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Pokémon: Aftermath #3b - Candice and the Battle for Snowpoint [IC]


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{Gym Squad}

"Mamo, Mud Shot!" Candice called out as the Flamethrower began to heat up the air around her and her mammoth-like Pokemon. Mamo did as she was told; she took in a deep breath before firing off a stream of mud balls at the Flamethrower. Several stray flames could be seen searing her side. After the worst was over, Mamo shook herself loose and awaited for further instructions.

Candice nodded to Nemir's request. "No probs! You fought a great match over there!" She then reached for Abomasnow's Pokeball, enlarging the capsule as Abbie slowly transformed back into her normal form. "Abbie, get yourself a good rest!" As he was recalled back into the capsule, Candice then pointed to the door behind her. "Like I said before, you may use the healing machine right behind me or just go to the Pokemon Center." As Nemir began to walk off, Candice unclipped her final Pokeball from her waist. With a gentle tap in the middle of the ball, the capsule grew twice as large before Candice called out her final Pokemon. "Let's finish this off with a bang, Lassie!" An eerie cry could be heard as Lassie landed - rather, floated - down by Mamo's side. The Froslass gave what appears to be a small bow to her opponents before the ghost and Ice type settled down. Candice then turned towards the bleachers and gave a wave. "Yoohoo~~ Anybody else want to fight with these beautiful ladies of mine?"

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{Gym Squad}

"Hrmmph, Rusgon lets try something unexpected. Night Daze, and follow it up with a Focus Blast. Finish her." Rusgon obeyed with stunning swiftness sending the area of effect of the night daze and the small focus blast at the Mamoswine hoping to catch her off guard. "Don't rely only on your attack though, be ready for a counter attack!"

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((I'm just going to skip to Drake being on the second floor of the conclave because this is taking way too long and there's not much activity anyways.))

"You people!" Drake yelled as he made his way up to the second. "You people have some goddamn nerves having me babysit all those little brats. Whichever one of you thought up that idiotic plan better keep one eye open tonight. All that whining is still ringing in my ears. Please tell me you at least finished off the mother while I was away."

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After healing his partner, Nemir made his way to the second floor of the conclave. On his way, an idea formed about what to do with the mother. "Vis.....get an aura sphere or two ready." he thought. Then, catching the end of Drakes rant as he went in, he stood behind him trying not to smile while he waited for the others responses.

Edited by DragonMasterKrim
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  • Support Squad

Adam turned, noting Nemirs presence. "I hope you did your job at the Gym?" Adam asked rather brusquely. This guy better have put a dent into Candices team with the type advantages he has, or I'm leaving him for dead

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((I'm just going to skip to Drake being on the second floor of the conclave because this is taking way too long and there's not much activity anyways.))

"You people!" Drake yelled as he made his way up to the second. "You people have some goddamn nerves having me babysit all those little brats. Whichever one of you thought up that idiotic plan better keep one eye open tonight. All that whining is still ringing in my ears. Please tell me you at least finished off the mother while I was away."

Hearing Drake shouting at them,Micheal scowled."Keep it down.And to answer your question,no we didnt. Carissa got injured by an acolyte who was holding the key. Nappy and Jory's Zangoose won't do much good against the mother's Mienshao either...however your Crobat is the perfect match for that thing."He replied looking over at his partner."This is it old friend,another step closer to taking down that tyrant.."

Edited by AzeryM
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Carissa stood up and cleared her throat, which instead, sent a rocket of pain flying down her neck. She clenched it with her hands and leaned against the wall. "It's... not easy when you're injured... Sorry you had to deal with the acolytes." Carissa's voice was faint. She wasn't comfortable talking as if she held authority when around an increased number of people. "Feel free to go take her on, but I'll be spectating from the back."

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In response to Adam, Nemir said "The mega abomasnow went down, and the mamoswine was very near to it when I left. All she has left is the injured mamoswine and a froslass." Then he waited a second before thinking "In other words more than you...." to which Vis responded with a slight chuckle. Turning to Carissa he said "Do you want Vis to heal you?"

