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Pokémon Academy: Ch 3: Winter Cup [IC]


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"Aww, you're no fun~" Danielle said, pretending to be disappointed. At the mention of the future teller, however, her face lit up once more. "Oh yeah! I heard that she has a really pretty Gothitelle too! Let's go, let's go!" She spun around and told her Pokemon to mind the stall before she began to drag Slade towards the mysterious fortune teller.


Marc Chastain shook his head at the silliness that just happened before his eyes while Carole Chastain giggled. They had both declined the Mawile's offer, content to see the action from afar. After all, they have time to catch up with Danielle after the festivities.

"Let us move along ourselves, Carole. I think we have seen enough." His wife agreed with that statement. They both waved to Danielle's three Pokemon and walked off towards the wind chime stall once again.

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As Slade was being dragged by Danielle, he wondered what he would ask the fortune teller. He really couldn't dicide what to ask, "Hey, Danielle,what are you gonig to ask the fortune teller? Are you gonna be vague or maybe specific, how about just sitting there till she says something?" He asked the girl hoping to get a reasonable answer though, he probably couldn't give a reasonable answer himself.

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Danielle shrugged. "To be honest, I'm just going for fun. I don't really believe in this kind of stuff... I'll probably ask her about what she could see in my future. Nothing to specific for me~" They managed to get on the line and wait for their turn to see the mysterious lady and Gothitelle. "Is there you want to ask, Slade?"

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DarkLight and ExLink

When the young couple entered the tent they were greeted by a dark blue Gothitelle. The Psychic type opened some purple curtains and let Danielle and Slade in. The Old Woman was sitting at a round table decorated with scarfs. Apparently she decided they were too hot to keep around her neck like she had when she predicted Ryan’s future. Everything still smelled like mint and incense.

“Welcome Sweeties, what do you want to know?” she whispered with a mysterious voice.

Jory and Azery

“I have the same feeling,” Kristen whispered. “Do you think something is following us?”

Commander (Henry’s Dad) and Stratos (Mareek)

“Thank you, Sir.” Lana bowed and accepted the money. “Java, can you get the change please?”

Stratos (Galen)

Evan glared at the man in front of him. “Your friends forced that metal chicken on me and same for the Zubat. And for an organization that doesn’t like gaining attention and refuses to inform me about their plans, that Skarmory really was a bad idea. That thing doesn’t do anything except drawing attention so really, thank for that!” The sarcasm was obvious. Evan didn’t like being used by people, especially if they refused to tell him what he was supposed to do. “Are you the only one they sent over?”

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  • Veterans

"Not a something,but a SOMEONE hehehehe"James thought as he continued following them."Ok,Shade time for our final showing for now.Use Shadow Sneak to Sneak up On them and put two Will-o-Wisps behind their back make sure they don't hit them and then come back here,Luna stand there-oh wait she's not with me anymore..."He muttered as quietly as he could as he looked at the couple from another corner.

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Java and Nemo

Java nodded simply as he hovered down to the lowest shelf of the counter's inner space and took the appropriate amount of change from the large money containment box Mareek had Erce carve as one of the first items for her reflex and speed training, hovering back up with the money held in a psybeam and offering it to the man who had bought the Suicune Effigy. Nemo meanwhile was peering off into the distance as he spotted a certain red haired boy and woman alongside a Scyther and Shiny Bisharp returning, waving at them in greeting with his club...

Mareek & Ms.Sisto

It wasn't long before the two and their partners had come back into sight of the Wood Carving Stand and Lana and Java and Nemo attending to a customer, the young Cubone waving at them as they drew closer. Alexandra though dropped back from her son's side a little as they got nearer, falling back with Erce and Mars, the Bisharp deftly taking a side step on an intuitive hunch that the woman wanted to speak to the Mantis, making way.

"I need to speak with you about Mareek before I leave back for home after the competition ends," she said, leaning in close and keeping her voice silent to prevent the boy from overhearing. "Mars has already discussed some things with you while we've been walking, but I just need to get a status check from you before I go..." Erce nodded earnestly, signifying that she would not forget about the request to talk. "Good, good..." With that Alexandra moved back the her son's side just as they arrived back at the stand, the trainer completely oblivious to anything his mom had asked Erce or that Mars had been speaking about with the scyther.

"Well we're back," Mareek said to Lana, entering behind the counter along with Erce as Java was using Psybeam to hand change to a customer. "Sorry we took so long. Did these two do their parts and help like they were supposed to?" He glanced over at Java and Nemo...


