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Pokémon: Aftermath #3b - Candice and the Battle for Snowpoint [IC]


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Carissa slowly stood up. Her head was spinning as rapidly as the room was for her. But she wasn't going to be left behind. She pushed herself up the stairs and poked her face into the room, checking for danger. She was quite shocked to see the mother with neon green hair... or was it blue... now purple? Carissa grasped the wall out of confusion. What is happening?

The conclave mother turned to see two men entering the doorway with a girl poking her head out right behind them.. She pushed the center of her glasses to maneuver them to the bridge of her nose, a sleek shine flying over the glass. "Lover boy and old geezer. What a pleasure it is to meet you two." She threw her hands out in a welcoming pose. "Oh, and I see the girl is here too? How are you feeling, sweetie?"

Carissa didn't speak, still trying to grasp onto what was going on in the situation. The mother shook her head and gestured to the stairs. "Come friends, let's get some fresh air. But do be careful about that broken computer... I wonder how it could have gotten there." The mother giggled playfully before strutting up the staircase leading to the roof from outside the window. Small snowflakes stuck to her auburn hair, and in natural lighting, the wrinkles of stress and age were prevalent on her face.

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Jory looked back toward Carissa after the Conclave Mother left the room, left speechless by the fact that the girl was even upstairs. "Drake, I'll be a minute. You can go up if you want or wait here with me." The young veteran approached Carissa and put a hand on her shoulder to steady her. "Carissa, are you okay?" he asked concernedly. "You shouldn't be up here. You don't look well at all," he said softly. "Is everything alright?"

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Carissa tried to hold in a surge of vomit when Jory approached her. His face looked like a garbodor's suddenly, and she could have sworn she saw little purple arms extending from his chest. But she recognized Jory's voice and recognized that she was seeing things. "I... think I'm seeing things... Jory. I don't know... why though." With each pause, Carissa had to hold back another surge of vomit, until she suddenly released it all on the floor in front of her.

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Adam walked in to see Carissa vomiting. He figured harsh words wouldn't help anyone, but he still said in a soft voice. "She can't go up there. It wouldn't help anyone Jory." He looked to the path leading to the mother, adamantly refusing to look at the two.

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Micheal already a bit tired was moving up the stairs abit more slowly than usual.When he came into the room however he did not expect to see Carissa vomiting."Damn it...she was already injured but i didnt expect this..wait a second...that Acolyte i brought..they might have done some something to her!"Mciheal realized as he thought about the situation.

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Nemir walked in behind the others. "Somebody is sick already....before the battle has even begun. Fantastic." he sighed. "Vis. Heal Pulse"
Vis did as commanded and extended his glowing palms towards Carissa.

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"Let's," Drake responded. He had a strange feeling about her sudden tone, but thought little of it as he headed his way up the stairs to the roof. Every seemed eager to go outside seeing as it'd be in their advantage so this was a simple way of killing two birds with one stone.

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{Gym Squad}

"Oh, quick to the punch, I see~" Candice giggled as Thoron recalled his Zoroark back. She could see her Mamo raring to go at the charging Aggron; the Ground and Ice type was pawing the frozen land beneath her feet. "Alright, Mamo, hold him down with a Superpower! And Lassie, Focus Blast!"

Candice's Mamoswine charged straight for Ogre without any hesitation. She clashed with the huge behemoth head on, attempting to hold Ogre in place with the last of her energy as Lassie readied her Focus Blast in between her arms. The blue orb grew bigger and bigger until Lassie finally threw it at Flux's Aggron...

((Flux, Mamo is down and out. It's up to you if you want Miki to join in the fray to make it two on one or if you want to have a one on one. Candice obviously prefers one on one but she can't say that since she's a gym leader.))

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Jory nodded to Adam. "He's right, Carissa. You need to stay back for this one. Don't worry. We'll be back in a little bit, alright?" he said to Carissa. He then looked to Vis and Nemir. "Come up once you're done here," he said quickly. He turned and followed Adam and Drake up the stairwell to the rooftop.

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Ogre let out a roar of anger as he lifted his head into the Mamoswine, his metal horns throwing it down with the end of his Iron Head attack. It was clearly in no shape to continue battling, but there was still the Froslass to worry about. Ogre tried to dodge the incoming Focus Blast, but between the time it took to deal with the Mamoswine and his heavy body, he was barely even able to brace himself before it hit. The Focus Blast struck his left shoulder, sending the Aggron skidding backwards. The arm hung limply at his side, clearly in no position to be moved. There were faint cracks in the metal. Ogre let out another roar, lifting his good arm into the air. He was badly wounded, but Ogre was not a creature that took well to losing a battle. He would fight until he could fight no more, and Flux knew that.

