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4th Gen Shiny Topic


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See? We're doing this better this time.

So, there are a lot of these that I am fairly sure have been done alongside their earlier-gen counterparts, but I have endured a critical mission failure and lost the folder I was keeping most of those in. So feel free to recover those from previous topics, where applicable.

Also remember the ideas listed here aren't absolute and I do encourage people to try new things; this is just a starting point. Alongside with trying new things, be ready to accept they may not be used in favor of previous concepts.

Turtwig- Match Torterra
Grotle- Match Torterra
Torterra- Autumn
Chimchar- Match Monferno
Monferno- Match Infernape
Infernape- Saiyan
Piplup- Match Empoleon
Prinplup- Match Empoleon
Empoleon- Black/white
Starly- Pidove colours
Staravia- Either Tranquil or start fading to blue
Staraptor- Either Unfezant, or maybe make it a sort of bluejay?
Bidoof- Match Bibarel
Bibarel- Maybe blue to emphasize it as a water type? Open to other ideas
Kricketot- Match Kricketune
Kricketune- Green cricket
Shinx- Match Luxray
Luxio- Match Luxray
Luxray- Reverse Luxray OR the blood-tipped fur concept in the original shiny thread
Budew- http://prntscr.com/5e6n0i
Roserade- Tuxedo Mask
Cranidos- Match Rampardos
Rampardos- Normal shiny concept OK but touch up grey skin to match red better
Shieldon- Match Bastiodon
Bastiodon- Black/silver
Burmy- Maybe we can make it seasonal? Grass = Autumn, Dirt = Spring, Trash = Winter
Wormadam- Match Burmy
Mothim- Summer colors, whatever that means
Combee- Match Vepsiquen
Vespiquen- Black/White. Or other ideas?
Pachirisu- Black/Blue
Buizel- Match Floatzel
Floatzel- Blue-based, maybe white collar, yellow fins?
Cherubi- Cherry
Cherrim- Poinsettia
Shellos- Match Gastrodon
Gastrodon- Generic RPG Slime- plus maybe old style hue-shift for other form?
Ambipom- Match Aipom
Drifloon- Match Drifblim
Drifblim- Black/Reborn X OR http://prntscr.com/36m3jz
Buneary- Match Lopunny
Lopunny- Pink/White
Mismagius- Match Misdreavus
Honchkrow- Match Murkrow
Glameow- Match Purugly
Purugly- Open to concepts but default shiny isn't bad-- need back sprites
Chingling- Match Chimecho
Stunky- Match Skuntank
Skuntank- Default magenta shiny color can stay, but make the cream color match it- maybe a dark red, black, pink, or pure white?
Bronzor- Match Bronzong
Bronzong- Varied metal
Bonsly- Match Sudowoodo
Mime Jr.- Match Mr.Mime
Happiny- Match Chansey
Chatot- More traditional parrot colors- red body, yellow beak is good, blue body/under-wings and tail, but wtf to do with the head?
Spiritomb- Black/red- something else look cooler?
Gible- Match Garchomp
Gabite- Match Garchomp
Garchomp- Black/Red or Black/Cyan? Dear lord do anything else with it but what the default is.
Munchlax- Match Snorlax
Riolu- Match Lucario
Lucario- Deadpool sort of colors ft. aura
Hippopotas- Match Hippowdon
Hippowdon- Pink/black
Skorupi- See Drapion
Drapion- http://prntscr.com/36mhhl
Croagunk- Match Toxicroak
Toxicroak- Dark body on red claws
Carnivine- Black/vibrant tentacles
Finneon- Match Lumineon
Lumineon- Black/White
Mantyke- Match Mantine
Snover- Match Obamasnow
Abomasnow- Christmas Tree
Weavile- Match Sneasel
Magnezone- Match Magneton- pretty sure this was done somewhere wasn't it?
Lickilicky- Match Lickitung
Rhyperior- Match Rhydon
Tangrowth- PULSE Tangrowth color
Electivire- Black/Cyan- Only backsprite needs doing
Magmortar- Match Magmar
Togekiss- Match Togetic- I think we did this too
Yanmega- Match Yanma
Leafeon- Poinsetta Leafeon- Only backsprite needs doing
Glaceon- White with black- Only backsprite needs doing
Gliscor- Match Gligar
Mamoswine- Match Piloswine
PorygonZ- RBY
Gallade- Match rest of line
Probopass- Mr. Potatohead, I KNOW we have this somewhere.
Dusknoir- Match Dusclops
Froslass- White/red robe
Rotom- I think we should keep the electricity the same color per form as normal, but just change the body color. Suggestions?
Uxie- Yellow > Green
Mespirit- Blossom
Azelf- Blue > Purple
Dialga- Black/blue
Palkia- Black/pink
Heatran- Black/red steel?
Regigigas- Reborn colors
Giratina- Black/silver
Cresselia- Silver/Gold
Phione- Match Manaphy
Manaphy- Silver? Lavender? Open to suggestions
Darkrai- Spectral
Shaymin- Cherry blossom
Arceus- Black base- yellow parts coloured to match Reborn symbol for the default form

