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Pokémon: Aftermath #3b - Candice and the Battle for Snowpoint [IC]


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The moment the Hypno released Carissa, Jory sprinted toward her. He dropped to his knees and propped her head up with his arm, looking down into her eyes. "Shh... I'm here. Everything's okay," he said calmly, stroking her hair to reassure the girl. He then looked up at the Conclave Mother. As she spoke with Adam, he couldn't help but feel a sense of elation wash over him when he realized the Mother was, in fact, about to die. "I hope you survive the fall long enough to suffer like this city," he said harshly. Then she fell, and the only thing that mattered any longer was getting Carissa to safety.

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{Gym Crew}

Candice chuckled as the little kids and their Pokemon surround her. Despite the kind words offered, however, she shook her head and began to head out the door. "Trust me, dears, this is something you don't need to wrap your head around. You already got enough on your plate as is! Come on, now, you need to get to the conclave!"

As the young rebels and Candice reached Diana's lair, however, they could easily see the patrol squad surrounding what appears to be a dead body. "So they are back after all..." Candice muttered none too happily to the victors. She then put on an authoritative attitude and marched over to the acolytes. "Is there something wrong?"

The head honcho of the patrol group groaned. Of course the ever-loving gym leader has to have a say in this. So much for the Church reigning supreme. "No, Leader Candice. Nothing's wrong at all." she replied with a sarcastic smile. "We were just coming back from patrol and found this. As we all know, Mother Diana loves her bodies, so we were about to pick it up when this... stupid bat decided to be nasty and block our way."

Miki gave a terrified "eep" as she peered over to find Drake's corpse. "I-Isn't that Drake?" she whispered to the others. "What is the mother going to do with him?"

"Whatever it is, it's not good, that's what." Jon whispered back, glaring disgustingly at the white-robed girls. Alina and Lupus also nodded, agreeing with that statement. The older brother-figure went over to Miki's side to calm her down. Lupus was clearly not going to let her see this mangled body any more.

Candice heard what her company said and glanced at the defensive Crobat; her face showed no emotion as she addressed the acolyte. "Laura, I agree that we should always keep the city clean, but I'm surprised that you didn't rush to our dear Mother's aid, considering what is going on up there--"

"You're one to talk! I didn't see you rushing up there!" The head acolyte, Laura, screeched.

"I can't "rush up there" because I'm already defeated." Candice added coolly. "Team Dusk has broken in, so our reign may be coming to an end. If we want to keep our control, we need to keep the Mother safe, which is only something you and your patrols can do now."

Laura stared in shock. So Team Dusk is really on the move, and even Candice is destroyed, and their dear Mother is alone... She pointed towards the door of the conclave. "Go! Our Mother needs us, NOW!"

As the acolytes rushed into the building, Candice grinned and turned back to her party and began issuing orders. "Don't just stand there! Hurry now and get them over to the gym! Laura will only be gone for a short time."

Jon was the one to reach Drake first, tucking himself under one of Drake's arm. While he never thought of Drake as a guy he would respect, a member of Dusk is still better than one of the Church. "Anyone care to lend a hand here?" he asked the crew.

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Seeing the Mother fall down to the floor,Micheal frowned."Don't you think something's...off about this,I mean minutes ago she was talking about how she would kill us and dissect us"He paused at this to walk over to the end of the roof."And now,she readily wanted to die...I don't believe this,she has to be up to something"

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"She recalled her pokemon and was certifiably insane. I find her death entirely plausible." Adam felt no remorse at giving the order. Like hell would he. His first kill, in cold blood, had been a worthwhile one. A small voice blessed tha small mercy.

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Unfortunately for those by Drake, they would be met by another corpse. Diana's face was a grin as eerie as a cheshire cat's. She held her arms out and enjoyed feeling the wind between her fingers before her spine snapped instantly on the ground. Her toothy grin was still plastered on her face, and her blood spilled over the snow.

Carissa instantly collapsed, her body no longer conscious. If she were awake, she would have appreciated Jory's gesture, but she had been through too much and her body just couldn't handle it. She needed to rest.

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Jory cleared his throat to get his team members' attention. "We have an injured squad member here. Let's move her down to the Pokemon Center ASAP," he said curtly. He gently lifted her off the ground, cradling her in his arms as he cocked his head toward the stairs and indicated they should get moving. Shredder walked in front of his Trainer, leading the way down the stairs and back into the Conclave.