"No, chico, they have a contact here because they only sent in one person," Augustine Responded with equal sarcasm to the boy's question. "Of course there are others they sent in, three of them, posing as ordinary students like you. If it were just me, there'd be no need for any contact or correspondence or anything of the sort." His Zoroark began to invisibly tense a little as the conversation went onward, not seeing this little interaction ending well at all at this point... not that either Galen or Evan would be able to see it or notice. "And you say they forced them on you, but need I remind you boy? You were in fact approached by us long before that overnight trip to the Boulder Hills. Recall that box with the Water Stone and the Letter you got not long after the school year began in september? Face it, we both know that deep down, some part of you is willing to help us; if it weren't true, then why the hell didn't you take the stone and the message straight to Redwood or Cadmus and hand it over to them? You had the option, we weren't watching you, we weren't holding a gun to your head telling you to accept the package...you just kept it of your own accord. and If I'm not mistaken, the letter even said that you could opt out of everything and take what we gave you to the professor..."

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Jacob began to lead Kristen down the hall quickly, pulling her around the corner and into a small alcove. The two were pressed tightly together, but they were out of view from anyone who might have been lurking behind them. "Let's see who this is, then we'll turn the tables on them," he whispered to the redhead. "That'll teach them to mess with us, right?" he said with a slight grin.

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As Slade entered the Tent he couldn't help but think of the numerous perfume shops across Celadon with the smell of incense lingering around. Then as she asked what he would like to know he closed his eyes trying to get the first thing that came to mind,"Um...... is there anything you find important about my future?" He said to the mysterious lady. He was surprised at what he just asked though it was the first thing to come to his mind and he decided that's what he was going to ask.

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When Danielle stepped inside, she was taken aback by the wave of mint and incense that met her nose. However, she gradually grew accustomed to the smell and started looking around and couldn't help but admire the unique, yet beautiful, scarves that hung on the table. As Slade gave his request, Danielle thought back to what Kage had said about Ryan's future. This gradually led her to recall the events that had happened on their trip into the mountains; the Donphans, "Team Rocket," Celebi's vision... It made her wonder what else could be in store. She looked up at the mysterious lady and gave a small bow as a sign of respect.

"Bonjour, madame. My request is similar to my boyfriend's, but I am more worried about possible dangers that could be in store for me. Due to the recent events that had taken place, is there anything I should keep an eye on in my future?"

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Wally's face contorted into a face of confusion and slight disappointment. He always was hard on Ryan, trying to make him the best he could be, even if he couldn't be any better. Ryan saw this disappointment and hung his head just a tiny bit. He then sighed and spoke up. "I hate to be rude, but I was wondering if Kage and I could have a moment alone. I had something important I wanted to talk to him about."

Jason, who had been eyeing up the face painting booth, was glad to be released from the awkward situation. "Ok then, you two don't do anything you'll regret alright?" With that, he dragged Wally off to the stand. Lexis, who had just noticed her parents left, gave a grin to Ryan. Ryan was unamused and gave one look with his eyes that drove Lexis straight back to their fathers. Jason approached the stand and poked around. "Hellooo, anyone here?"

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  • Support Squad

Claude looked up from Citrines almost completely transformed face. He had used blue glitter around Citrines eyes and was almost done with an intricate pattern which was symetrical n each side of her face. "One second, just finishing up here, Doux go entertain our new customers" Claude asked of his friend, who floated over and chirped a greeting.


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Before Kage's parents could object, he cut them off. "I'm sure it's important, and I'll be just fine for a second." His mother drew back for a moment, looking almost hurt, but then nodded and dragged his still-panting father along with her as she moved away from the pair. "What did you need?"

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Kenny and his Team

Kenny saw the Electrike stick it's tongue at him and then dash off, which irked him a little, but he decided against going after it.

Kenny's Parents

Near the Wood Carving Stall, two adults and two Herdiers could be seen wandering around the Stalls, eventually grouping up and heading into the Ramen Stand that Robert and Shiro were manning.

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OOC: my internet is evil

Swiveling around and totally not startled (nobody really had to know she was) to see Henry in the Haunted House, Raiza said," Oh, so you're here too, pon." The dancing flame and shadows caught her eye once more, and she continued, "It's all Lucifer, really. He's got a flair for the dramatics at times, pon. And I've got to say, you'd probably be a better Trainer in my place, if I'd be a better Coordinator than a Trainer..." her voice trailed off with a hint of disappointment. She wasn't sure if Henry saw the fiasco that was her battle. Strange how she cared if he saw what a blunder she made.

