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Pokémon: Aftermath #3b - Candice and the Battle for Snowpoint [IC]


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{Conclave Group}

Drake remained silent for a moment before responding to the suggestion. "I like you're idea better than mine. Everyone, gather up your things as we're heading out. Those who don't wish to battle any Acolytes, stay very close behind me. If any of your Pokemon are capable of putting humans to sleep, speak out now, or forever hold your peace." The man pulled out his Poke ball and released the bat into the air once again. Even at such a close distance, you couldn't hear a sound from the anxious bat. Drake halted him for one moment. "Before we move, would any else like to pitch in an idea?"

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Gym Squad

"Aurorus, use Flash and start moving! Regie, get a Blizzard up!" Candice yelled over the Tailwind. Lockhart's move, plus the Blizzard from Regice and Aurorus' Snow Warning ability had the capacity to turn the interior of the gym in a raging storm of wind, ice and snow flying all over the place - to the point that the spectators would probably have to duck for cover from shards of ice every now and then - however, the interesting point in Candice's strategy was Flash. As it happened when she turned on the gym's lights, the sudden flash of light was enough to make it impossible to see a thing in the roaring icy storm that was in motion. Regice's Blizzard however, wasn't affected by this since the room was small, and the weather favorable.

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{Gym Squad}
As Candices strategy went off, Nemir realized how bad this situation was for his flying type friends out there. "Vis...any thoughts on what we should do once we get out there?" He thought. "Not many.....my attacks might be better suited for this though, seeing how I can sense instead of see." Nemir thought about this for a bit, dodging shards of ice, and soon he devised a plan. He thought about telling the others, but instead waited in case something unexpected happened.

Edited by DragonMasterKrim
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  • Support Squad

"Lockhart, stop where you are and send out a Heatwave all around you!" Adam ordered, hoping that the large area of effect would nullify the flash and the heat would be enough to melt the worst ice of the blizzard for both himself and his partner. Lockhart sopped and hovered flapping his wings and building up heat which he then released in a pulse of hot wind all around the gym, however whilst he was doing this he was ht by several shard s of ice as he remained in the same place.

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{Conclave Group}

Unfortunately for Jory and Carissa, the sevond floor was blocked a metallic door. To the side of this said door, there is an ID scanner. It seems that the group will have to obtain a card key in order to gain access to the upper floors...

Down on the first floor, two young girls are huddled together in a secluded corner. The younger of the two was clutching onto the other; she was clearly scared after witnessing her friends being beaten up by these intruders. Once in a while, her hand would hover over to a coat pocket to see if her possession was still with her. The older girl tried to put on a brave face to protect her younger sister, but she was also shaking like a leaf. Nevertheless, she was determined to put up a battle if Team Sylveon posed a threat to either of them.

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{Conclave Group}

"Remember, the mother here is different than Candice so they may might out of fear from her even if they do not. Even so, we've spent too much time out here already," responded Drake. He cued the others to follow him inside.

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Gym Squad

The heat wave did some work to melt the ice of the blizzard, but as for the flash of light, not much. It did hit something however, for Adam heard a low grow from Lockhart's right side.

"Good move, but you'll need more than that! Aurie, Regi, cross Blizzards now!"

At Candice's command the blinding light finally receded, reveg her pokemon to the group. Aurorus was to Lockhart's and Skarmory's right, being the one that took the Heat Wave. On the left side of the field, across from it, stood Regice

Under the cover of the light, both pokemon had moved to flank the Dusk battlers and put them in a cross fire. As soon as the flash stopped, both shoot out Blizzards, putting the birds in an icy and windy hell.

(( On mobile now, sorry for the text format))

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fuck, a crossfire, there's no way to evade, so we may as well not try, "Lockhart, Streamline and superpower, Target A, now!" At this command, Lockhart dropped, tucking in his wings and diving to the floor through the painful barrage of ice, swooping towards Aurorus at an incredible speed with the focused superpower ready to strike and prepped to swoop again if he missed.

He just had to stop on of the blizzards and it'd be much easier to avoid, especially because Lockhart was still using the few air currents without ice shards to speed him along, but Pine HAD to do something.

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Carissa shook the handle of the door and grunted out of disapproval when she found it was locked. She slumped down on the stairs for a second, gazing at the scanner adjacent to the door. "Someone has to have a key on that floor. How else could we get up?" Carissa placed her hands on the wooden stairs, using them as support to push herself to her feet. She tapped Jory and pointed back down, signaling that they were going back down.

