blast force ended and the horrible feeling growing stagnant in the atmosphere blew out in a dark wind. Something lay on the ground in a small crater. So a tree had fallen after all.. or at least a section of one... but what he was most concerned about was the black and blue and... crimson coated figure lying motionless beneath.

"CUBE!!" he shouted, hopping up from the ground and accentuating with his tiny club at the fallen creature... only to notice his trainer stooped, hands near his neck for some reason.. really close. Why was he looking at him like that...? And Erce... why did she look so distant? Like she wasn't even here... "cube? Cubone!?" He whacked away the boy's hands, snapping him back to reality, and Erce got the same treatment- couldn't have her just standing there like a statue when crazy shit was happening, now could he?

"Wha...what? what was I....?" Mareek looked down, pulling his hands back to his side and rising to full height. "What happened? All that crap was floating in the air one minute and then... nothing..." "Good god... what the hell happened? Nemo, was I going to... no, no...why would I have... even thought about it..." Java could tell plain as day there was something bothering his partner, even if he didn't want to say it outright... though it was curious as to why him and Erce had seemed to be affected, but yet not himself or Nemo... at least not to the same degree as spacing out. He simply gazed at the figure himself now.

"Cube!" again Nemo pointed to the small crater, tugging his trainer over to the rim with a surprising amount of strength for one so small. "Cube Cubone!"

"Oh shit..." He turned to Java, not even having to give the order as he gingerly removed the fighting type from beneath the wreckage of wood and dirt, scrambling away before Java let it slam back down to the barren, psychically scared path of earth. The blood, the wounds, the mangled limbs... it was all so bad that he damn near thought it was dead before Java pointed out the fact that it's chest still rose and fell.

"What do we do...? Surely, with these injuries... it will die long before we can get it medical attention..."

"No she won't..." Mareek produced a single empty premier ball from his jacket, staring down at the young jackal's pained face only for a moment. "Not in here, at least... though it'll only slow it down..." With a tap on the forehead, the Riolu was engulfed in white and sucked inside the device. Three sakes in Mareek's hand, and not a bit of resistance on anyone of them- not that he expected she'd be able to break out in her condition anyway. "The power of whatever did this though... that feeling I got, how I was going for Nemo like that all of a sudden... It must've be an absolute monster to do... this. All for no reason, whatever that teal flash was..." "Lead the way back..." He ordered Java, keeping the capsule close. "And be damn quick about it..."

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When the Magikarp came back up,he was faced with a glare from Liona and James who moved closer to the fish. He was already wrapped up by the Dratini so being looked down upon like he was inferior to them angered him. The water type already got that from others in the group of fish like pokemon that lived upstream,all that just because he was a little magikarp...did they even know what he'd one day evolve into?

James's glare let up after a few seconds before he sat back down again. "Sorry if we went into your territory,I just needed some time to calm down after what happened just now...but why did did you slap me like that"James asked the water type who turned his head as if to point at Dratini before letting out a laugh to Liona's dismay. The Magikarp was similar to many others of its species in that they were looked down upon by pretty much every other species in the world,he did seem more determined unlike the dopey feel James got from most other ones,they'd be overtaken by rage once they evolved or so he had heard. Perhaps...perhaps it'd be better to catch the water type..he did need a water type even though Liona could move in water freely and use water type moves very easily.

The ebony haired trainer took out a spare Dive Ball he had bought a few weeks ago from one of his pockets and enlargened it. "Well,it's your choice whether you want to come with me or not..."James started but before he could finish,the Magikarp had jumped out of the water and made contact with the red and white orb before it was sucked in by a red flash-now that he thought about it,how DID the Pokeball work-. The fish came out of it's own will a few seconds later and bounced into the water.

Unlike James however,a certain Dragon was far from pleased at the fish's capture...how dare that infidel smack both her trainer and humiliate her by how he outplayed her......she could use shock wave on him,but it would most likely shock some of the other water types upstream.....she'd get her vengeance one day..maybe not now but soon...soon,She promised that on her pride as a dragon.

