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[OOC] Gaelach Basm: The starting point


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The Sign-ups are real! For those who already want to post their profiles for scrutiny, go ahead and click me.


As you enter the shady tavern in the small village of Arthfael, all eyes turn to you. Yes, you can tell from their gazes that the people from this small town are accostumed to seeing adveturers such as yourself. Some stare with you with hard gazes, others with sorrowfull glances - Both seem to imply the similar fate. Deciding not to consider it, you press on.

You find the one you were told to find, and with a second's glance you know him to be none other than Aed. Much like you were told, the old man smells of rat's piss and stale ale - Though that is not much different than the tavern itself - but what really tells him apart are his limbs. Or, to be precise, his lack of them. The man's left arm is completely missing, and his left leg has been
replaced by what seems to be a leg from one of the bar's stools.

He also notices you immediately, of course, and mentions for you to sit. Before you can utter a single word, he smiles a toothless grin, and begins his speech - One, you assume by the precise way he flows from word to word, he has given several times - each word he says is pronounced slowly, and you can't help but think of his words as delicacies, and him as a gourmant savoring every syllable with contained excitement. It's clear the man knows how his story ends... And perhaps he is looking forward to it.

"Things have been looking grim for the realms of Éiru and Sigeto. The two gigantic continents, separated by the Morzengeri Sea, have spent the last year in a veritable ice age as a Lunamancer's spell has caused the moon to cast
literal shadows over the continents, completely blocking off their sunlight.

The Lunamancer's tower lies in the middle of the ocean, and it is near impenetrable due to the dragonic Leviathan that encircles it.
The creature is said to have skin hard as rock or steel, eyes that shine in the night like rays of the lost sun itself and it is said that from it's mouth spew forth devilish purple flames capable of setting alight even the frigid water through which it moves.

But the Lunamancer is not a fool, and he was quick to contact those who would benefit from his plan to give him aid. Yes, that is how the feared Abhartach vampires, led by Aillios, the Queen of Moonlight, have come to join him. They're right here in Éiru, you know?
It's also said they're looking constantly to increase their numbers" the man stops for a moment for a small chuckle. "So I'd cover that neck of yours."

He shifts in his chair and when it seems the man has found a more comfortable position, he visibly relaxes and continues:

"And in Sigeto, they have the Varulv. They like to roam, the man-wolves. We haven't had much contact with Sigeto from the start of all this, of course, but we've heard of a man called Mihai, and how he seems to have started organized the werewolves on the Lunamancer's whim!
His pack's loyalty to their master is only matched by their ferocity, so they say. The people of Sigeto always feared the moonlight... Now, in it's permanent state, we don't even know if there are any living souls left there."

Aed sighs heavily for a moment, but then once again smiles back at you fiercely. "But that is why you are here! Yes, you, and the others who've arrived before. They're all already at the briefing, you know? So you should hurry up and join them as well. To the back of the bar with you!"

He shoos you with a wave of his hand, and you move towards where he's pointed. As soon as you try to enter the room, a wall of a man blocks your way. He looks down at you with visible scorn, and grunts his words with as deep a tone as he can muster.
"An' who ye be? If yer name ain' on my list..." The man stares you for a moment before stammering out "WELL THEN! YER NAME!"

Character profiles:

Character profiles will work a bit different here. Imagine this profile is from a dossier of intel that was found on your character. So obvious things like name, gender, age are all there. On background story, it'll be more along the lines of "Born in village X to X and X. Graduated as top student in X magicks academy. Criminal record X, X" and so on. There will be examples below
Note: If you want to separate a field into multiple, you are able to. If you want to add more fields, you are able to. However, the below fields are mandatory, and have to be given in one way or another.
Name :
Gender :
Age :
Physical Appearance: << Be descriptive here. Since clothing is prone to change, don't bother describing it.
Character Backstory: << Read the above!
Character Abilities: << Your character can be a mage, a swordsman, a thief, an archer, a mix of all of those or something entirely different. But make them balanced. Characters that are found to be too OP won't be accepted. Note: A character can be pretty good at what it does without being OP... So use common sense. (Note: Remember this is a Dossier, so if your character has any secret abilities that wouldn't be found out you don't have to listen them here. Send me a message with your abilities, however since the OP rule still counts and I should know all of these to account for them.)
Current Belongings: Tl;dr, what you have on you right now. You can describe clothing, or just your weapons and armor if you'd like.
Reason for joining: << Worry your farmer can't join the force? Don't be. We're desperate enough to take just about anyone. But there was a reason why you applied; Write it here. (PS: I did mention we were desperate, right? Fame and fortune are perfectly fine reasons.)