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Nemir followed Jory back down the stairs. "This death probably was necessary, although I still don't like it..." he thought. "It's not like we haven't seen it before." thought Vis. "I have to wonder why she became that way. The promises of power were probably too much...When we topple Dawn, will we become that way? I mean we are going to be forced into positions for at least a little while..." Vis didn't reply. "You know, Jory, If you put her down, I can have Vis heal her now." he said trying to banish those thoughts from his mind.

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Jory nodded sheepishly, pausing for a moment once they reached the floor below to lay Carissa on the desk in the Mother's office. "Yeah. That sounds like a good idea," he murmured quietly, his concern for Carissa overriding his desire to get the hell out of that building. "Shredder, watch the door," he said flatly. The Zangoose nodded and moved to stand near the stairs leading to the floor below, his claws at the ready and his ears twitching as he listened for sounds coming from the second floor of the building.

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"Hope she rots in hell..." Seth muttered to himself. That bitch got what she deserved, was time to pay for all the sins she had committed, especially to his teammates. Although, he was still a bit disturbed that she WANTED to go out like that. He shook his head, attempting to get rid of all the thoughts of gore and carnage out of his head. They had to focus on the here and now. Killing the Mother was in fact a huge step in the long staircase of taking Dawn down, but they still had to take care of the aftermath, whatever that may entail. He looked over at Giga, who was breathing hard after managing to catch the Sharpedo out of its mad dash for Adam's head. He smiled briefly and took out his Ultra Ball.

"Hey, bud, you deserve a rest." he said as he recalled the big fluff ball. He placed his ball back in his belt as he said to the others, "Yeah, Michael's right. We should keep on our toes in case anything happens. Nemir, while you take care of Carissa, I'll keep a lookout by the entryway, just in case." With that, he held Giga's Ultra Ball at the ready as he surveyed the stairway.

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Lockhart continued to fly around the building, spotting the patrol that had flooded into the building. The crow loosed a cry to get Adams attention and looped 3 times, their signal for danger. The trainer beckoned Lockhart back, the bird nestling on Adams padded shoulder. "Get ready guys, people are on the way. Lockhart signaled for danger. I won't be able to do much in these confines though." Adam informed the others. What he said wasn't necessarily true, Lockhart wasn't totally vulnerable but it sure as hell would be more difficult to fight.

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"Better get to healing then." said Nemir. "Vis." Vis' palms began glow with a white light, and when they were at a full glow he extended them towards Carissa.

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"Seems like there's no more point in just standing here,huh"Micheal muttered before walking towards the stairs before hearing what Adam said."Nappy isnt the best in this kind of environment,he can only really use Rock Tomb and Gunk Shot safely right now"He gritted his teeth before something clicked in his mind. Rock tomb,while the rocks wouldnt be able to hold the acolytes back for too long it would buy them some time."Hey Adam,do you have any paper with which we could write a message down?"Micheal asked the trainer with the Honchkrow."I might be able to buy us some time,but we need to get the others that are down there out of the way"

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Adam gave Michael a queer look? Why on earth would I have a piece of paper?" Adam surmised that his comrade wanted to use Lockhart as a messenger... He wasn't too sure how much Lockhart would like that but it'd be better than doing nothing... "Check the Mothers desk or something, maybe you can find a scrap? And I daresay that your Snorlax is our best bet to hold off the oncomers. I remember hearing that Snorlaxes were notorious for blocking pathways."

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"Sure,and yes they are,though i'm not sure if Nappy's willing to be a sitting duck for a bit,He could also use rock tomb to stop them while they try to break through."Micheal said before going down the stairs while Nappy stayed on the roof. Eventually he reached the Mother's room and on top of the desk there was a scrap of paper and he quickly grabbed it and wrote something along the lines of "Are any of you still able to battle,if so can you follow the acolytes up and try to slow them down? We need some time to recover"and rolling it up and tying it with a piece of rope before rushing back to the roof."Hopefully i didnt take too long"Micheal muttered to his comrade before passing it to him.

Edited by Scublord McFoxy
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Adam handed the letter to Lockhart, who took it in his beak due to the lack of any other way to hold it, who then flew from the roof, diving down to the street, quickly locating those below, flapping his wings harder than normal to slap them in the face with the wind to get their attention.

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{Outside the Conclave}



Silence echoed below those of the conclave's ceiling. Everyone, including Candice, just stared in shock as the Mother's corpse crashed down in front of them; her blood slowly seeped into the fresh white snow as the audience stared at her lifeless, but still eerie, corpse.

Mother Diana is dead.


Snowpoint City is now freed; the nightmare is over, right?

