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Pokémon Academy: Ch 3: Winter Cup [IC]


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"Mutilating a pokemon just because you're angry....as well as discriminating against a type just because you think they're inferior to your favoured one...."James's eyes narrowed when he heard what Phoebe had said about this 'Veronica' and he had a few choice words in store for her if they ever met. Sure he was crazy about ghost types too but he liked all kinds of pokemon,ghost types just interested him the most. James then heard what Ryan had said about this 'Veronica'. "Wait...she's an Elite Four member? Why would the people who administrate the League let her be a part of it,isnt abusing your pokemon a crime or something?"

Shade floated around the area boredly gazing at the Spheal's antics,the water type was rather amusing most of the time but after what had happened earlier,he was anything but amused....maybe he was just a sore loser but being demolished like that in front of an audience that big....how humiliating. The Duskull noticed that the pokeblocks the Spheal had spat out were covered in spit and winced a bit,they might still have some of their taste but they might just serve to anger the Gyarados even more.

Edited by Azeria
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Henry turned back to Ryan and James. "Your ignorance amuses me. This Veronica person could easily turn this situation to look like Prof Arlyn was the bad guy. Who's to say she wasn't forced to take necessary action in order to stop Gyarados from putting either her or one of her Pokemon's life in danger? It'd be pretty believable now considering the beast looks ready to attack someone at any moment."

"And Slade." Henry didn't even bother turning his head this time to face the Frogadier's trainer. "Teach your Pokemon basic obedience skills. You keep that Frogadier on too loose of a leash if it demands to know the private business of others. Or was I mistaken by its actions just now."


"Oh! You look so adorable when you're blushing like that," Citrine teased. "Wheels, you're alright in my book. Besides, I have pretty low standards after hanging around with Mr. Grouchy Butt. I mean all he ever did was gripe about needing to win and becoming a strong trainer. At least his Skitty was super cute and fun. I'm sure you're at least be more interesting than that. Maybe we could talk if you buy me dinner."

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"Yes! You're my chance to wi- er, show how everyone should respect breeders far more!" Tyron claimed loudly. He walked over from the door and grabbed Kage and ushered him away to somewhere away from prying eyes to the hallway outside the waiting room. "Ok kid, you're up against one of the two strongest trainers in the academy. You overcame the top coordinator and you're seen as the top breeder to boot. If anyone has a chance to win, it's you." Tyron said in a lower voice than normal before cranking the volume back up. "But it's all in the mind! You've gotta believe you've got that chance! And you gotta believe that that chance isn't just a crack in a window, it's an open door! So kid, are you pumped?!"


Claude strolled through the forest with his two pokemon. Claude was worried about hs other two pokemon... until one of them arrived so quickly, Dive bombing so quickly that even Doux's very small weight managed to topple Claude onto his backside. Disoriented, Claude didn't really make an effort to get up. Doux chirped up above, happy to ave returned to his trainer. Claude giggled. "Well hi buddy. Where'd you and Colere get off too?" He asked as he reached with one arm, the other wrapped lightly around the Staryu now laying on his chest to prevent him from wandering away, to pet the fairy. Doux chirped and enjoyed the fuss, more so the attention Claude was paying him. Claude on the other hand looked up to the sky for a second. He noted that it was a clear blue sky, as different and as wonderful as the roof of the underground lake. It was a starry sky shining even when the rest of the world saw a clear winter sky. A star that kept shining, no matter what... Not the brightest but still everpresent...

"Hey, how'd you like the name Arcturus?" Claude asked the staryu in his arms. No response. "Well, Iwon't take that as a no. So, your new name is Arcturus." This time, there was a slight spot of light that came from Arcturus' broken core gem. Claude sighed. "Right, onwards with our journey, I hope we're not lost..."

((Claudes back to the academy after this))


The Tyrunt continued to stare. Did they say it had been attacked when weak? Where had its mother been? The serpents mother should have been there to protect it, no matter what...

