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Changed Lucario just a little bit ^^

Is it ok the way it is or does anyone have any suggestions for improvement?

Can we just make an entire RWBY themed set of legendaries XD

What´s RWBY? I never heard of that.

If I could get a Pirrahna plant Carnivine this would be me...tumblr_mu23mhStkK1so4hymo1_500.gif

Oh god, that face o__o I don´t know if I should be happy if you get a shiny carnivine one day or slightly concerned about you. Anyway, this face has burned itself into my brain and with that I´ll live for the rest of my life. Thanks. Who needs sleep anyway? ^^

Anyway, you could´ve edited and added that into your old post. No need for double-posting, even in this thread ;)

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Okay, so people were interested in the Sailor Moon Cresselia idea, but couldn't visualize it, so I was thinking:

So first of all, the main body should be white. Not sure what color the stripe down the front of her body should be though. That bow thingy that Sailor Moon wears over her boobs (Plz don't kill me for not knowing its official name if it has one) should be on her neck, halfway between her head and her hands. She should be wearing that super short miniskirt around her underbelly, her head should be the same color as the Sailor's skin, and the crescent thingies on her head should stay yellow, cuz you know, Sailor Moon's hair. That leaves us to the Purple parts. Not sure what they would be, maybe red? Also, maybe she should have some blue coloring just below her head to resemble Sailor Moon's (gigantic) shirt collar.

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Personally I think a Sailor Moon Cresselia would be hilarious. I support both this and the Pirrahna plant Carnivine. We could also make Little Mac Hitmonchan while we were at it... if someone can sprite it (because I can't)

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Personally I think a Sailor Moon Cresselia would be hilarious. I support both this and the Pirrahna plant Carnivine. We could also make Little Mac Hitmonchan while we were at it... if someone can sprite it (because I can't)

I love shinies that reference something, as long as it´s not too many.

Lil´ Mac Hitmonchan. I´m quite sure I saw shiny Hitmonchan with his color palette. Black shirt and green pants and that.

Okay, so people were interested in the Sailor Moon Cresselia idea, but couldn't visualize it, so I was thinking:

So first of all, the main body should be white. Not sure what color the stripe down the front of her body should be though. That bow thingy that Sailor Moon wears over her boobs (Plz don't kill me for not knowing its official name if it has one) should be on her neck, halfway between her head and her hands. She should be wearing that super short miniskirt around her underbelly, her head should be the same color as the Sailor's skin, and the crescent thingies on her head should stay yellow, cuz you know, Sailor Moon's hair. That leaves us to the Purple parts. Not sure what they would be, maybe red? Also, maybe she should have some blue coloring just below her head to resemble Sailor Moon's (gigantic) shirt collar.

I had to google Sailor Moon because I had no real idea how she looks, except maybe "wears short skirt" ^^

If someone can do this, I´d be happy though. Doesn´t sound like a bad idea.



Seems ´bout right, the shiny has the same bell color.

...I never liked Chingling, always forgetting about it, so I can´t say much ;)

<3 adding this to my game right now....Thank you again

You´re welcome.

(I need to get a shiny froslass soon...)

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This was made and i didnt pick up on it! T_T anyways here are some sprites i made earlier just want opioins on it

Silver leaf Cherriub line Yeah i know i sorta messed up on it... Did this beforei made the post




And Cherry Turtwig line




Please leave tips and comments on it!

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This was made and i didnt pick up on it! T_T anyways here are some sprites i made earlier just want opioins on it

Silver leaf Cherriub line Yeah i know i sorta messed up on it... Did this beforei made the post




And Cherry Turtwig line




Please leave tips and comments on it!

Cherrubi needs better shading, especially the silver part, more contrast. The difference between parts that meet the ligth and parts that don´t is to small.

Cherry Turtwig looks almost fine, but I´m not 100% sure. I never saw pink grass (Well, I think that´s what the area surrounding the tree is supposed to be) and I don´t think it should be there too. It´s just my personal taste, so if everyone else disagrees with me, that´s fine. But if there´s that much pink, I can´t take that thing serious ^^"

But how about this?

I just took the green part of Torterra, but for all I care it could be a different kind of green. Just wanted to show what I was thinking,

Maybe make the brown-part of its body (except the tree?) darker and the grass-part a bit brighter, or get a different tone of green?

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transitioning the pidove color to bluejay colors wasn't that smooth :unsure:

It looks nice. But maybe we could go up to eleven and replace the white part as well?

Just an idea: Staraptor apparently has its name origin in both a raptor and a starling. A starling is a bird (obviously), a really cute looking bird with blue ´n yellow feathers.