"Go back inside, immediately."

In an instant, the crowd dispersed. A series of clicks and running footsteps could be heard as the innocent scrambled back into their homes, fearful of what is about to come. As if to confirm their terror, Lockhart, Adam's Honchkrow, announced his presence with a rush of wind.

Candice, unfazed by the cold winds, took the piece of paper from his beak and quickly scanned it contents. "Go and tell them to come downstairs as soon as possible." She instructed Lockhart. The Ice gym leader then crumpled it up in her palm and turned to face the remaining members of Unit Sylveon. "You need to get everyone out of here right now; Laura and her patrol will freak once she finds out about this... There is a small computer in the back of the healing room. Type in 4472 once you gathered everyone inside. I'll go and distract--"


In front of the conclave's door, Laura and a few of her patrol force are readying their Pokeballs, preparing to take revenge for their fallen leader. From their maniacal and crazed expressions, compromise and reason will only fall on death ears. It looks like Candice's group will have to fight their way in to rescue their teammates above.

"So much for that... Lassie, go for an Ominous Wind!" Candice commanded as she released her Froslass. Without waiting for a response, she snatched Drake's fallen body from Jon and pushed Jon towards the fray. "Go now, while Lassie covers you! I'll take care of Drake from here!"

"Fine with me!" Jon replied, relieved from the heavy burden. Beating up the Church was only right after what they have done to him, and to everyone here. He ran swiftly through Lassie's dark cover and into the conclave.

"Hold on a sec, what about you, Candice? Your Pokemon weren't healed!" Alina shouted at the retreating leader. Seeing no response, Alina enlarged her capsule to release Maple, who gave a glare towards her trainer; Alina should know that she hated snow and cold air. "Sorry, Maple, I'll make it up to you later. We have bigger Basculin to fry. Look in front of you." The Serperior lowered her gaze once she found what the female human was mentioning. Maple gave a loud hiss and slithered over to Alina, ready for some action to begin. Alina then turned towards the rest of her company. "I'll stay and defend Candice. That Froslass is not going to last in her state anyway. Go and help Jon!"

Seeing Jon running through the thick, black fog, Raito bounded after the boy, not bothering to consult with his nervous trainer. More chances for payback is enticing enough for the Jolteon to join the fight. Miki finally noticed his absence after Alina said she will stay behind. "A-Ah! Fine, I'll go! Rai, wait for me!"

Lupus grimaced at the situation before running after Miki with Lobo by his side. He would prefer defending Candice since she is defenseless, but the possibility of Miki being captured (or worse, killed) overwhelmed his mind.


{Conclave Group}

A small group that diverged from the patrol squad are quickly ascending up the stairs. Shouts and battle cries could be heard as the reached closer and closer to the top...

((Everyone can control the acolytes freely. The important thing here is to meet up and head back to the gym.))

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{Inside the Conclave}

Jacob looked angrily toward the stairwell as he heard shouting coming from it. He gave a meaningful look to Shredder, who nodded in return. The veteran then turned to look at the rest of the people inside the floor. "If you all wouldn't mind, I have a little bit of rage that needs tending to." His voice was flat, but there was an unmistakable wavering in it that belied his true anger. He strode purposefully across the room, picking up his jacket where he'd left it earlier. He reached into the pockets and took out a pair of open-fingered gloves. However, they clearly had more weight to them than just cloth as evidenced by the way they moved when he lifted them up. He put the gloves on and punched his fists together, settling the lead shot in the garments across his knuckles. "Shredder, Swords Dance," he said softly. The Zangoose closed his eyes and began stretching as they neared the top of the stairwell, which was only wide enough for two people at a time.

Just as the pair reached the top of the stairs, they met the group of Acolytes. The first one was taken by surprise as Jory wordlessly rocked her in the face with a straight right. A sickening crack was heard as the Acolyte screamed and clutched her nose, getting sent back down the stairs in a mess of blood and the tangled limbs of another Acolyte. Shredder jumped the next one just as she released her Simipour. Jacob dodged the immediate Water Pulse and let Shredder deal with the Water monkey using a devastating Mega Punch. Jory's foot connected with the next Acolyte's face as she tried to climb the stairs, sending her back down into the heap that was the other two Acolytes at the bottom of the stairs.

"Anyone else want a turn?" he snarled, daring them to try to take the top of the stairs from him.