Profile Examples:

Name : Iain Byrne

Gender : Male

Age : 28

Physical Appearance: Iain is tall and slender, with very fair skin. His eyes are of a deep green color. His hair is bright blonde, most of it being left a wild mess of golden strands, although they're well trimmed and by their luster seem to be well-kept. At the back, the hair is tied in a thin braid that goes up to the man's lower-back, a tradition among the Byrne Clan. Although slender, his body is well toned, a consequence of his warrior heriditage. In his left shoulder, Iain bears three large scars that run all the way to the middle of his chest.

Character Backstory: Iain is the first son of Duke Byrne, the recently appointed Duke of Eachann due to his many years of service in the Royal Army. He was born in Eachann, before his father's rule. Being the son of a general, Iain was trained by his father to be a proeficient swordsman, a scholar, and was taught his father's signature air magic. Iain has led a reclusive life, staying mostly in his mannor. Once the eternal eclipse began, he became more active, patrolling the streets of Eachann almost constantly. Due to this, Eachann remains the county with the smallest crime rate of the entire kingdom.
Relevant event: When he was a teenager, Iain saw from his courtyard a bear attacking a servant boy. He immediately took his training blade and moved to the boy's defense, fending off the bear with nothing but his (then) mediocre fighting abilities. This incurred into him making a fatal mistake that led to him receiving a full slash from the bear's claws, though the mannor's guards noticed them soon after and moved in to keep them safe. After this event, Iain seemed to take a much bigger interest in the well-being of those around him.

Character Abilities: Iain is a proeficient ambidextrous swordsman, being able to wield his rapier with either hand with equal skill, or dual wield without any loss of precision in his strikes. He tends to favor fighting with a single blade when wants to properly employ his magic, and with a sword and dagger in each hand at all other times. The Byrne clan is a clan of some of the best warriors of the Eilne, the largest kingdom in Éire, and as such they have learned to use magic to enhance their natural abilties. The spellswords of the Byrne clan use wind to propel themselves to close in towards their enemy or back away from them at high speeds, at times effectively doubling the user's velocity. They also use the wind in more subtle ways, such as pushing the blades of their enemies away or pushing their own limbs forward to cause more damage. This has it's consequences, however. Due to the constant mental duress they face to maintain their magics while still fighting effectively in physical combat, Iain is prone to exhaustion much faster than if he fought without his spells. Due to this, he often does just that, leaving his magic to be used against difficult opponents or when the situation calls for it.

It's noteworthy that Iain also tends to use his magic (when not in combat) for more mundane needs. He usually shields himself from the rain by creating an air barrier of sorts above him, that push the drops of water away. He also does this to keep a flame lit in the rain, and has shown to be capable of propelling small boats foward even when there is no wind.With more concentration, he can even push storm clouds away, though that takes preparation and tends to leave him exhausted afterwards.

Current Belongings: Iain's most noteworthy possessions are his sword and dagger. His sword is an intricate blade, in appearance very similar to the dress swords oft-used by the nobles of Éire, but that appearance is misleading. His sword, called Gaoth, was forged by the best swordsmith of the Byrne clan and given to him the day of his birth, as it is tradition for all future patriarchs to receive their first blade on that age. It is said that if the patriarch manages to keep the blade at his side until his ascension to his post, he will never lose a fight. Due to this, Iain takes great care of his sword, keeping it polished and even learning basic smithing to repair and tamper the blade to cover scratches. The blade is so well kept that one would think the man had never even drawn it once. The hilt of the sword is golden with a basket-type hilt. The sword's handle is made out of pearly-white ivory, and the pommel of the blade is golden with a single, large, emerald encrusted within it.

His dagger is nicknamed Feothan, and is a poignard-like knife with the same design of the sword, except the hilt is a standard cross-shape. The dagger is not nearly as well kept as the sword, as it is pretty much covered in scratches in it's entirety. Though one quickly learns this is not due to ignorance from it's master's part, but rather the futility of it. Feothan was forged to Iain by his father's hand himself, and thus it is his most prized possession. However, as his father said, the blade was made to be used, not merely kept. Iain uses the dagger for everything, from peeling apples to skinning animals to murdering his foes in a more stealthly approach (even if that in particular is not his forte). Because of this, due to his dagger seeing almost daily use, Iain eventually gave up on doing anything but sharpening it.