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I´ve already done a few, so they might not be exactly what the suggestions say. So if ya like one or two, pick ´em. If not, then I´m alright with that ^^ Anyway, that´s my christmas-present to you guys, since I don´t have anything else xD

Black/White Piplup-Line. Old shiny sprites, first ones I once made, so they ain´t that good. I should do something about that I guess -___-

Nice and powerful staraptor. Now in black with more red:

Budew gets a red face, because the original´s face has the same yellow color as that part of roselia which is red in the shiny version. That chestpiece or whatever you call it .___.

Driftloon. Now 20% more creepy, all just to scare the children it wants to kidnap:


Just an idea for garchomp. Is that good or has anyone something better? I wanted to make it a bit more intimidating, more dangerous looking and that ^^

Carnivine, piranha-plant style (From any Mario Bros game you know^^). Just an idea.

Leafeon backsprite for dat frontsprite:

Porygon-Z, retro-style ~

Gallade. Same color-style as Kirlia:

Giratina. Just an idea of mine, but already done both formes:


Darkrai. Now dark with blue-ish flame-hair:




That Garchomp is lacking some shading I think. Make the dark parts a little stronger

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Ok,i'll get to that in a few seconds.

By the way, for now it´s not really necessary to do both female and male for shinies, unless you want to do more work of course. Heracross for example has only one shiny, even though the horns of both male and female are different ^^

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By the way, for now it´s not really necessary to do both female and male for shinies, unless you want to do more work of course. Heracross for example has only one shiny, even though the horns of both male and female are different ^^


Ok thanks for the info!

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Should I make the ring shinier or is it ok as it is? If its too shiny,

the green-glowy things won´t look that good I think ^^

Anyway, next one I wanna give a shot is Lucario ;3

I also made a darker spiritomb. Just for the heck of it. Quite sure nobody will notice a difference.

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Massive sprite dump inc

Vel'koz carnivine (because that's scary)



Deadpoolcario (and a few other dimensional variants)

Hanuman Infernape (because hanuman was really cool)

Ghost rotom, and all his toys (he needs more guys)

Adding in snover because I haven't got an abomasnow sprite yet




Can we turn Darkrai into Lewis?

I just wish I had half the talent of you guys :P

Just start with what makes you comfortable, and go from there, I guess.

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Saturation on the red should be decreased and the contrast increased.

Is this the popularly prefered concept for Garchomp?


Do people like this brown color? If not, what could be used instead?

The whites' contrast can be increased, and the shades of the yellow part should be worked on-- decrease the darker shades' saturation and increase the overall contrast.

We'll try to do something more unique for Staraptor.


Go ahead and try garbage's Budew's face white. Make sure the legs are the same color on both facings- one seems redder currently.

For Roserade, let's try keeping the hair and under-mask part of the face white, but make the presently white parts of the body a grey, and the collar a deeper red.


Looking good. Let's make Drifloon's feet white though to not get too crazy for now.

For Drifblim, let's differentiate the yellow shades at the bottom more. The darker shade should be tinted closer to orange, as is the case for any darkening yellow shade. It can also be a little darker. On Drifblim's 'nose' some of the black outline pixels stand out a bit, can we pick up some dark colors to make that look a little smoother?

Spiritomb doesn't look bad. I think I like the first one better though. Does anyone have a concept they like better or shall we go with this?

I kind of also want to try the face being white and the pearls red instead.

This Garchomp has some shading/contrast/saturation issues. I think the other one is more likely.

Pirrhana plant Carnivine is golden. Slap a backsprite on that and call it a day.

Leafeon is set. Porygon was already crossed off- I managed to save that one.

Gallade looking good. Before I put it in, can we also try putting the purple spike color up into just the upwards-extending part of its 'helmet'? It's looking a little bland to me right now and I think that might help.