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{Conclave Group}

Carissa's eyes flickered open as Vis began to heal her. She nodded thankfully to the pokemon and backed to the corner, afraid of the oncoming acolytes. She watched in horror as Jory began fighting the acolyte's in a less than pleasant manner. Straining her voice, she screamed over to Jory. "Did you not pay attention to what happened up there? Diana's brainwashed these people! We're no worse than her if we continue to do this!"

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Adam walked over nearer to the stairs in an attempt to monitor what was going on. Lockhart had returned but not bothered giving the message the group had already received The Bird flew over Jorys head, beating his powerful wings to create a gust that sent more of the Acolytes tumbling down the stairs, though the winds wren't as harsh as the could have been. Part of that was adams quiet command earlier to be as gentle to the acolytes as possible and also so Lockhart wouldn't interfere with Shredder or the others.

"I just ordered my closest friend to drop a woman to her death. I remember you almost killing another Acolyte yourself Carissa. Things can only get worse, we've gotten off very light so far seeing as during the last op most of the vets didn't come back." Adams eyes were colder and calmer than before giving his first order to kiil. He was prepared to do so again. "Everyone, we're going to have to kill, I don't see any other choice. However, if you all can think of a way to resolve this in a better way Lockhart and I will try to support that endeavour. So do what you want." Lockhart punctuated the end of Adams little speech with a pained cry, having taken a strong jolt from an enemy galvantula. The bird sent a slash of air towards the frail bug, carving through it's fleshy body to create a horrible display on the wall it clung to. Lockhart returned to Adam to Roost on his shoulder. "That said, we can't do all the work people, get to action, now!"

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Micheal sighed before throwing Nappy back out again,the Snorlax giving out a large yawn which was more akin to a roar. The Large normal type started moving downwards crushing a Swellow and Swoobat that tried it attack it. Suddenly he felt something draining his health and saw a Medicham performing it's signature Drain Punch on him.Micheal himself was busy defending himself from a few of the acolytes who tried to sucker punch him. "Nappy,Crush that thing,Body Slam"Micheal shouted as Large normal type fell forwards onto the Medicham killing it and having the blood sprayed over the already large amount created by the Swellow and Swoobat.

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Seth looked at the carnage that was transpiring around him. What Carissa said was true, but most likely half true. Some of these acolytes were probably forced under Dawn's thumb against their will, but the others might've joined just to save their skins and seize power for themselves. The REAL question was, how to to tell the liars from the truly brainwashed. What Adam had said was also true, they wouldn't get out of her without having to kill a good number of not only enemy Pokemon, but the acolytes themselves. There had to be some way to restrain at least some of them...

"That's it! Giga, let's roll out!" he shouted as he send Giga out of his Ultra Ball. "Giga, paralyze any enemies you can, if not, take 'em out!" He knew if he could paralyze some of the people, it wouldn't be enough to kill or cause any permanent damage to them, but hopefully keep them immobilized long enough for them to get out.

As he said this, Giga let out a big roar and bolted past Michael and Jory. He immediately got surrounded by three different acolytes and their Pokemon. A Rhydon, a Sableye and Grumpig started surrounding him, their faces plastered with fierce scowls. Seth started running to get closer to his buddy, but one another acolyte caught him off guard with a punch to his left cheek. Once he recovered, he found her trying to bring an axe kick down hard on his head. He reacted fast enough to catch her leg in one arm, leaned in close and punched her square in the face. He let go of her leg as she staggered back clutching her broken nose, then gave her a mean right hook, making her crash hard on the floor, unconscious.

Once he got close enough to Giga, Seth could see the Sableye paralyzed over in the corner with who he assumed was its trainer right next to it. The Grumpig was reeling from a hard Thunderpunch from Giga, while Giga had Rhydon in a mean head lock. Since Rhydon was part Ground, there was no way for him to immobilize it.

"Giga, Low Kick, then bring it down hard!" Giga did just that, and swept the Rhino Pokemon's leg from under it, then slammed it down hard on the ground. Seth was surprised it didn't break. Giga let go of the poor thing, and it went limp. Whether it was knocked out or dead, Seth didn't know. He looked over at the Grumpig and saw it charging a Psybeam. "Giga, Thunder Wave!" Giga replied and sent a quick surge of electricity at the Grumpig, successfulyl paralyzing it as it dropped to the floor.

Seth turned at the others, and shouted. "C'mon, we gotta keep moving!"

