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Man, there was always some curiosity in my mind if Roman was gonna get cheered upon returning if he beat HHH to a pulp... but last night has completely convinced me that they have screwed the pooch with Reigns as a babyface with a sizable portion of the crowd, and nothing is going to undo that right now. Nothing.

They had him come back, brawl with HHH, bust him open and everything - just like during TLC - and he still got booed out of the building. The girls went crazy but that's about it. The one strength people say Roman has; beating the crap out of people... and it failed. Honestly, this is done. There's nothing they can do to save him from being booed out of the building during Mania, and if he wins it's only going to get worse.

Pull the plug on it for now, WWE. It's over. He's not going to sustain business like this over a long period of time. This isn't the 2000s, the 1990s, or the 1980s. He's going to continue to get very good reactions at house shows, he'll even get cheered at a percentage of RAWs... but he'll be booed on the vast majority of PPVs and major cities will not warm up to him. Just have HHH go over Roman clean at Mania and have him hold the belt until Seth Rollins returns. Turn Roman heel. You can try again in a year.
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Man, there was always some curiosity in my mind if Roman was gonna get cheered upon returning if he beat HHH to a pulp... but last night has completely convinced me that they have screwed the pooch with Reigns as a babyface with a sizable portion of the crowd, and nothing is going to undo that right now. Nothing.

They had him come back, brawl with HHH, bust him open and everything - just like during TLC - and he still got booed out of the building. The girls went crazy but that's about it. The one strength people say Roman has; beating the crap out of people... and it failed. Honestly, this is done. There's nothing they can do to save him from being booed out of the building during Mania, and if he wins it's only going to get worse.

Pull the plug on it for now, WWE. It's over. He's not going to sustain business like this over a long period of time. This isn't the 2000s, the 1990s, or the 1980s. He's going to continue to get very good reactions at house shows, he'll even get cheered at a percentage of RAWs... but he'll be booed on the vast majority of PPVs and major cities will not warm up to him. Just have HHH go over Roman clean at Mania and have him hold the belt until Seth Rollins returns. Turn Roman heel. You can try again in a year.

Lol that girl in the front row seat, the one who was trying to get Roman to take a selfie with her, was about the only person in the building who gave a damn about the whole thing. To hear a crowd make it so clear that they just don't care, it was almost painful to watch.

I have said multiple times that I am a big fan of Roman Reigns and, as such, I am deeply saddened by this. It is a testament to just how poorly the guy has been booked. There is nothing, and I really mean NOTHING, that he can say or do to get over at this point. The crowds will never cheer for him, unless a major, radical change, something capable of completely erasing his booking so far, happens.

Can I say something that will probably sound insane? I don't believe in draws anymore. In the '80s, in the '90s, maybe even in the 2000s the concept of "draw", the guy people pay to see, the guy who single-handedly sold buildings out, made sense. Not anymore. Nowadays, with so many events, shows, PPVs, special Network shows and God knows what else, you see all the possible matches over and over and over again. It is very difficult, in this time and age, to book a match that feels special, that feels like it is something you should really pay to see, because who knows when you'll get another occasion to see it, And this is exactly why I don't believe in the concept of "draw" anymore: a big name guy is only as big as the opponents he defeats, he is only as memorable as the matches he wins. And if no opponents are built to be special, and no match feels memorable after seeing it over and over again on PPV, on the Network and even on free TV, then how are you supposed to create a "draw"?

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Lol that girl in the front row seat, the one who was trying to get Roman to take a selfie with her, was about the only person in the building who gave a damn about the whole thing. To hear a crowd make it so clear that they just don't care, it was almost painful to watch.

I have said multiple times that I am a big fan of Roman Reigns and, as such, I am deeply saddened by this. It is a testament to just how poorly the guy has been booked. There is nothing, and I really mean NOTHING, that he can say or do to get over at this point. The crowds will never cheer for him, unless a major, radical change, something capable of completely erasing his booking so far, happens.

Can I say something that will probably sound insane? I don't believe in draws anymore. In the '80s, in the '90s, maybe even in the 2000s the concept of "draw", the guy people pay to see, the guy who single-handedly sold buildings out, made sense. Not anymore. Nowadays, with so many events, shows, PPVs, special Network shows and God knows what else, you see all the possible matches over and over and over again. It is very difficult, in this time and age, to book a match that feels special, that feels like it is something you should really pay to see, because who knows when you'll get another occasion to see it, And this is exactly why I don't believe in the concept of "draw" anymore: a big name guy is only as big as the opponents he defeats, he is only as memorable as the matches he wins. And if no opponents are built to be special, and no match feels memorable after seeing it over and over again on PPV, on the Network and even on free TV, then how are you supposed to create a "draw"?

I definitely agree that there are no draws left in WWE at the rate we're going. I do think that legends or part-timers like Cena, Lesnar, Taker and McMahon family drama can spike ticket sales and maybe even viewership, but by a very small amount - especially viewership. This past Monday's RAW was exceptional in that the viewership actually increased as the hours went on instead of decreasing - HHH, Taker, Shane and Vince were all on during the final hour.