"Ogre, give it a Head Smash!" he called out. He frowned. They would need to end the battle quickly if nobody stepped up to take Thoron's place. Ogre was tough, but he could only take so much, especially when Candice was Hurling around Focus Blasts.

(((I'll leave it up to you whether Miki jumps in or not. She's your character after all, so you know how she'd act better than I do.)))

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"Return, Mamo~" Candice chirped as the red beam of light beamed recalled her exhausted Mamoswine back into her capsule. She then waved over to Miki, inviting her to join the fun, before she delivered a command to her last standing Pokemon. "Get out of the way and use another Focus Blast!"

Lassie, the Froslass, was not going to pass up this opportunity. Under the cover of the hailstorm, she sidestepped Ogre's devastating attack (Snow Cloak ability) and began to charge up another Focus Blast. As soon as the blue orb reached a decent size, Lassie launched it at Flux's Aggron once more...


"This is not good; Ogre is known for taking physical attacks, not energy projectiles!" Miki unlatched her Jolteon's Luxury Ball and threw it towards the field. "Block it with Shadow Ball!" she called out as she ran down from the bleachers.

As soon as the white light from the Luxury Ball had disappeared, a purplish blob of energy sped past Ogre's head. It managed to collide with Lassie's Focus Blast just in time; the collision has sent up a cloud of black smoke, but Ogre was unharmed. A small, yellow Pokemon could then be seen making his way towards Ogre; the yellow Eeveelution gave an excited yip to the professor before he stood next to his behemoth sized teammate. Raito then stuck his tongue out hoping to catch some smaller ice particles before the battle resumes.

"S-Sorry, Flux, Aggrons aren't known for taking these types of attacks so Raito could be of some help... I'll step away if you want me to though..." Miki stammered as she stepped inside the stadium.

"Awww, don't be like that. As I like to say: The more the merrier! Isn't that right Flux?" Candice quipped as she gestured for her Froslass to come back to her side of the field. The ghost floated away from the two Pokemon and waited for them to make their next moves.


Once the injured acolytes were patched up by Nurse Joy and her Chansey, they began to murmur and whisper to one another about where to go next. Just then, another acolyte entered the Pokemon Center, which prompted the injured girls to bombard her with questions. Although the clamor drowned out the acolyte's answer, Sarcus and Absolution could see the injured ones beginning to follow her. Before they knew it, the acolytes had dragged them both to Candice's gym to witness the final showdown between the Froslass, Ogre and Raito.

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Carissa held her hands out to meat Vis's paws. Or were they flippers? It was all clear in a second as the heal pulse had expelled the toxins from Carissa's system and she was immediately seeing things clearly. She was still weak, so she simply nodded a thanks to Vis before huddling against the wall and staring up at the ceiling.

The mother turned around to see that only three people had followed her. "Well that's no fun, I thought we were all going to be here." She held her hand to her chin as if contemplating her situation. "I guess my explanation will have to begin without the rest." The mother clasped her hands together and her face contorted to that of someone mesmerized. "So I guess you'd like to know the story of one magnificent lady known as Diana." She paused before continuing.

"Diana was a fantastic young lady, so smart and elegant, and she had quite a knack for biology. So much that she began slaughtering people in the middle of the night so she could dissect them and examine her insides. Well guess what? One day, Diana wasn't so smart, and was accidentally lured to a police man because she thought his body would be a perfect test subject. The poor girl was instantly arrested and sent to jail." Diana held her hand above her head as if in immediate distress. "She spent 15 long years in that jail. But on the first day after the 15 year mark, a woman came to her jail cell. She spoke with such elegance and perfect dialect, that Diana was instantly mesmerized. She told her that she'd heard about Diana's interests and decided to remove her from jail to work for her. Years passed and Diana was finally able to be a conclave mother, and as you could probably guess, oh, she was so excited." Diana began waving her hands wildly and jumping up and down. "But we all know, there's no fun without order. Diana's acolytes were so unruly and rowdy, that she had no choice but to instill a loyalty to Dawn within them through any method she deemed necessary." Diana's eyes sparkled with wonder. "There were public executions, and burning, and torture, and brainwash, and it was just oh so fun! Why don't I show you an example?" Diana reached down to her belt, quickly unleashing a magnificent Scizor from the Poke ball. The pokemon looked between each of the three members of Team Dusk, and then stared at Drake for even longer. Suddenly, it blinked, and then dashed forward towards him. The impact of Scizor's claw against Drake sent him flying off of the roof. The impact would have surely killed him. Diana looked scornfully at Scizor. "I told you to be gentle. Oh well, I guess I can collect his corpse later. Now, which of you would like to take me on first." The tablet in Diana's pocket lit up and she pulled it out. On the screen, a picture of the Scizor was illuminated and was captioned by the words, "The Guillotine."