The Sneasel looked up at the human that approached, then at her Trainer. "Snee," she cried in her cool, quiet way, trying to reassure her Trainer. Maybe this guy could cheer her up, but... That was probably a low chance-- he wasn't even there to see the battle. A particular Dark-Dragon type bounded over to sniff the new scent that was another human. The sensation of suddenly being lifted didn't faze him as Raiza's voice followed with: "Ah, yeah, this is Toothless. On my shoulder's Achlyx, pon. Kids, this is Henry." Rasping with a friendly tone and reaching over as though wanting to be held by the new Trainer-- Henry, that is. From Raiza's shoulder, the Skorupi watched cautiously. Maybe this was a prop... or a ghost...?

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"I'd rather not be considered a trainer," Henry admitted. "Going down that path was doing me more harm than good. I have mixed feelings about this Coordinator career, but I think both me and my Pokemon are a bit happier now compared to what it'd be like if I was a trainer." The boy then noticed Raiza with a look he was all too familiar with. "Are you still thinking about the loss you had back on the trip? I know I wasn't there on the trip, but I talked to your opponent, James, after the trip. If it makes you feel better, I lost way more than I won. It's so easy to let it get to you."

Henry then tried to get a good view of Raiza's team. The two new recruits seemed a bit more viscous compared to the Snealsel and Litwick, at least the Skiroupi did. Henry gave a simple smile seeing as Raiza probably improved whether or not she even realized it.



"Thank you, Claude," responded Citrine while giving the money she promised to Claude, but with a bit extra. She was quite surprised by how well the design came out. "You may want to consider a career change as a make-up artist. All the boys...I mean ladies would be wanting you to be their man."


Henry's Dad (Joseph)

"You can keep the change, deary," responded Joseph. He looked at the carving seeing how surprising well done. His son would probably be dissapointed seeing him collect trinkets again. In his younger days, he used to buy something whenever he visited another region, but it was always something that never made sense like the flute he bought in Johto.

"Sorry we took so long. Did these two do their parts and help like they were supposed to?

"Those two are doing quite a fine job, though I've never seen a Scyther carve out of wood before. It must be quite a feat, Mr. Sisto." The man stood still pondering where that name came from. He never met this boy in his life, but why did he look so familiar. Then it finally came back to him. When researching on connections between Cipher and the Rockets, he remembered an articles mentioning people killed by Rockets. He read over whatever info he could find on these people, but nothing really came up from it.

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A quizzical smile couldn't help spreading on the girl's face when she saw Henry smiling. "It's... not really losing that bugs me." In the background, the Litwick showed off some more, oblivious, for once, to his favorite person (next to Raiza)'s presence. Wiggling his legs, the Deino persuaded his Trainer to let him down to watch the Ghost-Fire type in his entrancing dance. "My babies here, they all work and train hard. I sent Toothless and Lucifer out for the battle against James-- he's pretty good, actually. That Duskull of his is pretty powerful with his tricks and illusions. But what irks me is that... Well, in that battle, it just seemed as if all the effort these fellows put into training and the fight itself just got swept away easily." The girl shrugged, adding, "Feels like I've let 'em down, pon." Absentmindedly, she scratched the back of her head with her other hand so that the Skorupi on her shoulder wouldn't fall. Next to her, Rogue heaved a sigh, frustrated with her Trainer who couldn't seem to see that she had no reason to torment herself over the loss.

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DarkLight and ExLink

“Let’s take a look in the future, shall we?” The old woman stared in her Crystal Ball before her eyes started rolling again and the Gothitelle’s eyes started to glow.

“Like the boy before you; your future will be rough. Death is present but it is uncertain who will die. Find the remaining strings and you might pull through. To save the boy, find the Skarmory,” a gentle voice said. It was obvious it wasn’t the Old Woman who spoke.

The weird vibe immediately stopped when the Gothitelle closed her eyes and seemed to be exhausted. The Old Woman wasn’t aware anything happened and kept staring in her Crystal Ball. “I see a third person in your relationship. He will influence it somehow, maybe a love rival? I also see a Murkrow with hostile behavior towards this boy…”

The Old Woman had no idea she saw the person linked to the Skarmory her Gothitelle warned the young couple about.

Jory and Azery

Kristen just nodded. To be honest she found the situation really enjoyable, being so close to Jacob.