But among new stars they have the whole 50/50 booking thing going on and while it prevents either guy from looking like a loser, it's also not going to elevate either guy to the next level either. Feuds need to be decisive, certain matches need to be protected. They haven't been demonstrating the ability to make special matches whatsoever lately - only when it comes time for Mania season.

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Roughly around two weeks left till Wrestlemania 32 and we have a few matches known if I remember correctly.

Annual Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal - Mark Henry

Kalisto © vs Ryback - US Championship match

Kevin Owens © vs Sami Zayn vs Dolph Ziggler vs The Miz vs Stardust vs Sin Cara vs Zack Ryder - Intercontinental Championship match

New Day vs League of Nations

Usos vs Dudleys

Brie Bella, Alicia Fox, Natalya, Paige, and Eva Marie vs Lana, Naomi, Tamina, Summer Rae, and Emma

Chris Jericho vs AJ Styles

Becky Lynch vs Sasha Banks vs Charlotte © - Divas Championship Triple Threat

Shane Mcmahon vs The Undertaker - Hell In A Cell - If Shane Mcmahon wins, then he'll get control of Monday Night Raw. If Undertaker loses, he is forced to retire.

Dean Ambrose vs Brock Lesnar - No Holds Barred Street Fight

Roman Reigns vs HHH © - WWE World Heavyweight Championship match

Edited by Sparky
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With a week left until Wrestlemania, let's fire up those predictions.

Annual Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal - Bray Wyatt

Kalisto © vs Ryback - US Championship match

Kevin Owens © vs Sami Zayn vs Dolph Ziggler vs Stardust vs Sin Cara vs Zack Ryder - Intercontinental Championship match

New Day © vs League of Nations

Usos vs Dudleys

Brie Bella, Alicia Fox, Natalya, and Paige vs Lana, Naomi, Tamina, Summer Rae, and Emma

Chris Jericho vs AJ Styles

Becky Lynch vs Sasha Banks vs Charlotte © - Divas Championship Triple Threat

Shane Mcmahon vs The Undertaker - Hell In A Cell - If Shane Mcmahon wins, then he'll get control of Monday Night Raw. If Undertaker loses, he is forced to retire

Dean Ambrose vs Brock Lesnar - No Holds Barred Street Fight

Roman Reigns vs HHH © - WWE World Heavyweight Championship match

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So we had the first Raw after Wrestlemania 32 and I gotta say. This was probably the best Raw I've watched in years. I've never seen such great content in a while. We need Smackdown to have something just as good. There were a few downsides to it, but it was overall an amazing show.

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My prediction for Ryder's career going forward, based on the way he has been booked so far: he loses to every major star in sight (much like Wade Barret did last year), while retaining his title in a couple of meaningless matches with NXT people and assorted jobbers, matches that of course never make it to PPV (pre-show at most). He then loses to a returning Neville (who was the one who was meant to be at 'Mania to begin with, being replaced by Ryder only because of an injury) and proceeds to do absolutely nothing, never to be mentioned again.

Of course, to see Zack Ryder embark in a grand storyline of redemption, of finally grabbing that brass ring, would be a dream come true... But knowing WWE bookers, which theory seems more plausible?

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My prediction for Ryder's career going forward, based on the way he has been booked so far: he loses to every major star in sight (much like Wade Barret did last year), while retaining his title in a couple of meaningless matches with NXT people and assorted jobbers, matches that of course never make it to PPV (pre-show at most). He then loses to a returning Neville (who was the one who was meant to be at 'Mania to begin with, being replaced by Ryder only because of an injury) and proceeds to do absolutely nothing, never to be mentioned again.

Of course, to see Zack Ryder embark in a grand storyline of redemption, of finally grabbing that brass ring, would be a dream come true... But knowing WWE bookers, which theory seems more plausible?

I'd love to see Zack Ryder actually be booked properly and potentially go for something other than midcard championships, but he'll never get that chance to shine as a top star, since the WWE is low on big names. Cesaro returning was a big help for them, since the people love Cesaro, yet they won't push him the right way. Cesaro is WWE World Heavyweight Championship material.

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WWE and their booking team don't know how to push, only shove. Zack Ryder has proved that he can get over with the fans and he did it on his own. He has shown that he is good in the ring and has improved on the mic, but yet it still isn't enough. I'm happy he had his WM moment, but why do what they did to Christian back in 2011 and just throw it on someone random without giving said champion a chance? I like the Miz and all, just he wasn't built up at all. Miz had greatly improved since he was WWE champion back in 2011, however give someone like Ryder his chance to shine.

Same can be said with Cesaro who has showed countless times that he's World champ material. And Breeze is a good midcarder who could make a great champion. Yet for whatever reason, they gave up on him the night he debuted on Smackdown. I love WWE to death, but sometimes I just don't get their booking and it makes me really mad.