"Now....to think up a nickname for you.....how about..Leviathan,since you do evolve into a Mighty Sea Serpent?"The water type nodded vigorously at the suggestion for his name,it might not have been the name given to him by his parents but he liked the sound of it,one day when he was a Gyarados he'd truly live up to it.

A few minutes later James returned all of his pokemon besides Lumiere and started to walk further into the forest,coming across a grass type or two from time to time who were scared away by the Fire type walking beside him. After a while,he spotted Jacob and Danielle who seemed to be talking to a Sawsbuck along with his roomate,Ryan who was walking off. The Sawsbuck did seem much bigger than one of it's species usually was which interested him. He did like photography and drawing pokemon in their natural habitats,it was something he picked up from Mr. Fuji back in Lavender. Deciding that just standing there would do little good,he went up to them and greeted them. "Hey guys"

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{Jory, Danielle, Ryan and Claude}

Avis moved deftly out of the way of the spores as they proceeded to make their way over to Arete, settling onto Danielle's shoulder. And this is why she didn't even bother going over to the Roselia. That was the most obvious trick in the book! What a disappointment for the Murkrow; she expected something better from that grass type. Avis crowed a greeting to the floating ball of cotton; natural pranksters unite!

"Leave it to the flying types to dodge that easily." Danielle giggled as Doux blew away the Stun Spores. She then felt a tug on her leg. "What's up, Zared? You alright?" she asked, believing the tug to be from her Fairy type, only to come face to face with a Tyrunt. "O-Oh! Sorry about that mess up, Colere, or I believe it is you, considering a Cottonee is here too." She greeted sheepishly, giving a bow to the proud dragon. "May I ask where Claude is?"

While Danielle was preoccupied with the Tyrunt, Zared looked on at the Roselia spectacle, grimacing at the grass type’s display. Why Feroces didn’t kick her away from him was beyond his comprehension. Then again, since she seemed so smitten with the Luxio, maybe he could knock some sense into Chloe (as Ryan called her). He watched quietly as Ryan left abruptly after the capture and finally growled a question to his master. What’s the rush?

“He said something about a meeting.” Danielle replied to her Mawile after she waved goodbye to Ryan. She was just as surprised as Zared was at the abrupt departure. “I’m not going to lie, though, I’m curious about this. What about you, Jacob?”

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  • Support Squad

Forest peeps

Colere gave what was as close to a shrug as she could with her small shoulders when Danielle asked her question. From the distance some of the pokemon with heightened senses could hear the distant cry of shock as Claude accidentally sat on a Graveler that had decided to rest in the forest for once...

Doux chirped a greeting back at his fellow prankster Avis before swooping over to land on James head, making him into a comfortable seat.

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Forest Groupies

James noticed the Cottonee land on his head and laughed a bit,he'd seen enough of them in the forest and back in Unova to know that they were generally harmless. "Hey Doux,since you're here,I'm guessing Claude is around here huh?"James asked the poof ball as Shade came out of his pokeball and glanced towards the grass type before shrugging and floating around the area. He was still angered at how easily he was demolished by that Porygon-2...he'd have his vengeance one day. The duskull could feel the energy he set aside for feint attack changing with his thoughts,into something darker,something more along the lines of Payback. He liked the sound of that move....

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Evan (TurboAura, Faust, Commander, Zephyr)

Henry and Mareek both arrived almost simultaneously at the medic room. They could see Robert waiting for his Pokémon and not far from him was Evan talking to a little girl and a boy in a wheelchair. His Ninetales was being patted by the young girl and seemed to enjoy herself. Not even a minute later Raiza, who had been running around like a headless chicken, arrived by accident and bumped into Mareek and Henry. If all three of them plus Robert listened carefully, they could hear Evan's conversation.

“Are you sure?” Jaime asked.

“Yes, Nike doesn't even like to battle,” Evan replied, earning him an apologizing look from the Ninetales. “It's alright, you don't have to be sorry. I knew from the start you weren't into all that trainer stuff and were more suited for a coordinator. But since Lily really wants you, I'm relieved I found someone decent for you.”

Lily giggled. “Coordinators are better than Trainers!”

“Yeah yeah, just make sure you take care of two Pokémon. I don't want mom calling me and sending me that Ducklett because you're all fawning over Nike.”