In his possession are also a polishing kit, a basic survival kit composed of a tent and the needed materials to arm it, five torches, a bottle of oil, bandages, a few healing herbs and potions and a hammer.

Lastly, he carries within him an indeterminate amount of gold.

Reason for Joining: Iain is one of the leaders of the movement, and thus his reason for joining the force is the same reason why the force exists. The Duke of Eachann was ordered by the king to find a way to deal with the threat or at the very least find a way to estabilish a link with the ancient kingdom of Vechiul, a long time ally of Eilne, and so he set forth to assembling the task force along with his right and left hands, Ailios and Asgall.
The lord is dead. Long live the Lord!

Name : Asgall Asleifsson
Gender : Male
Age : 35
Physical Appearance: Asgall is a large and burly man. He has the muscular body of a sailor and a man of the sea, and his body is covered in the scars to prove it. Sporting a large fiery red mess for hair and a long, scraggly beard, the man stands only a few inches shorter than Iain. His eyes are a deep brown, and the man seems to always be smiling at something.

Character Backstory: Asgall was once a renowed and feared pirate from Éire, until the eclipse occurred. At that point, Iain eventually found him smuggling innocent survivors to Sigeto, and after a quick discussion and a few swigs of ale, the two found friendship - And devised a plan.

Before the eclipse Asgall was known as a fierce warrior, who couldn't be taken down by spell or blade. His body seems to support it, seeing how it is almost completely covered in scars of the most varying kind.

NOTABLE EVENT: At the start of his pirating carreer, Asgall hunt down his elder brothers - Two renowed pirates themselves - and his first plunder was their ships, and his first two confirmed kills were each of his brothers.

Character Abilities: Asgall is a monster of a man, and there are likely few individuals that can surpass his brute strength. Sadly, or perhaps fortunately, that is all the man has in his favor. He lacks any combat skill and his combat ability comes from his sheer power alone. Due to this, he prefers to wield two large hammers, one in each hand, and fight by using large sweeping strikes to try and take care of as many enemies as possible.

It is said he is an excellend fistfighter, but we have never witnessed him doing so.

Current Belongings: The previous writting is scribbled over crudely, and other text is written in poor handwritting below it My hammers is all yer men get to know I have, Iain!

Reason for joining: Asgall is one of the original founders of the force, being approached by Iain and deciding to lend his ship - Perhaps the last sea-worthy one in all of Éire - to his cause.

Name : Ailios Gwydion
Gender : Female
Age : 23 (According to her)
Physical Appearance: Ailios body is curvy and slender, as those of sorceresses usually are. There's no doubt her beauty is a fabricated illusion, but she is a beauty indeed. Her dark raven locks flow all the way towards her lower back and frame her face perfectly. Her body is taut and firm. Her breasts the following lines are scratched over. A polished, regal handwriting follows where the previous left off I have decided to remove the description my men had left previously, as it seemed far too... Lewd for an official archive. Let it be known Ailios is one of a thin frame, with long black hair and sapphire-blue eyes. Should she need to be identificated in any way, the most obvious way to do so is locating her mark - The one most magic users have - and in her case, it is a circular-shaped mark in her left shoulder remniscent of a gemstone. - Iain Byrne
Character Backstory: Ailios is a childhood friend of Iain (doesn't that mean she'd be closer to his age, then?) and has known and interacted with the Lord Byrne since a young age. They have not interacted a lot during almost their entire adolescence and young adulthood, however, since she soon got chose to join the School of Sorcery and Magical Arts in the city of Aingealag, and has spent most of her time there since. There is nothing of worth to be mentioned during these years, except that she was a dedicated student.

Notable event: Ailios has shown considerable ability in the field of thaumaturgy, being able to warp the world around her with relative ease. An example of this was that she was, during her entire stay at the School of Sorcery and Magical Arts, undefeated champion in all thaumaturgic competitions. Due to this, she has focused almost solely on thaumaturgy, and her abilities in all other fields of magic is theoretical at best.

Character Abilities: Ailios' main strength lies in the field of thaumaturgy, namely illusion and reality alteration. She is able to disguise or even permanently alter her physical shape or that of others (although doing so without permission is against the Oath of Descriminate Spellcasting taken by all kingdom-sanctioned sorceresses and wizards) and usually fights by either confusing the opponent with her illusions, or manipulating the field around her to do her bidding. Namely, she seems to have a penchant for animating trees to fight for her, or using their vines as whips, or animating swords or suits or armor, or even manipulating the ground below her opponents to act as if quicksand.

