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I need to buy Evolution Stones, Ame what is this???


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I got a new ticket helping the "scientist" with it's computer virus. Decided to back tracked to farm (mostly working in a whole new team) and decided to check where the new ticket would take me. It's the Evolution Stones floor and who the hell is this guy???




Do I need to complete EP14 to access the floor?? y u do dis, I'm running dry with these mine rocks....

I need a Dawn Stone and another Fire Stone :(

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It's exactly what it says- storywise we'd not be able to go back to the city yet, so the higher floor(s) are still inaccessible. It's the same with any dive spots outside of Ametrine Mountain.

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One way you could regain access to that floor is to revert to episode 13, buy whatever you require, and go back to episode 14. A bit of a hassle, but its not that bad.

I don't have EP13 :( . There's no link for it either, I just want a Fire Stone.... I guess I'm going to hunt down for those mine rocks probably have 1-4 left to smash....

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