As she reached the end of the stairs, she poked her head out, scanning left and right for an acolyte holding a key. There seemed to be none that were evident, but Carissa's attention was caught by two seemingly innocent acolytes huddling in the corner out of fear. She slowly walked over to them, making sure her movements were soft and gentle so she didn't seem intimidating She bent down in front of the two. "Hey darlings, would you by chance have a keycard for us? We don't want to hurt you. We just want to end this as quickly as possible, ok?" Carissa gave that fake smile again that she had used earlier in the woods.

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{Conclave Group}

The younger of the two acolytes, Susana, immediately hid herself behind her older sister, uttering a squeak and shaking her head vigorously. Susana's sister, Ann, attempted to engage in a stare down at Carissa; she was not buying the teen's act.

"Y-you know, you say that you don't w-want to hurt us... B-But how do you explain what you just did then?! You just busted your way inside, punch their lights out and expect us to give you what you need?!" Ann pointed towards her fallen comrades, her anger was slowly replacing her fear. "Those are my friends; if you just asked nicely and not beat the crap out of us, we would have gladly given you the key! How do you expect any of us to trust you now?!"

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"No no no no, did you not see what happened?" Carissa began shaking her hands in denial. "Your friend came at me. I just entered the building and she hit me square in the face. I was just trying to defend myself." Carissa frowned. She was sincerely sorry, but she had to to what she had to do.

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{Conclave Group}

"You and friends here just ran into the building like lunatics! We thought you were trying to murder us or something!" Ann retorted back, although her anger seemed to have subdued. She did realize that the conclave did make the first strike, after all. "And it didn't help that you didn't announce who you are either." Ann glanced at the raging battles before she turned her attention back to Carissa. "Were you and the others sent here by Fria?" Ann suddenly asked in a quiet voice. "We have heard that she has plans to overthrow the city, so we need to be prepared." She added a wink before she nudged her little sister to come out from behind her.

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Gym Squad

As Lockhart dove towards Aurorus, Candice smiled. She was expecting a frontal hit anyway so she waited for the Honchkrow to get near and... "Aurie, switch into Ice Beam to his face!"

At the same time, Pine and Skarmory kept taking hits and not moving for some reason. On the sidelines, Jon could not understand what was happening with the boy, but it was getting on his nerves. Suddenly, the trainer jumped over the handrail and into the arena, pokeball in hand. "I call a switch!" He yelled at Candice over the roar of wind. It was too late to help Lockhart, but at least he could keep a little pace in the battle this way.

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  • Support Squad

Perfect timing! Adam thought as Jon charged onto the field. "Don't underestimate the reflexes of a Flying Type Candice!" Adam yelled in approval as Lockhart altered his trajectory as soon as the Aurorus stopped the Blizzard, avoiding the ice beam narrowly and swerving around for another attempt at Superpower. "Keep an eye out for the same trick Lockhart, you can't afford a hit! Jon, get your ass in gear, we're narrowly avoiding a colossal defeat here" Adam barked hoping to God Jon would actually take action.

((I'm sorry if this seems shitty, but I'd like to not lose almost immediately after doing barely anything))

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((No problem, we can roll with it. I was expecting exactly something like that))

Gym Squad

Candice nodded at Jon's request, and Skarmory left the field to his trainer. The Ice leader attention was all in Lockhart now. "Te-hee, that's a very well trained pokemon indeed. I'll not make the same mistake again. Aurie, Protect! Regie, clip the bird's wings with Thunderbolt!"

A barrier of energy blocked Lockharts attack, but right before Regice could attack Jon pressed his pokeball's button. Kyte materialized right in front of the Thunderbolt, taking the attack as if it was nothing and giving Lockhart another chance to strike. "You man, watch you own back. Your pokemon is not suited for this gym, but I won't forgive if I go through all this trouble and you go down without doing shit."

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  • Support Squad

Adam simply nodded before turning his complete attention to the battle. "Lockhart, Use Heatwave, keep the pressure up on both pokemon!" Adam ordered as Lockhart generated heat that was sent around the room, this time not weakened by the Blizzard from before, and sent steaming winds towards Candices pokemon, trying to force them onto the defensive.

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Gym Squad

"Go for some cover guys, and put the Blizzard up again!"

