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Jakler's White 1 Nuzlocke!


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SilverJakler here! You may know me as the Trivia Time guy, y'know, the guy that posts... trivia... at certain times. Well I decided to replay my favorite Generation, Gen V, but add a little kick to it. So I thought, wynaut Nuzlocke it? Now, here are the rules that I'll be rolling with:

1. The first Pokemon encountered in any area is the only thing you can catch in that area.

2. If a Pokemon faints, it's DED and must be put in the PC "Graveyard".

Now, those are the standard rules of the Nuzlocke, but on to the others that aren't so standard.

3. Before I pick my starter, I must first check the last number on my Trainer ID Card. If it's 1-3, then I pick the Grass Starter (Snivy). If it's 4-6, then I pick the Fire Starter (Tepig). And finally if it's 7-9, I pick the Water Starter (Oshawott).

4. Dupes Clause: If the first Pokemon I find in the area is the same as a Pokemon I already had or had, I can't catch it. This also means I have 2 more chances to catch something in that area. If those 2 chances are used up and I STILL haven't found something different in that area, well sucks for me. No Pokemon in that area.

5. Nicknames, gotta have em.

And that's pretty much it. I'll have an update once I get some miles on this. HERE WE GO.

UPDATE: The Nuzlocke is off to a pretty good start! Prof. Juniper goes through all that that intro business and stuff. Yadda yadda yadda, Cheren and Bianca want starters. But wait, I get first pick. Why? CUZ I HAVE IDEALS, BITCHES. So, as per rule number 3, I check my ID Number's last digit. Aaand it's 3, which means Snivy is my starter. After I destroy Cheren and Bianca's puny Pokemon, turns out my Snivy doesn't know how to control its power, so my room gets rekt. My Mom is all unconcerned about it and says "I got this." So we leave and go to the Professor's lab, and I dub my Snivy "Sazzle the Usurper". Then my mom shows up and gives us maps so our sorry asses don't get lost. "ty mom" I said. "np" she says back. Me and the others take our first step onto Route 1 together and watch the Professor catch some rat thing and continue on our way. Now for the best part: catching our second member of Team Ideals. We run into...

A Male Lilipup! He puts up a good fight, but alas, he sees our cause is a worthy one and joins our squad. I give him the name of "Lomo the Beastmaster". Then that catching contest Bianca comes up with amounts to nothing as always, especially since I can't catch anything else on that Route...

ANYWAYS, we check on the Pokemon Center, then some weird, totally not maniacal guy makes a speech about liberating Pokemon or some shit. He leaves with his ginger cronies in tow. Me and Cheren are like "Psshaaaw, what a scrub. He probably has less than 1000 points on Showdown's OU." Some cool guy shows up and says "u wot m8" then battles me.

The green haired guy (who obviously doesn't have aaanything to do with the speech scrub) sends out a Purrloin, and I send out Lomo. The classic battle of Cat vs Dog. Feline vs Canine. Man's Best Friend vs Man's Other Friend. Purrloin gets the first hit, with Scratch. Lomo don't like that too much. So he Tackles the poor cat and sends it flying through a window of a nearby apartment complex. GG, cool guy. GG.

We heal up and proceed to the next Route, when my mom calls me, but it turns out... SHE WAS THERE ALL ALONG. She gives me some Running Shoes, good thing too, my feet were starting to get cramped in these Speed Walk Shoes. So she goes and we face the scariest mofo of all time.

A Patrat. But not just any Patrat. This guy has battle scars from all of his previous victims. This guy runs Route 2 with an iron fist. Sazzle wasn't enough to bring him low enough, and when the Patrat was about to go for the killing blow, who else would save him but Lomo. He knocked Sazzle out of the way and took the hit like it was nothing. The dog and rat were locked in combat for what seemed like ages, until finally the mighty gang boss was low enough for me to catch him. And so I did. I dubbed this force of nature "Paintrain the Deathbringer". We asserted our dominance over the novice trainers along the rest of the route and made it to Striaton City without a hitch. And that's where we end this journey thus far.

Edited by SilverJakler
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