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Pokémon: Aftermath #3b - Candice and the Battle for Snowpoint [IC]


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Jory reacted quickly and violently as Lealia pinned his partner up against the wall, an extreme protective instinct coming over him as he saw Carissa in serious danger. "Shredder, Rock Slide!" he shouted. The Zangoose acknowledged that playtime was over and slammed his claws on the ground in a sledgehammer strike, causing large boulders to materialize and fall around Unit S and the lone Acolyte in an attempt to cut them off from the rest of the group for the time being. The veteran then ran at the Acolyte, tackling her to the ground and freeing Carissa. The two wrestled on the ground for a few seconds before Jory managed to gain the upper hand and ended up on top of her. He then began to throw a barrage of punches at the girl with little regard for her safety or health, wanting only to beat her smug fucking face into the tile floor.

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{Conclave Squad - Outside}

"Uhm. . . Yeah. I think. I haven't really been around here. I don't like the cold." Sarcus took a look around him trying to gauge where they were in the city. "Is the Pokemon Center around here still operating? They've got supplies for Trainers, too, generally."

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{Conclave Group - Outside}

Drake turned to look at Sarcus, "Standing out here isn't going to help us. Take the injured ones to the Pokemon Center for treatment. If they don't have enough supplies, find what you need somewhere else." He then turned to Alincia. "As for you, stay here with a couple of these Acolytes to keep any of the...less stable ones from getting in and out of the building. I'm sure those kids are capable of taking down those beasts, but the less fights they have to face the better. I'll be back soon with reinforcements, but if it gets to be too much, do what you can to escape, even if it means killing some of them. Your life is more important than your enemy's."

"As for the rest of you," Drake responded, "I'm heading towards the gym. Some of my comrades are fighting a battle there and it's much safer there compared to standing out here. You are free to follow whoever you want."

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{Gym Squad}

As Abbie created the powerful Earthquake attack, Seth had two options. Either save Giga and leave Kyte to possibly get K.O.'d, or use yet another risky strat to try and minimize the damage for both of them. Deciding to try and not be an ass, he went with the latter.

"Giga, take the damage and use Thunder Wave on Abbie!" As the Earthquake reached Giga and knocked him off his feet, doing a good chunk of damage in the process, the Electric Pokemon let loose a small pulse of electricity at their Mega Evolved adversary. Afterwards, Gigawatt landed hard on the ground, showing signs of tiring as he tried to get up. But, he succeeded in his endeavor to do so, albeit he was still scuffed up a bit and a little shaky. If the Thunder Wave did its job, he might've just saved Kyte for a few more turns.

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{Conclave Group Fl.2}

Carissa collapsed onto the floor and began breathing hysterically. With each large breath, blood began seeping from her neck wound at a faster rate. The air filled up her lungs slowly, and her breathes eventually became slower. Her vision was coming back to her, but she didn't dare open her eyes. She was terrified. Lila slithered over to her friend, a small tear falling from her ruby eyes. She released a moan, clearly upset by the injury Lealia had inflicted on her friend. She coiled herself around Carissa again, making a vow inside her head to never let her get hurt again. Lila released another moan, begging for someone to help her. The blood was still flowing from the wound, and Carissa's shirt was slowly turning scarlet.

Lealia was trying her best to keep up with Jory, occasionally blocking the onslaught of flurrying fists aimed at her face. She held her arm a little too far and she gasped when she heard a snap followed by an intense rush of pain from her forearm. A tear slipped out of her eye as the punches continued on. She remained helpless in the situation and eventually became unconscious due to the incredible amount of pain. Her face was mangled, covered in bruises that certainly would take a while to recover. If Jory paid her enough attention, he would be able to see the key card slipping through the top of her shirt, ripe for the taking.

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{Conclave Group}

Jory stopped punching briefly and noticed the key card, ripping the cord off Lealia's neck and holding it in front of his face. There was a bit of blood spattered on it from his assault on the acolyte, but nothing too major. He looked down at Lealia and his face contorted in fury once more. He punched her in the eye one more time before getting off of her, breathing heavily and looking backward toward the remaining acolytes. "Anyone else want the same treatment?" he snarled at the group. Cowed by his brutal attack on their leader, they all shrank backward, no one willing to cross the rock barrier to get near the veteran and the Zangoose crouched protectively near him.