Edited by DusknoirSama
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WWE and their booking team don't know how to push, only shove. Zack Ryder has proved that he can get over with the fans and he did it on his own. He has shown that he is good in the ring and has improved on the mic, but yet it still isn't enough. I'm happy he had his WM moment, but why do what they did to Christian back in 2011 and just throw it on someone random without giving said champion a chance? I like the Miz and all, just he wasn't built up at all. Miz had greatly improved since he was WWE champion back in 2011, however give someone like Ryder his chance to shine.

Same can be said with Cesaro who has showed countless times that he's World champ material. And Breeze is a good midcarder who could make a great champion. Yet for whatever reason, they gave up on him the night he debuted on Smackdown. I love WWE to death, but sometimes I just don't get their booking and it makes me really mad.

I feel like they're going to have AJ job to Roman, because lel roman wins, etc. Despite the fact that nobody likes Reigns in the slightest.

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I feel like they're going to have AJ job to Roman, because lel roman wins, etc. Despite the fact that nobody likes Reigns in the slightest.

I wouldn't put it past them. Infact I doubt he'll win regardless. I don't hate Reigns, but the only reason he's being pushed beyond belief is because of what he is and who he's related to. He does have good in-ring skills, however they are watering him down severely and using him wrong.

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I wouldn't put it past them. Infact I doubt he'll win regardless. I don't hate Reigns, but the only reason he's being pushed beyond belief is because of what he is and who he's related to. He does have good in-ring skills, however they are watering him down severely and using him wrong.

He'd work so much better as a heel, like a Samoan Brock Lesnar. He doesn't need to speak, just kick ass and take names. I don't hate him, it's just the way he's been booked is what's hurting him.

They have so many candidates for a top star with Cesaro, Styles, Owens, Zayn, etc. They just can't make new stars easily. Especially since Cena and Orton are both out on injury if I remember correctly.

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Oh hey, remember that comment I made about Ryder's career? Well, it was made without having watched Raw. Now I did watch Raw and, surprise surprise, looks like they already took the title off him. And there were actually people on the internet who were excited to finally see a Ryder push...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seems like 2016 isn't a good year for the Wrestling industry as Chyna passed away on the 20th. A revolutionary for Women's wrestling as the only female to hold a male exclusive championship like the Intercontinental Championship for three times, counting the one time she held it with Chris Jericho. Her last match I remember was when she teamed up with Kurt Angle at TNA Sacrifice 2011 to take on Jeff and Karen Jarrett.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, Payback has come and gone and it was a pretty good PPV. Kalisto nd Ryback had a great match that should've been on the main card and Kalisto now has to deal with Rusev at Extreme Rules. We're getting AJ vs Reigns 2 at Extreme Rules in an Extreme Rules match and we've got Charlotte vs Natalya in a Submission match for the Women's Championship. We'll probably get Ambrose vs Jericho again and probably a Fatal Four Way for the Intercontinental Championship between Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, Cesaro, and The Miz.

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If you look past the fact that they just HAD to pull a Montreal in the Women Championship match, or that Enzo Amore nearly died, this was a good show. Although frankly I am sick and tired of the McMahons overshadowing main event feuds with their own family feuds: they have been doing it for what, 15 years? Enough is enough...

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  • 4 weeks later...

I thought Extreme Rules was a decent PPV, but now we look to Money in the Bank with Seth Rollins back from injury to deal with Reigns for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. along with the Money in the Bank match with Owens, Zayn, Ambrose, Cesaro, Jericho, and Del Rio.

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My money (pun totally intended) is on Owens: I mean, WWE has a history of reusing storylines they know are easy money (again, pun totally intended), so I can totally see them betting their money (third pun!) on the fact that MITB-holding Owens vs Zayn (who is pissed at him and prevents him from cashing in) would be MITB-holding Rollins vs Ambrose all over again. Which, mind you, would totally be ok with me: ok, recycled storylines are boring, but at least we get to make Owens and Zayn into legitimate top stars.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hope thhey make it where Hisory repeats itself at Wrestlemania but with Dean winning the title. It would make sense. But Wrestlemania isn't for 10 months.

Well, we have Dean Ambrose as the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion from beating Seth Rollins who had just defeated Roman Reigns at Money In The Bank, and we look towards Battleground with Dean's first Championship defense as the World Champion. I'm glad that Ambrose won the Money In The Bank ladder match and the World Championship. He should've won it much, much sooner. Anyone is better than Roman Reigns as champion to be truthful. Especially Cena as much as I hate saying that.

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  • 5 weeks later...

The draft has come and gone, and to be honest. It was rather disappointing to say the least. I mean, we got a few decent call ups with guys like Finn Balor and American Alpha (Jason Jordan and Chad Gable), but Raw just seemed to destroy Smackdown by getting more chances to pick as they have most of the championships and such. Saddened that Bayley wasn't called up or that there were no surprise returns.

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