Edited by DragonMasterKrim
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"Fine, I'll go first. As much as I'd enjoy 'Mr. Leader' being slaughtered by a Mienshao, we actually have to win this." Drake waved his arm watching as his Crobat floated in front of him. "Someone here is buying me a beer when this is all over."

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"Provided you'll find somewhere to get one, I'll buy you one, but I think that before we even try to fight, we need to maneuver the mother to the roof. That'll give Me and Drake the best advantage of course. Nemir, You ought to be on standby, healing as much as possible until you get called in. That'll give us some longevity if the battle gets drawn out." Adam said. He figured it was a logical plan, though his tone was probably harsher than it should have been. He then turned to Carissa. "Any other nasty surprises we need to know or are we all caught up?" Adam wondered if he had spoken too much. After some of the things earlier, he knew he had to play nicer, but he wasn't exactly good with that....

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"Not really,watch out though,the Mother might have a surprise atack ready when you appoach her.Anyways the roof isnt the best place for Nappy and me to fight so i'll just help maneuver her there.If you need help i'll be right behind you."Micheal said as he and Nappy got ready."Remember that even though your Flying types have more space to move around in,you'll have to watch out for her Mienshao doing the same..well that and the fact that your fight might bring the whole building down on us but we won't have that happen will we?"

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"You really do underestimate a flying types capabilities. I'll be fine even in a cramped space, but if we need to, I can draw the mother up to the rooftop. She won't be so easily swayed into something like that unless she's pissed at someone," responded Drake. "I'll likely be able to take out that Mienshao no matter where we are, but the rest is up to you. Typhoon has his limits and something like that may push him to them."

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  • Support Squad

"Well, from my understanding, A Crobat would be perfect for drawing that mienshao away. It has been known to be quite resilient, it's certainly fast and could probably take any of the mienshaos hits if it does hit your guy." Adam said, thinking of the advantages and disadvantages in the matchup.

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Jory nodded to Drake, although he was slightly irked by the man's arrogant tone of voice. It's not as though anyone else has stepped up, he thought rather peevishly at the older man. "Once that Mienshao goes down, Shredder and I should be able to take on her team. Just because we happen to have a type weakness to her ace doesn't mean you'll fare any better against whatever surprises she has in store for us. All five of them," he added icily. "We need to work as a team, like I said before when you all decided to stand outside with your thumbs up your asses while Carissa and I did the brunt of the work. So don't complain about a little light babysitting," he said sternly. "Now that that's dealt with, I totally agree with what you all have said about the potential for a rooftop fight. It would certainly make our chances better, so expect the Mother to try her best not to go up there. How do you suggest we might go about it?"

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Adam had already had the beginnings of an idea. "Smoke her out? Lockhart could make a minor fire to make a hell of a lot of smoke to make her think we're just taking the whole building out, she comes out of her hide-away and then we force her up. It'd be much easier if we had the other guys Zoroark here..."

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"Yoohoo~~ Anybody else want to fight with these beautiful ladies of mine?"

Flux stood from his place in the bleachers. He walked slowly towards the field, reaching a hand into his lab coat to grab the heavy ball inside. He smiled as he reached his place.

"Oh, I think it's about time I took a shot at you, wouldn't you say Candice?" He clicked the button on the heavy ball with a thumb, release Ogre onto the battlefield. As soon as the light took form, there was a deafening roar from the Aggron that seemed to shake the room itself. A cocky expression was evident on the metal behemoth's face as he clashed his fists together. Flux sighed, putting a hand to his head. After a moment, he looked to Candice and frowned.

"I must say, it feels more than a little unfair to me for us all to gang up on you like this. But I digress. Let's just wrap things up here."

He looked over to the man he was teamed with. Thoron, he believed was the man's name. He gave a short nod before returning his gaze to the battlefield.

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"Honestly, I feel like setting off whatever trap she has. Beating the mother at her own game would get more attention and likely more allies. Besides, I'd like to have a look at this mother you fear so much before going through this absurd plan." With that Drake walked over to the stairs. "As much as I'd like to head up there myself, I'm not the one holding the card key. I've slowly lost my patience so I suggest you hurry up with your plan before I swipe that key from you."