Loving the Giratina concept (predictably, ame.) Are those blue-based blacks? If not, they should be. Also the shading of the tendrils on Origin forme should be cleaned up a little bit, it looks to be a different saturation and the backsprite light shade is too light.

This was the original Rotom concept and I've since decided I don't like it as an idea... What else can we try?

Darkrai's outlines should be darker than its shades, not the other way around. Dark shade of the hair is too saturated.

Dialgo looks all right, but not 100%. I think it's because metallic is usually blue-based instead of red-based shades. If we try black on blue like the new concept says I think this might work out better.


So far so good. Let's make the green spots on the front of its whatever that once-yellow thing is white instead. I also want to do something with its eye because the green looks weird there too. White will probably be fine since the body is black. Then either make black or darken the red part of the eye.

I googled Lunar Rainbow but wasn't quite sure what to make of it-- what would that look like exactly?


This looks pretty all right. I think I want the grey parts white instead. The shades of the collar also need more contrast. Same for Floatzel.


Notice the difference in saturation between the front and backsprite. That should be correct. Let's give both this and Lucario eyes again. Lucario also still needs aura (Riolu doesn't).

Currently not concerned with Mega Sprites; that may be an affair for a different day.


Decrease the saturation of the blues for everyone in this line. Let's try the grey as white. Increase the contrast for shades in Chimchar's tail flame.


The yellow stands out- let's find a different color. Also make sure that grey areas don't have a coloured outline, highlighted as such. The back sprite doesn't seem to have this issue. The shades of the collar of the backsprite require more contrast.

Same applies about the yellow for Infernape, but the white/grey is appropriate here.


For snover, let's keep the brown part of the body from the normal sprite the same, and make what is originally white green, and what is originally green, white.

When Abomasnow comes around, same principle but keep make the originally-green feet brown, and make the green spike son its back colored like ornaments.

Keep it up everyone!

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As I recall, the Amethyst was on the lower right-hand side instead of the Emerald.

Yeah, I think so. But it´s a bit inconsistent, because the grand gate has it like Arceus. Purple below blue. Same goes for metagross shiny. So I didn´t really know what to do. So it´s either the title screen that is wrong or the grand gate, and in the latter´s case I fucked up.

Some shinies got purple below red as well, like Vivilion, but Florges has green below red. So there´s something wrong somewhere....

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UA tfw the Whole Reborn City Tileset being in that spoiler XD

Yeah, me ftw. I also added all the shinies with the reborn symbol and the title, just so y´all don´t have to look for yourself. I was to lazy to edit the other parts out, but you can see the grand gate there. It has green below red, while the title has purple below the red part.

I based my Metagross on the city-gate at that time, which looked like this. Florges also looks like this. But Vivilon and the title screen are different. Now, I dunno which reborn symbol is the right one.

[insert insane conspiracy-theory here]

By the way, just for funzies:

I started doing Lucario, will continue after fixing my other sprites. It´ll have an aura, due to being the "aura-pokemon".

Aura ain´t done yet, so don´t say anything about the form ;)

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Well, the title screen, Arc-d'Astrae, and the site's icon all show the Amethyst below the Ruby.

Well, I don´t get it. So the grand gate´s coloring is wrong? ^^ The railnet from the tileset has the emerald-part below ruby as well O____o All those little secret gates that are still locked and hidden in the region got that emerald part below ruby. Weird...






[coolness intensifies]

This is absurd, there is a mountain of evidence pointing away from me.

My Arceus´ reborn-insignia is based on my shiny Metagross´s X, which is based on the grand gate.

Yet, at the time I made the latter shiny I didn´t know the grand gate´s colouring was wrong.

This is something we all realized because of the evidence I presented. Now, it can hardly be my fault because I believed the tileset to be telling the truth. Yet it didn´t. It seems these days you can´t even trust simple tilesets... Right? Well, I think this tileset might be older than this title-screen or Arc d´Astrae´s Tileset, but either way, I did no wrong.

Now, the one who should´ve either noticed or done it right from the start this is the one who created the game. *slams desk* *points finger* And this means there can only be one who has to answer for this!

Alright, now I´mma stop roleplaying Ace Attorney before I really get off-topic. We got a problem here and I reaaally don´t know which insignia is the real one.

Ame, why you call Budew Garbage? Do you hate it? Is there a problem? Did it never like you enough to evolve? :P

Also: Incoming shinies with little changes Ame wanted ;)

Gallade looks weird... And if it was swimming I´d see a girly shark ^^

So you don´t want Rotom-White? I don´t know which colors Rotom should have. So here you got a few, because I´m too lazy to think today ^^

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