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4th Gen Shiny Topic


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Don't know if this is the right place to comment but why don't any npcs have shinies? I mean it wouldn't be the craziest thing if leaders' aces were shiny. I mean imagine first time playing and you fight solaris and he's rocking a shiny black Garchomp. I cried the first time I saw it.... (and each proceeding time)

Because they're set not to in their defining file.

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Don't know if this is the right place to comment but why don't any npcs have shinies? I mean it wouldn't be the craziest thing if leaders' aces were shiny. I mean imagine first time playing and you fight solaris and he's rocking a shiny black Garchomp. I cried the first time I saw it.... (and each proceeding time)

If i remember correctly in some previous episode they had them (at random) but then it was removed

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I did a few ones that are not strikethrough in the first post, but I see some of them are already done, I'll post them anyway (for next time I should read the entire topic unless the fist post before start anything xD)

I did buizel and floatzel before I read the first post but the colors are virtually the same you said xD



I did 2 versions of bronzor and bronzong, silver and golden, just chose what you prefer





Also, in 1º gen, voltor is mimic an ultraball so I tried to make it better. If the spriter who recolor it in first time dont want it to be changed I have no problem, but I just wanted to do it


Edited by Nsuprem
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Nsuprem, I appreciate the effort you put into making those and they look good. But please start from the normal colored base sprites, that way the back sprites are the proper aspect size. (I believe we want to use gen 5 backsprites which the non shinys are using). But you should notice a difference in the size. Check some of the earlier examples in the thread and you'll see what I mean.

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Nsuprem, I appreciate the effort you put into making those and they look good. But please start from the normal colored base sprites, that way the back sprites are the proper aspect size. (I believe we want to use gen 5 backsprites which the non shinys are using). But you should notice a difference in the size. Check some of the earlier examples in the thread and you'll see what I mean.

Oh sorry!


I didt do regi because i see another person is doing it (I just post it because I already did it before I knew)

Also I didnt do Bronzong because I prefer to know wich one will be used so I just will need to do one

Also I did another ideas for him (sorry, It's a pokemon I really like and I have a shiny one in one of my files so xD)

A Bronzong made with diferent metals and a rusty Bronzong


(I'll do a machin Brondon when the design used in the game is chosen)

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This has a green spike on the front sprite and a purple one on the back? Dunno if I'm missing some context (outside of reborn colours) but it seems kind of odd to me.

I know, the point is that the iddle spike is green on one side and purple on the other so 3 spikes can be 4 colors.

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I know, the point is that the iddle spike is green on one side and purple on the other so 3 spikes can be 4 colors.

I think this efect is easily achievable painting the back sprite like this


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(I'll do a machin Brondon when the design used in the game is chosen)

I like the gold & silver. How did you do the rusty effect? it looks so cool :o

No one did palkia yet so I made some.



I made this one to match with shiny dialga ZuzZagh.png


I hope I don't kill the thread this time :(

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I like the gold & silver. How did you do the rusty effect? it looks so cool :o

Omg thank you

I tried to do a tutorial to explain, haha I'm sorry, but if you don't use SAI I dont know how to do the color mixing in others programs, I hope you to find out how...

(I put it as a link because it's a reallty large image and I cant find how to put spoilers)


Also, your blue Palkia is really nice, I like a lot its colours 0:

And I did a few more ideas:

Since Garchomp is a ground tyoe, what about a ground/sand pallete?


I dont know about this one


autumn torterra


EDIT: Woops I forget to update the rusty bronzon I did for the tutorial


EDIT2: I think these 2 are still not made


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All right, we're getting there. Firstly, I think we can get a bit more contrast within the shades of white we have there. Currently it seems kind of grey over all and it's hard to tell the shades apart. Also, as I've boxed out, we lose the definition on the outline, so now that we got the top of the outline set, we need to pull in a bit of a darker shade to the other bits of the outline of the white section to make it look crisp.