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Slade was surprised at what Henry had told him, "Hm, you said Sasuke was prying into your personal business." He turned to the frog next to him who was starring off into the distance. "Is this true?" The frog said nothing acting like he wasn't paying attention. "Sasuke! Ugh, I'll have a word with you later." He then turned back to Henry, "Sorry about that, I hope he didn't make himself too much of a bother." Slade said scraching the back of his head.

"Anyways, if Veronica caught it him as a Magikarp, how come you have him now?" he asked Phoebe arms crossed and his head at and angle.

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"Yeah. It's not like I'm here to lose. Do you have any advice, though? I could probably use some strategy tips for this one." Kage was a little put off by Tyron's excessive enthusiasm, but he couldn't say he wasn't excited for the tournament himself.

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{Phoebe's Group}

Jacob's hand flew over his mouth as he heard the story, appalled at the Grass-type Elite Four's callous attitude and lack of caring toward Pokemon. "How could she do that?" he said in a near-whisper, horrified at the prospect of someone hurting a defenseless Magikarp. "I don't understand. I just... First Professor Cadmus's Hydreigon's story, and now this?" He sighed, looking upward. "There's so much pain and misery in the world even without people needlessly hurting others. But to add that to the mix makes it even harder to deal with." Jacob looked resolutely toward Danielle. "When I'm a world-famous Trainer, I'm going to do something about it. You can count on it!"

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Tyron thumped his chest in response. "Your heart will tell you that!" Tyron proclaimed before realising that, of course, as a teacher he couldn't really chant that to every student... "Er, that is to say, your best bet is probably to get as creative as you can. From what I've seen of Mareeks style he is very methodical. He has prepared strategies for a whole hell of a lot of situations" Tyron said, thinking back to the fights he had seen with Mareek. "That said, you can only anticipate so much. There's gotta be a situation even he can't anticipate and you gotta find that and turn it to your advantage, you hear?" Tyron clapped Kage on the back. "Besides, with some of these freaky fields they keep bringing up, there may be more of a chance for you to win, who knows?"

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{Phoebe's Group}

Danielle had unconsciously glanced at Avis, who has situated her bird-self on the coordinator's shoulder, as Phoebe recounted her Gyarados' past. It's just like Jacob said, why must there be unnecessary hatred against others that have done nothing wrong? She stroked Avis' black wing before addressing the party. "As much as I agree with Ryan and James on questioning Veronica's position of power, Henry has a point... This Veronica could have a lot of support from behind the scenes so they probably overlooked this "flaw" just excused it for a selfish reason."

She then turned to the determined Jacob, giving him a warm smile of approval. "Of course, that doesn't mean we can't change this in the future! While you work on the trainer's side, perhaps I could do something on the coordinating side. The more publicity this gets, the more support we can gain to end this!"

Avis, the once tortured Murkrow, crowed softly to the Gyarados, offering her sympathy to the large sea serpent. Although she had no visible scars (since she was electrocuted), she could understand the pain the Water type went through.

Danielle's other two Pokemon had gone up to the Gyarados to calm him down. Corona zoomed up to be eye level with the Gyarados, although she maintained a respectable distance away from the Water type because of -- well, it should be obvious -- her natural uneasiness with water. She chirped to the poor sea serpent, hoping to reassure him that the humans are nice people here. The Mawile stayed by Colere, listening to the solemn conversation that is taking place. Scars from a tough battle is one thing (and one he would wear with pride), but scars from a disrespectful duel like that is unacceptable.

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"I have no idea what the hell he's thinking with all of this" Mareek looked at the screen of the dex one last time as another set of text scrolled across it's brightly lit face. The site had faded away yet again, just as the first time. Apparently Java felt now was the time... "But it makes no logical sense to confront him like this, will probably just make things worse or whatever. He, of all things, should be able to easily see that major potential flaw in the plan... Guess I might have to do a bit more research on this whole Upgrade thing. So far it's seeming like more of an issue than an improvement...and besides, there's still the issue of that bit of deception..."