Commander (Henry’s Dad) and Stratos (Mareek)

“Oh Mareek! Yes, they have been a big help like usual,” Lana replied. Her eye fell on the Bisharp behind him. “Is that Bisharp your mother’s Pokémon? I’ve never seen a shiny one before. He looks intimidating…”

Stratos (Galen)

“If I gave the letter to a teacher I would’ve had all eyes on me the entire time. I didn’t want that and a water stone is expensive… I had no idea there were evolution stones available for free in the lab,” Evan lied. He refused to listen to the man in front of him, especially since he mentioned the thing Evan was afraid for; maybe he did want to join them.


Suddenly the big screen turned on again. Marco’s face showed, with his usual big smile, as he spread his arms. “Ladies and Gentlemen, I have an announcement to make. One of the competitors dropped out due to illness. Kaito, a competitor in Block D came down with a fever and won’t be able to battle. This means Caleb, the runner-up, will take his place.” A picture of Caleb Shomo was displayed for a moment. “This also means we’re going to randomize our battles again! We want everyone to have a fair shot and know their opponents at the exact same time! So forgot our previous brackets and let’s start over shall we?”

After the new match-ups were known the brackets displayed a little longer:

Block A: (Winner vs Block C)

Henry vs Kristen

Danielle vs Nico

Block B: (Winner vs Block D)

Shiro vs Nadia

Jacob vs Bert

Block C: (Winner vs Block A)

Kenny vs Paul

Evan vs Julie

Block D: (Winner vs Block B )

Sissy vs Gerard

Slade vs Karen

Block E: (Winner vs Block G)

Raiza vs Kylie

Louise vs Alvin

Block F: (Winner vs Block H)

Kageharu vs Caleb

Kyle vs Victoria

Block G: (Winner vs Block E)

Robert vs Laura

Ryan vs Max

Block H: (Winner vs Block F)

James vs Liza

Mareek vs Lana

((The match-ups will stay on screen for awhile so people in the Haunted House or doing something else can still find out))

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Kenny and his Team:

Kenny looked at the Board, sending out Zorro and Otto.

"Well, looks like there's a different Person that we're up against."

Kenny then noticed Zorro rushing at Otto, who was in a Battle-ready stance. the two started fighting, exchanging blows. That's when Kenny stepped in, using his small amount of Sparring Practice against Ryu from when he was much younger to his advantage, knocking both Otto and Zorro down with a whack to their foreheads from the edges of his hands.

"Do I have to keep a constant eye on you two?! you can't seem to keep it calm when you're out together! now knock it off, or do i have to do some more serious Punishment to either of you?"

Zorro and Otto both looked embarrassed at this.


"Good. now, we're up against a different person than was originally stated. one of the Contestants fell ill, and they re-randomised the Battles."

Kenny's Parents:

as Kenny's Parents looked at the Matchup List, Kenny's father spoke, his mother conversing with him.

"Well, would you look at that. Kenny's actually in the Tourney. I always knew he was going to go places, and i was right."

"He's definitely got it in him. I mean, he did tell us that he sparred with Ryu back in Unova. now that is what I call determined to maximize one's potential."

"Indeed. he seemed a bit like one of my brothers, always seeking new heights. then again, I was somewhat like that when I was younger, so I'm pretty sure it runs in the family."

"That would explain why he moved to Dewford. Although... you evidently haven't heard from him since a year after he left. Talk about bad correspondence!"

"Heh. you're right, as usual. Bad Correspondence, indeed."

the two of them and their two Herdiers then resumed waiting.

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"Oh, not at all sir," Mareek replied after the customer made his comment about how difficult it must've been to teach Erce how to do all this. "Erce is a bit smarter than your average scyther, you see. A lot, in fact, from what I've seen over the years. The two of us have been carving things for a long while now, we just took a bit of a hiatus from it for a few months before we came to the academy." Erce simply nodded proudly at the compliment to her superior intellect compared to other members of her species. "And she's done far more crazier things than carving, trust me. Anyway, it's good to hear these two right here weren't being slackers during my absence." Nemo and Java looked at the boy somewhat dirtily, as if their pride was hurt that the trainer thought they would even think of deviating from their work when he wasn't looking. He ignored their stares though as he next turned to Lana as she confirmed that the two were helps and asked about old Mars; Only to be interrupted before he could say anything by the new match ups being announced suddenly.