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Jory looked back at Carissa, a mixture of rage and remorse in his eyes as he continued fighting off the acolytes. I know they've been brainwashed, but that doesn't make them any less dangerous! And it's not like I've killed any of them, he thought to himself as he parried a punch from an Acolyte. He brought his right arm up and around the girl's neck before stepping under her abdomen, lifting her up on his back and flipping her flat on to the ground. He heard the breath shoot out of the Acolyte's lungs as she hit the ground, then looked at his oponent. The girl's expression didn't have any trace of fear or questioning on it, only pure hatred for the Team Dusk members. "Just because they've been brainwashed doesn't make them any less dangerous. And it doesn't make them curable, either," he said sadly. Shredder was locked in combat with a Toxicroak and a Mienfoo, managing to hold his own despite disadvantages in both type and number. Suddenly, the Zangoose lashed out with a Quick Mega Punch, sending the Toxicroak crashing into the wall at the bottom of the stairs. The Mienfoo backed away slowly with its hands up, then bolted down the stairs.

So some of them haven't been conditioned, he thought to himself. But anyone who saw the Mother's body and is still fighting is a hostile. And this is war. They need to be treated as such. With that thought Jory checked a kick from an Acolyte and took a punch to the face from another, getting knocked to the ground. The Acolyte who punched him managed to spring on top of him, but Jory grabbed her arm and wrapped his legs around her waist, preventing her from doing anything to him. He then lifted his legs up so they were around her neck and arm, choking her out quickly and throwing her off. He did a handspring to his feet, narrowly avoiding a clothesline from the other Acolyte. The veteran lashed out with a side kick behind him, catching the Acolyte in the back and sending her face-first to the ground.

"Haven't you all had enough for one day?" he shouted, exasperated. "How many more of you do I need to kick the shit out of before you understand? And those of you who followed her willingly are crazy fucking bitches. You and Diana all deserve each other and I hope you have a good time rotting in hell with her!"

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Lockhart flew over the heads of as many acolytes as possible, following Gigas lead and unleashing waves of paralysing static electricity from his wings as he flew over them, taking most of them by surprise whilst they fought to get to the epicentre of the action. With the advantage of a Tailwind behind him, sheer surprise and flight to get over the mob, after a while many of the acolytes on the floor were immobilised and Lockhart continued to hold at bay those coming through the stairs. One of them had evidently learned and set up Sticky Webs on the ceiling to prevent Lockharts progress. Adam had notably remained behind most of the action whilst his team-mates fought off the remaining acolytes. "Lockhart has made a path to the next set of stairs but he's tiring, Jory, Seth, Michael go support him." Adam turned his head at Carissas healer who Adam had not bothered to find their name when he could. Shame. "You, how close is she to being healed? If she's damaged enough that she won't be fighting for a while, give her here and I'll go back to the roof, get Lockhart to drop her off somewhere safer so that you aren't restricted and can help fight"

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Nappy continued his crushing fest taking down numerous flying and bug types before meeting something he could-for once-not crush under his Superior weight and physical strenght:A Magmortar who starting smaking his face with multiple Fire Punches,Luckily Nappy had his Thick Fat to lower its damage but it still hurt. The snorlax responded by Gunk Shotting its eyes blinding it before using His Rock Tomb to bury it.

Hearing what Adam said,Micheal nodded. "Nappy,Fire Tomb any bug or flying types you see,Crush the rest!"He shouted before grabbing one of the acolytes and kicking her down the stairs. Micheal quickly ran down the next set of stairs only to be met with another few of the Acolytes.

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"Gotcha!" said Seth in response to Adam. He noticed the webs that one of the acolytes was busy making on the ceiling. He'd have to take care of those, as to avoid anyone from getting snared up by them. "Giga, burn any webs you find! Leave the source to me..."

Giga did as he was told and started burning any webs he could find with Flamethrowers and Fire Punches. He was in the middle of clearing one with his fiery breath when an acolyte's Ariados jumped on his back and started using Bug Bite repeatedly. He roared in pain as he tried to reach the pesky bug Pokemon to get it off his back. Suddenly,thinking quick on his feet, he jumped and landed hard on his back, crushing his assailant and killing it instantly.

The spider's apparent acolyte screamed out in horror as she witnessed her partner being killed, only to be cut short by a knee to her stomach from Seth. The knee knocked the wind out of her, while the following elbow from Seth to the back of her head knocked her out cold.

"There that takes care of that." he looked over to the doorway that Lockhart had cleared. He could hear a few more voices emanating from it, but it didn't seem like they were in the said following room yet. If they were to move there it would have to be soon. Real soon. "I'm moving on ahead, meet me in the next room when you're ready!" He said as he went through the doorway.

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