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Hi! Most of you know me. If you don't, you do now!

I've been waiting for post #2019 for almost three years now, just to make a shitty joke out of it. Lame, right! It's rather convenient that this falls right on Christmas... eve. 11:13 PM, to be exact.

Hold up. Almost 3 years? Indeed! February 2012 was when I first stepped foot onto the Reborn server, and it's been a wild, wild ride. In this time, people have come and gone. Whether we still talk or we did at one point, have a merry fuckin' shoutout!! <3

Before we go though, I want to do a general thing; Reborn has honestly changed my life. I've openly expressed my discomfort with a lot of newer members, but I've also made a lot more friends that I would give anything to keep forever. And ever! When I first got here, I was at a rough stage in life. Self harm, and basically did whatever I could to indirectly shorten my lifespan. I still do, sometimes. It's dark and gloomy, but it's honesty. But Reborn, if not put a complete stop to that, slowed my reckless streak down immensely. Little things; at first, trying to get Lamethyst to acknowledge my presence. Beating the Reborn League was something I loved to sit and just plan out; how would I get past Aya's seemingly invincible Trick Room Squad? Making friends was something I had--and still have--insane amounts of trouble with, because I'm so self conscious and uncomfortable with myself as a whole that talking to people face-to-face is hardly easy. I've got crowd phobia and general anxiety across the board, but it's so much easier when I don't have to look people in the eye and wonder what they're thinking about my appearance.

(under construction; laptop dying no time to shout out 30 people in one sitting. if your name isn't here, chill)

Amethyst- I don't even know where I suppose I should begin. Of all people, you're one of the major... role models? (Something of the sort) in my life, directly and indirectly. You've honestly changed said life, indirectly, by making this entire place reality. The people I've met here and the experiences I've had here have shaped me into who I am the past few years, and whether good times or bad, I wouldn't ask for anything more. Thanks for existing, overlord.

Kiozo- I barely knew you at first. When you had mobile and stuff and talked to me, I was honestly a little intimidated, because you were friendly right off the bat. But over time, it grew. Your nerdy self grew on me, and today we have something I can't really claim to have with anyone else; if there's one person I'd have to live with for life, you'd take the cake. My League note about sums it up really well too; "immense older-brother figure. nerd." don't change, Will.

Blind Guardian- Dan. I'm like, some annoying kid to you, right? no jk ily. I, of course, didn't know you well at first- I didn't know you existed for a good nine months after you started existing around here! But I'm glad I do now. I give you a lot of shit, but I appreciate the things you do. I can recall a particular time over the summer that you, y'know, helped me out of a rough situation... to say the least. You deal with a lot more than anyone should ever ask of a person, and it's astonishing, really. Like Will, don't change. Well, change a little. For the better. You know what I mean.


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Merry Christmas. I definitely can understand that it's easier to be more yourself over the internet, it's that way for many people. You certainly brighten the mood with your often blunt sense of humor and this place wouldn't be the same without you. May I ask the significance of 2019 though?

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The album "Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys" is the first physical album I have ever owned, and Na Na Na is the most well known of the songs; the album itself is set in California, 2019 and has a really nice story. The title is the first line of the afoementioned song.

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No, no, no. I can understand your anxiety and self-harming ideas. I'm also really glad that you've pushed away from them. Keep well away from them, they won't do you any good! It's best to enjoy what you can, and take the negatives with as little thought as is needed! I'm not about to say my attitude is perfect. If honest, I'll probably cringe over the poor layout of this very post I am writing. (screw punctuation!) but always remember your friendlies~ when you're upset. That's what I do!

Socially; same here. I even got to a point where anxiety/some teeth loss/ acid reflux all were stopping me from swallowing (still exists, I just deal with it now) and it had a massive impact on me. For starters, I eat x4 slower than everyone at a social meal. And I can't swallow meat very well... some times I just chew, and chew, and chew, so that the gap on my right side of my mouth isn't preventing the food being chewed - thus swallowing unchewed food. And many times, as a guy at the age of 21, I need to confide (lowers special attack >:D) in my friends for emotional support.

But it works... I'm not proud of it but it works. I lose the feeling of hopelessness, and I revive myself back into the living world. (and let me say university + any health problem = hell.)

Sorry if that's a bit too much about me. And that I focused on one tiny part of your post. But everyone needs support now and then. You stepping out and talking to people in real life is a huge advancement for you. And I'm willing to make an idiot of myself to encourage success in people! ^-^

P.s.: Same reasons for playing reborn~

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