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Can we just agree that, for once, WWE got all the booking decisions right (at least as far as the main show goes, I didn't even watch the pre-show)?

I'll elaborate in a spoiler, in case there are people who are silly enough to read this topic without having watched 'Mania first.

The IC match proved YET AGAIN (if there ever wa the need to) that Daniel Bryan's fans are friggin' idiots. They ruined the Rumble by booing out of the building a guy whose sole sin was to have won in a night when Bryan lost, and spent the next two months flooding the internet complaining about how WWE was "burying" their guy... Except their guy can now proclaim to have held all the title belts that are currently defended in WWE, something not even the much hated John Cena ever achieved. So much for "burying". Some people simply fail to understand that a career is not measured in main events, and that a guy can be made to look strong even without main eventing. Hell even the WWE creatives have finally grown out of this mentality after years of "only John Cena in the main event", I think it's time the fans learn it too. And stop blindly applauding any show headlined by their favourite (regardless of his performance) and blindly booing any show headlined by somebody else (regardless of their performance).

Randy Orton beating Rollins was the right decision because this way, their feud is now over, and Rollins can move onto more important things. Having consolidated himself as a strong face, Orton will go on to feud with some midcard heel, probably Kane or some other Authority-related guy, before moving onto new, fresh storylines.

Triple H beating Sting with their respective factions getting involved was not a wrestling match and honestly, it was never supposed to be: it was a nostalgia-driven, time-filling segment that was designed to appeal to the older audience, like we have seen many times at 'Mania (the Hogan-Rock-Austin segment last year everyone?). So yeah, for a bunch of old timers they managed to create something mildly compelling, let's cut them some slack.

The female tag team match was surprisingly compelling, and proved that yes, given the time to perform WWE Divas can actually be competent athletes. Here's hoping that this trend will continue, and we will be getting more compelling female matches from now on. Incidentally, it will be interesting to see where the Divas Title goes from here.

Cena beating Rusev was the right move period. And this comes from a guy who never liked the way Cena has been booked throughout the years. But having a foreign wrestling heel defeat the all american face fair and square in the PPV before 'Mania, only for the all american face to get his revenge at 'Mania itself, has always been common practice, and it makes for a well reharsed, classic stock storyline. Besides, it made the US Title feel important at 'Mania, which is something that we hadn't seen in years. Judging from the finish, we can expect a third match at Extreme Rules, which promises to be a compelling one.

Taker vs Bray was kinda a pointless match but ehi, it's good to see the Phenom still got it, I guess.

The main event was absolutely perfect. As mentioned earlier, a relevant part of WWE fans hate Reigns because he dared commint the crime of winning in a night when the untouchable god Daniel Bryan lost, but despite their best efforts to boo the match into oblivion, the kid delivered. And Lesnar showed us just why he is the best in the business right now (DAMNIT LESNAR YOU COULD HAVE BEEN THE TOP DOG OF THE COMPANY HADN'T YOU LEFT IN 2004!). The storytelling was perfect, the pacing was perfect, the execution of the whole "underdog desperately looking for a way back in the match" was perfect, and the ending was a stroke of genius, that made Rollins look like the perfect strategist and the ultimate opportunist, turning him into the most likely heir of Edge's legacy in the process. Result: Reigns showed he belongs, Brock's dominance was left intact (because technically, he was never pinned for the title) and the belt is now on a full-timer and a promising talent. I dare all the haters and whiners to come up with a better idea.

Long story short: awesome 'Mania, haters be damned.

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its not that hard for cole to sell he's quite good at it

going to dismantle someone's spoiler thingy here and put some of my own points innit

The IC match proved YET AGAIN (if there ever wa the need to) that Daniel Bryan's fans are friggin' idiots. They ruined the Rumble by booing out of the building a guy whose sole sin was to have won in a night when Bryan lost, and spent the next two months flooding the internet complaining about how WWE was "burying" their guy... Except their guy can now proclaim to have held all the title belts that are currently defended in WWE, something not even the much hated John Cena ever achieved. So much for "burying". Some people simply fail to understand that a career is not measured in main events, and that a guy can be made to look strong even without main eventing. Hell even the WWE creatives have finally grown out of this mentality after years of "only John Cena in the main event", I think it's time the fans learn it too. And stop blindly applauding any show headlined by their favourite (regardless of his performance) and blindly booing any show headlined by somebody else (regardless of their performance).

