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I do think blue buizel is the way to go, we just have to figure out how to arrange the surrounding colors to look good. Drop the yellow. Add another cool colour if you have to. Keep the body white. The collar and fins can be the off-colours.

I actually tried everything to make this thing look blue AND good, without success. The one we have now is one of the very few variations that look acceptable.

E. Sorry for double posting. Stupid me

2.E: Is this better for Lickylicky? I know it is


3.E: fixed Lumineon


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with rhyperior i do think we should stick to black and silver because that's what the previous evolutions have established, and they tend to go over fairly well themselves.

100% down for powerpuff lake trio

Shinx line-

For Shinx, the red-grey in its ears transitions poorly. There are some fading pixels in place here already, just set the shade to a mediating color.

For Luxio and Luxray they are mostly very good but the very darkest shade of red for both of them is too saturated. We're close, just take that shade down a little OR make the next darkest one a little more saturated to fade into it.

Drifline still needs purple-green correction

We can take that Spiritomb. Riolu line, Magnezone, Tangrowth, Electivire too.

Not 100% on Rotom. Was there a consensus-- are we going black for these too?

Bubbles and Buttercup are good-- where's Blossom?

The Heatran sprites don't really match for shades of red-- the frontsprite is better here.

Yaaaayyy, Ame decides to stop by and say hi! :D

Oh god, I uploaded an older sprite.

That´s what I get for saving everything under the same name.

Rotom: Well, you said we would do black rotoms instead of whites and coloured, and up to now nobody spoke up against that, sooo... I dunno. I´d actually try to make them white, but they wouldn´t end up looking good I think.


So you mean like those, right?


So Rhyperior with silver?

Edited by UnprofessionalAmateur
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silver and gold bastion is all right maybe, but we need darker colors of both and in higher contrast.

I changed it a little bit. Don't know if it's what you wanted, though.



Also, your Mesprit looks really good now, good work!

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Big update - I'm putting all updates here, along with side-by-side comparisons.

Glameow/Purugly: Updated!

Old 3U3ZhV8.pngxvzY4HR.pngK2kGgGP.png2ssKHEy.png

New pruSZui.pngtZ1ST3g.png1hiDweH.pngHqqxuy5.png


Old 7Q2dBK9.pngpZt3MQi.pngDNH1GfH.pngIfG4OlY.png

New BoCDngB.pngd10tb5C.pngG7eirgI.pngYrU0XrD.png


Old ISEH0VU.pngkLc2Hp1.png

New a0d3Lds.pngaEHMfxJ.png

In Between oVE5NdE.pngZKddJJJ.png

Honchkrow- these were the ones posted in the Gen2 thread by Nefalem, so pick whichever you like more:

Mine onSdBib.pngtdSlOl0.png Nefalem's 5cfkLho.pngi4MpVw5.png

Reading through the 2nd gen sprite posts, I also stumbled upon another Togekiss sprite by Nefalem, which I will post here too. If that one passes, we can take it. Otherwise, I could work on my own Togekiss sprite until it is good enough.

Mine pcodjaH.pngceMhoZJ.pngNefalem's XNZM3Xr.pngNrSL0xD.png


Old 5SS0n4g.pngZMnfLlu.png

New kmaV3xc.pngVHpL8Jt.png

Well, For Chatot, there are several options: We could go for the Toucan color variation that I made a concept for early on:


Or we can go for a more traditional "parrot" option, like this:


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Big update - I'm putting all updates here, along with side-by-side comparisons.

Glameow/Purugly: Updated!

Old 3U3ZhV8.pngxvzY4HR.pngK2kGgGP.png2ssKHEy.png

New pruSZui.pngtZ1ST3g.png1hiDweH.pngHqqxuy5.png


Old 7Q2dBK9.pngpZt3MQi.pngDNH1GfH.pngIfG4OlY.png

New BoCDngB.pngd10tb5C.pngG7eirgI.pngYrU0XrD.png


Old ISEH0VU.pngkLc2Hp1.png

New a0d3Lds.pngaEHMfxJ.png

In Between oVE5NdE.pngZKddJJJ.png

Honchkrow- these were the ones posted in the Gen2 thread by Nefalem, so pick whichever you like more:

Mine onSdBib.pngtdSlOl0.png Nefalem's 5cfkLho.pngi4MpVw5.png

Reading through the 2nd gen sprite posts, I also stumbled upon another Togekiss sprite by Nefalem, which I will post here too. If that one passes, we can take it. Otherwise, I could work on my own Togekiss sprite until it is good enough.

Mine pcodjaH.pngceMhoZJ.pngNefalem's XNZM3Xr.pngNrSL0xD.png


Old 5SS0n4g.pngZMnfLlu.png

New kmaV3xc.pngVHpL8Jt.png

Well, For Chatot, there are several options: We could go for the Toucan color variation that I made a concept for early on:


Or we can go for a more traditional "parrot" option, like this:


I don't have much to add to this discussion aside from the fact that I loved the parrot chatot and your Honchkrow.

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UnprofessionalAmateur's other shiny Luxray also looked excellent, but people seem to prefer the pale black-and-grey-with-red one. It's just as fine to me, looking at it myself.

Robin Staraptor is fantastic.

I like the black Chatot Knight_Teutonic made, and I definitely prefer his shiny Togekiss sprite.

I kind of preferred the darker Mismagius (I'd prefer either that or the newest one, because the newest one's purple outline parts look amazing, but it still doesn't look quite right because of that greyish hue).