“What do you have against that Ducklett?” Jaime asked. The amusement in his voice was obvious as he knew the reason but never told Evan he was aware.

“I stepped on it by accident and ever since I get sprayed with water whenever I'm close. I swear that thing hates me!” Luckily for Evan Lily wasn't paying attention anymore. She had no clue about her Ducklett's hate for Evan.

Jaime snorted. “That's what you deserve! But seriously, that new Pokémon should come in handy. How many do you have now? 6? I'm still counting Nike until after the tournament ends.”

“5,” Evan corrected him.

Jaime raised his eyebrow and started to count on his fingers. “Vaporeon, Clefairy, Ninetales, Skarmory, the new one and there's another one on your belt.”

“Oh uhm I'm keeping that one for my ex roommate. It's a Zubat he caught by accident but he forgot it when he was in a rush to go back to Hoenn. I'm still planning to send it to him but I can't seem to get in touch...”

Jaime snorted again. “That's because he's relieved he doesn't have to see your face every day!” After that the two boys got caught in a playful wrestle and didn't pay attention to anyone else in the room.

Forest (DarkLight, Azery, Jory, Dobby)

Sawsbuck scraped the ground again. Where were all these humans and their Pokémon coming from? Where they having a casual meeting in his forest? After those warnings the first two told him about he thought they had some decency but apparently he was wrong. He snorted to grab their attention and swung his head towards the exit of the forest. If there really were dangerous humans coming, who said these ones weren't involved? It was his responsibility to protect the forest and his herd so it was better to be cautious.


The Graveler chased Claude around for a while before he finally lost sight. The rock type grumbled and walked away in defeat. He didn't like this part of the forest anyway. There were too many water types at that stream and not to mention all those annoying grass types... Bugs he could deal with but grass and water types? No thank you.

It was Graveler's loss that he didn't bother checking the stream since that was where he could find Claude. The Coordinator was tired after all that running and had to take a rest. He could hear his own breathing and the sounds of Pokémon chirping and playing around. But if he listened closely he could hear something strange. Almost like someone was singing a song:

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Claude began to hum along with the faint song, he found it very soothing as he sat on the riverbed, trying to dry off for the second time that day. Lance looked around the area but made no move away from his trainer. He would simply wait. However, the Staryu had other ideas, it's curiously inexpressive form of curiosity was peaked and it started to make it's way towards the sound of the song. Claude, not trusting the Staryu to not get lost, got up wearily and followed along after the little star, towards the sound of the soft voice.

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{Jacob & Danielle}

Jacob nodded at the Sawsbuck, getting the hint. "I'm very curious. Let's go," he offered, beginning to walk out of the forest.

((Feel free to take them out of the forest.))

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Mareek paid no attention to the conversation or Baldwin or even Raiza as he pressed onward for the counter, Java now the only one still accompanying him. Whatever Reeves was talking about with the disabled fellow and the girl, he wasn't going to pry in or bother eavesdropping- Java's point still rang home even now in his head as he handed off the white and crimson... too crimson capsule to the nurse. He didn't even bother to wipe the blood off his hands before launching into the short version of things.

"I was practicing with my team and we found her like this...what, no, we didn't attack her, we found her like this when we got there... yes, We saw what did it, but it was barely a glance at best..." The nurses face was still a mask of skepticism as she looked the boy and his likely co-hort over... Blood on the hands, on his sleeves, on his chest... a Riolu beaten nearly to the point of death... and conveniently he claimed to not have seen whatever was the culprit. Again she repeated the same questions, threatening to call an administrator if she had to in order to get the truth... but before the boy could open his mouth to snap at such bull shit implications the pokedex flew out of his pocket as if by magic and landed on the counter top. Dark, dimly lit footage began to play on the screen, shot from a perspective that suggested the cameraman had been able to avoid the loose and treacherous ground and the debris in the torn apart area he filmed...

"I apologize then, young man..." She admited, seeing from Java's own perspective as the tree section was lifted with telekinetic force and Mareek scrambled down to free the jackal. Without another word, she turned to the healing machine and went to work... though Mareek could catch an occasional glimpse of the grim expression on her face...

