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Dream Team for Reborn...help me make it better...


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When I first started this game, my favorite Poke wasn't available and I didn't really bother about it due to the fact I was getting my ass handed to me by Gym for days. I needed to adapt and learn all these new Poke because I don't play the regular games (since Crystal). Ninetales was my favorite but them Froslass took the cake, why? I would have to write 4 paragraph explaining why lol. Nonetheless here's my team with all my favorite Pokes.


Hp 4 / Sp. 252 / Speed 252


Cursed Body

-Frost Breath

-Destiny Bond

-Weather Ball

-Shadoll Ball

Rotom (Wash)

HP 252 / Sp.A 252 / Speed 4



-Hydro Pump

-Thunder Wave


-Electro Ball


HP 4 / Attack 252 / Speed 252




-Rock Slide

-Dragon Rush



HP 4 / Attack 252 / Speed 252



-Close Combat


-Stone Edge



HP 4 / Sp.Atk 252 / Speed 252




-Energy Ball




HP 4 / Attack 252 / Speed 252



-Sucker Punch

-Swords Dance

-Iron Head

-Psycho Cut

I'm not changing anyone, BUT I would like suggestion on their movesets or combo. I still haven't got Froslass and Bisharp, need to get some Poke to breed them with their respective Egg moves. Tell me if the EV point are good for any specific Poke. I don't play competitive nor IDK what are the best combo for each Poke, I just learned the basic :P

Edited by Smok3iT
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One thing I've noticed right off the bat is that you have no "walls". All of them are EV trained to be sweepers. You might want to change one of them to be really tanky? Idk too much about it, other than the fact that an all sweeper team can be swept.

I never really bother with walls. And if my opponent some how do try to sweep me, Froslass Destiny Bond will save me... I think lol. I take that into consideration :P

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Oh look, an interesting topic posted at 4AM while I'm on my phone. Yaaay.....

Since you said you're keeping the team, I'll skip team weaknesses qnd the like and just get to the actual members. (Hell, I fought Charlotte with a Leavanny, whatever floats your boat~)

Weather Ball is a rather questionable move. Without Ninetales, you've got a pointless 50 BP Normal move. With Ninetales, you have Ninetales, why bother withother Fire attackers, especiallys since setting sunlight up boosts a move-type half your team is weak to, and that's not something you should be actively trying to do only to boost one 'mons one move (which is even negated by it's weakening Rotom's STAB.

For replacements, you could go back to pre-E13 and get Psychic/Thunderbolt, there's Disable, Wake-up Slap actually isn't even that bad on it even without any investment, and there's always Hidden Power.

Also, you could give it a Modest nature to help with that not-so-great Sp.Attack stat. Or Rash/Mild, since it's got bad defended to begin with.

Since it's a STAB, Froslass is fine with Shadow Ball, but Hex on Rotom won't help out a lot, since we're past the part where that coverage is necessary.

Electr Ball is also really bad for anything but Rotom-Casual due to low speed and no investment (but why even bother giving Rotom Speed).

T-Wave can help so that one's fine, but Discharge is much better than E-Ball. There's also Charge Beam, Hidden Power (Ice would be awesome) and even Uproar or Dark Pulse could work (man, this thing really needs it's TMs/tutors).

No Dragon Rush pls. The only reason Solaris' Garchomp lost against most players that beat it was accuracy. D-Claw has hardly less power with perfect accuracy.

Other than that, Timid?!?

Standard Herry there (though it's Speed is eh, maybe HP EVs), moving on.

Good stuff, though maybe Will-o could make some room for Nasty Plot. Fighting and Poison types oughta be rare from now on, so E-sensory could be scrapped, but D.Pulse is the next best thing, so having that Psychic coverage can't hurt,.maybe use it on Cain or something, I dunno.

Same as above, nobody cares about Psychic moves (that's right, I said it, Radomus (but thanks for the awesome TM, Radomus, gotta love Trick Room <3)), so Brick Break for Steel, Metal Burst for bad-but-not-doomed match-ups, or Facade or something, not a lot to go with here.

Aaaand that's all you're getting outta me for now, g'night.

