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Pokémon: Aftermath #3b - Candice and the Battle for Snowpoint [IC]


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{Gym Squad}

Rusgon took the earthquake pretty well, but obviously not unscathed. Seeing that Vis created a perfect opportunity Thoron followed up on the golden opportunity "Rusgon quick flamethrower!" Rusgon rushed the Mamoswine before it could recover from Vis's attack, then dashed off into the blizzard for cover, and hid behind a rock to conceal himself.

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{Pokemon Gym}

Eventually, Drake made it over to Candice's gym. He'd been grumbling about the large number of little girls who'd been following behind him. Go figure they'd force me to babysit. Wait...I should probably ask Candice what to do with the whole lot of them. "Wait here while I go inside. I'll be back out in just a second."

Drake made his way inside and noticed the battle still going on. Normally, he'd wait until the battle was over, but there were 40 terrors on the loose outside. If even one of them lost their patience, there'd be hell to pay.

"Candice, sorry to interrupt your battle, but do you have a minute?"

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{Gym Squad}

Mamo was not able to prepare herself from the Feint attack, so she took the blow head on. However, now knowing that the team decided to double up on her, she was able to lessen the damage done by Rugson's Flamethrower by firing off an Icy Wind.

"Hang in there, sweetie! You're doing great!" Candice encouraged her Mamoswine. She then turned to her Mega-Abomasnow, who was prepared for another strike. "Abbie, go for a Rest and get yourself back up to speed! Mamo, keep them distracted with Attract!"

Several hearts appeared out of thin air around the female Mamoswine before they were sent towards the two opponents. Some of them had also made their way towards Abbie and formed a sort of a ring around him. Abbie then tried to rest up, but a spasm of electric then flowed through her. She was fully paralyzed from the Thunder Wave this time.

"Oh shucks." Candice pouted as she saw her Abomasnow struggling through the paralysis. She then heard Drake ask for an interruption to the battle. She gave a quick glance over to acknowledge his presence. "Ah, you're one of Team Dusk, right? I recognized that grumpy face of your's anywhere. I won't stop the match - It won't do you or me any favors, believe me - But I could still listen. What's up?"

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"Very well," Drake responded. "Let's just say we have 40 acolytes waiting outside with promised protection from the mother. My comrades dropped this deadweight issue onto me, but I have little idea what to do with them." A sudden thought finally hit Drake. "Can I just leave them here in the gym with you? I have to get back to conclave before my comrades end up killing everyone."

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  • Veterans

Hearing what Jory had requested from him,Micheal only nodded before looking at the window.Seeing how many acolytes were waiting outside,he thought again about his plan on how to get down."Most of them are outside for some reason,i can't discern which ones are willing to help..."He said as a sweatdrop fell from his face."Damn it,i'm gone down."Were his last words before he ran down the stairs.Once he reached outside he asked one of them."Do any of you have any medical training?A friend of mine is bleeding out inside the conclave"The acolyte replied by nodding their head and he only took that as a good thing."Good,come with me.Quickly"Micheal rushed back into the building,the acolyte following behind him.As he got back onto the floor he was earlier with Jory and Carissa he ran over to them."I found one with at least decent medical skills.I hope they'll be able to help"

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"Rest......we can't let it heal....it would just cause more trouble for us...although this attract will be a nuisance." Nemir thought. Then he yelled "Vis! Feint on Abbie!"

Then he turned to Drake as he heard the news. "Have the injured stay here at the least, Candice. Vis can heal them after we withdraw from the battle."

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Jory nodded to Michael, glad to hear the good news. "Then we only have one thing left to do. Although I doubt the two of us will be able to take on the Conclave Mother alone. It'll take everything Shredder has just to get through that Mienshao of hers, that's for certain." The Zangoose nodded in agreement, his pride slightly injured. "We're going to have to wait for the rest of the team to finish up at the Gym before we can do this if either of us wants to survive." The veteran sighed and looked backward at the doorway to the next floor, wanting nothing more than to charge through it and take down the woman who orchestrated the vicious defense they'd encountered. She's mine.... he thought to himself. I'll be the one to strike the first blow and the last. But I can't be dumb about it. I need backup.

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"Not much that we can really do except press on our attack, Rusgon target Abomasnow with a flamethrower!" Rusgon quickly ran out from behind the rock he was behind using as many other rocks as cover while closing the distance and torched the Abomasnow. Rusgon proceeded to return to cover like he was trained to do.

