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Interest check for Advance Wars By Web (AWBW)


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Well, circumstances being exactly as the title describes, i guess i'll just delve into the basics for all you who are uninitiated in the fine art of AW.

First off, what the game is all about: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advance_Wars

Now that you have a barebones understanding of what AW is all about, AWBW is basically the same thing, except it will be played on a browser and you'll be able to pit your wits against people anywhere throughout the world.

For this first game we'll be looking for a total of 8 players in 4 teams of 2. It doesn't matter if you're a green newbie or a seasoned veteran, all are welcome to partake in this game*terms and conditions apply. Do bear in mind that as this game will be played across multiple time zones with participants of different nationalities, so some time will be required before your turn comes along. therefore, i would suggest those with a limited amount of patience remove themselves from this topic and run far far far far away.

SO, for those who are still keen on duking it out on the battlefield, feel free to post your assent below in this thread. For inquiries, contact either @Rooreeloo or @finkeltinklewinkle and we'll try our best to answer any questions or doubts you have concerning AWBW.

Godspeed soldier, and may we meet on the fields of war.

Edited by finkeltinklewinkle
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, why don't we bet on this. You don't have to throw anything down if you don't want to, but I'm placing 200 rupees down. Of course, you can't win them unless you bet at least 100 rupees. I would go die hard and bet 3000 rupees, but then i'd be a target the whole match wouldn't I?

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