With the plantish growth parts, we definitely got the moss color down, but I'm reconsidering the idea now since it clashes poorly. Once the white section is brighter (and whiter) we'll have some room for brightness, so let's try making those moss-segments a more vivid gold?

Finally, what do you guys think about Regigigas' eye colors? We could go all white, all gold, we could use the Reborn colours again... I don't have strong feelings, but the three shades we've got in there now seem arbitrary. Thoughts?

Heatran, Lickilicky, Lumineon, Drif-line, Mespirit saved.


When I talk about contrast, it's the difference in value between shades. If we're increasing contrast, lighter shades should be lighter, and darker shades should be darker. Quite a bit more so still for both of the silver and gld here.

In fact with the gold, you could also try leaving the lightest shade where it is currently and taking a new almost-white color and using it as a highlight, to make those metal bits look like they're reflecting light a bit. Same with the associated sprites.

Combee, grumpy cat, Cranidos lines, Mismagius, Honchkrow, Munchlax saved.

I think either of those Chatot options are good, and in sympathy to the unrelenting comments about "all Reborn shinies are black", I'm inclined to go with the parrotesque one. If there aren't any objections, I'll save that.

Cherry line sprites are beautiful. I officially relent on the pachi concept, let's just go with a different suggestion. Rhyperior saved.


I still like this Froslass best personally.


If we're going to fo with this one we should fix up the outlines. The boxed areas are just examples of where the outline doesn't quite match, but it applies to much of the rest of the sprite as well. Make sure the outline around the silver part is also silver. As for the inner outline of the rings, that yellow color takes on a green tone, whereas the ring color was moving to orange, so the outline-yellow should lean towards orange rather than green

The same is true of only the yellow-outline for the back sprite.

Drapion line saved.

We have a lot of Manaphys to pick from. I like the green one personally. Other thoughts?

I prefer the non-inverted stunky line, mostly because it clashes with the face awkwardly on the others... but as was pointed out later, the lack of contrast in the white shades could be skewing that.

In regards to dragon in nights stunk/glameow lines, remember that we can't use 1x resolution spriting. I.e any edits have to be done at 100% resolution, and then taken up to 200% effectively doubling the size of all pixels. Both the grumpy cat and the two-face cat use 1x spriting on the faces, and that won't work. However if we correct that issue, I think that rendition of grumpy cat is better than the existing ones, and we could prefer it.

Obamasnow line saved; both campaigns won. Nsupem's Buizel line is great. Also taking the Spiritomb and Voltorb. The Regigas is interesting, and I'm not opposed to it but unless there's great favor for it I'd sooner stick to our themed one. Togekiss saved.

I really like the varied-metal bronzong-- should we use the gold the silver bronzor with it? I'm thinking Silver.

All of the Palkias look pretty good. I'm leaning towards the blue one to keep the reverse theme, but the third one is good too. Thoughts?

I -really- like the Autumn torterra concept, even over the initial cherry blossom, or the stone ones. That version of Goku-Infernape is looking really nice to me too. I'd like to see those filled out for the rest of the line and backs and I'd have no reservations going with those. Garchomp I'm not sold on-- I think given the 'badass' nature of the pokemon, red/black will be more appealing to Garchomp fans.

Bonsly and Mime Jr saved.

Keep it up everyone! I'll update the list on the front once i get this all sorted, shouldn't be long

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I cant chose between these 2, maybe they can be used as male and female or something?


And the rest of the family


The bronzor family


And also, if you prefer the silver bronzon I did the back sprite too


About the infernape family, I didn't do the back sprites because I feel something wrong (in Chimchan specially), if someone can see what it is I can try to fix it


And I yesterday did Ambipon too but I didn't updated it because I see one list that said it was done, but since I didn't see it done I'll post it now





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I cant chose between these 2, maybe they can be used as male and female or something?


I like the brown one, it looks more relate to Grotle.

Btw, thank for your tutorial, so you almost re-draw all by yourself the green part? wow :o

Edit: Also, I did some shiny Skuntank. Which one do you like? Personal I like the pink/blue most.


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