He got up from the chair, collecting his coat and again slinging it over his shoulder as he headed towards the exit... and Evan. Java began giving prompts in his ear all the while, reminding him not to fuck it up and not to push too far. Which was perfectly fine by Mareek, because he wasn't going to push at all.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Chimed in his ear once he had pushed open the doors and walked through into the evening air. "What the hell are you doing!? Go back! This isn't part of the-"

"The plan was shit." Mareek said glacially. "If I had done what you suggested and called him out on the lie, whose to say it wouldn't have pushed him further towards whoever's tempting him? And besides, it's best to stay off the radar if we aren't going to be diving into this... you do remember what you said earlier, right?"

"But you said-"

"Yeah, I know, because I didn't want any protest from you at that moment. You know how strange it would look if I seemed to be having an argument by myself back there? Better to do it out here where no one will even pay any mind."

"What happened to trust? You lied to me..."

"Just as you did to me when you coaxed me into going along with Jacob's Idea. There, now we've both deceived each other for a different motive than was presented- I think we're about even."

"And what exactly do you mean by that? I was looking out for your best interest!" Java appeared in a flurry of data this time, Eyes shooting daggers at the boy and his ungrateful little mouth.

"What I mean is, don't you dare fucking lie to me ever again." Mareek said, no emotion at all on his face as his bore so deep into the normal type that Java felt as if his soul would've been pierced... if he had one to begin with, that was. "Because trust is a two-way street, Java. And now we've both experienced being on the wrong side of the free-way. If you were looking out for my best interest, you should've been real and upfront about it like a friend should be, instead of all that tauros shit you pulled. I treat you as a friend and my equal, just like i do with Nemo, and I expect the same regards in return. understand me? Either we can function of a relationship based primarily on trust with obedience taking a back seat, or one that's vica-versa, and I really, really, don't want the latter, but if you're going to take advantage of that trust..."


He had nothing to say in response to the boy. So the plan hadn't been the root of his actions afterall then... it had been communication. Trust...Friendship. Was that what they had between them? He'd thought he'd just been helping the boy and tagging along because he genuinely wanted to, but... did that count for it then? And somehow, he seemed to have damage a portion of that bridge without even meaning to. How strange this human was... a walking box of contradictions, and yet, Java found he could not feel anger at the retort or the criticisms or ultimatum.

It showed what the boy was truly like, he guessed. He didn't want slaves, and he didn't want brainwashed soldiers. he wanted individuals who would stand by his side of their own free will... and so he gave them the opportunity to do just that. Yet Java could see something else there right along with it... something with that last part...

"Come on..." His trainer sighed, leaving the confrontation behind as he headed towards the food stalls. "We might as well get something to eat before going back to training. And some introductions are probably in order, all things considered with that... incident earlier." Java stayed for a few moments longer. Then he started off behind the boy, fading back into the green and black surge data all the while.

((Sorry, but like I said, I honestly just couldn't think of any reason for him as a character to make a confrontation with Evan out of it... and I didn't want for whatever I would've written to feel forced, so..yeah, I'm really sorry for kinda just ditching that scene man. >_<.))

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The coordinator looked at both Danielle and Jacob giving a chuckle. "Just because you're good at battling doesn't mean you'll make a name for yourself. Even so, you're simply proposing to rid of Pokemon altogether similar to Lysandre of Team Flare. If you don't recognize that name, I suggest you research it. This is just part of an ugly truth you'll have to learn to accept."

Henry was finished, but he thought of something else to tell Jacob. "Even if you were a celebrity, how do you even think that'd do you any good? Would a few petty words really change people's minds? Or were you planning to be a bit more forceful or perhaps violent?"

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Kage chucked. "So basically, pull something out of my ass that doesn't make any sense. Always works like a charm. I'll try to think of something like that, heh." He flinched for a moment, wondering if Tyron noticed his less-than-respectful language for a moment. He really needed to avoid slipping like that around teachers, he was positive it would land him detention eventually. . .

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"We live in a world where victory can come out of something as nasty as a Skuntanks ass kid. Literally." Tyron chuckled in reply, he hardly cared if a student swore in front of him. "Don't cut yourself short. The coordinators and trainers each learn to think on their feet and to develop strategies. That isn't part of their formal training though, it's something they all take on on their own. That means that you can do it too" Tyron said, jabbing a finger at Kage. "Now, you promise me that you've got this victory in a chokehold and then I'll let you get to it, ok?"