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Forest Group

James sighed at Sawsbuck's hint,which was that they should get out of his forest for now,before looking up at Doux. "Do you need help finding Claude or would you be alright with going on your own?"James asked the Grass type,he was getting a bit comfortable at having it on it's head,the little fairy was like a fluffy hat of sorts.

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Doux & Colere

Doux didn't chirp in response. Instead he lifted off from his temporary piece of furniture as he started speaking. He let loose a scarce amount of stun spores as he did so and then launched off up high with Fairy wind, disappearing above the trees canopy so he could try and spot where Claude had gotten off to. However, Doux had frgotten entirely about Colere...

The Tyrunt snorted in annoyance as Doux rocketed away. Colere could hardly find Claude on her own, Tyrunts did not possess the same tracking skills as a Growlithe. Colere decided that it would be best to stick with Claudes friends for now. She yawned and trotted ahead of Danielle and Jacob, looking back every so often to wait for them.


Tyron had just bought a hearty meal of a foot-long ham, cheese, bacon and just-about-every-other-ingredient-he-could-think-of sandwich. Cheering for the students was fantastic but a man needed to keep his strength up. It was tiring work. He was just about to take a bite into his glorious feast when it clicked that he had lost his bet with Phoebe! Tyron let out a long, unteacher-like groan that drew strange looks from the people around him before Tyron had a brilliant idea! Brimming with confidence that he could earn his way out of debt he charged off to find the top breeder.


Tyron burst into the waiting room. "Kageharu Tsukihashi, where are you?!" He called out to the waiting room. His mienshao stood behind him, stoic in the face of Tyrons antics as per usual.

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Henry knew a lie when he saw one. He remained silent seeing what Evan had said. He doubted the water lover really wanted to Zubat nor would he have tried to keep it. As much as he could expose him, he didn't way a word. He figured it was as good as any reason not to have to hide that fifth Pokemon he kept hearing about. Then there was Mareek. Seemed like something must've happened if he acted like that. Still, he said nothing. He didn't feel like talking with either Raiza or Mareek after what had happen.

"Excuse me, but we've fully healed your Pokemon." The nurse snapped Henry out of observations as he turned to grab his Pokemon capsules. "We hope to...and he's gone." Henry didn't care what the nurse had to say. He turned to the door tempted to leave the room. The further away from these people the better.

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{Forest group}

Danielle also received the Sawsbuck's annoyed gesture and quickly issued a goodbye to the forest's guardian before following after Jacob, James and Colere. "Come on, Zared. We could always come back later." she called out to her reluctant Mawile. She waited until he caught up with her before heading off to rejoin her companions.

Avis uttered a crow at the disappointed Zared, chiding him lightly for getting his own hopes up. Sawsbuck would have easily knocked him out in a heartbeat if they ever got into a battle at this point. Even she, a flying type Prankster, doubts that she could stand a chance in her current state. It's better to train up first before challenging him to a match.

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Robert glanced over as he heard voices he remembered from just a while before now, seeing that it was Evan's siblings again and now with Evan. It put him at some ease to see that they actually found him on their own, atleast with how he had to leave them.

As he looked over, he ended up hearing their conversation about Nike, and how he would now have 5 members at the end of things. Not wanting to just overhear everything from afar, he put the Dusk Stone back and made his way over to the family. "Ah, so you were able to find Evan then? Well that's good to know atleast. Sorry I couldn't help in the actual searching earlier."

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The coordinator made his way out of the room, still as silent as before. He released his Pokemon out of their capsules, Techie included wondering through the hall. At first I couldn't tell why this group wanted him, but now I know the reason. I guess that theory they might be after something related to this school is not so far fetched as I though. I'll need to keep a low profile when studying these shadows especially now that the school is aware of them. I fear for what is to come as that Donphan stampede seems only to be the beginning.

Henry looked over seeing as his Pokemon were puzzled by his silence. "Don't worry about it," he responded. "It;s just that we have a lot of work to do. So the sooner training starts the better.