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{Gym Squad}

Lassie, the Froslass, quickly floated in front of Mamo and set up a Protect to render Rugson's attacks harmless as Flux stepped onto the battlefield.

Candice beamed as the professor stepped forward and released his Aggron. "No worries. It just means you owe me one later~" she reassured the tall man before she drew her attention back onto the battle. "Alright, let's continue the match! Ladies first, though~ Lassie, please set up a Hail storm for us while Mamo distracts them with another Icicle Crash!"

Lassie let out another eerie call as Mamo conjured an icy breath towards the ceiling. As soon the icicles begin to dive towards Ogre and Rugson, small, spherical rocks of ice also came raining down onto the battlefield around them.

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The icicles and hail pelted Ogre, but the metal behemoth simply shrugged it off. His metal plating gave him more than enough protection against such attacks. Flux gave a sly smile.

"Come on Candice, I know you've got better than that. At this rate it'll be no contest."

He turned to his Aggron. "Ogre, use Iron Head on the Mamoswine."

The Aggron, clashed his knuckles a final time, unleashing another roar as he charge toward the Mamoswine. As he neared the target, he lowered his head, pointing his horns directly at the beast. Flux watched, already thinking of his next moves. It was his primary objective to take out the Mamoswine first. It's ground moves would be a problem for Ogre, and it was already weakened. With it out of the way, the rest of the battle would be leagues easier.

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Jory nodded to Drake, a bit peeved at the man's brashness. "You know, that's not the best way to go about giving orders. Luckily I don't have any objection to what you said," he grumbled, getting up and taking the card key from Carissa. He stroked her hair one more time and began walking toward the entrance to the next floor. Once he arrived he swiped the card, waiting for the door to open.

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Carissa shut her eyes quickly when Jory ran his hand through her hair. She had no reason to hide that she loved it, but she didn't know if she had to make a whole scene for the squad. Her eyes followed Jory and eventually to the door.

A quick *beep* could be heard and the sensor's light turned a jade green. The door slid open and, at first, there seemed to be an awkward lack of stairs. Just a small closet with another door many feet above on the opposite side. Suddenly, metal steps began to jut out from the wall opposite to the open door, each one becoming shorter than the next. The last one stopped right in front of the door. The lock made a *click* sound to signal that it was unlocked, and that the door was open.

From behind her desk, the mother raised her eyebrow. She had heard the sudden construction of the staircase and was alert to the fact that Team Dusk was almost upon her. But yet, she was barely worried. In fact, she seemed far more interested on what was going on outside and decided to open the window. The window reached down to the floor, and when slid to the side, a small platform with a staircase to the roof slid out of the building. While the structure of the conclave was most definitely older, the mother was bored and decided the place needed some modern technology. The screen that had been activated inside of the room suddenly flew to the mother's hand surrounded in a purple aura. The woman curtsied before sending ethereal "thank you" to her psychic friend. She held it in her hand, tossing it back and forth while she stared down at her slowly dwindling city.

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As much as he hated to say it, Thoron knew that he had been beat. He was out of his element, and there was only so much that Rusgon could do, as if the giant icicles bearing down on Rusgon wasn't enough proof. "Rusgon come back." Thoron said a little ashamed as he used the pokeball that he seldom ever used, and then said to Flux, "I did my part, but Rusgon can't go on any more. I hope that someone will step up and fight beside you. Though I doubt that you will need any help," Thoron added with a slight smile, "i'll see how they are holding up at the conclave, hopefully they have beaten the mother by now" Thoron then left the gym and headed toward the conclave.

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Jory followed Drake closely, ready for a battle. His heart was beating quickly as they neared the top of the steps. This woman is going to be a challenge, but it's one we can't back away from. All we can do is go in and do what we do best. Fight. He looked to Drake as they passed through the door. Nodding to him. Whatever differences we have must be put aside for this. For Carissa and for all the people of Snowpoint.

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