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{Gym Squad}

The pink hearts managed to hit Vis as he dashed forward in an attempt to take out the Mega-Abomasnow. Rugson, due to his distance, was able to avoid it. "Abbie, throw the Lucario towards the Flamethrower with an Ice Punch! Mamo, let's level out the playing field with Ice Shards!" Candice told her two Pokemon before she addressed Drake. "Oohh! That is a great idea! I would love to have an audience~ It would just be like the Pokemon League all over again! Buuut, here's the thing: If I lose this match, they will be in danger unless the Mother is taken out asap. I will try to lead them away to safety once we are all done here. Until then, you need to buy us some time. Got it~?"

Abbie was able to block the Feint with his Ice Punch with one arm, although he grunted at the impact. With his other free arm, the evergreen tree Pokemon then knocked Vis towards the incoming Flamethrower. Mamo began to destroy the rocks and boulders with her Ice Shard, sending the icy pellets around the field in order to prevent Rugson from using the remaining boulders as a shield.

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  • Support Squad

"Hey, Are there any healing facilities?" Adam asked. "I've played my part here, best I go help at the conclave." All in all, that was the most he could do. Besides, he was beginning to feel like deadweight, stading there doing nothing...

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"Don't worry about the mother. This wouldn't be the only time I've dealt with people like that," responded Drake. He went outside and ordered of the acolytes into the building when he noticed Adam's interest in fighting in the conclave. "There's a center nearby I believe. Heal your Pokemon up and get ready for a long battle. We've wasted too much time and I no doubt the patrols will be back soon." Drake then headed out of the gym with his Crobat silently flying behind him.

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{Gym Squad}

"Alright, my dearies! Please go over to the benches! And make sure to leave a clearing open for my challenges to come here easily kay~" Candice waved the incoming former acolytes over to the benches, jumping a little to get their attention. "As for healing, there is one in the back room here as well. If you're going to the Pokemon Center instead, tell them Fria sends her love~"

Miki shuffled over to allow the acolytes to squeeze inside. "Good luck Adam. We'll make our way over as soon as we can..."

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  • Support Squad

Adam gave no more acknowledgement to Mikis words than a small nod and briskly walked to where Candice said the healing machine was. After using it, he walked up to Drake. "Lead the way". He then released Lockhart from his ball. "More work to do. This time we won't have too much of a type disadvantage though." Lockhart simply glared at Adam, displeased at the idea of more fighting when Lockhart considered his duty done.

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{Gym Squad}

An idea struck him as Nemir saw his friend being hurled towards the flames. "Vis.....you have to snap out of it! Once you hit the fire.....use extremespeed on Abbie! It might....hurt, but it will hurt the abomasnow more than you." he thought.

Vis was still mooning over the mamoswine when he had suddenly been sent into the air. Next it felt like he was burning, and he had no idea what was going on. Soon though, a single thought popped into his head amidst the confusion. "Extremespeed". He used it, and as he began speeding back towards the abomasnow he realized that he was literally on fire. "I hope you know what you're doing....." he growled to Nemir telepathically through the pain.

Edited by DragonMasterKrim
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{Gym Squad}
"Damn." Thoron cursed after the field's best form of cover was destroyed, but then got an idea to handicap the Mamoswine, "Rusgon, Taunt Mamoswine, keep him busy!" Rusgon emerging from the dust of his destroyed cover standing up straight in the open as if daring the much larger pokemon to attack and Rusgon howled a challenge!

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"Guess it's just you and me then," Drake responded to Adam before turning to his Pokemon. "Typhoon, keep close just in case we're ambushed. Dragging those girls into the city probably set off some red flags. We'll have to take a bit of a detour to the Conclave. Is that alright?" Drake knew they were in a hurry, but he wasn't willing to put his life in danger just because a couple of kids decided to do something reckless.

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{Gym Squad}

Candice's Mamoswine roared with rage as Rugson taunted her. She wasn't about to let a puny fox get the best of her! She began to paw the ground, ready to charge straight at Thoron's Zoroark.

"Abbie! Go in with a Hydro Pump!" Candice called out as Vis zoomed in on her Abomasnow. "As for you, dear, let's go in for an Icicle Crash. Send it straight up!"

The Mega-Abomasnow cried out in pain as the fiery Vis struck into him. There is no way he is going to recover from this now. With his last bit of energy, he managed to convert his natural ice attacks into its liquid form and fired it straight at the Lucario, hoping to make a last ditch effort to weaken his opponent before he went down.