Randy Orton beating Rollins was the right decision because this way, their feud is now over, and Rollins can move onto more important things. Having consolidated himself as a strong face, Orton will go on to feud with some midcard heel, probably Kane or some other Authority-related guy, before moving onto new, fresh storylines.

Triple H beating Sting with their respective factions getting involved was not a wrestling match and honestly, it was never supposed to be: it was a nostalgia-driven, time-filling segment that was designed to appeal to the older audience, like we have seen many times at 'Mania (the Hogan-Rock-Austin segment last year everyone?). So yeah, for a bunch of old timers they managed to create something mildly compelling, let's cut them some slack.

The female tag team match was surprisingly compelling, and proved that yes, given the time to perform WWE Divas can actually be competent athletes. Here's hoping that this trend will continue, and we will be getting more compelling female matches from now on. Incidentally, it will be interesting to see where the Divas Title goes from here.

Cena beating Rusev was the right move period. And this comes from a guy who never liked the way Cena has been booked throughout the years. But having a foreign wrestling heel defeat the all american face fair and square in the PPV before 'Mania, only for the all american face to get his revenge at 'Mania itself, has always been common practice, and it makes for a well reharsed, classic stock storyline. Besides, it made the US Title feel important at 'Mania, which is something that we hadn't seen in years. Judging from the finish, we can expect a third match at Extreme Rules, which promises to be a compelling one.

Taker vs Bray was kinda a pointless match but ehi, it's good to see the Phenom still got it, I guess.

The main event was absolutely perfect. As mentioned earlier, a relevant part of WWE fans hate Reigns because he dared commint the crime of winning in a night when the untouchable god Daniel Bryan lost, but despite their best efforts to boo the match into oblivion, the kid delivered. And Lesnar showed us just why he is the best in the business right now (DAMNIT LESNAR YOU COULD HAVE BEEN THE TOP DOG OF THE COMPANY HADN'T YOU LEFT IN 2004!). The storytelling was perfect, the pacing was perfect, the execution of the whole "underdog desperately looking for a way back in the match" was perfect, and the ending was a stroke of genius, that made Rollins look like the perfect strategist and the ultimate opportunist, turning him into the most likely heir of Edge's legacy in the process. Result: Reigns showed he belongs, Brock's dominance was left intact (because technically, he was never pinned for the title) and the belt is now on a full-timer and a promising talent. I dare all the haters and whiners to come up with a better idea.

1) cena was only a main eventer because no one else was as good on the mic as cena was, and it wasn't just cena's main event, it was cena + whoever he fought. they tried to push roman and had his talentless ass on the mic, my dog can do better on the mic. not taking anything away from his wrestling. thankfully rollins cashed and won it, at least he can talk and fight to an extent. cena's done more than bryan in a career's perspective so i wouldn't compare the two unless bryan is a 15 time world heavyweight champion lol. the wwe creative had no one to push, as they were developing all of their younger talents so cena carried for a number of years. HHH went up top and everyone else retired. who else would main event? at least cena could put on great matches no matter what lol. but yes, you're right overall, just with the cena thing there's a little bit of disagreement.

2) orton will feud with rollins moreso now than ever, especially because lesnar is suspended, orton lost his championship, got injured and never got that rematch. bryan has the IC, so theoretically orton puts forward a great case to be number 1 contender, and if you watched smackdown, the creative is certainly considering it, since orton's just there now. he's certainly not going to feud with anyone midcard anytime soon when he's not done with rollins, and lesnar's gone for the time being

3) wouldn't say sting/hhh was a time filler. it was the end of something that should've ended a long time ago, the monday night wars. of course when WWE bought out WCW everyone went their way, but Sting just vanished, so, WWE thought it would be a great idea to put out the match we thought we would never see, a final WWE vs WCW bout in which HHH did what he does best and buries WCW, but luckily for Sting there could be more opportunities on the card for him, especially since he's been coined as a vigilante. it's always nice to see HHH wrestle especially against people that are deemed to be important, and sting is a huge figure so i wouldn't really call it a filler at all but moreso the end of unfinished business.

4) with AJ gone title is now up in the air but it'll probably be Paige since she's looking to be on the push again. i mean there's naomi/natalya and other divas but it'll probably go to one of those three after creative decides to knock off the Bellas. never know, brie could turn and want that title too. they have lots of things to play with. it was a good match at mania though.