Because of this most of her work is mental and she must be kept safe at all times, as she will be quickly overpowered in close-quarters if any enemy is allowed that close.

Current Belongings: Her staff and a few magical scrolls. None of which are noteworthy, according to her, neither were they allowed to be inspected.
Reason for joining: Ailios joined at Iain's request. There is no other motive.

How it will work (or not):

Since a decent amount of people have shown an interest, I'll elaborate more about how the RP will work.
This game is focused around and attempt by Iain, the son of Duke Byren, to estabilish a reliable communications channel with the continent of Sigeto, so together with Eíru. However, there are three other objectives that must be completed to assure this link won't be broken.
The most important objective is neutralizing the Leviathan, since without him the people will be able to sail from a country to another (somewhat) safely again.
The other two objectives are neutralizing Aillios, the vampire queen of the Abhartach, and Mihai, the current pack-leader of the Varulv. Since the Leviathan is an irrational best, he will need to be killed, but both Aillios and Mihai can be reasoned with, and may even aid the party if they find the correct way to approach them (In other words, there is a peaceful resolution for those conflicts, but it'll take more than guile to achieve. You'll have to really look around and find information and even artifacts so those creatures even have reason to listen to you)

Now, Iain is a clever man, and thus, he will adapt his tactics according to the number of people that join him. If we get a total of nine characters or more, the game will be split into three different teams as the party will be broken up to achieve their three different objectives.
If there are between five to eight characters, the game will be split into two teams and each party will tackle one of the three objectives (those to be chosen through vote, in-game out out of it) and if we've four characters or less the party will tackle each objective individualy and in a linear order (Aillios, Leviathan and then Mihai). Whichever choice is made, each objective will have it's own separate thread, in other words, each objective will be it's own separated adveture, even if we have only one party. This is due to a simple reason.
In my games, people die. Tough statement, but real one. No one is exception to this rule. I can almost guarantee that at least one of my three characters will die, and depending on the story all of them might before it even ends. If this happens, the remaining alive PCs will have to go about fulfilling their objectives with me acting as a sort-of narrator persona, nudging the party in the right direction and controlling important NPCs.

Because of this, there will also be checkpoints in different times of each objective when other people may join or new characters may be rolled for example, as soon as we get to the kingdom of Vechul in Sigeto, more people are able to join (naturally their characters will have to hail from there or at least be there at the moment for whatever reason)

However, despite all this, it is ultimately possible for a party to be wiped and fail to complete an objective. For example if we're down to one man and he decides to take on Mihai by himself without going to a city to find people to help, there's a good chance there will be a wipe.

If a wipe happens, what follows depends on whether or not the game was initially split. If we had three parties and one got wipes, whichever are remaining (or even a combination of members from the other two may be dispatched) has to complete this objective. Similarly, if there are two parties only, the remaining party will either have to split up or tackle the objective that was not completed after completing it's own.
If there's only one party and it wipes or all parties wipe, it's game over. We lose. Tough luck. If at that time there is still interest in the game, a time-skip of a few months will occur as Duke Byren recognizes his son's team has failed and puts together a new one, and a party may resume from where the others left off. We can consider this a new game + of sorts. Meaning everything the previous party did directly impacts the next one. For example, maybe one of the Duke's previous men attacked someone at a village. That village may not be so open to aid the new heroes. Maybe the party tried to convince Aillos and failed, which means it'd be much harder for the next party to convince her. Similarly, maybe the party chopped one of Mihai's arms off or blinded the leviathan; All these things carry over.

Now let's talk good things.
If all three objectives are completed, we reach our final checkpoint as all characters return to meet with Duke Byrne. At that moment the game reaches it's point of no return, meaning if we lose then, it's gg no re, game over for good. That will also be the last chance for others to join, being the final checkpoint and all. At that moment we will move to the last objective in the adventure which is to neutralize the lunamancer and force him to put the moon back where it belongs I'll just point out that there is a thousand ways this can go wrong, and characters that pay attention to their surroundings and take note of things of import will be the most useful at this point, since this is a game where tact and negotiation are as important if not more than brute strength and fighting skill.
At the end of the last objective, whether we succeed or fail, the game will end. At that point we will enter the epilogue stage where I will narrate what happens to the world and some of the characters we meet along the way, as well as giving a brief summary of what happened to each of your characters. Think of this as the epilogue from a Fallout game. It'll be much similar to that. You have the opportunity to then take the skeleton I'll provide and expand on your epilogue, for the sake of giving each character the closure they need.