The Reborn Magnezone has a pixel of red on the back sprite where it probably shouldn't be.

Also, the Drifblim sprites still don't have the right patterns.

Edited by Truly Deceptive
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Can somebody please give me a rundown of what's still left to do? I've been looking through the pages, but 11 is a lot to go through...

Also Ame, do you still have the sprite of that purple Magmortar I made way back in the first thread? It's crossed out, but you said you lost a lot of them, so I didn't know. Unless you have a different sprite of course...

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Well for starters, no one seems to have tried the Sailor Moon Cressalia, or any kind of Cressalia yet. Brb while I find the idea I posted about it.

EDIT: found it

Okay, so people were interested in the Sailor Moon Cresselia idea, but couldn't visualize it, so I was thinking:

So first of all, the main body should be white. Not sure what color the stripe down the front of her body should be though. That bow thingy that Sailor Moon wears over her boobs (Plz don't kill me for not knowing its official name if it has one) should be on her neck, halfway between her head and her hands. She should be wearing that super short miniskirt around her underbelly, her head should be the same color as the Sailor's skin, and the crescent thingies on her head should stay yellow, cuz you know, Sailor Moon's hair. That leaves us to the Purple parts. Not sure what they would be, maybe red? Also, maybe she should have some blue coloring just below her head to resemble Sailor Moon's (gigantic) shirt collar.

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Can somebody please give me a rundown of what's still left to do? I've been looking through the pages, but 11 is a lot to go through...

Also Ame, do you still have the sprite of that purple Magmortar I made way back in the first thread? It's crossed out, but you said you lost a lot of them, so I didn't know. Unless you have a different sprite of course...

Yeah, that were my thoughs, too. Let's take the second one, which - good for us - is already made with backsprites and pre-evos.

Okay. Since Ame doesn't update the opening post, I will make a quick review of whats made or has yet to be made:

Torterra-Line: concepts made, not finished

Infernape-Line: concepts made, not finished

Empoleon-Line: finished

Staraptor-Line: finished

Bibarel-Line: finished

Kricketune-Line: finished

Luxray-Line: finished

Roserade-Line: finished

Rampardos-Line: finished

Bastiodon-Line: finished

Wormadam-Line: concepts made, not finished

Mothim- concepts made, not finished

Vespiquen-Line: concepts made, not finished

Pachirisu: concepts made, not finished

Floatzel-Line: finshed

Cherrim-Line: not done

Gastrodon-Line: finished

Ambipom: finished

Drifblim-Line: concepts made, not finished

Lopunny-Line: finished

Mismagius: finished

Honchkrow: finished

Purugly-Line: concepts made, not finished

Chingling: finished

Skuntank-Line: not done

Bronzong-Line: concepts made, not finished

Bonsly: not done

Mime Jr.: not done

Happiny: finished

Chatot: finished

Spiritomb: finished

Garchomp-Line: concepts made, not finished

Munchlax: not done

Lucario-Line: finished

Hippowdon-Line: almost done

Drapion-Line: not done

Toxicroak-Line: finished

Carnivine: finished

Lumineon-Line: finished

Mantyke: finished

Abomasnow-Line: not done

Weavile: finished

Magnezone: finished

Lickilicky: finished

Rhyperior: finished

Tangrowth: finished

Electivire: finished

Magmortar: finished

Togekiss: not done

Yanmega: finished

Leafeon: finished

Glaceon: finished

Gliscor: finished

Mamoswine: finished

PorygonZ: finished

Gallade: finished

Probopass: not done

Dusknoir: finished

Froslass: concepts made, not finished

Rotom: finished

Uxie: finished

Mespirit: finished

Azelf: finished

Dialga: finished

Palkia: concepts made, not finished

Heatran: concepts made, not finished

Regigigas: concepts made, not finished

Giratina: finished

Cresselia: not done

Phione: not done

Manaphy: not done

Darkrai: concepts made, not finished

Shaymin: finished

Arceus: finished normal form, other forms need to be done

Please correct me if I oversaw something.

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Sorry for my lazyness, but somehow I gotta use that time without school. Anyway, here´s my fixed Magnezone:

By the way, is Froslass done yet or does anyone have any other ideas?

I think it should stay black, because Glalie is black as well, so it´s cool, because both normal formes used to be white.

Rhyperior, male and female:

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No, too many black shinies. There were some concept ones a little further back, but I liked the one that was like White Purple and Red I think.

Still got that concept on my pc, luckily. I deleted the file from my attachments because space.

You mean that one?

I could change the colours of course, maybe make the purple parts scarlet or something, and the froslass itself whiter, if that´s possible.

Oh, and as reference to my previous post: Here´s the black Froslass: post-46705-0-66035500-1419970466.png

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Anyway, I´ll throw in my Luxray-family now:

Made the darkest blood a bit less colourful and made the darker and brighter parts match a little better.

I still think Frosslass should remain base with a white color or a very very lightly blue tinted white.

So you mean just like the regular froslass, only the blue part changed into something whiter?

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Froslass's sprite is easy to edit so I give it a try.


Blood moon Cresselia


Froslass is a bit too green for my taste. The green is also a bit too bright and colourful, which makes it look neon

I don´t know why, but Cresselia shouldn´t be red. It looks a bit weird.

A black or white Cresselia would be better, or a night-blue Cresselia with white Lunar wings or something.

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