5) rusev didn't beat cena clean at fastlane lmfao did you watch fastlane? lana distracted the ref, rusev kicked cena in the nuts and locked in the accolade causing cena to pass out. typical heel move, not clean at all. its a US vs Russia storyline where the USA finally prevails against the Russian that shits on the united states, WWE's aim here, is like with the IC title, to restore prestige to it, and by bringing Cena down to midcard, they're doing that. Cena's issuing open challenges, saying come and get it, he's giving people a chance, and Ambrose came real close to reclaiming the US title on RAW. so, it's certainly a right move by creative. considering the irony behind a russian holding an american title it's time that they moved holders until the WWE sees a new someone fit enough to hold the title, after prestige has been restored

6) l o l wyatt vs undertaker had significant storyline impact, i dunno if you watched the promos on raw every monday where wyatt spat shit for 10 minutes then left. the idea was to try and build him up and push him past the wyatt family kind of tag he's been having. think about it; rowan's push was team cena, harper's push was IC title, wyatt's push was a match vs the undertaker. this match had creative implications. wyatt tried to use that creepy move where his head is upside down or whatever and taker looked at him, which struck fear into wyatt. wyatt claimed he's the new face of fear when it's still taker. he's still got it. they were trying to push wyatt in that general direction. he's young talent so a big push like that can do wonders for him now. the match had significant meaning to the development of bray wyatt as a character.

7) reigns didn't really deserve the push then and there because it was rushed. just fyi, if reigns wasn't injured during survivor series, it would've been reigns with the help of sting that would've pinned the remaining authority member then and there, and reigns' push would've started there, instead it was ziggler, and they pushed ziggler for the IC title. reigns' push was too rushed and it happened too quickly. ambrose would've made more sense since he's won a singles title. reigns tried to sell himself every time he was interviewed or on the mic, and it didn't help that everyone else tried to sell reigns hard as well. it just didn't. WWE sold cena in a time where there were so many talents it didn't matter, reigns was being forced down people's throats and they didnt like it, so they boo, and i find it hard to disagree with the people. there are many more suitable contenders, but they chose reigns, a guy who has little character, little skill on the mic. lesnar can talk and give convincing interviews without heyman at least, like. yes lesnar dominated but reigns didnt really do much lmao, all he really did was send a signal that the PG era is coming to a close with the blood he drew on lesnar. lesnar demolished reigns like he demolished cena. rollins is seeming alot like edge yes. see it wasn't really the underdog to begin with because they tried to sell reigns so hard that he seemed like he was going to win heading into mania and then got destroyed, almost as if it was like lesnar was the underdog to the oversold and overwhelmed reigns.


overall gr8 mania

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its not that hard for cole to sell he's quite good at it

going to dismantle someone's spoiler thingy here and put some of my own points innit

1) cena was only a main eventer because no one else was as good on the mic as cena was, and it wasn't just cena's main event, it was cena + whoever he fought. they tried to push roman and had his talentless ass on the mic, my dog can do better on the mic. not taking anything away from his wrestling. thankfully rollins cashed and won it, at least he can talk and fight to an extent. cena's done more than bryan in a career's perspective so i wouldn't compare the two unless bryan is a 15 time world heavyweight champion lol. the wwe creative had no one to push, as they were developing all of their younger talents so cena carried for a number of years. HHH went up top and everyone else retired. who else would main event? at least cena could put on great matches no matter what lol. but yes, you're right overall, just with the cena thing there's a little bit of disagreement.

2) orton will feud with rollins moreso now than ever, especially because lesnar is suspended, orton lost his championship, got injured and never got that rematch. bryan has the IC, so theoretically orton puts forward a great case to be number 1 contender, and if you watched smackdown, the creative is certainly considering it, since orton's just there now. he's certainly not going to feud with anyone midcard anytime soon when he's not done with rollins, and lesnar's gone for the time being

3) wouldn't say sting/hhh was a time filler. it was the end of something that should've ended a long time ago, the monday night wars. of course when WWE bought out WCW everyone went their way, but Sting just vanished, so, WWE thought it would be a great idea to put out the match we thought we would never see, a final WWE vs WCW bout in which HHH did what he does best and buries WCW, but luckily for Sting there could be more opportunities on the card for him, especially since he's been coined as a vigilante. it's always nice to see HHH wrestle especially against people that are deemed to be important, and sting is a huge figure so i wouldn't really call it a filler at all but moreso the end of unfinished business.