Jory then turned his attention to Carissa, his fury turning to concern as he saw her bleeding profusely. Shredder watched the group of acolytes carefully, almost wishing they would make a move so he'd have an excuse to punish the people who hurt Carissa. The veteran quickly ripped one of the sleeves off of his shirt and put pressure on the wound while he held Carissa's hand. He then turned to Michael. "Run outside and see if any of the acolytes have medical training," he said. He then looked down at Carissa. "Shh... Breathe easy, Carissa. You're going to be alright. You're going to be alright," he repeated, his voice breaking.

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{Gym Squad}

The risky play has worked out the way Seth hoped for. Although Abbie was able to set off a minor Earthquake, the Thunder Wave has stopped him from executing the worst of Earthquake's effects. He let out a roar of frustration as the earth began to quiet down once more.

A few seconds afterwards, Kyte slowly came into view as the earth trembled slightly besides Giga. Unfortunately for him, since he was underground, the Swampert was also tired out from the earth-shattering move. Jon's partner could be seen panting as well before he gave a grin towards Giga.

Jon cursed under his breath as the Earthquake almost toppled him over. Once again, he owed yet another favor to this teen whom he barely knew. As the Mist faded out, he noticed how close Kyte and Giga are to the paralyzed Mega-Abomasnow. If Kyte could pull of an Endeavor on this beast...

"Seth, right? I have an idea on whittling this evergreen tree down, but... I... might need you to back me up. Think you could handle it?"

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{Conclave Group Fl. 2}

Carissa's shaky breathes steadied themselves. The blood seemed to stop flowing shortly after Jory covered the wound, or most accurately, wounds. Underneath the cloth were the first signs of 2 scabs running vertically up her neck Lealia took good care of her nails, not only keeping them polished, but just slightly jagged for exactly this reason. Carissa shivered and then slowly opened her eyes. She released a weak smile and a small breath escape her mouth. "J-Jory." Her voice was incredibly faint, and Jory would be lucky if he heard the simple word. She took her hand and placed it onto Jory's cheek, rubbing his face gently. She didn't care if it was something in a cliche romance movie. Jory had saved her. But she was in absolutely no position to continue just yet.

A camera in the far corner of the room shifted from Lealia to the emotional couple. The lens zoomed in, and it was clear that Carissa was alive, saved by her love. On the floor above, the mother slammed her hands on the desk. "Those despicable Team Dusk heretics! How did that bitch live?" The mother was infuriated. She shoved her computer off of her desk. The screen cracked over the display of Jory and Carissa. "Such a shame, if she had pulled it off, I would have surely honored the girl for her loyalty. Looks like you've failed once again, Lealia." The mother's eyes shifted to her pokemon. "It's time to prepare for the inevitable, my dear. It was always you and I against the world." She gently placed her hand on top of her partner's head. The pink weasel stiffened herself, prepared for a fight. Meanwhile, a screen blinked to life, hidden behind the bookshelf against the far wall. "It's Judgement Day, my dear."

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{Gym Squad}

"... Think you can handle it?"

Seth was somewhat taken aback that his partner was actually addressing him, but also glad. He looked back at the battlefield and noticed what this Jon character already had. He looked back at him and said, "Sure, whatcha got in mind?"

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{Gym Squad}

Jon's eyes shifted to the Mega-Abomasnow and Kyte before he lowered his voice to a whisper that only his teammate (if he could call him that) could hear. "Kyte has Endeavor, which could help bring down that snow tree here. But that also means that they would try and stop him..." Jon didn't want to risk saying any more in case the Abomasnow overhead them.

The Mist has finally receded, now revealing everyone and everything on the field.

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{Gym Squad}

"Alright, gotcha." Seth whispered back. After pausing for a second to devise a plan, he said, "Go, now!"

He turned and said to Giga, "Giga, use a Quick Cross Chop on the Mamoswine!" With that, Giga got up as fast as he could and bolted for the enemy Mamoswine, a trail of white light appearing behind him as he sprinted for her. As he was charging, he held his hands in an X-shape in front of his chest. His hands then charged with a maroon colored light. He got as close as he could to the giant mammoth Pokemon then started to swing his combined attack at her. Hopefully, if it didn't hit, it would buy Jon and Kyte enough time to get the deed done.