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Kage laughed again. "Yeah, man, I've got this. Mareek takes himself a bit too seriously, I think. Makes him rigid." He thought for a moment. "Yknow, I wonder. . . I should probably ask a Coordinator for this, but I think I could probably make some sort of flashy light show with Light Screen and Magical Leaf. Playing to my strengths, if you want to put it like that."

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"Son, that's where I can't help you" Tyron admitted. "Flashy moves aren't my style. I prefer go in full force and roll with the punches!" Tyron began to walk off in search of another food stall despite having eaten less than half an hour ago. And then Phoebe to make a new bet... "Anyway, You've got this kid." Tyron called out as he left Kage in the hallway.

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“Sorry, but I'm already taken! I got someone back in Hoenn,” Jaime smiled, earning him Evan and Lily's attention.

The little girl immediately released a barrage of questions. “Bro, why haven't you told me? Who is she? Is she from your school? Is she cute?”

“She must have pretty low standards as well...” Evan teased.

“Probably. But hey, even someone with low standards isn't interested in your moping face!” Jaime snorted. He pointed to Citrine. “She just chose me over you as well!”

Evan walked away. “I'm not interested either. I got other things to take care off first so I'll see you later.”


The teacher raised an eyebrow at Henry's comments. “She can't turn this around. Her grandfather knows everything and the same goes for all Elite Four members and Professor Redwood. And to answer the other questions,” she turned to Slade, “I protected the Magikarp from her and took it in. She never had any intention of keeping it.”

This time she turned to James and sighed. “What you said just now is what's the biggest problem. Yes, mutilating a Pokémon is a crime and normally your license would be taken from you. However she used the old system to get out of it. She claimed she was young and that her inexperience was to blame. Basically she lied her way out and there haven't been any incidents ever since. And the reason she managed to take the Elite Four spot is because the political side voted for her. Just imagine the impact when they announced that the Old Champion's granddaughter was making her way to the very top. The economy received a boost and she became famous in an instant. Even today many people root for her.”

While Phoebe was talking her rampaging Gyarados eyed all the Pokémon that had gathered. That chubby ice/water type was really disgusting while that Tyrunt had some nerve staring. Were they picking a fight or something? The Sea Serpent roared in anger yet again, but this time it was directly towards those two.


“What's this? I thought all the big shots were gathering, so what's with the brat? Not to mention he's ordering us around!” A random member complained.

“Shut it and get to work Newbie! We have to get all these stuff inside and it's already getting dark!” This time the voice was female. She had a higher rank and was in charge of transport. She overlooked all the goods but there was one mysterious crate. And when she asked Teach about it he just told her to do her work without asking questions, much to her annoyance.

The newbie cursed out loud. “First a kid and now her? Does she think she can order me around just because she's been here longer?”

Some of the older members started to snicker. It wasn't uncommon for newbies to have a big mouth or for them trying to muscle their way through things. Most of them led a small gang or something similar back home and thought they could easily rise to the top within RoG. Until reality hit them. And for the older members it was fun to watch them either self-destruct or give up on their act.

The newbie kept his loud mouth and attitude going for almost half an hour, earning him some unwanted attention. “Fuck this! I'm going to open the crate! I'm not taking any orders from some midget!”

The man placed his hand on the mysterious crate. What followed was a loud bang that blasted the newbie away and turned the entire dock silent. Some people whistled in admiration when they saw the man was unconscious. Others started to whisper.

He got lucky they held back.”

Nothing less from the number 2 in the Combat Division!”

But he's so young... How did he get so strong?”

I heard Teach say that kid has the potential to become as powerful as the Elite Four, but that we were lucky he was born on the wrong side of society.”

“Magnezone, stand down.” A young teen said. Apparently he had been changing his clothes until all the commotion started as his shirt was still in his hands. A tattoo that represented the swirls of a Poliwag were visible on his right shoulder. A Crobat swayed around on his left.

“What's with the commotion, recruits?” Teach asked. He had arrived at the same time as the young boy. “Take that piece of trash to the medical ward and lock him up afterwards. And you four; take that crate to my office. NOW!”