"Well looks like we're still matched up against each other," he said simply, taking his eyes off the projected display after a while. "And about your question about Mars there," he nodded quite respectfully towards the bisharp; mainly because the blue steel type wasn't one to tolerate anything less than respect... "Yeah, he is. Her first and oldest partner in fact; My mom used to be a pretty powerful trainer back in Unova a long time ago, even took on the elite four a few times and everything,"

"Indeed we did," Alexandra nodded, making it clear she would take over the story from here. "Long ago I found Mars as a Pawniard, wondering around the forest near my hometown, Opelucid City, Injured badly, Starving, and completely on his own. I don't know what happened before our paths crossed, but my best guess is that he was thrown out of his pack, probably for being of a different coloration than the others..." Mars said nothing at the speculation about who he ended up like he had... quite honestly he was content to let Alexandra go on believing it had been because he was shiny and different from the others... mainly because he was still to this day, decades later, a bit ashamed that he had foolishly challenged the Bisharp who had been the Patriarch of the pack and gotten his ass royally handed to him as an obvious result... "Either way though," Alexandra continued. "I started bringing him food and water, patched him up a little as best I could, and overtime the two of us became pretty good friends, and Mars got his strength back and was able to find food himself again. I was expecting for him to go off and find a new pack or something when he was finally well again, so I said my goodbyes during what I thought would be our last encounter with each other," Mars simply scoffed at this part of the story, shaking his head as if to say Hell no. "Except instead of heading off to do that, he followed me back to the city, all the way home. Since I had saved his life, he felt he owed me a debt that had to be repaid; He was going to stay with me and try to protect me whenever I needed it, maybe even save my life one day, all in an effort to pay back the kindness I had shown him." Mars smiled, nodding earnestly to confirm the reason he had stayed had indeed because he had owed Alexandra a life debt for saving him from the aftermath of his stupid mistake, giving him a shot to start over. "My parent's were a bit hesitant at first, but once they saw how Protective he was, they eventually warmed up to him and let him stay with us. Not long afterwards I started my own journey around the region with him as my first partner. The going was pretty harsh at first, we suffered loss after loss against Gym Leaders and far more experience trainers alike. But we learned from every mistake we made, took note of every tactic our opponent used and figured out ways to use them against them. We even made a few more friends who joined us on our travels, like Joltara here," She reached into her suitcase as Mars instinctively held it up and retrieved a old looking pokeball, worn with years of use, but still fully functional. With a quick flick of her thumb she depressed the trigger and out of the burst of white light emerged a rather feisty looking Jolteon, her white, static filled mane looking more bristled and charged than the average of her species and the same going for the rest of her coat, and expression that showed an eagerness to fight on her face as she looked up at Alexandra from where she sat on the ground.

"Over time the team started coming together and we improved our fighting style," Alexandra continued. "And the wins just rolled in from that point onwards. We won all eight badges and eventually went on to challenge the elite four. Never actually managed to fight our way all the way to the champion, but we came close quite a few times..."


"This is beginning to become annoying, you know?" Augustine sighed, hands in his pocket as he looked at the boy with a semi-irked expression. "You keep trying to exonerate yourself from simple facts, like doing it will make them go away. It won't, chico. For example; fine, you would've been watched with suspicion had you turned the letter in, alright, but you still had countless opportunities every day to get rid of the stone and the message in more discreet ways. You could've torn the letter up, flushed it down the toilet, could've tossed the stone over the fence and into the forest. Or you could've destroyed the letter and scattered it to the winds and chuck the water stone from a high cliff during the Boulder Hills trip, or hell, you could've tossed the water stone at the feet of my colleagues and told them to screw off, though that would've likely gotten you killed if you weren't fast enough to get away and shake them from your trail, it was still an option...etcetera, etcetera," He let out another annoyed sigh, shaking his head. "You must face the facts right in front of you, Evan Reeves; there is a reason you never did any of those things, even though you had countless chances and openings to secretly be rid of what was given to you by us..."

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"Mur..." Avis stared at the screen as the matchups were randomized once more. Although she doesn't recognize Nico, Henry's portrait made her shiver with excitement. Henry and Danielle's teams are more evenly matched so that battle could go either way.


Danielle's parents also paused in their shopping to absorb the new information that is being displayed. They could hear whispers of students wishing that Henry would lose to either Kristen or Danielle.

"I'm guessing that we will need to line up early to get good seats if we ever to get a Henry versus Danielle match." Marc said to his wife.

"Of course! And what do you mean by "if"? There is no question that Danielle would make it to that match! Have you seen her Pokemon? They are just raring to go!" Carole chided her husband.