It looks something like this:

Superb_Starling_Portrait.jpg Wikipedia says that´s a "Superb Starling" lol

But this one looks better than the other one ~

I just want you to try, maybe only the frontsprite for now, if you could give Staraptor yellow instead of white and then darker feet and beak like this? You don´t have to, but I just wanna see if this might look cool.

Super Saiyan Infernape:


Space ship palkia:


"Vegeta! What does the scouter say about his power-level?"

I mean... Well, you could give Infernape some better shading, because the contrast is a tad bit too weak. Give it green eyes, because super saiyans have green eyes.

Those white things at its hands, should either be a bit darker or get another color. Right now, it looks a bit weird.

Palkia looks kinda cool, but I´m not 100% sure on that design. I dig the white part, so its a contrast to the black dialga, but how about letting the purple parts of the original stay, but make them more intense? I dunno.

Dark Rioulu and Lucario with aura:

I could also give the aura another blue tone, if that looks better:

Maybe it isn´t THAT important, but each time I google "Lucario aura", I see auras with different hues of blue. So I dunno what to do ~ I´m very uncertain which colors the aura should have...


Piplup, Prinplup, Empoleon:


Here's Chompy 3.0


I think the crotch (I dunno what to call that part) should have the same color as the star on the head, or at least a different color than the chest. It just looks weird like that. Maybe change the star´s color as well, something else except that default yellow.

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Ajustments to Infernape:


Also Bronze colored Bronzor and Bronzong:



Infernape looks good, but there´s still stuff that can be improved.

By the way, I really like the idea. Super Saiyan Infernape looks cool.

The blue is way to saturated, desaturate it a little so the difference between the darker and brighter pixels might be seen better.

Could almost say the same about the red fingers, but first do the blue gloves, we´ll see how it looks afterwards.

The orange of the suit doesn´t have enough contrast, make the darker part of it a little bit darker.

Bronzong looks kinda cool, but you just switched the eye colors. How about giving Bronzor bright blue and Bronzong cyan? Or you could do purple -> pink, so it looks a bit "psychic"? Would fit to its type ~

Anyway, just my two cents. It´s up to you.


Lopunny and Buneary, pink/white.

Shaymin, cherry blossom (Oi, today Igotta make everything pink. Just following the suggestion, I´m not in a pink mood or anything like that.)

GenIV should be called "The legendary Generation", because it introduces so many legendaries...

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Infernape looks good, but there´s still stuff that can be improved.

By the way, I really like the idea. Super Saiyan Infernape looks cool.

The blue is way to saturated, desaturate it a little so the difference between the darker and brighter pixels might be seen better.

Could almost say the same about the red fingers, but first do the blue gloves, we´ll see how it looks afterwards.

The orange of the suit doesn´t have enough contrast, make the darker part of it a little bit darker.

Bronzong looks kinda cool, but you just switched the eye colors. How about giving Bronzor bright blue and Bronzong cyan? Or you could do purple -> pink, so it looks a bit "psychic"? Would fit to its type ~

Anyway, just my two cents. It´s up to you.



Lopunny and Buneary, pink/white.


Shaymin, cherry blossom (Oi, today Igotta make everything pink. Just following the suggestion, I´m not in a pink mood or anything like that.)


GenIV should be called "The legendary Generation", because it introduces so many legendaries...

Barbie Loppuny

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Barbie Loppuny

It´s more like a Blissey Lopunny, I think.

Gen 5 released just as many legendaries as gen 4. And to be truthful, I am glad that they cut down on the number of legend in gen 6.

ajustments to infernape:


Oh, I almost forgot about GenV. They got a lot of legendaries as well, yeah. Wasn´t complaining, but I´m also happy there aren´t that many legendaries introduced in GenVI. I mean they´re supposed to be legendary ´n rare ´n special and that stuff.

I played around a little and did a thing. How about this?

Maybe the blue could be better and that, but I did it quickly. Anyway, those round things were colored wrong, you have given the dark parts a brighter color than another part, which looked weird. I also added some contrast and changed the colors a lil´ bit. Hope that´s ok.

Golden Manaphy:

Golden Phione:

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I'm on board with the other forms, but what's going on here? The Garbodam is great and red leaves are fine I guess, but I'm confused what the blue-ground is supposed to be?

Darkrai is looking good now. If no one has a better concept idea we can go with that.

That Gallade's the winner.


There are a few stray pixels here and there that look a little off-- granted it may be that way in normal Froslass's sprites, but we can throw darker shades on those spots to smooth it out.

That said, I like how this looks currently but I also acknowledge the comment about the white-body Froslass being better too. Perhaps we can try the purple/pink colors on a white body?

Carnivine is set.

Red saturation for Garchomp is a little intense still, but that's whatever. Do we like Black/Red or is there something else we want to try? Personally I think if anything's gonna be Black/Red, Garchomp's a strong candidate.