A few minutes later the boy and Teach were sitting in his office. Four recruits placed the mysterious crate in the corner and quickly left. “It's been a while since I saw you this serious, Teach.”

The man waved it away. “I have to be with this bunch of slackers. But that's not important.” He eyed the crate. “Did you find it? Arceus's Plate?”

“Yes, the Plate of Ice was indeed in Sinnoh. It wasn't easy to find but we managed to find it without causing suspicion or trouble.”

“The boss will be glad to hear that. I want to take a look at it, but I'm afraid we're short on time. I'll go get those goons and tell them to move the crate to the conference room. Everyone else already arrived so the meeting will start within 15 minutes.”

“Doc got impatient, huh?” the unnamed boy asked.

“Yeah, even torturing those fools who screwed up the Academy Mission didn't help. He got restless and killed them almost immediately.”

The boy frowned. “That doesn't sound like him.”

“Normally his torturing goes on for days, but that shows how much the arrival of a new Plate excites him...”

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Robert had mentally stepped back as he watched the siblings and Citrine's chat with eachother. With little idea what he could actually add to the chat, he ended up just watching with an amused smile up until Citrine's 'Mr. Grouchy Butt' joke. He chuckled the second he heard it, a bit glad that it was just a joke instead of just more annoyed taunts. "Eheh, I don't think Henry's THAT bad. Atleast as far as I know, I think he's just really determined." After getting his own thoughts out, he watched as Evan left the group, still feeling glad that everything worked out.

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James's eyes narrowed further into a glare as he heard what Phoebe said. "...She's even worse than I thought....using a Loophole in a law that was being revised at the time and she's the granddaughter of the previous champion?"He couldnt imagine what happened to the Gyarados Phoebe saved happening to Leviathan or any of his pokemon really. James brushed over the Dive Ball that held his newly caught Magikarp and unknowingly let the fish out.

The first thing Leviathan saw when he was let out of the evil grasp of the pokeball was the humongous form of his evolved state;a Gyarados. The magikarp gaped at how large the water type was but what interested him was the large scar that lied right above it's eye,seeing from how it seemed rather old,it must have been imprinted on it when it was still a Magikarp.

Meanwhile a certain ghost type winced from the roar the Gyarados sent towards the Spheal and Tyrunt,agitating a Gyarados was never a good idea and the happy and ignorant Spheal seemed to have made it worse. T

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Henry noticed that the Gyarados did not look too happy at the Spheal's and Tyrunt's. Suddenly, the memory of the Donphan stampede came straight back to him. He didn't want to get in another incident just like that. "I'm getting tired about hearing this past stuff. Shit like this happens everywhere. There isn't anything you can do about it, even if you wanted to. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm leaving before I end up losing another leg." The coordinator turned making his leave. He heard all he needed and didn't really care what else people had to have. Why is everyone here so naive?


"...That's not...nevermind." The girl wasn't too good at explaining things. "Seems like you two get along quite nicely." The girl was about to tease the boy in the wheel chair when she heard Robert mention something. That joyous smile turned into a saddened face hearing what he said. "It's probably because you don't know, but it's best not to mention ever again, especially to Henry. If you saw him before that incident...you'd understand." Citrine didn't like talking about sad things so she decided to change the subject. "Oh! I didn't even know you where there. Guess you just kind of blend in or you're some kind of ninja." And just like that she was bright and smiley again.

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{Phoebe's group}

"Oh, come on Henry." Danielle called after him, knowing fully well that he won't stick around regardless. She sighed as Corona made a beeline straight for her, crying like a frightened child. "Hey there, little firebug, it's okay. He won't hurt you~" Danielle consuled the young fire type on her shoulder before addressing the group. "Team Flare's motives are similar to our's, but we wouldn't go so far as to blow up the whole world to set Pokemon free from cruel trainers, at least I wouldn't. And about Veronica," Danielle turned to the water type specialist, "Don't her current actions towards other people and Pokemon influence the political side? As far as I'm aware of, politicians are usually shamed for such behavior it happens to be caught on camera and spread throughout the land. She, surely, should have been caught at one point or another, right?"


