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Crawdaunt and Vivillon


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I've just bred and trained these guys, just need to grind anymore.

Sebastian, Crawdaunt with Scope Lens

Adamant, Adaptability (damn that's strong)

252 Att, 252 Spe, 6 HP

- Swords Dance

- Knock Off

- Crabhammer

- Aqua Jet (bred from Seel)

With full investment and max IV's in speed it's actually quite fast. Should I put some of them into HP anyway?

Tinkerbell, Vivillon with something, what?

Timid, Compoundeyes

252 SpA, 252 Spe, 6 HP

- Quiver Dance

- Hurricane

- Bug Buzz

- Hidden Power Fire (would've wanted ground but fire is the second best choice)

I'll give it Tailwind when it's possible. One QD and it wrecks the house. It's super glassy though.

Any changes? And which hold item for Vivillon!

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These are perfect movesets in my opinion. I love Crawdaunt and it hits ridiculously hard with dat Crabhammer. Hrm, maybe brightpowder for Vivillon?

Crawdaunt is crazy strong and there's not much that's stronger than a 200 power Crabhammer coming from a base 120 attack. Brightpowder sounds alright, is there a place to get a Sharp Beak? Compoundeyes, Quiver, Sharp Beak boosted Hurricane sounds pretty frightening. I could mine a Plate for flying-type but I've sought certain fossil (Root) for so long that I don't want to go near those rocks. :P
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Crawdaunt is crazy strong and there's not much that's stronger than a 200 power Crabhammer coming from a base 120 attack. Brightpowder sounds alright, is there a place to get a Sharp Beak? Compoundeyes, Quiver, Sharp Beak boosted Hurricane sounds pretty frightening. I could mine a Plate for flying-type but I've sought certain fossil (Root) for so long that I don't want to go near those rocks. :P

you can get sharp beak from wild spearows or dodous i think

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Some wild Pokes may hold Sharp Beak-s.

And for that Crawdaunt, why no Dragon Dance? It boosts your attack a little less, but it packs a lot of power anyways, and that Speed boost would be great for it. Then you could also ditch Aqua Jet for Superpower or Body Slam.

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Thanks Skys!

Some wild Pokes may hold Sharp Beak-s.

And for that Crawdaunt, why no Dragon Dance? It boosts your attack a little less, but it packs a lot of power anyways, and that Speed boost would be great for it. Then you could also ditch Aqua Jet for Superpower or Body Slam.

Well, Crawdaunt's bulk especially on the special side (physical too because of the low HP) is terrible and it can't survive the hits needed for enough DD boosts, and it won't let him outspeed most fast sweepers anyway. It works greatest as a wallbreaker I think and it is already fast enough to outspeed most bulky walls and bulky attackers especially when they don't have any investment in speed vs my Crawdaunt with 31 IV's and max EV's in speed. Only pro Body Slam would have against Aqua Jet is paralysis help for the rest of the team. Adaptability Knock Off/Crabhammer hit most things harder than Superpower, except for like Aggron, Probopass and Bastiodon. One SD + 80 base power Aqua Jet should be super useful.
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Vivillon should run Sleep Powder over HP Fire. You get less coverage, but you can secure a setup with QDance.

Yeah I actually had it at first. Will do, but Tailwind replaces it later on when its available. Thanks.
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I'd still assert that Sleep Powder is better; Tailwind is not terribly useful in single battles, especially in-game. Sleep Powder is essentially free turns (barring the 2.5% chance of a miss) and it should let you setup to +2 67% of the time. If you're matched against a special attacker, you can setup anywhere from +2 to +4 before the enemy can attack, and with the +SpDef boosts, you can easily setup to +6 and sweep.

Assuming that Vivillon can outspeed the opponent's lead Pokemon, even if it only sets up to +1 or +2, it can outspeed the next Pokemon with a 97.5% accurate Sleep Powder and continue setting up. I don't understand what's the point of Tailwind on this set - it doesn't help Vivillon because it's redundant with QDance, and the boost is not only transient, but it requires switching out after a turn of leaving Vivillon totally vulnerable.

Edited by dondon151
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I agree fully with the sleep powder over tailwind. Viv is terribly frail and doesn't like getting hit by anything. Having the free chance to set up a dance i more than valuable imo.

Vivilon is outclassed by Venomoth IMO but that's just because i have good memories of Venomoth destroying everything in reborn prior to the field effects :P.

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Yeah well that Tailwind was just as a boost for my whole team, its nature as a move is certainly not one that you only use for the Poké that has the move... but we'll see. It can be used as a last resort move that allows my other Pokés outspeed pretty much _every_ enemy Poké for four consecutive turns.

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