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Reborn Trading Thread.


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  On 6/29/2015 at 5:23 PM, bepe said:

I don't think starmie learns shadow ball.

since stammie is a spychic/water type it should be able to learn ghost type move. After you defeat shade the ghost gym, you'll receive a shadow ball tm.

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  On 6/30/2015 at 4:20 AM, bluebird said:

since stammie is a spychic/water type it should be able to learn ghost type move. After you defeat shade the ghost gym, you'll receive a shadow ball tm.

The logic behind your statement is so wrong.

Yanmega is a flying type, it should be able to learn Fly.

Also, Shadow Ball is no longer a TM given, it's now Shadow Claw.

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  On 6/29/2015 at 5:53 PM, alaneapen said:

Does anyone have a shroomish. I have gastly, froakie, torchic, bulbasaur, togepi to trade for it.

I have a shroomish got from mystery egg. I can breed one for myself and give it to you for togepi

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was also looking for any pokemon with Pre-Ep 13 Egg Moves along with the treecko I'm still searching for :P (Example. Tbolt Sludge Bomb Gastly/Dragalge) Will trade the pokemon I mentioned earlier Larvesta, Shroomish, Magikarp & 5Iv Fathers I have lots more but those are just my rarest so if you have what I'm looking for feel free to PM and tell me what you want :)

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  On 6/30/2015 at 4:37 AM, Lostelle said:

The logic behind your statement is so wrong.

Yanmega is a flying type, it should be able to learn Fly.

Also, Shadow Ball is no longer a TM given, it's now Shadow Claw.

hm you're right, i looked it up, starmie doesn't have shadow ball. its strange, most psychic type that i know are able to learn shadow ball

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  On 7/1/2015 at 7:59 AM, bluebird said:

so after i tried using mudkip as a starter the second time. I got a stamryu egg. So I guess the choice of starter doesn't affect the mystery egg then

It doesnt.. It is determined when you create new save file for the first time

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  On 6/30/2015 at 12:30 PM, Sharu said:

I have a shroomish got from mystery egg. I can breed one for myself and give it to you for togepi

hey,i got togepi.i'll trade it for your shroomish.

Anyway,I'm looking for a few mons such as audino,cottoonee,clauncher and most of the fossil.tell me what you guys want and i'll see if they're in the box.

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Can I trade between two save files or its only possible between 2 players because I want to start with a mudkip and get a chimchar, but their only avaliable through the beginning when choosing your starter and I would love both on my team.

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  On 7/4/2015 at 11:50 PM, SkyeAssassin said:

Can I trade between two save files or its only possible between 2 players because I want to start with a mudkip and get a chimchar, but their only avaliable through the beginning when choosing your starter and I would love both on my team.

The first post of the topic says no. But if you really want Mudkip, go back to an episode before E15 and go where Squirtle is now

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  On 7/1/2015 at 8:53 AM, Sharu said:

It doesnt.. It is determined when you create new save file for the first time

It's actually determined when you choose your starter, not when you create the file.

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looking for Chimchar, Snivy, pinsir and oshawott with any IVs and any nature, i can offer charmander, bulbasaur, gastly with some egg moves, magicarp, togepi with egg moves, marill, heracross, treecko, torchic, shroomish, froakie and some common pokemons with some egg and tm moves

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  On 7/6/2015 at 8:46 PM, OmegaRa1der said:

Almost done with the ep. As soon I defeat Ciel and obtain fly, I will give away a box of magikarps for any good pokemon that have at least 1 perfect iv that fits them.

I have a male ralts with 31 speed ivs 30 in attack and hp. plz trade with me

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I'm going to get the Mystery Egg soon. I will trade whatever I get from that for any Phantump. Don't care about IV/EV's, just need the actual Pokemon for my run and below level 39 if possible. Many thanks if someone will be willing to do this when I get the egg.

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  On 7/8/2015 at 3:58 AM, Generalguy64 said:

I'm going to get the Mystery Egg soon. I will trade whatever I get from that for any Phantump. Don't care about IV/EV's, just need the actual Pokemon for my run and below level 39 if possible. Many thanks if someone will be willing to do this when I get the egg.

I Have a pumpkaboo....it works better.... Cause you know, leech seed, substitute, phantom force, confuse ray....

I got a Staryu from my egg... I am willing to trade it for a tentacool...cause you know... no one likes that pokemon...except me...

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I'm looking for Charmander, Torchic, Froakie, Larvesta or Axew. I can offer Togepi, Snivy, Bulbasaur, some Horseas with ok IVs + Aurora Beam (one of them is shiny), Trapinch, Riolu, Eevee.

I don't care about what IVs they have I'll probably breed them later on. If you want IVs on your pokemon it will take a while since I'm really busy with my work + I'm going to move to a different city soon too.

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  On 7/8/2015 at 3:59 PM, Nan said:

I'm looking for Charmander, Torchic, Froakie, Larvesta or Axew. I can offer Togepi, Snivy, Bulbasaur, some Horseas with ok IVs + Aurora Beam (one of them is shiny), Trapinch, Riolu, Eevee.

I don't care about what IVs they have I'll probably breed them later on. If you want IVs on your pokemon it will take a while since I'm really busy with my work + I'm going to move to a different city soon too.

i can breed for you charmander, torchic and froakie, if you breed for me a snivy, cacnea and spoink

Sorry about the double post, can someone delete?

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