Avis had quickly flown in between the Gyarados and the Spheal to explain the possible misunderstanding. The Pokemon are only trying to cheer him up and offer their condolences for his suffering. There is no need to resort to violence and scare the little ones.

Avis' place on Danielle's shoulder was quickly replaced by the shivering Larvesta, who screeched in fear when Gyarados roared at Colere and Glacien. It was bad enough that he was a water type, and now he's angry with them. Oh no, she doesn't want to be the target of a Hydro Pump!

Zared had to cover his ears as Gyarados roared and Corona screeched. Geez, why can't this serpent be as forgiving about his past as Avis is with her's? Once the ringing in his ears stopped, the Mawile stood beside his teammate, mentally preparing for a fight should it really come to it.

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Robert was taken back by her statement. 'Incident? Just what does she mean by that?' Before he could ask just what she ment, she ended up going back to the cheery mood she had just before. "Uh, yeah, I guess so. Just didn't have much." Even as he tried for the mood change, the sudden darker feeling still held.

Edited by TurboAura
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"What's wrong?" The girl had a pretty good feeling what was going on in his head she was about to play dumb when she thought of something else. "Wait, I know what it is. Honestly, it's not that big of a deal. He was just hit by a dra...drum and broke a few ribs...that's all. He probably forgot all about it by now. I do tend to get carried away after all. Hehe!" Citrine doubted she was fooling anyone especially with that slip up. The only reason she spoke out a bit was because this kid looked like he generally cared about Henry in a way. Everyone else seemed to hate him or ignore him.

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Ryan, still lying across the ground, stood silent for a moment. This world is so cruel. There's no justice for people who do stuff like this and it isn't fair. Ryan turned his head towards Phoebe. "There has to be something we can do. I know that life isn't a fairy tale, but this just isn't fair. Justice needs to be served, and I'm not going to rest until that is done!"

Glacien was confused as to why people were suddenly getting between the Gyarados and him. Surely he's just trying to make funny noises with me! No harm done! The naive Spheal chortled at the Gyarados again and rolled out of the way of Colere and Avis. He stopped right in front of the Gyarados and did something that no other being would dare do. Glacien extended, to the best of his stubby ability, his miniature hand towards Gyarados. He had admitted defeat in this battle of sound, and he wanted to congratulate the winner.

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While Robert did have a confused look from Citrine's explanation, he couldn't see any real reason to question what she said. Even if it was a lie, though possible, why question it if she didn't want to share more. "Uh, okay then. If you say so."

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TurboAura and Commander

“This isn't really our business so I'll leave you two to get to know each other,” Jaime grinned. “Let's go Lily, we're going back to the hotel. Mom is probably waiting for us already.” And with that said Evan's siblings also left the room, leaving Robert and Citrine by themselves.


Oh? So they did want to fight after all. Especially that Spheal had some guts. That little ball of fat... is it tasty? Maybe that will show these imbeciles not to mess with him!

“Gyarados, behave. These students and their Pokémon haven't done anything wrong,” Phoebe said.

The Sea Serpent glared. For now he wouldn't do anything but study his opponents. A boney Tyrunt, a whining Larvesta and a fat Spheal shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Phoebe sighed. “Can you all call your Pokémon back a little? If they are in his face Gyarados is too focused on them. He probably thinks they're going to battle and once his adrenaline starts going... That would defeat the whole reason I called you here. Or at least one of the reasons. Now that you all know Veronica's personality, it's about time I show you all why some people favored me to become Elite Four Member.” The water expert grinned mischievously. She secretly enjoyed showing off her Mega Gyarados to either scare people or show how far they had gotten since they went on a journey.

The Blastoise already saw it coming and walked over to the Gyrados. The Sea Serpent didn't react to the massive turtle as the Mega Stone was placed around the tail. At the same time Phoebe placed her Mega Ring around her wrist and held it in a direct line with Gyarados's tail. Both stones started to glow and soon the large water Pokémon was covered in a blinding light, almost like it was evolving. The lightshow ended only a few seconds later and revealed a roaring Gyarados in it's glorious Mega form.

“Whadya'll think?” Phoebe gloated. “Do you kids want to know the secret?”

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