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Reborn Trading Thread.


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To whoever is interested I have:
Shiny Lapras 24/8/31/13/31/3 IVs
Shiny Cyndaquil 29/15/9/23/25/11 IVs
Shiny Squirtle 10/31/30/31/31/31 IVs
Charmander 24/31/31/30/30/31 IVs
Bulbasaur 17/29/31/31/19/31 IVs with Giga Drain as an egg move

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ok so im still looking for an Axew if anyone has one...i have 2 shiny torchics lv1 1 male 1 female...1 shiny noibat lv1 female...can have any nature/ability...both torchics have 31 atk IVs as well

EDIT: also have a wide array of pokemon that i can breed at any time...

Edited by MonkeyDYanni
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I'd really love to have a Frillish. Preferably female but not that big of a deal. I've got everything you can get legitly since Episode 12 + a Togepi. I've also got some well bred Pokés with great IVs like Ralts, Corphish, Oddish, Eevee, Cyndaquil and so. Just ask.

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So I'm done with almost all the trades as of now.. If anybody wants something done they can ask me, however I'm not sure how quickly I'll be able to get it done.. Also I have a bunch of random pokemon left that I'm giving away.. So feel free to ask me for stuff..

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I think I have one with all 31 IV's.. I'm looking for the Mystery Eggs, other than Marill, Vulpix and Larvesta, crap I forgot about the rule, derp... I'm not really looking for anything in particular, so you can just give me something you find worthy of a Charmander and I'll probably agree.. Not any starters though.. Have me all..

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Since I started reborn in episode 14 im stuck with an Azuril egg, wouldn't mind trading it for Axew, Larvesta or Tentacool, just lemme know in pm if ya offering.

Edited by Lord Drakyle
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I mean, I could do it since Yash isn't around for now. Refer to Yash's first post on how to make the trades, but instead of PMing Yash, PM me instead.

I have to note one thing though:

  On 12/23/2014 at 4:56 AM, Yash said:

Another thing is trading between save files.. I will not be doing those.. So please don't ask me..

What the hell does he does then? I don't get it :/

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He won't trade a Pokemon from save 1 of a player to save 2 of the same player. For example, I botched the Gastly event in my second run, but got it in my first. He won't trade Gastly from my first save to my second.

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  On 6/19/2015 at 11:18 PM, Odybld said:

He won't trade a Pokemon from save 1 of a player to save 2 of the same player. For example, I botched the Gastly event in my second run, but got it in my first. He won't trade Gastly from my first save to my second.

Oooh for the same person. lmao i get it now xD

Well, I'll just leave this here then:


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I'm looking for episode 15 exclusive mystery egg pokemon not obtainable in any other episodes.I have all other obtainable pokemons (nincluding starters) and I can breed good iv and egg move (no hidden power). Please pm me if anyone having those aforementioned pokemon are interested to trade. thx...

Edited by yanmeng92
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