Can we make the blue on chingling's tails blend to the red a bit better? Maybe just by making those bits of blue darker.

Purple Cherrim line is neat; I do still think the Cherry/Poinsetta colors are too good to pass up though.

For the Turtwig lines of the world: I don't think full pink (you never go full pink.) or having only the bonzai tree pink is the way to go... This is gonna be tough. Let's try... Keep the brown parts as they are, the tree becomes pink. Try the green on its shell as a magenta, and the green on its body as an autumn red. This way Torterra kind of becomes more colorful transitioning from brown to pink as we move upwards.

Once we get Torterra set we can make the pre-evos accordingly.

Toxicroak looks good.

The red on the palkia is SUPER intense and doesn't blend well. Not sure that's what we're going for.


For Pidove, I think we need these shades to be closer to a neutral gray.

For Staraptor, the blue can be more expressed. For Starvia, maybe we choose segments that stay grey, and a couple that start to turn blue.


Let's make the currently maroon-ish parts of Lucario a little more colorful and a little lighter. As it is the dark shade of that color currently meshes poorly being lighter than the light shade of its black segments. That's a mouthful. For the aura, normal lucario has a blue Aura, so if our shiny is red-ish or maroon, then the aura should be a color around there too.

Magmortar and Penguin line look great.

Rotom... does surprisingly well with a dark body. We could be completely generic and keep the body black and have the electricity color change as normal per form? I do still think it makes more sense for the electricity color to change, rather than the body color, on principle.


Bronze-ong... huh. Well that's pretty obvious, I guess. I thin I'd like to see a little more contrast in bronzong's front sprites, maybe lighter light shades so it kind of looks like it has shine. Pun aside, do we prefer this to silver? I also agree the eyes shouldn't stay yellow- that blends in too much. The red on Bronzor is all right. Let's try that and Cyan as suggested?


...well, I... screenshoted the hover blurb. gg me. Aside from that, let's try switching the red and black here. I'd also say jack up the saturation for the red. This thing is like a lava tank, so it can really #blaze it.

Pink parade is pretty passable.

Super Saiyan infernape has a lot going on. I don't think the blue is going to work out, but we can make the blue parts the white from its chest. Then the face... I can barely see the eyes as is because they're falling in with the other light colors. What can we do to get some distinction going there?

Golden Manaphione are okay. I don't know if I get the logic, but do we like it? Is there something better?

In all, Gallade, Toxicroak, Carnivine, Buneary Line, Shaymins, Penguin line and Magmortar accepted.

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I'm on board with the other forms, but what's going on here? The Garbodam is great and red leaves are fine I guess, but I'm confused what the blue-ground is supposed to be?

I based it off of Boldore's Color scheme in an attempt to get something similar to that of the Ashen Beach and that is the best I got. I had a distinct image I wanted for the other two, but for sand I was drawing blanks.

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Alright, thanks for the help Ame. I tried to fix those now:

Gave lucario a bit more saturation and made those maroon-parts a bit brighter:

I also had an idea: How about having reversing the aura?

And while I´m at it...

Riolu with alternate aura, because sometimes less is more:

Froslass with darker pixel at backhead:

Froslass with white body:


Golden Manaphione are okay. I don't know if I get the logic, but do we like it? Is there something better?

There is no logic. I just thought it would be prettier this way.

Rotom... does surprisingly well with a dark body. We could be completely generic and keep the body black and have the electricity color change as normal per form? I do still think it makes more sense for the electricity color to change, rather than the body color, on principle.

Could do that. Maybe I could do neon-colors according to the types the rotom-versions have?
Dark-Purple: Ghost
Green: Grass
Red: Fire
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blue ice colored wings,purple markings for fall, and pink color for spring

suggestionson the purple markings and eyes would be nice they dont seem right :wacko:

sorry for posting this as I see people have already done some these but i was working on them for while so i didnt see any harm in posting them



looks like a purple pixel is stranded in the background

lastly I was thinking of the descriprion of combee and vespaquin and was thinking dark purple/red for vespaqin, female combee and dark purple/whites, grays for male combee does that

4152_zps86ad67e6.png now to fix previous sprites

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Mothim looks ok, but I´m not 100% on that design. I also don´t know which would work better, so nevermind my opinion on that ~

Though, how about orange or red with a bright or dark green?

I really think red/black Vespiqueen looks a bit weird. I honestly would prefer a black/white one.

Buuuut you could also make the red part a bit more intense, more like a scarlet red or something, so Vespiqueen doesn´t look too dark.

Face and the part under the dress are grey, but in the original it´s orange, which is going more towards the yellow. So why don´t we give it some kind of red-tone or something? Just a thought.

The ruby on the head looks nice at it is, but could you could make the amethyst (I think that´s the color you´re going for, right?) a little bit intense and brighter?

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