After Henry had left, Citrine walked over to the healing center, completely overlooking her initial target. She went over to the nurse. "Excuse me, but could you heal my Pokemon for me. It's a long story that involves a Tyranitar." The nurse looked at her, the girl had been completely covered in sand. She obliged the request and placed the two Poke balls onto the machine. When that was done, she turned and noticed a group of boys nearby. One of which was in a wheel chair. "Sup boys...and little girl. What are you guys doing over here?" She moved closer to Evan study over the face. "I'm guessing it's a fight because blondie over there kind of looks like he's going to punch someone. Am I right?"

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In all honesty, Raiza wasn't really paying much attention to the conversation. She really just wanted to get away from people right now and retreat to her safe haven. How'd she end up here and not up on the rooftop? Noting that neither Henry nor Mareek took heed of her, she heaved a heavy sigh and turned to leave even as Citrine came in and struck up a convo with the Reeves. The Coordinator probably didn't care or was embarrassed for or of her; somehow, that thought depressed her even further. The redheaded Trainer didn't know what was up and had a dark, grim expression-- was that blood on his clothes? Wait, no, no. She really didn't want to know.

What stopped her was hearing her mother's voice in the distance. Turning, she saw Narcissa spotting Mareek and going to greet him. And then pale at the sight of Mareek's bloodstained clothes. Narcissa Marson fainted.

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Mareek looked up from the Nurse's efforts, glancing about the space but seeing nothing...That's odd... what was that loud thud just now? Like someone dropped something..."Hey, Java, did you...hear something just now?"

"Well, If that something is the sound of a grown woman collapsing to the floor..." Java turned, nodding to Mrs.Marson's unconscious form on the white tiles. "Then yes, indeed I did hear something just now."

Ah shit... great, It's like some horror movie or something; first weird shit is going on in the forest with frozen explosions and weird noises and half-dead fighting types, and now people are falling out for no reason...He left the fate of his charge to the Nurses as he moved over and knelt at the woman's side, trying to gingerly shake her awake by the shoulder "Mam? Mam, are you alright...nothing, out cold... well Java," In his upheld hand sat a chesto berry produced from the ever convenient hiding places of his blood soaked jacket. Java only nodded, firing off a psybeam, stopping it after about a good two feet and honing the beam of telekinetic force to a razor edge before slicing through the berry and collecting the top half. Mareek held the remainder under Mrs.Marson's nasal passage, hoping it would work just like it had with Lana. "Mam?" he repeated. "Are you alright?"

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A sigh came from above Mareek, particularly from Raiza as she stood over her fellow Trainer. "You ought to change your clothes first before you wake her up... Except in special cases, Mom faints at the sight of blood." Lucifer had hovered over with his little stub hands on Mareek's fingers, pushing away the tough and awfully dry berry away from his Trainer's mother's nostrils. He knew that she would just faint again or go hysteric if she still saw the blood upon coming to.

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"Wait, blood?" Mareek asked, looking up as he pulled his hand back towards him at the advice. He thought about what the hell Raiza was going on about, catching a glimpse of his clothing for the first time since the... incident. "Ah shiiiiit... How did I not notice any of this?" Off the jacket came with a Scowl on his face, turning it over and folding the material inside out to reveal the white interior and the at least six or so inner pockets, each filled with something it seemed... though most seemed to be either Berries or empty, minimized capsules, the heads of three leather-bound journals could be seen hiding among the pockets confines as well...right along with a strange cylindrical object wrapped in cloth...

"Arceus," He sighed while handing the ruined thing off to Java's waiting Psybeam. "Couldn't even realize how bad it was in the dark... the stuff is even all over my hands, not to mention the fact the Jacket's probably done for now, stuff's never gonna come out if it's been on as long as I think it probably has...but at least my shirt's still good..." He sighed, standing and offering the Chesto berry half to Raiza. "Here, you-" The berry held the gleam of blood as well. Most of it on his palms was still relatively fresh. He thought better of it and shoved the thing into his pocket, turning to Java "On second thought, never mind- Java, you give her the half that isn't... all bloody and everything, then stay here encase something happens... I gotta go wash up..." He was already walking out of the room before the sentence was even finished. Java nodded as his partner left, levitating the clean Chesto Half over to Raiza with psybeam, looking at the blue haired girl as if it should be obvious what she was to do with it.

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