Mamo was only happy to oblige as she released her icy breath straight up to the ceiling. As the ice cloud hovers above Rugson, it started to condense into huge spears of pure ice. Due to their increased weight, the dangling spears shook precariously for a few seconds before they began to fall...

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{Conclave Group}

The acolyte quickly went to work, rushing to the wall to grab medications from a Kit hanging poorly from a nail. She dropped it next to Carissa and it practically exploded, spilling out disinfectants, bandages, pills, and other various medical supplies. In a flurry, she began tearing bandages, pouring disinfectants, or forcing Carissa to swallow pills. Carissa kept her eyes closed during all of this, horrified to see what the acolyte was doing to her neck. Before applying the bandages to Carissa's neck, the acolyte pulled a small bottle discreetly out of her pocket. She twisted the cap and poured a couple drops into Carissa's neck wounds. She sealed the bottle and placed it back in her pockets before placing the bandages over Carissa's neck. "You may open your eyes now, miss."

Carissa opened her eyes and gleamed, seeing that her wounds had been covered. She looked up at Jory and gave him her best smile, which was a little less than lackluster in her condition. She watched as the acolyte rushed over to the wall, placing the first-aid kit back on rather poorly. She turned back to Carissa, gave a quick bow and hustled down the staircase.

When the girl had left the conclave, her vision returned to her, and she slowly walked back into the crowd of acolytes. Out of habit, she shoved her hands into her pockets, but was surprised to feel a bottle on the inside. She pulled it out and read the label in her head. Hallucinogenic Poison. DO NOT INGEST! She paused and tilted her head, confused by how she had received this. Deciding she could think about it later, she shoved the bottle back in her pocket and walked over to talk with a group of friends she had spied.

At the top floor of the Conclave, the mother was overjoyed to see the acolyte holding the bottle. "Looks like the mind control worked, darling. The girl will slowly dwindle away, and there's almost nothing that can be done. Fantastic." She rubbed her hands together in the stereotypical evil villain manner. Her partner pokemon walked over to a console on the far side of the room, and draped her elongated arms over the controls. She put pressure on a small red button, and within seconds. The bookshelf sunk into the floor, and a large screen protruded from the wall. On it were the outlines of six different pokemon. The first one, detailing her partner Mienshao, was lit up, to display the pokemon's color and features in detail. "Let's prepare for our guests now, darling."

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  • Support Squad

"Detours fine. Maybe we'll get lucky and the patrols will arrive before we do, just in time for us to flank them." Adam said, walking alongside Drake. "Seeing as you found these girls not wanting to fight, is there anyone else I shouldn't attack on sight?" Adam asked.

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{Gym Squad}
Taking the hydro pump head on, Nemir was aware that his partner was not in the best shape. "Vis...you alright?" he asked. "Not really.....but not as bad as it......" He decided that now the abomasnow was taken care of, it was time to withdraw. "Candice....we're stepping out." Nemir said. "I'm going to go see how our allies are doing down at the conclave."

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"Kill is a strong word, my friend," Drake responded as they continued. "It often brings more harm than good in the end. We only kill when our lives are at stake. To answer your question, we're going to avoid conflict at all. Anyone outside of the mother is a waste of energy." Drake then turned back to the gym for a second. "I feel a bit sorry for those girls. They are completely ignorant of the cruel fate that awaits them."

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  • Support Squad

"Why? Who says that they have no say over what will happen to them? Any number of things could happen to all of them, good and bad." Adam said. He wasn't very pitiful, he saw no reason for anyone to be ignorant of this world as fucked as it truly was.

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{Gym Squad}

Rusgon being a relativly fast pokemon managed to dodge most of the icicles raining down on him, but not all. Just as Rusgon was clearing the "Hot zone" he was grazed by an icicle. Rusgon can't take much more of this and Thoron knew it. "Have to finish this before we pull out." Thoron muttered, and then got an idea. "Rusgon, use flamethrower one last time, but get in close..." Thoron immediately began to run toward the massive pokemon with surprising speed considering the punishment he just underwent. When Rusgon got in a reasonable distance he began to bellow a stream of fire. 'I just hope Rusgon can react quick enough...'

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"That may be true, but turning against the goddess is a brutal path. They are going through the same thing many of you younger members have gone through. Until now, everything they needed was provided for them, even if they had to work for it. I've no experience, but perhaps you'd understand what it truly mean being on your own at such a young age." Suddenly Drake halted and put his hand out to stop Adam. "We have arrived." Drake pointed to the Conclave which they were still quite a distance away. If anyone was at the entrance, they probably could see him.

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