Danielle was about to ask the woman if she was fine when she noticed the Gothitelle's glowing eyes. Seeing as the shiny Pokemon was communicating her thoughts through her trainer, Danielle settled down and listened to both of their premonitions. Once Gothitelle and the Old Woman were finished, the coordinator remained motionless in her spot; she could have sworn she never spoke of Ryan nor Avis when she entered their domain. How did they know about them? The fact that they could even mention them out of the blue has forced Danielle to take these fortune tellers seriously. But, oh, there was so much to think about! First, those "remaining strings," what could that mean? Actual ropes? String Shot? Or could it be more figurative, like her social contacts? Second, a Skarmory... The only person she knows that has a Skarmory is Evan... 'Evan. What does he, or rather his Skarmory, have to do with Ryan?' The next piece of information involves a third person... Could it be a girl or a guy? While this potential "rival" is unsettling, the possibility of a death in the near future disturbed her the most, so Danielle allowed that to rest in the back of her mind. Finally, a hostile Murkrow...

"Madame, that Murkrow you mentioned is Avis, my longtime partner. She doesn't forgive those that have wronged me in the past so... Could you, perhaps, tell me how the boy looks?" she asked, glancing at the Gothitelle as she spoke too. "I... Might have an idea as to who this boy is (based on the information you provided, too, Gothitelle)..." She hoped that the Psychic type could hear what she said in her mind.

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Jason, Wally, and Lexis

"Oh what a magnificent little Cottonee! He looks in such great condition! No wonder he seems so happy!" Jason was so easily entertained by Doux while Wally stood, accepting his fate of being face painted. Lexis remained on her phone, speaking words of something about lame parents.



Ryan steeled his nerves, prepared to tell Kage what the fortune teller and Gothitelle showed him. "You know that fortune teller who set up her booth a bit over there?" Ryan pointed to her tent, watching as Slade and Danielle entered. "I was concerned and decided to ask her about my future, about what Celebi showed you." He paused and twittled his thumbs. "It's not all clear to me, but other things were brought up in there. The Gothitelle told me that there were many strings that had to be pulled to change the outcome of the situation. She said on involved a boy with white eyes. I know that most often, when people are blind, their eyes are white, but considering yours are those glorious blue ones that make me melt when I look into them, I think it may or may not be referring to you. She also said something about a Skarmory being the key." Ryan let the last word drag. "Any idea why a Skarmory might be relevant?"

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  • Support Squad

"Well, it was nice meeting you Citrine" Claude said to the pretty girl with a friendly smile. "I hope things turn out fine for you and Henry, else we'll all hear him grumbling for the rest of the term." With that said, he walked to the front of the stall to greet the new customers. "Hello there, sorry for the wait, though it looks like Doux kept you happy. Would you like to have your faces transformed by an Extraordinaires flair, or do you have a certain pokemon you've dreamed of looking like? All of it is possible at the fabulous stall of Claude the Extraordinaire, yours truly!" Claude rattled this intro off with a sparkling grin, letting the words roll off his tongue and finishing with a bow at the waist.

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"Don't be so hard on yourself," responded Henry. "Training and hard work are only half of what makes a Pokemon battle. Sometimes, you just have to adapt to the situation you're thrown in. When I learned that lesson, I started winning more of my battles in Orre. Most of my training also focuses on that too instead of trying to get the best moves possible." Henry saw the little Skitty now snuggling his leg. "I don't believe I introduced my Skitty here. Raiza, meet Rosie. I've been with this Pokemon for a long time, but due to an incident, I couldn't take her here with me at the start of the year."

Meanwhile, Paradox noticed a small green thing approaching Henry. It was dark so it kept crashing into a couple things, but it was slowly moving forward through this dark place which was making him a bit frustrated. He didn't even remember how he even landed in a place like this.


Henry's Dad and Citrine

Joseph nodded and walked off to see where he should go next when he suddenly saw a girl covered in blue paint walk right by him. He frowned a bit seeing as Henry left Citrine to run off by herself. "Steve, keep an eye on Citrine for me. I don't want that girl causing anyone any trouble." The Sudowoodo nodded as he followed the girl who fortunately never looked back to she if anyone was following her.

Meanwhile, Citrine made it over a food stall where Shiro and Robert were cooking food. Her stomach got the best of her so she got in line and waited anxiously awaiting to make an order. She loved food, especially when it didn't come from a garbage can.

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