Things you may want to know:

Here's a few tidbits of info you may want to know to help shape your character profile.

1 -> Éire is based off of Gaelic/Celtic/Scottish culture. Sigeto is based off of Romani culture.

2 -> The people of Éire have liberal views on magic. The people of Sigeto almost exclusively perform black magic. (This includes necromancy, demonology, divination, and hexes/curses.)

3 -> Éire and Sigeto are comprised almost solely of humans. That doesn't mean everywhere else is, though.

4 -> The largest kingdom of Éire is Eilne, and it's capital is Danu. The largest kingdom of Sigeto is Vechul, and it's capital is Devel.

Game systems

I was planning of explaining these as we came along, but since it's been a slow week, I figured I'd explain an important game system ahead of time.

As more game systems are implemented (AKA I make them up) or explained they'll be added here for future reference (As this thread may come to encompass the entire "world" of Gaelach Basm if I decide I want to keep it.)

The decision or break-point system.

In the Gaelach Basm series, we'll be dealing with an action-consequence system called the break-point system. Break-points happen every time the party is faced with an important decision. Depending on their magnitude and type, break-points can affect only your character, after your party's odds of success, or affect the entire world around them. There are three types of break-points:

Character-break: This is a type of break point exclusive to a character in particular. While these can affect the world or the party, it's rare that they do so, only truly affecting the particular character around them. Remember your reasons for joining? Well, there will be times where you will have to confront these reasons and your motivations may change, or your will may falter, or an opportunity for your character to do something that pertains his storyline shows up; Basically anything that should logically only directly affect your character, even if it may affect others indirectly, is a character choice. Depending on the situation, they may be presented "in-game", or they may be presented to the played through a private message in-between turns, where the decision will be made in secret.

Party-break: This type of break-point affects your party as a whole. In general, they affect your odds of success or failure; They may even cause your party to split up or add a new member to it. These are the most common types of break-points as they may happen at almost any literal time, depending on the actions to the parties in regards to NPCs and PCs alike. A party leader can, per example, dismiss a member they don't like or work well with, in exchange for a new character, be it an NPC (in case of an NPC getting dismissed) or a new PC (in case of a PC getting dismissed). The latter case can only occur during checkpoints. However, in general, party-breaks are decisions taken by the party as a whole, through in-game discussion.

World-break: The most important type of break-point and therefore the rarest, a world-break defines a moment that will shape the entire world of Gaelach Basm. Such decisions can directly affect the odds of success of not only your party, but of all other parties across the board. You let that nasty vampire queen escape? Well, she might just be running to tell the Lunamancer of your deeds - Causing him to reinforce his defenses in Sigeto. These choices can be glaring with glaring consequences as the example above, or they can be much more subtle. Due to this, world-break decisions may be handled either individually or as a group (Do you want to spare the Queen? Does the party? Should they kill you afterwards for sparing her?) and thus can be treated either in-game or through PMs with one or multiple characters as the situation calls. That means you will most often than not realize you went through a world-break decision after it blows up on your face (or not)

This system seeks to quantify the development of the storyline through a flag system, letting me know intimately the motivations of your characters and shape the world and it's events to react to you accordingly; Hopefully also delivering an interesting experience.

The AFK Clause:

Due to the issues getting the RP rollin' during the holidays, I've decided to add this clause:

I may freely control any character that hasn't replied without forewarning in three days.

In other words, if you'll take longer than three days to reply due to your issues, send me a PM with an estimate date. If you do not, I'll take over your character until you return. While I will try to roleplay your character to the best of my ability, they won't be safe from harm. I know it sucks to come back to see I killed you off, but I'll try to stay as consistent as I can with your profile and the way you portray your character. If we come to a break-point where I think they'd make the wrong decision and get killed, they'll make the wrong decision and get killed. Oops!

If you take more than two weeks to reply, I'm killing you off. This is a more obvious one. If I've had to control your character as an NPC for over two weeks, they're dead. Doesn't matter whether or not I'm warned in advance; It's holding back a slot that a new player may take to join if they so desire.

If the party OOCly requests that a character is moved before three days time, it may be done so.

