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My Reborn Team


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Hi guys! Could you please take a look at my team and tell me what to add, change or replace? I havent really been EV training, but I've started doing it on the new pokemon I catch, same goes for natures. Also could you guys add some tips for items?

1. Noivern lvl 64, Infiltrator Modest


Air Slash


Super Fang

Will teach him Boomburst and Dragon Pulse when I get the levels for it.

2. Golem, lvl 70, Rock Head, Bashful


Stone Edge

Double Edge

Stelth Rock

3. Gardevoir, lvl 71, Synchronize, Impish



Calm Mind

Shadow Ball

4. Crobat, lvl 71, Infiltrator, Careful


Confuse Ray

Cross Poison


5. Krookodile, lvl 68, Moxie, Adamant

Brick Break

Foul Play



6. Torterra, lvl 70, Shell Armor, Timid


Giga Drain


Leech Seed

7. Swampert, lvl 76, Torrent, Serious




Hammer Arm

8. Arcanine, lvl 72, Intimidate, Careful



Thunder Fang


9. Ninetales, lvl 74, Drought, Bold



Fire Blast

Confuse Ray

10. Luxray, lvl 67, Rivalry, Adamant


Wild Charge



11. Flygon, lvl 71, Levitate, Adamant



Dragon Claw

Rock Slide

Also I'm thinking about adding a Clefable, Magnezone and Conkeldurr to the team

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Ok,First of all i reccomend you breed Ice Fang and Fire Fang on Luxray.Along with Getting Intimidate because 75% of original power in return for 125% when facing male/female pokemon just isnt worth it.Try to get Gardevoir's Nature Changed aswell as Impish increases its defense but lowers its high Special attack.

More comes later.

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When you finally do get Boomburst and Dragon Pulse, ditch Hyper Fang and Hurricane (as nice as it's power is, that accuracy is just atrocious).

Tailwind is also most definitely a move you should get for it, considering only 2 thinks on your team are really fast.

Stealth Rock is rather pointless in the game now that only 1 type weak to it remains due for a Gym Battle. Heavy Slam to deal with Fairy types would be quite good. Double-Edge is also pointless since only 5 fully-evolved Pokemon resist both Rock and Ground moves, so only 5 foes take more damage from D-Edge than from your other moves.

You could use Autotomize to help with Speed issues, Curse for buffing, or what I'd recommend, Explosion along with a Sturdy ability (better stock up on Normal Gems).

Trick Room.

Foul Play is generally not good on Krookodile. It uses the foe's attack stat (which is not that likely to be higher than Krookodile) and the foe's buffs, so any and all Moxie boosts would be wasted.
Also, make it Jolly. If you get a kill, Moxie boosts your attack, but you need some Speed to actually kill before being killed instead.

Special-bat is much better than the physical variant. Get it Nasty Plot via Honchkrow, Venoshock and Air Slash via level-up and Hidden Power(ideally Ground or Fighting) or Dark Pulse/Shadow Ball.

Terrible nature, it needs it's Attack while a Speed boosting Nature is pointless on it. I'd also really recommend using Curse and Wood Hammer, Earthquake and Body Slam/Superpower/Crunch with an Adamant Nature, or Giga Drain instead of W-Hammer and a Brave Nature.

Protect is really pointless here. Instead of Surf, give it Dive/Waterfall, keep EQ, Hammer Arm is fine, and get it Avalanche via Bergmite/Avalugg or Rock Slide via level-up instead of Protect.

As good as it's Attack stat is, Thunder Fang definitely won't OHKO any Water type other than maybe Gyarados.

Also, after a single Agility, Arcanine would definitely be outspeeding all foes, making E-Speed pointless. Bite also has now-unneeded coverage. What I'd recommend is Outrage (level 43 as Growlithe), Close Combat via Primeape/Zangoose/Lucario, Flare Blitz (level 45 as Growlithe) or at least Heat Wave (level 41 as Growlithe or via Torkoal) and Agility (level 30 as Growlithe).

2 Fire moves is redundant. Flamethrower is barely weaker than Fire Blast and it doesn't have terrible accuracy, so keep that one. Instead of Confuse Ray, Nasty Plot would also be much better for it. If you go back to E12 or earlier, you can breed Energy Ball onto it (via Deerling/Sawsbuck).

2 Electric moves is redundant. I'll agree with the above about getting at least one Fang move. Even better, you could get that Toxic Orb, give Luxray Guts as it's ability and buy Facade from the Game Corner to do huge amounts of damage. And ditch Swagger, Crunch for some coverage ain't bad.

You'd be better of with Superpower than with Crunch there.

For Clefable, it's really not that good in-game, comp is where it truly shines. Still, a good set for it would be Moonblast, Grass Knot, Flamethrower and Hidden Power/Charge Beam would be your best bet.

Magnezone works with Discharge, Flash Cannon, Charge Beam, Hidden Power, T-Wave would be the best you can do. Sturdy Mirror Coat also makes events like the Arceus battle incredibly easy.

Conkeldurr's best available moves would be Drain Punch, Mach Punch, Facade (if you grab that T.Orb and give this thing Guts), Stone Edge and Bulk Up.

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