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Motherfucker "Fuck you, and fuck your creepy past." Was all Adam said to the Mother, presumaby Diana, he paid extra attention to where he was standing, making sure that at the very least if he himself was knocked off, he wouldn't immediately hit a building nearby and Lockhart might get the chance to drop him off safely. "Jory, no need to not double up on this psycho. Lockhart, Incinerate this bug, now. To the rest of you, get your lazy asses up here right fucking now!" Lockhart flew high, gathering bright Flames and hear in his mouth before loosing the fire onto the battlefield below, being careful to avoid his allies

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As Carissa sat huddled in the corner Nemir said "You alright to be left alone? I have an idea about what to do with this mother, but it's going to require Vis and I to leave you--!" he was cut off as he saw a body fall past the window. "Well......shit. That can't be good. Vis charge up an aura sphere or two and follow my lead." Then he went up the stairs and positioned himself in a way where he could see the battle going on, but couldn't be seen himself.

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Jory looked to Adam and nodded. "Right, although we still have the issue of being outnumbered three to one. Be careful," he cautioned. Shredder stepped forward onto the battlefield and Jory smiled. "Shredder, get ready for combat. Swords Dance, let's go!" he shouted. Shredder began concentrating hard, slowly moving his claws around in an artistic display of martial prowess.

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The first thing Michea saw when he reached the roof was Drake getting thrown off."What the hell,this hasnt even started for real and someone has already died...Nappy use Rock Tomb to trap the Mother!"He shouted as he move back from the Giant."Get into gear guys,if that scizor gets close you're as good as dead!"

Edited by Dat Assery
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Sitting in the far corner of the room below, a Hypno decided it would no longer sit idle. It had been forced to hide in the dark corner of the room for now, its only function having been to hand Diana her tablet. He was evidently displeased with waiting, and took a step out of the dark. He was surprised to see there was still a girl lying still in the room. She peaked his curiosity, and he began to move closer to her. Unfortunately for Carissa, she was too weak to even protest. She continued staring at the Hypno as it came closer, shivering more and more with each step. The Hypno was incredibly smart after years of brainwashing acolytes and learning new things from Diana. So, thinking like Diana would, he scooped up Carissa and swung her over his shoulder. Carissa cried and screamed, kicking feebly at the yellow pokemon. He released a psychic pulse, rooting everyone to the ground in which they stood so that he could join them unharmed. One footstep to the next, Hypno ascended the stairs to the roof.

However, the rocks from the Rock Tomb still were flying and the fire from Lockhart was too. Hypno, unlike his tedious walking patterns, was sharp and quick in the mind. He put a protective barrier around Scizor, shielding his ally from the attack. Next was to guard Diana. The Hypno raised his pendulum and it began to shake back and forth. As the rocks approached the seemingly fearless Diana, they suddenly stopped. Another swing of the pendulum and they began to fly sporadically across the roof, with no direct target. He then began to walk closer to Diana, despite Carissa's screams. Once he reached her, he stopped and turned around to face Diana. She was proud of her big hypnotist and gave him a tough pat on the back. The tablet once again lit up, this time displaying the Hypno, captioned, "The Brainwasher." The swinging of the pendulum stopped, and the roots that held Team Dusk to the ground disappeared and they were free to move around as they pleased.

Diana chuckled and held her hands up to her mouth. "Now it looks like we've leveled the playing field. You guys don't like to fight fairly, do you?"

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"Say's the one taking a hostage, which we'll have back, thank you very much." Adam spat at her whilst Lockhart swooped around, darting down with open talons to pick up the Drowzy.

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Jory nodded. "No, we don't. And you're going to be figuring that out shortly. Shredder, Fire Blast on that Scizor. Then engage!" he shouted as the Protect began to dissipate. A glowing orange sphere appeared in front of the Zangoose's mouth as he breathed in. Steam began to rise off his skin as he roared, throwing his head forward. A large burst of fire was heading directly for the Scizor. The Zangoose then dropped into a Quick Attack, moving rapidly toward the Guillotine.