4) with AJ gone title is now up in the air but it'll probably be Paige since she's looking to be on the push again. i mean there's naomi/natalya and other divas but it'll probably go to one of those three after creative decides to knock off the Bellas. never know, brie could turn and want that title too. they have lots of things to play with. it was a good match at mania though.

5) rusev didn't beat cena clean at fastlane lmfao did you watch fastlane? lana distracted the ref, rusev kicked cena in the nuts and locked in the accolade causing cena to pass out. typical heel move, not clean at all. its a US vs Russia storyline where the USA finally prevails against the Russian that shits on the united states, WWE's aim here, is like with the IC title, to restore prestige to it, and by bringing Cena down to midcard, they're doing that. Cena's issuing open challenges, saying come and get it, he's giving people a chance, and Ambrose came real close to reclaiming the US title on RAW. so, it's certainly a right move by creative. considering the irony behind a russian holding an american title it's time that they moved holders until the WWE sees a new someone fit enough to hold the title, after prestige has been restored

6) l o l wyatt vs undertaker had significant storyline impact, i dunno if you watched the promos on raw every monday where wyatt spat shit for 10 minutes then left. the idea was to try and build him up and push him past the wyatt family kind of tag he's been having. think about it; rowan's push was team cena, harper's push was IC title, wyatt's push was a match vs the undertaker. this match had creative implications. wyatt tried to use that creepy move where his head is upside down or whatever and taker looked at him, which struck fear into wyatt. wyatt claimed he's the new face of fear when it's still taker. he's still got it. they were trying to push wyatt in that general direction. he's young talent so a big push like that can do wonders for him now. the match had significant meaning to the development of bray wyatt as a character.

7) reigns didn't really deserve the push then and there because it was rushed. just fyi, if reigns wasn't injured during survivor series, it would've been reigns with the help of sting that would've pinned the remaining authority member then and there, and reigns' push would've started there, instead it was ziggler, and they pushed ziggler for the IC title. reigns' push was too rushed and it happened too quickly. ambrose would've made more sense since he's won a singles title. reigns tried to sell himself every time he was interviewed or on the mic, and it didn't help that everyone else tried to sell reigns hard as well. it just didn't. WWE sold cena in a time where there were so many talents it didn't matter, reigns was being forced down people's throats and they didnt like it, so they boo, and i find it hard to disagree with the people. there are many more suitable contenders, but they chose reigns, a guy who has little character, little skill on the mic. lesnar can talk and give convincing interviews without heyman at least, like. yes lesnar dominated but reigns didnt really do much lmao, all he really did was send a signal that the PG era is coming to a close with the blood he drew on lesnar. lesnar demolished reigns like he demolished cena. rollins is seeming alot like edge yes. see it wasn't really the underdog to begin with because they tried to sell reigns so hard that he seemed like he was going to win heading into mania and then got destroyed, almost as if it was like lesnar was the underdog to the oversold and overwhelmed reigns.


overall gr8 mania

I do agree. It was a great mania in a long, long time

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Rollins vs Orton. Won't be a clean finish through but great match otherwise.

Here's hoping that we will get a one on one finish. Of course, given that Rollins is playing the cowardly heel, there is no way he will win clean, but whatever he does to break the rules and steal the victory, I hope he will do it on his own, the whole "Authority members run in" thing has been done so many times in the past year, I have really grown tired of it...

Incidentally, I watched the last two episodes of RAW and I must say I am impressed by the sheer amount of heat Rollins is getting. The guy really evolved in a pretty good heel, people love to hate him... Props to him!

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Watching RAW... Has Paige always had that accent? I mean ok, she's from England and everything, but when did she start talking like Barrett?

Not sure, but we can look to Extreme Rules. Rollins vs Orton in a Steel Cage with the RKO banned. I smell a punt in Rollins' future

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Ugh why do I insist in going to Bleacher Report? Some people there post comments that make me feel ashamed of being a wrestling fan...

That aside, I liked the show and I think the various booking decisions were actually pretty interesting, but I was disappointed by how short most matches were. Also I feel sorry for Tyson and Cesaro, the way they were buried by Orton will hurt the entire division, but I have to say Tyson hardly helped his cause with that botch...

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