This will be done in the following scenarios:

- Another player will be busy and wouldn't be able to reply after the three days were up

- The time requested to wait was far too long and people are getting impatient

- The post is trivial (i.e. nothing is going on)

Lastly, a character will be killed off immediately if:

- The player hasn't been active on the forums for over two weeks (See above)

- The player hasn't posted for over two weeks (Again, see above)

- The player has too many warning points to post.

- The player is banned from the Pokemon Reborn Forums.

The Reaping Clauses (AKA Why you're going to die)

I reserve the right to kill any character that:

- Godmode: Is godmoding (One warning will be issued)

- Control: Is bunnying other players (without permission) (Depending on the extension of the bunnying, the character may be killed instantly. That's in the case that someone bunnied another character to their literal demise, for example. Otherwise, up to three warnings will be issued)

- Consistency: Isn't roleplaying properly (This is subjective. I won't kill you off for being a beginner, but if I feel you're not following your profile or it was only written to "pass" and you're roleplaying a completely different character, or I can't see consistency in your posts (Consistency being the main word here. Everyone acts in patterns, so do you and so does your character. Think of these, and stick to them) Several warnings may be issued as I try to reason the character's actions with the player. If it's ultimately decided they are unwilling to listen, the character will be disposed of.)

- Manners: Is being offensive OOCly towards me or any other player. (No warning will be issued for this, as I will not tolerate any type of offensive behavior OOCly)

- Keyboarding: If your posts have poor grammar, you're gonna have a bad time. (And the "english isn't my main language" excuse won't work on me; It's not my main language either, I learned it on my own without any formal study, and so can you. Online spellcheckers are a thing; Use them.)

(The number of character warnings is the same as the Consistency clause)

- Of course, this doesn't mean those are the only conditions that will kill off a character. Since these roleplays are heavily based on action and reaction, I may kill your character at any moment depending on the situaton at hand and his decisions on how to react to it. At such a time, you will be warned beforehand of your impeding demise, and you are free to contest it. If you can convice me that your character's actions shouldn't incur death, they won't. If you can't, they will.

The Joining Clauses (AKA Sign up here)

New characters will only be added when someone dies, and the party reaches a checkpoint.

The join priority occurs in this way:

New players are priorized. After new players, are priorized players whose all characters have died. After both these priority checks, the list follows a first-come-first-serve order.

The Exploration Mechanic

So, sometimes the party will split up. When that happens, the party will be playing simultaneosly in two scenarios. The main scenario, which is the only one who will be actually posted int he RP thread, follows the norm and will be whichever one that directly correlates to the main story.

In contrast, the exploration scenario will be done individually (or as a group if the party splits in that fashion) with the characters not participating in the main scenario. Those will be handled by PMs, or in Showdown, or pretty much whichever method is the best to use for that respective person.

Exploration scenarions can continue after the party has regrouped, but they have a definite objective and end immediately upon ir being reached.

There are finer details, but those are best left to explain during the actual experience. So look forward to it!

If everything goes well, I may make more games in a similar vein and style, as well as maybe even creating more in this particular world.

If it doesn't, well. Who doesn't love a good tragedy?

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Didn't read the massive text wall, but if this if an Interest check and not an actual OCC, please label it appropriately using the tag "[interest Check]" so as to avoid confusing people. Because it's just misleading the way it's currently tagged

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I'll just keep it as an interest check for now; If enough people (I'd need a rather high number for what I'm planning on doing) pronounce interest in joining, I'll go ahead to creating the OOC and detailing more carefully how the game will be played

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Just edited the thread's title to better fit the idea. It was originally called "The starting point" because that's what it is, but now that I've come up with a name for the series, I decided add it. I'll keep "the starting point" in the title too since it'll help diferentiate the other threads (hinthint) and make things more convenient.

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Due to the interest, I've added to the main topic how the game(s) will work. It is now at a staggering 3171 words, so I'm pretty sure there's some sort of prize you can get for reading through it all in one sitting.

There's still more to talk about though, and I might explain some more systems if the interest grows.

I'm not trying to tease anyone here, I just don't want to write a ton to have no one join afterwards.

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Don't worry bout the time zone a lot of the time RPs can move a little slow and you can post at any time. And wow this is a lot more DnD than some of the other RPs here it's gonna be a hella lot of fun. Are you gonna make an OOC or utilize this post? And we need a DHS! A designated healer and surviver. Hell if I'm gonna wipe I want another go!

Edited by Rielly987
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