After Candice shouted her command, both her pokemon slided in the ice lookin to get behind the icy rocks in the field. The ice helped them moving faster than normal, so Regice managed to completely avoid the hit. Aurorus once again took it, and although it clearly hurt the dinosaur like beast the pokemon was able to bulk it up and hide most of it's body behind a rock.

The dual Blizzards got up again. It was a simple, but effective strategy. Neither Dusk pokemon in the field were resistant to Ice, and there was always the chance of freezing. They had to stop this quickly and make it harder for Candice's mons to move so...

"Kyte, break the floor with Earthquake! Don't let they slide!"

The attack went off well, though as it was weakened by the layer of ice in the floor it lacked the power to KO anything. The base idea to block the enemy's skating worked though, and if Lockhart could make it through the storm he might be able to knock Aurorus out.

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  • Support Squad

Adam saw the opportunity whilst the pokemon were dealing wiht the effects of Kytes Earthquake. "Lockhart, use the remains of the heat and charge through the Blizzard! Target A, now!" Lockhart, now tiring of the ongoing battle, wrapped himself in heat before plunging into the dual Blizzard. He took heavy damage but when he burst through on the otherside, his success filled him with confidence as he soared on a direct collision course with Aurorus, intending to crash with all the strength of a Superpower.

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Gym Squad

"Aurie, use Body Slam!" Candice ordered her Aurorus. It was clear it couldn't dodge the move, so it could very well focus on taking the foe down along with itself.

Both Pokemon hit each other head on and were instantly knocked out. A flash of red light was seen and Aurorus was sent back to it's pokeball. "Weeell, that was surprising. I never thought a Honchkrow would give me this much trouble... Nice job there." With that Candice took a new pokeball from her belt and pressed the central button and called a new pokemon to the fray: an Abomasnow, this one dwarfing even the big one of the woods. It was clearly a really tough pokemon.

"Sooo, who's next to the party?~"

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  • Support Squad

Adam recalled Lockhart, almost happy with their success over the Aurorus, if only Lockhart could have done more. "There you have it" Adam said to Jon "Didn't do nothing." Adam then turned to the othesr present. "One of you had better be able to put pressure on that Abomasnow, not only is it bad for Jon, I have a nasty feeling that that is one of the stronger members of her team..."

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Seth stood up. "I guess I will." he said to the Gym Leader. He looked at Giga's Ultra Ball and made his way from the bleachers to Jon's side. "'Kay, bud, let's do this!" he said as he released Gigawatt onto the scene. The yellow beast let out a roar and got into a battle stance, much like that of a professional boxer. His happy-go-lucky attitude was replaced with a calm, serious look. Seth looked over at Jon. "Ready when you are."

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Jory came up behind Carissa and stood next to her, nodding at the Acolyte's question. "Yes, she sent us." He then looked backward at the KO'd Acolytes, scratching the back of his head. "Sorry about that, by the way. I think we all got a little carried away here. The last thing we expected was for you all to be cooperative at all." He grinned sheepishly and then looked toward the stairwell, tapping his foot impatiently. "My friend here is right, though. All we want is to get to the Conclave Mother so that we can finish the fight while the rest of our team battles your Gym Leader." He then paused, looking intently at the Acolytes. "Say, what type of Pokemon does the Conclave Mother use? Knowing in advance would be a definite advantage for us."

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{Conclave Group}

Ann sighed despondently, shaking her head at Jory's question. "Since you are sent by Fria, I'll tell you what we know: The Mother always has that Mienshao that follows her around. Those two are always patrolling the conclave trying to find anyone that dares to challenge her. Unfortunately for her, though, we were always one step ahead! Well... Most of us, that is..." Her eyes glanced up at the ceiling for a second. "See, most of us here on the first floor are newcomers; we never wanted to join the Church to begin with. However, the ones upstairs are... less rebellious. Dawn has gotten to most of them, so we haven't been able to get much information out of them to warn Fria about anything. Finally, to get to the third floor, find Lealia; she should have the other card key today... " With that, she knelt down besides Susana and whispered something into her ear. The little acolyte nodded and let out a piercing scream before she "accidentally" dropped the card key for Jory and Carissa to pick up. Susana then pretended to cry as she slid down the wall and curled herself up into a ball.

"Sorry, but this is all we could do. The Mother would have our heads if she found out about this... I have to protect my sister, please understand and help us!" Ann begged.

((As Ann stated, most of the acolytes on the second floor are brainwashed, including Lealia, so they will fight you without warning. Feel free to control those battles as well.))

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