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{Conclave Group}

Jory sighed in relief as Carissa said his name softly and put a hand on his face. Then, he smiled down at her. As he looked at her it dawned on him how important she was to him. He felt a surge of emotion like nothing else he'd felt since the day his brother died in Lilycove. "Don't you ever scare me like that again," he said gently. He stroked the girl's hair gently, trying to comfort her after the ordeal. "I don't even want to think about..." he trailed off, unable to even finish the sentence. "Just don't do it again, okay?" he continued, his voice nearly at a whisper.

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"Well. Um. Okay then." He looked about at the acolytes gathered outside the building. Waving his hand to indicate that they should follow, he started walking down the street toward the Pokemon Center. "Come on, guys, it'll be nice and warm inside." Absolution walked along beside him, looking ever so slightly disappointed. He had wanted to try his strength against the acolytes or the gym leader, but he guessed he could settle for guarding this group.

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{Gym Squad}

"Kyte, go for Endeavor on the Mega-Abomasnow!" Jon ordered Kyte as Giga sprinted towards Mamoswine. He watched as Kyte rushed forward, aiming to push the huge tree Pokemon backwards.


"Mamo, stop that Cross Chop with Stone Edge!" Candice commanded before she addressed her other Pokemon. "And Abbie, Giga Drain!"

As Giga rushed towards her, Mamo conjured up many pointed stones. As Giga was about to strike, Mamo sent the Stone Edge over towards Giga. They may not protect Mamo completely, but it could lessen the damage that was dealt.

On the other side of the field, Abbie was hit with the Endeavor head on; he looked considerably as drained as Kyte. However, this was short-lived. Since Kyte is now left out in the open, Abbie's bright-green shoots latched onto the Swampert and were able to drain the rest of Kyte's energy. Although Abbie did not break even on the damage that was dealt, a little recovery is better than nothing at all.
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Gigawatt took the damage from the Stone Edge hard. Since he was in such close range, there was no way to dodge it, so he just took the damage and hoped he'd do some more of his own. He brought the Cross Chop down on the big mammoth as hard as he could, but he wasn't able to maximize the damage. The big guy was hurt badly, but he still didn't want to give up. He had just a little bit more fight left in him. Seth knew that too, although he had a feeling that his next move might be the last for this battle. As Kyte took the Giga Drain, he was clearly concerned with the quadruple damage the poor guy took, but nonetheless, the Endeavor hit its mark and the snowman didn't get much back anyways.

Seth looked down at the ground. He was hoping he'd stick around in the fight longer, but he had to make a last ditch effort to try and make things easier on the next guys to switch in. Hopefully he and Giga could take at least one more down with them. "Giga," Seth said. "Let's make this count. Quick Fire Punch on Abbie!"

Giga, with the last of his energy, got up and darted toward the target while charging the biggest Fire Punch he could muster in his right hand. He was just inches away from Abbie, any mistake here could turn into a disaster... for either side.

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"No can do~ Abbie, use Protect! And, Mamo, dear, use Sand Tomb!" Candice called out. The mammoth-like Pokemon did as she was told: She slammed the ground with her two front legs, causing the ground to shake once more. Beneath Giga's feet, a huge hole had appeared, threatening to suck the electric type inside. As this was going on, the Mega-Abomasnow had also created a barrier between her and Giga. The recoil from the Fire Punch could knock the Electric-type Pokemon into the hole...

Jon could only watch helplessly as he recalled Kyte back into his capsule. "Thanks pal," he whispered to the Pokeball before turning to face the bleachers. Now it's up to the rest of them to finish the job.

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"Giga use Magnet Rise to escape the hole!" Gigawatt was still exhausted from the failed Fire Punch, but did as he was told. His fur started standing on end as static electricity flowed through him. The move worked just in time, Giga just barely managed to get himself to float over the hole that Mamo had created. Seth thought for a second that he could keep this going... but Giga was burned out, he could tell. So rather than forcing his friend to keep fighting on his last legs, he decided he deserved a much needed rest. He grabbed Giga's Ultra Ball and held it out in front of him.

"Gigawatt, you did great out there. You've earned a rest, return." The red light from the Ultra Ball trailed over to the floating fighter and returned Giga to his home. Seth took a long look at it, and smiled. He looked at Candice and said, "Thanks for the great battle, it was fun. Just wish it didn't have to be under these circumstances..." He turned to Jon and gave him a nod of respect. Despite their odds, they did pretty well in the battle, considering they were up against a Legendary and a Mega Evolved opponent.