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"Awww, don't be like that. As I like to say: The more the merrier! Isn't that right Flux?"

Flux grinned. "Of course!" he answered to Candice, before turning to Miki. "Don't worry about it! As much as I'd like to face Candice on my own, now is not the day. Ogre's all I've got ever since Dawn came around, and strong as he may be, even he has no chance in a 6v1." He returned his gaze to Candice. "Someday though!" he called out. "Perhaps when this Dawn business is all over, eh?"

He focused his attention back to the battle. "All right Ogre!" he called out. "You owe Raito and Miki one for that. Make sure you make it up to them! How about a Rock Slide?"

Ogre gave a grunt and a nod, grabbing one of the massive Icy rocks with his claws. They punctured into the ice, locking in his grip as the behemoth picked up the massive boulder, lifting it over his head. In one burst of motion, he threw the boulder at the Froslass, crushing it into multiple shards just as he released it.

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"You better be careful where you're throwing your pokemon, sillies!" Diana clasped her hands in front of her mouth again before releasing them and unleashing a vicious giggle. "Or someone might just get hurt!" Hypno turned rapidly towards Lockhart, swinging Carissa around on his shoulder. Her head slammed into Hypno's back and a cascade of vomit came pouring out of her mouth. Hypno, completely unfazed, held his hand forward and a dazzling light emitted from his fingertips in an attempt to scare away or possibly even damage Lockhart. In an attempt to interrupt Hypno's attack, Carissa feebly pounded her fist against Hypno. Diana, put on a disappointed face and tiptoed up to Carissa. "Hasn't anyone told you to use your words? No need to hurt my friend," she pouted.

Scizor was aware of the danger of the incoming Zangoose and attempted to dodge the incoming Fire Blast. He dove under the flame, his claws forming a metallic fist as he sped underneath the fire towards Zangoose. Unfortunately for Scizor, he didn't crouch enough and his small wings became singed on the tips, limiting his normally excellent mobility.

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Candice gave a firm nod. "Just don't back out of it when that time comes! I won't forgive you if you do!" The Ice type gym leader then brandished her hand in an exaggerated gesture. "Lassie, those little rocks are nothing compared to you! Surround them with a Double Team and follow up with a Shadow Ball!"

The Froslass let out a Powder Snow in order to propel herself forward. Despite her increased speed, she was unable to dodge all of the rocks that rained down upon her. Despite the assault, Lassie continued on and managed to get in front of the opposing duo. Multiple copies of her white ghostly body began to appear around Ogre and Raito, each leering at them menacingly before the shadowy blobs began to form.

Miki looked on as the Froslass created her illusory copies. "Two could play at that game. Raito, Double Team and Thunderbolt!"

The Jolteon stuck his tongue back into his mouth and ran up to a copy of Candice's Pokemon before his body emitted a faint glow. Within seconds, multiple Jolteons appeared in front of each Froslass copy and let out a Thunderbolt. One by one, a Froslass clone disappeared as the electric attack hit its mark. However, there was still one behind Ogre...

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Seth was currently on his way to the conclave. He had stuck around to watch the battle with Candice for a while after healing Gigawatt up, but later slipped out without anyone noticing. He'd finally reached the entrance of the Conclave when he saw a dark figure crash on the ground to the left of the entrance with a sickening crunch. Seth stood there, in a complete daze. He had no idea who are what just met their end, but he both wanted to find out and didn't want to. His body moved on its own accord, all the while he kept thinking, No, what are you doing? Stop it. You don't want to see this. Why can't I stop myself? Stop. STOP.

But he kept moving, and what he saw pushed him over the edge. He could see him now.

It was Drake.

Even though he hadn't gotten to know him, he still recognized him from the first team meeting. The conclave mother had to have done this, he might've been a grouch but he seriously doubted that anyone on the team would've killed him. He finally snapped out of his trance and started scaling the conclave stairs, hopefully he'd get a chance to fight as well.

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"Nappy use Rock Tomb on the Scizor,reduce it's mobility even more!"Micheal said as he saw that Scizor had become slower when its wings were burned."Keep attacking its Wings,if we can reduce its mobility enough,it'll become an easy target."He shouted while looking at Jory and His Zangoose."I need to make sure Carissa is taken away from that Hypno,I don't know what Diana or whoever this lady is wants to do with her."

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