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HP 4 / Attack 252 / Speed 252
-Rock Slide
-Dragon Rush

make jolly/adamant otherwise you lose power, also make it claw not rush

Hp 4 / Sp. 252 / Speed 252
Cursed Body
-Frost Breath
-Destiny Bond
-Weather Ball
-Shadoll Ball

this has no reason to use weather ball, get any other move on it and you're good. i reccommend charge beam

When I first started this game, my favorite Poke wasn't available and I didn't really bother about it due to the fact I was getting my ass handed to me by Gym for days. I needed to adapt and learn all these new Poke because I don't play the regular games (since Crystal). Ninetales was my favorite but them Froslass took the cake, why? I would have to write 4 paragraph explaining why lol. Nonetheless here's my team with all my favorite Pokes.

Rotom (Wash)
HP 252 / Sp.A 252 / Speed 4
-Hydro Pump
-Thunder Wave
-Electro Ball

i'd reccomend tbolt over electro ball w/ willo over twave

rest are fine as far as i can tell but yeah

Edit: Listen to etesian over me, he has much more experience.

Edited by blasterman4
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make jolly/adamant otherwise you lose power, also make it claw not rush

this has no reason to use weather ball, get any other move on it and you're good. i reccommend charge beam

i'd reccomend tbolt over electro ball w/ willo over twave

rest are fine as far as i can tell but yeah

Edit: Listen to etesian over me, he has much more experience.

He hey, sounds like I'm earning my keep around here.

Anyways, definitely agree with the Nature Swap, it desperately needs it (unless that was a mistake/mix-up). Good eyes Blasty, dunno if I caught that.

Sadly (or maybe not since it wouldn't live too long to set up enough boosts anyways), Froslass has no access to Charge Beam.

Rotom's also genderless, so even pre-E13 breeding mechanics don't net it T.bolt or Will-o. T-Wave is good for slowing down fast hard-hitters, since Rotom should be bulky enough to live and Wave, leaving it up to the rest of the team to pick up it's slack.

EDIT: I just realized, I derped hard, Froslass can't get Psychic/Thunderbolt through breeding cuz Snorunt sucks, forget that bit.

Edited by Etesian
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Oh look, an interesting topic posted at 4AM while I'm on my phone. Yaaay.....

Since you said you're keeping the team, I'll skip team weaknesses qnd the like and just get to the actual members. (Hell, I fought Charlotte with a Leavanny, whatever floats your boat~)

Weather Ball is a rather questionable move. Without Ninetales, you've got a pointless 50 BP Normal move. With Ninetales, you have Ninetales, why bother withother Fire attackers, especiallys since setting sunlight up boosts a move-type half your team is weak to, and that's not something you should be actively trying to do only to boost one 'mons one move (which is even negated by it's weakening Rotom's STAB.

For replacements, you could go back to pre-E13 and get Psychic/Thunderbolt, there's Disable, Wake-up Slap actually isn't even that bad on it even without any investment, and there's always Hidden Power.

Also, you could give it a Modest nature to help with that not-so-great Sp.Attack stat. Or Rash/Mild, since it's got bad defended to begin with.

Since it's a STAB, Froslass is fine with Shadow Ball, but Hex on Rotom won't help out a lot, since we're past the part where that coverage is necessary.

Electr Ball is also really bad for anything but Rotom-Casual due to low speed and no investment (but why even bother giving Rotom Speed).

T-Wave can help so that one's fine, but Discharge is much better than E-Ball. There's also Charge Beam, Hidden Power (Ice would be awesome) and even Uproar or Dark Pulse could work (man, this thing really needs it's TMs/tutors).

No Dragon Rush pls. The only reason Solaris' Garchomp lost against most players that beat it was accuracy. D-Claw has hardly less power with perfect accuracy.

Other than that, Timid?!?

Standard Herry there (though it's Speed is eh, maybe HP EVs), moving on.

Good stuff, though maybe Will-o could make some room for Nasty Plot. Fighting and Poison types oughta be rare from now on, so E-sensory could be scrapped, but D.Pulse is the next best thing, so having that Psychic coverage can't hurt,.maybe use it on Cain or something, I dunno.