"And thanks to you too, you and Kyte were amazing out there."

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{Gym Squad}

Noticing that the battlers were finished Nemir turned to Thoron. "Come....I have an idea." Vis explained quickly through telepathy. "Ever heard of Justified? Rusgon is a dark type...." Then he jumped down the bleachers and took his place on the battlefield.

Edited by DragonMasterKrim
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{Gym squad}

Thoron had read of the ability and knew what he meant, and thought to Vis "That could work..., I could use a weak move to buff you." "Rusgon lets go," Thoron said as he agilely stepped down from the stands and Rusgon rushed to the battle field by Vis, ready for whatever that Candice could throw at them...

Edited by M_Cowher
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{Gym Squad}

"Same to you and Giga." Jon returned the nod to Seth before he gave a polite wave goodbye to Candice. The loss stung him but at least this gym leader isn't out for his blood; she is worthy of some of his respect in that regard. He then walked back to the bleachers with Seth, glancing at Nemir and Thoron as they took their place.

"Alllriiiight! Another two down and out! I have to thank you for the fun as well!" Candice said jubilantly as Seth and Jon took their place on the sidelines. "And don't you worry about that, sweetie. Once you guys and gals take Dawn down, I can guarantee you that we will have a lot more fun battles in the future~" She sighed dreamily as she recalled the good old days; she and the other gym leaders would talk about their challengers and poke fun at one another. Some, of course, were more easy to tease than others...

A grunt then came from her Mamoswine, which effectively snapped her back into reality. "Hehe, whoops. Got a little lost in the clouds, don't mind me~" Her Mamoswine and her paralyzed Mega-Abomasnow rolled their eyes with amused expressions on their faces. "So, a Zoroark and a Lucario huh? Interesting choices," she nodded appreciatively as she looked them over. "Buuut oh so predictable~~ Abbie and Mamo, let's whip up that Blizzard winter wonderland again!"

The Mamoswine was the first to get up a snowstorm since she was still in relatively good health. However, Abbie was not about to be topped by her comrade. After struggling for a few seconds, he also managed to conjure up a Blizzard of his own. The howls of the double Blizzard echoed throughout the battlefield as the snow and ice whipped around the Pokemon.

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{Gym Squad}

"Another blizzard....although this might not benefit her as much as she thinks." Nemir thought before turning to Vis. "Vis...calm mind!" he said aloud, but in his thoughts continued with "Don't actually set up. Wait until Rusgons attack hits.....then unleash a blaze kick on the closest target you can sense!" Vis gave a slight nod and closed his eyes as if to concentrate.

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{Gym Squad}

Nemir gave a slight smile as the attack landed. "Sorry about this, buddy." he thought. As soon as the attack connected Vis began glowing a dark aura and he thought back "I can handle it."

As he felt the dark energy from Rusgons attack flow into him, Vis opened his eyes. They were glowing a deep blue and he could make out two blue shapes of aura amidst the blizzard. Setting his foot aflame he jumped towards the closest one that was vaguely abomasnow shaped and brought it down as hard as he could.

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{Gym Squad}

"Abbie, Protect! Mamo, use Earthquake!" Candice called out to her two Ice types.

Her Mega-Abomasnow managed to create a force field to shield herself in the nick of time, deflecting the Blaze Kick from Vis. On the other side of the field, her Mamoswine stomped on the ground once more to make the battlefield shake once again. The snow flurries from the Blizzard were shaken up into the air; the ice gym looks more like a snow globe if it weren't for the broken ground.

((I used a RNG each time to check for paralysis.))

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{Gym Squad}

Vis managed to avoid the brunt of the earthquake because he was in the air, but this protect strategy was frustrating. "Hmm...she wants to play defensively then....wait....protect? Ive got this." Nemir thought. "Vis! Feint on mamoswine!" he called.

Vis landed on the ground, but by only taking a slight hit and with the dark aura still within him he felt fine. Then Nemir called his orders. "Rusgon better follow up on this.....using such a weak move could be costly." he thought. Then he dodged about the shattered ground until he got to the mamoswine, where he attacked from the left but immediately swung around and switched to the right.

Edited by DragonMasterKrim
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