Same as above, nobody cares about Psychic moves (that's right, I said it, Radomus (but thanks for the awesome TM, Radomus, gotta love Trick Room <3)), so Brick Break for Steel, Metal Burst for bad-but-not-doomed match-ups, or Facade or something, not a lot to go with here.

Aaaand that's all you're getting outta me for now, g'night.

I didn't realize half of my team was weak to Fire, haha whoa. I was planning to teach it Weather Ball since nothing else was coming to my mind, Froslass have a very small movepool to be honest. It can't learn Psychic/Thunderbolt through breeding because Snorunt can't learn it :s . I will need to check the Hidden Power Type.... I get Modest for extra power

Rotom, yeah I was over thinking too much with Electro Ball....Need to check that Hidden Power Type too.... I spend the last EV on Defense or Sp.D

I though that Dragon Rush extra power was worth it...damn. That Solaris guy sweep me, he never missed that Dragon Rush on me, f*** his Garchomp....

Also Flygon is JOLLY, I type that thing wrong lol

Nasty Plot.... I always felt Ninetales needed that extra power, didn't knew about Nasty Plot >_>

Didn't knew about Metal Burst (or what exactly was either lol) and completely forgot that I have Brick Break has a TM. I though Psycho Cut was worth it, in order to counter Fighting Types...

Summoning etesian always works :P

You see, what happen was I sacrifice my 3 Poke to summon Etesian from my hand hahaha

Thanks for the tips everyone

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Your team looks okay but I would consider putting in a pokemon or a move that can hurt all your opponents pokemon such as stealth rock, toxic or toxic spikes . another idea you can try is using the terrain to fight for you such as the burning terrain or using the pledges

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When I first started this game, my favorite Poke wasn't available and I didn't really bother about it due to the fact I was getting my ass handed to me by Gym for days. I needed to adapt and learn all these new Poke because I don't play the regular games (since Crystal). Ninetales was my favorite but them Froslass took the cake, why? I would have to write 4 paragraph explaining why lol. Nonetheless here's my team with all my favorite Pokes.
Hp 4 / Sp. 252 / Speed 252
Cursed Body
-Frost Breath
-Destiny Bond
-Weather Ball
-Shadoll Ball
Rotom (Wash)
HP 252 / Sp.A 252 / Speed 4
-Hydro Pump
-Thunder Wave
-Electro Ball
HP 4 / Attack 252 / Speed 252
-Rock Slide
-Dragon Rush
HP 4 / Attack 252 / Speed 252
-Close Combat
-Stone Edge
HP 4 / Sp.Atk 252 / Speed 252
-Energy Ball
HP 4 / Attack 252 / Speed 252
-Sucker Punch
-Swords Dance
-Iron Head
-Psycho Cut
I'm not changing anyone, BUT I would like suggestion on their movesets or combo. I still haven't got Froslass and Bisharp, need to get some Poke to breed them with their respective Egg moves. Tell me if the EV point are good for any specific Poke. I don't play competitive nor IDK what are the best combo for each Poke, I just learned the basic :P

I guess you could turn froslass into a Fast support, as it learns spikes via move tutor(i think) and. But yeah, having a wall is very, very helpful, as it can stall things, which is sometimes needed in this game. I suggest Avalugge for a very, very strong physical wall. but yeah, it is your team, do as you must

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I just caught a shiny Snorunt female with Hidden Power Ground-Type, I'm the luckiest f*****. I decided to take out Bisharp and replace it with Venusaur since he was my 1st starter ever and my favorite grass type to date.

I guess you could turn froslass into a Fast support, as it learns spikes via move tutor(i think)...

where is this tutor for spike move??

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No Spike tutor can help Froslass, it could only get the move from Klefki via breeding.

Destiny Bond it is. I don't think I'm going to breed just for Spike (plus the HP is Ground Type not passing that lol). Just completed my little grind, going to finish this EP14 hopefully by tomorrow :P

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You can also use confuse ray for troll, blizzard for power or draining kiss for hp instead of weather ball. Or you can chain breed switcheroo to remove pokemon items.

Check my signature. I'm running it with Hail, Snow Cloak and BrightPowder aka evasion abuse lol. T3rr4 stood no change against that, none of my Poke fainted in that battle :P

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